Transcripts For SFGTV Recreation And Park Commission 12116 2

Transcripts For SFGTV Recreation And Park Commission 12116 20160130

Like to call this meeting to order. My cochair mayor lee will join us shortly and i will ask the doctor to do the roll call. Lets get started. Abby snay. Here. Abram jimenez. Here. Adan wynn for naomi kelly. Chief nance. Here. Barbara carlson. Here. Barbara garcia. Present. Brent stephens. Present. Ka. Candace wong. Present. [inaudible] here. Ed lee. Here. Here. Jillian wu. Here. John rahaim. Ken epstein. Present. Kentaro iwasaki. Here. [inaudible] landon dickey. Here. Laura moran. Here. President les wong. Here. Lo i guess herrera. Here. Decost. Here. calling roll . Olson lee. Phil ginsburg. Here. Halperin. Present. Doctor ritu khanna. Here. Todd rufo. Here. And trent rhorer. Here. Great thank you. Thank you doctor. So a few comments as we start this process this evening. As i thought about the adoption of goals and measures that hundreds of departments and cbos will work to accomplish together with a laser focus on those with the greatest needs, our equity lens. I couldnt help but make a comparison to the change our adoption of an outcomes framework seems a simple task in comparison. Now pardon the comparison. I know its very different. Its still not simple but think about it in those terms. We have the opportunity in the city to create a framework that will live beyond all of us in our current positions. There is such clarity in defining the outs and i appreciate the work creating the document and i recognize that the framework is a foundation and the work of implementing is going to be difficult and complex and sometimes a little frustrating. This will require all of us to work differently, all of us. Once we have agreed upon the outcomes the mayor and i will call our Department Heads, our Senior Leaders together and to articulate how its working with outcomes. Every leader and person in the room should connect work to the framework. At the School District we have to sometimes look in the mirror and its easy to be inlar and solely focused on goals and its our wheelhouse and we need to work in partnership with the colleagues, the cbos and families in the Community Around all of the goals. Theres a lot of existing frameworks that are already in xansance, the brothers and sisters keeper and the others and its the umbrella framework which will align the city if it touches youth and families. The 5 year plan which we will discuss comes next and layout how we accomplish the goals and the timeline and target to achieve them. We continue to count on your active involved presence in the working groups to make it a reality. The our featured speaker today, rejer daniels will give a account of growing up in San Francisco and the success hes had and we will ground our conversationos real stories of realsan franciscans and were excite roll up our sleeps and work differently part of one city a united city to meet our goals. Were off to a great start so with that great start i will now open it up for Public Comment on any of the items listed below as discussion only. Doctor do we have any speakers . Florence is here to get speaker cards. Do we have any comments today . So far i think were okay so no Public Comment. Great. So moving along on the agenda the next is possible outcomes and discussion on the indicators for children, youth and families and we will be walked through the outcomes and invite our director and analyst Jennifer Tran to get us started. Okay. So we wanted to to give a background how we came upon this framework so the purpose of the framework itself is connected to four major deliverables, four of the our children our Families Council. The first is the purpose of the framework is articulate all the milestones that we want children, youth and families to reach in San Francisco and align all of the Work Together so collectively to establish our prior as a city and outcomes framework itself is the foundation by which we will create the 5 year plan so its organized around that framework itself and thats the next stage of work which you will hear a presentation tonight. The next area is data sharing and in order to reach the milestones we need to understand how were collecting and understanding the data points together and next if were creating all of the milestones that he we want children and families to reach how are they going to know about the Different Services that exist especially for the families disconnected so were aiming to create a one stop shop, an Online Services inventory for all to access so these are the four major deliverables of our children our Families Council and give you a brief timeline how we came up with the framework itself so you may recall having a discussion at the First Council meeting of the options of Research Based options for framework, and then what has occurred since then theres been a lot of work that the outcomes Framework Working Group meetings have been occurring and we have quite a few folks in the room on the group and i will list them off. reading names of the working groups prts so thank you for contributing and coming to all the many late night working Group Meetings to how the frame bork is organized itself. We had a Community Engagement events and you have a handout that gives an overview of all the different places we went to sort ever feedback from the community itself so that list has a comprehensive list of all the constituent groups that we interacted with including Community Based organizations including students, parents, et cetera so thats a nice long list to look at that and that information provided the major themes that came up for the framework itself. Also a staff