Transcripts For SFGTV Transportation Authority Plans And Pro

Transcripts For SFGTV Transportation Authority Plans And Programs Committee 31516 20160316

Thank you. Next speaker, please. My name is sylvia johnson. Distraction of areas in Golden Gate Park [inaudible] this is an issue about citizen [inaudible]. This ordinance and [inaudible] they dont know what they are doing. This goes to [inaudible] as this is an issue thats been going on. [inaudible] thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon board of supervisors meetings this cumin and garlic me today my dog. I am here to support item 20 on the agenda. Sir please speak into the microphone the last 8 years johnny have i served this community as volunteers in the public library, and literacy programs and also visiting until children and their families. He is johnny was confiscated in virginia he was giving us a 2nd chance. If he was confiscated here in california he would not admit given her. He wouldve been labeled vicious dog even though he was just a puppy. Today about johnny and to see living proof of how a abe1820 would save dog slots. This is johnny and we urge you to vote on his behalf and other dogs just like him on their behalf. Im a little emotional. This is kind of a subject very dear to me. If you could support item 20 would be much appreciated. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. I didnt bring a speech again today, but its interesting that today at swan lake i have a dog incident could the birds and a people, a people try to attack one of the swans but i call swan lake. That happened and it scared me to death. I was right in the middle of it. I saved this one. I think thats a good thing. But see, the person didnt understand about birds and she said, all have that bird killed. Now that really infuriated but i escorted them off the property because i was the one in the middlei have some windchimes i distracted the bird had something for the dog, the pit bull because lemay sure they were running around having a good time. Now there are leash laws in the city of San Francisco, especially where there are huge birds and lots of tourists. There were lots of taurus other. Then no idea what was going on. There were kids there and this pit bull was attacking a swan and i kept it apart barely. That scared me to death but i do love dogs. Theres canines i do not know Homeland Security has canines. Those are dogs, 2. They San Francisco canine they are dogs. Thats all they are. They are trained to be protectors. See, ones that are just abused they become vicious. If the owner is liable. I told them they would be responsible for killing birds if they did. My name is red hawk and i good luck and i love you guys to do. Have a good day thank you. Next speaker, please. Before we begin, can we take a survey how many of you heard the interview on 319 can we see a show of hands please raise them very high . Thank you very much. How many of you chose not to participate in the survey . We see a show of hands . Thank you. Today i like to talk about david killing goliath and the bible says prophetically was no sword in davids hand theres a reason for that because what happened at thousand years later was the real battle of david and goliath. Do you know if david means in hebrew. It means beloved and that jesus christ is the true beloved of god. The real battle was when jesus christ went to the cross for our sins and he went to the cross in due time in due time as it says on my shirt. Christ died for the ungodly. The bible is the only book that gives us actual progress. It really is. Its the only book that gives us prophecy. I was reading the book of daniel last night in the same year the prophet daniel was given by 2 different angels, 2 different messages but the arrival of the messiah. One said in the beginning of the year the messiah would come in 490 years and then sometime later in the same year another angel said, behold the whole world was going to end in 3. 5 years. I heard that i understood not. Its understandable why he was here but understand not because ls speak the truth. There from the almighty. You know, the bible says that once we arrive at the time of the end the wise will understand the interpretation of the 3. 5 years that are closed and see. Otherwise dont have time to address it 14 seconds left, i would swear to god almighty that 9 11 was the 6th trumpet and a month before it happens i told people it would happen on that day could based on the baptism of christ. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, supervise. My name is neil desai im with a National Park conservation association. Muslim residents of district for a here in San Francisco. National Park Conservation association advocates on behalf of all National Parks, across our National Park system including the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. We represent over 1 million members and supporters that supports the proposed role they put forward that had experiences that spoke a couple before seen wildlife and other visitor activities being negatively impacted and not having an actual equity and balance in user space. We continue to be confused and i just disappointed that the San Francisco board of supervisors continues to oppose it 14 year process and a program that for the first time exactly and balance to all users of this National Park, not just one user. So we remain confused. While this is occurring, at the same time were not sure why San Francisco is not addressing issues within its own purview for example animal care control says that 120,000 are within the San Francisco. Only 20,000 licenses. Thats presenting a Serious Public Health and safety issue on our public lands. Yet we never hear about this but theres obstruction. For example, crissy field. 