Besides our doctors and his wife but our San Francisco giant pam bear and her husband unknowable the old san franciscans you looked at the things you see everything from the newer families to the salesforce each one say, oh and providing resources which will make San Francisco general a flagship of research for another hundred and 50 years advertised an honor for me to serve on the board as a representative from the commission since 2002 and i having served on other foundations believe me ive never seen a foundation where the generations have passed the torch has passed in families can come together and make significant and ongoing candidates to providing provide the highest quality of health care with dignity and respect for the the patient in selfreliance i San FranciscoGeneral Hospital this is part of Community Health network and laguna an integration of coordination of services and when dr. Chow came board and i he in 1998 it is the leadership and the trust and commitment to the highest level of excellence for the citizens and visitors that are in San Francisco general so on behalf of i know as as member of the also the foundation and i said to this the outstanding leadership i will move we accept this gift and thank those exceptional donors for the ongoing contributions belief in San Francisco general. Theres a motion for the resolution was interest a second . Second. Okay. Well be considering the resolution he didnt see my Public Comment. Could we the executive director the Foundation Come up and say. I was going to ask there is more than one resolve we need to understand how each of those resolves work we have the resolution because it has been moved and seconded and certainly like to have the executive directors also talked u talk with us perhaps someone can explain not just accepting the 5 million but 3 parts the other two parts i recognize is sort of allowing foyer circumstances that dont have significant consequence could you explain why we have the 5 resolve to this. Well. Ill defer to you and greg and the City Attorney here each of them are separate dr. Chow in certain types of depends on. We can give due recognize. Greg this is a money thing well let greg handle that. Theres a lot of money who is were really thanking and. Lets note doctor chow youve not seen because the quiet phase and the process that the foundation is going to consider the naming we went through the zuckerbergs and now proceed with the naming of the all the creditable donations thats a reflection well let greg give details. We should recognize what is happening and greg wagner chief Financial Officer weve spent times structuring this so i simple intents so basically what resolve is broke down it is clear it reflects the timing of the various gifts that have come from the San Francisco general foundation and the naming recognition is associated with those gifts to when you look at the resolution starting on page 2 you have a first resolve section which says that in honor of generosity of the individuals who transcribed a 25 million gifts that 25 million as said in march of this year, the commission accepted the gift and the board accepted the gift that constituent the first portion of the funding from Pricilla Chan and a Mark Zuckerberg and knitted 25 million from a varieties of other donors we approved the names of the Pricilla Chan and Mark ZuckerbergGeneral Hospital but not passed a resolution with the additional naming this lists the naming earned with those enlists in the 25 million then in addition to that in section on page of you have a second section of resolve clauses and what those are doing first, it is recommending to the board to accept an additional 5 million of cash weve been ref from the foundation on top of what we received today and secondly, listing is additional naming that is associated with that second deficit to it is absence confusing how it was laid out but to make it clear were dissipating it out to align with the gift of acceptance resolution that have come through this commission in multiple steps so i hope that helps but happy to answer any other questions. For me commissioners do you see that. Could you review the reluctance on pauctance on pagr on pagee on page on pagev on pagei on pae on paw on page 8. You have to be built or named. The first is for two of the gifts so the board is required to approve and accept a lot more details ill invite julia but the board is required when conditions attached or associated with the gift and in these skies conditions associated with the gifts weve agreed is that the naming would have a length of Time Associated with with that weve carved that out resolution for all practical purposes the naming once approved by the board will stay in practices weve included the resolve clauses that is part of the discussion about those particular naming opportunities the second one is essentially giving the director of health the recommending to give the director of health some Administrative Authority to do minor changes such as adjusting slightly the location of the actual singe it going to appear and making modifications if there are issues where instruction or renovation we have the horticulture to make those substantial adjustments administratively without having to come back to the board of supervisors every time we need to our executive director. Thank you, commissioners fewer support i also wanted to acknowledge director garcia for they are partnership eucalyptus our foundation would not have been successful if we didnt have a great relationship with the department of Public Health and our team of individuals at the hospital to thank you briefly donor recognize is a major contribution our ability to understand and support this is really a key to be successful and just to echo commissioner sanchez you said is to great this the most beautiful thing about the effort it brought together philanthropists in San Francisco and the greater by the way, to supporting the institutions it is San Francisco general a marriage of not only their Financial Resources but the endorsement and theyre willingness to support ongoing and were excited as we moving forward we know the needs of hospital continue to grow and were commented to be robust this is a great deems of future engagement were excited so i can take further questions about the core recognize if you have them. No, thank you further questions . From any of the commissioners. Id like to thank the executive director amanda as well we began were new in those areas in terms of working with the foundations and myself i want to thank the donors pub this is a very incredible risk we thought Mark Zuckerberg was remarkable we hope to have many of those resolutions laughter and we look forward to working with amanda manned alcohol on a monthly basis to make sure she thinks where our capital future and they can strategize direct their efforts on behalf of the department anticipate the staff we want to thank the executive director and also the foundation for all the incredible support it is going to be an incredible beautiful building and just to note november 21st is a saturday and it is going to be an incredible party for this and the renaming and acknowledging all our donors and potentially more donors to come as we see what incredible work on the campus. One more thing in addition to the names on the list an amazing outpouring of the support from the provider in the faculty and doctors and nurses and front line people day to day doing the work it was a continued Community Effort so thank you. Well, thank you this is certainly be outstanding list and one in which we should all be assessing this with gratitude those organizations and people feel so dedicated to health care and a San Francisco general thank you. Thank you. Commissioners any further comments are we prepared for the vote. I was looking at from the edward chow garden and saw a hot tube laughter . ; is that correct. Are they down to plants or something that i could use the salary the city gives me. No were prepared for the vote. All in favor, say i. I. With gratitude please vote i. I and opposed . The resolution has passed unanimously and we look forward to many more thank you. Commissioners. Id like to give a note of thanks to the City Attorney they wanted to make sure they were doing this in the rights order so thank you to the City Attorney. Very, very wellthoughtout clapping. commissioners we move on to item 8 a resolution greer the principles of Ethical Practices of Public Health well vote on next meeting in is just a discussion. Before we begin is there principles or is this the privileges is the whereas the principles or another documents called the principles. Those radio the principles there are 12 of them and. The whereas. 