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Secretary . I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Please be advised that the ringing of cell phones and pagers and other Electronic Devices are prohibited from this meeting. Please beware that anyone maybe subject to removal for ringing of such devices. Public comment on any item. Item 8. Public comment on items not listed on the agenda. Is there any Public Comment on items not listed on the agenda . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Madam secretary. Item 9a. Executive directors report. Good afternoon, im elaine forbes, the port director. Im pleased to report the port is starting out with the new year with some very good news. We have been discussing with the public and with the commission the vulnerability of our seawall mostly unseen infrastructure, the downtown embarcadero, the streets apparatus is very vulnerable. Weve known its been vulnerable to Sea Level Rise and vulnerable to earthquakes. The city funding our budget. We have 9. 5 million for planning to identify where we are going to first tackle the seawalls resiliency and where to improve its performance and earthquake. Today, we learned that we have been placed on the go bond schedule for 2018 in the amount of 350 million. What that means, the go bond schedule is a constrained schedule for 2006. The Capital Committee led by the mayor is by the most urgent and important to the city. They constrain the questions, the bonds general obligation questions that goes to the voter to the 2006 tax rate. They have found room in that schedule for our seawall and have found early in the schedule for 2018 and found 3 million. We worked long and hard for parks. This is 100 times that level of investment. Congratulations to everyone who is involved in the seawall project. Now we have a source of funds to look to. Now we have to look to the voters and hope that is clear to everyone. That is my first item. I would now like to acknowledge two employees who are retiring. I will start two longterm employees. I will start first with Gary Silvestre. He started his career here at the port, and he has been an outstanding 30year professional here uninterrupted here at the port. Hes a native san franciscan and hired in 1986 as an ironworker. He worked as at the Crane Department repairing cargo and cranes and in 1990 he worked for fabricating and welding Steel Buildings and boats and vehicles in very very tough working conditions. He is an excellent craftsmanship and he is legendary within the Labor Department and he is top notch in his trade. Hes also known for being a very very great guy. Im speaking for carter who cant be here today. He says hes fun and always very helpful and terribly missed and hes an important part of the port family and there is no one who will ever replace him. If you can please stand, gary, so we can recognize you. Where are you, gary . Oh, im so sorry to hear that. This rain is delaying everyone. Well let gary know that hes being recognized. Is ozzie here . Okay, ozzie and gary are making their way down to the port. Can we come back to this . That will conclude my report and well come back to this at the end of the agenda. Is there any Public Comment on the executive directors report . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Next item, madam secretary. Port commissioners report. Colleagues, any comment . I would like to say happy new year to everyone and we have three board of supervisors, three returning and one elected. It was congratulate to see the unanimous board electing and shows the collaboration and support that we are going to need here and in dc during the next few years. I wanted to share that great opportunity i too was just going to congratulate all of the returning members of the board, supervisors peskin and newly reelected board president london breed, rowan, and jeff she he get pointed to the seat that was vacated by supervisor wiener. Im looking forward to working with all of the board. For those who havent had a tour of the port, i would be happy to invite you to take a tour of the port as soon as you can. Thank you, i would like to wish the public and the staff a happy 2017. Im looking forward to a very vibrant, very great year at the port. I recently was in cape town, south africa. I visited the port of cape town which is similar to the port of San Francisco to possibly talk about a support with the support of cape town. Its so similar with these cruise ships and cargo. Its also a port that is on by dubai world. We do not have any relationship with the port from africa and south africa. From the time San Francisco started with cape town and talk about a relationship with cape town which i think is one of the prettiest cities in the world. Lets see what happens as we move forward, but they were really really impressed with the port and the city of San Francisco and also because we are leading the world in technology. They like our port for the tourism and our water front. It was really nice to be in cape town to represent not only San Francisco but in a city and see the respect for San Francisco and the like. Okay, gary and ozzie have arrived, is that right . Can i see your hands. All right. Today we are going to honor two great employees who recently hired. Retired. We are going to start with Gary Silvestre. He has worked since 1986 in the Port Department as a fusion welder. He has top notch workman ship in his trade and hes easy to be around, funny and oneofakind and a true port employee and he can not be replaced and we are going to miss him. Gary, can you come up for us . [ applause ] good afternoon, commission, my name is tim felten, newly established in park maintenance. I have had the pleasure of working with gary from safety and Environmental Department here. Gary has taught me about working, taught me about life, taught me about being a good person and talked to me about welding and ironing. You dont believe all this stuff you taught me, gary. I didnt teach him to be on time. [ laughter ] we have this commendation for you. It says in grateful appreciation of over 30 years of dedicated in the Maintenance Division in the port of San Francisco and with much health in your retirement. [ applause ] thank you. I want to open it up for any Public Comment for anybody who wants to Say Something. Please keep your comments to 2 minutes. Well let you go last. You want to hear what your colleagues and friends would like to say about you. Ms. Elaine forbes, ladies and gentlemen of the Port Commission. I would like to extend my gratitude for garys 30 years of service here at the port of San Francisco. Its been a pleasure to be a coworker of his. He was a shop steward, he loves his trade and a native san franciscan and very proud of it. I would like to read a few words written by a labor trades man. Flip a twitch, ride the stairs, run the water hot. Thank you, trades man. This is my opportunity to thank Gary Silvestre for his friendship and service and the knowledge he imparted in me over the years. As a fellow ironworker, gary, congratulations. May the road rise up to meet you. [ applause ] i rarely speak before crowds. So i prepared some notes and we may have to fore go that. I would like to know how much time i have. 2 minutes. I have known gary for 35 years. He was my foreman at archaea ironies and the port of San Francisco. I want to tell you why gary is appreciated so much by his coworkers. His works manship. You know its going to satisfy everyone. His preparation, his truck was always loaded with everything he needed, all the metal, everything. He always covered every base. His people skills, he had the uncanny ability to connect with people. When someone had a question, he was the person they would go to. No only port employees, but the general public. When they had a question, they knew he was the one that had the answers. His guidance. He sets the example for the rest of the coworkers on how to better themselves at their work and also their personal lives. Gary will be an inspiration for the port. Hes what you call a true gentlemen. Thank you, gary. [ applause ] is there anymore comments someone would like to say about gary . Thank you very much. I dont mean to turn my back on anyone here. I will try to work the whole room if i may. Port commissioner, port director forbes, former fellow employee. Thank you so much for this. I really appreciate this. This is a real honor for me. It was a real honor for me to be here everyday. I did start in 1986 and it was a much different port than it is today. We had gene garden was a port director, maurice was the director of maintenance, frank was our superintendent of harbor maintenance, and Ray Patterson was the general foreman. At any rate, at that point we were left from 20 years from the changeover from california to the port of San Francisco. We had a lot of state employees here and a lot of marvelous equipment that came over from the state, we had the tugboat, frank white, we had the bridge, the we had the water front, the old steam pile driving rates, we had eight working container crates. It was a much different operation. It gave us a sense of pride, it gave us a sense of do all kind of attitude. And it