40 of the beech hill is set aside for off niche dog walking. A small percentage of that for families, educators and conservation and environmental programs. Another recreational users to enjoy. A small portion for a while it. 40 will be set aside for off leash dog walking. The other use for hang gliding. In the context of San Francisco, itself, self imposing a moratorium 10 years ago in 2006 on creating the off leash area the same exact reason that they been working to do this under National Thank you. Next speaker, please. Its hard to follow Jonny Justice and has been. This is jennifer but i amgeneral counsel the San Francisco spca and that our organization am here to let you know we strongly support items 19 and 20 and we urge you to do the same. Thank you so much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Daniel kaplan among 2546avenue. I try to make it quick. I guess my first point would be up into a lot of meetings like this recently and i look speaking has not been as easy yet so i want to say thanks that i get to use the microphone today. I just got 2 things i want to were 3 things on the board of supervisors to think about. I know this might not be on the agenda but things have like you to have on your head as my public servants. One is, what dying to get the definition of what Affordable Housing is. Thats one. We really are because ive asked this question before and i just get it [inaudible] another one that, dog city ive got a dog. I love dogs. I like what i saw around Mission Street where theres kind of a park type thing that i think they should be throughout the city. I dont know how you deal with baby people on the street having trouble with it or whatever. But that would be great in the outer sunset group ive seen the other little park onto their. It would be great for dogs. The other thing is i like for you to keep out a walk through the city today and keep your eye on the that displacement went from underneath the bridge. I guess im done there. Lets not donald trump do anything bad to us. Next speaker, please. My name is william shepherd. I recited 51 21st ave. In district 2. Im opposed to the ordinance that you are considering on off leash dogs and i support the nras proposed dog rule. Themuch has been made of this 1 of the ggnra to dog. Its a very small part of the ggnra is accessible to people. Because its a rugged area. It has protected habitat. So, its really misleading to say that only 1 of this wonderful federal land, that is significant i think you should look at it relative to the axis people have and we are not successful getting access to those areas. For good reason. Its dangerous. Does that go off leash sometimes go over the edge and sometimes get killed. It happened this year. So this could safety reasons. Ive been wanting to on baker beach with off leash dogs when their owners are throwing a tennis ball. I took just to the presidio last weekend before last was an enormous dogfight in the dog area in the presidio. So, there is good reason to have restrictions on off leash dogs in San Francisco in the ggand right. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Supervisors, i like to ask you to investigate and evaluate the Property Managers that you have in San Francisco. The jon stewart company. Mercy housing. Which developers, we need to look into amco, which is an apartment and Asset Management company. We need to look into the Property Managers because they control a lot of the units. As some people have stated today, we have over 10,000 homeless. Among them, many families who are living on our streets could i know some of you supervisors, are interested in the issue. Its not a very pleasant issue among but some of you thats like going with the flow. Of course, our mayor has given an opportunity to Say Something could have said something positive, but he chose to attack one of our supervisors. Who participated, right in the beginning, in trying to help our homeless people. More in district 9. So, this city was named after st. Francis of a sissy. He loved animals. Some people are talking about animals. But i am sure he loved human beings, too. As human beings, we have to speak up. I know some of you supervise. I know you do well. Ive got a rap sheet on the others were not doing their jobs and we will take care of them when the time comes to vote. But have some mercy on our homeless. Thank you. Next speaker, please. My name is gary fergus. Among the board of crissy field dog. Thank you for hearing our Public Comments. What has happened since the supervisors last voted on a resolution encouraging the Golden Gate National reparation to listen, to cooperate and to find a solution . Nothing. Theres been silence. Instead, what is happened there implementing what they suggested a long time ago. The city is better for having the dog walker area section existed for 4050 years under the 1979 that policy which came during that time which specifically authorized that there be off leash dog walking and was careful consideration at the time where it should be. Now, if this were simply a private land owner it might be a different issue, but this is the federal government with the federal government is supposed to do is to take a hard look to consider existing conditions and look at the impacts for their proposed change. They did not do that. The reason they did not do that is they said, we dont have to consider the purpose for which the spark was created. So, if for no other reason and message that needs to go to the National Park service is you do need to listen, you do need to take these values which are important for both humans and the dogs they recreate with, because that is what makes part of the city great. Part of what we heard earlier in terms of an urban area where you can grow vegetables. Here you can get peace and solitude and recreate. The park service has ignore that hard look. