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Valentines day gift to you will be a swift yet thorough and efficient meeting lets start with roll call. Item one supervisor cohen commissioner fewer commissioner kim is present commissioner ronen commissioner yee. We have quorum. Excellent thank you very much please next item, please. Items 2 through 3 comprise the consent calendar their countered route not prepared e prepared to present but if unless a member of the commission, the public, or staff so requests. Colleagues is a approval for the minutes. Ill move. Motion by supervisor yee and without objection. Public comment. Oh, youre absolutely right ladies and gentlemen, time for Public Comment please step up two minutes to in the center seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Thank you. Roll call vote. Commissioner cohen commissioner fewer commissioner ronen commissioner yee consent calendar is approved. Thank you next item. Federal, state, and local an update. Welcome back back with the deputy City Attorney in the Program Division sitting in for mark who was o who is usually talking about what is going on in 1590 sacramento street this is the recommended slate of positions and a matrix of the bills for tracking this is the first of the section but in the spirit of it it is short compared to normal, however, mark is expecting thousands of bills to be introduced by the end of the period on friday so probable are a robust packet for you next month so the bills were recommending e recommending positions on the main one is are ab one and the transportation funding bill youve probably heard about 6 billion and passages being negotiated the governor has indicated his own passage that is 4 billion a year and that he expects it to be resolved by april 6th i think is what was said so expect to be taken up on that soon were r were recommending a support position on ab 28 the urgent bills for the corrections to reinstate caltrans authorization to be signing on behalf of the permit holder Highway Administration for the documents that is critically important for the Construction Projects especially in Southern California so near the top of peoples priority lists and finally a core position on the bill 342 that is celebrated earlier this week with the automated enforcement legislation and then ear recommending one position on ab 65 there is one bill that one bill trying to kill high speed rail well have a dozen topics to talk about as well so there are already a number of bills on the horizon we anticipate discussing the one that got announced was Supervisor Scott Wiener constitutional amendments for the transportation bonds 65 percent so thats the case of things to come were excited to work with the delegation and mark watts in sacramento ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. I have a question has to do with with assemblyman chius ab 42 the Police Department didnt support this because of job loss what you explain. Ill have to check with mta thats what we heard as well. In what y way will there be job loss. Speaking in speculation that likely has to do with with the autotion and there is concerns about who reviews the camera footage thats a question how the labor is distributed. I think item 4 were expected to vote on this is that right . To vote in support. To remedy the position of support yes. But we dont have all the answers. Ill be happy to if you want to continue that ill get you the information. Commissioner yee. Yeah. Well the in particular ab 342 i fully support some as we know there is one hundred and 402 locations using this. Technology. Mechanism. And unfortunately california doesnt allow for local jurisdiction to implement those types of programs thats why were having this and we know that the when vocations the percentage of casualties have gone down thirty to 40 in some cases depending on how you use it the question i have is it says the bill would authors no longer than january 2014 what is the what would be the general procure that was introduced at the state level and goes to where . How currently can we pass this. Yeah. So it would go to the committee my understanding not im not sure if theyve fourthed im sorry the Assembly Committee and full assembly and to the senate referred to committee and back to the senate if there is an amendment back to the assembly and then to the governors desk too tall approved this year combaktdz january 1st, 2018, but an interest in discussing with the stockholders before the bill was introduced a longer than timeframe to allow for additional xhfbsz before it is presented. Is this considered to be part of the bill. Probably if it didnt get through this year. Hopefully yes. Okay can we have a fuller discussion of this at the full board. Yes. Because i think there is questions as supervisor i mean commissioner cohen brought up. Okay. Thank you i think we have a question from commissioner fewer. Thank you another concern i had about this was whether i understand that it is through the enforcement of feed a camera for the vehicle itself and not the driver in a violation is to look at it occurred and the car owner will be the one that is issued the citation; is that correct. My understanding thats correct i think that is how the enforcement cameras and the like also operate. And then so we cant be sure that is the driver and themselves that are actually being fined that is the owner the vehicle arrest person that is the registered person and also i understand there is a fine that represents any sort of you know point sort of system you know isnt a point off youre driving record. Thats correct. I also wanted to respond to commissioner cohens about the loss of jobs as my husband was a traffic cop in the last 9 years and 35 year career he understand why they might perceive right now we rely heavy an Law Enforcement to be trained professionals to administer the citation we rely 100 percent and till when tickets are issued by Police Officers that it does have a deterrent effect one the rare things that actually decline is actually because not about the fine it is really about the points so i understand bodies but this could be seen as a loss of jobs because frankly Police Officers are the ones trained to do this type of enforcement with the discretion and then also even sometimes shooting radar; right . A mechanism that determines if their speeding or not and also am concerned that if it is just a fine that how much of a determinant will be so maybe at the full Board Meeting thats one of my concerns. Ill defer to sfmtas much greater experience moindz that making it a fine and instead of a point allows local involvement in the enforcement rather than having a more rigorous point basis that requires different agencies to get involved with that. One point i want to jimgz in before commissioner fewer and commissioner ronen were on the body i was reminded we took up on item the ta taken a resolution of support for a f c the automated Speed Enforcement this is not new before this body but for edification had is new is the job loss that was not discussed are teased out before we get to ms. Hang but give supervisor ronen an opportunity. I appreciate and want to echo my colleagues concerns about this item and happy well have a robust discussion at the full Board Meeting i wanted to understand what are the mechanics how it works and the treasurer is trying to remove fines against you know individuals that are having a hard time making it in San Francisco this runs counter to it having a new type of fine that makes it often hard for people to live in the most expensive city in the country so i really you know have concerns of job loss and concerns about privacy issues and about the person actually doing the speeding that is ticketed out of concerns of additional fines impact our residents hearing much the thought Pedestrian Safety and