gave everybody a sense of ownership. I think that is a good thing. It is a great thing that we had. The other thing we had at the port was the embarcadero freeway. It wasnt something we wanted but it was here and then with the loma prieta earthquake. It brought this renaissance, this beautiful building that we are in today. And, at the time, our Administrative Offices were in room 3100 upstairs, and it was magical to be able to say to someone when they asked whats your address, whats your business address . Ferry building. Room 3100 San Francisco, california. When people say, what is your street address . I say there is no street address. We are the Ferry Building. To be able to say that to someone to be in a Historic Building and to see what it is today is really fantastic. I want to thank everyone. I enjoyed my 30 years and i especially enjoyed working with all the people that are really out there everyday. Its an environment that you wont understand unless you do it. Doing stuff out of a boat or on a float or at the top of a crane, 200 feet in the air, its something that you cant really explain to people, but its a wonderful way to see life and you see unfortunately, the good, the bad and the ugly of what this water might be. I really appreciate it. I love all the people i have had the opportunity to work with, and thank you to the commissioner, to the port director, to all the staff. Thank you very much. [ applause ] thank you very much, gary, if you can stay, we would like to get a picture with you and ozzi and the Port Commissioners. The next person we are honoring is ozzie who started in 1994 as a sheet metalworker and was promoted to sheet metal supervisor and he came from el salvador and came since he was 13 months. We have a native san franciscan and 13month native san franciscan here. He spent 34 years with excellent craftsmanship. According to mr. Carter, hes cool and patient and a problem skill solver. He was a ready volunteer for the Campaign Fundraising efforts and he really left a lasting i mpression for those who had the pleasure of working with him. He will be missed and we wish him well in his retirement. Thank you. [ applause ] tim . Open to Public Comment. So, again, these two guys are cut out of the same cloth. Just gentlemen, kind, helpful. There is nothing they wouldnt do for you and its just been a pleasure spending my entire career with you. Thanks for all your help. [ applause ] we now have Public Comment. Anyone who would like to Say Something about ozzie, cmon up. Im marty, im an alcoholic, i mean [ laughter ] im a coworker of ozzie caamano. Im actually taking his place now as acting supervisor. I now see what you were going through for all of those years. I will just tell you a little story about how i knew that the port was going to be a place that i enjoy working for. Of course, i forget the year, we were here in 96, i believe, the recycling center hadnt gotten in there yet. The shed was storing a couple helicopters. P we were in the jeannie 60, a large lift. Ozzie and i were trying to secure a stainless steel screen at the top of 96. We were both in the jeannie 60 fully extended all the way up and of course something happened and the lift failed. So ozzie and i were stuck at the top of the lift unable to get down and not really sure what to do. So, he called on the radio. We did have our radios at the time and he spoke to charlie paeza who was the supervisor at the time and shortly after that he told him what the problem was and it was only a matter of minutes before i dont remember how many port trucks were underneath us looking at the two expert sheet metalworkers stuck in the jeannie 60 at pier 96. Its always been a pleasure working for ozzie. We had our differences but it was always nice to work things out. Im not the easiest person to get along with. I will say you really made life easy for us. And i can see now what the three personalities that were in the shop, that wasnt an easy task. I appreciate everything you did. Again, i think you mentioned the combined charities that ozzy and charlie did after they left and we appreciate that. Its about 20 years and maybe a little longer than 20 years that we have worked together and im a better person for it. Thanks, ozzie. [ applause ] anymore comments . Ladies and gentlemen, i have something to say about ozzy. Ozzy and i grew up in the same neighborhood. We were in both two separate rival Grammar Schools. We were in high school together. And then years later we found ourselves working together here at the port of San Francisco. And now we are both taking the next steps in our lives into retirement. I couldnt think of a more genuine person, a good hearted person that i would have liked to have gone through all of these steps in my life than with ozzy. From Grammar School until now. [ applause ] anymore comment . Okay. Ozzy, you are front and center, man. Hit the mic, ozzy. First of all, i guess it happens to everybody at some point where they have these big chapters of their life come by and this is i guess the next one, and its a big step. Its a big thing to swallow. But looking back on the experience with the port and repeating a lot of things that gary has mentioned and dan and others. Its very true. We stay here for a long period because we enjoy being here. We have a sense of pride working here. And now we are growing old together. Thats the down side to this. But i would like to thank the commission, thank my director for this opportunity to say a few words about my retirement, and thank you. I would have in my mind with going to the city and saying i did this, i did that. Thank you again. [ applause ] ozzy and gary can we get a photo with the commission since you went through Grammar School at the same time. Can we take a photo together . Thank you all. [ applause ] that concludes my directors report. Item 9 c, election of Port Commission officers. Is there any Public Comment for the election of Port Commission officers . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. The nomination is open. I call the nominations to open the floor for nomination for port president. I would like to nominate commissioner willie adams for Port Commission president. Second. Are there anymore nominations for president of the San Francisco port for president . Seeing none, the nominations are closed. At this time, i would like to open the floor for the nominations of Port Commission vicepresident. Dont we have to vote . Yes. On president. Oh, yes. I guess i move so fast. Okay, thank you. All in favor say, aye. Aye. Any opposed . Willie adams is now Port Commission president for another year. [ applause ] at this time, i would like to open Public Comment for the office of Port Commission vicepresident. Is there any Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. I call for nominations to open the floor for nominations of Port Commission for vicepresident . I nominate Kimberly Brandon for vicepresident. I second. Right now is there anymore nominations for Port Commission vicepresident . Seeing none, nomination for vicepresident of Port Commission is closed. At this time, all in favor say, aye. Aye. Any opposed . Commissioner brandon, you are vicepresident for San Francisco Port Commission again. [ applause ]. Commissioner brandon, do you have any comments, vicepresident brandon . I would like to say thank you to my colleagues for your support. I truly look forward to working with all of you, president adams, director forbes, the mayor, the board of supervisors, and all of you on all of the various projects that we have going on here at the port. I think last year was a year of transition, and i think we did a wonderful job of hiring a new director which i look forward to working with this year and years to come. I think its an exciting time and im just happy to be able to help to continue to lead the charge on everything we have going on. Thank you. I would also like to thank my fellow commissioners for your support. Its been an honor in the last year working with you. Director forbes, you are coming on. Last year was a year of change. Maureen who was our director left. And this port and because of the staff, we didnt miss a beat. Im very happy that we are moving forward and in an up beat with a fashion with a lot of momentum. Im really looking forward to 2017. I think a lot of great things are going to happen at this port this year. Im really excited about it. One of the things i think that im going to look forward to is the southern water front in that development, and the Job Opportunities for our community. And just real quickly another thing. Last year, this port, a lot of times people think of the port as just business, but last year we showed a Strong Social conscious last year. We used pier 80 to house the Homeless Population throughout the city. That is something that we probably never would have done before, but it was the right thing to do. Im just really happy about the commissioners i work with who are all very very talented and as you notice im surrounded by four dynamic women Port Commissioners, the executive director. Im outnumbered in everything i do, but we couldnt have a better talent. Thank you very much. I am just really excited