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And i say that respectfully. I actually sent you that information on october 16th in regards to our schools demographics, breakdown ethnicities and sro and zone area and demographic and ethnicity as well as well as income. So that actually happened. The other thing is my understanding that a Charter School can actually work within its zone without permission but i dont think thats the type of partnership we want to have. And thats something we can do. But going and doing it unilaterally was not and nor would i want to do that. The third thing here is that gateway and kip did the very same thing. Just last year and it was my understanding as well. I love kip but they were asking for something in return for the students to have preference into middle school and high school. We are not doing that. The only thing we are asking to do something intentional and doing something that is courageous from the city that is so rapidly and that is to give preference to students who qualify for free and reduced lunch. Our school over the last two or 3 years since we rewarded our charter has been very very successful. What we have seen over the years is that it has become less diverse. More affluent. I will give you an example, with 22 spaces last year with 350 applications of those 350 applications 280 of those, those parents had graduate degrees or higher. If it continues and i believe it will, thats not going to lessen. Its only going to grow more. This coming back 2 years hearing many of the members on the board saying you need to do something intentional with purpose, that is what we are doing, that is what we are asking you guys to do tonight to be courageous and help us right now. And the last thing i want to say and why i feel like this is, that im speaking and my voice is actually shaking here is march 4th, is a lot of redates for the 1617 school year and i think weve been asking. We asked to have our preferences to be the way we wanted them. We were told no, we came a few times, we spoke. We still received the negative. We came back. They upset a number of our teachers and families. We said diversity is the cause right now. We may have sacrificed some families and teachers but we want to be diverse and intentional and purposeful because it is the right thing to do and here we are. You know, i asked to be, we asked i should say, to be on the february 9th Board Meeting agenda. That didnt happen. Here we are. If we dont take care of this tonight, we will not be able to run the lottery the way we feel to be able to run our lottery which is to have preferences for free and reduced lunch. If we dont do it, im going to come back in two or 3 years and ask you to renew our petition and we are going to say the same thing like what have you done to change our diversity here. Here we are asking to you help us. We made partnerships with magic, with a lot of western edition communities. With the preschool and level of organizations and outreach. This is our first year working with sff and weve added literacy and kindergarten and tas to ensure success when our diversity increases because we have a feeling we wont be able to meet the needs of the students when they get there. This has been well thought out. This has been a plan we put in place years ago from the day we left that petition meeting. You were unanimously granted. We left here knowing that we need to make a difference. We have made a difference. We have put things in place. There is still this one missing piece and we need your help and we need it actually tonight. To clarify on that, if we dont take action tonight we dont take action on a new version of this in a way for the lottery to be in a different way. If we dont take action tonight, the lottery will run the way it currently is. Yes. So, the data you sent me doesnt have about rosa parks attendance area in there. It says your data, school data is 50. 5 white, 60 hispanic. There is no out of district data here. We dont have any staff for at least currently that we have children in the next 5 years who would attend Creative Arts and we dont have any out of district students. All of our students are in district. Do you have current data with rosa parks area and are in your school and also have you collected applications for your school and what does that application look like. What information breakdown have you gotten so far for the next school year . I dont have that information with me unfortunately. That would be very helpful too because if you have no one from the rosa parks neighborhood and the free and reduced lunch, there are students that apply to this to add diversity to your school. You can see what im saying, how would we know that . I would say if there is five, thats five more we wouldnt have starting the 20152016 school year. If it was two, then we would have two. It is my hope we have more. I apologize that i wouldnt have more information here this evening. Ideally the number is much larger. But, if we are not able to make that preference and make that distinction of having the students come to our school, 2 is better than 0, 5 is better than 2. The reason the school is not justified is just around your preference . What do you think is the reason why . What you are saying to me if we dont do this you wont have a diversified student body. Right. What else is happening and i think i spoke to you about this on the phone and we had a long conversation about it. Right. I said im looking for other things too. I feel like, what is it then . About our school . Yes. You can cast a wide net. Did you cast a citywide net quite frankly and these are the students applying to your school. How did you get it from a certain area to make it different. Why do you think your school isnt diversified . What are the other factors . Are there other factors for you to come say to me, if you dont approve this, it is not going to be diversified. Our other schools are diversified. They have a wide range. What are those things . And you said these are the things that we are going to be looking for. What are those other things . We have one of the richest Arts Integration Program in this entire city. Doing research and looking online and your 2020 vision plan. I know that arts integration is one of your focal points. I think that is something that parents are looking for. I think parents find that. They dont often find that in a Public School. They find that in a private school. I feel the social Emotional Program at school is world class. We have adopted design thinking, k8 that people are looking for that are starting at other schools but well grounded at our school. In some ways i see our school as being as having a lot of assets of the private school. Because of that, i think that makes us look like a great choice for many families. What we have seen of whats taking place in San Francisco over the last 510 years is that in terms of this it looks a lot difference than just 5 or 10 years ago. Families moving in are making more money. There is a certain type of family thats moving in and i think Creative Arts is an attractive choice, obviously for a Public School, for a Free Public School its a very attractive choice. I feel that no doubt you have a fine school, i just think what you are saying to me is that it attracts a certain parent for your school. But isnt it about marketing, about outreach that people that create a culture that come out to your school, they feel like they can be . I think its that and all of it. We have put things in place. Thats my question. We have put things in place, right . We have done outreach, we have done marketing, we have expanded our marketing enrollment, materials into chinese and spanish, tagalog. We have done numerous events with parents of Public Schools this year holding an event in spanish, holding an event in chinese. We are doing those things and still we want to make sure that we can do it quicker, faster, we want do it well. Yes, i definitely think its both. Any questions or comments on how you would like to move forward on this effort to colleagues. It sounds like would not like to vote on this before as we have information tonight on basically its for next year. Why dont we have commissioner Mendoza Mcdonnell . Thank you. I just have one more question. I truly get what you are wanting to do here, but absent, you know some kind of a plan for outreach make it a little bit tricky. No. 2, i think if you do preference in an attendance area that actually limits who you are reaching out to versus the citywide outreach and if your intention is to diversify using free and reduced lunch, then it seems to me the students who qualify for free and reduced lunch for San Francisco would be a pretty straight forward preference. When i look at this and i think one fine, two i take out, three, i would turn into two, four i would turn into three. But quite frankly if what you are going to end up getting are residents of San Francisco who are not