Transcripts For SFGTV Transportation Authority Full Board 22

SFGTV Transportation Authority Full Board 22316 February 24, 2016

So i hope that is kept in mind for the next big event. Thank you so much thank you for sharing that. Your experience in observations i had similar experiences. I have product in the castro and at the Ferry Building and i know that our partner in the Ferry Building their business was down and go to the Ferry Building every weekend for Farmers Market and go to restaurants there and the Restaurant Business was down. Their report off the back of the envelope was 30 percent and we went the weekend after it was over and they were thank you god, it is back to normal and get tips again and our seats are full. These are very popular places and they were in the blast zone and people didlocals avoided it and whether it was the dem graphic for attendees of superbowl city they didnt overflow and not the halo effect hoped for and think that is important for us to acknowledge and really dig into that and quant ify it so Going Forward we know that we go in eyes wide open next time and brain storm with the people who are putting on the event and endorsing the event both on the superbowl side and city side, how we try to get more benefits for all businesses in San Francisco and how we try to mitigate the negative impacts because sometimes you just will be too close and have to know how to prepare. Shut your door and take a vacation, what do you do because you incured additional cost by having to over staff and you dont think about the additional cost that are incured. It isnt just the loss it is the additional stuffwe built more product to make sure that our local retailers wouldnt be short. It was highly unnecessary because they sold less than they normally do and we sell a lot of product at the farey building and it is very consistent and have multiple years of data so can easily quantify the effect over that period of time. Even [inaudible] the chart er Yacht Companies were down. They closed the office. They were not havingyou think a company like that would have just have their [inaudible] they left considerable revenue i think there was a lot of just sort ofit easy to wave your hands and say it is all good for San Francisco and in fact it wasnt all good for San Francisco. I think we can all talk about the benefits for the city as a whole and think as was said by someone in the press, great cities throw great parties. Im totally down with that and we are a great city and should be a host for great events but understandif you have a great house and want to make it available for parties you want to know what the damage will be because there will be damage. Dont treat your house the way they treat their own house. They love going to other peoples houses considering the demographic does it make sense to have it so squarely in the sent center of town where it interrupts commerce . That is the biggest thing we need to learn from isyou could argue if we distributed throughout the city we distribute the pain but it was very intensifyed there and in fact they probablyit became known that the voneue got too full and they turned people away and talked about how difficult it was to get through the security gauntlet. I think a lot didnt show up for that reason. I would love to go but wont go because i may be one standing there after being in line for a couple hours so there was that problem for those people that would attend. For me made the mistake of getting off thegetting off at the embarcadero station instead of going one station up or getting off a station earlier and got in the mix of the security and was late for my appointment thinking i was smart where i got off and got off at the wrong place so there were no advisory how those of us who did need to conduct business maneuver around the venue. Hands were constantly chaipging and couldnt depend on any set plans. I think the big thing for bed wiser and union square, i dont think that was planned until 3 weeks prior. We were told hour by hour everything was changing. Obviously it was a new venue for them so they didnt know what they didnt know, now we know a lot so again, fortunately we are all still alive. We have pain to get over but in the process we should definitely be putting together a good objective report about how we were effected and offer up suggestions how to change things or convene a discussion well in advance to the nex event like this how to address some hof the issues. Thank you for comments. I lot had to do with the media and road closures. I work downtown. I went to work and did drive downtown but it was a cluster you know what downtown. It was, the traffic was horrible and every time you turned on the tv or radio traffic jam downtown and tell you dont come to work if you work downtown which i thought was crazy. Thank you for your report, it is very informational and that needs to get out there. They do want to come back and think they should come back but no superbowl city at market street. Keep embarcadero open. If you had that open i think people would have gaunl to the Ferry Building but everyone was freaked out. Stick in the att park or civic center. Superbowl city was a celebration of superbowl and the nfl, it wasnt a celebration of San Francisco and i walked through there and found there was a way to get in very easily, you went up stairs at embarcadero. As i walked through it i felt this isnt about San Francisco. Im all for championtion games, not a huge fan but okay, someone coming into the the environment are not experiencing San Francisco superbowl, they are experiencing superbowl. Pure and simple nfl experience. It was the nfl experience and sure it was very carefully