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Jonas the commissions will take a short break here. Located at 1631 howard in in accordance with the policy a cu to allow the closed vehicle storage to establish 4 level vehicle stackers for 80 spaces at howard and 52 spaces on Howard Street with architectural screening a cu is required a smaller one story car wash and 3 earthal screens up to 33 feet along howard the primary element is the recess screen walls that provide a 5 foot buffer from the Property Line that will be compromised to the screen stackers their right to make the color and proposed with prefinished steel panels that twist from from the ground to interest an openness towards the top and hogan from the framework with the architectural references of the existing buildings the portion of the site seeing no other names on the roster, to establish the vehicle staging stack age on 11 and 12 those properties are been the w Zoning District 55 height and bulk district and within the western soma plan area the approximately, six 2 though square feet site expand is 45 percent of the city block that is compromised of 9 parcel that make up that auto repair facility surrounding is a mixed use variety of industrial and commercial uses east and west long Howard Street include the residential and commercial industrial and church and social services the use of the property to the rear is 21st century story buildings a chair use and a 4 story bedroom structure the project sponsor will outreach with the surrounding properties but mailed letters of support and no letters were received from the deli across the street and one from the adjacent neighbor on Howard Street and one letter of concern that the landlord of the Apartment Building off kissi ling to two levels instead for you with the sounds like wall anglo along the shared Property Line and the project sponsor will work with the staff to develop what happens the notched area butt his front Property Line also included in our handful an exception for the project and circulation and vehicle stacker provided by the project pertinent applicant important things that support the finding include the fact the project xoements promotes the operations of a locally owned automobile facility with the have i been ability of the stackers and they not displace any existing tenants or eyes on undeveloped lots this preservers a pdr use and provides Employment Opportunities the pdrs and to the 74th annual memorial day neighborhood provides a 3 dimensional screen along howard and in questionikisling they weu three years ago with the auto dealer and theyve implemented that building in operation now were back here proposing a moderation of the Automobile Service operation a couple of blocks on howard and kissing between 11 and 12 and have the folks from restraining order on motors come here im the operator the family is in business since 1947 the present operator is a thirdgeneration the eco was not able to attend asked me to come down were excited about the project as far as the project were the car stackers utilizing the parking area and more utilization of the process instead of using the parking structure two blocks behind us as well as adding a car lodge assembly to wash the customers cars and friendly and reclaiming the system to the project that not only allows our business to be more focus we serve the customers he clean power the parking lot and will be more effective for our customers the infrastructure and to maintain the automobile repair business we run a business since 1947 thats all i have. Okay. Thank you. Thank you, john again, i want to give you a quick he overview the existing operations is a maybe building and two surface vehicle storage lots the project will conduct roughly nonretail car wash adjacent to the existing Office Building this will be used if not open to the public with retail by the Service Operation and washing new cars before by bring them to the dealer it will construct 3, 4 level systems think Howard Street for the cyber outlet of the site 81 storage places in existence and b will increase up to one and 58 spaces the stackers will be used for the Service Operations while storage and new cars being brought before you you know held in storage before the new dealership with the landscaping along Howard Street and kissing with the purpose of is stacksers from the street theyre taking the cars and packing in a parking garage on 12 and kiss listing and being a narrow alley there will be a significant amount of traffic off the streets and eliminates we agreed to reduce the stackers by two levels along the rear yard for reduction of 8 stacker spaces and agreed to a construction the wall along the rear rear line with the buffer and finally continue working with the neighbor on the small notch on the screen both being provided to them we also have been working with the apartment owner on 11 and kisling with the street weve talked about the number of cars and moving off that street and provided them with a direct point of that contact with the motors and adopted a policy and he posting signs with the employees to surcharge theyre properly using that street we are also going to get in touch that the mercedes down kisling street and also install cameras and lighting along kisling street for the improvement of the lighting in the alley the existing sites one and 2 employees and will consolidate the vehicle storage that are currently used down the street and maintain the operation in existence ero 40 years we respectfully are here. Your approval and questions opening it up for Public Comment not seeing any, Public Comment is closed. Commissioner moore. Im very glad to see an densification of the pdr use that is appropriate the question i would ask it is the increase in parking as it relates to pdr the motion tied to the use and user it is user specific ill not see densification to the parking past the fact that the motor will move out sometime in the future. It is tied to a the the operation or to that site if it was 20 to be sold and or converted to the parking it will need a cu. Thank you. The second question i like the treatment of the wall to the outside do we have particular maintenance requirement because no blank walls tend to invite people that want to paint graffiti id like to sure the enlightenments and the automotive use is looking sharp. I dont believe there are specific conditions currently the motion that states that but youre welcome to add that if if so a concern. Id like to add this is not a nonpresent largest of the visibility factor i want it to be graffiti free and with an that is attended to etc. I think with that otherwise im supportive of it and would move to approve with these added conditions second. Commissioner antonini. Yeah. I too am supportive i also when he heard there was steal the walls that are being put up there i looked any case rapport report and assumed it was wood it looks nice but if it is metal it can rusty assume that will be taken care of this is a great use it us much anymore efficient and i can appreciate the number of cars that are on that lot and at a given time i also been there for servicing by only the service part but with my wife as a jeep she goes to goes 0 out to statutory and that lot is so big you have a hard time turning around and getting out of there they could use some stackers you have our Service Vehicles and some sales vehicles on to south van ness and used storage between all the uses so im sure there are quite a few and it makes a lot of sense to use the stackers to have mother vehicles and not employ a second facility to move them if there so i am supportive. There is a motion that has been seconded to approve that matter with conditions as amended to include the user mine the student specifically the shaping and keep is a great deal of free commissioner antonini pr commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner Vice President richards and commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 to zero and places us on item 13 for case no. At fulsome street this is a large project authorization. Commissioners, i have another new planner to reintroduce to you shawn has returned to the department after several years away shawn