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Three minutes otherwise by the perfectly and speakers are requested but not required to please place speaker cards from the elect turn called in the order their placed in the basket and amending a signin sheet sfgovtv please show the side happy new year welcome to the first Small Business Commission Meeting of our 2017 season as our custom, we begin the Small Business commission with a reminder that the office of Small Business is the only 35u78d the morning fog may chill the air, i dont care and of the Small Businesses in the county of San Francisco. Online and best of all our services are free of charge the Small Business commission a the official public forearm to voice your opinions about policies that effect the Economic Vitality of somebodys in San Francisco if you need assistance with the Small Business Commission Start here at the office of Small Business thank you. Okay item number one caseload r castle to order commissioner adams commissioner dooley commissioner president dwight commissioner ortizcartagena commissioner toursarkissian commissioner yeeriley and commissioner sanchez mr. President , you have quorum. All right. Item 2 general Public Comment allows members of the public to comment on matters within is adjudicator but not on todays calendar for the agenda for future consideration discussion any Public Comment . That wants to comment on the item seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Just a reminder Public Comment is limited to 3 minutes also less than that for a particular reason youll hear a chime at 2 and a half minutes to include our remark well cut you off not our intention to be rude but the fairness to all speakers thank you in advance for your cooperation with that said, i understand people get nervous so i encourage you to written down our remarks and read them do not be embarrassed to read from a script this is not a talent show more demerits your objective to have your thoughts entered into the Public Record we sincerely appreciate our participation lets move on our item 3 discussion and possible action on lesbian registry distribution for the following applications to the legacy hardware good vibrations this is a good way to start the year sorry one second. Always have an issue point of privilege sorry give me one second here. This is a little bit thick oh, these machines sorry im trying to get the screen to change but it is keeping me stuck on the live feed. No, i cant get the electronic screening i cant get the live feed thanks by. Were getting Technical Assistance those are on i cant assess that a part of screen it is broken. Do you want to come to my microphone we can at least continue. Oh, i can flip the power point for you there we go. Sorry. Well, i hope we can land this plane good evening commissioner president dwight and commissioners richmond the legacy business project sponsor and to the percent doing the caption thank you for your hard work and second note im the Legacy Business Program manager not the lesbian Program Manager that was in the last meeting it sounds fun and interesting want to make that notation before you 3 applications for them to be included on the legacy business a power point presentation. The applications we are reviewed by completion and anytime does not Planning Department staff on november 2nd the Historic Preservation commission heard at the applications on december 7th and made a positive recommendation for each applicant your Commission Packet contains a staff report on resolution a case report from the Planning Department staff and a resolution from the Historic Preservation commission there are copies on the table for the public item 3 a is browns hardware found in 1905 is a longstanding repair service in the nob hill on polk street as one of the businesses to survive the 1906 San Francisco earthquake fire brownies hardware is an interval part of community by carter to the diverse neighborhood by offering inventory that reflect tare diverse needs item good vibrations a railway that promotes safe sex for people of all gender and silksal organization in the Mission District in 1977 by johnny a licensed family marriage therapist and developed the Railway Store with a welcoming well lit noting non to buy books and movies and obtain information for Sexual Health they brought on according to help with the distribution of information surrounding Sexual Health and education item 3 c is joes ice cream the business in 1959 as the oldest ice cream par last year were unique ice cream flavors and embroider design a wide memo of ice cream and the business is a strong advocate for Community Support by hosting fundraiser and Community Gathering and hiring local youth to work with the shop and offering an Award Program that awards children with comes up for free ice cream. All 3 businesses received a positive recommendations from the Historic Preservation commission after reviewing the application from the Historic Preservation Commission Staff finds the businesses met the criteria for the legacy business registry there are 3 draft resolution for k by the Small Business Commission One for each the planners note that e he emotion and support this be a motion in in favor of the resolution this that concludes my presentation. Ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. There are several representatives here that want to speak on behavior thank you, richard. Thank you this is our most entertain and graiftd portion of meeting and started with a nice group of companies here so commissioners any comments before we open up for Public Comment all right. So well start Public Comment. Okay. I will call these speaker cards in order. First calling names two or three here. Monique. Two Minutes Limited to two minutes on this item. Good evening my name is shawn kim sole owner of joes ice cream thank you for us in the Legacy Business Program an honor for us and my wife and lisa and i are the figure out generation owners and this is joes ice cream in 1959 the generation has kept the characteristics throughout the years such its flavor of ice cream and space and atmosphere and jose from the who had operated over 33 years until 2012 we inherited all the receipts and operations and receipts from him a year later moved to the neighborhood and dedicated ourselves to the jose it is a juvenile experience it keep joes experience alive the local founder where people get together for many points before and after sports in the project celebrating place for the holiday and the best place for young couples and walking sprays and grandchildren we have been happy to watch them to grow especially appreciate this legacy business during the process we couldnt find ourselves more clearly we kept 45 flavors for more than half a century with its long forgotten but classic flavors your family and 3 kids