coria grched as that. One advice to any city hosting the superbowl it needs to be turned inside out and needs to be a celebration the city in addition to the nfl. Right and hopefully nfl funded. I think that again i think we can in going through this cathartic post game show that we can provide some guidance to the cities to come after us and our own city as this is forgotten in the past and say it fs so awesome. It wasnt so awesome in every dimension. In no way do i say we dont invite events like this to the city but knowing how to best host them and that we understand it is to the benefit of the event as well as our city that we celebrate San Francisco for the uniques quality because that was the stated reason for coming here. We lucked out on the weather but we didnt i dont think get to show case our city the way we like to. Thank you so much and getting your survey started and quickly outd there because i talked about it at cdma and the commission and said we whether we sponsor it ourselves we take the survey to the the not only the Merchants Association but Small Business community. Sure. It was a ref draft so it does need a lot of work. We would like to support you in doing the survey and getting it to a big group and convene a working group where we collect ivly put the results together and feed it back into the system thank you. So commissioners im happyin the binder under number 5 is copy of the survey that the south Beach Mission bay merchant distributed and happy if you want to start jotting down ideas of things to ask in the survey to collect them and i would like to recommend that wewhether we author a survey ourselves which is totally fine with me or whether we do a [inaudible] on what is already done. I dont want to take over the effort from anybody else who wants to do t i want to say we are available here as a place to convene that study and that we are here to assist in any way we can whether it is actually being the people to push that survey out or whether it is collaborating with someone who has already doing it or wants to do it. But i do think we should do a city wide survey of Small Businesses to understand and all Small Business, not just merchants, to understand what the impacts were and to convene a working Group Discussion of what we would recommend for future other cities and ourselves to consider changing some of the things that were done. What was good and what wasnt so good how would we as a commission spread the survey . If we can help in the drafting of it, i just out of curiosity for we can all go to every Merchants Association. Regeneina attends the merchant community. It turns out like in our Merchant Association we have a lot of other business practitioners there that know the Small Business owners kind of association and so i think first going there. Those are the organizations that and some better organized than others where people come together and getting the people who are coming regularly to those meetings to reach out to those they know are not attending. Dogpatch isnt well represented at the potraro hill dogpatch meeting when i have something can go into dogpatch and talk tabusiness owners they can spread the word. Getting someone to take a on line survey is a easy thing and there are a bunch of mailing lists out there. We use our mailing list and organization. Right, so we have not only merchant organizations but business organizations. We have a list of the small chambers in addition to the chamber. And then of course our own outreach list. I think also we could use the survey done to get leverage in the press. The Small Business commission is conducting a broader survey and maybe will getthere is a survey coming, great. I want to participate in that so see what we can do. Maybethere were some programsi think one the benefit of the commission convene thg survey or providing some direction to the city as they meet with these folks to design agreements when we go to bid is im interested in hearing the program of the super communities. It roles out a little late, but there is a concept like that work . Like super castro. [inaudible] brilliant and other than high tops getting a booust with michael sams, the rest the weekend was dead other than the regulars. It is good to know because if we talk about neighborhood engagement then what is some of thewhat are some of the recommenditions if we have any that we can provide to the city entities or individuals who engage either start putting together the bid packages or whatever have you to start engaging in the activities much earl ier on the in process opposed to later as we get close toor the activity happening a lot of the changes came fast and furious. Whether they were road closures or organizational things or whatever, so i think also again there was a lot of controversy around certain aspects so it caused last minute changes so we all watched it play out like a slow motion train wreck in some regards. So, lets conduct a survey have a report with results of the survey and recommendations and i think if the commission can play a role in convening that i think that is fantastic because i think that is a good role for the commission. As i said, im welcome towilling to collect your ideas and aggregate it and figure out how that we as the commission can send it out or partner with other entities to design the survey. If you would like taparticipate that is fantastic, not to distract further from your business but. Thank you it would be good to get those probably in the next week or two if you have any ideas so we can keep them going. We need to get on this quickly while it is still fresh in our minds because this is wrun one we want to push it sadis cushion item like