make sure that we said all the implications of this bill before we recommend moving forward. Right . Just to we did adopt support positions in general in 2015 that was included that the state legislative Program Supporting the sfmta im sure theyll be more than happy to have a longer discussion i know the program is not flow flushed out in the legislation and know there is a acute awareness of the equity those types of infractions and penalties so i think there was a full hearted understanding to trying to figure out a way to acknowledge that in the actual enforcement of the bill so i think that is on everyones mind. Great thanks. Well commissioner tang. Ill make a comment. Okay. Commissioner. I think that is a fair question to ask whether or not the one and 42 places you can use this theyve lost jobs because of this i think that is fair i speculate that there has not been impact especially, when i know San Francisco for instance, everyone is asking for not enough Traffic Control officers out there as today i mean, if we could put them all over the place as a program whether a moving target one not stable you know which seems to have the most impact. Which again youre not putting it in the Street Corner in my mind better than traffic officers just one thing i im not sure the argument that the some of the stating statewide organizations are making yes. Yes. My understanding as coming from the state level i know that sfmta is working with the local departments but i will let them speak to the organizers. Ill let executive director. Thank you for the questions well definitely prepare a briefly on the proposal as it is from Assembly Member chu and wanted to mention when mayor ed lee and commissioners then supervisor yee was present at the event discussing the legislation the Police Captain or capita scott from the sfpd was there and captain ali working with vision zero and the sfmta Police Department this is a really comprehensively o comprehensive proposal and the families that also spoke at the events would be important to hear from and certainly to arrange that may not be not for this Board Meeting hopefully in march to prepare a proper comprehensive just want for you all. A quick question what is the timeline on this particular piece of legislation. Right . We have a whole session i think that was introduced the idea to solicit this type of engagement inform urgency. Thank you commissioner yee. I wanted to add that im going to be introducing a resolution today well can i say that at the board to support this particular legislation hoping to ask for a couple of days to have the families talk about it. Okay. Thank you. Thats good to know all right. Lets take Public Comment im sorry is your presentation complete okay Public Comment. Ladies and gentlemen, one card ms. Eileen there you are come forward. District 4 and form cac member im here to support ab 342 im also here to support an amendment to ab 3423 expands the enforcement cameras the sfmta vehicles including violations the moving violations include the california vehicle code which is a violation that relates to pga a transit vehicle in an unsafe manner that was followed on the successes of 1287 and hancock for the presentation of photo enforcement cameras on the contra costa to ticket the vehicles stopped in transit only and the taraval meeting director reiskin stated the support for the use of photo enrollment cameras an transit vehicles to ticket the cac 2156 at yesterday a capitals planning meeting on vision zero and other tops they requested the director reiskin to submit a letter of support to this community for todays meeting for the proposed amendment the Community Requested that director reiskin submit a letter of support directly to Assembly Member chu to support this amendment prior to the first meeting on march 10 were requesting that the ct and submit a letter of support to Assembly Member chiu, i understand from the lady a concern this may impact the bill as stated well support a separate bill if this was the case thank you. Thank you very much for your comments any other any Public Comment . Public comment is closed. This year this is an action tell me how would you like to handle this. Any discussion we could continue we could take a vote, we could yes. Commissioner. Maybe im bias i would recommend we accept those recommendations and the position and move it to the i make a motion to send it to the full board with a positive recommendation. All right. I, support this in the meantime get the answers to the questions particularly with the jobs once it is to the full board how are you with that . Okay wait sorry well for the entire item with the recommendations not remove the particular bill is there any way to remove that bill. Theres a way we can do that as well if you want to do that. I prefer to do that. May i make a suggestion why not make a motion to amend and remove the Assembly Bill 342 for further study and the rest four other suggestions so moved. laughter . Okay all right. Mr. Clerk did you get that was there a second. Does this require and roll call vote. There is a vote on the amendment to withdraw Assembly Bill 34245 please call the roll. Same house, same call . All right. Same house, same call . Roll call. Roll call. All right. On the amendment to remove Assembly Bill 342 in support commissioner cohen can you refer. Basically changing the position from a support to a wash position on the Assembly Bill 342. inaudible . Okay. Just sever Assembly Bill the recommends. Commissioner fewer commissioner ronen commissioner yee. Okay that item passes. Okay. Thank you very much on the underlying items commissioners. Im go ahead and remove the rest with a with a positive recommendation. Colleagues, can we take that without objection . Same house, same call . Thank you. All right. Thank you very much call the next item, please. Item 5 a application. Now we served it do we need to take a vote on it. No. Well take a vote on next month at the full board and i get it thank you. So we have that will sync of nicely with what youre doing. Item 5 recommending on call oversight for the general engineering for the executive director to execute the contract for 3 years to extend with two, one year period and in the amount not to exceed 26 million and authors the executive director to have nonmaterial concerns this is an action item. Good morning Deputy Director happy to present item 5 the one call management oversight and general Engineering Services contract i want to start with on overview of the Capital Projects division in terms of what we do and the assistance in particular we need moving forward and then through the procurement details and talk about how in essence we do business working with the consultants in this regard. Lets start with the major Capital Projects that the c p division has direct interaction with all the staff that goes ahead and a. D. Minors those the list frankly up to 10 million of improvements we have been an active part with all the city departments inform those and seeing over the fiduciary for the prop k funds i want you to get an understand it is critical we have consultants in the critical areas in that regard now i want to talk about reels instead of oversight but projects were managing were in essence the sponsor and lead agency with the construction for example, the first is the west off and on ramps off john Burton High School were moving forward with another approximately 200 million of improvements so we looked to this list for us to use in terms of project management and other Technical Expertise what is new the new hat as the Transportation Authority to all improvements associated with the Treasure Island Management Program and working in partnership with the Treasure Island Development Authority for the tolls on and off the id like and significant ferry improvements another 3 years of work