keep joes ice cream steady and thrive and hope to make more memories in the future thank you. Great. Thank you very much those first ice cream dates. Thanks for keeping the spirit of that tradition alive whose next. Thank you for thank you for your time to hear a few words allison park honored to be able to represent the good vibrations it so existing to think we may be able to be a legacy business business enjoying the wonderful businesses inform town that make San Francisco i joined good vibration as a staff member and a sales person were a sex society in 1990 and i worked with johnny the original founder we lost her this summer i know that means a lot to her to consider the legacy business application i want to make sure were represented to the public to the press that we can send San Francisco values further than our own neighborhood we have a store down the street from brownie and consider San Francisco to be the only practices that good vibrations could get a hold and begun to shape peoples understanding of sexuality theyre correct information and a positive and neuron judgemental attitude so i cant say were an ice cream date for a place i know weve made a difference in many behaving citizens lives and friends and families and tourist that come from elsewhere it is indeed for considering us and it is really a pleasure and honor to be able to say hello to you guys. Thank you. Im sure that ice cream is factored into a few laughter ill leave it at that laughter next please. I need the overhead. Okay sfgovtv can you please turn on the overhead. Hi i extensive from brownies hardware i wanted to show you some pictures from the past it is so. Thats from the 1915 fair thats one of my fathers partners was there that he fair in 1915 its awesome and this is ben davis a few more years 1939 on polk street and polk it was all widdled west and brownies and the middle person is the owners of brownies at the time at the same time theyve changed the facade of everybody on policies that is what brownies looked like an old west town place and brownies has been around a long time were proud in 2006 one of the first stores in San Francisco around Hardware Stores the rest of stores through the bay area and brownies is along the southern basis as one of the best Hardware Stores in San Francisco in 1906 was the anniversary of the kwaurth and lastly like to put up window street displaces a few of them i can read them to you theyre quite long but essential that says especially interesting the polk area and the riser there were 27 houses of prostitutions in and 25 gambling places on polk street thats the way polk street was and my last thing is brownies is very important to us we have brownies. laughter . All right. Enough for everybody. The kind of brownies laughter . Thank you. Maybe legal but may not be appropriate thank you. Thats awesome i think we have enough brownies for for everybody. An extra bonus we have brownies for the gallery. Following the last Public Comment. No more Public Comment oh, come on well give you 5 minutes for the brownies to kick in all right. Just a pause while we get the brown i didnt see distributed glad it wasnt coal hardware we would have gotten lumps of coal all right. Whats next on the agenda. Oh, yes sorry spirit of moment. Havent gotten to the brownie yet seeing are theyre members of the public that want to comment on any more members that want to comment seeing none, Public Comment is closed. All right. Lets take action do we have to motion. We do. Sorry commissioner. I want to shout out first to steve at brownies i dont know if you know this but that commission wouldnt exist if it wasnt for Steve Cornell i remember back to the senator mark leno we had the prop and the office of the Small Business commission brownies is alters and steve at the forefront for as long as i remind town it is appropriate that were honoring brownies hardware at the legacy business i want to say thank you to steve pubically for all youve done inform Small Businesses in San Francisco good vibrations you guys are awesome and you have San Francisco and you are San Francisco values and as a member of Castro Community youve been there if we need the sponsorship and been a great, great citizen and neighbor and just thank you for everything you do from the bottom of my heart and joes ice cream your across the street from my gear Street Branch ive been in your store and taken kids from any neighborhood we dont have any good ice cream par legislators but joes and swansons thank you for everything you do and he keep it ice cream par last year open and going awesome commissioner dooley. I wanted to add any comments also Steve Cornell how many Small Business people are here tested 1345uks thats true dedication. And me laughter . And good vibrations you know you guys are amazing your place is to ease to shop and everyone is so friendly and it is really important part of San Francisco i havent made it into joes but i might have to. I want to shout out to Steve Cornell and tireless advocate and seeing him involved one of the reasons i got involved as i have in Small Business advocacy thank you for all your hard work and commissioners any other comments okay do we have a motion. Move to approve. Second. Okay motion by commissioner yeeriley to approve the 3 businesses for the legacy business and seconded by commissioner ortizcartagena roll call vote commissioner adams. Commissioner dooley commissioner president dwight commissioner ortizcartagena commissioner toursarkissian. Commissioner yeeriley. Commissioner zouzounis that motion 7 to zero. Arch well, congratulations. clapping. well to the legacy businesses in San Francisco and thank you for coming out much appreciate and appreciate your comments that is a ms. Grvrt part of meeting thank you for coming out youre welcome to stay for the rest of the efforts if you have to be going well not in any way be slight thank you. All right. Moving on. Yes. Please. Item number 4 discussion and possible action to make recommendations on board of supervisors file number health code and and prohibiting the sale of Public Opinion i didnt see and kittens discussion and possible Action Action presenter legislation aid at commissioner tang. Supervisor tang im here on behalf of of my aids laughter thats okay. Good evening, commissioners and thank you. Im proud to say that and thank you for approving district 4 business for its first one to receive fund from the legacy business Prevention Fund thank you for that and today one of the two pieces of legislation that i have pending before the board the first one has to do with with the sale of Public Opinion i didnt see and kittens you might wonder why were bringing for the this kind of legislation that essentially will require a couple of things one that it will prohibit pet stores in San Francisco is from selling puppies and kittens that are from