free and reduced which is what you currently have and thats your pool, you are still not going to diversify your group unless there is some accompanying component to all of this in terms of the marketing piece. And then 5 and 6, i dont even agree with 5 and 6 at all because i would rather you serve San Francisco families than serving low income or free and reduced lunch students outside of our city. I believe these were the preferences that the district created, legal council, sfusd Legal Counsel created and said we do not say what Creative Arts that you are okay with this . Im not okay with that to bring in kids from outside to diversify the school. I really want an effort for the school to find a way to diversify the school. I dont think this is going to do it. I guess you have one line that speaks to free and reduced and if thats not a body that you are reaching out to regularly and doing some real purposeful outreach to, then you are going to get to group no. 3, which is the rest of sfusd which is what you currently have. And students who qualify for free and reduced lunch. Thats no. 2. Thats no. 3. Well, it would be my no. 2 because i would take out the one that has an attendance error. I dont think you limit yourself to an attendance error. I think you have to do, you take in free and reduced from all over, not from an attendance specific attendance area. Are we negotiating right now . No. Unfortunately this wasnt presented very well and it doesnt have sufficient information is what im hearing from the rest of the board to make a decision that would feel comfortable. I get what you are trying to do. But i dont think, i dont think that this is going to get you there. This is your one line that actually reaches out to free and reduced lunch families and then you go outside of the district. I dont think that this is going to satisfy what you need and from where i sit, take out accepting students from out of the district. So, what we attempt to do here was allow the Charter School to make the revision that they felt would do the job and obviously there is this disagreement about whether or not this would do it. The outside of district comes at the end. Its only if all of the spaces have been allocated to in district. So why even have it in there is my point . If after you fill out all your spots and want to go somewhere else and do a district transfer why not. But if there is a preference, that tells me there is a preference. Its not a district transfer because for the Charter School there are attendance boundaries. The state of california is their attendance boundaries. I see that 5 and 12 cannot be there. I understand. But what we are trying to do is allow them to make the change they saw fit, but make sure that they follow the Education Code preference or scripture that says in all instances District Residents should come first. I mean, i can say that 5 and 6 and none of those students at this point are going to have a chance to get in when we have, we are looking at 660 applications last year. How many of those were free and reduced lunch students . Right now i dont know that answer. But if we continue and if we have 300 applications for 20 spots in kindergarten, if we dont have a preference, then those free and reduced lunch students have a really really poor chance of getting into Creative Arts next year. So a couple things. First of all i want to say, i do want to apologize because i went back and looked at my email and know that you have been trying to engage us on this issue for a long time. The fact that we are here tonight and now digging and asking questions, i can really understand it feels really unfair from your point of view because you have been asking to engage in this situation for a while. I feel bad that we have not regarded this earlier. But we are not going to resolve this tone. Tonight. There is no way of Going Forward with this, and im not comfortable with it. We looked at this and how can we verify that a student is eligible. When a student comes with an application that says im free and reduced lunch. There is a lot of issues with that. Im curious with how you are going to be able to do that because weve been told that its difficult to do. I just think its on us that its the last night and that us failing to vote on this now presents you from moving ahead with the changes that you want to make and i think we need to make a commitment to problem solving in a way that the board is more comfortable with. Im just hearing the board is not comfortable. My suggestion is that we go back to the drawing board and to the committee and have a resolution of it well before you have to run the lottery next year. Im not seeing that we are going to resolve this today. Commissioner . My recommendation to this issue to be looked at this, its problematic because when we designed the cedar system, the reacid presidio and i cannot vote on this because i need to understand the system. We need to understand what we put together for this Charter School. Even though i support Creative Arts Charter School and i believe it offers Something Special to families but im not prepared to vote on this tonight. Commissioner fewer . Yes. I think that you might need help with this. I know the board has given direction in the past, but i feel like i understand your frustration and i can feel it and i feel that it is, but it seems as though maybe you need some assistance. I think you have a Great Program attractive to a certain demographic. You are trying to diversify your demographic and stay a Public School that serves a variety of students in a diverse population. I get it. I dont think its insincere or any of that. I see how you see that this may help you. I think its not just this. And i think you need some help with it. I want to see you succeed. I dont know, mr. Aguilar, what we can do to help you. When you came for a vote tonight, we have a lot of questions around this. We are not comfortable. When we had conversations on the phone i feel like you really want this to work. You are trying to do it, and you know getting sff to help you too is a big help, but it is hard. I think we have, so i just want to own this. We have the same problem with some of our emerging programs and we are unable to traffic African American families into our language immersion programs and that we are also desperately trying to integrate. It is a very difficult thing. I think there is things that we can be doing better and its not an easy thing to do. But this proposal, i think, is you know, if we could revise this within the data and try it for a year, i might be down for it. I know we are running out of time and i dont think we even have another special meeting plan to discuss this. I would be willing to do that if you can supply us with more data too. For example, what is your candidate pool look like now . Who has put in applications right now . If this were to pass, can you give us hypothetically what it might look like . I think those are the things. You are telling me that march 4, is the date that you need to know by, is that correct . We plan on running our lottery on march 4. I dont know how the board feels, but i know we have on tuesday. I dont know if you want to hold a special meeting around this around proposal and we can vote on it at a special meeting. I dont know how the board feels about that, though. I would be willing to entertain it, although its going to be a very long night. Commissioner wynns . Im a little confused too because as i recall when you first came to us and wanted was this preferences for students and employees who live outside the district. If you are now telling us you dont have any of them, im kind of stumped as to how we got here. I share also the concerns about the rosa parks attendance area, making that a preference area because its something we kind of havent done with any of our charters and it is an artifact and a real one that we have a choice in our school system. We have the attendance areas, but we have this tension all the time, healthy tension between choice and in attendance areas. Thats where our policy and philosophical discussion is and i just dont, and by the way, there are , the demographics changes and the socioeconomic changes in schools where they are trying to diversify both ethnically into areas that are attaching to one school. I appreciate commissioner murase reminding us and to why we should probably try it to address middle school issues and to respond to parents desires for more predictability. I think in our district, the attendance area discussion in a Charter School is really kind of out of left field and i think thats what everybody thinks why we do this in a Charter School. Which is what they want in this pool is to draw. There is components that im not prepared to vote for it or support it if they stay the same way. Could i just add three things from the staffs perspective . Sure. One, my mental capacity is greatly diminished after 10 p. M. And we are well after 10 