before we turn on the tolling system but look to systems for help other projects on the city that is highway 101 managed lanes were finishing and planned some in the near future with an update open progress with the san mateo and caltrans and others on the 20dz corridor other projects in the specific districts 280 and after offramp our team and Consultant Team a preparing the environmental documents for that and were close to obtaining approval for that in the spring there are other prolongs for example, i mentioned pedestrian improvements that be complete in the studies were ready in terms of that project forward just to be clear scombrooif vision zero improvements and other infrastructure encroachments weve used the consultants to prepare the documents on were completing that environmental document in anticipation by the summer and lombard vision zero were helping the department of public works in terms of other vision zero improvements in into boo of those involve caltrans for the support of caltrans and that project also is at a point to move into construction later this year and other projects were prepared to move forward with that project and work with sf dpw once the real estate documents are as i understand by the railroad were waiting to start our Due Diligence in that regard and some of the other Major Projects the brt started the 300 million of work we were the Community Working with sfmta for the approvals for the state of california through the brt and just president elect the ceqa documentation that that and ready to assist in terms of design as that project move forward the vision zero ramps were not clear sure youre clear port of planning and the project development the areas with the freeways touch on the city streets are the areas were focusing on in the planning staple for it that and also listed the central subway that is phase three and prepared to assist us at the mta as we moved in the development lets talk about the procurement details we issued an r f q, 43 qualification statements we did Something Different than in the past the unbundled types of expertise we need ill show you a slide that shows up up to many major categories there it is a list of a lot of types of expertise in particular the areas that are new for example, publicprivate partnerships and asking for expertise to help the city moved on some of the major Capital Projects moving forward within a laundry list of consultants we can use on on call basis for the program lets talk about the task orders process we basically will go issue the task orders for a given project or given assignment well go ahead and establish a goal for each of those typically between 10 and 25 happy to report over the last 4 years weve been reaching close to 50 percent for the lbe and well move to be as aggressive as possible part of ununbelievably thought process we can go ahead and get more support for the soliciting and working with the Small Business community the list of is expansive we have to make sure we look at availability for performance and one thing the conflict of interests a lot of the consultants are working under the contracts with different departments or developers and want to make sure there is no conflict of interest we can negotiate the best cost fees. We dont duo have been an expansive list and short listed various firms under the categories and basically 65 percent of diaphragms or dbe or lbe several given the expertise im here to ask for in the amount not to exceed 6 million with two one year options at the boards discretion that concludes my presentation. Thank you for your presentation. Two things i want to bring to your attention. Sure. So consultants will be organizing large projects; right . We established that talking about Yerba Buena Island and i think a 98 million the project im interested in that we established from the connection ive been in the meeting like im sure you have been i want to make that bridge as beautiful as possible and make sure that it is more than just a fungal bridge connecting from one point to another it is incorporated into the community that it is aesthetically pleasing maybe i dont have my other details other than i want beautiful it is the beauty is in the eyes of the Budget Committee holder but plant that seed were any exceptions are not something that is a swlab about that is functional but have aesthetic value that communicates the culture of the neighborhood that the gwyneth street the bridge well have limited ability but something that is powerful a piece we have a lot of development happening in the Wastewater Treatment a 2. 9 million project and talking about the expansion of the produce mart in the area so this is really important connector and want to make sure that we give the aesthetic process just as much thought and discussion as we do for the other processes that will go into creating a bridge the other thing in our presentation i was happy to hear that youll be breaking down the project to assure that women of businesses and veterans and, etc. Veterans their all the able to make a proposal and compete for this work did i understand that correctly. Thats correct. Do we have goals in terms of percentages in place. Typically between the 10 to 25 percent it is predicted on the actual scope of work performed in particular with the federal funding there certain regulations and criteria that you meet in terms of Going Forward and establishing what the goal well do that on a task order by task order. Ms. Tilly chang ill flag this for you you dont have to speak as the leader of ta youve done a great job in bringing in departments and big deal left out er not engaging in this case an incredible amount of money we should be supporting Small Businesses and in that community ill flag that for you thank you. Thank you for your presentation. Commissioner yee. Thank you in regards to the list that youre providing. Yes. Of those 28 or 29 companies is this a list that had been revised or just want every so often or is this like whats the period of this list for 50 years. It will be right now, were proposing a 3 year list in essence to use this list as the call it for consulting efforts and then after the end of the third year two, one year options so after the end of the third year well come to the board and request a one year extension and after that another so a total of 5 maximum. Okay. Maybe ill buy into the 3 years. Ill say i have to make a good argument to extend that beyond the 3 years we dont want to close the doorkeepers that maybe wasnt ask qualified but a year or two developed bigger involved with other projects that can qualify to i think that is a mistake to limit it to this list for 5 years is there is built in report for this i mean what i would like to have an annually annual report utilizing this system that looks at which companies were allowed to bid on the projects and who got the contract which Company Received the contract that would be that would be helpful but you were saying that 60 percent of companies were minority or Small Businesses and i would hate to see a report where 1 3rd the other third gets all the contracts. Understood we can have all the data presented to you i have no problem. Thank you thank you for your presentations well go into Public Comment at this time thank you any Public Comment on this item . 