Absent today item 3 announcement of probation sound producing devices during a meeting. Pages or other similar using sound device and are prohibited at the meeting. Any person responsible for when going up may be asked to leave the room. These, no phone set on vibrate because my phone interference to the board respectively request they be turned off. Item for approval of minutes of the january 17 regular meeting and the february 7 special meeting so moved. Second. Any public on and on the Meeting Minutes . Seeing none, all those in favor say, aye. [chorus of ayes. ] opposed, say nay. Hearing none, that passes item 5 to medications ive known for you today item 6 introduction of new or Unfinished Business by Board Members director nolan by the great concern the failure of the administration to include the money for the electrification of caltrans into our members are representing us on it. Director ramos on the caltrain body and director reiskin on the board. Later a much other report back on what the next ups possibilities Going Forward could do members agree to that . Its really unfortunate thank you for bringing that up. Very timely director, or anything else you were finished seeing none, we item 7 directors report thank you good afternoon i want to start first by recognizing some of our outstanding employees in our sustainable streets director tom maguire to come forward to recognize some folks from our heating units. Mr. Mcguire good afternoon directors. Im happy today to be here asking you to recognize two of our inspectors. One one contrarys and eugene logan could begin working in her pavement unit wants and eight for seven years and eugene has been in the unit for forrester the both veterans demonstrated courage and teamwork to performing the job. We want to especially organize their selfless actions that ensures [inaudible] on the evening of october 26, 2016. When a great risk to their own safety and without hesitation they helped sfpd officer subdue a subject was brandishing a large knife at the intersection of powell street station get the commended for their bravery and quick thinking but also for their teamwork and overcoming the struggle suspect dr. Help police would not have been able to take the suspect into custody resulted in great risk to the members of the public and the riding public at inspectors terrasa and broken exhibited the wellbeing of our passengers [inaudible] and the sfmta he so please, join me in recognizing them. [applause] inspector confers an inspector balkan, on behalf of the entire agency and indeed the entire city of San Francisco thank you so much for your commitment to your job and your quick thinking in this situation. Would you like to say a few words . Just thank you and memory my moms words before she passed just be humble and keep it humble and things will happen. Thank you. [applause] thank you learn much thank you. [applause] before we proceed members of the public are standing and members of staff need to find a seat because of the San Francisco fire codes and we need to limit the number people who are here. So if you could be please find a seat . Thank you other special recognition that i want to ask todays acting chief transit officer, acting director of transit, chief transit officer jeff flynn, to come forward and recognize one of transit of san employs yes. Thank you directors. This year shawn christian. She is been with the agency for over 40 years. Not many people make it to that landmark and we are the better for her service to the city of c fred and to our agency. Sean has held many positions that mta over the last 40 years. Including being a station agent which he has been the last 20 years and shes worked in revenue shes working our [inaudible] all across the agency nine different parts just here at mta or predecessor department during as you see from shauna looks like one of our directors notes to my she currently worked at montgomery station and she brings a ray of such into every wednesday when you pass her. She is the pillar of what we look for in station h employees and she provides Excellent Customer Service day in and day out. Cheers of our customers that are busiest station that we have no easy task to keep all those people going to work and to their jobs and to school every day. Shauna has been lucky enough to be a San Francisco resident for her entire life. [laughing] shes also raised four children here in San Francisco continues to be here in San Francisco and lives just 10 min. Away from where she works currently at montgomery station. We all hear a transit older up as an example we all aspire to be which is to be the best Public Servant we can be and she is definitely our shining star in that respect it this is not her only honor shes received in the last few months. She received an honor from the city of daly city during christmas time having the best decorated house in daly city. So shes no stranger to awards. Thank you, shauna for your service to the city of San Francisco on behalf of mr. Haley was very disappointed he can be here and myself are entire department thank you for your service. [applause] thank you so much for your service and as her regular passenger in the montgomery street station i can attest youre not only a ray of such an return absolute begin of, as well in that station and so it appreciate it very much. They do so much for your service on behalf of the agency the entire city and all the montgomery street station riders. Thank you. [applause] would you like to say a few words . Yes. Its been an honor working here. 40 years just flew by. Just flew by. I dont know where the time went. I work nine departments, five promotions [inaudible] and i choice this job the