has over 17 Years Experience worked for many agencies Santa Barbara and many others he graduated if cal poly and working in planning ever sense and managed a lot of promotions downtown mixed use and a substantial development hes a nature californian and enjoys gardening and hiking and coastline and photoy. Good afternoon shawn the item before you is a large project authorization for proposed project at fulsome street under the large project authorization the project is seeking modifications to the planning code reminder for a rear yard dwelling unit exposure ceiling height, and offstreet parking the proposed project consists of the existing building and construction of a new 14 story mixed use building with two ground floor totally 23 hundred square feet and dwelling units and 36 offstreet Parking Spaces and 89 bicycle parking and go class one bicycle parking space and 52 one bedroom and 57 two bedroom and to date letters in support and one additional letter was passed out today and with the Affordable Housing in lui fee alternative with the middle of the fee based 22 percent that is estimated about 5 billion at a project viable plans was completed through the exemptions calibrated via email i have copies here and also like to note a couple of minor corrections to the draft motion on page 2 the last forgave november 3rd should be changed to march 3, 2016 and on page 3 of the motion the last sentence of item two strike the words belowmarket rate and after analyzing all the aspects the staff recommends approval with the applicable compliance with the modification and the project is consistent with the policies and procedures as stated the motion the project is located in a Zoning District for residential uses permitted and the project pursues now Residential Development with significant go sign up landscaping sidewalks and private and common open space the project provides capable in fill construction within the m u r and holstering and utilities the eastern neighborhood controls and will pay the books closing the project sponsor is present and has prepared a presentation and in his presentation im available to answer any questions. Project sponsor please. Thank you good afternoon commissioner president fong and members of the Commission Im c. J. Im representing the project sponsor for the project before you today the proposed project will add 89 one bedroom unit to the city inventory the times of urgent need the location is at corner of fulsome and he ideal for Residential Projects of this type the project will join other residential buildings on the street and will help to encourage residential environment in a very mixed area will continue to be mixed use area and in particular, the sidewalks improvements along the hallway this or that with the human scale orientation of the all of the Evidence Base and impanels the character of the neighborhood while nielsz nicely with the other sounding areas the Neighborhood Outreach was constructed we feel confident the project will be received and the project sponsor is worked with the Planning Department through several iteration with the facade and the base of the building where it meets the street were proud the final product we are presenting with that, i turn this over the project architect will walk through in more detail. Thank you, commissioner and staff. Jonas. Excuse me. Go ahead. Excited to take you through and give you a graphic introduction of what you guys had a chance to review earlier and shawn and t. J. Spoke about to give you a quick conversions here on the northeast and that borders with the financial district to the north it happens to sit where at the border of a couple of various Zoning District and planning borders so that you end up having a mix of different massing types ill shoe show you on the next slide this is 13 thousand 5 hundred commercial says that a chinese routine U Restaurants 72 hour the bottom images at a car location it is currently operating as we go on to the next slide this gives context of the massing were proposing we are he proposing one and thirty foot building located in the heights district as far as the massing youll notice a couple of mixed various heights along the frontage its neighbor immediately to its east will matching that height with the intent of 50 feet that is a 7 story commercial building now across the street to the north plus a 14 floor commercial building which is obviously you much higher and we show there for many context the future development the outlines you might see for the three hundred foot tower proposed at the diagonalal corner the proposal is within the planning guidelines and problematically offers i think a program that fits within the context going to the next slide this is a summary of something shawn provided 789 units 52 one bedroom and parking stalls at the basement levels and 23 hundred square feet of retail and open space in various balconies or through the rooftop amenities the courtyard and well show you in the next slide a sidewalk expansion. This is a ground floor level it has been colored to be look at more clear graphically and on the north the two commercial spaces 23 hundred square feet total and north of that long fulsome street both of the retail spaces on fulsome and there were go class two bike rapgz racks holding two bikes along the east side and that accounts for the 8 class 2 bike parking stalls appropriated on the south side the color listed it recognizes a place for the tenants a lobby for the residential tenants as well as bike storage 89 stalls and then for the at the boundary to the parcel a 10 foot curve cut that allows assess to the underground parking other amenities shown here are parcel mail rooms were in discussion of a possible Conference Room for the tenants and going next door this one shows some of the unit mixes and the courtyard that is proposed at that level and also there is double height space youll see about the retail that provides and accommodates a 13 floor requirement if 5 above and in this case we have some spaces that are nearly double height going up further this is a typical floor it is a pretty tight site we show 7 units per floor at the unit mix alternatives between go one bedrooms and 2 two bedrooms the articulation at the facade with the projections for the bay windows then on the south side that is facing the courtyard youll notice there is private patios proposed for those units that is important to note in every unit and every room direct access to views and light and they all have windows in every single room finally when we get up it out you were floor youll notice a large amenity that is calming nielsz a proposed floor tenant use public space with support Building Support and mechanical features it is a quick overview of comments weve received some earliest ration from october 2014 that was some things have been passed on to planning we received comments and i wanted to walk through those comments i you as you can see all the concerns the first iteration the permit asked for more articulation and depth the facade something that might characterize more characterized as in nature a followup rendering youll see as a xhoentsdz or a tool were using to identify these residential units straightening youll have a punk what did facade with the windows but many this this we focused strongly on the individual unit and this is our proposal here and part of pride in recognizing that the bay windows is a San Francisco vera in that case lett is we offered a way that gave a more dynamic pattern an expression of depth but beyond the pattern youll see in the general facade we on the strength of the plan is the corner of building entering laced fingers a deeper expression of a volume rather than a surface punctuation was so our expressions from the exterior on fulsome primarily through the expressions of the text during of the building. Im sorry sir, your presentation times has expired i dont know from the chair has a desire to continue. How much more. 3 more slides. Okay. What is intended to show here the we stuck with the presentation of the design features the articulation that allows us to contract what we offer from the exterior courtyard with the language or vocabulary to express the differentiation