that we are going in a new direction. Thank you. I look forward to serving another year with the president of the commission with the same tenacity with my fellow commissioners. If i can have an opportunity to say just a couple of words. I have had the benefit of your guidance, president adams and vicepresident brandon over my interim director hood and as you were elected last year it was just about the same time director moyer announced she was leaving, and i just want to thank the two of you so much and the officers for all the guidance you have shown me and it means a lot to have a leader who is very very supportive and many many times i would hear at the end of the conversation, well, i support you. Those are really extremely important words that i get from my staff from learning from the two of you. I couldnt thank you enough for guiding shoes to fill and you made me feel like i can do that. Items on the consent calendar for the plan for fiscal year 20172018. Item 10b request for approval of the ports 5year Financial Plan for fiscal year 20172018. Item 10c request for approval to issue a request for proposal souls tinge Public Relations communication. So move. Is there any Public Comment on 10a, b or c . Seeing none, colleagues, all in favor of resolution 10a,b,c. All in favor say, aye. Aye. Any opposed . The item is approved. Next item. Item 11, real estate request endorsement of the proposed conceptual term sheet between the port and jppf op acquisition reading code . President adams, congratulations by the way, and happy new year. My name is mark, the deputy acting director of real estate for the port of San Francisco. As you may recall, approximately a year ago, the port issued an rfp for a retail opportunity at the pier 29 bulk head building. The goals and objectives behind the rfp, the strategic goals of the port were to meet the objectives of engagement, live ability. Economic vitality and stability. Im having a little bit of trouble. So the strategic of the port in issuing this rfp were pretty basic. After the americas cup experience and pier 29 and 27, we wanted to bring back the pier 29 bulk head building to economic vitality. We also had the cruise ship next door where we invested 114 million and no place for cruise passengers to go as they embarked and disembarked. We were looking for Creative Space and challenge by commissioner woo ho to come up with something very creative and challenging, and we were looking for something that would augment the flavor of San Francisco and allow for a space for designers, makers, artisans, to display and sell their goods. The port went on an Extensive Program and a long time on the market and discussion meetings and many discussions with new ag and presentations with new ag. We established a website for this project, we had many meetings, site tour meetings and a panel to judge the proposals when they came in. We specifically had one member from new ag on this Selection Panel in order to be able to vet Community Issues and neighborhood concerns. As a result of this extensive outreach, we received three very qualified proposals. Those proposals were put through this basic vetting and scoring procedure and they are basically ranked pursuant to the criteria that you see on your screen. The written proposals received 100 points, and then an oral presentation also received 100 points. As a result of that scoring, jamestown was ranked superior to the other two respondents and the proposal was also ranked no. 1. As a result, in late spring of 2016, the Port Commission awarded the exclusive rights to negotiate the pier 29 lease with jamestown. Jamestown concept with retail concept. From the San Francisco made products, it also included an urban winery, a small Craft Brewery and a coffee roastary. Now, i should note at this time that jamestown proposal also came with the collaboration of sf maid, sf maid is an association that represents San Francisco makers designers, innovators and this space is going to be a space where those types of products can be displayed, introduced and sold. The space also is open to things like product shows and special events and community meetings, that sort of thing. So that brings us to the issue at hand. This product is suffering from having a very small footprint and very tight budget. This process for this particular project has taken an in order mant amount of time. At this point, jamestown has spent a lot of money and at a Decision Point to move forward and spend more capital. The issue, a recent issue thats cropped up is the question of consistency with the water front plan has been questioned with this particular project. Jamestown is now ready to move to the next step. They have a package prepared to do the ceqa Environmental Reviews an ready to do analysis and ready to do the lease. However, with these concerns, jamestown has come to us voluntarily and asked for an early read for this project. This early read is not mandated by the Port Commission nor the board of supervisors. Its purely on jamestown part. But in order to give them more comfort in moving the project forward, they are asking that we get an early read of this project through a conceptual term sheet. So, now, what im going to do is im going to relinquish the podium to diane o shema. Who will try to fill the few items as it relates to the water front. Happy new year. There were a number of meetings before the new ag. They are documented in your staff report. There are questions about whether this project was consistent with the water front Land Use Plan and at the new ag meeting there was more information we thought we should bring to this commission as well and that is by the uses being proposed which is a retail base lease. The water front plan allows for longterm acceptable uses and identifies them as for the Port Properties as well as interim shortterm uses as well. For retail uses, the types of activities that jamestown is presenting is for the uses for the bulk head building in the water front plan. The proposal that jamestown is presenting is consistent with the plan. They are making sure that it respects the embarcadero Historic District and also guided by policies and the water front Land Use Plan and that is what we plan to incorporate as part of the ceqa Environmental Review process. One of the other questions that came up was whether the jamestown project should be withheld because we are in the midst of the water front plan update right now. As you may recall, the commission endorsed to start up that process there were a number of projects in the process. The jamestown bulk head project was one of those. We were able to look at those projects Going Forward as well as the water front update. The project to be clear is for the jamestown to only lease pier 29 bulk head and not to use the pier 29 sheds. That is one of the central issues that is being addressed in the waterfront plan update. We see that process is helping the Port Commission and the staff about longterm future uses for the pier 29 shed and enabling the jamestown Retail Service in the bulk head Going Forward. Longterm use for the pier 29 shed will be informed by the water front plan, in the meantime, the plans for the bulk head lease continues. If you have any questions, i will be available to answer. Thank you. I will close out the presentation with a run down of the term sheet. The term sheet is attached to your staff report as item b. Its highlighted in the term sheet. As far as the lease term. This is the lease that is for 15 years. It has no option to extend. So its 15 years lease with nothing longer. The premises currently is at 22,000 square feet. There is a product of trying to make the spaces efficient as possible. There are a lot of occupancy issues in terms of occupancy engineering for the space. There are a number of uses that jamestown is proposing within the space. For instance, the occupancy load for a retail space might be one occupancy load for the winery. As you balance one, it moves the number up. This is an attempt to try to be as efficient as possible to Square Footage. The base rent currently is at 25,000. This was the original proposal. This conceptual term sheet is basically not a financial term sheet. Financial portions of this lease have not been negotiated yet. So, this proposal is, this term sheet shows what was in the original proposal. The Participation Rate will participate in any cash flow through the facility and will also partake in the sale of the lease if that should happen. Funding for the project is entirely sole cost of jamestown. Their current budget that they had in their proposal, again, this is all from their proposal was 5. 8 million. They had at the same time asked for rent credits of approximately 1. 