5 please come on up thank you. Welcome. Good morning good afternoon my name is paul i wear a bunch of hates but hear as the chair of Public Policy for the Golden Gate Bridge the nations first lgbt chamber of commerce and have the honor of being the the president of the Small Business commission that represents 12 business organizations and commissioner cohen thank you for singling out before they were the first agency to reach out to lgbt taxpayers of the community so thank you and look forward to working with that i loved your comments about the kwent street bridge we have mr. Stevens will be happy to work with the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency on projects for the kwintd Street Project and so forth i think the things that was not mentioned the sfmta will with front yard to make a hard decision not afraid to say not enough minority and Small Business participation and unfortunately caltrans is not listed dont take the hard stand so thank you for making the hard decisions when not enough participants and thank you for the listed of Small Business providers thank you. Thank you for that reminder definitely to tilly and her staff. Come on up good to see you. Good morning my name is berry Councilmember Wesson he own transamerica engineers we do our math and a resident i want to speak in support of this item our company has been working on that offramp projects for years and been a boon to our company we started this project we have 3 people now up to 10 and maybe hiring two or three more and getting the work all over the place that project was a goal so i really enjoyed working ive worked on the list in the back primarily with carson with the its been a dream to work for we have a mentor relationship through caltrans and weve also had a contract with dw m h weve been at the project and picked up two more projects and we expanded to the airport to the south bay the whole situation is great and this man has made himself assessable to people down the informed chain thank you. Thank you very much. Is there any additional Public Comment seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Thank you very much mr. Pierce we appreciate good positive to balance out the negative stuff we here really good so ms. Chang congratulations youre doing really good you and the entire team so lets this is an action item colleagues a motion for this particular item . Like a make a motion with a positive recommendation with a positive recommendation and the house has changed a roll call vote think outside the box commissioner cohen commissioner fewer commissioner kim commissioner ronen commissioner yee item is approved unanimously call item 6 recommend to borrow you up to 46 million plus to a coinvited one and 40 million from the Credit Agreement with the Lending Corporation an action item we have cynthia fong good afternoon you should have a power point presentation before you to help us to go through the pages youll start off with introducing myself cynthia and start give you a little bit of background on page 2 the prop k Strategic Plan let me remind you that the strategy is a financial tool that guides the implementations of thirty year plan and reconciles the planning the sales tax for the state and federal and the costs with acceleration and timing the Strategic Plan Guiding Principles are listed on the prerj presentation we use them to assure the plans that we send for the prop k project moving on to page 3 since 2004 the sfmta has managed the cash needs of the in case sales tax with a short time plan that was established step outside the box years ago we did this method because slower than moumsz for reimbursement weve been companionship monitoring the various projects weve allocated and with the amendments approved as scheduled as the sponsors indicated to us that their project was not moving as fast we had anticipated issuing a long term bonds 10 years ago but maintained the Paper Program for 10 years and saved money from the interest costs towards the bond and instead it has gone to more prop k projects then on page 4 singles 2015 you may remember this Committee Approved the commercial Paper Program we had a 20 million and replaced with the tax exempt revolving agreement a loan with the commercial bank we had requested one and 40 million loan and currently have the 4 outstanding so we are paying every year with tax revenue to decrease that balance and now Outstanding Balance of 46 million we can draw for future prop k projects our strategy is to use the condition to meet the cash shortterm needs for the cash bonds and schizophrenia advance the funds for those and minimizing and chosen a resolve that costs less than the commercial Paper Program lets talk about in terms of 20162017 Capital Project costs of fiscal year 78 budget assumes 200 million in prop k Capital Expenditures what was approved by the board 25 million and revolving credit loan im here four asking for an additional 46 and currently at the end of january we had 41. 9 of First Quarter expenditures 3 came from reimbursements from the sponsor and typically we ramp up and it was noticed the trend of increase thats why we put the 25 initially on the fiscal year 20162017 budget now we are monitored overseeing anticipating the increase in the expenditures the major prop k cash flow drivers are projects that are in major milestones triggering larger reimbursement requests because of recent completion of other milestones that trigger the requests projects and speaking of our sfmta radio replacement project associated with the interim controls project and purchases of the motor coaches trollies and light rails on page 7 there is actually a nice chart here it sums up what is 5 separate projects will could get for prop k you reimbursement on the left column we see the total prop k allocations were 371 million as of january we had a possibility of up to 260 million balance for the projects and just in the fiscal year 20172018 cash flow the sponsors for the new projects come in for 103 million in reimbursement but we dont anticipate that all coming in at one time more so in a number of years our page 8 also is a nice chart that shows you the number of plans ordered and in Service Vehicles for motorist and light rail and prarlt were able to see the reimbursements for the requests for support. Now in terms of next steps speaking for a request to pull down the additional 46 million in the revolving Credit Agreement right now we have 25 million in budget we may not need all 46 but at the point wise to make that request to request that money when those reimbursements come in we are continuing to monitor those projects and the cash needs awhile speaking to our sponsors and reviewing and having meeting on an ongoing basis well return back to the board for approval to issue any bonds and with any progress we have throughout the rest of most and then in june youll see the fiscal year 20172018 budget which may have and most likely has an issuance of a bonds in approximately 350 million for the next fiscal year for prop k with that, answer any questions you may have. Thank you for your presentation. Colleagues i dont see my names on the roster any questions. Commissioner. Thank you very much. Handcuff. Just to recap is that we have the ability to borrow up to one and 40 million on the agreements a as far we have borrowed 95 million and your requesting today to max it out to one and 40 Million Dollars ; right . That was to be the 46 million youre asking for in order to retire add up this revolving Credit Agreement you must issue a bond in the future for three hundred and roadway at this moment not that number but report in the next couple of months were gaming between 30,350,000,000 well come back to the committee the board to give an update of the needs for the bonds. So approximately 350 million that is 350 million bond youre thinking of putting on and one and 40 million of it will go to pay this revolving credit note this is the bond would be an institution to our debt of one and 40 million am i hearing that correctly. Well be pga down the outstanding one and 40 million on a sales tax or issue a new bond to pay that off the old bond in addition to the new projects. So the 350 million bond youre talking about now is not to pay off this debt and then the one and 20 million will be outstanding. In addition to the bond but youre not issue the bond in order to do that; is