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Speak into the microphone, please. My messages today ladies and gentlemen is to basically announced to the city and county the self appointed fillmore corridor ambassador. Im also going to change over from an activist to an entertainer which i was born and raised to be a fight got into this business to years ago. When my great artists as martin gay. Im going to try to attempt something here to give you a little bit about what im been a name this program with mark antigay the additions it is called troubled man. Me as an activist in this community it i been a troubled man. This olympus of sample to show you whats happening. As i strolled down fillmore over the west side, they go Something Like this. [singing] thank you, mr. Washington. Next speaker, please. Take it outside. , gilbert t. Perspective. We can all agree right here right now that ed lee was handpicked for this mayors position. From that all probably diverge and be my perception. I just consider him a year, a called, and a political machine and the purpose of a political machine is to stay in power. We are already handing off to a conroy. This Election Year to opponents. One was the rank of choice and the other was something happening online. Nothing quite happens to change and we have basically what i consider a glorified cheerleader for corporate desires in this city. The Mayors Office. This is from my perspective, but we have on van ness, a hospital, they want to close st. Lukes. He said, okay, sure. We have that twitter tax breaks. The 10,000 figure island units that he wanted to take to china so they could develop it. 8 washington with the new direction for our city. Nba on the wharf to my neighborhood crown for the neighborhood. Corporate shuttle buses, stopping breaking the law in the city. No problem. Uber left, 5 million to the nfl. You want to build a big building we can change the codes. They change. Hes associated with pay to play and better than the mafia. Its a tough tough place to be right here with that leadership. All pause in a new direction we still needed. Thank you. Either any of the members of the public would like to provide Public Comment at this time . Maam, please come forward. Im not giving my name because im waiting for the protection thats coming up before the board and should include a wider variety of people and simply officers and employees of the city in my view. I would like to comment in anticipation of your item calling for state of emergency in San Francisco. Just mention that within the time limit, a couple of things that are not been explored by the city to fix this situation without calling it emergency. One is the homeless reports of the civil grand jury. In 20012002 specifically on the homeless situation. The grand jury did in my view do an excellent job to respond to the serious concern to respect the requirements of law that the city and the affected agencies of the city sponsored in certain ways either within 60 days, such as human resources, Human Services, or the board of supervisors within 90 days. Neither of those requirements of the penal code were responded to in the best i can find out from what was happening there was that it was sent to a Committee Estimate killed it in the committee by 3 members said was not in the Public Interest the board of supervisors to deal with it. Seriously as required by law. I think you have a requirement by law to do that and i see things that can be done without building new shelters, huge shelters for all the people. Mdm. Pres. Dr. Goods is because time. Thank you, maam. We hear you. Thank you so much. Either any other members of the public would like to provide Public Comment at this time . Seeing none, the comment [gavel] mdm. Clerk klees read the items for adoption without Committee Reference items 1924 consider for adoption without reference to committee. A single rollcall vote may enact these items. Supervisor tang i like to sever 19 and 22. Supervisor mar sever item 23, please supervisor farrell 21, please supervisor kim i believe its been severed, 22 anybody else . Okay, well i guess we will start by calling each item. Item 19 resolution to oppose the Golden Gate National Recreation Area proposed rule regulated on and off leash dog walking in urban parkland throughout San Francisco marin and san mateo counties. Supervisor tang thank you to my colleagues who cosponsored the Resolution Resolution and individuals working hard on this issue. One thing i did want to clarify is that there is nowhere in this resolution that says that our office or any of the other cosponsors are trying to propose that we are wanting to expand and encourage off leash dog walking. In fact, we actually have been asking for a balance plan from ggand right. Which is if they came to us and said that the plan wrote we can allow for more areas where they actually are required dogs to be walked on leash i think that something we can live with but here it is that years later they come back to us of the planet says no, you just cant have dogs anywhere. Almost anywhere on our areas under gg eric. That was in an urban setting like San Francisco is unacceptable. So, i want to make a point very clear because i think theres been some comments made that again were trying to encourage all dogs to be off leash. Thats not the message that tried to send today. The message of charges and to ggan ra is please do listen to us, the public that our office has been following up with that agency for years and years that weve had a recurring miter on account only to check in on the dog Management Plan only to been contacted literally the day before the

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