Transcripts For SFGTV Small Business Commission 31317 201703

SFGTV Small Business Commission 31317 March 16, 2017

Lbe subcontracting goals. As needed contracts fell 2 below but we expect that to increase as the different scopes of work come online. This slide compares the awards and paymentses over the six months of the past three fiscal years. We awarded six contracts in the first half of each of the last three fiscal years. This time weve gone down a bit with 41 going to lbe firms but we did well in the last two fiscal years and were exceeding the mayors citywide aspirational lbe participation goal of 40 . In terms of local hire these are Construction Projects that are over a Million Dollars. Theyre subject to the local hire ordinance which is implemented by the office of economic and workforce development. Since the inception of the ordinance back in 2011 there have been 15 contracts at the port that have fallen under the ordinance and its requirements. They have all met the ordinance requirements. Currently we have one contract that falls under the threshold and that is the pier 31 roof repair project. The threshold currently for local hire is 30 of hours worked must be done by local San Francisco residents. That project is currently at 40 40 . During the reporting period through the directors delegated authority we a authoritied 2lbe micro set aside contracts and one to Butler Enterprise Group and the other to rdj enterprises and the goal of the work theyre doing for us is to link residents in the surrounding communities, district 10 to port employment opportunities. Though the contract is new one of the considerers has hit the grand running and hired three district 10 residents there and have additional seven individuals that have been cleared and awaiting start dates. Bob davis is managing the other project with Butler Enterprise Group to recruit and promote and hire local residents from the citys sector on port jobs and excited about that initiative and if the work that the team is doing. We have a ton of contracts coming in the next three months, four months and include the one that you heard before. We had Contract Opportunities and open house. People want to come and work for the port. There is buzz out there. Some include construction pier 31 upgrade and the belt line building core and shell. There are seven construction opportunities coming in the next seven to eight months. We have a number of professional Service Contracts and the Sea Level Rise resiliency management and two communication contracts out now and the as needed environmental Service Contracts coming on line next month so theres a lot of activity and a lot of opportunity at the port and all our projects we work to have at least a 20 lbe subcontractorring goal and that is a floor and not a ceiling and we have been able to exceed a lot of those goals. Finally in conclusion the lbe performance for the past six months and 40 to lbe and 30 of payments and one project under the local hire ordinance. We have some contract initiatives that are happening on a parallel track and then just a lot of work coming down the pike in the next six months to a year. That concludes my presentation and i am available for questions that you have. Thanks. Is there any Public Comment on 13b . Any Public Comment on 13b . Seeing none. Public comment is now closed. Commissioner katz. As always boris very, very thorough, so i appreciate your presentation. Are there any a broader question. Are there trends that you see or things that we should be aware and think as we focus on improving our outreach efforts or where we see other things where we might want to address and reduce barriers for participation . I think on the contracting realm you know there are a lot of insurance requirements and barriers that come through working on water for instance and things of that nature so working we im on the lbe Advisory Committee and growd up representatives from different departments and looking at that and bonding and those types of initiatives. I think thats one area where we could have some bonding support that would help firms bid on some of this work. I think were doing we try to break up contracts as much as possible by awarding micro lbe set asides and thats the first level getting into the City Contracting process. We had four during this period i think continuing on that line is important. Is it at all helpful for us to encourage you to explore or encourage the port to explore the feasibility of providing some of that bonding support to potential contractors . I know youre working with citywide but maybe there is something we at the port can do to back that up. We have been talking with the contract monitoring division. They have a program through merry whether and williams that we want to bring to our next open house and feature and talk about some of the Resources Available at the city for bonding and things of that nature. Thank you. Thank you. Boris commissioner brandon doesnt have anything to say. Commissioner kounalakis is next. Commissioner brandon is happy. Actually that was a great presentation, very thorough. Thank you and its terrific. It is really great to see the progress and ensuring that local businesses can really have a good crack at doing work for us and the diversity you know the work to create diversities in terms of hiring practices is also it seems like its really doing what was hoped when these initiatives were put into place so its terrific. Boris thats it no, commissioner brandon. I have nothing to say. [laughter] no, boris thank you so much for this report. I really appreciate all of the effort and everything that has gone into making these numbers what they are today. This is really, really a great much better than the last report, much better