Transcripts For SFGTV Recreation And Parks Commission 121715

Transcripts For SFGTV Recreation And Parks Commission 121715 20160105

Supervisor jane kim love you girl and the School District right here matt haney our capita of our neighborhood sherry right and the leader the rest of you guys and brothers and sisters who came home from prison whos out here doing good okay shout outs to mike and the rest of the guys please ask questions thank you for coming please call the roll. Just a pew quick reminders could we ask you turn up any sound producing devices that will go off during the meeting. We also asked the please take any secondary conversations outside so that the meeting can run efficiently. Youll have commissioners, 3 min. 3 min. To make Public Comment on each item if you would like to comment. If you want to make Public Comment on an item not on the agenda but falls under the jurisdiction of the recreation and Parks Commission you make, and under general Public Comment which is item for and that his continued again to item 12. Last, we just ask when you make Public Comment you comment to the commission, neither the commission nor staff will respond to any Public Comment or questions until Public Comment is close at that point the commission may ask staff to respond. So, with that we are item to the president s report. Thank you. Two brief items. One, in january we will be having Committee Meetings will have a full Commission Meeting so adam that would normally go through the Committee Process will be heard at the general meeting at the commission. Second, i know the general manager will give us much greater detail in his report, but we had the opening of the soccer fields at beach chalet on saturday. I just cant say enough about what an extraordinary project this is been bird couple of reasons. One, i think the statistics are it creates 14,000 hours of playing time on the field and uses zero water saving immense consumption. It looks beautiful. It revitalizes a part of the park that had a reputation for having some pretty bad behavior , the needles collected in the morning etc. In the back. The other part of it that i want to comment on, it represents a significant philanthropic gift from a very generous family, the fisher family, and particularly the three boys, two public purpose in San Francisco. It now will stand as a demonstration for other families or philanthropic entities who want to support the always in need department in terms of recreation facilities. Sometimes in the past i think major families and philanthropies have been a little scared off going to the public process which can be daunting in San Francisco. This is no small example. I think was 10 years in the making. Someone commented theyd been through three general managers at the speed rack gone for. Having said all that, tenacity, talent, and i think you mentioned the individual staff people but participated. But it really reflects that everybody associated with this should hold their head high. It is just a stunning example of what can be done with the right spirit and the right talent. So, to all the staff involved, to all the past general managers, to all the past commissioners, everybody from az job well done. With that, i wish you all a happy holidays and move on with the agenda. Is there anyone would like to make Public Comment under the president s report . Seen none Public Comment is close. Item 3 the general managers report thank you. I will say a few words about beach chalet. The second, at the end of the year. Joyce reports but i do need to start up with a little bit of sadness. It is with a heavy heart that we want to inform the public and commission for the passing of one of our longtime and former employees Bonnie Casanova can bodywork is a recreation director and supervisor for more than four years. Most will remember her for time on the playground and a cam. All must remember for her warmth, her friendly smile, and willingness to go the extra mile. Is important as family she served bonnie was also a mentor to many of our current employees. Teaching him what it meant to be a true recreation professional. Bonnie served our department with passion, grace, determination and a very very kind heart. She retired a long before we embark on our 201516 plant when you think what the values our organization is committed, respect, resilience, relationships, responsiveness, and results we think about her. She will be missed and i request mr. Pres. You adjourn todays meeting in her honor to absolutely. Thank you for your comments. Beach chalet was an amazing day on saturday. Ive had the opportunity to be there on several occasions. Even in a [inaudible] on sunday. Its happy, joyous, teeming with activity. Not just soccer players. There are seniors Walking Around around the track. There are people that are just there because it has become a warm and happy place. Its really quite an amazing project and i dont think i can sort of top the president s remark but in addition to the 14,000 hours that this project at beach chalet added to our planning capacity, i want to take a moment to talk about the partnership itself. This was the final project in our 10 Year Partnership with the city field foundation. During which time we innovated 21 fields at night facilities across the city. Adding over 90,000 hours of additional playtime on our fields. When we think about that, each hour of play accommodates, 20, 30, 40 people . 