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The stories of our diverse communities. Speak today i am 134eu9 ing a request to have our Controllers Office provide a report for our board of supervisors regarding a 40 year history of baseline set asides of San Francisco. As you know our budget has reached about 9 billion dollars. And 2 thirds of that is actually not discretionary and so i know that when we submit to voters ideas for Funding Proposals for baseline set asides and we take each item an subject on individual basis that they can be very attractive to voters and they often do pass. But also they do tie our hands for future boards up to 30 years plus. Impacting future generations of Discretionary Spending capability here in San Francisco. My goal is for this report to really show us the history of the baseline an set as sides that we have here in San Francisco for the last 4 decades and to show how the impact our cities spending capability i do want to thank supervisor pest kin for joining me on this every. I again i think that often we larry about proposals that are that we don agree with. We dont disagree with fundamental. We want to support Senior Services an Park Maintenance an childrens an families. But again we do need to get a handle on how it is that we are check actively passing so many baselines set asides that really impact again 2350u9 tour generations in San Francisco. So that is a report that will kick off future efforts potential legislation potential proposal. An to lastly i want to submit an request to adjourn our meeting today in honor of a Police Officer who had passed away Police Officer stewart mull ver who worked at the Airport Bureau an passed away while on duty. He was someone who had responded to the {aeurb} ian a {stphraoeut} situation. While at the airport. Helping passengers ie vac weight an guiding those who were able to make it out to safety. He had a very quirky personality that make everyone like him and he made friends with everyone while working with the airport with dispatchers field maintenance personnel anyone you name it. So we are very sad to hear about officer mull ver passing away so today id like to adjourn in his memory. Spec supervisor yee. Thank you madam clerk. Today im going to be be introducing a few items. So i hope you would be patient with me today. Last year i passed legislation to start into a majorities of our Cities Department of vehicles. Tell man particulars a Proven Technology with benefits including increasing safety leads to substantial cost saving has been used as a tools to correct train an coach to encourage driving habit and a shown to have environmental habits in reducing emission. Sips passage we have nearly 4 thousand of our cities vehicles installed with this technology. Although it is early on in the collection with the data there is indication of trans mean seen an department identifying policy changes in order to increase safety. San francisco is a division 0 city an committed to work toward a goal to 0 traffic deaths by 20 204. We have a language way to go. In an tragically we have already had 2 deaths in 2017. We must do everything in our power to eliminate these absolutely preventable fatality. Working with the support of city administrators advocates and with the union we were able to come to an agreement to {tpraeupb} our staff about tell mathematics with will allow for the most successful outcomes. Typically San Francisco leads the nation in setting precedent. In this case we are actually behind the curve. New York City Police department has had Similar Technology for over a decade. I dont low county {sphreufz} department has Similar Technology. Im introducing the expansion of technology for the Law Enforcement an Public Safety department. This will allow us to work toward meeting our goals and also be a 2 available for the departments used to identify trends an target increase Public Safety strategies. I look toward to sharing specific on the positive impacts of the current technology. And to working over Law Enforcement an Public Safety department and expansion of the tell mathematics. With their agreed upon {tkpwroel} of increasing the safety of our streets an i 245u7bg id like to thank super rise or kim for co sponsoring this. The next item is i have to say then this next item proves im a glut enforce punishment. But i am making another attempt to come together on solutions to address an issue that affects all our district which is prop recalling. It is civil hearing on neighborhood property crimes an conversation with Public Safety officers we pass legislation to support focus attention on this issue at the local Police Station level. The neighborhood property crimes required stronger coordination city wide across Public Safety department an emphasized the importance of community policing. It is also provided it also provided flexibility so that Police Captains an their staff can adapt to new crime trends an allocate the resource accordingly much the ordinance went through legislative process and was passed by the board last year with 7 to 3 vote but it was quickly vetoed. So in addition to Ballot Initiative proposition r called for centralized crime unit an requires San Francisco Police Department to allocate 3 percent of the police staff to this unit if we were to meet officers as dictated by the charter. Well it didnt pass. So it left us with nothing at this point. So over the last month or so ive been thinking well should we bring it back to the table . And ive chosen to