that correct. One of the possibilities we not defined it until the 20162017 mid year budgeted in addition to Work Together the sponsors with the 20172018 budget. I think the concern i had was that we are. Cu august debt if we look at a bond with one and 50 million that will get more and more and more and more debt if we are relying on a sales tax to rectify that it may not happen so ill wondering about this debt and this resolving credit and i want to say about how these Credit Agreements are paid off or interest over time but im just concerned about this interest. Cu a massive debt again in the fiscal year. Noted well definitely bring that back and allow the committee to weigh them out. Thank you. Thank you please yes and come on. Tilly chang thank you for your questions commissioner fewer u commissioner fewer want to make that clear our plan to pay down the original revolver line of credit we saved 20 by moving to the revolver that is associated with the Capital Improvements and we continue to pay off the current sales tax dollars now the funds being requested in terms of increasing up other max of the revolver those are new Capital Improvement and new expenditures i want to be clear from a finance stream that makes sense to up size that to pay down some of the revolver in other words, to reasons to have the responsibility of freeing up that for a shortterm capacity not because we dont have a way to pay it off our plan to pay off the debt and new borrowing will have new Capital Improvement that said cynthia is correct were looking at different scenarios to up size the bond borrowing to help pay off and create room in the revolver gives a short time basis pretty favorable to the short time interest to have that capacity from a Financial Strategy standpoint it nice to have we want to look at that scenario but not the main reason for borrowing the main reason to take out financing for new Capital Improvements it seems like when we have the opportunity to borrow money with the flexibility also in the revolving credit when i met you w you yesterday, i got the impression that was money that can be assessed quickly. Correct. We due pay it down well not have the flexibility. Speaking to the exact. Thats why yeah, im glad you spoken to that im thinking about that too. Not only is the debt increasing well not have the flexibility as a tool youve been youre going since 95 million. A large sum of money. Youll have a moments notice if you dont pay that down rarely is it easy to assess funds with that flexibility unless you have an account like this or a favorable amount you can withdraw from. Yep thank you so much. Thank you. Lets go to Public Comment come down. I would like to echo eileen district 4 form cac member like to echo commissioner president loftus commissioner fewers about the debt over legend and the ct a relies on the staircase if there is an economic downturn fewer sales tax perhaps significantly less and borrow further i would have concerns about that the same as commissioner fewer does thank you. Thank you for weighing in is there anyone from the public that wishes to speak seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Thank you. All right. So this is an action item is there a motion . So moved. Without objection. Please call next item, please. Introduction of new items. Claergsz my new items take Public Comment Public Comment is closed. Item 8 general Public Comment. Yes. Thank you good morning andrew yip the person of a nation and the people by having peace of wellness for corporations in all sixpacks the working foyers we must rely for assistance to promote the wellness for those of Civil Servants and people nationalism and democracy and livelihood we must have a twoway channel so bodies can be heard a discussion platform for ideas as it requires the actualtion of holiness and try principle will make the people successful that will be of all aspects of origin the wisdom for holy generations for society thank you. Thank you anyone else that wants to speak all right. Public. Heartbeat heartbeat latter heartbeat Healthy Hearts are this heartbeat together we stand Holding Hands capillaries there on open wound hospital room stitching up the place together they stand grafted from the bones of different neighborhood working together to keep each other strong so we live on. Do you hear the people were breathing as one lungs contract and in hail and exhale oxygen without discrimination and the people get to breathe and in hail and exha exhale. Heartbeat heartbeat heartbeat when all the stitches heal at the neighborhoods come together with the erratic heartbeat flows and one mind one brain receiving this message our bodies full and functional our feet running towards the future of togetherness heartbeat heartbeat heartbeat heartbeat clapping. so were going to name a few of the artists of the San Francisco 2017 projects and hold our applause until the end until weve read all the names yes. Shannon wendy deborah block. Tom gold. John elaine Naomi Charles rachel greenberg. Elizabeth demetri anthony swan kathy amy edith. Katherine Amanda Barbara robin and peter jill carla ann alfred white. Amelia. Leslie pop. Thank you thank you. Thank you to our students performs from the ruth school of the arts clapping. and thank you to this years tremendous artists another roemdz please for them. Ladies and gentleman, please welcome San Francisco General Hospital Hospital Foundation board he wanted Connie Sanchez had an. Thanks to you were soldout record attention attendance for this event thank you, thank you, thank you its my pleasure welcome all of you to the 12 annual heroes and hearts how about a round of applause for the students they know how to set the stage dont they. clapping. we are delighted to be in the apt apt park in the sunset and couldnt be more restrictive proud of the incredible work with the foundation does every day for one of the most variable Public Institutions in the bayview and one of the finest hospitals in the country you will see works of that today san franciscans are more than ever deeply committed to Public Health not a betterment than right here right now to support this institution i thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your dedication, your continued port and partnership wouldnt have been possible without the folks San Francisco general offers comprehensive health care to half a Million People annually and treats one in 8 san franciscans with Emergency Care today, we celebrate the hospital is lifechanging heroes and hearts is the single largest source of unrestricted revenue that helps our Hearts Program every year and since 2004 weve given over three hundred plus grants over one Million Dollars because of this. clapping. again, because of you, we can do that as you saw on the red carpet walk to the tent thanks to the be threatened local artists that were announce an absolutely heart series on each side of me and back in the those demonstrate the hearts that support the foundation and zuckerberg San Francisco general you can take a heart through the auction that is at 2 oclock over after this and to schaenl my colleague you have plenty of time to buy buy buy your sweetheart a heart those haters raise visible and generate revenues and initiatives that change lives of patients immediately of course, those changes are farreaching around the community and around the world and they are life ahsha safai entities for the hospital id like to thank the hospital staff as well as our partners at ucsf lead and chancellor sam and our own ucsf advice dean at the zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital sue carr loyal the above and beyond is a characteristic also modeled for our heroes that go above and beyond makes zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital the heart of our city with the hospital volunteers and providers and