12. Thank you for that clarification. Well, maybe you should explain what you do with those. So part of in our romans as Health Officials were weighing the risk and benefits when we are making Public Health decisions so we take into account the ethical considerations part of Public Health coalition requires us to codify how we make and incorporate ethic alcala decisions making into the publicity activities so the credit dan by the Public Health society and as the code of ethics you see is whereas are 12 verbatim calls the ethical practice of Public Health we are requesting the commission to approve those principles and provides a foundation to build our Decision Making progress we are in the process of developing a comprehensive approach that is the foundation for that. A again example the one we did with the screening at bmi as information becomes available to use it is early general Obligation Bond do consider the information to weigh the risk and benefits and to make a decision that open missed the benefits and minimize the harm the screening been different for one group we want Equitable Health care . An example of ethical Decision Making all to have equal assess for the screening of diabetes. Okay. Was there any Public Comment. Ive not received Public Comment. So well precede to questions. Sure. So it says those policies are bans the Public Health code of ethics so there are not the Public Health code how do we modify them and likewise were going 20 going to comply this allows us to comply with national standards. Rights we did we took the one there are ill show you there is a toolbox that summarizes the principles for Public Health and this is the one that is most commonly used adopted by the Public Health association we took the principles verbatim their ethical processes that make it more specific those are broad principles. Those principles are the principles from the Public Health code of ethics. It has several different names people do you want is and tweak it created by the Public Health society they call it the principles of Public Health so people call it a little bit differently we basically took the title and basically put it right here. Right. May i make a request im till in support when you look at the ethical principle looking how they Work Together to but i trust in National Endorsement it has to be good but you dont think i dont like the format of that resolution it is a inadequately and when we look at the Public Record it should be reshaped to say whereas the National Practices has established principles and then you list the principles rather than the whereas i think it needs to be doing the Public Record differently the format and go elevate this this is adds you know credibility and stufr where this is from or who is in alignment with those principles so i have no problems with adopting them not form, you know, the final record for our actions it is kind of confusing. Oh, i know your the com try on our first e. R. In the introductory paragraph are the whereas to many cases this seems those are the whereas we could state of those are the principles. Okay. Resolve that we accept those as principles and that i think then clarifies can be easily read if were reading whereas for all United States wonderful thing and at the bottom say were adopting the principles it is more a for the most part and then also values dating them we didnt sort of pick them out of thin air theyre related to how you testify those are the histories this is where people are using weve found used intoxicate appropriate therefore wish to add do you want them and resolve that the you know bar and then comes the principles so that. Commissioner chow would you like us to come back with a form or like to approve in principle this and then we presents to you here on behalf of the appellant that shoulders we should come back with a better foreman. On the agendas well discuss that and vote. We have other opportunities. So i think this works. multiple voices . Whatever final copy well come back with a final opportunity. Exactly those were on the principles on which to half the department is operating the public should be aware were looking at the promises principles. Any further comments. The only comment i thought i cant remember this came out in the last two years something on the Public Health mission pushing and i cant remember if, in fact, there was a chapter in under that dealt with that on or about you may want to check that i could be absolutely wrong i didnt flag that that way. Ill look at that. It might be worth looking. Also the board is recommending this code or a code. My understanding it could be a coincide node specifically this one but this seems to be the one that is the most comprehensive in terms of it being able to give you lad it is the duty in specific practices. Thats fine. So i think those should be whereas. Okay. Any further comments. No. Precede to the next item. Thank you very much for the suggestion. Well look forward to be able to see the principles. Okay. Great. Thank you. Item 9 is a dph Financial Report and mr. Wagner and quick intervention. Trying to figure out commissioners this report is for discussion no action you need to take. Its barely show up on the screen. No, i, probably make it through here so long as the mouse works on the screen. Thank you. Okay. Commissioners greg wagner chief Financial Officer we have a presentation on our yearend financial Quarterly Report so this is a summary of our yearend general funds financial position as recorded front seat in the Controllers Office this is a little bit later than the Financial Report because of the yearend in particular we have to go through a longer process of crossing out the books it making takes more times for the fabulous to settle we like to wait when we can bring them to you when in their fully cut our big picture for the fiscal year 20142015 is very positive we had a good year we have a couple of of things going on were ending the year with a net general Fund Contribution back of 11 million however, this is necessary of an additional contribution to reserve or so that will remain in place and be a cushion against future losses the operating expenditures and revenues were favorable . Allowed us to meet your targets and allowed us with the Controllers Office to Fund Additional refers this helps u. S. Bancorp us to have greater Financial Stability as we go forward into the continued changes in under the state and federal policy actions so again as you can see how the highlevel of numbers breakdown on the summary table when you take our flat operating expenses and revenues we had a fractiously surveillance of 74. 2 million of that amount 63. 02 is programmed into those revenue refers so those are not directly returned from the general fund their withhold by the Controllers Office that is available to us if we have a shortfall in the future years. So ill cbo through quickly by divisions and happy to answer questions i dont want to spend too much time San Francisco general living San FranciscoGeneral Hospital had a net surplus as you can see a lot of thing