bring it back to the table and im hoping that there will be more thorough discussion. Especially from the Mayors Office. To add into what is necessary to get this done and im look forward to working with this new board. And the mayor. And a newly appointed chief scott and communities leaders to address this chronic issue. The residents of San Francisco have also spoken loud an clear. We dont need to go to ballot box to provide property crimes more focus attention. Can we finally put the good politics aside an work on something proactively . I think so. I am open to having discussions on how we can make this a {hraepblg} late tive impactful. I want to thank the Police Department and the officers who attempted to do more with less. Id like to thank supervisor for co sponsoring this what is this . Item. Sorry. The third item that id like to introduce is that something that was featured in New York Times the San Francisco chronicle as well as the examiner last week. Typically making hid lines with great but i have to admit this was a bit of a bitter sweet. The source feature were about the challenges for people who want to raise a family in the city. San francisco is notoriously known as a city of no children. Only 18 percent of the household have children compared to the National Average of 29 point 4. Percent. Only 13 point 4 percent of our entire population is under 18. By 24th it is estimated San Francisco will grow about another 200 thousand even if maintain our low child percentage of 13 point 4 percent by 24th we would still need housing for additional 27 thousand children. While we are losing families we cannot accept this as a reality. We have to do something about it. My vision to reverse this trend and push the envelope about ways we can make San Francisco a city for families of all income levels. In july 2015 i introduced a resolution requesting the resolution of a policy paper an Design Guidelines for Family Friendly housing that was unanimously supported by the board of supervisor at the time. We can aspire to building these type of housing. Last week we held an informational hearing with the Planning Commission and it was filled with robust discussion around this issue. Even at Transportation Demand Management Plan ordinance that passed Land Use Committee yesterday included family children element to it. I hope that this is the starting point for many future discussions on how best we can build an make the city 1 for children an families again. This is why im requesting us to meet as a committee of the whole to hear about the findings an recommendations from the draft paper developed by the planning department. I think all of you have share my passion for children an families. As a new grandfather this has renewed my {kpheurplt} to maintaining a vibrant city for generation toss come. I want to take this opportunity to acknowledge the planning director planning director john ram an remarkable staff sheila and anne who created this draft on paper. And colleagues i hope you will support this motion and i look forward to working with you on this important issue. [bettina shuford ] my next item is im calling for a hearing for an update on a work and next steps for our children our family counsel. As you recall this counsel was created after the passage of prop 6s c. In 2014 to align efforts across the city and partnership with the departments the School District an community. With the goal to promote increases accessibility and enhanced effectiveness of programs an services for children youth an families. This counsel work is critical an cannot come at a more important time because we are continued to lose one of the cities most important assets. Which is families and children. And citys we must support of the work of the count an ensure our Leadership Department an School District an communities work is coordinated and aligned to increase efficiency address gaps an services an our focusing on issues that most impact family flight. Our children families counsel outcome for was approved one year ago and this hearing is an opportunity to have the counsel present their strategies an plans to best meet unmet needs of our cities families an i want to thank supervisor kim an fewer for the co sponsorship of this hearing. The next item is really a sad thing to me even to introduce but with heavy rain storm and impact on residents an their properties today i am requesting a hearing to explore what puc and the department of public works the short strategies to reduce the efforts of flooding during heavy storms. Which severely impacts certain neighborhoods in the city. Particularly dis {treublgt} 7, 8, 9, 11 and the great highway area. My district there are 2 priority neighborhoods which experienced heavy flooding an received assistance from puc which is 15th an with a wont a and ingleside terrace. In other district the this include the upper great highway area. And that is heavily affected in district 4. The border of district eight and 11 on ki uga avenue is affected. Maze an 17th an [folsomfollow some] areas are heavily affected areas. And district 7 beside the chi oga avenue street there is the Mission Terrace neighborhoods that are also greatly affected. There are several longterm sewer improvement projects and resilience studies scheduled in this district an calling to consider longterm strategies. I know puc is working on their strategies and im looking forward to hearing from them. So. I want to thank supervisor [tangtanktanning], fewer, {saf} fee, and ronin for co sponsoring