p. M. So im sorry im having trouble answering questions. Two, while we have not agenda, i know, its way after 10 p. M. We have not agendaize it until february 23, we did propose to the Charter Schools several months ago that this is what we would be willing to take to you for consideration. They only recently decided to go along with our recommendation. So, if not, we do have to own it, but we, both sides have to own it. Thirdly, im not sure that Creative Arts has to conduct the lottery on march 4. So, if there could be some give in that date, then we could have the time to properly bring this back. You want to align with our lottery, correct . I was under the impression that you wanted us to align this with your lottery. So thats another part that we have to both sides own but we could work on it. I want to say a couple things and maybe well get to a place where we can move on. One i think there were glitches along the process where we should have had a discussion about this in another venue in a board setting at a Committee Setting so we could have shared some of these. Im not blaming you or anything, period there were a lot of negotiations to this. In fact as board president some of it is on me to make sure this happens. We all take some ownership around that. But where we are now and seeing that you heard some of the questions and feedback, i also would say to the board that we did do some of these things for gateway and kip. So i can also see why there would be an assumption that we would be willing to do some of these again and with some of the goals in mind and some of the things are brand new for us. Which is why i can understand the board to say, as to have a whole other set of implications to have a concern for us. Hearing all of that feedback, there is perhaps a place to get to that will give you some time that is some version of this to take some feedback and take out folks who are out of district and maybe focuses on what sounds like to be the most important thing for you that is free and reduced lunch in San Francisco and maybe key around the neighborhood and talk about the best way to do that and focusing on the free and reduced lunch. That seems to be a fairly simple thing, not speaking for Board Members that we are in support for and that is the specific piece of it. Maybe we get somewhere over the next couple weeks that will allow you to still do the lottery next year, but maybe not and maybe we can keep this conversation open for next year. Does that make sense with Board Members and we can move on with that . Yeah. The other determining i dont know how you determine free and reduced lunch for kindergarten enrollment. We dont until they are in the school and we give them the form. I guess i need more information. We have been exclusively told we cant do that. So clarifying that also because again with gateway and kip, we said that in a similar way. For clarification, for the students that have cal works so we know if they are eligible for cal works then they are eligible for free and reduced. We may not have the free and reduced application in the possession of the family but we have a way of identifying families. I just wanted to say that. The other thing to bring back is to how to identify. I think this comes from on your part, a good place to try to hear the direction and guidance that we have been giving over time so i can see how this seems a bit surprising but some of this stuff is new for us and having a set of policies and concerns that we havent fully discussed and thats why it creates some flack for Board Members but the free and reduced lunch from sfusd is important and with that lottery as a piece of it. Thats the direction that i would give and in terms of the timing of it, we hope will be able to work that out. Can i ask one more question. I know this is a priority for me and for you as well. When we discuss and absent a component and i dont know how this frame will actually be. I dont know if its something that can be slowed down and you bring it back to us over the years and work on it together and we dont ding you for not diversifying. I can send you an outreach plan. Okay. Thats fine. Lets stay on the schedule then. Okay. All right. We are going to move this and the conversation will continue and well hopefully resolve it on that conversation. We thank you for the craziness of this process and surprised as we are where we are now and hopefully moving to a place to resolve this in the near term and for the future to have goals that we share with you. Thank you for your time. Thank you, mike. So, moving on. Where are we. My favorite part of the night. We are postponing it. We are not going to take action. To an indefinite date. All right. Discussion of other educational issues . Thank you. Commissioners, thank you. I do want to give the iron man, iron woman award to all of our Staff Members here this evening. Im going to make a presentation led by captain of the team of support division. I honestly was telling dr. Stevens, after 9 00 p. M. I dont trust myself, after 10 00 p. M. No one should trust me and after 11 00 p. M. , i dont know what to expect. So im going to do my best. So, good evening, im here to give you an update. The good news is being this late that it is a powerpoint. I know you expect nothing else, nothing less. So the good news is, usually this is a topic that can go on for a very long time. But tonight you are exhausted and im exhausting and we are getting to it. Last time we talked about the program at great length at sfusd and held the data for the presentation. This time we are going over the outcomes and our work and then well show case an essential component of the work we are doing in support of intervention with our board analyst. Well start with suspensions compared to last five semesters5 semesters. Where is thomas . Same time period of the last 5 years we have seen a 57 reduction in suspensions overall, African American suspensions to 61 . But African American expenses are still disproportionate. As you can see they are in every division. Middle school and high school. This data cannot accurately reflect the undocumented suspensions that we know existed in 2011 and 2012. So suspensions are in much greater graphs displays. I talked with disproportionate alt that still exist for African American students suspension rates. African American Students makeup only 9 of our School District but currently represent 45 of our district suspensions. Pausing on that slide to make sure mr. Bogus sees it because thats what you have been here all night for. Expulsions are down, but i want to. Point out there has only been one expulsion but you will see more coming soon. The arrest of school report. This is the year to year. You saw this one at the beginning of this school year when i presented this summary of 1415. What you are seeing tonight is the total of fall only for semester 2015 fall semester. As you can see our first semester 27 school arrest, 11 at the middle school and 16 at the high school. As you can see from last year there were 90 total. So we are on track to have the lowest number of arrest of any school year on record. But lets wait until that happens that we say that. The breakdown shows boys are six times more likely to be arrested than girls. The arrest data shows that latino students currently have the highest arrest rate in San Francisco unified. That distinction was African Americans for the past several years that i have been counting these. There is a noticeable shift there. The violations, the most prevalent violation is possession with the intent to sell marijuana. Supportive schools have been a journey and the most important thing to acknowledge about this evolution that it has adapted each and every year to honor the voices and feedback for the schools as well as incorporated the line in the new district in board policies and resolutions, especially the resolutions. Im not going through these, you know what they are. The theory of action states in summary that we need to support positions such as nurses and social workers assigned to schools and if we provide professional development such as the bat team that we are going to show you next, two schools and we build the data system to assess and perform our work and extend academic and behavioral work and empower families to be advocate for their Childrens School and community and we focus on our students in school with the highest need, then we will see our decreases and disproportionatity. Behavior action team consist of restorative action team and Child Welfare and attendance liasons and importantly what you are going to hear tonight because you hear so much about and we wanted to give you an opportunity to hear from the specialized people called Board Certified behavioral analyst we have special guest lucas petreli, two of the supervised board of behavioral analyst. First of all thank you for having us here tonight. This is a late presentation. So, we came to talk about what we do and