draft was released in middecember of the first iteration of the outcomes framework and we heard from many of you and many in the community and had more focus groups and based on that feedback we had another draft on january 22 and since then heard more feedback and looking to hear more this evening for the final draft but were hoping that the council can vote on an outcomes framework and move forward with the 5 year plan and have the foundation for the 5 year plan itself so thats the basic timeline. In terms of developments of the plan itself we looked at existing frameworks so what we did we looked at different Strategic Plans from the city and School District and my Brothers Initiative and bridge to success and other initiatives and other cities . The city of irvine what are they doing around this collective impact work so that helped in the creation of the plan that you have in front of you. We conducted an extensive literature review, interviews, many views with you from local content experts to come up with the framework itself, and that is basically the development of it. I wanted to acknowledge jenn jennifer tram our analyst and she did the work and pulled the themes together and the data and thank you jennifer for the work and thats how we developed the framework itself and you are familiar with the framework but i will pass to over to commissioner mendoza and walk us through the equity and strategy portion. Thank you. So youve all seen this. Weve had the opportunity to speak with most of you as collectively or individually but i want to highlight the equity lens and strategy piece so as were working through the framework and developing the plan in your individual spaces you use your own measures around that and we wanted to clearly identify those that we want to use collectively so were looking at it from an equity lens and we came up with multiple ways in which we will look through this equity focused length and examine the data and these are the characteristics that we have identified so race and ethnisessity, disbender, income, sexual orientation, neighborhood, language, physical and mentally challenge and justice for all and those are the characteristics we want to use making decisions around our goals and then our strategies are going to be really critical because this is that moment in time when we bring it all together so we want to break down silos and how we work more collectively and layer the work and leverage and that includes a variety of moments during your planning process, your your budget process, during the initiative youre proposing, during the grant writing. Any of those are critical so were thinking about it from a strategic standpoint and were sharing will accountability of which and to reduce gasp and redundancy and targeting resources and coordinating budgets, sharing data and practice and Training Staff and building capacity so in other words were not doing this by ourselves anymore and look to the left and right and those are the folks you will work with more closely so this is our collective effort known also as our strategy. So the next piece were going to do is talking about each of these goals and many of you have been involved in preparing the framework so we want to take us this opportunity to have folks highlight certain parts of the strategies, certain parts of our goals and these are all folks that have been participating in the work thus far so were going to start with goal a and were going to have dan kelly and Jill Hoogendyk present and these are families most in need live in a safe and nurturing environment for them and their children. Good evening so the first goal in the framework is that families especially those most in need live in a safe and nurturing environment for their and their children and there are four measures to track our progress. The first is a1. Which is the percent of fam loos with children that report feeling safe walking in their neighborhood during the day and at night. In the Community Engagement process parents under score the importance of safe communities for their children and Research Shows that Community Violence has negative health and social impacts on children. The second measure under this goal is a 2. , the number of youth involved with the juvenile Justice System so the total number of p proreferrals or with incarcerated parents. This issue disproportionality impacts our africanamerican and latino children and i believe our featured speaker is going to talk to this measure this evening [inaudible] thank you. The next measure a three is the effects of is child maltreatment. That is stub stannated and a report made and it is well known in terms its impact on social emotional cognitive development. I would point out these reports are expressions from concern from the community. The next is the number of families that feel engaged and connected to the neighborhoods. The benefit of connectedness are widespread. For example, parents who feel connected with the neighborhoods are likely to participate in the school. The counter part is social isolation is very highly correlated with many of the negative outcomes that we all know. Thank you both. So our next goal b is going to be presented by brian shu and lis, cost and this is transitional youth and most in need to attain Economic Security and housing for themselves and their children. So goal b is the families and transitional age youth and most in need for security and their children. The first measure is the percent of families with children and young adults 1824 who meet the self sufficiency standard. Main of us are many of us are familiar with the Poverty Level and this takes into mind the local cost of living and estimates