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Commissioner ow is absent and commissioner roy and please note that executive director ann is present. Because we do not have the opportunity quorum of another member were going to just take not any action on the action items we just going to have the opportunity report because we dont have a quorum to vote on the action items okay we will hear the report and see with that, well move to we cant do approval of the minutes of the agenda more the consent calendar more the Meeting Minutes but all were adopt to item 5 is there Public Comment at this time . Good morning president james and commissioners im nike know you dont have a quorum at the last november meeting as a representative the center is he took the opportunity to thank ann for all the Seniors Services and particularly all the services to the Senior Center thank you for that ann. Thank you. Okay now well move to item 6 any other Public Comment . Okay item 6 report and employee of the month from the department of aging Adult Services will recognize agonize chang from the was the adult protect serviservice clapping. well step over here and there we go youre fine youre fine and present this to egging in a to you so all of you only today it is so interesting; right . As was mentioned agnes works in the protective services been with us 19 years thats right it says that are here but a quiz for you today agnes carries and bilingual be case load and because of that because you have bilingual capacities is often tasked with serving folks who need youre special skills actually of being able to speak to the language folks and sort things out in multiple because a person needs to what youre working with someone that comes from another place; right . Another culture it also says in the write up about you because you have officer of the day duties because of your bilingual talents useless frequently called out several times at a time and opposed to twice a lot more work and folks to be sgrak with and doing our best for just to remind us all department of aging Adult Services is part of our Protection Services in that division we really tasked with making sure that people have all the rights and all the privileges that they have coming to them as an adult but looking at and investigating to determine if others are that take advantage if they have selfneglect issues and trying to pull those two things together for those of us who know that world only two well, this is a difficult job how not to tread on someones rights but at the same time providing them all the possibility to make their life as safe and possible and healthy as possible will all the ap s staff stand yeah clapping. thank you it further agnes goes on ill give this to you it says our a person of quiet strength and dont flinch with the hofb abuse situation i guess that is the part for many of us in the room we dont intimately know dont face on a regular basis some pretty Dennis Herrera san mateo stat and desire situation we know about that but dont face it is hard work and one a person has to keep themselves healthy to do; right . And so we thank you to you thank you thank you. clapping . I have a little speech laughter ive prepared oh, thank you. Thank you so much is it so my honor that i am the ms. November for that laughter im so excited and happy to stand here and receive this gift and all your blessings please allow me to express myself first thanks and honor and glory to any heavenly father who put me in ap s when i knew only one or two you, you i knew so the about hsa and facing the assessment and due date life was as difficult i dont know a lot of you and lonely back then but with gods mercy and grace i made a lot of friends and even case might be more difficult and complex im not will this thank you, god our good to me and secondly, id like to thank you all an 6th street ap s staff my director and the supervisors all the social workers and clerks and staff that have been supportive and encouraging you guys have such a fun crowd to be with and special thanks to teresa any supervisor that encouraged me to work on any lifesaving shes available for inclusion on case my advocate and my shoe and there to back up when i deal with difficult cases and clients providers in the community which very unreasonable expectation from ap s and thank you unit 4310 when i needed our help and support and thank you for these who have been with me in my his and lows youve been willing to listen to me and oh, your help and willing to buy any lunch and 31 ice cream and the last last but not least thank you to my husband who is here carter who has been so flexible clapping. and available and mentioned i have to owe a lot of time i consider myself a queen he is flexible to leave work early to pick up my boys. Thank you so much for every single one of you without you all i wouldnt make it to be the ms. November yeah clapping. clapping . Thank you. Yes. I remember. Thank you now well have item b directors report executive director ann hitting. So as the commissioners know this is my last Commission Meeting ill be in d. C. In the first week in december doing some work for our local triple a our state association and for ann frank so i have a regular report to give but i wanted to say and few words before the normal report this is just to say its been a credible pleasure to serve this community of older adults with disabilities a tremendous privilege for the commission and hopefully speak to those who were not here he was thinking about all the commission does and our dedication i think to fairness and our dedication to making sure that we serve our very Diverse Community and that our providers are as diverse as the community we provide services for and any number of critical questions have been asked in 2, 3, 4 meeting made us a community of people going and taking stock of what were doing and how were doing it is there another way to do it sometimes questions are we Like Commission to go ive always said that if weve done our jobs well, that commission will be smooth but sometimes those critical questions questions can be i dont want to say annoying but catch up in the wrong place one day is r one way or another it makes us what we or so many people outside of our Community Work in San Francisco all think and i like and were this and that but we debate issues