who we are. We cant forget where we come from. I had to put aba and i cant escape that topic. This presentation i will try to go quickly. It goes from where we come from. So aba and where we are and what we are doing in our daytoday practice. Kathy is going to take over and present basically a typical case that we can refer throughout the week. So aba, this comes from the aba, science principals on behavior. Some characteristics. We used evidence based techniques. We are trying to get away from punishment and punitive systems. So we collect it. We are to make basically objective decisions on the students. And it not only in the classroom. Its in the classroom, but its like out there. So whats a bcba, i remember my first week, you are a bc what . So here we go. Its supposed to be a behavior analyst. If you type my name, kathys name, you are going to find kathy. Here are some requirements. I dont want to bother you with all the technicalities but describes the work how much is behind and that before you become certified, before you are able to pass the board exam. The guidelines that we have to follow will continue to get involved. We have to take further to improving with education credits. Lets go over the scope of practice that sfusd for example. First data, data, i hear you talk about data. We are all about data. We conduct and assessment, behavioral, data analysis. We do not take subjective statements. When we go to the sites, we want data. We want numbers. We supervise the intervention to target adoption of dysfunctional behavior and increase this. We train to carry out ethical and intervention based on research and evidence base. We team up. So we dont work in isolation. How can behavioral analyst for example suspension, expulsion, disciplinary. We focus on environment of valuable. We focus on objectivity. When we are holding it to see a case, we look at environment. We look at those barriers. Basically limiting our students success. After that, we look at create a plant like behavioral intervention plan to targeting to actually eliminate by behavior support by using the framework, by using positive enforcement. Here, thats why you see this. I like to see this way. Our multitier system of support. We are just keeping everything together, right. Which basically is our work. We take that data. We make informed decision on that objective. Were accountable for that. There is a lot of different ways we work at sites. The first thing we do is we always start with looking at the tier one that are universal things at the site and how to support the whole school and we closely with sfr coaches and drive home for professional development and training focusing on pbs for tactics and we focus on data and Decision Making and how to collect data and the suggestions that they suggest. We really focus on intensive intervention around safety and behavior that are a high level of concerns, we do assessments for that. We put together a case study to show an example of what a typical case might look like to give you a general idea of our work. Generally we are given a referral from our bat Team Administrator through generally a site administrator from the staff team and they give us a case, we look through it and then we generally start by going to an sft meeting and we get the information and if we work with the students we get consent. This is an example of what the data might look like if we get involved at the beginning of our case. Typically a site is already in place because its not working and the student reaches a goal. This is the system we are using to track intervention. This is a real case. This is a green line. Someone is called in. In the interim the behavior analyst may go out to consult with the coach and look at the variables that are triggering these behaviors and not supporting the behaviors. We team up with the site and develop interventions that target the behaviors and we really focus on skill acquisition and things of that nature and coaching and we gather and analyze data to monitor the progress of the student. So ideally, this is the graphic we see after our work where we see a positive trend and student is reading and surpassing their goals and usually this is due to the fact that we put in a solid intervention and a lot of coaching has happened and Continuous Monitoring of the intervention. As you see this goes over 4 months. So its behavior change which takes a lot of time as anyone who has tried to change his own behavior or someone else knows but with a lot of collaboration, this is hopefully the goal. Im just going to point out right here, you see that students is reaching 1012 points. If we go here. The student is receiving 30 regularly and then to 50, 60 and 65. This is an actual student that changed his behavior. Here in november doing poorly, november 3rd, november 4th, and now hes making an average of 60 points a day many this is an actual student with a name that we blurred out. So, why arent kids predictable. If you go to the slide, its going up and down. It tells me the intervention is being carried out consistently. The student is responding as implemented with fidelity. The student learns and he learns how to respond based on different Staff Members, for example or what is going on in the environment. Its all about the environment. When you start implementing a structure intervention with a lot of coaching. When you see the first graph, we are looking at consistency. And then fidelity is the implementation. Lets take that into place and then lets look if its actually being carried out. From there we start and you can see the exponential growth on the second chart. Also on the second chart you can see the line and then its christmas break. So you can see that the other really important thing to notice and recognize is that this is what real behavior looks like. It is erratic and takes time and thats why the data is so important because it takes out at the emotion and just your own biases and then you can see what is working and continue to do it. You can see the trend line is upwards. Its telling us the intervention is working and seeing a projection for the future. Let me call Public Comment for the people. I have lauren brady, suzanne solomon, kevin bogus, chelsey boy ar. Cmon, chelsey. Thank you for waiting so long for your patience. I want to Say Something i have never said to a Board Meeting. Good morning, commissioners. I have never stayed on so late. Thank you. Solomon, i want to thank you for this. They are our inspiration and get us through the night. This is the most painful moment at the microphone more than usual and not because of the hour but because of the support of the schools is so critical and painful. Why painful . Because we as educators we want this policy to become a reality and we realize how far we still are from that reality. 2 years ago sff stood at this podium and asked for the resolution. We know how valuable it is and we are continuing to partner with the district. We had a meeting today all day. But now we have 2 years of modest victory and continue disappointment and that disappointment is in the mind of our mentors. Safety in schools is a top item. Suspensions is a part of the story but not the complete story. Students and educators need to have confidence that schools mean something in our school. We want to make sure that education continues in our schools and that educators adults and children are physically and emotionally safe and we are not there yet. Students are still getting hurt at school and adults are getting hurt at school in higher numbers that weve seen before. We are not there yet, but we are doing all we can to make the San Francisco schools the best they are because we know that our Public Schools in San Francisco are the best schools. Thank you. Good morning, everyone. I also wanted to say good morning. I think i want to bet that i got to say good morning. Im lauren brady from public counsel. I want to thank the staff and family members from the community and support who i know have put in an incredible amount of work who try to make the School Districts forms and policies a reality for their schools, but that said, as the students from lowell said earlier, there is a lot of work to be done. My primary concern, the concern that i know is shared by many of the people tonight that despite the efforts to decrease suspensions and expulsions, significant disproportionate suspensions occur and they are going to be another critical step to be taken in order to address this concern. But i understand as folks have said that implementation is a difficult road,. There is a Long Distance between actual policies and what teachers and students on the ground actually looks like and thats a road that cant be walked alone which brings me to the second concern which is the limited attention paid thus far in schools implementation efforts to family and School Engagement specifically. The only way to monitor and understand whether the policy reforms that