if you will, and in the material for example, like cutting open fruit with finally going to this is the last slide we would like to share at the street level the virtual outline is where the pedestrian level and from the street a big component of our presentation and our proposal to expand the sidewalk as you can see it is a canopy and note there is a completely successful idea the bay windows and their scale is proportional to the residents and users along this property so that concludes my presentation. Okay. Thank you. Open up for Public Comment. calling names good afternoon, commissioners thanks for letting me speak im rudy corpus a executive director of the united players south of market we work with 4 hundred to 5 hundred kids daily so we work with 50 to 60 kids im born and raised in the south of market im here to make sure that were here Holding People accountable to make sure that in district 6 people are building they have to meet the residents and meet with the people so we can have housing for our people in the community ive met with some of the people that are building this project and very contestant im also eager to continue to build a relationship with them the project you you know it looks nice the building project looks at solid and here to support them and look forward to continuing to talk with you guys will i have spoke to other people about the building in the neighborhood has allowed me to build relationships to help the organizations so thank you for that youll be seeing and hearing more people speaking in support of what im in port of people building the neighborhood i support this project thank you. Overhead please rob pool with the Action Coalition welcome back commissioner johnson and congratulations our members does it or makes great use of land and it itself within the walk distance the jobs and housing in a transit rich area so doing the affordability on site and we support is it the parking space is above our general preference to be go to add a car share space and bring the bike ratio up to two bedrooms this would be terrific it is looking forward to improving the pedestrian experience and widening the sidewalks sea great landscaping will make that more pollutant place for residents to be it will be a great project and at the time of the presenting to us with the preapplication we attend we encourage you to be more into the community and the understanding it is terrific to see rudy here to see a great relationship with the project sponsor and the Property Owner or project sponsor is talking with the neighbors about the proposal we think that is a good project for the city and hope you support it today thank you for your time. Hi my name is austin im going to try to keep my comments short this is a great project for the neighborhood and for the marketplace and as well as the sidewalk expansion i encourage you to approve this project and move forward thank you. Is there any additional Public Comment . Okay not seeing any, Public Comment is closed. Commissioner moore this project is fun it actually brings a smile to our face with vibrancy and residential expression and breath of fresh air i think the interpretation of the departments bay remedies it beautifully excused and the idea of what i consider to be a basket weave into entering locking hands makes it interesting im sure we have our own feelings about the projecting program and surely i can spends many christmases but this is another story. I think in the change of fulsome street that is a wonderful addition im delighted to so no nest bedrooms and no nest bedrooms here im saying that twice it can be done i think this particular building has a lot of things that are an x track we try to discussed the lack of benefit of marketrate bedroomsncluding how to use the bay successfully and create an interpretation of the bay im in full support that have this project and move to approve. Second. Second. Commissioner antonini. Yeah. I too am in full support pointing out that contributing over 6 million in fees which permanent around 8 hundred thousand or eastern neighborhood and childcare fees will have an influence the neighborhood as well as all the other fees he really like the double retail spaces that make that corner become more vibrant and as appointed by staff this complies under the present m u r zoning will comply under the proposed m u o our central soma so that works and utilizing hiring and just a block or so from what will be an opening to the central subway is it is really very close to transit which im sure it is a good place for housing and walkable to the many areas that are becoming the new are additional financial District South of market on mission and another streets around there so i think this is a real good project. Commissioner moore. Im interested to ask staff about the choice of the colors to the interior of the project to the rear and side of the project i see light green green space and so forth how do you respond to that. No additional study only a suggestion originally the color palate was just a gray material thought it would be novice to brighten up the courtyard area with a little bit and this arises from an internal point that might be a fun thing to look at when you live in those units what happens you choose other than neutral light it can be a various of tones you takein that color i lived in an Apartment Building that has a large courtyards and lightwell and someone decided to paint them in an offwhite based color that it is hard to look at them like hepatitis it was a light green the computer simulation start to show inside the environment if so a hard thing to look at i suggest you study it so did interior feelings of the room is not effected by the particular colors. There is a motion that has been seconded to approve that matter with conditions on that motion commissioner antonini is commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner Vice President richards and commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 to zero and place us on item 14 ab at 14th street youll be considering a Zoning District and the Zoning Administrator a request for variance and another planner elizabeth is with the department returned to the Department Around a stent if 19 i 95 to 2001 a planner that on the Southeast Quadrant team and with the Preservation Advisory Committee she returned to us in september of last year and 20 years of planning the bay area with several companies and tim kelly consultants and more recently worked with the municipal with the city of petaluma and she holds a b. A. From Harvard University and a masters from san jose state welcome back good afternoon commissioner president fong and members of the commission the the item before you is a request for conditional use authorization for the property on 14th street located the rp o Transit District and within the market and octavia plan area the projection proposes to address residential unit as basement and first floor levels within the building it contains the Golden Church and with residential unit which were constructed with the knowledge is 1923 the project sponsor has reduced the number of units proposed as not in your packets if 7 to 6 and this change is seen in the plans ive passed forward so 4 studio units and one one bedroom unit anticipate one two bedroom is promoted the reductions accommodated accommodates the new units and totals of 16 units and alternate church related spaces to accommodate those new units as well as 16 bicycle Parking Spaces there are no changes proposed to the interior space think is two and three third story and this is the existing garage replacement in kind of exterior windows and repair the staircase the rear in our set of plans emailed to the commission the project sponsor has revised the plans for the staircase this is also in the items is that were passed forward to you those show the exterior from the third story to remain repaired and new perpendicular to the ground floor to the basement the project requires conditional use authorization for increased residential density beyond what is pertaining permitted in the zones and in addition to the dwelling unit mixed use the property was identified is a restored the market octavia survey i passed forward email correspondence that was submitted after and this Public Comment is specifically in regard to the loss first floor spaces utilized by the church and additional perfect correspondence that came in this morning regarding the potential new units proposed airbnb this project has been around since 2013 there was several tenants a Church Tenant that attended mostly concerned with the location of the trash and security concerns at the rear of the property the Department Recommends approval with conditions and buildings the project is necessary and desirable and that concludes my presentation. Ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Thank you. Okay project sponsor please. Good afternoon, commissioners my name is todd mentor the trustee of the hit the nail on the head witnesses loan to the property a little bit of history we start 24 project a couple years ago we we had a different concept has a developer you think you come up with a good idea at the beginning and im a big proponent of the planning process ive done a lot of projects and always find the end projecting protein is better than the beginning product we have a couple of outreach meetings with the neighbors and any concerns we addressed well the building its the current tenants the building seem to be had a a happy a laundry room not currently there and bike parking and handicap from the back so someone can get into the first floor and taking out a nonconforming garage that was built in the 40s or 50s that will become an outdoor area for the barbecue and beverages people can enjoy and with that, well be adding 6 Additional Units the church go sanctuary will go stay and today, i have the pastors of the Golden City Church in support of the church and vessels the elderly i think now it is appropriate that heidi the architect and michael from our office can answer any technical questions you have but i think the project generally provides good housing in an area that is a great area for San Francisco so headiidi. Does anyone have any questions we know the drawings are a little bit late i apologize but the Zoning Administrator brought up good questions tuesday on the stair we tried to work with the fulton neighbors their bay and it turns out it would have required a much large than i thought i found out yesterday with several Department Meetings he getting emigrate it confirmed im required to leave the area stair from the first floor to the third story. We with also did have a question about Affordable Housing and you know todd wanted to have as many units as possible early on and that being in a rentcontrolled unit that addresses this affordability and providing housing and things like that when we sketched out the two bedroom unit option because the planning code requires 40 percent to be new units fib two bedroom he liked it so we decided to change that okay. Anything further. I have some graphics or pictures i can provide i dont know if it is helpful hopefully, you had enough time to review the drawings. Are those drawings any different than we have here. Theyre the same. Okay. Thank you. Great. We may have questions for you anything else from our team you have a few minutes. Oh, yes. Good afternoon, commissioners thank you guys im the pastor of the Golden City Church this is going to be inside of the sanctuary before 14th street and we are excited to be a part of this new process of a link history of churches being the deboss triangle neighborhoods were in support of this project opening it up for Public Comment any Public Comment . Okay not seeing any, Public Comment is closed. Commissioner Vice President richards you i guess a question for project sponsor you gave us the same as the packetou i guess a question for project sponsor you gave us the same as the packetu i guess a question for project sponsor you gave us the same as the pack i guess a question for project sponsor you gave us the same as the packet i guess project sponsor you gave us the same as the packet so. Commissioner antonini. I can ask the same question permanently there or revised plans were reading about the addition of those tiny units your building and not permanent into two bedrooms. Now the new count were diagnose 7 and now were doing of one two bedroom one one bedroom, and 4 studios. That still is well below the market octavia requires you know 40 percent two bedroom so. Exactly. Ill be more in favor of two two bedrooms that is called out the plan and it might actually have families occupy it may not necessarily ensue but at least theyll be big enough spaces to accommodate people because some of the buildings have small ill see what my fellow commissioners have to say but i envision maybe 3 new bedrooms snaef one and maybe one bedroom. I dont know we were required to keep the chapel. Youre going to need to speak into the microphone. Sorry heres the existing can chapel that is our space to provide residential and that was our 14 foot wide space for residential and for the lower floor a Building Code section that requires bedrooms to have escape windows and you cant do that from the basement unless it has direct access to a yard or street so based on all of the requirements with the Building Code and planning code and space requirements i cant get enough 20 two bedroom i i mean, i could not get a 2 two bedroom it is. Im not an architect if the the buildings were longer but if the as many i can picture two units interest and this 0 small one on the other side. Were maxed out i got a one bedroom up interest and then the pastor unit because of that egress window and the requirements that is kind of what i can fit in there. The other commissioners will have comments as to the design and well work with the staff to see what is possible. Okay commissioner Vice President richards. Im taking myself back to 17 hundred market i was looking at the metric plan for years the unit requirement was something with the Neighborhood Association led the charge when you have those call them i dont mean any disrespect the units are small not having whatever people but having families move on so i get if you were to try to configure the large units 17 Market Street we ended up 17 instead of 40 they have zero but all units i guess my challenge i agree what commissioner antonini to ask you to go back and see if you require different variance because youre doing two bedrooms. Im sorry ive been working on that for 3 years no way to get another two bedroom apartment but we went through and had more units we were removing the chapel and to comply with that and have proper handicap assessable lift and stairs and the stair widths and the hallway widths it is not not possible. Okay. Im not going to support the project. Im looking at the basement level 4 studio units; is that correct. It is half of one one a two level and so because that one units the two bedrooms are upstairs it has a escape and rescue window that is required and the other 3 units face the rear yard youre allowed to have a exit out the two studios can they be combined into a two bedroom . That could be a one bedroom. So what i think we dont say a fully cooked project that complies as much as that cod with could ill have you worked on the units counts close as you can to the ideal space theyll probably fall short the two studios i dont want to design a project here. I know i cant put another two bedroom units ive looked at the it. Youve said you can get another one bedroom. multiple voices . I wanted you to say you can get as close to the design. Im sorry, im sorry thank you. Commissioner hillis. So just a question on the combined the basement level and the first story for to create a two bedroom and i thought that was odd that it was above the ground floor and on the other side adjacent to that could you do the same things and combine overseeing two. Upper and lower to create i am not personally im fine that is a little bit im fine with the two units and the door and my only question why you have the living area in the base i understand that but on the other side adjacent to that could you do that same thing. Could we combine these two so then that is the bedrooms. Here. Yeah. And then or these two bedrooms. So we end up with. Two bedrooms and one. 3 studios. So we