this hearing today. [bettina shuford ] thank you supervisor yee. President breed. Speaker thank you colleagues. Just a few items here today. Ill start by saying that supervisor percent kin isnt only person being featured in a film. I have my own film that is about graffiti an my graffiti legislation an an artist that is famous for being i guess public graffiti artist. His name is bang c. And the documentary is called saving bang c an that is playing at the roxie tomorrow night and this week end and there is a clip in there with me. Maybe a small clip but its a clip nevertheless. So anyway there is my hollywood debut. Colleagues as you know, this is been a tough monday for muni. And im finished with the movie thing. Im onto the next item. Its been a tough month or muni an on news years day the next best predictions for the arrival time stopped working. Apps an signs at the bus stop gave wildly inaccurate information about when the next bus or train may come. Riders were greeted with the signs saying the bus would be there in 75 minutes or maybe not at all. This made it incredibly difficult for people to plan the trips. Muni riders gave up or drive and call t and c and a lot of folks who didnt have that option. Unless people waiting unfairly {pb} unnecessarily in the cold in the rain and it shook confidence in the Public Transit system in which 7 hundred thousand riders rely on daily. I want muni riders to know the board of supervise others hears your concerns an we will work with the sf mpa to make sure the problems are addressed. Supervisor [fairlyferrel] has been working with mta on issues as well an id like to thank for his advocacy. Heres is what we know so far. The vehicles prediction called next muni is transmitted by a t a p ts wireless cell phone network. Since muni was the First Transit agency to adopt such a system the infrastructure installed in 2002 relies on 2 g wireless network. 2 g yes. It is very outdated an at t is deactivating it nationwide. Muni learn of the plan deactivation in 2012 and has been {worb} to go up grade muni shelters an vehicles but they were not prepared for did not expect the 2 g deactivation to start when it did and that left a 150 trains and more than 500 busses without the necessary equipment that allows next bus screens to predict their arrival. Muni has been working to upgrade these vehicles each night as busses an trains finished service their modems are being replaced an row programmed to connect to higher grade 3g network. As of today muni has more than 9 percent coverage across the city an expect to have a hundred percent coverage by the end of this week. Im glad muni is mostly through the woods and this acute crisis but there are 2 unavoidable troops here. This should have never happened in the first place. Even on a good day the next bus system is below par often misjudging when the vehicles will arrive or displaying ghost but that is dont ever actually show up. Muni needs to do better. They have to do better. And i will work with mta leadership is am could go today to evaluate their next step. I want to see if forensic analysis of what when wrong this month as well as a plan that not only for how mta is responding to this failure but how we are going to improve vehicles production moving forward. I look forward to seeing their answers an i will continue advocating for hundreds of family of san franciscans who depend on muni to be reliable an predictable. We [ohowe] them better than what has happened this month and especially with the expectations of our new incredible looking clean trains that will probably hit the streets this summer. We need to be prepared for that as well. So. That is one thing and the last 2 items i have today colleagues are 2 in {phepl} more iums. One is for someone ive nine for so long miss nancy watson. I want to adjourn the meeting in her honor. She passed away on january 14th of this year. She was from louisiana but moved to San Francisco in the 1950 worked as a Health Care Providers until she retired. Her and my grandmother were really close. I grew up going to her house a lot when i was a kid. She raised her granddaughter who i was close to and is like family to me and it has been an amazing life as a kid to have grandmothers like miss nancy watson who always had food for you or always had a kind word. Always had a lecture. Always just had a warm home filled with love. And she will be dearly missed by her amazing family. I also would like to do an in {phepl} morium in memory of who passed away on december 2016. Her son moved to st. Francis square in my district in 1989 and they became heavily involved in the community. For many years she was a {tkhaeur} of the building an Grounds Committee at st. Francis square which he was nope as fiesty an dedicated advocate an community member. Upon retiring from the commission contributed her good spirit an photography skills to document key movement within st. Francis square an photos for circling the square. Eye rent as a fierce advocate of solar electricity which led to the Conservation Committee installing solar pams in 2012. She will be greatly missed by her friends her family. And she was an amazing spirit. I had an opportunity to attend her 90 th birthday party. And that lady had some serious moves. An she was fun. She had an incredible smile. She was a leo just like me. Maybe thats why we got a long so well. She was one of the sweetest ladies ive known. She succeeded in death by her daughter wendy. May she rest in peace and i forgot to mention a in