1 million. Thats the proposal number also. And, the final item here is consistency with water front Land Use Plan. That is in the term sheet and that is something that we are looking for endorsement for. The next steps in final approvals is basically the schedules on the screen. If the Port Commission endorses this the sheet will be approved by the board, if approved by the board, after that, jamestown will continue and apply for ceqa review and start discussions with bcdc and get hard core estimates, finish negotiations and then seek lease approval and ceqa adoption of ceqa findings of Port Commission and finally the port. At this point, port staff would like to recommend the ports approval of this resolution which endorses the term sheet with jamestown and allows us to move that to the board. That concludes my presentation. Im available for questions. I would also like to introduce remine monteco from jamestown. Shes available for any questions, and diane. So moved. Second. Okay, Public Comment. I will call you and you can come up in order. First is wes powell. Public speaker good afternoon, commissioners, wes powell. I lease buildings in the water front area. Im from San Francisco and most part a resident of San Francisco. My kids and wife were born here. I wasnt so lucky. I support this project. It would be a good one for the port and San Francisco and tourist and residents in the area. I have not followed this process. I just recently learned about it. But listening to the summary presented, this project seems to meet the goals, objectives and the Mission Statement of of the port and it would be good for all of us here in the city. The area needs Something Like this with the recent closing of butterfly restaurant. This area is kind of avoid of any type of activity, any type of action, any place for people to go. My job as a leasing broker, i work with landlords working to get and keep buildings full. Im working with hundreds of tennants and thousands and thousands of employees working to get this kind of project in the area. The project fits in with whats going on along the whole port area. The project fits under this city. I also think because i know jamestown. I know what they have done in other places. The group that selected these folks picked the right group. They know what they are doing and they are capable. I want to urge you to support the project. Thank you. Thank you. Bob . Public speaker im bob hair. I represent the coast association. Last spring the board met with members of the port and jamestown and also some interested numbers from our association. Several of them who live just across the street really from this particular proposed development. It was a good dialogue. It was a meeting where we were able to ask questions and really understand what was being proposed, and subsequent to that meeting, we sent a letter to the port. There is a copy in your packet and its part of the staff report. So certainly publicly available. In that letter we said we support many aspects of the proposal. We did object to some items, in particular some internal structures which we are told have now been removed and in summary our position has not been changed. We support the proposal, there are some issues but we believe they can be handled down the road. Also i want to comment on the consistency with regard to the water front plan. I read the water front plan. As diane said, there is a table that talks about the variable uses for the various ports, structures and piers. Its very clear that a retail type of development would be an acceptable use for pier 29. I think its important to also note that as you read the plan, it does not mandate that this pier 29 be used for recreation. Now, looking at some perspective here, its important again, i think as has been pointed out earlier that this is only the bulk head building that is being dealt with in this proposal. That bulk head building is 25 less space that can be used and the shed. Certainly that leaves the rest of the shed which is my understanding over 80 of the space there available for future development. As we said, in our letter we continue to be interested in pursuing recreational opportunities for the remainder of the pier. Thank you. Ross . Public speaker happy new year, everybody. My name is ross. Im a native san franciscan. Im very familiar with sf maid and a number of companies who are local manufactures doing anything from hand bags to foodstuff to beverages to you name it. Go to their website and you will see. You will really enjoy it. Im in support of this project. I think sf maid need support. These are people who are making the community much more brighter and more inspirational and creative place. There is a place for them in San Francisco. There is a desperate need for them in San Francisco in fact and there is not much space for them to show their wares and to have a public opportunity for the small manufactures collectively. There is a result in a venue that would make sense for them financially, i believe. Whereas in the rest of the city, there is no Space Available for the people. Im here not only to support the local manufactures, but what they produce really is what San Francisco is all about and you make that public it only burnishes what San Francisco is that we are imaginative and productive. Im here to support this project. Thank you. Thank you. calling names public speaker good afternoon, commissioners, im jane connors, the Ferry Building general manager and member of new ag. I also grew up in chelsey. I have seen the chelsey market grow over the last 10 years. The properties has been managing that very thought fully and i think they continue to do that at girardelli in San Francisco. I have followed the process since the beginning and support it for a port retail use. We dont find it at all competitive with the Ferry Building. I think adding another destination to the water front will enhance the water front. I always remind my tennants the busiest days are saturday where we have dozens of cheeseers and vendors. It will draw more people here. This plan is well thoughtful and caters to San Francisco rich culture. If funds and operator maybe found it might include another recreational investment developer. Thank you. Abby . After abby will be cate. Public speaker good afternoon, commissioners, public, director forbes, thank you for taking Public Comment. My name is abby, and policy real estate for sf maid. A local 501c 3 nonprofit. Over the 7 years of our existence, we have seen our Companies Grow to nearly 630 member companies. These are craft people and manufactures making everything from a pair of products, which is a third of whats made here, and another third is food items, the remaining mix are home goods, furniture, accessories, jewelry and growing sector of manufacturing uses and advanced technology and or creating advanced technology. In 2016 we saw the job growth of these Companies Continue in its growth in 2016. Its a six Straight Year of double digit job growth in these companies. In that there is a top concern that needs a place to market their goods, mostly consumer focused products that there is a need to reach new markets, to access new markets and to sell and distribute their wares. We are excited with this proposal with jamestown to have an opportunity to display products on its water front and an opportunity for those companies. I will let kate speak a little bit more as to this element that will help our companies an their growth. Thank you for hearing this item and we appreciate your time. John, you will be up next. Good afternoon. Kate, ceo of sf maid. I want to raise this to the top as to why we are so excited and really want you to support this with the same enthusiasm that we are. As an average company, these are small job producing machines. An average sf maid Company Holds anything from 810 jobs which are entry level jobs. 49 of sf maid companies are owned by women and from across the city but heavily concentrated in areas of the mission, where i live, the bayview, western edition, south of market, the tenderloin. For us, its not only access to market, but to have new points, new customers who are visitors as well as locals. The return on jobs is exponential. We have other examples from shorter terms of retail opportunities we have enjoyed at the airport. The private sector partners and one run with banana republic. We have a series for months that will payback years later in terms of their ability to grow and add jobs and what we know and we have been very intimately collaborating with jamestown on the design and the conceptualization of this project, we know that a brewery or winery alone or on a small scale can easily support ten jobs right there in addition to other kinds of jobs. We know the other kinds of retail of selling opportunity this kind of unique thought supports a local and visitor access can easily support four million a year that is a third aspect to this revenue that can be driven to these small or local manufactures. The last thing, we spend quite a bit of time in collaborating with what other cities are doing, we are one of the few major u. S. Cities outside of the Ferry Building that doesnt have a location that we can cycle through over time, lots of different local manufactures to have these kinds of opportunities and to be able to create jobs. I ask you to support this project. We are very excited about it and thank you for your time. Thank you, john, and after john will be stuart from new ag. Public speaker good afternoon, commissioners, president adams, my name is john golger, for San Francisco water Front Coalition for this issue but the broader issue of bringing