build 5 6 instead of 6. Yeah. I wouldnt have a real problem with trying to get another two bedroom frankly the market negative impact that area we have buildings around the corner and a two bedroom could be a bit of a challenge to rents one bedrooms are strong and studios are strong but ill have not yielded objection if we fit in a two bedroom that will be fine. Thats my suggestion. So again having 5 units down to 5. Yeah. You got units and complies more with the market octavia. So if we did 5 and two two bedrooms out of 5 well hit the 40 percent and have the studios under the chapel thats my suggestion i mean some notation to continue ill push for that i think that is a nicer two bedrooms and not trying to combine the studios into a bromz ill see what my fellow commissioners have to say. Ill not have an objection to try to do that but if there recent a way to get on the calendar sooner than later. You can get the two bedrooms id like to comply with the market octavia the two two bedrooms units are on that kind of you know nicer side of the building keep the studios underneath the chapel and ill move to do that. I have no problem with b that concept is that and well see weve got to deliberate. Commissioner moore. I support the continuance for two reasons building when you have a complicated projects with the drawings someone said theyve worked on it for 3 years it is for the department availability to point out what was working and not working the other point is the unit mix of market octavia is well known weve supported it with the oz who have worked on it for a number of years and thirdly, i believe that the issue of liveability is a very important one i like to the department to cloth that the clerk will take the roll and unit 3 the one that has the bedroom on the first floor and the lincoln the basement is less than tenant housing were going backwards we cant basically revert to what 3 tenant you housing we have to create and bring something to the market that is a minimum rather than two horn lincoln so id like to carefully have the department a long time and have a hard ti full set of drawings in a timely manner that is a great moment to support the project in its continuation and revisit tweaking it when it comes back. Commissioner Vice President richards. I move to continue. Second. Commissioner Vice President richards is there a specific date. As long as the project sponsor feels comfortable to come back and commissioner johnson are you amenable to commissioner Vice President richards direction so. Certainly the direction commissioner hillis gave is good some of the directions that commissioner moore gave as well needs to be addressed. Okay commissioner antonini. No, i was just going to second it and try to find a date. Commissioner, i imaginations he previously on the other continuance were slammed through june and now. Sorry to interrupt in this case it is clear good direction and maybe on the march 24 within a week. It is a little bit clearer than the last gentleman you didnt thats fine march 24 is available. That the drawings a week before im not going to accept the drawings youve given to me and does the project sponsor understand that. Im sorry excuse me. You would need to sentiment your drawings to the planner within one week if today. Not a problem. Thank you. Okay. Thank you. Commissioner moore. Nothing. Very good commissioners there is a motion that has been seconded to continue this matter to march 24 commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner Vice President richards and commissioner wong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes 6 to one with commissioner johnson voting against commissioners. On the variance to continue to the dates. Excuse me. Mr. Zoning administrator thank you. Commissioners that places you under your discretionary review calendars im pleased i received notice that your last dr 17 has been withdrawn so were on the last item today item 1 ab dr man a mandatory discretionary review and Zoning Administrator will consider the variance. Good afternoon, commissioners wayne Planning Department staff the item before you is mandatory discretionary review to legalize work that was consequences u done within the scope as tantamount to demolition the project began in 2010 when the department of building inspection issued a notice of violation requiring repair of the subject building a detached garage that was partially collapsed at that point he obtained the necessary permit to repair it but the dry rot as present that requires replacement from the interior framing the Planning Department was not made aware and as a result, the work continues exceeded what was need it in the planning code on april 2015 it was suspended for sxooed the scope of work it has remained partially finished the department has one comment from the public specifically correcting want mistake the application and also the case report youve reviewed rewarding the subjective roll call staff it is a detached singlefamily home exempted the rent control ordinances, however, the union clarified clarified the subject building is protest by the referencing as angle 8 unit residential building they dont objectivity but wants want commission to see which would exempt it from the controls and it is important to note that the disapproval the project will not restore the residential unit theyve not received any Public Comment regarding the subject overall they find it appropriate that arrows a units uninhabitable for many years and other alternatively the structure that existed in that location for over one htdz years the rentcontrolled is the needs for simple extensive repairs but that unit will be lost whether this is pleased not take discretionary review that concludes my presentation. Im available to answer any questions. Okay dr requester please. Mandatory discretionary review sorry project sponsor. Commissioners i bob im representing the Levenson Family at 336 pierce we have a picture showing the condition of the building prior to the construction i put it on the overhead illness how to operate the overhead its under as you can see the condition prior to us taking out the Building Permit application we didnt know with we took it out more 50 percent it looks bad but it is waterways in worse shape we thought up to 50 percent to save as much of the building as possible and incidentally everything is in with the same foundation and footing it is the same height and bulk everything is ideal to this except the work line here instead of as you can see this is a pitched roof my fingers is here it is a little bit pitched and evened off under the plans and even it has been lowered a capture of inches so going back ideally the same foots as the old building the, height and bulk and we thought we could going do this under the repair permit i have with me an engineer and the project consultant to answer any questions you may have thank you very much. Thank you. Yeah. Im a consultant let me show you this is the exterior of the building show you this is the interior building as you can see so much delipidated to work over there you have to shore the building this is how we shored the building as you can see the Foundation Next door go is bending to the other properties we have an employee trying it fix the Foundation Fix the foundation and supporting the upper portion of the building it is so badly delipidated no way to hold the building are safe any portion of the building so that is what seems to be the demolition beyond the scope of work as you can see from the first picture nothing to be saved and there is nothing, in fact, left in front of the building if you see the roof the amount of grass is greg on top of the roof and basically the weight of the grass and the rain and wood and stipulate all is very unsafe by no choice to save the building and during the crosswalks things happened when you know you open it and and a we tried tie save it but that is impossible you know let me show you this is a portion of the roof which we tried to a safe you see the portion of the roof is basically eaten by termites and dry rot we tried to hold it what can we do how much can you save we tried our best unfortunately, it happened to be a little bit beyond the scope