here and have a little bit of a different philosophy to give assistance to those at this commission weve taken our time and looked at it issues thoroughly the staff i think sporlts for this commission has been really unfailing so whether it is contracts or budget or Program Staff you had a team of people that have been the best ive had folks at events come up to me and say you think that team of people it gives stuff to our commission i dont know anyone that hadnt gotten an answer our team of people move faster mann than several departments will go unnamed that is really because people take their jobs very, very seriously and want to bring you the best information and be able to answer the questions you present and they want to have is followed the rules that are important to follow and at the same time use you know innovation and be creative as they can be and have that opportunity in some places and less in other places i want to say to the staff that is here today, its been a tremendous opportunity to work with you and to see where weve come in the 10 years ago ive been here and in the 12 years since this did not have been an integrated department we started up off with different programs with the office of aging at the core 33 and a lot of work has to go into bringing folks together to make a Department Function well and when people i remember the office on aging staff they did everything that he worked in a Small Department with responsibility for budget and contracting and budgeting and moved into a department there was a whole structure that was different i cant say enough about what sherry reign did to anyone who wishes to speak that work it didnt happen overnight with la jolla dedication and commitment and the knowledge it can be really good in the end have to work at it to get there is a obviously a big thank you to home share reign anyone asked me if i was overjoyed about leaving it is Pretty Amazing to be in this position and have the opportunities that dos has had in the 10 years ive been here that is even in the downturn when we had to struggle overtaking money from nutrition and frhere and there been a Tremendous Community and for people to come together and pull ideas and figure out the best way when we needed to cut back and exciting to have the second year 6 million came and we were able to flush out the programs for disabilities and create the Community Living fund it is credible this was a part times job i wouldnt leave but not a parttime job and time to go i know were having a party in december im not sure the folks that are here wont be able to be here one last thing to say i think that is really kind of the truth of who this department and commission and those providers are in that what which our son died i had the good fortune to join a support group i was amazed a group of families that lost children Adult Children and i was the only one in the group that when i went back to work i didnt have the opportunity problems that everyone else had those problems ran the range of people saying insensitive things you need to get over it and on with that people avoiding other people and it goes on i can only share and reflect on the fact when i came back to work i came back to people that are gracious and so filled with concern and compassion so able to say what was on their hearts and say it to me i know we come to those Commission Meetings and give staff awards i tried to highlight what our staff does and thats part of what they do it is so not surprisingly it is when you have a big event in our life that is indicating tropic people like our surrounded with like me is so generous with themselves i this is an all of you for the privilege ive had to be here its a tremendous honor and now well get on with the regular so it is so cool yesterday in my email a operation from the president of the United States ive never gotten an operation proclamation this is because of being in a conference i have no idea this was a plantation to announce that november is alzheimers month you know, i just learned yesterday that the team dos which we created raised almost 30,000 in the walk so proud of us clapping. you and tom being the leaders so the goals last year, we raised 15 or 16 thousand the goal this year was 20 and we got 29 thousand plus close to thirty that was great in proclamation come across any desk ill share it we didnt just draw the attention ill try to read it ive never seen that bear with me it says at the ends avenue all the hero to see and witness where of i have here into set this hand this 2 eight day of other of the independence of the United States the hundred and 40 the other couple i have things to mention i because im on the National Association of aging board of directors have been invited to gay long retreat in colorado for the lgbt elderly it having Kathy Greenly from the administration of Community Living and theyll be attending a twoday event to look at strategies that address this particular population crossing across the country of what people are doing in different place to people shouldnt be surprised i make contact with you before i want to make sure i come with all i possible can to this meeting in early october the National Village association of villages jacqueline is that right. Village to village had hair conference in seattle and vac listen from the next vinyl and ata ate e kate from the San Francisco vinyl and i Assembly David chiu presented this conference on the work that San Francisco has done in terms of the funding for the vinyl and the why david sorry chiu did a terrific set up for the whole Community Around why village work is so important and what it means for San Francisco and why he and another supervisor got involved and we did our 1, 2, 3 on both what we were doing locally and the changes what it maples to have government money the kinds of things people has an opportunity had government funding before this is different from the membership i thought that was an interesting meeting met folks from all over the country and the focus on middleincome class people someone said so well at the scan Conference Last Week with the Huge Population of boomers coming out the next and the fact that there is no agnes saying people purchasing Long Term Care people dont have assess there is a concern as the boomers may spend down theyll join the folks in the medical