to make sure we keep it on the agenda for continued discussion and actionby action i mean authoring a survey and get tg out and promoting it and putting a timelineoon it so it is done the time line is within 2 weeks the commissioners give you their ideas and you spread it out . And we can work with those in the community that we already know of that are already active in the area. The process is to get back the feedback and do what with it . I think probably to really make it useful is to do maybe a written report to the mayor and board of Supervisors Office of economic and Workforce Development this is a great agenda item for the quarterly meeting with the mayor. Debriefing because it was a big deal. I think that would be a good venue once we have put together a good solid survey and report to start that dialogue. Because the next two years a already decided whether we come back in the short period is 3 years is probably unlikely but we will be a candidate again within the next decade. It isnt just for the superbowl too this is using the superbowl as the best case and worst case. The biggest case we have seen and how does this apply to other large events whether it be oracle world or dream force or large concert or sporting event that we have the regular ones with the giants and hopefully soon with there warriors but lots of events will happen in these venues and other venues in the city and think there are best practices we could use even in the smaller blast zones, if you will. Alright. So , thank you kim for being here and providing that information. We will move to item number 6, which is directors report. Commissioners, i will just provide due to the sake of time and us needing to be out of the room for the Ethics Commission to meet i will provide you a report in writing. Item number 7 is president s report. I dont have anything to report this week. Thank you item number 8 is Vice President report i have nothing to report this week, thank you. Item number 9 is commissioners report. Commissioners any reports . Seeing none. Great. Item number 10 is general Public Comment. This is the time when we allow for general Public Comment on what you heard today. Not what you heard today what you would like to consider in the future. Have at it. We have someone. My name is irene boke squn resident of sun set park side district. I am urging the commission to request that the sfmta make a informational presentation regarding its muni forward projects. Particularly the proposed [inaudible] geary bus Rapid Transit and van ness bus Rapid Transit projects. Indications is the proposed [inaudible] project would have a Significant Impact on neighborhood serving businesses. Thank you very much. Any other members of the public like to comment . Seeing none Public Comment is closed. New business. Any new business anyone want tooz propose . I dont. Seeing none. Sf gov tv if we can have our slide again, please. Waiting for that slide. Live 23r5u78 city hall we begin and end each Small Business meeting with reminor the afs of Small Business is sth only place to sfart your business in San Francisco and get answers about doing business in San Francisco. The office of install business should be your first stop when and have a question about what to do next so if you need assistance with Small Business matters start here at the office of Small Business. Thank you. And we shall move to item 12 adjournment motion to adjourn i second. All in favor. Aye. Adjourn at 4 41. [meeting adjourned] well, thank you for coming this morning ladies and gentlemen, our city over the past few months had not been grammatic grappling with a crisis in far too any citys between the trust of color and Law Enforcement in the breakdown of this trustee can most awe kufl the shooting death of mario woods this past december and since that sdooub incident ive ordered a number of reforms to the use of force policies to prevent Police Officer involved shootings whenever possible ive proposed comprehensive farmz removes the department of justice own recommendation and the president obama to rebuild the Community Trust im joined by many in our community more calling for an independent review of the Police Departments policies and of the death of mr. Mario woods ive asked and tasked achieving chief suhr and others to submit a detailed plan for further reforms after a series of Community Meetings around the city and with stakeholders input this is not been an easy task by any means i want to say first hand a deep gratitude i have to the volunteers of our Police Commission of who spent count countedless hours working with volunteers from the communities, to make sure that this reflected deserv desires coming from the community as well as professional ideas and today, i accept their comprehensive reform packages it youll hear in detail in a moment a reformed package that is developed in partnering with the community and already directed any budget direction to incorporate those into the Budget Planning i believe because of the input that has been given by countless hours by you are africanamerican reform and review form and also by a number of conversations ive had not only with this forum but engages engagements throughout the community substantial and meaningful changes to policy to training, and to equipment and they do sdmafkt have agree change in craigslist as to how and when offers use force already, weve seen the benefits of those new tactics earlier this month for example, the Police Department encountered a man with a knife and the man didnt drop the knife avenue verbal very clear verbal instructions or after getting hesitate that beanbags and pepper stray

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