All all our services are free of charge. The Small Business commission is the official public forum to voice your opinions and concerns the policies that affect the Economic Vitality about Small Businesses and San Francisco. If you need assistance with a Small Business matters start here at the office of Small Business. Thank you all right. We are still on the phone with command central. Theyre not sure who to give the award to. We have to make sure we get the right one. Okay. There we go. Weve got live feed. All rights. Item number one call to order and roll call commissioner adams here dooley here dwight here ortizcartegena here toursarkissian is absent yeeriley, here. Zouzounis. Mr. Pres. You have a quorum all right. First item spam 2 general Public Comments. Members of the public to comment generally on matters within the Small Business commissions jurisdiction but not on todays calendar. And i just knew agenda items for future consideration. Discussion item before you do Public Comment minders Public Comment in his meetings is limited to 3 min. Except in the case when we left doing legacy business of the common is 2 min. And if you hear a chime 30 seconds remaining then well cut you off at the second time. Not to be rude just to be fair to everyone who wants to make Public Comments. We have any members of the public aa to comment presently on anything that knots on the agenda for today . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Next item item number three discussion and action on legacy business registry applications and resolutions. Discussion and action to approved the following action to approve the legacy business register. Arthouse gathering and Books Incorporated presenters Richard CarrilloProgram Manager and all of the patients we considered together unless the member of the commission the public with the staff request otherwise in which the event the application will be considered as a separate item at this or future hiding the good afternoon Richard CarrilloLegacy Business Program management before you today are to applications for your consideration to the businesses to be included on the legacy business register. By the powerpoint presentation. The applications were reviewed by me for completion and submitted to the Planning Department staff on january 3 for their review. Historic Preservation Commission her the applications on february 1 and made positive recommendations to the Small Business commission. For each applicant in your Commission Packet contains the staff reported draft resolution, the application, case report from Planning Department staff, and a resolution from the historic Preservation Commission. Theres copies on the table for the public. Item 38 is arthouse gallery arthouse gallery is a contemporary fine art gallery located in the south of Market Mission bay neighborhood on brandon street. Founded in 1996 the business has established itself as unique gallery that holds special relationships with the community, showcases our diverse array of collections by local artists and opens its doors the neighborhood to use as a Community Space for meetings and events. Arthouse gathering has not yet operated in San Francisco for 30 years or more but it significantly contributed to the history and identity of Mission Bay Neighborhood and if not included in the registry faces significant risk of displacement. Item 3be his books 8. Business is a local independently owned Neighborhood Center bookstore which is been in San Franciscos under various names and ownership since 1857. Not incorporated as books inc. Until 1946. Isolate Books Incorporated has three locations in San Francisco. The arena district on chestnut st. , civic center on van ness avenue and the old San Francisco location in Presidio HeightsLaurel Heights on california street. Each Neighborhood Store reflects the needs and wants of the community and employees one or more literature specialists who rose to variety of book clubs, storytimes, and events and become great resources for patrons. Both businesses receive a positive recognition from the historic Preservation Commission. After reviewing his applications in the recommendations from historic Preservation Commission, staff finds the businesses about the three criteria to qualify for listing on the legacy business registry. There are two draft resolutions for consideration by the Small Business commission. One for each of the legacy business registry applicants. Note, a motion in support of the business that should be a motion in favor of the resolutions. News meeting, is in addition to the Staff Reports in the resolutions that i want to bring to your attention which indicates the core physical features or traditions that define the business. For arthouse gallery, it is art gallery space and four books inc. , it is retail book sales get the businesses must maintain these core physical features in order to remain on the legacy business registry. Michael tucker from books inc. Was not able to attend todays meeting. He asked me to read a statement on his behalf if i may do so. I have it up here if anyone wants to see that on sfgov tv. I apologize for being unable to attend todays Small Business commission hearing. The call for jury selection at superior court. I hope to be able to address the commission personally and to thank you for the work you do in support of our neighborhood businesses particularly retail since now more