staff police dog stand we may recognize all of you stand wow. clapping. thank you and now please join me in welcoming the chief office of zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital doctor susan er lick. clapping. thank you connie good morning, everyone i am really thrilled to be here to welcome you thats my first time very first heroes and hearts luncheon as is ceo of the great zuckerberg General Hospital. This is not my first heroes and hearts luncheon, however, one year ago i had been selected and the as the ceo but not working connie kindly invited me and it was my very first introduction to this Great Community appreciative and supportive and perching is a very welcoming so welcoming in fact, that mayor ed lee mentioned me in his remarks and the beach blanket babylon singers included me i was overcome and what a year since then lets briefing review you how much has happened in the last year on may 21st we opened the new glories cuttingedge art filed hospital. clapping. with the hard work of a well prepared staff we moved all one and 58 of our patient from the old hospital into the new hospital in one inspiring day yes. That deserves an applause as well we can welcome patients and visitors and the entire San Francisco community into a healing space they have long needed and long deserved on june 7th the voters find San Francisco overwhelmingly approved a bobbed to renovate our form hospital that will lose us to provide the primary care and surgery care and Psychiatric Care in a healing space our patients needed and long deserved clapping. and just one the last couple of weeks the board of supervisors approved on an 11 to zero vote and the mayor signed a new ground lease for ucsf Research Building on our campus that will be opened for business in 2019. clapping. that is the kind year its a been and now we see a new set of challenges the Health Care Environment in the country is changing those changes have the potential to hit our patient the hardest especially uninsured and undocumented at zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital our Motion Mission to provide the patient and Community Health care are compassion and right regardless of income, regardless of insurance status, regardless of immigration status squall orientation or religion or national origin. clapping. i want to thank our donors and the amazing San Francisco general foundation for making that possible to work towards achieving that mission the donation have been critical but more restrictive important is knowing that your donation reflect your understanding about what our hospital means to the city youre behind us 100 percent and proud of the work he had everyday i want you to know how important our support to our staff, and patients every single day when i walked into this gathering would be year ago the very first thing and photo taken care of willie brown, gavin newsom and frank jordan all standing together he come to realize wasnt a perfect heroes and hearts enemy that was several generations of mayors come on together with this consulted to express their support so for the hospital and the work we do one year later i feel that is support ever so deeply thank you very much. clapping. now my honor to welcome the honorable edwin lee. clapping. susan again gas stations and thank you for the leadership at the zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital house is everybody are you ready for baseball yeah. clapping. well it is also a great time when i can get together in the same room with frank jordan and willie brown where is gavin but all of us mayors know how important our zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital has been i want to say thank you to all of you for being here and being with the hearts and being the heart of San Francisco you know we made more than just a commitment to the zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital weve actually delivered on many promises and we want to make sure that for the next 50 to one hundred years in the just a hospital that treats people in need it is a Hospital Research facility that also makes the commitment to find find cures to the diseases that plague us and also educates everybody as how to prevent us from being sick that is a truly worldclass facility clapping. i want to thank my good friends judy and pam and larry because working with them on the foundation has been wonderful clapping. and you know as i was trying to rest last night i kept getting a lot of phone calls and one from rich and judy oh, my gosh another 2 thousand pound concrete slab on the 30th floor someplace and instead theyre saying youre going to come arent you so i want to say with that a special thank you to the San Francisco Fire Department for keeping us safe thank you very much clapping. to the Police Department, to members of the board of supervisors that are here to all of the elected officials from our City Attorney to the searing to all the officials youre here today you know and support this zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital as we all do this Hearts Movement as we witness for quite some years and every year i see another beautiful design by artists to represent what it means to be part of this great city sue youre right because i look at this sfgh as being the best example of how to define a sanctuary city sfgh is our sanctuary city. clapping. it is a place where everyone is welcome a safe place a place where we receive not only what we need but thinking about ahead of time what we may need in the future thats why that ground lease was important for a moment chancellor and barbara garcias and i had a moment that the mayors cherish what is our city supposed is to be in the next 25 to 50 years and how can this hospital contribute those are the moments when i find the mayorship is to be more than just an obligation a joy to think about how we will serve people into the future and i have to opportunity with our sfgh foundation with uc and all the wonderful doctors and today, youll be honoring four people that i think are truly representative of what this hospital means you have. In his love the advocate that will help people to learn about what their faced with and john, Legal Services on the Health Campus a wonderful thing to have you get peggy a wonderful trauma by the way, you know zachary the sunday morning that saved the 6 years old life hes resolved and at school as a result of zuckerberg San Francisco general treatment and finally. clapping. dean who is perfect person to be here who is really focused on not only the research but the Health Network in educating people all for are deserving of this wonderful recognition that you have for them today and they truly represent the zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital everyone thank you for being here. For supporting and being part of great city of San Francisco april 10 first see you all out here. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage judy San Francisco general foundation cha chair. clapping. thank you Grocery Store it is hard to go behind a mayor isnt it they always say the wonderful things when i would like to say how many people today from the city have here to support us and i dont know if everyone understands the treasure this is but month cities dont have hospitals like this and they dont have cities governs like that port this kind of care and excellence for every single citizen in the community so my huge pleasure to introduce you to mayor ed lee former mayor art and for willie brown and former mayor frank jordan and california and San Franciscos chief of protocol charlotte and senator wiener former senator mark leno and San Francisco attorney louis and present City Attorney Dennis Herrera and assistant District Attorney and president of the board of supervisors london breed and malia cohen and mark farrell and jeff sheehy Assessorrecorder Carmen Chu chief of Police William scott and former greg suhr and competitive of the Fire Department chief joanne hayeswhite and sanchez. I dont know the title but the fun man around town paul this is a huge amount of support for all of us and thank you, thank you, thank you. clapping. and now it is my honor to direct you for a video screen about our first hero this afternoon. My specialist is trauma in the area he came to hospital because it got a representation reputation of one of the best Trauma Centers in the world i enjoy the challenge of people the most part. We live in San Francisco and have 3 young obesity 9 and 11 zachary was clvj on a wet bar and fell on him. My husband called and zachary is hurt bad. He was pail he wasnt responds and we know in an instant he was critically injured we have to go a zuckerberg right now and some of the things we did with zachary used tools i learned from the military in germany and moved to iraq detailing the treatment we could get him better weve learned those tricks from the military. We were waiting for the doctor to come in and give us an update on the surgery that she walked into the waiting room and she we were taking it moment by moment but the scaring it momentum that was my experience with her, she saved my sons life i cant thank that woman enough. To put them in the iv room with the windows and the family would be in under that was a huge difference. Everything she did for zachary was the right thing and months after we walked out and a month after that he fully resolved thats a miracle i thank everyone and he can be a 6yearold boy. Nothing like seeing a survivor and for this boy in kindergarten thats special. I have no idea what zachary. I will shout out to everyone and let people know what their capable of and how theyve saved lives and treat patients. clapping. thank you. It is a privilege to follow a video like this in the work that is being done at the zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital it is amazing when you think about what the went through when jason made that call and christen took that call all of us in the room could put ourselves in if position but at the same time, we didnt have to but it also is just a success to see zachary here this afternoon and with us on behalf of the wells fargo in the thousands of team members that live and work in the bayview that is our privilege to be a part of this community and be able to be around an institution like the zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital that were all so lucky to have the talents of somebody like doctor peggy here as well this event weve been part of for years like many of you in the room but ill say a privilege to be a part of it and it started as we heard 12 years ago but a few years ago there were a couple of ladies here ill tell you they made the difference we wouldnt be here without their dreams so i would like to acknowledge ms. Ellen newman here at the table. clapping. and ms. Nancy bechtel, nancy. clapping. without your vision this might not have come about with that, id like to bring up christen and a special guest up to the stage clapping. thank you. Wow. Very emotional day for me to come. laughter . On september 30th my life changed i got the call that every mother cant imagine and it is really kind of the Worst Nightmare my husband called told me zachary was hurt bad i didnt know the injuries i jumped in the car i thought that is where you go to the pediatric er and said no go to zuckerbergs General Hospital now i drove across the city at 6 oclock as best i could to walk in to finding my husband and my oldest son and zachary was rushed to the operating room with the doctor. It was the scariest moment of my life but couldnt be more restrictive thankful we live in a city that has the means to provide us with the care is zuckerberg does how lucky we are a Level One Trauma Center to save his life because i i dont think that people know what that hospital is capable and how lucky to have it there and so the long story short zachy is with us but due to the care of. clapping. zuckerberg and doctor and all of the people that work at that hospital everyone from the emt to take him to the hospital and to the nurses and the in the i cu and all the doctors that care for him that was an incredible heroic event were so lucky i know that is safe that doctor changed our life she saved my sons life i dont know how you thank someone for doing that all i can do shout out at the top of my lungs what this hospital a capable of and the doctor and all folks from the bottom of my heart im saying zuckerberg and doctor thank you for satisfying our sons life and zachary wants to say something. Thank you. clapping. welcoming doctor peggy to the stage. This is a little bit daunting im not going to lie im guardrail honored to receive this award i came to San Francisco board of appeals in 1989 i knew of its reputation of the premier Trauma Centers in the country and wanted to learn from the trauma surgeons that were my heroes one of the most important lops that trauma is a team 0 sport every Single Person who touches zachary through the prolonged hospital course contributed to his research including the nurses and physicians and even the cook from our cafeteria who came in on his day off to make chicken mcnuggets for zachary. clapping. as the only major Trauma Center in our area we receive all patients that are critically injured but the families dont get to choose their surgeons one minute their child is heath and the membership open deaths door i can tell you no greater honor to be trusted with the lives of this charge card child with our support i believe in zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital Trauma Center will continue to be a preservation Trauma Centers for years to come and zachary buddy you refused to smile at me for thirty days you were in the hospital i believe usual a special child laughter from a very special family thank you very much clapping. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome grateful patient and former mayor the city and county of San Francisco art agnos. clapping. thank you very much im delighted to join with the other former mayors of San Francisco and the many members of our city official family who are here to support and celebrate the extraordinary work of this hospital you dont get this many politicians one of the mayors to beat you once but this brings us together my job today is to give the pitch as we call if politics and it is to encourage you to write the most generous checks in the bidding and the contributions we hope youll make as i thought that will i thought that was something that willie brown does much better how can i do better than him ill do something ive not done before ill talk about sex and religion as it pertains to me in this hospital on december 1, 97 his worked in the Public Housing of potrero hill and after to build a community height clinic the Community Center i was walking to any car a random killer hot me twice through the chest he was rushed to the hospital and in those days, the old hospital that had the old loading dock where the ambulance would pull in and the doors to the ambulance would swing open the whole team would be there at the ambulance to start working on they called it the gotten minute so suddenly i found myself i was awake and in shock with the two bullets went through me verifying interest is nothing inside laughter and they all knew were gunshot wounds to the chest the team put me own is jeremy and all the people i have priority and the older let me see and the people westbound cutting off my suit coats to give the residents surgeons and ambulance and who started to the complication that was a young resident surgeon who jumped on to the engineering any and started tearing off my cloths. laughter