of work if you have me questions ill be glad to answer them. Okay. Thank you. Anything else from the project sponsor . Okay. If not opening it up for Public Comment thank you, commissioners im david i am an owner of the property abutting the rear of pierce street we ask you deny the project on the on the grounds it is not a demolition in kind but an expansion of the existing building that was issued a repair permit but as everyone has acknowledged the owner down the road the existing building and began constructing a new this and asking to replace a dr in in kind to have the structure as exactly as that was no expansion was proposed that is from the application were factual the Building Height would be the same the building the is turn around the previous structure i have copies of that as well i can distribute obviously the shaping is changed between the years of the photos if you notice the roof line ohio this building would never have been approved that is exactly the property without a setback this is a nonconforming use behind the fence but now a nonconforming on a mid block open space immediately on the Property Line on 3 sides the owner did that it is hidden from the street and can build a bigger building but visual to the people that abut the rear of the property i ask you not to approve that project thank you. Okay next speaker. Next item, please. Good afternoon lauren i live on pierce street it is immediately next door to 336 pierce we oppose the variance because the building that is partially constructed currently is a lot bigger than that currently was and completely contrary to what the gentleman said we also have photographs that is the view the back of our rear of our gardens it is directly into the new building ill show you this. What what looked like before and inaudible that still exists as you can see inaudible thats quite discrepancy that looks at directly into my bedroom and my neighbors bedrooms now and then none that have that was there before this is a completely different building than before we have Major Concerns about our privacy and we think are not being address weve spoken to the gentleman and explained to him about our concerns but absolutely nothing has been done from the interim from 2015 to now and in addition, we feel like our next door neighbor has done nothing to address our concerns or show respect in this process didnt approach us or anything else the neighbors 80 neighborhood to discuss this about the building and havent done so since at the meeting last year, we also tell him we were concerned about the lead paint pealing that into our backyard well have 3 small children under the age of 5 living in our building yet nothing it done about that we feel the gentleman levenson the owner has been consistently ignored the orders that of this panel and the department of building inspection that was sited in flooding to 2015 to do if you go about that when we did he didnt glow the proper process and building a larger building it took us to complain to get it halted and now we have several misrepresentations to you today, this building is exactly the same as before not and the. Your time is up. Any additional speakers Public Comment. Good afternoon, commissioners im david lloyd i lois lane i live over pierce street across the street from the building that is being talked about and i lived in the neighborhoods and im a homeowners since 2004 and over that period of time ive seen the neighborhood from a renter neighborhood to homeowners neighborhood it is been a positive change the i believe that the section one 34 covered the backyard to the proposals o properties in that neighborhood that sounds like it a variance to remove and add on not just an existing building but actually you know remove that whole thing and build into that space i feel that is a negative move for the neighborhood that seems to be more of a move that brings in more transient renters, etc. And im happy i like the neighborhood the way it is with more homeowners so ill move to deny this. Thank you. Okay is there any additional Public Comment . Good afternoon. My name is a katie i live on pierce the top floor unit next door i wanted to basically repeat everything that lauren said my objections ive been the building since 2008 i was there when the side of the building collapsed and what was there before not four windows proposed not a front door the door is on the other side it is a completely different plan the only thing was there before a sliding glass door 90 the middle and since i know the complainants since 2009 nothing was done we had a roof was sunken in and lots of mosquitos and rat problem the neighborhood so were eagle in there i wanted to add additional things. Can i add a question did the wall fall down in 2008, 2009 did you make a complaint. I did i believe that was opened and closed to gain rear assess that was closed at this point. What did the wall fall down you it was early 2009. Thank you. Is there any additional Public Comment . Good afternoon. I live in pierce rights next door to the promote building id like to block it being built ive only been living there for 4 months what i can tell the building the front is not maintained as katie and languishing said paint chip all over the place i have a picture from my window and as you can see all the rust and i know paint chip off a complete eyesore and before in front of the Property Building i have no doubt the building in the back be not quite up to standard. Okay. Thank you. Is there any additional Public Comment . Okay not seeing any, Public Comment is closed. And commissioner hillis. So this is a New Territory for us so i think two or 3 questions one along the lines you know were losing and got rentcontrolled unit and the project sponsor brought this up im confused how that works if you go and demo a unit without proper permits that allows you to get around as you how does that work. Give you a little bit of background on the rentcontrolled with the roof deck they look at the entire lot with the singlefamily dwelling at the rear a singlefamily home at the rear not subject to rent control it looked at the entire lot even it is a singlefamily theyre exempt if rent control this will be subject to rent control now further to that what the implementation moving forward with the building that is up to the rear deck we dont make those detectors the permit bra is not a technically a demolition but under the planning code is an alteration permit ultimately up to the rear deck why the building is still subject to rent control Going Forward certainly an issue of something illegally doortodoor a rent control building but that is up to the richard ultimately. It rerehabilitating whatever the rear dent board t theres not much of a backyard. Correct. Thats a condition that exists in places but not one weve ever approved you know and new constructions i think i dont think we want to want to put in Something Like that this is now considered new construction i dont think we want to allow for a garage the back you have to drive through the building and actually losses our rear yard if so a building with an excited units where the garage is or the building coming down to one story you can help the neighbors and still get the unit but no garage i dont know that that youll losses the rent control so i dont think we have the answers today so that may be one ill want to get some of the answers and make an intelligent decision but those are the questions. There are many serious issues and concerns that were brought up today by the Public Comment may not have been fully aware of previously one of the reasons we have public hearings in regards to the rent control we have a great working relationship with the rent board theyve been helpful and its been my experience they maybe hesitant to make the determines to us about the rent control status but the Property Owners or Property Owners can ask for as demonstratitermination on th can look at under the circumstances warned and under the planning code there are provisions to take the offstreet parking and some of oscar spaces are required to replace the bicycle parking we could see rather than the second story a first story or to the commission desire there is nothing back