than ever we have need of strong advocacy to survive. I would also like to thank the commission for its recognition of some of my fellow book lovers. San francisco has always been a very vibrant literary landscape with bookstores at the center of an active neighborhood. Unfortunately the cost of doing business in the city has seemed diminishing number of bookstores and it is a sad truth that once a neighborhood loses its bookstores its very difficult to get one back. Books inc. Is committed to the neighborhood answers and weve always worked closely with the local schools and libraries. One of the first actions we took when [inaudible] the former owner left is the business was to move our main office and warehouse back into San Francisco proper. They are less extensive locations to operate from we felt it important to stay centered in historic roots. The company and is for the community that supports our stores. We are very proud to represent the city is the gateway bookstore at sfo. We are one of the only independent bookstores to operate on its own at a major airport. In closing my life would like to say its an honor to be recognized as a legacy business, we spent very little time looking back. Our challenge is to remain viable and relevant all lie in the future and with younger staff. Just one more generation of booksellers and we will being in San Francisco business for 200 years. My sincere thanks to Michael Tucker president of books inc. This concludes my presentation it am happy to answer any questions you may have. Commissioners, any questions . 200 years, that is a legacy. All right then we will open up to Public Comment. We have any numbers of the public of like to comment on this item . Anyone from arthouse . Id love one speaker card, james washington. James, welcome. Good afternoon commissioners. The pleasure to be here today. My name is james bocce i arthouse gallery with a netand we are thrilled that supervisor jane kim nominated us for legacy and i just would like to think richard for all his assistance in preparing us for this. We have been in business for over 20 years now and it has been a privilege to do what we do in San Francisco, which is promote the careers of bay area artists. For three years running, we have been nominated and voted rest art gallery in the bay area by the bay area alist and the largest component to our business aside from representing and exhibiting fine art has been to give back to the community. We are totally committed to such organizations as the ucsf Alliance Health project which provides Free Medical Services to People Living with hiv. We also contribute generously to the San Francisco decorator showcase which funds at University High school hospitality house, and kind of as you see an obligation, on and on. Our hope is you allow us to be a legacy business and thank you for your time. Great. Thanks for coming out today. Any others numbers of the public to comment at this time . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioners . Any comments or a motion . I will make a motion that to pass the resolution for arthouse gallery and books inc. For approval to the legacy business. The second motion by commissioner adams second by commissioner dooley. Roll call vote adams aye dooley aye dwight aye ortizcartegena aye toursarkissian is absent yeeriley aye zouzounis aye that motion passes unanimously said seconds or one absent congratulations. Okay on the next item moving to item number four discussion possible action to make recognition some board of supervisors file number 170156 winning code zoning map production distribution and repair controls limiting transit orientated retail special use district and correcting height limits in that you and you disappeared ordinance amending the planning code and zoning map printed jim and massage uses in the production distribution repair pdr Zoning District limited the transit orientated retail special use district which includes all parcels in pdr district along 16 street from Mission Street to park trailer of avenue a great guy limits on certain parcels urban mixeduse district allow for groundfloor pdr uses. Affirming the planning artist determination under the california and our mental quality act in making finding of consistency with the general plan and the priority policies of the planning code section 101. 1 and finds a public necessity convenience and welfare under planning code section 302. Discussion possible action item. Presenters are moraldirector of Business Development office of economic and Workforce Development and john and francis planning and urban designer citywide clinic division. Welcome. Hello. Thank you commissioners. We do have a powerpoint for you today. I want to go over a couple of the components of this legislation and john will handle the last one. First off, as is all being done in conjunction with regional continuing to find ways to protect pdr space here in San Francisco. They can about how we can continue to further the pdr plan and encourage the preservation of industrial businesses. The first item that we have in this legislative package involves moving jims massage establishments and massage for chair from allowable uses in pdr. We felt they didnt fit the jobs profile we are trying to incorporate in the pdr area. And that they had a number of others they were allowed. We do not need the special production that pdr provides. It does still allow for