90,000 extra hours of play can 300 new youth sports teams get 2400 new kids involved in our fields each year. 85 new girls sports teams, and as commissioner buell noted, 25,000,000 gallons of water saved each year in reduction on those sports fields by 75 can of course we start with our incredible philanthropic partners. Thank them for their generosity and their resilience in sticking with a vision and seeing it through with us. But, i also want to thank all of you. This commission lead on this project. It would have been easy not to. So, personal thanks on behalf of the department and thanks on behalf of the family in San Francisco for your leadership. I definitely want to thank the community of people who engaged around this project, roundup beach chalet specifically and program in general. One of the, i think, the positive outcomes was seen the Civic Engagement of people for whom this matter. It is rare that you get as many families and kids showing up at city hall for anything as we did for this project. I also want to thank the sister agency. We could not have done this alone. You great help in the Planning Department, the department of the environment. The health department. Odyssey, our mayor led strongly on this project, members of the board of supervisors who galvanized around this project. There were our president likes to say many parents. Many parents indeed. Perhaps most important, i want to thank the staff because they are the ones who had to roll up their sleeves and grounded out day in and day out on this project. There are a lot of recreation and parks part that texas and ive incredible gratitude but i like using about four people on my team who were most instrumental and most involved in executing not just beach chalet but the whole program. That is donedirector planning capital tina catch them director of Property Management to sarahpublic affairs who answered more than one question about this topic. And lastly, impress most specially dan mauer who is the project manager on this project and i think all of the city field projects. Just about all the projects. And executed these projects with such both incredible intention to detail and professionalism, but also such a heart in a sense of purpose for the potential of the project. It is indeed, a proud moment for our department. So thank you. For your comments commissioner buell here we are about to celebrate the Winter Holiday and weve got snow up in the sierras. Im a talk you about summer. Believe it or not. I work our Recreation Program application for 2016 summer Recreation Program are being accepted now through january 16. This is an amazing partnership with the department of children and youth and families thats gone on for over 50 years. We will hire approximately 300 kids this summer, so if you know 18 between the ages of 1417 who would be interested in working alongside the best recreation and park to prevent sap in america, next summer visit sf. Org. Back to winter registration. Registration for the winter programs is happening now with you looking for junior warriors basketball for kids. Fitness classes to start your resolutions on the right foot. We have camping for everyone and people of all ages. To register or log onto sf. Org or visit one of our 11 registration states around the city. If you are not at a Holiday Party this saturday evening, please join the young peoples king Musical Theater Company for showstoppers 30 beyond the stage. This is a very special gala performance showcasing some of the companies current and former members for the past 30 years. This is the 30th anniversary of the company and there have been just some absolutely amazing kids who have come through this program. It is a one night show only and tickets are available at. So, lastly, in the holiday spirit with a particularly special holiday video this month. One which a few of you actually make an appearance. Its really been a true figure 4 parks and for our organization. From the opening of the lord spark the beach chalet, and at the moment not just for staff and for commissioners but for everyone who loves parks and understands the Important Role they play in San Francisco, to celebrate. With that i want to wish everyone a happy holidays and a very happy and healthy new year and turn this over to help allison by the look of consternation on her face, there we go. Powerpoint. [video] happy holidays and that concludes the report. Is there anyone that would like to make comment on the general managers report. Public comment is close. Item 4. General Public Comment up to 15 min. This item will be continued to item 12 if need be. At this time, neighbors of the public may address the commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission and that do not appear on the agenda. With respect to agenda items, you will have the opportunity to address the commission when that item is reached in a meeting. I do not have any cards. Is there anyone who would like to make general Public Comment culex seeing none, this item is closed. We are now on item 5. The consent calendar. I do need to make one quick announcement. It would it was determined by planning that item 5 that item 5d is not a project under ceqa. So, with that in mind, i also have one blue card, david. Good morning. David. I am here to speak against this item for several reasons. One, i did believe that this was considered a project under ceqa. Ive seen nothing in writing to either one way or the other. I w looke carefully on the planning website to find an exemption. The write up also so indicated. I believe this is a discretionary action that commission is taking to approve the permit, and modify the amplified sound policy for this particular event. I believe that this may have Significant Impact on the environment, and that you should have, at a minimum some ceqa documentation. It could be an exemption, but you should have some secret documentation before. This is not an administer real act. Youre not required to approve this. Its entirely within your discretion. The project itself is not clearly described