regards to miss nancy watson she is survived by her son he will like a watson an with that madam clerk the rest i submit. Speaker seeing no other names on the roster i believe that concludes the introduction of new business. Lets go to Public Comment. The up to 2 minutes on items within the subject 3459 er jurisdiction of the board to include the minutes. And item 58 including {whrorpbtd} you go into public into closed session and the rest of the items on the adoption with that reference to calendar. Please direct your remarks to the board as a whole and not to individual supervisor. Speakers using interpretation assistance will be allowed twice the amount of time to testify an if you would like your document to be displayed state such to sfg tv an remove the document when youd like to have it return to the life coverage of the meeting. Thank you. First speaker please. [bettina shuford ] speaking speaking in another language donald trump. Good afternoon. My name is i am here in america 34 years. 32 years i involve and i get here in america in city hall. 32 years. I decided to be one of the Community Activists and homeless advocate to fight for the Homeless People who cant provide for themselves. I wish and i would like [toetow] remind all of you about our former president. When he became the president he kick all the russian people from my country. Most of them is spy. The people coming from russia is buying. Now going can he kick him . He cant. They book their own news on his neck for 2 reasons. They have movie about him. Maybe he have money. Or them. When you are coming here and 2, 3 hours we talk with you from our heart. Im here to tell to our supervisors you people coming now in our city hall welcome and i wish you good luck and happy new year and let me see if you can work with our. Get action yesterday to do Something Else to him. Speaker thank you for your comments. Thank you. Next speaker please. [bettina shuford ] i miss mark. Its strange. We have a our differences but i really miss him. I remember i was at the burger king an he had his cell phone up like this and i had the distinct impression he was harassing me on purpose although he wouldnt look at me or talk to me. An i thought its strange. I dont hate anyone. If i do im wrong with god and i need to repent but im speaking the truth. Okay, im speaking the truth and it all comes down to the resurrection of jesus. Hes going to hold you accountable for murder. Abortion is murder and i thank god for president {trpl} {pz} trying to {stpop} the murder of innocent children. Okay. That are in their mothers womb. Abortion is murder. Its wicked. Its wrong. An god says that. And he cap change god. I just called 10, 15 minutes ago. Chapel 7 said why arent you talking about the fact roger stone was almost assassinated. You dont think this is worthy. The guy pretended he didnt know about i am. Roger stone is one of the most important men in the world. He arrange the meeting with reagan said i feel like hes the president and im the citizen. Roger stone has been given this inn which is by the all mighty to know talent in men an he almost got killed. Somebody put plutonium in his drink. You can see all the blotches on his chest an on his face. He asked me why hasnt President Trump said something . I dont know. When you are up there that high you have all {sortsdz} of things you have to deal w and he wrote this book on jfk that gets into the fact that bush senior assassinated kennedy. [bettina shuford ] thank you for your comments. Next speaker please. [bettina shuford ] good afternoon supervisors. An i came here for a party for linda post and i stayed for the meeting. I guess that means im a meeting junky. So. Were in our honeymoon phase with you all. An i really would like to welcome supervisor ronin fewer sheehy an newly appointed or elected to the bore. Nice to be working with you especially supervisor sheehy and ill be bugging you as well as everybody else. Also welcoming back jane kim from her race. And were so glad to have you on the board supervisor kim. I was really pleased to say here today and listen to the legislation thats being proposed. Through introduction. No registries for the members of islam. Womens health. The glb t museum. The traffic plan. Im sorry the traffic plan for new developments. Which supervisor cohen cuss tuscan are proposing which i read about in the examiner today. And i share supervisor tanks and peskins concern about set asides. I dont think thats the way to run the city. Also 2 things. Based on what was said about at t 50 years later were still saying as Willie Tomlin did. We dont have to. Were the phone company. And also id what like to protest the continued use of banners on Market Street to proclaim that abortion kills women. And i think there must be some way to aside from calling for free speech issues to not allow these banners to fly in our city. Speaker thank you. Next speaker please. [bettina shuford ] goods afternoon supervisor. Im Peter Warfield director of Library Users association. Kevin starr died saturday before last an ive not asked you this but id like to suggest 6adjourning in his honor. He was very interestingly the obituaries i have seen have said practically nothing an in some cases omitted his stint as city librarian but in a book by nichols bass baines patience in fortitude he was interviewed about that time. He was opposed to building the new main {pwhraoeub} {pwraer}. Wanted to a renovation instead. His opposition caused him to be forced out of his position. Many years