Present. We have the minutes of the march 28 meeting for any additions or corrections or comments . I move the minutes second. Any Public Comment . Seeing none, all those in favor say, aye. [chorus of ayes. ] opposed, nay. The item carries. Next is opportunity for general Public Comments. This a chance for people to talk to the commission about rings that are within our jurisdiction but dont have to be on the calendar for the i have one speaker car. Mr. Bowman, is it . Welcome. Mr. Pres. , commissioners, general manager, i am chris bowman. Im a neighborhood activists. Im speaking about the groundwater project which was addressed at the last meeting, and i know commissioner caen and peter had some questioning, which i thought was very much spot on. When the word came out that in the chronicle last february indeed the city was can be lending groundwater with hetch hetchy water for roughly 60 of the city, i was alarmed by a couple of things in the article. One, about the fact that nitrites above the state level were detected in some of the wells that will be feeding into the water system. Secondarily, the Economic Impact on certain industries, like beer and coffee [inaudible]. So i address the issue with the [inaudible] president of the coalition for San Francisco neighborhoods. We addressed it briefly at their meeting that we cowrote an article in the westside observer extensively about the issue and this is after going to the dir and all the other documents that you have on the groundwater project on your website. There are a couple of issues that are concern to us and we would ask that you have delayed the turning on the spigot of the grounding of the blending of groundwater, that the deferred indefinitely. You continue with the project as is as far as developing the two other wells in golden gate park, which should be online by 2019. The concerns are that at full implementation, we are not [inaudible] 4 million gallons of water a day versus 81 million, which is the allotment. Its really about 4 million versus about 24 million which we are going to the service area handled by the sunset and the suture wells. So we are talking about a 15 blend that there was a provision in the eir in the deir and also [inaudible] that basically you would not to use while sites in which there is contamination discovered. Well, you are. You shouldnt be. So, going back to what commissioner vietor said last week this other uses for the groundwater right now. You can use it for street cleaning could you can also use it for the auxiliary water system and you would have the same results in expanding the water supply without contaminating the hetch hetchy water you already have. Some running out of time, so that is my two cents worth it if you own a questions ill be glad to answer. Thank you. Any other i just want to point out that the supervisors have asked for a hearing on groundwater. So we plan to schedule that and talk more about our groundwater. I want to give you a heads up on that. Thank you. That has not been scheduled yet . No. Not at this time. But a couple, norman yee, sheehy a couple others haveasked that we schedule a hearing so they are working with us to schedule time for the hearing. Thank you. Any other general Public Comments . See with seeing none, will move on to communications. Commissioners, communications in front of you. Any questions or comments . Any Public Comment on the communications . Seeing none, will move on to other commission business. Seeing none, we will move on to report of the general manager. Mr. Kelly good thank you. First item i have is a creek watershed project update your Steve Ritchie. Thank you Steve Ritchie assistant general manager for water. It should of said Alameda Creek watershed center update. We just focused on the watershed center as opposed to the entire watershed to make sure no ones confused. When talking to talk about the all amida creek or general watershed issues just on the center. The watershed center and the [inaudible] improvements together what weve been calling the longterm improvements project, they are both based need a project from our point of view. Theimprovements are basically rebuilding the yard which i refer to numerous times as an fixer upper. It was really in sad shape. The watershed center is the new facility that would provide interpretive facilities in a medium space relative door watershed and that will be the county. So we are completely committed to both these projects. We went out to bid for them back in 2016, and unfortunately, the bids came in the two projects 40 higher than the engineers estimate will be on any budget we had for the projects. So we actually put the yard improvements through value and jim we did not do that with a watershed center. So we decided to move forward with the guardian permits because they were desperately needed, frankly come out there. We did get bids in there and that was actually about 20 higher. So it was still over but it was important project to move forward on this we move forward on the project last november so the contractors started working out for the watershed center, weve gone through evaluation and identified some additional savings, but we are basically in a position where we dont have enough money and earn title building and grounds project to actually build the project. Were doing two things right now. One is were looking at potentially altering the design to something simpler that might cost less. That is one option for the other is, we are going to be looking at our Capital Improvement program in the upcoming