system at some point that system will exploded because of villages in San Francisco that opportunity to look at what are the other things that can be done in this area that didnt cost as much money but serves a lot of folks it was an interesting conference and had a lot of opportunity to talk about whats been going on. And then just to scluk youve probably been seeing a lot of information in the paper about the variance women issues on the ballots i think i recorded here a few months ago the California Association of aging has decided that it is throwing its hat into the ring with one of the initiatives and having been looking to have a portion of the tax dollars go to programs that serve younger and older adults that work is moving forward we know there are 4 different initiatives and the variance initiatives are working together to see if they cant get that down to one as we saw in ohio or wherever voted down i heard on the news last night that vote was 67 people being able to control the growth and you know anything that will happen in that state relate to marijuana the same thing for childrens rights a lot of things to look at in terms of Product Development and taxed what will be and wont be allowed its not there yet were seniors and the disabilities are part of the potential theres a potential for Revenue Streams to come from that work that is exciting frankly no new money in years. I think thats all i have for my report. Thank you. Just briefly executive director just a couple of words well miss you and ive been on the commission for almost a year and i can say its been delightful to work and serve and be part of dos with you as direct dr. Decorate we hope to hear marrow from you and good luck and well miss you. Ill echo what the commissioner said im the newest member of the commission but your reputation for leadership and Community Building and everything youve done certainly preceded you and youll very much be missed and hope youll keep in touch with us and its community thank you for your credential legacy. Thank you. I add to the group i think i guess ive been here quite a while on the advisors before ann came on i was on the Advisory Committee and with another director and ann and i have been working together in the department for quite e quite a while weve had disagreements on things thats all right. But its been i know a tough job leading the department and trying to make everybody comfortable all the contracts and trying to meet what were requesting and all the things around you trying to run a Department Head is a tremendous job and i want to commend you that youve done on excellent job in leading this department and i think well be known throughout the United States as a very Aggressive Department over here and we thank you for your thank you for all you do and i hope i know well see you on the sidelines i too am thinking im almost it is time to almost say im not saying it yet but thinking about it but anyway, it is a challenge for to run a department and we all understand that and so we thank you thank you for all you do. Next well have the Advisory Council report. Good morning commissioner president james and executive director and senior advisory met on october 21st our the first order of business was to get our first member at the table and had a presentation by ms. Libby and bill on the dignity fund did an excellent job gave an overview of the fund as that fund continues to shape itself theyll come back to the Advisory Committee to do another presentation. Our Membership Committee is always active in asking making the ask we have potential folks out there but again, dont want to say anything fill it gets taking care of i get the node from the secretary the Transportation Committee meet at the center we are doing our focus on the next 4 trainings on the elderly abuse a wonderful panel we were filled within a week all the seats were taken our next presentation will be in january and i believe that will be thank you institute on aging but dos staff person mr. Rick who is doing an excellent job of finding speakers and a placed if so still under negotiation hopefully, well have something in january. As our site visits were continuing those and an ask and commitment from the Council Members to go out and do the site visits and important to report back to the commission on what were doing and seeing so that is in process. And i believe last but not least were the siresy council a planning and celebration a celebration for a dear friend not a good by but until the next time that is for ms. Ann executive director ann at our december Advisory Council meeting and well be letting all the commissioners know wed like for you to come if you can just to say until the next time never a good by thats my report ill be remiss the Advisory Council members thank you for the opportunity to go to an event that was done by the village project which is under the leadership of ms. Adrian williams to honor a executive commissioner president james mrs. James is an active Community Person and the village project wanted to say thank you and honor mrs. James for all her hard work on and off the commission a staunch reporter and advocate do the right thing for everyone and she was honored for that and the council folks that went to that so thank you that concludes my report. And thank you, mr. Insight and to the advisory do you only u council for the roses it brightened up my hallway i had to move everything out of the way thank you. Thank you. Next is the joint legislative committee report. Good morning this will be a very horticulture report as we didnt have a joint legislative Committee Meeting last month i shared the chairpersons position with commissioner sims and both of us were out of the town at the request of the commissioner president james at our september meeting were going to address how we handle that in the future so have something to report in december if not january how we handle when both the cochairs are out of town and commissioner president james request commissioner sims gave a report the legislative report about 3 bills that were signed no change expiate one that is the testifying that legislation will establish a tsf they need nonstate organizations to provide the administrative support for the relative to the challenges basz faced by family caregivers and offer opportunity for the