breeders and the reason were trying to encourage adoption more than 200 and 50 thousand dogs and cats are euthanized in animal shelters annually thats an Alarming Number a lot of time when people are buying where puppy or cats or kittens they may not be aware of t of the inhuman in San Francisco we dont have any pet stores that sell kittens or puppies from breeders, however, we did before and come in the future i believe that seeing how overcrowded our shelters are even institutions like the spaca i want to thank spaca they brought this for the to us if that is it is important we try to instill in people how we should try adaptation first and my family adopted a dog from spaca so we understand the juice of adopting the other requirement for Small Business they have to display something in their cage or wherever the animal is and indicate which shelter settler from San Francisco or another rescue orientation organization and thats the jest of it and lastly it to prohibit the sale of those puppies and kittens under 8 weeks old because apparently mel unsound to separate a puppy or kitten thats in a nut shell what were trying to do and thanks for the animal control and spaca. So ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. On this one. Commissioner dooley i just i have a question but i think that is really a good idea to be doing this even though we dont have that the puppy and kitty mills this will you know put in an official damp on it i assume that employs to adult dogs and cats. The district prohibition but that employs to all dogs and cats sold it originated from breeders were trying to accepted a strong message not only from the state of california but nation wide we see not only inhumane for the animals the treatment through the breertdz but also the impact to taxpayers when we have to continually have staff taking care of all sorts of animals taken to shelters their band this has a huge cost to all citizens we want to look at that as well. How does the board for a legitimate breeder will they be allowed to sell their animals individually in the city. As you may know we cant interfere with interstate commerce we cant prohibit the sale if you want to look on the internet and decided to have an arrangement we dont have the ability to regulate that we can say in the stores this is what were breeding. Isnt there a legitimate animal sounds like your vilifying again look online still and most of them are probably not in the city look online and find a socalled legitimate breeder and deal with them directly. Commissioner yeeriley. What if your dog or cat has babies you cant find enough friends to give them away. Thats not a commercial breeding activity thats fine. Then you can sell them or give them to the pet store to sell. What were really trying to do is limit the commercial breeders lets say you happen to have your dog maybe had babies chances are a pet store about not take your babies so i dont want to say for pet stores but not the practice weve seen again, were not trying to limit that activity. Commissioner adams. Ive been kind of following that a little bit and what their trying to do is prevent puppy Million Dollars their legitimate in the kanldz theyre not from the city but sell through pet stores and what this legislative correct me if i am wrong supervisor it is staff that we dont do it now but it will prevent some of the miles from selling the animals and puts them out of business not keep happening. They may very well stay in business in other areas but again. You can limit and not sell as much i get it. Okay. Have you talked to any of the pet store owners whats their reactions and we dont have pet stores that sell puppies and kittens from breeders right now, were very fortunate spaca has done a lot of outreach on this and again they were the ones that before you get or brought this to our attention and hopefully take a leadership role and again, were trying to send a message for future businesses wanted to do this. Commissioners any other questions. All right. Open up for Public Comment any Public Comment . Want to comment on this item. Urban design group Steve Cornell that is at concept of not having puppy mills people can buy this over the internet were talking about one particular industry with restrictions on guns whether good or bad that means someone want to get a gun theyll have to buy it in and out outside of San Francisco and buy a puppy outside of San Francisco is this the start of going with 09 businesses with the same things it is a problem i personally dont believe in guns and pick up i didnt mills i see this a potential problem thank you. Thank you. Any other members of the public that want to comment seeing none, Public Comment is closed. I find this perplexing and again to echo stephen cornells comments i dont think any restriction of Public Opinion i didnt mills is fine i find it interesting well selective go after industries i mean the implication no legitimacy breeding destroy and that San Francisco is going to within its city and county limits restrict commerce something that is not fundamentally illegal i just have an issue with that, i intend to be one that favors less regulation than more and this to me seems somewhat not arbitrary but to specific and to Stevens Point im not a gun advocate what are were going to do industry by industry because this city feels no restrictions and form of were telling our citizens they have to purchase rescue animals or outside the city im not a pet owner i know lots of them and people like taking in rescued animals they present their own issues if theyve been abused or whatever some people prefer not to have rescue animals but animals from a breeder he grew up with breeders i just im troubled by the precedent this particular item sets my comments and thoughts i wanted to can katie do you know if there are statistics i dont think there are louths breeder in the city of San Francisco but i could be wrong. We dont know of any in San Francisco and no pet stores and pet central left in chinatown was selling pets. Thats not relevant to the conversation thats like saying we no longer have cement froikdz here so lets outlaw them theres no reason but the fact it didnt exist we stount legislate it the fact it didnt exist it might not be a good use of property happen not to be there. I dont know that is i dont find that to be relevant to the question should we be specific regulating specific industries where there is legitimate participants. I have volunteered at the spaca many times and it rips any heart apart when i have to leave and San Francisco thank god has an ordinance we dont euthanize our pets and do give them up for adoptions ive seen who happens no puppy mills i personally support that i get it about the guns and Everything Else but i think of dogs and cats as almost human and im when i see those animals that dont get