budget cycle and reprioritizing because not just the watershed center but other buildings and grounds project are definitely in need of attention from our point of view for the [inaudible] and for facility as well. So we fully expect to do is to come back to the them commission this fall with some alternatives on how we can move forward here. Either without real tooling design that should cost less, or, actually reprioritizing our Capital Improvement program to move funds into these critical Building Grounds project so that is the summary of where we are at right now on the project. Thank you. Commissioner vietor i thought we budgeted for this project . We have budgeted for this project and for this yard improvement. Frankly, we had a great run during [inaudible] but the economic recovery has been we bids are coming in higher, particularly, for aboveground structures. We are still into pretty well on pipelines, but anything above ground right now the bidding environment is really challenging and this is relatively remote location, so we ended up with much higher bids that we expected. And so you will go back out to bid, do you think . Yes. We will. The two options like i said there redesigning and peering back in it some way or facing the construction of it so we do a piece at the time were, doing making both of these when we look at the Capital Improvement program, and reallocate funding to these projects and defund some other projects into for those time. Those are the two general options i think will be coming back with probably in about septemberoctober i would like to see this project continue. I know thats an Old Community really looking forward to this as a contribution we could make and collaborate with them and i also know sage is part of the agreement of their transition was very interested in seeing this to fruition. So whatever we can do to really get this back on track, i would really appreciate yes. We are committed to doing the project. Theres no question in my mind. Im per committed to it as well so we will make this happen. Just a matter of finding the money and resources, the right time and right mix to make it work. Okay. Great. We will hear back in the fall . Yes. Thank you thank you. Any other questions . Any Public Comment . Mr. Brooks. Good afternoon commission to eric brooks. Sustainability chairman for San Francisco green party and coordinator of our city San Francisco. So slightly tangential, but it is related to the item over the past couple of years my group and others have done some good work at the department of the environment and you might remember us talking about this last year to get a reduction in our Pesticide Use in parks and natural areas. Since we started that were, a couple of years ago we have managed to get use in San Francisco but cut by 80 . Some of the worst pesticides. Also since that work we have begunits been clearly decided by a court that juan santos wound up is a carcinogen and some revelations have come out that monsanto could even [inaudible] research on that chemical. So with regard to these centers and as they are kind of showing the public whats going on with her watershed restorations, it would be good if there could be some Public Information that, in the centers come out there for the public to read, that shows that San Francisco is making an effort to reduce these heavy and toxic carcinogen tier 1 herbicides so that the public is aware and thinking in that direction. So that the employees are thinking , do and i need to use an herbicide in this particular instance when there after doing their job. That will just encourage us to head in that direction. So if theres anything we can do to get thosethat type of information and notices in the centers of the public and workers can read them, that would be good. Thanks. Thank you. Any other Public Comment . Thank you. Mr. Kelly, anymore on the general manager report . No. We have two other items but [inaudible] my report we actually made separate agenda items. But that concludes my report. Okay. Thank you. Moving on to item 8, Workforce Development update. Good afternoon commissioners. I am martin grant, special projects advisor here at the puc. Im not new to the city but im relatively new to the puc and especially new to the workforce the roman efforts at the puc. That said, i have been asked to gather information and bring it together for you in response to commissioner courtneys request. So may i ask we bring up the slides . Next slide, please. So there are three bureaus within the sf puc that handle workforce the roman projects and these are the pucs Human Resource services division, infrastructure division, which focuses on a private sector Workforce Development efforts, and external affairsCommunity Benefits as you know. A division of the external affairs. As you know, recently adopted Strategic Plan calls for the agency to attract, retain, develop, and develop an effective workforce reflective and supportive of our communities. That consistently delivers High Quality Services to stakeholders. Today, we will be focusing on the agencys efforts to do exactly that with our effective workforce. First, just [inaudible] Deputy Director of Human Resources services will describe hrs efforts to create conference of workforce the roman plans including our plans for future apprenticeship and preapprenticeship programs. Then we will hear from yolanda manzoniacting director of Community Benefits from the external affairs tempted to ask layne how external affairs and Community Benefits are helping the puc ensure its