caregiver support and the services and supports available inform caregivers and to make policy recommendations so well keep you posted throughout 2015 and they c s l their bills to nine hundred and 2 the california senior legislator has begun work on the 2015 legislative agenda theyre not meeting so theyre working in small tsf theyve sent that information out in january the new legislative session we may not have much to report at the december meeting we will indefinite has r as we head into 2016 a new list of bills some are coming back into the 2 year session one of them a headsup one bill one proposed legislation that will include apparently funding for the california state legislator their fund currently with the tax form check off so ill have that on my radar to keep you posted as well. Any questions. Thank you. Next will be the tax report. No, im sorry Long Term Care. For the coordinating councilmember. Morning im sandy a member of the Long Term Care council in october no meeting because we celebrated our 10 Year Anniversary for the council with a party for a purpose we had on october 23rd. Brigitte. Excuse me. My understanding is that kathy will give you an overview of the october 23rd party thank you. laughter . Hi, good morning. Yeah. We can definitely do it together im sure about the confusion good morning. Im kathy the Senior Division director in San Francisco and a member of the long term coordinating you council im going to give a report on the party with a purpose on october 23, 1230, to 330, three hundred and 50 people registered we were happy they didnt show up at once it was a full house and the purpose was to celebrate the 10 anniversary the long term council that was started in mayor newsom decided to feature the friendly sf a very active workshop i cochaired the workshop with mega professor at the usf school of nursing and her student and weve been leading as a workshop for 4 years 23 years ago the mayor mayor ed lee signed a letter for us to be part of health, Age Friendly Cities and became a member of ar p liveable communities and the first large city to join about network and significantly were the only city in the country to have disability friendly thats great and now in the process of completing and asset based Needs Assessment that involved it seniors and people with disabilities at all phases of the project and going to do as required well develop a plan and the party was sort of a coming out event for us weve had smaller events and presentation and focus groups leading up to it but this large event to so what weve done various people from the city if foundations were there and nonprofits, Government Departments be and lots of advocates and seniors with disability it began is a distance generate theyre an enter generational from the city of San Francisco they were started by the time the event start people were you part of party a great Oscar Pistorius i present a short slide show explaining our asset based approach and looking at all the 8 main which include outdoor spaces in building and transportation and housing, social participation inspector and inclusion signify praerpts and community and Health Services and community and information those are the areas were saving what is working and where are gaps and added a new Domain Technology our keynote speaker was joven came out at no cost and spoke on setting San Francisco on fire he has been involved in this effort for a decade a few highlights i mentioned that while some boomers have this generation includes more poor people the average boomers takes less than 5 thousand assets not annual income including housing hours for the rest of their lives and let us know that some people maternity but the millions have surpassed the boomers in the largest Demographic Group when the burnlz are in their 80s memorials will be turning 65 so something we need to look at how well meet those needs he talked about why those demographics why people dont care about aging the ceos of 8 amp organizations ar p a come together to figure out what we can do together they cant do it alone how to change the americans think about aging this will be important how that move forward and finished about the importance of Age Friendly Community confirming we were the first in the country to add date we broke into 4 small Groups Health and Long Term Support and technology and social participation and then each group came back with at least one actionable plan that was put both the new planning phase we then turned over the state to the long term coordinating council sid i didnt koffman and others who spoke about the successes of the council over the past 10 years and presented the first award to tom nolan for free muni for seniors and people with disabilities this was a great moment and that was a reception following the response was probation officer many people signed up to be involved and picked duo makes sense on a final note we tried to be as assessable for everyone for people with disabilities with language and culture capacity a lot of help from the Mayors Office on disability as well as a large number of Party Planners and rick and jessica as part of foundation that helped to support this event i want to say special thanks to ann for your support on the i want to give a shout out e this would not have happened so thank you very, very much. Thank you. Any questions no, thank you. Next is the tax report kathy. Take the sacramento two day meeting of representatives of the Advisory Committee no california has been having quarterly meetings this year no report from the last our next meeting is december 1st and second. So thats the first wednesday in december our december is our second a little reminder that the staff of the state Commission Sets up those meetings and is there throughout the two days of meetings so if you ever have something to take up to them or questions it will be easy for me to assist you ill be glad to do that. Thank you. Next is the case report. Good morning, commissioners ann patty with the Catholic Charities case had a meeting in october we were able to start refinancing our new advocacy were looking at next years budget process already and we were lucky to have ann and sherry reign come up and talk about the Division Moving forward what weve been through and looking for

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