adopted i want to take them home mitchel that is kind of like a San Francisco value that we spaca. Cruelty is not acceptable were talking about legislation that effects an industry that is not universally unless it is universally cruel to animals anyway, i think ive made any point. Do we have a definition that might be helpful what would be qualify as a puppy or kitty mill. Thats not the purpose of this legislation in that they dont exist that will preempt them. We dont sell them in stores anywhere well not sell widgets. Im trougd by the precedent. My question to supervisor is were basically in the city saying were not selling any animals you know breeders out right and we shutting them out completely that have we cleared that with the City Attorneys office. This is unique sorry. It seems you stated that we cant prohibit people from the outside of selling in the city from the outside that seems so the question is have we checked that the City Attorney we theyve written it it only impacts shifting and did question of breeders the definition that we talked about is breeders not puppy or kitten mills it means the person for the purpose of breeding and open spring their purpose to sell in any case in terms of the legislation that is currently before you the District Attorneys Office as reviewed it. The policy we want animals in shelters to be adopted first not department of emergency ingress the breeders but therefore well shut them out is that the logic because it is the policy of the new law is so forth in the technicalities so thats what i wanted to say. Youve stated it essentially currently adoption for the most part if you want to choose a specific breed and go through a breeder thats your prerogative and have that right now as well. But outside the city to the detriment. Thats how it is right now and not prohibited. For the prohibited no. Im could you be to any concern it is one thing to encourage and another to prohibit there are lots of ways to encourage the behavior and lots of ways to punish bad behavior to legislate and mandate the behavior you think is good and appropriate is a slippery slope so thats where i stand on the general concept it is not related at all frankly to the specification of this issue the generality so commissioner ortizcartagena. I have a question lets say i want to start selling whether i have to look at the conditional use. For the pet store. Of any kind. I dont know of any kind or specific. Has nothing to do with with the zoning regulations. If i want to sell pets will i have to communitybased through a conditional use. Look through the planning code as your opening up a business and change through a conditional use and your mcd might require this dont touch on that. The pdr accepts any kind of business maybe they will be allowed im trying to encourage maybe more of a conditional use process. I dont know. I think were getting out without restrictions of 3e9 stores in the city i dont know if there be or not again, this didnt get to get stores per say it is the commerce of something that is up i illegitimate industry with a dark side whether it is the Restaurant Industry not paying the workers undocumented or a apparel any lash industry has its dark does the trading of just about anything in oil to weapons to pets has a dark side are were going to resident the dark side of all the businesses by prohibiting the dark side i know of of find that where it extrapolates that thats my concern without knowing any more we are presented this issue for the first time my preference if i go against any fundamental values i need to look at this thats where im at. Were not judging the breeders dont buy from them there are too much animals in the city and county we are force you to do that if youre going to be buying otherwise youre going to have to go outside the city thats the bottom line; correct . Will we make it more difficult if you dont buy or adopt an animal from a shelter we believe too much animals northeasterly shelters. I i dont want the city telling me what i can and cannot do. Thats a policy that we want to may i ask. Supervisor tang so does that legislation prevent though lets say nonpuppy mills type of breeders there are serious breed breeders if a breertdz was to locate but they sold to individuals oneonone will this prevent a breeder selling oneonone. Inside a pet shop the existence i stated your sole for the purpose of sales but i know for a lot of individuals to do purchase breeds specific dogs they generally purchase from the breeder not a Third Party Entity in that transaction would in prevent that an individual can purchase from a breeder as long as the weird is not in the store but located in San Francisco. Correct were talking about pet stores from breeders. In this a legitimacy breeder is allowed to be in the city it only takes two dogs to be a breeder not conjure up some big farm you know and frankly, i see it as a farm thing there is a lot of people who are in the business of animal husbandy that love their animals even if they go to the slaughter so theres another industry that is saying that a potentially legitimacy breeder can be in the city as long as they pole to their clients were nipping around a legitimacy industry with legislation that is really designed by two really great organizations to create a legal impetus to go their way. Obligation to adopt i have a fundamental issue with that. Spirit is good the substance a troubling. Is there an action item. No. Yes. It is. Possibly action. Possibly action i mean we could resolve that we dont have enough information thats where i feel i dont want to want to say yes or no under the circumstances i respect the supervisors concern in the issue i have fundamental issues with the general principle. I think that because it is narrowing two breed facts in pet stores which i have actually read quite a bit about that is the place where puppy mills, kitty mills do the business through stores i personally think that if theyre a breeder in the city that has you know has a specific animal they want to breed and people contact them not preincluding were breeding in the city were narrowing it down to the worst offenders that absolutely are the stores this lastly Rolling Stone it is on the front cover of Rolling Stone about puppy and kitty mills it not a small issue it is a big ugly industry i personally think that what supervisor tang is suggesting is acceptable. Okay. I agree you can with a Small Business owner as a breeder it didnt preclude you from that. Right. Ive said my business anyone else want to make a motion a possible action item. Ill make a motion to support this i think this is something i really believe in and agree with what commissioner dooley said you know, i want to be a breeder in the city i, i know breeders in San Francisco and they sell but it is all legitimate and not a mill this is on the mill so i