Mr. Secretary. Commissioner president vietor commissioner Vice President moran and commissioner caen are excused commissioner courtney commissioner kwon we have quorum. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Item 3 approval of the minutes of mark 8, 2016. Is there a motion to approve the minutes. So moved second all in favor, say i. I. Public comment on the minutes next item, please. Next is general Public Comment. General Public Comment mr. Da costa. Good afternoon. Good afternoon, commissioners the last night last time i was here i spoke about some very pressing issues and im going to speak on that particular issue that was raised than the general manager will be as part the of a letter sent to him regarding the issue im here to categorically state to the San FranciscoPublic Utilities commission this Commission Must do Due Diligence when it comes to quality quality of life issues so if we speak on some issue and there was a directive way back by congress in 1974 and the San FranciscoPublic Utilities commission decided that you know they would order Water Department decides to do they will executed in 1980 that gap between 1974 and 1980 knowing the city and county of San Francisco did do not due Due Diligence expands many, many years we know in Public Housing and im talking about Public Housing that bridge developers and mercy housing and the Joe Stewart Company you know that theyre all wanted this property they are get exhibits giving it to them and e San FranciscoPublic UtilitiesCommission Says offering we dont have money but participating that the yuma i was listening to the budget and finance committee not too long ago your representatives oh, you know, we had a drought and san franciscans didnt waste too much water so we dont get the income and so forth san franciscans are very astute so when you tell them District Attorney wastewater they dont water water but san franciscans also want an infrastructure to be in place and thats important and some of you commissioners are transient enough to understand if youre infrastructure is not in mass whether the water system Improvement Project or the sewer system project in light pipeline than san franciscans will speak up not like before with the francisco da costa is coming thank you very much. I have another speaker cards for kari sorenson. You want 10 this is a. Item 10 say that again. You want to speak on item 10. Yes. I can change the card. Were still on general Public Comment any other comments on items not on the agenda . Yes. Commissioners Mayors Office of housing and Community Development my name is david im here on behalf of the solutions not the sandbags the x keep your eyes on the ball and out flows that occurred during major sewer storms the point id like to make whether or not we deal with this directly and the puc embraced the opportunity or not is a question how will it be solved presently indians the epa and state water board are looking at 0 into this commission and there are people other than myself regarding the damage the 5 different neighborhoods effected by the excursion id like to suggest that we can i have the overhead please . Id like to suggest that were rolling the today is that the today is that are being used are shaved today is on the part of staff and they come up 7 or 11 whenever they describe the workshops it is just goes to cost too much to the ratepayer just to say it i dont know how often you see these this is what a bill looks like im suggesting the bills are going to be greater that the bond measures will be more expensive in those issues are not addressed with that in mind id like to ask when the next workshop will be presented to the San Francisco puc thats one and as a closing thought this sense of exceptionalism on the part of San Francisco they can decide the rules under which they operate regardless of what the state or federal government says or a judge that is the issue coming up before you people are going to have to vote on bond measures of future as revenue products but at the same time id like to on the puc and the commission will be mindful of the lack of Public Confidence in this the issues how those relishes addressed thank you. Thank you very much. Any other general Public Comment . Hearing none, next item, please. Item 5 communications and id like to make note on item 5 for the summary you have an updated letter summary that is letters received over one from eric brooks and patty and carolyn and those have been provided to the public as well. So i have a question i dont know if it is just on my copy my Directors Desk he didnt see the cal vs. The communication with a duplicate of the line item ascertainment item that is a mistake in mine and i am still eager to read what the cal vs. Screen summary statement says so commissioners any comments on communications . Any Public Comment on communications item number 5 . Yes. Please. Mr. Da costa. Okay. Yeah. Im to give you my card for the record. Thats okay. Okay. So i want to talk about the Water Pipeline assessment and i printed the letter excuse me so i printed a letter and i alluded it to this letter during general Public Comment so im asking the commissioners that, please read this letter and this is about our drinking pipes and other pipes and there is a lot of hogwash in this letter we have some unions who do not want to use pipes that are more resistant or that can endure earthquakes so we need to have an understanding and make a decision do we want this pipes to break so we get people to work more . And build with fragile pipes and when pipes break that is