You mentioned, the Small Business community is a key stakeholder. So learning more about that and how they can be involved in helping form the development of the vision and the components throughout. I hope that speaks to your question a little bit. Commissioner dennis zouzounis to our existing rfp, we do have existing sp requirements as well. Okay thats part of that were promised to consult focusing there are standards that. Thank you. Think of your presentation responding to our questions. If you could just explain to me a little more the major investment analysis by corridor is. What that means sure. Is there a site youd like me to reference . Im just looking off the list of elements of the subway master plan and i dont know what that stands for or that means. Major investment analysis by corridor. What it means is first identifying which corridor are the ones that warrants further investments. Meaning, where are the most demand for travel to and from and of those corridor with their identify, what type of investment would we make it amusing the Word Investment were globally meeting what type of infrastructure we need. We need a bus infrastructure . Would we need a rapid Rail Infrastructure speakers would read accommodation of the two . Okay. Then they also relates back to what makes up that corridor so would be a specifici mean maybe theyll be a pleased to include Small Businesses or neighborhood associations . Certainly when you get to the corridor level thats the type of planning work that would be dumb. Consulting stakeholders and being informed by the Stakeholder Input and comments through that. Thank you. Commissioners, any other comments . I have a comments. Traditional outreach is typically nothing more than a warning shot to tell people what is coming. I think id like to see us redesign the experience mentoring these projects. It occurs to me that when an Amusement Park puts on a new ride they dont shut down the Amusement Park it oftentimes the construction is amusement is up. Apart goes to Great Lengths whats coming in subway construction project as well as the outcome. I think you would benefit from bringing in a different type of professional in the early phases , some Design Professionals which we have some of the most most renowned Design Professionals and organizations in our city. Their expertise is experiential design. I think the problem that i see, especially when i got to union square the experience is rented we put a bandaid on it every Holiday Season little astroturf, but the minute christmas is over the bulldozers are back in the astroturf is gone and the messes in place again. I just feel for the businesses big and small pattern during this project and still have years ahead of them with this project. Yet, people who come to the city have questions. We have questions that translate terminal being torn down i live in a neighborhood is fascinating to watch. There is no onsite description of what was happening. No signage telling you what was going on. Theres only a direction where i could watch a video cam but that doesnt address the issue in the moment when people are looking suddenly torres on to go home and say lets watch a great movie on tv with watch the estate terminal project. But if the information were delivered onsite and it was done in a way in a modern presentation technologies that made it interesting and made it of interest, i think theres so much that the begun to redesign this experience. I would encourage you to bring in some new professionals other than the ones that are always at the table. Its the same old same old and everyone has their own point of view that been carrying around for decades but how these things are done. Thats redesign the experience of enduring these projects because we will always be enduring them. We need to massive Infrastructure Projects in the city and i think anyone would deny that. I think its just a fear of the disruption thats going to promulgate itself across the city as we see projects like the ones were undergoing right now. Its pretty abysmal. It affects everyones life. The people live here. The local work here the people who visit here having to do with the disruption, physical and environmental disruption that these projects cause. So, please reach out to his mother professionals. They have great track records. Theyre called in to redesign the emergency room experience at the hospital. The travel experience on mass transit. They can go down a laundry list of experiences that they have done deep dives in and said we can make this a lot better. Sometimes theyre very simple Human Factors solutions to making these things less painful and sometimes even enjoyable. Projects are fastening. Why is the dump truck video fascinating for young kids . Because bigger equipment is interesting and bigots like it to. There is an entertainment element to be some sort of absurd but it is a form of entertainment. With active turn it into the because right now its just a massive disaster. We also bear the brunt of it. Big and Small Businesses. Thank you, commissioners. I like to add in closing we hope we can come back and seek your advice to the life of the program and appreciate your feedback and conversation today. Thank you. Appreciate you coming back. That concludes the presentation. We now open to Public Comment. The members of the public would like to comment on this item . Welcome. Stephen cornell. I think we should look at a different big picture. Ridership on muni and all