would be in favor of supporting this and putting this forward. Second. Is this for sure breeders can have theyre on business in the city and sell directly and they will not be considered a pet shop. As i answered the question if you needed to do direct business as long as youre not setting up a storefront. You dont have is a storefront. Not sales were not prohibiting here. Okay. So we have a motion by commissioner adams and seconded by commissioner dooley roll call vote. Uhhuh. Commissioner adams. Commissioner dooley commissioner president dwight no commissioner ortizcartagena. Commissioner toursarkissian no. No. Commissioner yeeriley commissioner zouzounis. No the is e the is have it. That that motion carries 4 to 3. Okay. That was approved thats the first time. I thank you for coming out tonight we have one more. Okay. All right. Item number 5 discussion and possible action to make recommendations on the board of supervisors file various code baby diaper with a new administrative code requiring all building to have one baby diaper xooms more women and one assessable to men and a single diaper changing amending the police code for a diaper change in a restroom assessable to women and maintain a baby diaper changing assessable to men or assessable to all gender amending the Building Code for the establishment and substantially renovating install the baby diaper for the environmental Findings Findings the public net and welfare and findings under the California Healthy building standard and directing the clerk for the office of the Small Business Commission Discussion and possible Action Action item supervisor katie tang thank you very much for the introduction of that so this legislation before you is actually simple and a little bit confusing how it is currently in the code and where we want to take that in a nut shell weve modeled this legislation off oh, president obama federal legislation that he signed in place in october of this last year and basically, it requires one in our public buildings that we have baby changing accommodates in into female and male and all gender roommates in on the floors a waiver for example, if you were not able to accommodate say ada or ada pesticide the access under the City Administrators Office this is under the ada but secondly, for place of public companions the same definition what is in ada so public accommodation if you currently have a baby diaper changing station in a female restroom you have to put one in a male if you switched to the all gender we ask if you, you have one put it in the all gender restroom this may sound simple or wonder why were doing this were trying to change the gender stereotype aaron childcare why is that all the baby diaper changing restrooms in female rooms because women are the ones to change the diapers were trying to breakdown the stereotype and president obama set that tone but the second part is actually part of existing law for those of you who dont know existing law arrested requires new businesses through a substantial renovation 50,000 or more to have baby diaper changing locates and moving forward it should be all gender restrooms given you local and status of women so this has always been part of city code housing and planning code and frankly not enforce so what were hoping to do is move this to dbi so really it is a policy discussion for all of you in terms of New Buildings and substantial renovations what you want to see happen, however, for example, an option of only if a business choose to put if a diaper changing station they must make sure it is equal or a mandate many which is existing law that all businesses must have a baby diaper changing station in female and male and all gender restrooms thats in a nut shell what we are doing here today again essentially trying to insure gender quality in terms of childcare i am sure youll have questions but with the requirements where public building arrest accommodation or other types of buildings there will be a waiver process if you believe that was not able for you to install one of these and lastly were not requiring that you pull a permit for the changing stations so with that, ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Im interested in permits are not required i imagine the huge liability selfinstalling those so no inspection requirement. Were trying to make it easy for the businesses if you like for us to require permit process inspection we certainly thought about it but trying to make it easy on i know how much you like permits and ive used baby commotion for almost 10 years im in favor of this to anyone that has a child. Im curious theyre not no requirement to make sure theyre safe anchored to the wall just curiosity. Is there a i take that businesses under 5 thousand square feet. No exemption based Square Footage but the infeasibility for example, the inaccessibility issues. But a lot of discussion of a 5 thousand square feet threshold. Yeah. Thats the old current okay. My list here is not sort of properly so commissioners do you have comments. Yes. If you can help me understand what substantially renovated might apply to sense were talking about public serving; right . So say a store a retail store that has to replace equipment but not renovating its building would that equipment meet the threshold is that count under the if youre renovating a bathroom and amount to 50 thousand or more for renovating that bathroom. It applies to the bathrooms got it thank you. Commissioner adams do you have a comment. Im seeing this in restaurant the new restaurants open i go into the restroom and see baby changing tables in the restrooms. I think most people will switch over to all gender anyway and totally make sense to have that in the all gender restroom. I have a question supervisor. I apologize. I wanted to correct something i want to this is something ill double check that the City Attorneys Office Commissioners reading the existence to substantially roomed any alteration in under the Building Permit with the cost of construction of 50 thousand or more of construction i want to clarify that i thought that was only to bathrooms ill clarify that with the City Attorney and try to get back to you. You said they shouldnt interfere with the access to ada would you say that a cast report will be required for such an additional if you add something not check and see if it is ada compliant and were this is existing law were putting one part into the dbi instead of under the police code sorry under the planning code because frankly they especially\need to check the level of details in the interior of the buildings. Make in any alteration the dbi will be welladvised to have a cast report it is not a requirement but recommendation; correct . Certainly as commissioner dooley and the others know were been fierce advocates of inspections but not tied to the particular program. Will