many Sales Service and retail uses the size limitations as currently exists in pdr so you do still have a lot of the amenities that neighborhoods are looking for in other business employees are looking for in their neighborhood. Theyre still going to be allowed in this. We just are proposing the removal of a couple of uses. Its important to also note that james and massage establishments and massage foot shares currently in these zones and probably permitted will be allowed to continue as legal nonconforming uses. The not changing our business making a move anything like that. We also exempted projects that are currently in the planning pipeline so if someone has already begun this process were not going to change those pupils on the midway. And we took the legislation that was used to enable, as you guys may run member some legislation that said if theres an undeveloped or very underdeveloped pdr site, we would allow costs subsidize Asian Development of new pr by development of [inaudible] Prolonged Development of jims in that category as well. So if you develop one third of new pdr space in that underdeveloped land, then we will allow you to develop two thirds of office were jims, whichever you prefer before it was just office and we are broadening what you can cross subsidize with without impacting them out of new pdr we bring online. The second piece of our proposal is the removal of the 16th st. Special use district. This is created as part of the eastern neighborhoods. As a way to allow larger retailers larger format retailers to move into specific pdr areas. We are proposing that be removed and those parcels be returned to their original zoning use solely and that is pr oneg. This mcd has not resulted in loot largeformat retailers and is anecdotally some people believed resulted in people not find signing longerterm leases with industrial tenants. By removing theand were returning to their original controls will be encouraging the tenants in the original intention which is pdr tenants. It does continue to allow for small neighborhood orientated retail use as we discussed on the slide before. The neighborhood was still have the ability to the accessory retail to pity our businesses or other small format retail. Just a large format will not be able to come in and take a large building. Then the last section before john presence on which is the changes to the mixed use item. Good afternoon commissioners. This last piece as laura mentioned, is to amend the heights on a select number of parcels in the urban mixeduse you and you district to allow for greater groundfloor ceiling heights. While also allowing them to not lose existing developable areas. Underwhich would otherwise be allowed under the current height limits. So on the screen you can sort of see a diagram that hopefully helps to clarify. Currently, in a 40 foot height limit for example, which is what some of these parcels are zoned currently, atypical story is 10 feet. But part of the eastern neighborhoods plan was adopted a number of years ago put in a new requirement for 17 foot groundfloor heights in order to accommodate a more flexible spaces so that pdr particularly, could becould move into those spaces and have more options, real estate options, in the city to move into. Unfortunately, it created a conflict with the code. So in some areas like a 40 foot district for example in this diagram on the left hand side of the diagram you can see a typical building with 10 foot floors and they fit nicely into the 40 foot height limit, but when you then have a 17 foot ground floor requirements, you can only fit three stories into that height before you go over the 40 foot height limit. So those parcels would either have to lose a store develop a height at the top or would be required toor have to actually apply for a variance to have a 10 foot groundfloor, which is problematic for trying to further our policy of providing more pdr space for pdr uses in the district. So the second intent that this fulfills is to essentially encourage as i said, encourage construction of flexible groundfloor spaces from multiple potential users, and these can include pdr or retail. As you probably know many pdr businesses require this larger groundfloor use in order to have mechanical equipment or other things that they need, higher ceiling floor. The other point i want to make is that the fact that propx passed back in late 2016 will actually result in requirements of the number of pdr spaces that need to be replaced on parcels that are going to be redeveloped. So we anticipate this conflict between the groundfloor height and the allowed use that we are and the allowed use that we are currently atto continue and see problems where applicants will meet the 5 foot variances even though theres a conflict in the code between these two conflicting priorities. The intent of the height increases not to allow for additional storage of housing. But rather to preserve global Square Footage as it exists under current zoning. Now we heard some concerns from some residents in the approach i wrote hill neighborhood around concerned that this extra height could be used to squeeze in and asked a floor of housing into a project. Thats not the intent. That was not the intent of the 17 foot ground floor. It is not the intent of the additional heights that we are proposing. So we are actually in the process of doing some tweaks to the proposed legislat