have been made by the board and district are for climate and culture change at school sites is to actively with the community in that implementation conversation. As weve seen here this evening in these very family and issues that have been presented t parents, community members, advocacy organizations are ready to partner in this effort and to call out the needs of their school sites so together all of us can work to make equity an actual reality. Forgive my frustration at the late hour but one very effective way to not engage with families and communities is to have this conversation after midnight. I would ask the next time these presentations are made is to make sure the Community Gets the opportunity to hear this information by doing it earlier in the evening. Thank you. Good morning, im going to join the good morning trend. Im going to start by saying really nice things to everyone who is here and then go into more critical comments. I want to say i really appreciate the board, superintendent, the staff and your commitments of this work and you are passionate about it. I was at the school Site Planning retreat on sunday and gave a retreat about our role as a leader and not just in the bay area but across the state and the country when we do this work. Im really glad that all the people who we have in the district working on this. So the people who are in leadership, kevin, thomas and all of those even though i dont know you yet, but i know you do awesome work. My concern is that we have a year less to implement. Even though we may not be able to do that at all school sites. The 3year implementation where we are going to see things take place. I imagine you have gone to the schools and seen some of the successes and the decrease in significant suspensions over the last couple of years. We need to make sure we have consistency throughout the district and how children are getting treated from one school to the next and grade level to the next. Because middle schools and Elementary Schools and high schools have something else. We know we have to implement this before the yearend. I want to echo lauries comments. Unions are ready to participate and partner at the table. We know that you are ready so lets figure out a way to make this successful. I yell at people a lot at these meetings but rather not yell today but say lets come together and make this successful and ensure that we not only address the specific s in the school to be about inclusion about getting everyone to the table and about solving problems and not kicking things down the road. Thank you very much. Questions, comments from the board . That was a question. I feel like you know, its hard to look at this also without. We see suspensions and i guess and we see arrest at schools and the disproportionality. The referrals are about 6,000. And talk about disproportionality and the loss of instructional time and how many repeat students are being referred. I think its one of those going to look at it. If the suspensions are down by this much, there can be some sort of loophole also. I think the referrals are something that we need to keep an eye on and monitor and look very carefully at the disproportionality. Its a little over 4,000. Thats not part of our presentation tonight, but its a more extensive report on the safe and Supportive Schools, the whole compendium thing to go with it. A pretty robust package. It gives us a lot of information but not a Public Document tonight but we are still getting feedback on it. Yes. The disproportionality is off the hook. Just fyi. Sorry, thanks. Commissioner norton . Also a discussion on the referrals on page 29 and 30 as well in terms of the student teacher hypothesis. So i wanted to just zero in on 1 piece of this that ms. Solomon mentioned about teachers being hurt in classrooms that they have seen more, that those numbers have increased. We had a meeting this week with some parents at the Elementary Schools. Its like two or three Staff Members are out because they have been hurt and assaulted by students. Obviously there is a lot going on there at this particular school. Is that what we are seeing that we are seeing an increase. Is it that there is more students whose behaviors are out of control in the classroom now and employees are being hurt or do we have better data . Do you have any insight to that . It is a big concern of ours. It is more prevalent, it appears to be. Thats why bcb, our behavioral analyst we brought here because we just brought them on board in the district because we didnt have these before. These individuals are experts in Behavior Analysis and Behavioral Management and behavior change. They both work with the programs where there are significant attentions being paid to and they have seen tremendous success with a lot of the programs and it is a focus of ours and they are spending a lot of time. I think the concern i have is that this wasnt actually a soar program, it was a ge program. What that says to me is that the adults are not getting the training that they need, right . And it also in somewhat also says the kids arent getting the services they need as well. So i think, there are some days to celebrate in this report definitely and i think what the data shows is that the district has made a commitment to doing the right thing to implement this resolution but also shows there is some troubling things. We have a long way to go. I do want to mention also that the behavior action triage team when thomas and People Services put in place. Part of the reason that came about too is some of these incidents at the school were high profile. We cant just deal with these over the phone. We need you to go out to the school and meet with these people. That happened so frequently that now its a common practice that there is two teams at the elementary, one at the middle and one at the high and that to triage and go to school because these incidents have become, you know, you hear an alarming incident and wait a minute, you shouldnt be something you just heard on the phone and put a teacher on the phone. We have addressed some of these behaviors that say, you know what, lets go to the school and meet in person to talk about this and meet some people with experts. We are trying to go ahead ahead get ahead of this but this is an issue we are grappling with. How many bcbas do we have . Three and one in training. Then we have four specialist and one in training, i think. Thats very positive. I mean, it seems to me three or four years ago we did not have one on staff in the district at all. So i think that is a clear. That is exactly a clear need that we had. I think its part of the resolution we need. And luke is helping everyone pass the test. He does the coaching because we couldnt fill the positions we had when we had them open before. We couldnt fill them because people needed to pass the test. I have vicepresident walton and commissioner wynns. Thank you. First of all i would like to thank those who are here even at this late hour. I have a couple of questions firstly because i dont feel like being coherent at this hour. The data needs to be better and we do need to see referrals because that is an important thing to see the success. One thing that i want to note that i know is not our intention and that is to see the arrest for African American and latino student arrest to go down and maybe looking into community to see what is maybe behind that. The culture in the schools across the board is something that im worried about as we look at trying to get everyone to shift to other practices and supports that will make sure that we are successful that type of Supportive Schools. We hear from staff and educators and comments like we dont know what to do anymore because we cant suspend. Obviously we are not doing enough to provide support so people will have, they understand the options that maybe available to them and to alleviate some of the frustrations and give them support. That makes them excited about this work but that also tells me that we still have some resistance to what we are trying to accomplish across the board. Of course, again, continue professional development in the areas of pbis Restorative Practices and pibs and the latest strategies that support our adults and children and our students and are we doing enough for that area. More behaviorist more restorative practice coaches. Are we cutting coaches, are we taking away resources from the system as opposed to drive what we are prioritizing when we are talking about safe and Supportive Schools. If thats the case because of possibility of enrollment issues or whatever we may see as a reason to decrease these supports, then i dont know if we are really upholding our end of the bargain and commitment in terms of with a we are doing with Supportive Schools. I know we all love data, but at the end of the day we also have some work to do and data is not always going to, it should not always be the driver because its not always going