the different transit agencies in the bay area has gone up. But actually has gone down. Per capita ridership has gone down for the last 20 years. In San Francisco is down 12 . It is consistent over all these years. So, even with all these projects think it has to be looked at differently. How you get more people into mass transit . I dont think were doing a good job of it. Even though, again is more people riding we have more people coming in so the percentage of the people on mass transit keeps going down, down, down. Something wrong. That statistic the last 20 years is before the price of oil had gone down. So if anything, were going to see more people in cars if its cheaper like this last year with the statistics are not available to me, which statistics are coming out and its something anybody can look up. Its under vital signs. You cannot down by bay area by San Francisco by neighbors. All kinds of them. I love your comments about what youre doing about the Small Businesses in the area. Whenever theres not enough big federal funds or state caltrans funds is no Economic Impact studies done. I think we should be urging Economic Impact studies for the smaller projects that we see around San Francisco. The impact, i was here for parts. I was here for all of these. We have not seen any change on third street when they went through firstrate, ocean avenue, i was here for parts. I was here for all of these. We have not seen any change on third street when they went through firstrate, ocean ave. , west portal, we live through it all. This hardly any communication to Small Businesses until the shovels come out and people start screening and its not even a full bandaid a little dot that happens. I went to my dentist whos on terror bill for the past 20 you could share no idea that there is a Program Going on on terror bill. Where is the communication . Thank you. Thank you. Any other members of the public who like to comment on this item . Seeing none, public, discos. Commissioners, any other comments or questions . Thank you very much. Commissioners, i would like to i will summarize your comments and discussion and provide that as a beginning bid of information for the department, so they have that information. So thank you for being here. Moving on to item 6 of them at this point. Review of our Planning Session. Item number six is a review of the Planning Session from december 18. At the Small Business commission had. Strategy goes. Commissioners, were going to have an overview discussion. I think we can take what id like to do since i know you have not had an opportunity to take a look at the document is just outline the document from a what is there. We have some discussion and then i can work with it. Present you with a final document prior to the next commission meeting. This does not necessarily have to be ratified document just a working document for you. Its your decision. So, the document starts off with the goal to become more relevant to the community of the Small Business owners as an office and commission and that the office, we really ensure that identified as the go to the source for the Small Business informational needs, and the commission is a trusted advocate for all issues affecting Small Businesses. Commission meetings should be a source of central and interesting information to help businesses manage their businesses and San Francisco and the form to express their thoughts about issues affecting Small Businesses. So, the commission has a Public Service announcement and we will have that starting generate 25th meeting, and at the close of the meeting. At the start and close of the meeting because of the holidays i was not able to facilitate that this particular meeting. Then, proactively exploring big topics. So, the big topics you initially discussed at the Planning Session work infrastructure. Were off to a good start on that get a good start. Portability housing transportation for the Service Sector workforce, and for businesses, homelessness, longterm commercial vacancies or commercial ownership. Those two things go hand in hand. A new development have taken a look at opportunity, which also goes with the commercial space as well. He platforms is the businesses assistance center. Again, ensuring all of our purgatory agencies and departments know to direct people to the office of Small Business for new businesses. Work without it would Economic Development organizations to direct businesses to osb. Do we have a legacy business fund, Small Business week, we wanted to restart me thinking about how you want to do with the tuesday board of supervisors acknowledgments the shop and dine and 49 is a yearround campaign now that includes a shop local and partners with the shop small, Small Business saturday, bmx program. With the Small Business portal. We will be be launching our newsletter or to do a newsletter blog and i will be working with staff to come up with some recommendations and ideas to present to you. We have our Small Business owner email list. So, again, beginning to do with our reach with them. A small, monthly Small BusinessRecognition Program to relaunch that. And then Small BusinessAcceleration Team which is the which will be launching towards the end of february and this is the program will be hiring a dedicated arson to be working with restauranteurs opening a restaurant. Then, regular commission meetings. Again, the discussion in terms of where you want your priorities. Obviously, commission is always heard