they be exempt if one of the stores want a diaper changing unit will interfere with the access of the building. Im sorry, i didnt understand the question. Lets say if we required to put on one of the diaper go changing things and by putting in that that will effect the access to the bathrooms that will be a problem with the ada so would they be exempt. You would go to dbi and be able to get a waiver. That will be grant by dbi staff. They can get a waiver. Thats right for accessibility issues we dont mandate what kind of diaper station for example, if you find a creative way not bottled to the wall whatever fits our business again, we leave that flexibility to you. Okay. All right. Supervisors that are tips correct im asking those questions because of people listening. There are kits available. Kits available okay. Okay. Okay. Any other comments. Do we have to open up for Public Comment. Any Public Comment . Would like to comment on this item. Small business advocacy business for mr. Cornell seeing none, Public Comment is closed commissioners do we want to take action. I move. Ill second. Okay commissioner dooley motions to support and commissioner adams. Second. All right. Roll call vote. Commissioner adams commissioner dooley commissioner president dwight commissioner ortizcartagena commissioner toursarkissian. Commissioner yeeriley commissioner zouzounis that motion carries unanimously 7 to zero. All right. Thank you, supervisor. Or the next item. Moving on item number of discussion and possible action to make recommendations on board of supervisors file administrative tax regulations origins force the tax regulation and police code to have fees discussion and possible action our presenter legislative aide supervisor yee. And before you start so you know supervisor yee and tends to introduce substitute legislation tomorrow so that copy of the substitute legislation has been distributed to you at our seat and members of the public it is on the table. Good evening, commissioners thank you so much and so as regina mentioned the draft substitute ordinance well be introducing tomorrow that is the city departments they issue regulatory fees what this proposed ordinances eliminates unnecessary fees that will have minimal revenue impact and the impetus really for supervisor yee he wanted to streamline the process for Small Business owners to help eliminate any unnecessary fees and clean up the code the Controllers Office they contacted the departments and out of all the department that responded and our Office Working closely with the departments to make sure that makes sense the Police Department and also the Entertainment Commission responded with certain fees they would like to see removed so the total revenue impact would be less than 2 thousands of hundred plus dollars thats what the controller calculated and impacts only 3 payers those fees it is insignificant impact and want this to be a conversation start eerie was talking to regina and supervisor yee is able to clean up the fees and love to hear from you recommendation on in any unnecessary fees we should work on for future legislation a difference from the draft substitute ordinance the department of health we were removing a retail vendor fee as well as cottage operation fees but after talking to Deputy Director the department of health she mentioned that it was important to maintain overseeing fees for Public Education but for the foods served thats why we restored those fees and want to hear from the retail vendor fr from i look forward to our questions or comments. Commissioners. Commissioner dooley i dont know from my roster do you have anything to say and first in line perpetually forever. The retail food vendor exemption has been removed. Exactly yeah. Seems like it is pretty onerous it is true that dph makes the vendor pay a fee for each Farmers Market that is outrageous. We agree. So that you know, i would suggest you make just one fee that would be applicable to any and all the licensed Farmers Market they participate. Im looking this i see the line crows on the dollars amount. Uhhuh. Only crossed on two zeros do does that mean you meant to cross the whole thing. So it is clear a whole number yeah, so theres only a few for example, in section 2 we actually eliminated if you look at page 2 line 9 that one fee that is by request more significant ones are probably in section 4 and these are mostly outdated fees the Entertainment Commission gave Joyce Hicks Jocelyn Kane and helps to clean up the code. Want to eliminate it like item 9 on page 2 cross off maybe the dollars amount. Correct. What were the fees before for the production. The film production. Yeah. The commercial and all of that i see there are pretty low. Uhhuh. Is that basically, the same as it was before. Thats a good question i can ask and get back to you on that one is it ohio on page 5 in section c all of those costs are you asking what the cost was before. Im kind of curious. Yeah. I can ask and get that answer for you. A lot of those fees we worked on get rid ofing 5 years. Okay. Remember. Some yeah. Some. We worked on these you know years ago. Which ones the and yes. For some reason a few of them and somehow theyve completely eliminated so it was one of the reasons he know sorry being without a microphone speaking with jocelyn kane proposed the majority of the permit fees from the Police Department or entertainment in the Police Department and in and of itself so those are ones shes directly proposing. Some of the ones that be crossed out but the filing fee is zero. So it is getting rid of of that actual liken the entire permit from what you understand none has been applying for those permits. Yeah. I mean some of them we dont understand helps to clean up the language. So when we remove for example, the bingo games thats on the list that means no permit required. Theres two different. Categories. So either we make the fees zero but they have to apply for the permit or eliminate the permit altogether this is two different decisions and no games that was originally proposed but i talked with the Police Department and theyre concerned with the gambling they want to keep it yeah thats why theyre actually more we want to eliminate. Were trying to achieve the fee and not the eliminations of the permit. Yeah. Uhhuh. Item 10 and 12 and uhhuh. Does that eliminate it and the zero filing fees do they have to apply for a permit and basically iowa jocelyn it proposing were getting rid of of this she has other generic permits she can issue if the needs for example, she has a generic permit thats why the whole line is crossed out. Jerry listen what might help for the commissioners to understand the section 2. 62 are application permit fees for bingo games thats there within the annual fee. The application fee itself is not addressing this piece of legislation were not eliminating the application fees but the license fees and reconcurring leases or fees. Section two, two sections when they submit some will be eliminated but section 2. 