so thank you for that. I think the contract opportunity open house was really great. I think it was really well attended and think it generated a lot of interest and i agree that we need to find some way to try and diversify our outreach and interest in all the opportunities that are coming online pier at the port, and i had the opportunity to introduce our executive director to ingrid merrywhether last month and i hope we bring her in prior to next years annual open house. Hopefully we can find some way to at least start the dialogue sometime soon. I think thats an excellent suggestion and these done excellent work for the contractors and businesses in the city through the Bonding Program in the city and working through creative ways to make it easier to do business with the port of San Francisco so boris and i will reach out to her directly. Thank you and thank you so much for all of this. Thank you everyone for making this these opportunities available and a priority. Thank you. Thank you. I second all what my my commissioners said boris. Director. Thank you. You have been listening and a longterm process and were getting there. I am sorry i missed the breakfast that bay but i understand from commissioner brandon and commissioner forbes and great and 200 people and i appreciate it. Madam secretary next item please. 14 new business. Colleagues is there anything you want to the port calendar . Seeing none next item please. Adjourn. In the memory honor. In honor. I move to adjourn the honor of kathryn dodd in retirement. Second. All in favor say aye. Aye. Opposed . It is 6 35 p. M. Thank you. [gavel] going this is the regular meeting of the San Francisco Small Business Commission Held on monday, march 13, 2017, the meg is call to order. Alters 5 302 commission thanks staff and others for tlifgz the meeting viewed an sfgovtv 2 or life streamed members of the public silence our cell phones and other Electronic Devices and Public Comment is limited to 3 minutes unless otherwise established by the presiding officer speakers are suggested to present their names in the written record please place speaker cards in the electing turn and called in the orders in which their additionally a signin sheet sfgovtv show our slide welcome and in tv land our our custom, we begin the Small Business commission with a reminder that the office of Small Business is the only 35u78d supposing official forum to voice your concerns regarding policies and projects and issues that effect the Economic Vitality so if you need assistance with Small Business matters start here. Find us online in personal and best of all our services are free are charge the public official public forum to voices our be concerns about policies that effect the connective vitality of Small Businesses in San Francisco if you need assistance with Small Business matters start here at the office of the Small Business commission thank you item one. Wait, wait i have something to say first we missed an important event be last week we are that not together a heartfelt happy birthday to our policy analysis minica. Oh, thank you, thank you very much. clapping. precede. Thank you okay number one, and roll call. Commissioner Vice President adams commissioner dooley is not arrived commissioner president dwight commissioner ortizcartagena is absent commissioner toursarkissian commissioner yeeriley has not arrived commissioner zouzounis present. Mr. President , we have quorum. All right. Lets get started. Or the two general Public Comment but not on todays calendar and suggest necessary agendas for the commissions future consideration. Commissions future consideration. discussion item. and members of the public that would like to comment on nothing not on todays agenda seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Next item, please. Item 3 discussion and possible action to make remedies on the board of supervisors file no. Reorganization technical and other amendments other amendments. Ordinance amending other planning code sections reorganize article 7 and to update, correct, clarify, and simplify code language in other planning code sections requiring taraval, and judah neighborhood commercial districts ncds enacting permanent controls at this time large scale urban agriculture Business Hours fro 2 00 a. M. To 6 00 a. M. , and the demolition or merge of units on the the north beach ncd; preserve the small storefronts, street frontage and prohibit vehicular access on certain streets with the vehicular access on certain streets with the manufacturing and amending the eating and drinking controls our presenter is aaron starr manager, legislative affairs, Planning Department. And this is a discussion item item. Hi welcome. Again my name is starr manager, legislative affairs, Planning Department. Good afternoon, commissioners the item before you is phase two and phase three of planning Code Organization that that focuses an article 7 like to begin by explaining why the department started the process that is a large and complicated document some of the complexities we having a daytime city and reflects the aspirations and the citys neighborhood and have the identity for the land use controls, however, there is a level of complexity in the code that is urban necessary the code is added to over the years without thought for reorganization or over lapsing controls so it is not 0 easy to find the controls and some of the controls are lost because of complaekt that makes that difficult for planners to do their job and for the members of the public individuals this will illustrate the citys 1948 planning code 27 pages 4 of the text of the planning code and the other 23 include the land use maps you can look at it as a historical document next, we have the planning code from 1978 this cod