the amount of income required for minimum needs including housing, child care, food, transportation, health care and takes into account family composition as well as well as it is ages of the children in the family and geographic differences and cost of living. For San Francisco the self sufficiency standard for a household of four so thats two adults, one preschooler and one School Age Children in roughly about 79,000. For a single young adult so 1824 its roughly about 33,000. Currently about three out of five families and children and young adults meet this standard with a third africanamericans and half of the latino population reaching this self sufficiency standard. We hope to use this measure to understand the families and transitional age youth are making ends meet for their most basic living in the city. Brian seems to be late so im going to actually i didnt realize this but julia is here to present on his behalf. Thank you. So the second measure b 2. , the percent of stabilize housed families and young adults which the council is currently measuring as the share of families and 1824 year olds that are not homeless or living in over crowded conditions. So there are some challenges with using sensa data and cant be disaggregated by house hold but housing consistently came up as a critical theme in the working Group Discussions and in the engagement processes. This measure will capture one aspect of housing stability but there will be additional dimensions of housing. The council will track from the Data Collection in the future. Some may include cost, housing types, whether its owned, rent controlled, subsidized, market rate and Displacement Movement of families. Housing instability has some perception issues and so we are hoping and encouraging that this effort would create it a survey instrument that is statistically reliable to generate our own data and theyre a lot of opportunities with academic institutions that could be leveraged. Thank you. Goal c is children youth and transitional age youth especially most in need are physical and emotional and mentally healthy and presented by the heads of that group. Most mentally healthy i know youre appreciating that comment. I promise i was going to on my best behavior and you threw me that. Sometimes you dont even have to ask for it. Okay. Goal c is children youth and transitional youth and those that are physically emotionally and mentally health and one is the births and a full term of birth after 37 weeks of pregnancy and preterm births have implications for children and there are significant disparities in the data in San Francisco and 94 of white women have full times birth and only 86 of africanamericans women and c 2. Is Healthy Bodies and measuring the preschoolers and School Age Children, grades five, seven and nine and dont have a risk of obesity and healthy composition by the state. Children at obese have issues with social emotional problems and these can be long lasting and theyre at higher risk of being over weight as adults also thus increasing the likelihood of problems into adulthood and type two diabetes and cholesterol and other issues. On average only 65 of our children have a healthy body composition, but for latino and Asian Pacific islander children that is less than 50 in San Francisco. C3 is oral health which we will measure as a percent of kindergarten without dental cavities and it all right for a broader measure and its a widespread problem Research Shows the sooner children get checkups the healthier their mouths will stay throughout their lives. The data show that 2 3 of San Francisco kindergarteners didnt have dental cavities. Thats good but there are significant differences by race and ethnicity and 57 asian children and 62 of africanamerican and 63 of latino children were cavity free. I will follow my more physically emotionally and spiritually counter part and move on to goal four which is mental well being. This is the percent of High Schoolers that dont feel depressed and the council during this process received significant input from parents that a childs Mental Health was important to include in the framework and for all of the parents here there is little disagreement. While they impact the child day to day and there are long lasting implications into adulthood and this speaks to an emerging passion with some of the open space agencies and connecting children to the outdoors and nature and data has shown has a significant positive impact on Mental Health and next is caring adults and were in the business of providing and the percentage of children and youth having a caring adult at school. Research shows having one or mo caring adults in a childs life increases the likelihood they thrive and be productive adults themselves. The hope this is a measure that would be expanded to capture caring adults outside of the School Setting and start in schools and move on to other after School Programs and camps and summer, and yeah were thrilled to be a part of this goal, and kevin talked about Healthy Bodies and obviously making sure the kids are getting the physical activity too is important in the mission too. Thank you kevin and phil. Our next goal is goal d and children and youth transitional age youth and most in need and 35 thrive in the 21st century environment and by the chief of schools in the direct and maria su. Thank you commissioner mendoza. Goal d states these groupses and especially those most in need thrive in the 21st century environment and there are four associated measures which start on page 46. The first of these measures tracks enrollment in high quality early care and educational setting. This

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