27 is fees to be eliminated as well. For both of them were eliminating some of the applications. Good. Uhhuh. And in your legislative review that minica handed out they provided a table sort out line that. Any other questions commissioners. All right. Well open up for Public Comment any Public Comment on this item. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioners i would motion to approve this because were get rid of of the fees. I support that two. A simplification is good. Commissioner adams motion to support and commissioner toursarkissian second. Roll call vote commissioner adams commissioner dooley commissioner president dwight commissioner ortizcartagena commissioner toursarkissian commissioner yeeriley commissioner zouzounis that item passes unanimously 7 to zero. Thank you for your presentation of this im looking forward to talking more with the officials and streamlining the fees thats a great idea. Okay. All right. Moving on to item no. 7 approval for the Meeting Minutes action item december 12, 2016, contrast regular minutes. Any comment on the Meeting Minutes before i open up for Public Comment any Public Comment . That want to comment on the Meeting Minutes seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Do we have a motion. I motion to approve. I second. Commissioner adams has another motion and commissioner yeeriley had the second all in favor, say i. Opposed . That item passes unanimously 7 to zero and item number 8 excuse me directors report updated on the office of the Small Business commission for the legislative matter and announcements from the mayor and the Small Business Commission Activities discussion item. First, i want to say happy new year and welcome to 2017 to you commissioners and to the viewing public so in the directors rept one i want today, the board of supervisors the new returning and new supervisors that are sworn into office and so that was the returning supervisor for supervisor breed and supervisor peskin and supervisor yee and then the new supervisors fewer and others they took the oath of office and supervisor breed was relength as the boards want with a unanimous vote we have new agenda items and will move forward as long as we complete the legacy business rules and regulations for the rent stabilization my intent to have that on the schedule but still many outstanding things that our City Attorney is finalizing we will have them on the agenda for the january 23rd meeting we will still be dealing with the section around immediate risk of displacement as separate from the rules and regulations because that is still proving more research from the City Attorney as he provides me with information i have more questions so that we can really understand the direction from which the commission can operate in making that determination so these will be on the january 23rd meeting i will not be here youll have those well in advance and have a conversation to make sure you understand and rick and matthew will be present to be able to finalize those and start moving forward with taking grants if our landlords that be leasing to the legacy businesses the Business Assistance i cannot 51 businesses that met the and thirteen that didnt file rick is come piling a report and have that on the january 23rd meeting per your request to review the grant applications before a theyre absolutely finalized and again, the target for us to begin to issue the checks at the beginning of february for the legacy businesses and then the Marketing Program well be working on in midfebruary with you and currently in terms of the the number that nominations and applications for the next, i think two or three or four meeting weve been averaging 5 to 7 legacy businesses per meeting so it does mean that you know were still under the target of the three hundred a year so you kind of understand the flows of the amount and i wanted to highest some of the the fact of the matter projects to focus on for the o s d staff for the First Quarter working to finalize a solution with the c l r v well be scheduling a meeting with the department of the environment and the Small Businesses to prop this they have a solution theyve worked with the large retailer on and once unadmit we can take a solution forward to the state and work with the state legislative body to help advocate for that at the department so we dont have to write the legislation the department agrees to work with us on a solution. And then the assessable Industry Program goes into effect this year the first landlord that are required to apply will be in may and those are ones that dont have to make in any changes im working with department of building inspection and public works and working on the Outreach Program starting in march so well keep you apprised and probably want to schedule a condensed version force the commission to make sure they know what is ahead the next 4 years for those Property Owners and businesses and then the Small Business round table had its set of projects the staff is working with them so one that our office will be involved with that trying to find the best mechanism to develop an opt email for businesses so the department what utilize the emails to outreach and for the businesses like were doing a Water Project in our ear you know new fees with coming up Different Things of that sort so something we can utility mta, puc right now the original sort of solid list of emails with businesses with the tax and Treasures Office those emails are really a communication structure between that department and businesses and often overseeing emails are keeping the department theyre not the appropriate entities to be receiving sewer projects are happening or tearing up europe street or mta wants a meeting in our neighborhood to work on a bifurcation project this was a request coming from the Small Business leaders weep be working on that and several other things that i listed out but this want to highlight through over the last holiday homelessness is really raised to the level that now sort of at the top of many merchant areas list and so i did anticipate that will probably be a core focus and topic to work with jeff who is the heads up the Homeless Department will be meeting individually with some of the Merchant Associations but working on setting up a presentation as part of meeting with the mayor. And then ive provided a list of updates with the legislatively that have been before you we havent had any new legislation introduced since the last meeting the interim controls around pdr for cannabis was heard today at land use and will be moving forward to the full board of supervisors not tomorrow but the following week with some amends on time period and