is quite a bit longrange and complicated 200 and 17 pages and then have todays planning code with the 3 volumes over 13 hundred pages the code has grown significantly not only in size but complexity in recent years normally i bring the code but not going back to the office this is a picture prior to the project 4 places in the code you can find 4 definitions in article 2 and 83 was to promulgate the chariots in article 2 and article 7 and similar but difficult tables in article 8 after is process will be one set of definitions given the number of definitions from 15 to one and 16 there will be standardized ways of Informational Organization and all will be gone awhile maintaining the legislative aide recollections for i like to say preserving the necessary code how do does the code maintain the basic structure until second year 86 and article 7 is prior to many the standards were in article 1 and two is the control for organizing tabs tables that have the definition we had one dozen district and fewer regulations, however, the code has a complaekt with suspending added to the code for used in the commercial districts trying to bring the order to the code the city has article 7 this created general as well as individual commercial districts and deleted some of the special use districts added a new set of articles a new way of organizing the information known as is zoning control and article 8 adam definition and also similar but different tables article 2 is the same 3 definitions in way ways of conveying the controls from the planning code initiated in 2013 to restructure the planning code to be easier to understand and use the accomplished by the standard disz and he zoning format to help to achieve that is divided two phase three. Fetish one article 2 is the mixed use and pdr and zoning map as far the consolidated definitions have been successful 3 streets it is overall helping this helps phase two and focuses an article 7 of the planning code that governs the eastern neighborhoods commercial strict that phase three will focus an article 8 that covers chinatown and south of market since is definition have been consolidated in section 1012 under the main component to reenforcement the tables to mimic in article 2 and consolidated the definitions in article two as part of definition in 790 will be deleted in section one one 02 are providing contribution for this phase even though next one of the Biggest Challenges will be regulated certain challenges to how to say regulated is removal of groupings in section 790 made up of individual uses ill go into this later in the definition the ordinance eliminates 415 that cover the mixed use except one diverse those controls are the same in section 306 that covers the cu and others entitlements for the rest of the city a lot of envocation between the sections the one is a 20 day 90s for the commercial and mixed use district and other Zoning District are only 10 days this ordinance makes the 20 day notice standard throughout the nose it takes out the food existence with the redundancycy and the definition to better describe how their regulate in the planning code these will have been requested and commissioner tang and supervisor peskin with the outer sunset with the conditional use for the personal services on the second floor and reconstitutes the cu for the mcds in the outer part supervisor peskin has requested to the north beach mcd for land and storefronts consolidation and prohibits the access in green street and prohibit a loss of twmz on the uttering floors about the agricultural for twentyfour hour businesses and restable for restaurants and removes the section from movie theatres add specialist im sorry food definitions for the north beach sud and requires the cu and requires the eating and drinking for the 2011 ordinance and finally supervisor peskin asked the mcd momentum to allow the restaurants and require conditional use authorization for the bars the next few shades will show how it works under phase with the 8 categories agricultural and automotive and entertainment and be parts and recreation owe institutional and residential, sales and service and utilities and infrastructure each of the using includes a list under that category example agricultural is defined as a category that includes the neighborhood argue and identified the uses in the use definition for example, the Jewelry Store is Retail Stores Advisory Board injury 124e identify the category in the first part and this is how that will work in the chart as you can see rather than listing all the two industry uses we have the use category and this is not permitted saying that for the institutional we list 8 individual use but the use for the controls for the other of this helps to cut down on the length of the chart and also allows for every use to be accounted for in the control table 0 from the supervisor supports that and is willing to take on the Public Outreach for the backing of the supervisor im not willing to but that in there it depends on the supervisor wanting to make changes i reject but they complicate the issue just to really restructure the planning code so it is consistent but i made the offer and holding to it okay im good with that thank you so the supervisors you support was the proxy for the district. Yeah. In the supervisors supported it when we introduced an ordinance we assumed theyve done the Public Outreach for the changes. Commissioner yeeriley yes, thank you for the presentation and also you mentioned you sent out thousands of invitations and had 3 meetings people showed up unfortunately in the very many thats i put the sign up on the plus not a very engaging topic nobody wants to take the planning Code Organization but we di

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