to look at pretty as we need to get some things done and accomplish. If we are ten steps behind just because we lose students at certain schools and certain sites, it doesnt mean all of a sudden if we then we are going to see a better result. We need to think about how we deal with that. We also know that some of the schools dont have the bandwidth to have the reentry with students and families when they come back into schools. Again, we need to figure out how to support the system to make sure those very important pieces are happening so they are supported and also so our families and students are supported and we feel like its a community that is working together. Last thing again is that we have to put more resources into supporting our teachers, our schools which ultimately support our students and ultimately supports what we are prioritizing to ensure our schools are safe and supportive and we are reducing suspensions and referrals and students are not losing time in the classrooms. Some of that we need to put our money where our mother is and make sure that we are increasing supports that are needed to be successful and figuring out a way to did that regardless of what some of the data shows in terms of enrollment, etc because this is very important to all of us. I think that something that was said that was important tonight if we look at some of the incidents that happened as of late, if we do a good job with some of the things we already have in place and build off those, we can alleviate some of the things that are happening in our schools on a daily. Thank you. Commissioner wynns . Im going to be short. We can talk off line about this after i read this longer report because of the hour. I just want to bring a couple of things up. One, we talked about this before, but i dont think we ever got in the data, anybody looking at the data to tell us what percentage of expulsions we do are required by law. I think that commissioner haney and i have talked about this at some point in the past that would help me to think and also when i talk to other people about this. Then i have a question i would like to ask. Do we really have 6 students arrested for terrorist threats . I dont remember actually hearing about those. That many and of course i dont want to hear the details back here. That just seems a little out of whack to me. So. We had a significant number in the last report also. Its yes, and those could be also sent over Digital Media or cellphone. Right. Maybe we need at one time to dealt down a little bit to the detail a little bit. Again, it could be something thats defined by law and some regulation on terrorist threat that we wouldnt define on the law but help us understand what kind of behavior we are talking about. We have control over what the suspension is entitled but not control over the arrest. Oftentimes there are issues of batteries and i lump them in and there are threats to kill, threats to in jur, i lump them in. They are under the category of threats and they call in that number roughly. Other Board Members . No . Okay. So i have a couple thoughts. I wont say too much because i get to talk you a lot about this. One is i would like to echo kevin bogus appreciation and positive sentiment to start this. I know that this is an extraordinary incredible amount of work. Not just the 29 pages. When i run in the hallway i say we are writing this big report for you. But the work you do everyday and how hard and emotional it is and how traumatizing it is and we are working with staff for seeing and experiencing things and fighting for their kids and working with students directly. I know how hard that is. I want to thank you and please express that to your entire teams as well and anybody at you work with with how appreciative we are as a board and how much it means to us, how important this is to us as a district, as a board. I think i speak for the entire board when i say there is nothing more important that we can be doing, that we can be trying to put all of our time and resources and energy and passion into it to getting this right. So, i want to appreciate you all for that. And mr. Truitt and for especially leading this work and for coleman advocates and council and for everyone who has been a part of making this a reality and Holding Us Accountable to it. I want to also give a shout out to u sf. I have been able to go to places and speak about this resolution. But they say, you cant do anything about that because you are union and it will stop anything you want to do. In fact for us, in many ways, this is the opposite which they have been pushing to go further and this is a positive from the beginning. I think its just extraordinary to partner with us and being able to be responsible for any of the progress we have had in the past. I dont think we give them enough props to help them lead in the work they have and for taking a stand. As despite the fact that there are a lot of people saying, we supported this and it hasnt gone in the way we wanted and to understand this is what we are about and what we are and what we believe in and this is right for staff and right for teachers. I think thats just beautiful. So, i just want to say one thing in addition to the appreciation about what i hope we might think about moving forward echoing some of the comments that i heard. One is that we will come to the third year to talk about what is a 3year plan and that gives us an opportunity to think about this and maybe a different way in terms of how to assess with where we are. What would be great that i havent seen and i would love to see that its already 29 pages and to add more, i know the last thing that mr. Truitt would like, but some of the questions i would have say better sense of where each school is in this process. We have this piece around full implementation of Restorative Practices. We have this idea that each school would have a certain set of things that are happening with all the staff and the implementation and i know we have a number of pieces of this around the different tiers and around fti, but how this looks, i think this could be helpful in terms of the progress. Some of that can be made here when we think about some of the data around staff and training with rt and what that looks like across the district. Some of that could be added here and going to the full implementation and going back to look at that resolution to see how far we have gone and i know some things have changed and we have improved on it and things that we didnt even know were possible that we are doing now need to be noted as well. Just a last thing and i think vicepresident walton touched on this about the need to make this a reality. Susan solomon also brought this up which is a lot of what we thought we could do with this resolution is to give to see where the gaps where and where the needs were and there was supposed to be a hand off and identifying that and be smarter about where to put the support in place and you hear a lot about pier 3 now and whether students that have a higher level of need that there is not a hand off there and we dont have an adequate level of support and how we begin to build that out as we feel better about pier one and pbis and how to identify where the needs are around tier 3 and what i hear a lot about and last thing to flag, how do we integrate trauma and formed practices with all of this and how we breakdown which feels to me a little bit like a silo there when we talk about whats happening and Pupil Services versus whats happening in School Health and feeling that in a lot of schools you walk in to say whats going on and the first thing they tell you is we are dealing with so much trauma and with need help and then you talk about safe and Supportive Schools and it feels to them like a different thing in some ways and how you begin to integrate these things and at the same time buildout our work around trauma. I think there is a lot to be proud of and a lot of incredible work gone into it and im hopeful about the future because we have such great work done on it, but if we dont get this right, its hard to get anything else. Its late and people are falling asleep. Unless other people have comments or questions we are going to move on because we are not actually done yet. I want to thank you all for your presentation and work. Well keep going. Thank you all also who stayed so late and for being here. Really incredible. Especially kevin. Thank you all for being here. Let me figure out if i can figure out what we have left. Vote on the consent calendar. Mr. Fewer, dr. Murase, ms. Wynns. Thank you. Board members reports. Reported to the curriculum committee. Can i have a motion and second. Board member reports. Introduction of proposals for immediate action and notice of suspensions board. Board member reports. Thank you, president. We actually had a supervisor exciting committee of the whole meeting last week. We talked about physical education requirements and incorporation