legislation thats been referred to the commission were self referred to the commission. Resources, help for Small Business owners through the agencies and programs and other organizations. So i started to create an outline of what those resources may be in terms of hope ensuring Small Businesses either no what is out there, things to know whats out there. A lot of those also fall under other departments. Then, we have those other resources. Education, what you need to know, myth busters, best practices, so Small Business owner tutorials, refreshes, general best practices on interesting topics and trends, Small Business categories that might be specific to industries , who what why presentations from other departments must back and kind of overlap with what is listed under item number two, and in section 4 would be dense so, it is for Small Business owners, especially things like Small Business week, Small Business saturday. Currently, know that carol has returned, we are doing our social media and electronic blasting like contracting workshops the workshops Paul Pendergast had talked about. Social media and electronic blasts workshop opportunities would like google , though business the state is going to be doing a conference here next week. So, those types of partnerships and then getting involved. How can this business be involved in help advocate for themselves and sort of put in a recommendation that maybe we can invite the different merchants associations and business organizations to present to the commission on projects and initiatives, knowing what their priorities are. Then, at the end we talked about a calendar. So, we actually have a calendar now on our website. I have added every Single Commission meeting, and then in that it will link to the agenda, but you are interested in having things preset. So that somebody could say when is the next presentation on the business portal and search for that. So, i started to think about the different months, things that can be presented. The business portal, i think its still going through substantial development this still substantial work being done. I think quarterly updates will be good for you to have. March, if you want to be kept apprised of possible fees, fee increases, new fees that apartments are thinking of them because this is a budget cycle this might be a time tofor our office, first staff to reach out to the province see with their thinking and have them present those to you. Healthcare security ordinance the reporting is due and so if you want anyits due at the end of it. Theres any kind of thought or reporting of presentations on Healthcare Security ordinance. Then, Small Business week might be good to get a presentation then because most of it will have been formed. Then, june, minimumwage increases annually in july. Do we want a presentation from, maybe a presentation from ted egan taken a look at some of the economics of whats transpiring to work numbers that correspond with that. July is, july 1, 2015 is when the state paid sick leave regulation went into place. So, that might be a time to check in with osc in terms of how things are going. What questions, things theyve had to field between the two different regulations. Then, also, tentatively dph is targeting the bridge to cover plan. The cities and ari. He received a presentation from calming charter last july. The targeting of the program in place. She said fall. Something in september might be a good time to check in and possibly if its ready to then schedule in september. September is a good time to maybe think about askinggetting a report on numbers to the Business Registration. However, you might want to receive it in terms of new businesses open, number of businesses closing, number of businesses by category. Things of that sort. Then, of course any revisit of each cso because the rates go up january 1. December might be good time to refresh anything of that sort. So, to kind of start to get your brain thinking in terms of when you might want to think about having presentations. Lets also add to this, having at each meeting any announcements about events or filing deadlines that affectthings youre going to get better can result in penalties or change or impact your regular operating procedures. For example, during everyone that minimumwage changes. We should decide whether we want make these announcements, or we should decide to make these announcements by 3060 day. Just remind everybody in 90 days minimal wage missing. Come back x month and then hate if you do not change your month and youre in violation. There are a number of filings and the deadlines that can really bite you if your Small Business owner doesnt have on staff professionals are hired professionals watching these things for you. Steve mayer is on the board of the chamber with me and hes a professional accountant has had to deal with a number of these cases with his clients. So theres two things hes recommended that we deal with. One, is notifying people but also there are some rather punitive issues on the books today that we ought to start entertaining how it might change some of these laws. Gross receipts tax. Things being implemented through no minimumwage zone view window gross receipt taxes wanted with go find out with the various fees and tax timing deadlines are so we can have in this we work in progress but we can construct notification that we do. I think would be we should have another website but also announce it here so goes on the