Transcripts For SFGTV Municipal Transportation Agency Board

SFGTV Municipal Transportation Agency Board January 20, 2023

>> present. >> you have a quorum i know that director hinze is remote under the authority of the mayor's emergency orders. director hinze, must appear on camera in order to speak or vote on afternoon item and we have a director remote all voting will be by roll call. >> item three. the ringing and use of cell phones and electronic device are presented. the chair may order removal from a person responsible for use of a cell phone or sound prugs electronic device. item 4. approval of minutes for december sick regular meeting and december 13, special meeting. open up to public comment on the minutes from our december 6 or 13th meeting only f. you have specific comments on the minutes mou is the time to speak. i see no one. someone is approaching. we will go ahead and get that speaker. now the online callers. is there anyone online forum? >> i see no caller and i would like to ask a question for a typo on page 7 on december 6 that named director heminger twice in the vote count for item 10 it should be director yekutiel. approve with that correction. >> like to move the item with that correction. >> great. >> second. >> i will close public comment to go ahead and have a roll call vote. >> to approve direct heminger >> aye >> director hinze. >> aye. >> yekutiel. >> aye. >> eastboundingon. >> aye. >> borden. >> aye. item 5 communication. he arrived here in 1951 and went to receive an under graduate and masters from san francisco state university. mr. do you recally was at yellow cab and held 2 medallionsment to thank him for his service and remember him had we close our meeting. thank you. >> thank you. >> item number 6. introduction of new or unfinished business. the election of the stay stay board chair and vice chair. first the election of chair. i will open the nomination for the position of chair. i'd like to nominate director eakon. no one for public comment. we will now vote. >> on that nomination. eakon. aye. >> director heminger. >> aye. >> hinze. >> aye. >> director yekutiel. >> aye. >> director eakon. >> aye. >> director borden. >> aye. >> thank you that nomination passes. congratulations. i will then hand it off to the new chair to take nominations for vice chair. >> like to make a nomination of chair borden for vice chair so she continue in her incredible leadership role for the board. are there other nominations? wroo we'll open to public comment. members have a comment on the vice chair nomination? anyone online? >> no callers. we will take a vote. >> on the nomination of director borden for vice chair. >> heminger. >> aye. >> hinze. >> aye. >> yekutiel. >> aye. >> director eakon. >> aye. >> director borden. >> aye. thank you the motion passes congratulations. my understanding this will be effective the end of this meeting that director borden you will chair today's meeting. >> yes. >> thank you. >> do you want to ask for other new or unfinished business. director yekutiel. >> first to congratulate our new chair. chair eakon and thankful that chair borden will stay on as vice chair. i said this a couple time its has been an honor serving under both of you. and not to sound -- sound too proud but i think our city would functioneen better if more of our bodies were as run the way that you, chair borden run this body with the level of respect and professional you brought. looking forward to continuing to serve under you both. >> my piece of new business is letting my colleagues and public know what my project will be this year. it is my third year on this board and first year i focused on towing the result was the institution of our first text before tow program. it is correct there have been hundreds of vehicles that have been not toad as a result. the second was focusing on bus shelters the as a result was new contract that included millions that have been spent to rehab the bus shelters that is a process happening now to get the bus shelters in a state we are proud of. my third year what i will focus is the paving of our streets. you might wonder why as a stay stay board member focussing on this issue it is quality of life issue for all of us and as a small business owner the state of streets affects how visitors and custody norse small businesses feel about the state of our city. potholes, split asphalt. the streets falling apart t. it is something that requires focus. the roots that are most highest ride areship bus lines it is important for the maintenance of the buses that the roads be in good working order. we rely on dpw and agencies to keep the street in working order but affects our ability to deliver excellent service and quality of assets and as a small business owner i'm interested in improving so the city can recover. i already engaged in this process. with the director's permission i organized a mote with dpw. supervisor mandelman. director mc mc guire to look at the state of our streets and taking an eye toward commercial corridors and streets that contain our bus lines. this is somethingil work on the next few months and year and look forward to the board's support in ensure streets are looking as best they can and we are the state of our streets paving is the envy of all other in the country. >> thank you. >> director eakon. >> just want to say thank you for clearly stating this is hope in the next workshop on february accept i will hear what your areas of focus and interests for the year. thank you. i will say i want to thank everyone. >> thank everyone for my opportunity to serve as chair i appreciate the faith the board put in to lead the organization during turb lan times. i did not want to step down comam plealy i feel there is work to be done. but as you know i have my own start up i'm trying to launch it it is taking more time and will take more in the future. seemed like the right time when i have a capable vice chair who is strong and focused on vision zero and other initiatives who is already a strong leader and getting us back in the direction. i know we will be strong hands with director eakon and look forward to working with her as she is chair. >> other director's comments or unfinished business? we'll move to public comment. this is time for the members to comment on any of the things we just said. and if you would like to speak to them you may approach the microphone if you are in the room and then online callers shortly. >> i want to compliment the board on focus in the many initiatives you had overnight years and want to trumpet manny, your focus this year on the public streets and i hope that with the budget deficit facing san francisco this year you take no excuse in that. that budget should be prioritized for basic services that taxpayers are paying for. and i say streets without pothole system a basic service that would take priority over may be other budget matters. thank you. >> thank you. >> other members of the public withhold like to address our comments? >> anyone online? we have one caller. >> thank you. thank you. chair board board. [inaudible] pronouns she and her. i appreciate the comments today and i'm going to claim standing and talking about the street. and it came to me, why are streets important? 