real recreation to San Franciscos water front. Before i get to the details, this is the first time i have been before you. Unfortunately i have been in this room opposed to projects. This issue aside, i think you made a strong choice. We have discussed other issues, we disagree on it. I hope you will listen and move forward and thats what you need at the port. So, to the issue at hand, i maybe outnumbered in the room and jamestown has paid tens of thousands of dollars to lobbyist to do their job and they have done it right. But you have letters from the sierra club, San Francisco neighborhood, Action Committee and others and there will be many more moving forward to oppose you moving forward. I want you to look forward and i recognize the momentum and the interest of developers to move this quickly. There are three reasons and some new ones that i would ask you to take harder look. No. 1, this project will kill recreation for pier 29. The goal for objective for pier 29 will have a mixed use recreation project. The only place in the whole water front where recreation was proposed. For taking the bulk head away, not just for 5 years, for longer term, you are taking away the engine from that pier. What developer is going to want to buy a car without the engine, the front door and steering wheel, thats what pier 29 without the bulk head will see. Thats what people see when they enter the pier. To go to jamestown project to get to recreation is unlikely. It will kill recreation on the site. This is a huge deal for the job development. This is a Million Dollar over public credit. Which means it will get zero for base rent. That is no base rent at all. Is that really a good deal and does it really speak to what i read in the paper today that you are going to be asking the public for their money to support the water front which i do. It violates the water plans in three ways, the interim lease procedures, to interim for going further. It calls for storage which is not allowed on the site for production, and lastly, providing recreation, this does violate the requirement of recreation. Its not just advisory only, its not just the the table, its the text. If it does get to the level, it maybe a lawsuit at that point. It may take a court to resolve that. I hope it doesnt get there. Clerk stuart and then dede from the San Francisco chamber of commerce. Public speaker commissioners, im stuart morton, a nonpaid speaker. Im a member of new ag, by the way, thank you for having the 30year celebration with us. I have been working with the port for over 30 years. I have gone to all of these advisory committees, the first one was Fishermans Wharf. We got fired by art agnus because we had the solution for the angle parking lot and there are owners at Fishermans Wharf items that got to the mayor and he closed down the committee. We continued, however. I was the new ag member citizen am i right, that mark indicated as the select committee that brought in the locals. We looked at all three projects. Jamestown was the only one that was 7 days a week. They were economically wellconnected. They can support this thing themselves inhouse. It did what we were looking for mainly liven that part of the wharf. Give something to the cruise terminal passengers to make their entrance to San Francisco and their departure to San Francisco enjoyable. It supports the residents, the tourist and the passengers. So, it was a thoughtful multifaceted project. They meet the standards and they have a preservation group. Im in favor and im working with the organization as well. By the way, this was a shortterm project. 15 years. I did a little inquiry with some of the port people, and there are lots of shortterm 15year leases as i understand which most of them are restaurants. There is a lot of negative attitude towards 15 years isnt really a shortterm. But if you are my age, 15 years goes fast. This is a good shot in the arm for this part of the port. Jamestown needs a little bit of confidence. I hope you give them that confidence. Thank you. Thank you. Dede and then brandon cox and kim from the exploratorium. Public speaker good afternoon, dede workman from the San Francisco chamber of commerce. Im actually, i filled out that speaker card for the next item but since im here i decided to give some public testimony anyway. I think this is a fabulous project. To say that a project like this would kill recreation at that pier is absurd to me. It will bring more people, more pedestrians, more people enjoying the water front. Recreation will come along with that. You need these kind of, a mixture of uses. There is different kinds of people coming to the water front to pursue different kinds of activities. This really serves that purpose. I think it would be really perfect there and i hope you support it. Thank you. Thanks, dede. Brandon cox . Public speaker hello, commissioners, my name is brandon cox, i am unfortunately a former resident of San Francisco but still a landlord which i dont like saying that but its the way its come. I am speaking on behalf of the project and in support of it. We have done work with jamestown and i speak more on behalf of the people that work for jamestown and their true passion for building projects and doing projects not only here in San Francisco, but all over the country. They have just a true passion for doing very good work and i have taken a look at this project and not involved at all but think it would be a great boom for the water front. I spent many hours over the phone arguing with people in jamestown, this isnt about the numbers for them, but about creating a good place for San Francisco to use. This is great. Im in support of it. Kim is next. Anyone who wants to speak after can come after kim. Public speaker good afternoon, im here on behalf of the exploratorium who will be close neighbors to this project and also a member of new ag as many are here. We are here in support of the project and we want to say that we supported the process that the port has gone through so far with the panel and the commissioners and moving this project forward thus far, we feel the right elements were considered and it was a very fair and transparent process. We also very much support the activation of the water front. Some of our recent visitor data has shown that we are perceived as somewhat hard to get to and i think people are somewhat hesitant to make that journey, but if we can create a water front that continues to be more activated and thats fully that the whole water front is worth visiting and not just a few points along the way that we can continue to get more people down here and appreciating this space. If it were possible to use this space for recreation, we would be very much in support of that as well, but i think the process so far has shown this particular developer has a great project, and the process again has been fair in selecting them. So, again we would just like to see this be an active space rather than remaining vacant for the foreseeable future and it seems like this is a great opportunity and we hope it moves forward. Thank you for your time. Is there anymore comment on 11 a . Being none. Public comment is closed. Commissioner kounalakis . Well, i had the opportunity to be in a meeting i think it was last year with the secretary of commerce, penny prits sker, she wanted to meet with people in San Francisco who were involved in manufacturing, and i was really curious because i didnt know what kind of manufacturing was going on in San Francisco. I dont know if you were there, you were there. It was incredible hearing from your members and the kinds of things that think are manufacturing right here in the city of San Francisco. I just think its a really important part of the fabric and the culture of this city which is, you know, world renown for innovation and new thinking and new ideas. I think thats a very very compelling part of this progress if i may say so. I am curious, actually two things that i want a little bit more information about and that is one is the port participation in the improvements which certainly if the improvements are the kinds of things that will out last just this user that there are improvements that go beyond 15 years. I will be interested in knowing lebt more about that as the project goes forward and i guess i have a question for john, is that his name who spoke . I dont know. I was going to ask him to answer, john golger, there he is. I guess im just wondering why do you think that if there is this kind of use in the bulk head, there cant be recreation in the rest of the building . And what vision do you have . What alternative vision would you have because it seems to me that there is still plenty of opportunities for the rest of the building down the road for recreational purposes. And, then im trying to think in my mind, what does recreation in the finger pier actually look like to you . Sure. As you know commissioner brandon was there 15 years ago when there was a lengthy debate over six years whether to put a recreation project on the site and chelsey bid and almost won not only on pier 29 but 31 and 27. Have you been to the chelsey piers in new york. They have aquatics and swimming and boat