It if they want to cut it, but it wont do the thing we are trying to do here, which is keep long term businesses in San Francisco over the long run. That would be my one comment on this is this makes me very nervous in terms of only the first people in, the people who just happened to turn 30 or over this year and if you turn 30 next year you may not get anything. I dont think that is what the people voted for or thought they were voting for. Good comment. Thank you very much. Any other member that would like to comment on the item . Seeing none Public Comment is closed. Do we have motion to approve the rules, regs and application . I motion to approve the rules, regs and application. As presented as presented. Second . Second. Okay. Motion to approve the rules and regulations as presented. The rules and regulations for the rent Stabilization Grant Program as presented. And the second is by commissioner kathleen dooley. Okay. Question, could we include in the motionyou doing rules regulations and app. Could we include the addition of business account number. Including the business account number. The motion is approve them with the amendment of adding the business account number on to the application. Yes . Correct. Okay. Roll call vote. Adams, yes. Dooley, yes. Dwight, yes. Ortizcartagena is absent. Sorry about that. Commissioner toursarkissian, yes. Yee, riley, yes. Zouzounis, yes. The motion is approved unanimously 6o one absent. On to item 6 which is resolution to accept the rules, regulations and application as presented today. Do you have comments . I koonot have a Powerpoint Presentation for this either. Hala lieuia. Commissioners any discussion before i open for Public Comment . No. Any member thofz public that would like to comment on adoption of this as a resolution . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioners do we have discussion or motion to accept rules regulations and application with the amendment to the application as previously noted in item fivel. I move. Yee riley. Second. Commissioner dooley, second. Alright. Commissioner adams, yes. Dooley, esi. Dwight yes. Ortizcartagena, absent cht toursarkissian, yes. Yee riley, yes. Zouzounis, yes. The motion is approved unanimously 6 to 08, 1 absent. Fantastic. Alright. Progress. Next item, please. It is election day at the Small Business commission. Must be why we had such a great turn out today. [laughter] to start off i am going to read the procedures from the rules of order. I have also brought copies for all of you in case you would like to have them in front of you. Okay. Here we go. I should probably read this into the record. Should i read the procedures first so the agenda order makes more sense . Whatever the ajendsa order is. Okay. I will read the procedures first and the Commission Shall vote to elect commissioner president and Vice President under separate items. For each office the Commission Secretary calls for nominations. Nominations require a second. Nominees are provided a opportunity to make a statement. After nominee statements other commissioners will be provided a chance to comment. Following nominee and Commission Statement the Commission Secretary will open Public Comment. Commissioners shall vote in favor of one nomnay for each office during each round of voting. A commissioner initial vote in faiv of a candidate shall be recorded and may not be revoked or changed. The first nominee to receive 4 votes during a round of voting shall be deemed elected. If no nominee receives 4 votes the process will be repeated. If no nominee receives 4 votes in favor after not less than 4 rounds may continue the election to the next regular meet frg the office of or offices for which inconclusive election is held. So okay. Iletm 7, election of officers. Small Business Commission president. In accordance are rules of order article 2 section 3 election must occur at the regular meeting of commission in january each year. That should say the second regular meeting in january. The president serves a term of one year and elected upon a vote of the commission. This is a action item. Okay, so i would like to open it up for nominations, please. For the president. Okay. I like to nominate president mark dwight for another term. Okay. It has to be seconded . Yes, a second is required. I second. Okay. Any other nomination frz the office of president . I like to nominate Stephen Adams. Is there a second . Alright. Without a second that nomination cannot be considered. Any other nomination frz the office of president . Okay. Then nominations are closed, so we have one nominee that may be considered because of the second. Nominees are provided a opportunity to make a statement, so commissioner dwight, would you like to make a statement . I would be honored to continue as president. Alright. Commissioners would you like to have discussion on this nomination . I just like to say um, that president dwight has taken this commission to a level the next level that what it was intended to be and we are taking it foothe next level and with his leadership, we are there and it is all of us on this dies if you have been on a while, kathleen and irene has, we are lot more respected i think than we were 