my tie, my shirt, my jacket and belt he was awake during all of that and in these days a bachelor i laughter i was better looking than gavin newsom laughter and i looked here h her and in those days some of the medical personnel the doctors were dresses as they straddle my hips her dress kept going up higher and higher we went to the foundational of the trauma unit was waiting i mind to her you know doctor for a young woman i just met youre getting to know me well two days later i had a number of surgeries to save my life as a matter of fact my wife used to say you once had a body of a greek embody but today you have the body of a greek faefd im the mayor of this city a great honor and there are some challenges but one of them trying to be alone with the security that is always with you as my former colleagues know so every awakens in a while we tell the security and sneak out to dinner in 1988 we were coming home and sherry didnt remember we didnt have milky went to get the milk and on the way back the phone rings art art Mother Teresa is a is walking up to the stairs to the houseMother Teresa is walking up the street well let her in and sure enough Mother Teresa is a as your mind tells us what she looks like with two nuns i said hello mother what brings you here im come to talk about the work of god of course, ill listen and she told me about a facility she find out on the corner of turk and fillmore she wanted me to give me give to her for a homeless facility they have several of them in the city this was the late one i said mother i think i know what youre talking about ive got on it in the morning. She said the work of god cant wait. It is sunday and dark down there could be a little bit dawns that time of night she said does not fear god will protect us so make sure that god protected us i call on the red phone and had two Security Officers right away and went to this place that she identified we look at it and couldnt identified it is the red brick building and we couldnt figure out if it was a city owned building we went around the back and in the back eight or ten Homeless People and a fire in a barrel they recognized me its the mayor what are you doing here i brought someone families they recognized Mother Teresa. And blessed them and gave them something and we asked her were trying to figure out who owns the building its at the City Building weve lived here for the last three or four years well get open 24 tomorrow morning and we walked to the car to say our good by i said do you do this often she said pates e whats that. Due go to the mayors houses on a sunday night and ask for building. She said oh, yeah i do it all the time. Remember in 1989 she said mayor cox of new york he has a much nicer house than you do oh, so youre a wise guy you know mother i dont do those things for free she said what. My wife is working on a project and building a facility id like to show you what youre doing they hospital she said okay. Lets go now it is 11 oclock at night the mayor calls the hospital there is bed lemon the mayor is coming at 11 oclock at night with Mother Teresa sequoa went up to the unit and 10 or 12 babies undergo withdrawal and she reached to the babies and blessed the babies and left her medallion and went to the aids ward she blessed each of those guys and left her medallion and went through the hospital for an hour went through the old place as we were leaving through the old reception hall you remember that we had an enturning of one hundred people following us at that time of night a lot of the workers in the order let me see or latino and people that are catholic she noticed those group and turned and said to me first, she said you do all of this for poor people. I would yes, we do this hospital is not only served poor people but anothers as well who needs did kind of help that a medical facility last week this so she turned to the crowd about one hundred people at 12 oclock at night he said this i memorized she said when you all die and go to heaven god will be waiting for you and he will thank you for what youre doing for these babies, and these sick people in this place because in taking care of them youre taking care of of his son jesus christ and with that, she turned and left now, im not going to ask you to follow that particular faith but i am going to ask you to reach down today and seek our regard wherever your faith for doing all of that for poor people and anyone else that needs it thank you very today. clapping. ive been working in restaurants forever as a blood alcohol Small Business you have a lot of requests for donations if someone calls you and say we want to documents for our school or nonprofit ive been in a position with my previous employment i had to say no all the time. My name is art the owner and chief at straw combinations of street food and festival food and carnival food i realize that people try to find this you dont want to wait 365 day if you make that brickandmortar it is really about making you feel special and feel like a kid again everything weve done to celebrate that. So nonprofit monday is a program that straw runs to make sure that no matter is going on with our business giving back is treated just the is that you as paying any other bill in addition to the money we impose their cause to the greater bayview it is a great way for straw to sort of build communicated and to introduce people who might not normally get to be exposed to one nonprofit or another and i know that they do a different nonprofit every most of the year. People are mroent surprised the restaurant it giving back i see some people from the nonprofit why been part of nonprofit monday sort of give back to the program as well answer. Inform people that be regular aprons at straw they get imposed to 10 or 12 nonprofits. I love nonprofits great for a local restaurant to give back to community thats so wonderful i wish more restrictive places did that that is really cool. It is a 6 of nonprofit that is supporting adults with autism and down syndrome we i do not involved one the wonderful members reached out to straw and saw a headline about, about their nonprofit mondays and she applied for a grant back in january of 2016 and we were notified late in the spring we would be the recipient of straw if you have any questions, well be happy to answer thems in the month of genuine we were able to organize with straw for the monday and at the end of the month we were the recipient of 10 percent of precedes on mondays the contribution from nonprofit monday from stray went into our post group if you have any questions, well be happy to answer theming fund with our arts coaching for chinese and classes and we have a really great vibrate arts program. We we say thank you to the customers like always but say 0 one more thing just so you know youve made a donation to x nonprofit which does why i think that is a very special thing. It is good to know the owner takes responsibility to know your money is going to good cause also. It is really nice to have a restaurant that is very Community Focused they do it all month long for nonprofits not just one day all four mondays. We have a wall of thank you letters in the office it seems like you know we were able to gas up the 10 passenger minivan we were innovate expected to do. When those people working at the nonprofits their predictive and thank what straw is giving that in and of itself it making an impact with the nonprofit through the consumers that are coming here is just as important it is important for the grill cheese kitchen the more restrictive i learn about what is going on in the community more restrictive people are doing this stuff with 4 thousand restaurant in San Francisco were doing an average of 6,000 a year in donations and multiply that by one thousand thats a lot to

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