most i think its more challenging. Never dull moment in a meet a lot of nice people. I get to smile. [laughing] so ive enjoyed every day of this job a lot of good managers here. I had an opportunity to work with in light of nice managers for many years back. I worked 10 years with him. I started at Week Division in 1977 and [inaudible] it was being built and it was under construction actually was not built. We were working out of a trailer. And he used a manual typewriters from there i graduated to an electric typewriter and went on to [inaudible] worked with paul tolliver. Maybe some of you know him. Revenue. Transit information clerk. Lots of great memories. Thank you for devoting so many years of your life. Thank you [applause] all the rest now shooting to make it to 40 years. A number of other things on to update you wanted i know a lot of folks are here probably for the regular counter but since we have met in a little bit i want to give you some updates. First with regard to vision zero, some good news in reaching an important milestone it is lately which is that a couple weeks ago Assembly Bill 342 was introduced by a summary member david chiu. Cosponsored by some remembered phil king and state sen. Scott weiner among others and that would enable San Francisco and san jose to undertake a fiveyear pilot to use automated Speed Enforcement. As you know, through our vision zero efforts, through the analysis that we done weve identified speed as the leading factor in many serious and fatal collisions and although our Police Department have done increasingly great work in terms of enforcement and focusing on those behaviors such as speeding, which are contributors to serious and fatal collisions, we dont have the amount of Police Resources that we would ever need to be with to really put the enforcement resources to where all of the needs are. This program allowing us to use technology and automation to do so would do just that. So the way this is proposed at the moment if it gets through the assembly and the senate makes it to the governor and approved by the governor, it would allow the city of San Francisco in the city of san jose to implement a fiveyear program to deploy automated Speed Enforcement cameras but only on streets with documented patterns of speed related injury crashes and only vehicles traveling more than 10 miles an hour above the posted speed limit would be cited and it would be a citation of administrative penalty as opposed to a moving violation. So i think you can hear some of those qualifiers we are really trying to address some of the issues and concerns weve heard from folks but really focus on where the needs are geographically in our city and only for really egregious behavior that we know is very likely to be weak to serious or fatal collisions. This is not trailblazing stop. Automated Speed Enforcement is already used in 142 communities around the city and theres some really good data that are Comptrollers Office gathered analysis from many of the programs around other cities in and states and we have been able to see very tangible measurable decreases in speeding, decreases in collisions, or other cities that have this tool available and have used it properly. So we are very happy that we are at this milestone. Very grateful to a summary member chiu and his colleagues for dancing this. Director brinkman was able to join some week number chiu with maltres lee and ricardo of san jose to announce this week or so ago. Dated at new San FranciscoGeneral Hospital which is also spinning spinning about 35 billion a year doing with victims of traffic collisions. One thing i learned at that press, which i probably shouldve known but didnt about 50 of the visits they have to the Emergency Department of San Francisco general are from traffic collisions. Half of them. So its amazing cost to the city and county. Its amazing impact to people and families who are victims of this having this tool which is been proven in other cities and states around the country will be extremely important to our efforts to try to get to zero. So we are excited obviously. The long path between here and the governor signing the bill that we will keep you updated on that. Some muni service updates. We do have some muni Forward Service changes that will be coming into being this coming saturday. These are changes aimed at improving ontime performance, reducing crowding and managing impacts of some of the Major Construction projects that are underway. Among these changes will be adding capacity on the five fulton with longer 60 foot buses. Those are the kind with the accordion in the middle. We are adding peak service on the eight afx the 25 and the 29. And notably the eight aex and 29 improvements will those recommend as part of the equity strategy that we presented to you so following through on ouron your equity strategy your equity policy to make sure that we are dressing any kind of disproportionate impact that we see across our service. On the 28th one on 19th ave. We will be adding the stuff that noriega street moving the southern terminus of the route to balboa station. Then there are slight service reductions. This is meant to improve Service Efficiency and improve reliability on certain lines including the sevenx 14x 82x and the f line. This number of other stocks changes being made to encourage folks to go to sfmta. Comfeb25 to get updates on the script we been pushing out a lot of information on these changes are part of the Continuous Improvement that we are trying to make terms of ontime performance and reliability. Likewise, on the taraval i want to give you a brief update on the l. Taraval rapid project at the earliest limitation that you all