later after the new main opened he spoke did he is not ly and even {pwraeufl} about the design. He said building quota amount to a reverse paradigm of what a Great Library should be unquote. He was very much appalled by the book dumping the library did that supervisor here mentioned a prior book burning an that was a kind of book burning here in San Francisco. He called it shocking. He was a big enough man to also appreciate citizen activists an citizen watch dogs and in this connection one of his columns in the examiner said playing this role thats the watch dog role at the San Francisco Public Library is james chave eman devoted to department an welfare of that beleaguered institution. Hes a big guy. I hope you will adjourn in his honor. Speaker supervisor pest kin has introduced in {phepl} more ian on behalf of {kef} in star. Next speaker please. [bettina shuford ] good evening supervisors. My name is kurt and im oh resident of district 4. Today i want to speak against public funding of immigrant Legal Defense. Item number 161344. Because it raises serious constitutional and legal issues. In short it is. [bettina shuford ] to the speaker im pausing your time. That item is not eligible to be spoken about today as it already has its Public Comment spoken about in committee. You can speak generally about the item but not the specifics of the item. Ill resume the time. [bettina shuford ] im not sure i understand. Sin this Public Comment on anything . Speaker this is general Public Comment on item not on our agenda today. The general Public Comment period occurred on this item at committee. Which is where the charter states. The Public Comment hans. [bettina shuford ] the finance committee . [bettina shuford ] sir if you give us a moment and you want to come back to Public Comment well step to the side an have a discussion with you. And then if you want to come back an provide comment you can do so at that time. [bettina shuford ] okay. Well have someone plane to you. Well start your time over when you come back once we explain to you what the process is around Public Comment. Just give us a minute. Thank you. Next speaker please. [bettina shuford ]. Speaker resident of district 2. Something horrible is happening in district 4 which affect me. And that is mta is taking an ax to Public Transportation on taraval street. Theyre eliminating bus stops which works to the detriment of seniors an disabled. Supervisor cohen referred to the basic dignity of everyone and this includes our seniors and the disabled of our city. And the threat is not coming from washington. It is internal coming from mta itself. Which has colossal disrespect for seniors an disabled. Theyre throwing them up the wheels. This is outrageous. Now this blur really has a responsibility to talk to ed ly and steve an put a stop to this nonsense. This affect the whole city. Its not only district 4. Its happened in my district where they eliminated 2 college meant an 26 valencia to st. Lukes hospital. Clearly mta is out of control. An mta stands for monster transit agency. As well as other things. It stands for more train wrecks ahead. I also want to call attention tooth demolition of San Francisco landmark. Leftie [ohowe] dual a restaurant thats a drawing point for people in and out of the city runs the risk of being and dont be suprised with the growing Viral Development of developers this city hall may become a house of condominiums an supervisors may have to work out of their own home. Maybe we can call it trump west. [bettina shuford ] thank you. Next speaker please. [bettina shuford ] good evening president and this is my haunt going on 101 an she has something to say to you. Go ahead. [bettina shuford ] oh. Im here to ask help to keep my house. Theyre trying to take my house. Thank you. [bettina shuford ] what she has said an ill translate to you. Shes asking for help. Peter owen the director for burlington vermin has fired the city of San Francisco condo conversion process. He stated in the application iris move to texas. Which is fraud. He also attached fraudulent document to the deed of trust an ray add loot against her. She is on purchased a life estate an she prepared for her old age. The life estate allows her to be in the property. [bettina shuford ] do you want her to sit down while you continue talking . [bettina shuford ] thank you for allowing that but theyre still pushing. Now the attorneys are trying to bull low the sheriffs dem. This fraud has been committed not only again the city of San Francisco but against an elderly person. What threshold does she have at that arise to. Your aging will row what you sent an email thats dismissive. This is also dismissive. Jennifer smith supposed to be the case manager has not returned my phone calls since june. Camaras at front an back door. Them answering the door saying she doesnt live there. Shes harassed her to the point of a stroke. Were asking what threshold does she have to raise for the agency that are suppose {tproed} text her to take action . Thank you. [bettina shuford ] an thank you for your help. [bettina shuford ] thank you. Thank you for your comments. Neck speaker please. [bettina shuford ] good evening supervisors. This evening i want to {spabg} against public funding of immigrant Legal Defense in general. Because it raises serious constitutional and legal issues. In short it is illegal. Our constitutional 6th amendment establish the right to an attorney an criminal court. Government funded defender is only in criminal cases not in civil