3 reasons. i cross streets at intersection. and so potholes at intersections result in me twisting my ancient and he will falling, i don't want that. and i ride bicycles and scooters sometime. and potholes are known for being factors in accidents on 2 and 3 wheel vehicles. i think streets should include the of the improvement of of storm drain grates, there are grates that are large enough to trap a bicycle wheel. i ask you not forget. streets are not just about cars. i'm 56. and -- if i fall it will be difficult than when i was 26. so00 eye hope that we can have a focus on streets. because when i come to san francisco and visit, i want to go home in one piece. thank you. next speaker? another person in the room? >> you are inviting boarded members to focus san francisco, i invite you to focus on the towing of vehicles that people live in. and all poverty tows and the affect they have on people's lives thank you. >> thank you. >> are there other final callers at this time? we will close public comment and move on to the next item >> item 7 the director's report. >> mr. tumlin. >> thank you, chair. i have a lot to cover i will go quickly. first thenual report, you know because you sat through all of that 2022 was a year. we published thenual report. rebuilding the network at and includes summary of many things we achieved in the last year. completing the venice busy way and central subway permanent 20 miles of new transit only lanes. connecting a network of slow streets and protected bike ways to something that may be a network corridor friend low to people of all ages and onnal modes. again, these and other accomplish ams are summarized on >> this is the fulfillment of a promise made 30 years ago after the yearna quake and crash recession in which rose pack and brown reimagined san francisco. in order to use san francisco values in order to reinvent the city. this result in the removal of the embarcadero freeways and the t third transit line from viz valley now all the way to china town. we have had a lot of celebrations of this work and the final will be our starch event for january fourth. to celebrate all of the hundreds of people for the sfmta involved not just who design and built it but the folk in it who installed the radios and communication team. finance teamful security, safety and the city attorney's office. am you are welcome to join us this is an internal staff upon event. we want to shout stout out to speakerer pel lose's's out going chief of staff. he has taken a new position on capitol hill and played a role in making sure the central subway happened as well as helping the speaker play her role in directoring resources and attention to san francisco. ful will also on the ceremony weekend keep did a dozen muni service changes. as always we use our data to track where there is crowding or service. in the corridors and we made adjustments including extending hours of service on the 6. and extending the 21 haze on weekends. to eighth and fulton. a block away from deyoung museum. we changed terminal points largely around making sure that off the operators have a reliable restroom facility the beginning and end of upper line. and add service to routes like the 28 and 38 in order to reduce crowding. you have read in the news or experienced that we have had smchl intense weather the last 2 weeks. and the weather systems allowed our crews to dem state again how amazing they are in the catastrophe. the collaboration approximate work and problem solving and engineering, communication and working together with other city agencies like the department of public works and emergency management; that work was extraordinary for me to watch. it meant that there were very few service disruptions. had we had them, service was routed around the problem or quick low replaced with buss service. we had a lot of trees 70 trees came down in the right-of-way. we had 2 muni bus damaged by falling trees. a giant monterey cypress that fell down at st. inferenceis circle interrupting k and m service with traffic. and the crews were out there doing the work immediately in order to not only clear those fallen trees but to look proactively at other vulnererable infrastructure and take steps to address that. another area of less good news is the state budget situation. just as here in san francisco, the mayor asked us to prepare budgets reducing the expected contribution from the general fund for the next 2 years. state is also tightening the belt. they are phrasing budget gap of 22.5 billion dollars. in the 23/24 fiscal year. the upon governor proposed 2 billion dollars in reductions to public transit capitol funds happening. legislator had approved last year. and that we have been counting on to deliver projects like caltrain electrification and the downtown extension or portal project and bart's core capacity program. of course, the state funding does not come through for caltrain the sfmta is responsible for noting that bill. the budget also assumes declining sales tax on dees and he will funds the transit assistance program and cap and trade program. the budget team is working to adjust our own forecast accordingly and our legislative team is working with our state delegation in order to reduce the negative impact on public transit in light of the fiscal cliff that agents are facing in 2025. >> we got variety of upcoming events. including last weekend or yesterday's martin luther king day and upcoming black history month. and it is an opportunity for us to acknowledge that lack of access to public transportation has been a key focus of racial injustice. throughout history from the 1955 month gom we busboy cot to the word of martin luther king transit a civil right's issue. it determines whether the black communities can access jobs and opportunity. here in san francisco, as far as 1883. harlot brown who was an african-american civil right's activist sued and won railroad company multiple time to ensure all had access to public transit in san francisco and throughout california. >> it is also almost