workforce is reflective and supportive of our communities. As an aside, we know youre regularly briefed on the many accomplishments of our private sector Workforce Development through the regular reports. First up, justinefrom Human Resource services. Thank you welcome. Thank you and good afternoon. Commissioners, as martin said, justineDeputy Director for hrswith the puc. Last you heard from hr, it was a very data driven presentation discussing how our workforce is trending. In particular, where we are most vulnerable for retirement risks. Since then, with the launch of our 2020 Strategic Plan, we have started developing a link cohesive Workforce Development program to not only prepare for impending retirement but you also create a conference of Talent Acquisition and development initiative. Some other programs that ill be highlighting today have been in development for some timeand some are just getting started. We have been able to identify existing programs and partnerships within the city and we are also targeting new projects to alternately create a conference of Workforce Development initiative. As you already know, the effective workforce goal is comprised of six overarching objectives. Within each objective there are 26 action areas, and within each actuary is an above target a project. What im going to be highlighting for you today are just some of those projects. So again last you heard from hr, you also are from a enterprise workforce planning unit and we provided you with details about our emerging competencybased approach to workforce planning and development. While the agency was model is still in development, we are also preparing to launch our second phase of this approach, by piloting the hr competency metal in our recruitment and selection activities without coming hires in hr. By piloting this phase we are actually able to target more than just one objective in our effective workforce goal. Because we will be equipping our hr analystto understand the benefits of the competencybased approach, the process is affected, andthe tools used when the competency model is put into action, after completion of this phase, then the puc will be in a better position to begin rolling out this competencybased approach to our recruitment and selection agencywide whenever theres a new hire coming in to a unit that has a completed competency model. So how we do this is by emphasizing key competencies within the job posting and an Equipment Materials within the recruitment phase. Within the selection phase, by developing competencybased Interview Questions and using the target behaviors in each competency to rate candidate performance. Once we have developed these competency models and gather data about work across the organization, we have already laid the foundation for objectiveworking on objective two of our Strategic Plan goal, ensuring Job Description classification query across the organization. So looking at our current Job Descriptions, which describe work at a level of tasks and duties, that can kind of be hard to understand how different classifications or positions relate to each other. But, if you are using competencies as a common language for describing what it takes to be successful at the puc and at the level at just duties and pass, you help to clarify and align Job Descriptions across the organization. So by comparing proficiency levels within those competencies we can even help clarify the progression from class to class for Career Planning and in this example, within a job series. But this analysis is alsoit can also be done among all classifications. Moving on to our objective three, i will be talking to two initiatives from the subject at first, an example of an existing program and established partnership that aligns with the pucs greater Workforce Development initiative. Although thereve been several apprenticeship programs throughout the city for some time now, in 2015 dhr begin standardizing all these programs. In partnership with participating city departments, like us, local labor organizations, we are exploring new apprenticeships to develop and collectivelyif these programs are called apprenticeship sf friendships are critical step in our career path and can have a Tremendous Positive impact when done with intention. Within the city 20 of our classifications are Skilled Labor craftsman and trade. At the puc, these are also the same classifications we are most at risk for retirement. About 33 of our skilled crafts employees will be retirement eligible within the next five years. So all of these apprenticeships programs in the city must meet uniform standards including registry with the California State Department of industrial relations, division of apprenticeship standards, and participating department are heavily involved in the development of these programs including the design, creating and memorializing the mayorbased hiring processes, and of course, hosting our premises. Existing partnership sf programs hosted at the puc include stationary engineer apprentices, and utility plumbers,and we are exploring with dhr to include automotive machinist and maintenance machinist electrical power line workers and general construction labor. So with the success of a partnership sf, we are also expanding our strategy to explore a career a Partnership Program although career a partnerships do not provide direct entry to the legitimate steppingstones to establish a Partnership Program. Similar to apprenticeshipsprea partnerships are created in partnership with allcity to parents who wish to participate