cases and not in civil Immigration Court. In fact under the immigration naturalization act statute using government money for the legal december of any ail general in Immigration Court is play tant leanne specifically illegal. We trust the supervisors to spend the peoples money in a legal manner. You are going to have to find a different way to fund this using private money rather than the peoples money. Rather than public money. Use your own damned money. Thank you. {spa epbg} thank you. Next speaker please. [bettina shuford ] tom gilbert tea. Congratulations on all our new people. Im joining our old people. You all have a sense of dynamism that is beyond my scope. I dont know of it but congratulations. And to all the staff and the people that work in this Building Government is our people. This is our house. This is wonderful responsibility to be a part of i tip hi hat to all of you. I dont get the show at home. We dont get this on my cable. I come here i get information i get when i come here. I miss the committee meetings. And i wish i didnt. But still my two cents sometimes i think is worth a nickle. So. I come. There was a tough election. Sadness for our political process. Which looks like its in ruins. From electorial congress our board candidates established. Power brokers democratic an republic monopolies keeping out the growing number of independent voters. That we need to welcome. Not to mention the waste of a Corporate Media of nothingness. This saturday looks {hrao eubg} a whole lot of people were baptized on the streets of San Francisco went around. I hope the activity continues. Theyll be involved. A the love people are feeling terrible when our mayor was reelected. I felt just as terrible. I felt he is holding back this city and this bay area from the what is really needed in our time an our place. Thank you. Im glad to be here. Im glad you are here. [bettina shuford ] thank you for your comments. Neck speaker please. Okay. If there are any other members of the public that would like to {trae} the board during Public Comment now is your community. [bettina shuford ] any other members the public that would like to provide Public Comment at this time. Public comment is now employee ed. Madam clerk. Lets go to the adoption without reference to committee item. Item 55 through 58 are being considered for adoption without committee reference. These items could be if the resolution is atop ed by a single roll call vote. Otherwise you can consider it separately. Supervise or cohen. Speaker thank you very much. I want to make sure i heard correctly. Beer talking about item 55. The clerk has confirmed it. Im asking for your support on a resolution. Speak im sorry. [bettina shuford ] id like to poll. [bettina shuford ] madam clerk. Speaker 58 please. [bettina shuford ] you with a not to pull 508 . Speaker it needs to be amended to the new day. [bettina shuford ] thank you. On the remaining item please call the role. [bettina shuford ] on item 56 through 57 supervisor could he inn. Supervisor [fairlyferrel]. Fewer. Super rise or kim. Kim. Supervisor percent kin. Ronin. Supervisor {saf} fi ie. {ao eub}. Supervisor sheehy. Supervisor [tangtanktanning]. Supervisor yee. Eye. Supervisor breed. There are 11 eyes. Speaker okay those items resolution are adopted unanimously. Madam clerk please read item number 55. [bettina shuford ] item to urge the city to join this stepping up initiative to reduce the number of people in jails. Speaker this is a pretty straight forward an clean piece of legislation. Its a resolution urging the city and county of San Francisco to join the stepping up initiative. To reduce the number of people with Mental Illness in our county jails. It touches all of us. And San Francisco in San Francisco approximately 10 percent of the department of Public Health 25 thousand Behavioral Health system client had a contact in the jail this past fiscal years. 20 percent of those clients report having some history of criminal justice contact which is somewhere between 7 an 14 percent of the jail population which was 13 thousand 50044 in 2 thou 5. Has serious Mental Illness. This includes schizophrenia bipolar disorder an manic depression. Now we are known for our john ross tea of social service and has let Mental Illnesses with a oneway ticket to our city. This is not a sustainable condition. We cant afford to be a safety net for the entire country. Especially if the care is not as effective as it could be. We cannot focus on identifying funding to build nor jails. The goal to give what you main treatment for the conditions. So we cannot send people up and away and will away the condition. We need compassion. I want to recognize the supervisors for the sponsorship on this resolution. Thank you. [bettina shuford ] thank you and seeing no other names on the roster calling can we take this item. Without objection the resolution is adopted unanimously. Item 58. [bettina shuford ] a motion of board of supervisor convene today january 24 with labor negotiators Mayors Office an resource regarding negotiations with labor unions representing city employees. This is not as time sensitive as we thought it was. [bettina shuford ] which is why its on the calendar now and would like to ask that we do a one week continuance and we amend the date to january thirtyfirst, 20, 17. Move by supervisor pest kin an [yee] can we take without objection an on the item as amended colleagues can we take the same call without objection a

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