of content from board policy and physical exemptions. It was a fruitful discussion and was an information item and still being discussed and will be sent to Curriculum Program and Budget Committee. Thats where we stand on the one item we addressed as a committee. All right. A report from the rules policy. Commissioner wynns. Yes, how about a report from the Ad Hoc Committee. Yes, we had an Ad Hoc Committee and Personnel Matter Labor Relations meeting february 18, 2016. We had six action items that we did not vote on because we didnt have the adequate information at the time. We had a couple of informational items. One was custodian over time pay. Its Getting Better and more timely i think, the pay, but now custodians are wanting separate checks of over time. Then we had an update on vacancies for 20162017. We had an item on substitute staffing and we had an issue largely due to the fact that we are not competitive in pay for those jobs because its getting more expensive to live in San Francisco and people dont want to drive 2 hours. And we had Information Technology staffing which is being worked out with the Civil Service commission. Thank you commissioner wynns for the report. Other board member reports . Commissioner . A few announcements. February 5th, the pta had their founders dinner. Honorary awards were given to jeff lou and zong. I want to congratulate them. Secondly for families looking for summer programs, summer camps, the department of children and families are hosting different summer resource fair to say. You can find out information. Thank you, commissioner wynns. Can we get a report from the rules and policy and legislation committee. We did a report already there in the individual. The only thing i will say is to remind everybody that at the next rules committee you will be asked to buildup and the bulk of all the legislative proposals on which to take positions and you will get them in advance and even you as commissioner haney did last month, if you hear about a bill that you are interested in, please ask for your input otherwise well take the position. I encourage you to come. Well have our advocates at that next meeting. But particularly this is the time of year when we are gathering input about our legislative positions. Thank you. The Budget Committee will meet march 2nd at 6 00 p. M. Buildings and grounds will be meeting this monday the 29th at 6 00 p. M. Vicepresident . Just to let you know well have a Committee Meeting on march 7th. Any other announcements . The ad hoc School District city college joint committee will have the first meeting on march 23, 2016. Any other announcements . Other informational items. Quarterly report on williams uniform complaints. We have no memorial in adjournment. The board will go to closed session. I recess the meeting at 12 48. [ meeting is adjourned ] from the closed session. In the matter of al versus sfusd case no. 251. The board voted with seven ayes to stipulate late the amount. The board approved the contract of 62 principles. The board by a vote of seven ayes of 29 assistants principals, the board approved that they may not renew notice for one principals and by a vote of seven ayes, approved a notice for 3 existing principals. We are going to adjourn the regular meeting and open the special meeting. clapping. govern everyone if i could have everyone take a seat im so excited to have you welcome to city hall the haul of champions my name is a hydra mendosa a School Board Member and service with mayor ed lee and education and youth and share the sport love and for the point of sport sport related events i take it job seriously were delighted on the overview of super bowl so honor our accomplishments during the if you believe season about you know that both of our teams o won the championships the mayors neither here nor there in office and we did action in 2014 so congratulations on that. Were also excited to be joined by the Host Committee that did an amazing job to make sure our shined and windshield the two kwaushdz for the game we are also thrilled to be joined by San Francisco 49 did you know that they hold the record for the most points the sport were the 55 to 10 over the Denver Broncos we like that. So speaking of records im honored to now introduce our champion that has participated in more city and bay area champions than any other anywhemayor our mayor ed lee. Ladies and gentlemen, mostly gentlemen woo woeflz e welcome to the peoples palace a wonderful and special weekend i cant think of a better way to kickoff this weekend to be with champions right in the city and county of San Francisco are Mission High School bears the house . All right. clapping. are our state and National Community college rams the house yeah now were talking clapping. well as you may know it is a special weekend it is called super bowl 50 weekend and so a weekend that for quite some years ive been working with a great group group of people to host for the whole wholehearted not just the the super bowl 50 for the whole world people all over the world are coming in i stack extreme personal pleasure to welcome you who you are the local complains it is how we kind of a complaining weekend today, i want to let you know ive got my own special guests i like working with other mayors because were not about kickoff the career politicians mayors have to get things done and inspire students, College Students they have to inspire retained for part of great cities and we also have to deal with the potholes when i see another mayor thank you. I, what we do through so, please let me floor Jennifer Brown the mirror mayor of the california panthers right here laughter clapping. o oh. Wow. laughter . Shes great shes good. And another mayor who im kind of weve come a long way him into a kind of newer mayor but someone who is a mayor of a very important city and thats the city who will next host the next super bowl 51 the in thema hosting and nonhosting textiho texti text. I also want to welcome a good friend someone, of course, ive been working with very closely and this is our superintendent Richard Carranza a great partner in education superintendent thank you for being here today all right. Richard carranza and i want to welcome yet another great partner in addition to superintendent on the mayors Education Leadership council thats charter schoncellor i want to thank to our state senator by way of there is football being played there is games games on the field but another field sometimes you have to play Serious Games someone who has been made tackles in sacramento who is game manship made us proud because senator leno has been making dont plays up that to mr. Chaprotect the accreditation senator leno thank you. clapping. i told you, i like mayors i also like restortired mayors mayors know what i am going introduce because they went through the same thing and good advice but a great mayor as a matter of fact, one of the greatest mayor a mayor, i had explained to other newer mayors walking through your beautiful city hall who knew who did that with the gold trimming the mayor i yet to know other mayors with a bridge named after them former mayor willie brown thank you. clapping. Supervisor Scott Wiener the board of supervisors hes here today to join us been a great supporter of the education and the open space for the youth to be more to be successful ive got two great 3 great city College Treasure troves 4 oh, my gosh all 4 of them and the president of the our city College Treasure troves thank you for being here hes on the field with us making good tackles and hes making sure that our city college is lead properly making sure that we got our accreditation and restored by many years thank you treasure trove interpreter and selby thank you treaty simulating but for being here interpret trustee randolph and recessing do uo is hereby theyre very presence 31 they understand what a Championship Team is and a championship city college is as well i have the privilege of also recognizing that the 49s are here to join us and i think that this gentleman who is part of 4 49ers marcus coming e on in and down we have to have shouome ren the house here clapping. and later on im going to hand over the baton to marcus he knows how to handsome a ball hes 66 center of our great 3 49ers i know that this is a great weekend as i said earlier it is a great weekend in great part because we ca as a city have been preparing for over 3 and a half 4 years trying to most of the best super bowl ever we want that standard because this is what but u you all strove for to be part of best team and part of best Education Institution and in San Francisco government thats what we strive for to be the best in San Francisco a person that is contributed to this worldclass event weve lost that load the effort for a philanthropic and exciting for all the free concerts in super bowl city by the nfl experience and complimented by so many thousands of volunteers from all over the countrys to help make that an exciting