activities. The bulk head they have everyday activities with soccer and roller skating, etc. Even though its not water oriented, it brings people to the water front. For me its great use because its something that visitors and residents can use. Doesnt it have it nearby. I have kids and friends of kids and we go down to the exploratorium. I can see that it would be helpful for that Recreational Center which i consider it to be that there are some more restaurants nearby. This would not be a restaurant. This would be a high end brewery and winery and retail such. The bottom line and i think if you look at the chelsey piers, the mills proposal which the chelsey pier which we had to fight over and defeated ultimately. The bulk head is the way in. There is no visitors at the site with alcatraz and the other terminals. The problem is not getting people to come to the water front, its getting to use it. Its a failure. Without the front door to the pier. We are sitting around the waterfront plan and talk about this recreation across the water front. This is the only place in the water front where its called out and taking away the front door to the pier in 15 years in effect will mean no recreation at least for the foreseeable future. Well, i would actually ask elaine is that a concern if we do Something Like this in the bulk head that we are not going to be able to find a user for the rest of the pier for the next 15 years . Its not a concern that i have or staff has. The pier 29 is unusual in that it is adjacent to a large gta. That parking area that serves both the cruise ship terminal and pier 29. So there is quite good access of the whole shed at 29. It actually faces the parking area and there is roll up doors along pier 29. So its actually a wonderful facility in terms of access. And, im not concerned that this use in the bulk head will preclude active recreation or other uses in the shed. Okay. Commissioner katz . Thank you, i actually had a similar question for you executive director, forbes, just in terms of ability to utilize the shed for future uses. Also, in terms of getting projects in there. Are there concerns that putting something in the bulk head would limit our ability to for future uses in the shed separate from the problem that we are going to have just the finances to get anything in that space that would address the aging infrastructure . I do not think so. I think that we are under going the water front Land Use Planning process which the planning process is going to give guidance to what should go into the shed. In order to develop the shed, we need very likely to do seismic work and to bring it up to code. Which means we are going to need a development that has the financial wherewithal and the way to recover that investment to do that upgrade. I think that this use for 15 years which is trust consistent is a very very complimentary anchor so to speak in the front of the building. I dont think it precludes the development of the shed. It is likely that im hypothesizing here. We would book other usees in the shed to drive the economic process. When we look at the bulk of the lease, you will see that its an investment that doesnt have huge returns. You know, these, its a small area. We are talking about just over 20,000 square feet. This bulk head section, we are not denying the bulk head shed. There are other economic reasons to make this a feasible project. Okay. And something else. There is a misperception, misstatement out there that its going to be a restaurant that was evident from speakers. Isnt that correct that only a small area will be applied to restaurant uses or products from sf maid that are nonfood related and not a restaurant use . We are going to get all the details of the lease when we come back. We in the Community Process determine with our adjacent tennants with Fishermans Wharf and the Ferry Building that retail would be the best noncompetitive use with light beverage and food. This will not be a full Service Restaurant of any kind. And jamestown maybe able to describe more today or you can wait for the real specifics to that in the lease. But the primary Square Footage will be retail, and again with light food and beverage. The beverage will be makers kind of beverage, made on site. And then did you want to add anything more . Come to the microphone. Thank you, director forbes and commissioners. Thank you for your attention to our project today. We are really very excited about it. You are absolutely right. This is not going to be a full Service Restaurant. We arent planning on putting full Kitchen Equipment there. Its just for beverage concepts with beer and wine with ancillary foods. By no means a full restaurant. Im happy to answer any questions you have about our proposal as well. Thank you, and probably again going back to director forbes, nothing in this proposal precludes water taxis or other maritime access . No, nothing would preclude that. As i understand it, none of the other bidders came up with any kind of recreation proposal exclusively for this site . We didnt put out an rfp for recreation. We put out an rfp for retail with a San Francisco feel. After do doing our Community Process and consideration of what would be best in the bulk head building, we did not land in recreation from the getgo. The proposal was for retail. And lastly, this is not in violation of the water front Land Use Plan, right . No. And diane shema went over the reasons why and any particulars you had, she can restate. It is not in violation of the plan. I think mr. Volg ur makes the point that there is a need for recreation. He comes out as a resident to say its something he would like to see. Hes on the water front land group and this is something that people say they would love to see more recreation on the water front in our piers and he always has this concern that he would like to see more recreation. We would love to see more recreation along the water front in many ways that we can get to that. Sorry, my last question. Just as i understand it to the technical issues raised by barberee coast, those are things that will be resolved moving forward. Our actions today wont impinge on whatever technical issues have been raised. Thats right. Jamestown will continue to go through a Community Process to fine tune the design and to answer questions and to come back with a lease that meets the best project that they can come up with after that full Community Process. The question they are asking to resolve are sort of death now questions should we go forward at all and the process that weve done, the firm we have selected and the concept of the project is supported by this commission and then of course our next step would be to go to the board of supervisors and ask the same question. Thank you. Commissioner woo ho . Thank you, i think a lot of questions have been raised and discussed and im not going over some of the issues from that standpoint and go back to terms of history to look at this pier a number of times starting with the fire that was there and we had to restore during americas cup and mark did refer to the fact that we looked at what were the possible uses. This is not something that is coming. Its something out of the blue and something we studied for a long time. We have to also remind ourselves that we are looking at an entire sort of puzzle of how old the various pieces of the pier come together across the water front including the exploratoria and pointed out what are the needs to fit in that is complimentary. Its good to hear from the Ferry Building because they obviously dont see this and its very different. The very nature of San Francisco made highlighting San Francisco manufacturing in a retail sense next to a cruise ship that attracts many visitors and we want to show San Francisco in a best light. Is this going to fit together and does it make sense and the bulk head is only 20,000 square feet. Im not sure i can answer the question right now and i will be honesty and technically whether i wouldnt want to make a commitment that the rest of the shed is going to be for recreation. I dont know if thats the best use or not. I do remember the reason we did not pursue the shed is because there is a cost involved. We cant really look at that. We are dealing with pier 38 and other piers for the same reason that there is a cost involved with keeping the piers where we are losing sight on the short run to these vitalities to the water front and some of those have to be studied. Im saying this is a good project for what it fits in and not only for itself in terms of pier 29 but for the reasons that have been articulated fitting in with the cruise ship and for the longterm, im not sure about that. I think that has to be studied further and i dont want to interpret that we have. Thats not to say i dont support recreation activation of the water front. The neighborhood has changed and evolved over the years. Something discussed years ago may not be relevant to what is needed. It should be recreational to the water front. From that particular pier, i feel we should not be committed to say it has to be that pier. It needs to be studied further. I just dont want to get the impression to say, well just