permit that are already in the process prior to january 9th are allowed to continue through the process and again interim controls we generally do not schedule those meeting before the commission because they generally happen fast sort of a place holder theres the ability for a large discussion on permit zoning controls thats generally what you hear and then ive priority a list of other policy matters that you you know were continuing to work on and then the cannabis we the Cannabis Task force will be making its official set of year one recommendations again making recommendations ignite directions to the city and department for possible legislative actions or policy matters to work on and deal with so we have also been involved in interdepartmental meetings were looking at recommendations theyll be making the formal presentations to the board of supervisors on january 23rd. And then lastly i wanted to make note i mentioned this a while ago weve within readvantaging our starting business booklet with a design and updated information i hope to have an example that will be while we have translate but will be a few months but so but youll be seeing that book led soon by the end of the month. So unless any questions you have of me that concludes my report. Commission any questions. Nope so okay. Any any Public Comment . That want to comment on directors report. Item 9. And Vice President to report on Small Business activities and make announcements of interest to the Small Business community. I dont have anything to report anyone else. Nope. I do i was notified to with mayor ed lee in chinatown that was quite a few businesses to promote the shop and dine in the 49 and happy to see the mayor went to the victory and bought something from the restaurant that supports the local businesses and the same day we went to the pressed conference to kickoff the clean chinatown program so it was a productive day. December seems like a distant memory. All right. Any Public Comment on commissioners reports . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Next item item 10 new business for the commissioners to have future agenda. Anybody have any new business and i want to prop the trend of the pga the city town floor used by mostly corporate medical groups that take ahold of other types of businesses. Ground floor theyre mostly corporate and medical. We have one in the neighborhood that will be taking up a huge amount of what otherwise, it storefront on two streets. Okay. At the so that kind of makes a big blank wall. The proliferation there is a proliferation of medical service organizations. Of medical corporate. Yeah. This is a general thing based on i mean the transition to the population. Okay i have an item to add i would like us to schedule a presentation about online registration of nonprofit. I recently attempted to register the dog patch association for the fee organizations and when you go to the first screen to determine our Organization Type of no nonprofits designations the response i got well, you have an undermined designation thats not true you registration as a 501 of you dont register for an eis court and get Something Different tip of the iceberg so regina and i said i wonder in the Merchant Association are registered taking money in you should be registered with the city whether or not you pay a fee you should be registered if for no other reason the city should tell how many businesses on their roster their successors 01, of course, nonprofits right so well weve found out and not name well known merchants organizations are not registered and we also happen to know that some neighborhood registers are not rentcontrolled unit and some are not registered with the federal government so they dont have an employee Identification Number therefore theyre taking money and clearly not paying taxes if youre challenging money you must have a taxpayer id im proposing that first, we understand what the process is because i have not received a satisfactory response so how im supported to register the dog patch it is clear he cant so ill have to go in there or change it to accommodate the question any other organizations that should be on there so but specifically around. Ids. Specifically around the rental requirement not just for the city but nonprofit would be a useful thing to do here many are Merchant Associations and make sure that all the merchants successors are registered properly with the city the state and federal government they understand their obligations in those regards and then i think that is a Good Public Service i think we may have found a little hole register progress. The state follows through. It is straightforward to get this i went on online and did that with the federal government i went to city and county find my my my hope. That will be extremely important. As a Public Service to me id like to have that calendared as quickly as possible. I asked about a federation from the San Francisco airport i get a lot of inquires about those from the airport id like to be able to understand how it works and. With the airport or at the airport or both. With the airport. As a vendor to the airport . They would be having a location at the airport and d. B. A. With the airport. A location in the airport. To be a business. To locate our business at the airport. Right. Okay. And with the airport because a because i dont know what kind of an organization the airport is a special organization. It is a special excuse me a special organization they do have even though it is city and county there are some depending on their certain areas they fall under federal giles. That will be interesting to know theres a lot of people out there so a lot of opportunity for Small Businesses. Okay. Great any other new business so 3 items that we like to calendar for presentation all right. Any Public Comment on new business seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Next item. Sfgovtv could you please show the slides. As our custom, we begin the Small Business commission with a reminder that the office of Small Business is the only to start your business and the best place for getting the answers with your new or existing business. Stouffers policies and projects and issues that effect the Economic Vitality of the Small Businesses in the county of San Francisco. So if you need assistance with Small Business matters start here. Best of all the services are free of charge this is the public form to voice tour concerns and the vitality of Small Business commission if you need assistance start here at the office of the Small Business commission thank you. Okay item number 11 adjournment. I motion to adjourn. Okay commissioner adams motion. I second commissioner yeeriley. All in favor, say i. Opposed . That item passes 7 to zero this meeting is adjoined at

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