authorized when you approve the project last year isnt is fated to be completed later this week. That means that the boarding zone locations are complete including the transit boarding area striping and the enhanced signage. This all of course aimed at eliminating the situation where people are getting on a particular off trains are being hit by passing traffic the clear zones are complete and a number of races along the corridor and the transit only lane markings are going in this week. So following through on what we can do just with pink and signage on taraval. I want to also let you know that Streetscape Project has been completed and open to the general public. As i think most folks know, [inaudible] the citys second largest public park. It was one of the maclaren is the second largest park and then sell which is a significant and large road that goes through it which was initially designed or conceived i think in the 1950s to be part of ultimately a freeway system is essentially acted like a freeway. Two lanes separated by a median pathway, roadways that were very conducive to a lot of speeding good so this redesign took one of those pathways and turned it into a bicycle and pedestrian pathway. Shifting all the traffic onto the other side. There was a good ceremony with rec and park and the Transportation Authority which is one of the funders. It was also a state grant involved but a very transformative project for a section of the street that goes through one of our largest parks and we will not only help people get to and from the park, but kind of correct for a division that happened between neighborhoods that was created when mademoiselle was designed at. So Good Progress there on the cd project. Safety project or another kind of unusual safety issue we had with theweve had a rash, lately, people on automobiles driving into our tunnel could not recognizing despite all the signage and other visual clues thats not a place for people and cars to be. So weve easily, although we had done things before, have added yet more paint markings and speed bumps to try to better demarcate the tunnel so people, no matter what their condition, will be clear its not a place they should be driving. This is happening at the same time this other work happening along [inaudible] including some transit signal priority upgrades at a number of intersections. To thelet me hit up couple other issues and then i do want to get back to director nolans comment. Last week the city Comptrollers Office issued a whole series of benchmark the ports where they look at our city and our Services Compared to other peers city around the country get one of those was reports was on transportation and they looked at data up through i think this school year 15 year answer not quite current but kind enough. They looked at 15 other cities and was pretty interesting. I would urge you to take a look if you had not already just to some of the highlights of note. This is looking at cities Like Washington dc, san jose, boston and portland, seattle. I was a fairly comparable cities in a lot of ways. Some of the interesting points. San francisco we have twice as many workers as the average of those cities. Second lowest car usage among the major four modes of commuting habits meaning driving, transit, walking, biking second highest use of trans good thirdhighest ever people walking and biking. Average passenger trip by highest average by Public Transit at 272 a good i think we were by far the highest in that category. On the flipside with the slowest moving buses just about eight miles an hour while on service. Back on the good side or operating and maintenance extensis were less than the average in terms of transit and just for context are [inaudible] traffic facilities per 100,000 residents were below the average of 5. 0 but obviously still not where we want to be. A lot of Interesting Data in their helpful to abide context to some of the work were doing so i would just commend that to your attention. Last of you Service Related things. We do that the Chinese New Year parade. A week and a half ago. It is one of the largest Chinese New Year parade outside of mainland china. We had a lot of folks participating in the parade from mta staff but even more notably a lot of mta staff working to enable the function of the parade. It requires a lot of different the rows of muni transit lines. Requires a lot of our enforcement folks together to redirect traffic make sure that everyone can get around safely in the parade can go off smoothly and i would just say generally for at least a transportation standpoint as well as generally, when a very well. Once again great work by a lot of different folks in our agency, to different parts of the agent. Just want to thank them all for that. Last project note is that on wednesday, march 1 11 am will be doing the official groundbreaking for the venice improvement corridor project you can see outside the door here work undergoing. Well have an official solvation on march 1. Then to chairman nolans point and we will certainly as the board overturned on items sorry erector good takeout while to get that. I apologize mdm. Chairman. We will report back as director nolan and the board has requested. But i can tell you what we know at this point. Caltrain Electrification Program of about 2 billion budget had pending 647 Million Dollar federal grants through Discretionary Grants Program at thethat the United States department of transportation manages. Theyve been working on this grant for at least the last year and obviouslys part about to something billiondollar program, 650 million of the significant part of the funding plan. This other state money. Theres other local money i