10 years ago because we are more active and we do more and a lot has to do with not only all our leaderships but it is the leadership mark pushes us in thinking differently so i appreciate that. Thank you. Commissioner comments . Okay, i like to open it up for Public Comment please. Any members of the public that would like to comment . Public comment is closed. I will now conduct a roll call vote on the nomination. Commissioner adams, yes. Commissioner dooley, yes. Commissioner dwight, yes. Commissioner ortizcartagena is absent. Commissioner toursarkissian, yes. Commissioner yee riley, yes. Commissioner zouzounis, yes. 60 with one absent commissioner dwight will serve in the coming year. Thank you very much. Appreciate your support. Next item. We will do the whole thing again for Vice President. So, but first i should read this into the record. Item number 8, election och officers. Small Business Commission vise president. In accordance with rules of order article 2 section 3 election of Vice President occur in january each year. The Vice President serves a term of one year and elected upon a vote of the commission. Action item. Okay, i would like to open up for nominations for Vice President. I nominate steve adams. Commissioner yee riley nominated steve adams. Is there a second . I second. Commissioner toursarkissian seconded. Any other nominations for office of the Vice President . Alright. Seeing none, nominations are closed. So we have one nominee who is seconded and commissioner adams would you like to make a statement . I would be honored to serve as your Vice President for one more year. Commissioners would you like to comment . Or have discussion . I would like to say, commend commissioner adams for his long standing commitment to this commission. It is work and people dont really think about what it takes for all of us to come to these meetings, participate and to be as engaged in the public in particular as commissioner adams is. He goes to lots of events, he is very engaged. I am always amazed by how many people he knows out and about and especially as we had our legacy businesses not sure there is one he didnt know personally so great to have people on the commission who know the Business Owners and know the districts the way that commissioner adams does so i thinkand it makes him an effective leader here on the commission. I personally admire commissioner adams for involvement in the San Francisco community. Every time i come i learn from him, the information he gives about the neighborhoods and meetings he attend, so i think he plays a essential role on this commission and i would like to see him as the Vice President of this commission. Thank you. I like to add that in addition to his commitment and long standing of serving on the commission, he is out there everywhere. Everybody knows him and he knows everybody and i think only absent once all these years. Only once. Congraltulations. Probably in hawaii. I was. I just want to say after the conclusion of my first year on the commission, i want to say thanks Vice President adam frz showing me the ropes in the beginning and ill extend that to president twite, i learned lot from you guys so thank you. Any other commissioner comments . Alright, i would like to epien open up to Public Comment. Any members of the public who would like to comment for steve adams for vise president . Seeing none Public Comment is closed. I will conduct another role call vote for the nomination. Adams, yes. Dwight, yes. Sorry, commissioner dooley, yes. Dwight, yes. Ortizcartagena is absent. Commissioner toursarkissian, yes. Yee riley, yes. Zouzounis, yes. By vote of 60 with one absent Stephen Adams is aprointed to Vice President. Congratulations. [applause] next item. Moving to item number 9, approval of Meeting Minutes and this is the january 9, 2017 draft regular Meeting Minutes and action item, and motion . Motion to approve. Commissioner adams motions. I second. We may need Public Comment first. First off, any commissioners have comments about the minutes as presented . Any members of the public like to comment on item number 9 approval of our Meeting Minutes from last session january 9 . Seeing none Public Comment is closed. Motion . I motion. Approve the minutes as presented. I second. Thank you, mr. President for catching that. We have a motion by commissioner adams and second by commissioner yee riley. All in favor . Aye. Opposed . That motion passes 601 absent. 