in the write up. Its rather vague. Plans are still being drawn up. There will be impacts on the community but it doesnt describe what those impacts are. I believe this is going to impact not just the building areas but other people traveling to and from throughout the downtown area. I live in the sunset. Its going to tax my ability to get to that area for up to nine days. I think this is frankly an outrageous use of public space for an arguably private events related to the super bowl and its festivities. The city did not do any action of the board as far as i know, the mayor, approve a specific event related to the super bowl. I would ask that information. I have not got anything. Finally, im not aware that apartment has contacted the new supervisor in district 3. I soon you might have some concern about the project. For something this big and important for which there has been some public scrutiny. I would think that outreach to the supervisor might be appropriate. For all those reasons i would encourage you to delay or disapprove this item. Thank you. Thank you. Is there anyone us could like to make Public Comment on the consent calendar . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. I have one question. How will we notify the Planning Department if this was not considered a project . We would notify through would you tell me your name i am diane. Manager permits and registration. I was told by director of permits and property, who just stepped out, that she was notified about the Planning Department that it was not under ceqa we were contacted by the city Attorneys Office. Thank you. Margaret, we are fine. Thank you. All right. Id entertain a motion on the consent calendar. Moved and seconded. Speaker. So moved thank you. We are now on item 6 s. F. Zoo. Good morning. Happy holidays. Connie peterson director of the San Francisco zoo. I think we have some slides to show you. As of november 30 our yeartodate attendance is 381,400 visitors which puts us over projections by over 400 visitors. Let me show you a picture now of our fourmonthold cub. As i mentioned, we were just introducing him to his father. Sometimes the mail leader of the pride will reject a young male but everybody seems to be getting along famously. Theyre all on daily its a lot of fun to see them in the afternoon with the parents sleeping and this young one nipping at that tail literally. So, please come visit. This year, honestly you can always get to the zoo. Theres gift memberships for the holidays but this year were doing something a little bit different. If you go on our website with data which was created by the animal keepers and we got wishes and tickets of 30 for lavender for big cats all into 2000 lavender for big cats all into 2004 our hospital. So if youre feeling generous towards the zoo are animal keepers have put their wish list on the website. A reindeer are still here. Theyre here in till january 2. They are thriving and still have their antlers. We know they will be dropping soon as they always do every year. Our winter camp is almost sold out. I could we only have about four spots left. I think the Education Team for their Great Programming over the holidays. A Great Program for our youth and preteens up to the age of 12. Now, we will go into full force on zoo nights. Bigger and brighter this year. As always, when we opened them on friday will have a rainstorm. Always the way it is. We are the answer to the drought. But we will be including our new aviary which is indoors and some indoor space the whole entire Holiday Season. So, check our website for times and weather reports. Speaking of rain, we want to celebrate the rain and so the first 100 to come to the zoo on a rainy day will receive a poncho with our logo. We also are having indoor programming like birdwatching inside the new aviary. Holiday movies to get people that warm it is this Holiday Season with that, i finished my report. Thank you. Im going to ask you to stick around privately. I want have one conversation with you after this item. T is there anyone who would like to make Public Comment on this item equips seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Okay. So, now we are item 7. Patricias green shadow from 455 patricias green shadow from 455 fell st. Ominous commissioner buell itll standing for a moment while i talk with his new director. Powerpoint. Good morning, commissioners. Jordan has of recreation and park. With two projects before you today that have introducing shadow effects on patricias green. The first is for 55 fell. The formal housing project. Some quick background on why were considering this today. As you remember, the semiordinance proposition cedillo was adopted in 1984. Was called in the planning code and the joint commission of the recreation and parks provided guidance for future consideration of shadow effects in 1989 and 87, which included introducing the concept of theoretically annually available sunlight as a way to evaluate the effects of shadow on parks. This map shows you where the proposed project we are considering is relative to patricias green. Its one block south west of the park. Here is a quick illustration of the project from hickory street. This mapco straits the central freeway parcels and point out which parcel we are talking about currently. These arethis is the alignment of the formal central freeway in these were given to the city by caltrans when the freeway was removed. At that time the planning assets identified which parcels should be used for affordable and market rate housing which is the color coding of this map. As you can see this particular site was identified for Affordable Housing at that time. The proposed project is aligned

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