there those are all things you can consider. Right. Okay. I am not those are good maybe a unit there but a second story unit and see the garage go away but the ramifications but guidelines from the rent board on that that didnt does either way. Commissioner antonini. Yeah. A lot of Carriage Houses the back i know collins one street off of geary and a number of streets that has this type of situations that has been there a long, long time and would it seems to me that some of the pictures were looking at this picture of the opponents before you get up but i think that staff has or dbi is looking at the newly constructed building based on what was there the same height or visually the same height not up for us to determine mr. Sanchez you want to weigh in. Yeah. Sincerely certainly can be difficult to determine that the bulk of the building is gone and it is important some of the photos look like theyre taken from vantage points you can see that is taller there is some question about that and we can look at that further but it has its challenges and largely rely on that testimony if neighborhoods but thats helpful. When they have to restore in kind ever windows nooes needs to be the same place. Not necessarily the replacement will be generally the same envelope but is certainly as long as larger would be our concern. To the one commenter was concerned about privacy issues we have to know the amount of distance from that structure to the structure in question because if it is thirty or 40 feet it is a link distance away and were a lot closer with people in windows that look into our homes they put the shades down im not concerned about that but also at the beginning i think that was i forget of staff member said that one way or another not Public School rentcontrolled but if at the find the rebuild it so 13wu78 to involve more 50 percent it is a new structure thats the interpretation . I want to confer but to clarify staffs statement the denial of the application will not result in restoration of the rentcontrolled unit because of the situation were in thats what staff was saying and yeah. It looks like this you know it was a Carriage House and oftentimes those things are not occupied and deteriorate over the years but the thinking outside the box is trying to restore that whether theres a garage in there or isnt provide housing so to me sounds like a good idea im in charge as well as the caveats are answered as far as the proper height and being restored as much as possible to what was there before ill see what my fellow commissioners have to say. Okay commissioner Vice President richards. I guess a couple of thoughts first to the Zoning Administrator there was nothing there today the back of the lot and the project sponsor promoted this building would it be approvalable under the code . I believe that is it in excess of the density currently so something that as a new building new feature and unit here in. Okay. And once the unit is down the road it is considered nothing there correct. And this is like building a brand new unit. There is a provision that allows for a construction of nonconforming unit that means that something is exceeds the density can be reconstructed that is a relatively new change the code from the last capture of years how to invest in a flexibility handing of those types of matters. The lag times because the building is falling down i mean, i wouldnt want to live next to a structure it is falling down with rats and raccoons and other things i have serious questions this this as exactly as the last one no evidence to me youve heard the Property Line windows i do like where commissioner hillis is going to preserve a housing unit and get rid of of a funky situation people drive through a building to get to a small cottage whatever it approval would be a onestory building with no parking under the way things could go with the change the entryway you could put a unit there looks like it matches the building that would be a better win important you and the Housing Stock vietnamese. Commissioner johnson. Thank you another confusing case i thought 4 61 valencia was it ill start off with a question for staff what happens if we dont approve im clear that building is already there; right . So, yes Planning Department staff my understanding is that if so the the demolition has occurred if you just disapprove that then quietly have a violation respect because a demolition without Planning Commission approval then a planning code violation now go through dr which is what were trying to do in terms of the item before you for the demolition that has happened the commission hands are kind of tied in that disproval didnt do anything to what is there not for these them to put a Building Back arrest take a building down the action that needs to happen is about the demolition thats occurred. What then are we are doing here. Were looking for our direction how to move forward the denial is into moving into an unanimous circle we need to get off the merry go round but go back and questions about what it was was maybe having something smaller hoping to get our direction how to marred those are all things within our purview and looking at the Building Permit application. I get that by that looks like the new construction is there in terms of options to configure not a driveway or make that smaller so no variance in the rear yard those are off the table. Theyre not there with prosecutor permits yeah here on behalf of the appellant. Theyve exceeded the scope of their permit it theyve voirltd they were authorized to do. Im disturbed i dont understand how dbi has a permit and even the pictures that cant be repair it is dry rot and the whole wall is not there thats a demolition im disturbed by that. Yeah. So if we disapprove it will they be forced to knock it done and clear the backyard and open space. Thats porsche one of the options. Thank you just to clarify it would be deemed and legal. The structure. Yeah. The question how to move forward i mean the action is what the ultimately there this is a Building Permit one permit to make Entertainment Commission to this building from largely reconstruct that the hole project before you so, i mean your within your rights it cant say be constructed. Commissioner moore. Make a mistake and ask for forgiveness later this is extremely difficult that puts us both a awkward situation what disturbs me aside from the moving forward the its trusts between the adjoining neighbors has expanded quite a few years thats a condition of the existing building in the front it less than ideal the street a healthy neighborhood for people to take care of their homes and youll expect that not contributing to any comfort with the building the rear looks at similar to the expression of the front building as a lot of mix and on top of that were being asked to potentially continue by which continues ill be more declined to take a position of the demolition ensue it sets perimeters of what is beyond this commission to decide that is rear yard into the weeds needs to be restored and that might all find that appropriate for might want singlefamily dwellings in front of of the position number one and number 2 well probable brooebl proebl unit that causes problz more than are currently brought forward in todays decision lets more privacy and so forth but we should leave all those options open with Additional Guidance on its own merit which means if i understand both Zoning Administrator and staff correctly that we need to do something so im prepared to move on the demolition with the caveat anything yoond that needs to go through the same legitimate set of approvals and dot all the is and cross the ts with the Planning Departments with any other project we get get rid of the past and move into the future and not determining the property in the back with the interpretation what automotive instructed us to do. We need the entire action now this is an alteration permit we cant approve demolition at this point if we could i dont think we are ready for action today unfortunately so perhaps continue to june and get some understanding from the commission you want to see as options come back in june or later with some different feedback some options for the