contemplation in our Public Housing that are led pipes not look at an item of an act passed in 197 had the city decided to enact in 1980 the sfpuc had some general idea because the sfpuc as it stands today was really formed in 1996 i was alive and kicking and so was willie brown so today, im asking the commissioners and i guess theyre giving me, too minutes i need a half an hour actually please evaluate the pipes the drinking pipes that come to the homes in our general our Public Housing right now because they have been adversely impacts impacted for years and no one is speaking to it i wrote about it i tried to address it but we dont have the money and whatever but we do have the mon money. Thank you. Thank you. Any other Public Comments on item number 5 communications . Hearing none, next item, please. Other commission business. Commissioners . Business . Hearing none, next item, please. Item 7 report of general manager. Good afternoon, commissioners my first update on the drought steve richie. Can i have the slides steve richie general manager so far water under the start with the statewide information a slide ive shown at different times the state of the states reservoirs in january of 2015 and the not the blue bars are well, do you think in a lot of the reservoirs moving forward that is the state of the same reservoirs of march 21st the blue bars are way up northern part of the state lake over and over very well and others a lot of water in them as fulsome and some of the southern part are still down an Important Note which has come up to almost historical average level and as you can see that was way, way down it is really good to see that come up and the good thing for us out of that as storage the keynote the water bank storage were at three hundred and 16 arc feet and rising were getting good water into the storage so our chance of the system is increasing as we moving forward the storms weekend before this last helped us out and other reservoirs the state on the cumulative perspiration as you can see weve jumped up over would above the normal, in fact, were at for hetch hetchy 100 percent right now for the year were doing quite well, there and show page not up to medium conditions but still better than in years overall the water outcome is looking pretty positive for us this is the up country 6 station index that is a little bit below the annual total for year to date but again most of months 1, 2, 3, 44 out of the last 6 months have been above average precipitation and the bay area a big month in march our reservoirs here video a lot of water as well so well actually dont have to deal with with operationally now too much water on the hands water available to the city 200 and 41 feet available to the city the districts so probably 50 50 chance of making the 8 hundred plus feet available to the city again, the whole whether we have front to date has looked positive for our system the last slide will our deliveries the red is the last 56 year average the apply is 2015 last year, the black dashed line what we wanted to achieve with the state water board and the green this year so people have not yielded decided the drought is over their conserving water it is a good thing people are saving water and our demands are below last year from a commercialism prospective were doing well in the best of both words worlds so ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. If you have a question that randy got last weekend we have a 5 year storm is it close. Well, you know it is interesting it was a big weekend in terms of the return period on that you know it varied by where you were seller it was a goodsized storm a 5 year storm i cant tell you i dont know for sure. Maybe that is better answered when we talk about the wastewater their manufactured in rainfall. Okay. So were in pretty good shape. Overall were in Public Comment is closed. Shape. Is there a moment when the drought gets declared through the contract or some point when we get a certain amount of rain. Two comments Southern California has not had the precipitation theyre low in some of the reservoirs you saw and catch up as much as northern part of state the state what are you going to do about that . Will tape take this up in the governor makes the decision and well be following his lead he may at some point say look weve gotten better but not good yet and from our prospective any year that comes is a good year but the next year could be a bad one we have to presume were in a drought world this is our nature but we may fill this year and the state is the statewide a drought condition an odd circumstance but we have a good hydraulic i didnt. The weather is good it wrand last weekend the announce. It dropped off right away but the reservoirs got all the waters. Thats an issue of concern; right . Oh, yeah fortunately, weve have room to school bus. Next speaker, please. Next a cleanpowersf update. Excuse me call for Public Comment. I was going to do that but i could do that if you like. Madam secretary. Public comment on the drought . Mr. Da costa. Yes. I think that is important that when you get subjects like this the drought and the implicit after each item you allow the public to speak so everything is fresh mr. Richie can you have a presentation about the state of affairs with the water but really in the year 2016 we also need to get some assessment on our water shed our water shed plays an Important Role now it is very easy for us here in San Francisco so just talk about the water and we must remember for thousands of years whatever was there and is there the