50i89m 10, commissioner report. Allows president rks Vice President and commissioner and commissioner tooz i dont have any knowledge to report other than beer week in dogpatch. We have 3 brewers doing a collaboration brew so that is exciting t. Is a big deal for the city to host beer week and just as a side note, if you are familiar with a brewery that does a beer called plenty the younger or Something Like that in sonoma i think it is, that single thing and the event every year to go and try that beer has brought i think well overa million in additional revenue that community. The opportunity for these sort of experienceal events whether it be arounds food which by the way it is rist restaurants week get a deal on a meal at participating restaurant the ggra sponsors, but likewise beer week and other things are the modern day attractions to our neighborhoods and can have very significant impacts on local revenue and therefore success of our Small Businesses as well as implication for tax revenue and things like that. Anyway i will go. You heard it here, beer week is coming up. I think the more of the things we can support and promote, the better because it is kind of the one thing that really adds vitality not only to our neighborhoods but the specific industries the small craft breweries are Small Businesses. Absolutely. Thats all i got. Commissioners any other i am now representing the castro merchants on the council of district merchants. I went to my first meeting last week and president dwight was there and i had never been to one of those and what a eye opener. Im representing the new Dogpatch Business Association at Council District merchants, so commissioner adams and i are two new seats at the table for cdma. And i will say that cdma, i have said has the potential to really be the chamber of comperse for Small Business in San Francisco. I have been on the board of the chamber of commerce on and off for the laest 10 year jz i took a break to found sf made be its chairman for two years but after concluding i went back to chamber of commerce. Cameber of commerce has done great thing tooz support Small Business but the chamber of commerce is not the home of Small Business in San Francisco and cdma is a billbit of a misnomer because it says merchants but it represents all Small Business in San Francisco and especially aswe are getting more and more Small Businesses as we know a uber driver is a Small Business. A individual consultant is a Small Business and this gig economy is actually causing a explosion in Small Businesses as they must be registered with the city and so i think that the cdma as the sort of place where merchants and now more Small Businesses come to talk about doing business in San Francisco, that the cdma has to the opportunity to take a leadership role for Small Business in general so i think commissioner adams and i both acknowledge that opportunity for cdma and are there at the table to try to move cdma to the next level and next generation in support of all Small Businesses in San Francisco. Any other commissioner updates . I attended the district 3 mta summit and then i was followed up with that and now part of the mta working group which will meet monthly. Good. Fantastic. Outreach and all the things that need to be addressed. Lack there of. Any other commissioner reports . Alright. We have Public Comment on the commissioner reports as presented this evening . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Next item. Iletm 11, new business allows commissioners to introduce new agenda items for future consideration. I would like to based on our Public Comment earlier today i would like to recommend the office staff to do a Little Research for us about this ordinance. The ordinance for point of sale registration and inspection. First off, to determine how much of it is San Francisco specific and to what degree is this also a california state and or federal regulation, i dont know the answer, i just put it out there. Sometimes we are simply acting in response to state and federal regulations, so it would be nice to know to what extent that is the case. If be are on our own on this one, i think it would be worthwhile to consider whether this regulation is a sustainable regulation, whether it is something that we should take as a action to find a sponsor at the board of supervisor s to perhaps change it in a way that is more favorable to smalt business in San Francisco. I would agree with that one. Okay, do wethe other new business item i proposed last time and want to keep on the radar screen is a presentation about the Small Business registration for nonprofits of all kinds because i suspect there is knowledge that we should get out to the public about how to register your nonprofit in the city of San Francisco including business associations, neighborhood associations and nonprofits in general. We were going to talk about too and want to stay on top of this, kathleen you brought about planning come in and talking about the changes in the neighborhoods regarding formula retail. The first hearing is the third of next month. I try today contact the Merchant Associations and contacted Council District merchants about it, so you know, there are major problems with it, but yes, that came up at the Council District merchant meeting, your presentation and Steve Cornell said we need to do something and agree. I think they are way moving way too quick on this. I suggest the Merchant Association stand up and say slow down on this because there are problems that will have a substantial impact on the neighborhood corridors, yes. And spent many many many many months going over this with the Planning Department and at this point imtheir attitude is he who has gone to them and complained will have a adjustment only for their mcd, so case by case basis. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Yeah. The mcd i tend to represent we were able to get a lot of things straightened out. Nobod