commission to consider. Im you couldnt ask if i may for the gentleman to inform us about mid block open space patterns and density around the heights and influence over the carriage homes if it is typical approximately to transit that supports a building without additional Parking Spaces all those things would be a complete disclosure of all things to leaving our minds up to feel what is in balance with the rest of the neighborhood thats the way pragmatically suggesting Going Forward. I could provide some of the answers today, i dont have the transient information i could tell you that the theres not a pattern of mid block structures on that particular block, in fact, im liking intap no other structure mid block rear yard structures the block. And commissioner moore if i can add one other detail the lot pattern on this block is unique in that one parcel stretches deeper than the adjacent parcels so this structure is not adjacent to either neighbors but it is adjacent to properties facing its oak street. More precinctly. On the other rear lot and the configuration can be changed. I had a question for the gentleman so actually, the question of you how long is the current owner on the property someone answer that, please. Im sorry. How long has the current owner owned the property since 91 i mean any explanation about the condition the building the rear and not a proper response to the deterioration of that building. To some decree the building was vacant for a going 10 years so and it was one condition the owner was working on the front of the building the front building i am sorry and theyre putting in improvements to the front of the building and wanted to then program this improvement into the past into the back building im sorry at a later stage so they bought was in the front building had a lot of issues when they purposed they have been programming their money to completely rae do the back building. Also, this is a permit it is ideal we took measurements and all of this before we went in it is the permit was repaired and shown on that the height thats been built. In terms of parking ankle the parking was there. I understand the parking was there there is assess from the driveway from the front of the building no parking at the front only the driveway and the garage was removed you can have the tan dumb spaces within the. We can move the garage you can see the picture on the overhead you see height of the building exactly 20. 9 20 foot 9 inches we have a 8 foot ceiling id like to have a units on the bottom because one more unit into the heart and souls of San Francisco. Yeah. No, no, no im not saying we can get the garage we can definitely. Thank you those are all the questions i have unless the commission has to the questions. Commissioner antonini. I agree with commissioner moore i think that we have to continue this and give the project sponsor some options to come forward with i mean, i could see approval of this because you know it is basically, if it operationally is as a matter of fact, reconstructing charge was there this is the simplest thing but not to the sentiment and some things proposed could make the building lower and or make two units or perhaps doing this but those are possible things and whatever we have a demolition we need it in place a replacement structure it was, in fact, the same building so, yeah ill let you speak in agreeing mini have a question but if it is the sentiments of the commission they want some other options youll have a couple of months the construction exactly as what was there or reconstruction of a new building that will you know include either two units or one smaller units or something along those lines will benefit everyone concerned he and have a clearer path it approval that will be my interest probable i mean, ill move to continuance to june 24th is that our date marry. June 28th i believe. Second. Commissioner richards i guess personally i would like to see the building lowered and get rid of the garage it solves the private and height and encourage you getting into the weeds of asphalt or driveway and create a green yard and consider which you come back maybe you could see if you can add another unit where the driveway is so there are two units Everybody Wins thats what i like to see. Eject commissioner hillis. Ill support that i think that is a good direction to go and you know bringing the height of that building down and possibly adding two bedrooms. Commissioner johnson. I wanted to make sure the project sponsor hears those clear directives. Staff have a comment is that clear. Within piece comments that you have im the engineer the general contractor if you look at the projection front of the of the building the back has four board their 8 inch that means the back of the building is one inch turn around the front and we think the back of 20 feet and parts of it straight and. Excuse me. You said it is a bigger project than before. No the foundation did not change we built even the existing foundation. Hang on. Commissioner johnson. All right. Thanks this actually, i agree with a lot of the comments just a quick question for staff would that be possible for the project to go through the accideresidential d team. Yeah. David lindsey if we get an alter project well take a comment in the residential design team. It gets to commissioner moores questions about what is prevailing the neighborhood and the design. Yeah. Well look at, of course. Supervisor scott wiener. A consideration for another building in the rear i would last week that building to be smaller the lot is 27 foot 5 and it is a zero will the line to the Property Line id like to to be setback in order to have two units or one units on the ground floor that still is large i like it to shape itself to be more sensitive to the property it will be part of your study an option to entertain. Commissioner richards a clarify question what is it is not a complete dwelling unit only a construction project. It has a sheer wall. inaudible . End up with the same thing. Okay. Thank you. If i may address the commission briefly he said to clarify the idea that was throne up about a second unit but the zone will not allow for a second unit in this case. Could not allow for a second. No, i dont believe so we can looked at the provisions by that is limited and i mriblt not citywide well look at it and see if there a postal and something the commission will consider. Commissioner moore. If thats the story it changes the case mr. Lindsey said no way of doing it anyway, i appreciate what is doable and what is the prevailing pattern both. Well, two Different Things the pattern will be analyzed as part of the Design Review what is proposed and oats density question whether a second unit could be perhaps included the structure you in the rear is something that mr. Sanchez i think just said well have to look at i dont think we can answer that question here today. I understand i want to do make sure we are basic following your direction clear ideas what is doable and not. Commissioner Vice President richards. Just a staff regarding the audi know one of the supervisors said he wanted to introduce the legislation citywide and perhaps by june well have a better idea that passes or passed. Okay. There is a motion that has been seconded to continue this matter to june 16th on that motion commissioner antonini. Commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner Vice President richards commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 to zero. Commissioners. Ill condition the variance to the dates specified thank you. Thank you. Commissioners that places us on general Public Comment i have no speaker cards general Public Comment not seeing any, general Public Comment is closed. And the meeting is adjourned. Good afternoon, everyone well begin with the pledge of allegiance of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all this is a reminder that under administrative code the ringing and use of cell phones and similar Electronic Devices is prohibited during the Commission Meeting set all pagers and cells to vibrant or turn the device completely off now San Francisco Fire Commission and the time is 9 oclock

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