lunar new year. this weekend passed. we had the flower festival in china town and the coming weekend begins the year of the rabbit starting this sunday. in support of that, we have been working with our security team in order to make sure that passengers and china town residents feel safe as they are celebrating lounar new year and preparing for it by shopping in china town. we have been directing inspector deployments and teams of muni transit ambassadors to bus lines and stops that serve china town and within china town general low. we are also placing public service adds on channels highlighting safety and awareness as well as specific issues for training in order to support safe service on muni. also in 3 weeks from today we got our february 7 all day board workshop. materials will be posted online soon. and the meeting invitation updated on the coming meeting side knar on the website. as soon as they are available so you and the public have time to review. this year we will be focusing on few are topics in order to make sure had we spends the bulk of the time hearing from you. and obviously, a big focus will be our budget. zeal an update on financial prosecute jections from the controller's office and we'll have an update on our own financial outlook including our operating budget as well as our capitol budget we'll have what i hope an interesting conversation on trust. we know that in order to be able to solve our fiscal cliff, we have to do more work generating trust within the agency and with the public who has to vote on tax measure in order to help with finances. we will look at what the agency has been doing well and taking a hard look at where we have not done as well as we should. >> and in addition, we'll have a mid day engagement with staff show off their work and poster sessions and show cases that will provide you things can you see that we are doing in order to move the needle on many goals including trust and better customer service. and finally, i wanted to highlight a couple images from the muni art program. as you know, the sfmta and sf beautiful partnered for upon 7 years on the muni art program. this year's stheem is sights of san francisco. first time the project collaborated with san francisco school districts for the artist competition with 826 valencia for poetry competition. in addition, art students maintain a 3 penalty 5 or higher gpa at schools and you will see the wing artist and poet's work on your next muni ride beginning this month. that is all i have. thank you very much. >> thank you. are there questions for director tumlin? director heminger. >> thank you. madam chair. i wanted put a couple of exclamation points on the report about the state budget. and -- as you know i serve as you should represent on the caltrain board. and they like a lot of other large operators in the bay area have capitol project they would like to see funded. unlike those other areas, the caltrain project is under construction. and -- the date bounce around but around about this summer if they don't have sufficient funds from the state government. the feds have kick in the revenue. it is -- you know pen's down shovels down. and that is never a place you want to be on a construction project. but that i think highlights the difficulty we have in cope with this state budget cut not only is or wha was the money supposed to be large it was supposed to be soon. and both could be affected by the announce am we received. so, look. everybody loves their own project. and -- every parent loves their children. you gotta pay their contractors or they will not work. thank you. i don't know if you -- director tumlin you had anything to sill. no. okay. >> director eakon? >> yekutiel. >> i don't know if you mentioned this -- i than the final extended application date for shared space has passed us. do we have any sense of what percentage of folk this is had shared spaces actually applied keep them. there is news about we made it difficult. people did not get temperature we have done amazing workshops but where are we now that is over. the projects were kinds of we wanted see where the shared space land. what is the latest with that. >> i need to research and get backs. congratulations. can on delivering the 2 projects. open to public comment. director eakon, sorry. [inaudible]. just 2 comments. one, on the wonder to feel seat art t. is beautiful. and just want to talk -- director yekutiel talked about what he is focusing on this year. i would love you to talk more about art and how we incorporate art in our station our new subway stations they are stunning and how to continue to bring more art and joy in our work. i love you raised that take the theme of trust that you raised trust in government and interested in talking about at the board workshop how we earn the trust of the public. this is very, very important to this board and the staff. and on that point i will segue to comments about chair borden i did not get in. which is thank you and acknowledge you for your leadership the last 3 years in terms of trust you have been the leader of this board throughout the pandemic. think you were asbjornson in january of 2020. great timing. and just the way that you lead this board with authenticity care around issues of racial equity and he staff moral to bear. and i just so many times that i feel we face crisis and what would chair borden say and you show up in this very experienced, calm, grounded way and say this is had we mead to do and you finds solutions. you have been invaluable chair and this is why i'm interested in continue nothing leadership with you as vice chair but acknowledge you. >> thank you. >> you can't talk about me director yekutiel. >> [laughter]. i'm sorry i forgot to mention. and eceeoed you mention third degree in advance of the workshop we are hear burglar what is happening with the city upon budget and i would be great if what was presented us was levels of austerity or opportunity, different scenes on how to make sure our fiscal ship is tight for the people of the city. and hasacrifices we will make to make sure we are delivering excellent service. because we will make hard choices i'm sure that is why we have been asembled i assume that is happening but i love to look at various scenarios and give direction on what we may do if our finances take a big hit >> hait is how we are constructing the workshop. i add haanother goal is protecting the stamp we don't want to find ourselves in the situation of having to do layoffs. >> okay. >> any other comments from board member. public comment. this is time for the me

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