hetch hetchy area was preserved and protected by the tribes and we always have to remember as long as you believe the United Nations because ones called we need to respect the nativeamerican i know some of you are new but those who are not paying attention you better learn to respect the first people of the area now a i dont see that i represent the first people of San Francisco and adjoining areas the tribes if you dont want to believe that ill provide any testimonials im sensitive socalled experts talk about the drought in a sfoishl manner in my subjective opinion we need the heavy rains year after year maybe for the next 4 years and then it aint going to happen because of climatic change so el nino is comes ones in every i dont know 40 years or 35 years whatever so we have to make the best of it and were lucky that everybody is saying our lakes are full our reservoirs are full our rivers are doing good the sale man or making process and so forth this is good so commissioners drought is something that we have to look in its totality not only the snowcaps and the how dense the water is when they take those measurements but also our water shed and just going to brought to your attention the Central Valley weve had land sink four or five feet because people stepped into the water shed so even though that is not our area it is because it is connected so one of you commissioners to form a Small Committee so that then the other committees and the many experts youre paying over 200 and 50,000 will benefit they can give us a report on our water shed thank you very much and go to the board of supervisors. Thank you. Any other comments on the contract next item please. Clean power update barbara hale. Thank you, commissioners balancing assistant general manager i have 3 items to brief you on over my name is in enrollment status the pca workshop and the Net Energy Metering proposals so first off on the milestones and enrollment were on track for serving customers may 1st our opt out are low and stable we have projected 20 percent of the customers that web enrolled about opt out were really at this point only seeing 0. 3 percent that have opted out out in terms of preparing for the august enrollment customers have raised their hands and saying let me in one and 34 residents enrolled one plus are supergreen and were seeing this for the august one any folks that want to participate in the probation officer program this year needs to let us know go on cleanpowersf. Org youll have to do that before august one on the pcia. Before you golden go on i seeing a low opt out increasing were anticipating thirty megawatts of power with the loss r allow opt out. 35 points 9 right now. Yeah. And so serving more than we expected but prepared for that and were all set to go may 1st on the california Public Utilities commissions workshop youll recall in december the commission took a position on the pcia the charge that customers who participate in a program like our cleanpowersf pay those charges went bypassing up dramatically pursuant to the puc decision in those decision they werent going to lower the impact but a workshop that allows the folks and opportunity to sort of vet the methodologies and talk about what needed to change that yap was held we participated in coordination is mc e and the lancaster choice and sonoma were the people they made a presentation that we worked with them on and a number of stakeholders in San Francisco also provided emphasis and Public Comment which i thought was helpful in terms of outcome were not particularly quite frankly optimistic well see any modifications to the methodology the future the preceding commissioners that flores is having a workshop report issued and establishing a working group to continue to work about the pcia methodology and impacts we will continue to collaborative with the other working groups and inform at the california Public Utilities commission to help to contain the pcia costs and the other charges that the california puc is passing into our commissioners not much open middleincome were sticking with the process and with that, ill move forward to the net metering proposal we handed out a packets pathways available over here but i have a slide we can bring that up please. Great. So what id like to talk about the agenda items you see here what the Net Metering Energy and how to work with the cleanpowersf from the staff presentation as the proposed objectives ive got a survey with other meters programs you can understand how ours might and the next steps are at this point, were im faxing making an informational presentation not a vote ensue april 26th our plan to bring a terrace and the proposal forward at this time and the customers in cleanpowersf on may one will take advantage of the netted metering if they have solar on their roofs or putting it often this year. So first of all, the optimistic same optimistic for cleanpowersf you have seen numerous time but with the net metering is one of the methods for investing the local networks and jobs it is consistently presented and in that way one of our cleanpowersf will encourage the existing and new sf accelerator customers to join clean power that is Net Energy Metering it is a program that allows the customers that install onsite renewals that is solar to receive theyre on their electric billion bill credits they generate more electricity then they consume lots of folks refer to letting the meter run backwards and in San Francisco we have a fair number of folks that are prartd or eligible to participate the Net Metering Program how many do yo