kick this down the road to implied commitment and makes that applied commitment because the bulk head makes sense shortterm and strategically for now and well make that decision as we go down. I make this decision not because its shortterm but because it fits in the water front and i support that project on that basis. Commissioner brandon . Thank you very much for the presentation. My fellow commissioners have made many great comments and brought up wonderful issues. I would like to know what type of research was done and what type of support and outreach was done . The original rfp . No. The outreach of the project . There was outreach. There were numerous, they are in support of the commission. It was discussed at new ag. Various groups in our original search for gaining ideas for what to do with the site. This is actually thats what we used to gain the information to put the project forward with the whole maker designer innovator idea in the first place. So the majority were supportive of moving forward with this . Were there any concerns . Actually many of these ideas came from those people. It was a gathering of that information. If i can add since the portion commission came up with that negotiation, the port has received several letters in the packet. There were concerns about design, about the art piece since jamestown removed, about the seating area, there were design concerns. But these design concerns are issues that jamestown can work out in the Design Review process and we are working those out. Mr. Volger has expressed concern with the water front Land Use Plan. We also heard that concern reiterated in some of the letters in your packet from the sierra club, from speak, the western organization and from the coalition, the San Francisco neighbors. So there has been opposition as well as support. I support the use, but i also look forward to when you come back with the financial terms and the Design Review. I think that will answer more questions, but as far as the conceptual terms, i do support that. I want to thank you for your recommendation. This is something i enjoy because there was opposition for it and for it. This was not a mini mall. That is misleading. We are talking about just 20,000 square feet of the bulk head. John, i also appreciate that you said we did a good job of selecting elaine. I support this. I think it the beginning of pier 29. We had to do something with that pier. There is 80,000 feet left to do. Maybe there is something going to happen. Maybe there is something recreational. I dont know. This is something good. Im glad what dede said about business. We have this cruise ship and we have to build that business. There is nothing inside to have a beer or anything in the cruise terminal. When you go outside, there is something right there. And people, we want them to spend money in our city. Tourism is Something Big in our city. Im glad we had a Good Spirited debate, but i support that. Colleagues are there more comments on this issue . Being none, all in favor say, aye. Aye. Any opposed . This resolution passes unanimously. Madam clerk, next item. Item 12. Maritime request approval of an amended and restated lease no. L 14397 good afternoon commissioners, im jeffrey bower, the ports leasing manager. Im here seeking your approval of the its the train yard. For more than a decade, the port of San Francisco has been providing the rail. In addition, sb rail cois providing construction sites. The apa landfill sites to several western states. Many sb rail cois expected to grow in the next several years. Sb rail cointends to build on several large projects. The stadium. Currently the sb rail operation includes the use of 4,000 tract feet located at pier 80 and 96 to build and store trains. They are called train units. To move to the main line and connection with union pacific. With recent activity with pier 80, the success of pace automotive and pier 96, these tracks have been largely unavailable for their use. In order to replace these unavailable tracks, sb rail cois prepared to invest 3 million for the rail yard. The proposed replacement tracks would consolidate increased freight and replace situations of scattered rail cars along the water front. The restated lease does not preclude service to rail service to pier 96 or to pier 80. Why are we amending the lease . The current lease expires in 2018. This guarantees the port of 200,000 a year. The fee charge by the port for rail cars by 25 . This is increase all fees annually by 3 . The amended lease will add 5 years to the lease making the new termination date december 31, 2023. I havent been keeping up with. Sorry. This shows some of the rail thats been lost in the increase. The proposed new construction of the rail service. So, proposing 1. 3 Rail Infrastructure improvement. To be reimbursed for rail but only the actual project cost capped at 650,000. Those credits are given only above the mag, minimum annual guarantee. Sb has an outstanding record of local hires and use of local truckers. They have an excellent record of working with the Mayors Office and working with the plant for the infrastructure workers to construct the rails. Sb has an excellent record from the local community and provides 45 jobs on the southern water front. The water front beautification. Sb rail cois really good at keeping the site neat and tidy. They do weed abatement with 70 goats. Did i mention the goats . 80 goats. Sb will enhance this part of the agreement and will enhance the landscaping along cargo way using the neighboring tennants being natives. Sb is a good stuart and will offer a plan to a sure the best Management Practices in handling the storage of hazardous materials. In conclusion, port staff recommends the approval of the amended lease and before i stop, i would like to correct the resolution, on page 7 with the commission secretary. It say 200,000. It should say 250. We left out a 50. Page 7, whereas, fourth sentence. Parenthesis is correct. Correct. Its the last whereas clause, fourth line. Correct. Yeah. And in conclusion, the port staff recommends approval of the remanded and reemitted and restated lease. Im happy to answer any questions you have. So moved. Second. I have dave. Sf gov railroad. Commissioners, david, sf railroad. I want to thank the staff for their work on this item. They worked over the holidays and i appreciate that and everybody does. We would like you to consider this in a timely manner because it is time sensitive for construction to meet the warriors schedule. I wont take much of your time because its late in the day. Next year we celebrate our 25th anniversary here as a partner in the railroad at the port. That is significant. We originally took what was an abandoned rail yard when a Container Freight moved to oakland and we turned it into a Thriving Community based business. Made up of mostly local people. I would like to take this opportunity for people instead of saying something to stand up whoever is affiliated here. This is just half the crew. The rest are back actually working at the rail yard. But its because of these people really that this business has thrived. Its been actually its created a family, a successful business of families working in the bayview. We are very proud of the fact that in 25 years, we have not received, this is a very heavy industrial activity and we have not received one complaint from the neighborhood. Not one. I think the port will a test to that. I dont think there is anyone in the neighborhood that would say we are a bad neighbor. Freight rail from San Francisco can be successful. We have shown that to be the case, the jobs from the rail and the maritime it supports can be significant. We actually can build upon this rail business and there upon build upon the maritime business. I dont have to repeat what we receive from the maritime business from the business of saving freight rail. I think you heard from the letter of the chamber of commerce. But i came to say that we are going to need this Board Commission support to keep the rail active and keep it supporting maritime. Because as rail goes away, so does maritime. There is not a port in the country that support by rail and maritime service. The reason i say there is an opportunity here, there is billions of dollars being supported for the main line for the electrification of cal train high speed and rail. Its a fracture, a very tiny fraction of that am that can help raise the tunnels which several years ago unfortunately in administration took a pass on 10 10 million to raise the tunnels to get the car carriers out of the port. There is a will and a way and can actually send a signal that a small amount of money from that main line can help tremendously with jobs at the port. This is an opportunity period and i appreciate your support. Thank you. Dede and then olivia. Public speaker good afternoon, dede workman, chamber of commerce. With 25 hundred local businesses and we urge the Ports Commission to extend the agreement with the San Francisco railroad. We add our support to that as the Maritime Commerce Committee as the letter stated in detail the need for continued rail access in the city and the port. Any access to the port is a direct