super bowl it is our ceo and wanting of our super bowl Host Committee keati keith bruce come on up. First of all, welcome to super bowl 50 and it is my hounl a custom max or a 2 1 2 year journey we were awarded super bowl thanks for the hundred and 49ers and this was our gun control to make this the most celebrated super bowl and one city agency whoevover t years and thanks to the be of mayor ed lee and, of course, mayor brown and so many others that worked tireless ore the last 2 and a half years i id like to take this opportunity thank the desientire city and cy of San Francisco and the other mayors like mayor ma card and mayors matthew and mayor schaaf out of the oakland to make that the bay area super bowl. Sustainabper bowl city it g and nfl is strooifl enjoying a beautiful bit of weather well happily take thank you for ord that mayor ed lee were benefiting from that and on the word stage starting today take great pride in hosting the super bowl 50 and congratulations to the two teams here do your champions and another champion on sunday but until then congratulations on our accomplishments and again, it is such an honor and privilege meeting the super bowl on behalf of the region we have two days to go delivering a worldclass super bowl for a worldclass city and thank you. clapping. you know i take this opportunity keith you and the Host Committee the reason why it is so special we actually decided to make it special because with keith has done when you host those events like super bowl we decided to raise the money in which it will be more trophy 25 percent of every dollar raised for the super bowl 50 goes to Nonprofit Charities in the bay area never been done before brown this is what distinguishes super bowl 50 from any other 49 super bowls the history nfl were going to change the game and rules i offer heard the nfl commission saying the rules will change from what we did in San Francisco those dollars are going to Youth Programs and organizations like boys and girls club and the bayview and the areas where we got some additional work to do to help kids become for successful so i wanted you to know that it is special and thank you keith before us and the Host Committee and as i said earlier we have 9ers the house and march mark come into the 49ers a couple of years ago i know that hes part of rebuild of the 9ers hell get there and help the team get there and the center of our 9ers number 66 please welcome mark smart clapping. first and foremost id like to thank everyone for having me here emigrations congratulations to the two teams first Mission High School i want to crenshaw and had high own city complaining with the black folks and winning a high school complaini championship is an experience youll not forget no business involved no academics i mean academics but no pressure like you get to have fun with our friends thats should go something youll remember for the rest of your lives congratulations the college the ballers i mean state, national, you all doing big things man, i want to graduating graduacongratulate ys keep up the good work and work hard youll be remembered and having that legacy is something that is what we descriptive for a legacy your doing great things congratulations to you guys as well clapping. so ear here to honor all of you and i got to hear some stories from you so sacrifice stories about what you had to do to be champions because bears turkey day one point you oneonone won by one point this time didnt that scary and be exciting at the same time you cant when a victory get won by a small margin would you agree that is more precious because everything that everyone did had to contribute for margin of victory and you know youre not i think that game is the option how the warriors won 20 points a game but one point it means a lot to friends and people watching to our parents and brothers and sisters it has to mean that more on turkey day i want to get out there but so many events to go to you thought no, no well do Something Special get you on Super Bowl Weekend and celebrate with that, i want to have the coach come up and on behalf of our city we want to give you the give the team through you the recognition that it deserves this is to recognize Mission High School for its trillion a Championship Football Team for this past year and because it is super bowl week we have something for the entire team because we have a great super bowl host what do you think of this for the entire team . Is a gold football clapping. for for the Mission High School bears as i way of recognizing each of you, you deserve this is yours forever super bowl 50 it is meant for you to be complains for two years in a row we want to recognize you at city hall congratulations Mission High School bears. Thank you. Want to say a few words. On behalf of the principle eric and our Athletic Director arrest in addition, and the entire Mission Communities high School Community we would like to thank mayor ed lee for honoring us and in addition thank hydra mendosa and her staff for organizing that id like to congratulate coach collins and his coaches and players under tremendous assault weapon this year acceespecially formal anton 0 porter clean sf. My one question to coach did you get a moment to wait you didnt wait at mission high scho school. laughter it has been 85 years since Mission High School won back to back city championships i look forward to up and running well be the first team in School History to win back to back to back championships thank you very much clapping . Okay well had had photo later okay. Were going to get everybody into a great picture be patient here as i said earlier someone that makes good tackles in sacramento he loves our city college hes been working with me to make sure everything is done so that you city college county of college is successful and solvent and invites the future generations of the people that will be really successful not only in their own lives but help our city be successful sxhooienator leno come on up senator leno. clapping . Thank you, mr. Mayor for the warm welcome and gracious words since weve already provided the appropriate recognize to the gentleman allow me to add my inspiration force 40 for those out of town this is a school that is as opposed to be a challenged school and continuing you break all the records and achieve not only athletic but skillly and youre the little engine that could and does and repeated does it you lead the way congratulations to you, you all and i know that many of you will be sitting on this side of the room in successive years a changed institution with a rogue commissions throwing blocks and running trenches trying to really intentionally cause as much trouble to this esteemed institution as possible and one out of 7 san franciscans has been attending continental this is a Major Institution for us and so again both state and National County jails this is a remark xhoiscommunity. This is a college that will continue to strive and continue to set up Higher Standards as i learned years ago whether our nonretiring willie l. Brown, jr. Appointed me at the board of supervisors an important part of life winning is better than losing i want to offer my congratulations ive brought prajsdz from the state senate from San Francisco Football Team coach collins if i may present to you on behalf of the city College Family a little love the California State Senate recognizing our ongoing opportunity and years ahead well be gathered back to here to present more awards i will say that clearly were backing the sunlight of our super bowl 50 here Mission High School and city college you are the main troifksz with or without the assembly we wouldnt have assembled because youre our private joy thank you. A photo op clapping. coach thank you senator leno, coach id like to add our certificate honoring your entire team and the supporters everybody that deserves the recognition and, of course, let me hand t this off to you the gold football laughter clapping . What a special gift id like to thank everyone involved special hydra mendosa and mayor ed lee and everybody that helped out this is a special day not just receiving the recognition but all of us to participate with the opening of super bowl 50 is a experience well never ever forget thank you and coach to touch open anton hope well have better luck with anthony when we comes next week both teams have brothers and captain we expect a lot of you to be sitting with us as we try to didnt find defend the complaining the life lessons you learn and one of the things you learn is many there is no accomplishment with worthwhile that can be achieved without help and support of others and senator leno for our entire county college to we could thank you enough on behalf of the entire college thank you to chancellor and the administrators especially overseeing who support us nursing us to be who way are and were grateful and proud to stand here as of

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