challenge. The city is in support of the electrification and early highspeed rail and to be built to be compatible with the needs of the San Francisco peninsula. It has been a member of the rail use and rail access including tunnels and bridges that limit modern rail access throughout much of the peninsula. Freight and Passenger Rail have over 125 years on the peninsula and that bay area rail plans and improvements. The chamber urges the commission to extend the ports operating agreement with the railroad. Thank you. Clerk olivia . And then it will be coming. clapping. im one of the managing participates to be the, llc a local San Franciscobased Trucking Company im representing the local Truckers Association we worked with dave garrett is and the bay area since we started our business 10 years ago and dave is structurally in keeping our Company Going we have 3 trucks and coordinate and come together to bid on big projects we went to a terrible spell when the recession hit and put us almost out the business dave was instructional in complying with the field situation here in california we provide us loans and no interests to keep us going were seeing he can turn a corner and keep that going and hopefully owl support extending the lease for the bay area rail yard. Thank you hello director forbes im jeffrey the general manager a small aspect of the San Francisco bay rail were the good and we are at this point in time grown into just raising along the retail yard and the back lands of support we very much appreciateburg big deal to continue to do this is larger unprecedented providing support and advance the native plant life and reducing a and e raiding the investments we have plans truth the bay area u. S. Sf third year in the year and sf rec and park in 2015 and presidio returns for 6 years created an 80 percent reduction we take those we are having amazing success no partnering and administration we we cumber are talking about with the research if our expansion continues we should be able to offer more jobs in 2018 being able to hire at least 5 more we currently have 5 parttime employees and make all effort inform hire logically and at risk youth that is very, very close to my heart id love to be able to present to you 7 points on how city grazing what help the Strategic Plan will that be go okay. Can i bring that up. Commission secretary will thank you for your time. How do you get the goats to eat the plant and not the native plants. They function and benefit if a breeder heavy pruning it forces them to develop better root structure by developing a better root structure how to have soil and build fertility in the soil an amazing onetwo punch a lot of the interview weeds california dont benefit it is a winwin thank you they eat a lot of it not everything but blackberry and ivy their favorite and nutritionly the best for the goats one extra thing if i can ask we are cumber Ghirardelli Square in the back lands and need to assess that property we historically graders the goats since we brought the goats on that part of retail yard. Thank you. Ellen. Thank you, commissioners im e line lesson chief executive officer of our Maritime Committee i want to mention a couple of points that are personal but on behalf of the committee that are slightly more nuance youve heard wonderful testimony in support of proposed renew of the lease i think that is phenomenal i have seen david work at that work, work, work and to see the success that has happened to the railroad in the last 10 years is absolutely terrific and gary said something i thought was pertinent with the rare roads and the support that is the thriving engender a sense of ownership in the port his persistence and investment huge investments hes making in the business i think this is really important and inspires other tenants in the course the other, of course, the 415 what that is doing for the southern waterfront enhancing the waterfront to serve the Maritime Mission of the port and the city what this is doing for the city is terrific in terms of the types of goods and cargo not just on the waterfront that is for the entire city the employment niece, of course, are really helpful as well and i think what this is so important is we discussed the Maritime Mission and the waterfront land use it is further installation as to what can be done with the current tenants and hard work i encourage our strong support i think that is phenomenal thank you, david thank you. I cant read the sky without a card up here cant read the name okay. Yeah, and then i think it would be jim malone i think he had something to said and im lee gray the owner and the l g is me and s f b r because we rescued me during the recession and i have grown through successful barriers with him, i had 6 trucks i had 6 employees a lot of the truckers used to work for me, i almost retired im down to one truck im a san franciscan native born and raised at Hunters Point overlooking this area that was once all water then a landfill and a wrecking dwrard now a rail yard that is thriving and helping the community and growing people and their families and i wish you would support the expansion of the Lease Agreement so thank you. Is any more Public Comment on 12 by jim malone laughter . Good afternoon, commissioners great to see you jim malone formerly with the port and actually ill still doing a little bit of work for the port ultimately and passionate about the work and peter daily asked me to come in on freight issue and david asked me to talk about their lease and of course i was mayor ed lee predecessor here and the maritime business as david pointed out freight rail an important for any port to grow the maritime business that is critical thats why i spent a lot of time i was at the port working on freight he rail initials we partnered working closely with the Business Opportunity and theyve done great job of reactivating the freight rail yard 10 years ago but also maintaining that and growing it i think the investment theyre trying to make is a great compliment to what the port is doing with the lead the lead track between the mainline and the port were investing 4 million because it will allow the well allow San Francisco bay railroad and others to bring cargo directly into. Out of the port without stopping and potentially we can use this as an opportunity to enhance the tunnels and perhaps better utilities pier 80 and bring triple stack auto rail both and out of the port to help at that facility anyway, i wanted to come and support this project david is a great partner and the enhancement it is great environment for the maritime business and like to urge you to support it. Thank you, jim good to see you any more Public Comment on 12 a seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioner Vice President brandon. All of you for coming out and showing you our support for this project ive been working with david and San Francisco bay railroad for almost 20 years now and i am always so happy to see him come hes a great neighbor wonderful to the community to hiring local truckers from the community not only did he get to play with the goats but a great jar of honey laughter yes. So i fully support this project and i really want to thank you for sticking with us through the down times and hopefully, the good times so thank you very much. Commissioners can i get a motion. Okay. I moved. Second. No worries. Commissioner kounalakis. It was a great presentation by staff and david you and your colleagues community out there just inspiring. Commissioner katz. Also want to thank everyone for who participated today. Really thank you to Sf Bay Railroad thank you for all you do a treat to hear members of the Community Come forward to see what you done in terms of supporting the local community and all the businesses that have spoken how theyve been impacted and the team effort it really is a treat to hear those comments and see that kind of support thank you to everyone that showed up and spoke and sat here and showed their support it would be nice to have a feeling good item come before us and exciting as commissioner Vice President brandon mentioned having the scene the tough wants to see the good things coming and see that everyone will do well with the warriors stadium and the arena but to the support as well, we see this is an exciting time for everyone and lucky you mentioned the honey, i was going to ask how the bees are doing i think the goats are doing well, how have the bees going. Thank you jeff for your presentation. And jeff thank you 2350ir presentation this is heartwarming to see you come out to this this is awesome and the good work jim thank you for also speaking on the importance of rail and trying to do the other waterfront maritime you may not see everyone but shows the work is sponsor in San Francisco has seen the results ive seen you come out thank you commissioner woo ho has to leave she want you, you to know you have the support do you have anything else to say yelp and no, i appreciate hurry time. Colleagues if no more all in favor, say i. I. Opposed . It passed unanimously madam clerk. New item item 13. Colleagues is there anything anybody want to put

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