Transcripts For SFGTV Mayors Press Availabilty 20160620 : co

Transcripts For SFGTV Mayors Press Availabilty 20160620

within just a 10 minute walk of a park you how many people live within 10 minutes of a park we are lucky the best access to parks than any city in the country and so here particularly in the bayview we're working super hard to give the neighborhood the best parks in addition to this park we're working on a hilltop park in the india baseline and because of the mayors leadership we're investing $10 million in parks right here in our neighborhood let's give the mayor a big hand for that >> (clapping.) >> so we want to make sure that our parks are for everyone that everybody gets to play whether you're a over and over slightly turn around or really young or less young our parks are for everyone if you look at around this state in addition to the play equipment for kids of all ages if it you look at over there you'll see fitness equipment for multi dulls and seniors, in fact, one of the things that are purpose important that you are seniors our parents and grandparents and united and uncle are enjoying the park, in fact, a recent study your seniors are not spending will enough time in parks and get getting enough experience we young kids like to run around and play a lot we want to make sure our parents and grandparents and unit and uncle are getting experience we've done that the best outdoor equipment anywhere in the cry like famous stuff the best stuff the best excitement around the world we want all of our groups to get experience and enjoy themselves in our parks all right. before i'm going to introduce a couple of very special go people i'll say a few things i really want to thank our mayor let's see give him another round of applause than to supervisor cowen and we'll make her run around and let's give a thank you to supervisor cowen. >> (clapping.) >> if they get here on time assemblyman chiu his genesis gary's chiu we get money from the state i want to thank this guy mr. clean mohammed nuru who working closely with our department to make sure our streets and parks a are safe and happy and clean and is mia here you'll in a second and the captain here i really want to thank him. >> (clapping.) >> the folks that built that and bill construction richards is here thank you, richard. >> (clapping.) >> i want to thank a few members of my own staff marvin your project manager and others that helped mandarin to manage that robert watkins and all the amazing staff that keeps the parks clean give our guardian a round of applause and all the staff it totally takes a village and all of you decide vote in the last election no, maybe you didn't vote did you vote? did the vote yeah, you voted all the people that 0 voted for parks bonds have helped us build the new parks i really want to thank the san francisco voters of star of our show show you our mayor, i like to call the park champion and chief i've not met a mayor that loves sports and loves to be outside more than that mayor, mayor ed lee let's give him a big round of applause . >> (clapping.) >> thank you how about an applause more food and beverages the head of our rec and park department and making sure all of our parks in the city have just as new refreshed clean and safe just like this one are you ready to play. >> yeah. >> are you ready to support of warriors. >> yeah. >> are you ready to cut the ribbon all right. all right well, why would your mayor come all the all the way down from city hall to your new park why dodo you think i came to celebrate it absolutely and i'm the happiest person to get out of city hall on a friday to come down with the kids i love and the parents and all the neighborhood here who are enjoying they're beautiful park yes and you know what i even like the contractor because you know what sometimes contractor say they build something and go away i think contractors should stay to celebrate are proud of their work they want to see the smiling faces of people that use the very facts and circumstances they krublth i think that's why you're here i enjoy seeing them our offers to keep it safe our park rangers and rec and park the public works is here they helped manage and build this whole park so it is going to last a long time you know what is really helpful to know when i grew up i did not have a park within 10 minutes in san francisco 98 percent of everybody who lives here has a park within 10 minutes i assure you in this i had a park within 10 minutes i'd be taller playing for the warriors do you believe that yeah. thank you thank you because when kids have parks within 10 minutes of where they grew up you'll grew up healthier and happier and more friends and people to play would apply it is important; right? and friends are important; right? and school is important respect and getting out of school is important; right? >> yeah. >> (laughter) i'm here and excited i want everyone to go back and tell your mom and dad vote so far prop b on june's ballot that preserves more money for facts and circumstances just like this one and maintains parks and make sure we keep the promise that is parks are family and children and we need those parks all over the city we've got them only golden gate park and clipper card and bodecker and wonderful parks we've put in a lot of good money so the kids can grow up we have fun and be healthy and exercise are you ready for a great weekend okay. i'm not going to keep you any longer i want you to enjoy our park those are all the wonderful amenities and be safe everybody and make sure we continue supported our parks and our kids and families okay congratulations. >> (clapping.) >> thank you, mr. mayor. >> okay the mayor - our next speaker from assemblyman david choose office comes to our parks she loves parks do you want to say a quick word. >> hello, everyone i'm happy to be here on behalf of david chu he lives in the bayview he knows how important to have access to open space and he wants to bring his babe to the park to play with other kids i'm happy you get to be here enjoying this i love this so i'm super excited to bring my nephews and noise and like phil said we need to vote yes on abag u prop b to make sure we have access throughout the city to our parks thank you guys . >> (clapping.) >> another special go acknowledgement i see lynn in a that helps us with the amazing programs thank you lena our next speaker he's amazing what it is he keeps our city clean and works non-stop but really a park at heart please join me in welcoming our park works director mohammed nuru. >> (clapping.) >> all right. so i know assemblyman chiu lives in the district and many people live in the district but this is my neighborhood park i live within 10 minutes of this park so when this park was being designed i was part of progress and marvin the rec and park department and the public works department they are the men that worked on the design we have a beautiful park how about a big hand for this park. >> (clapping.) >> i also want to thank the rec and park department for the partnership we have with them all over the city with the leadership of our mayor we're raising money we're pga bonds the public works is helping all over we have one of the best parks in the industry or the politically so how about a big hand for the mayor to make sure that we have noise places when i say parks i don't only mean baseball fields and soccer field and things for recreation if any staff at the rec and park thank you to folks william barkley and others and, of course, our contractor al for delivering this great project let's have fun and keep our parks clean thank you thank you moe give our public works another applause at the end of the day parks are not for the public works or the rec and park they're for people next up is a woman who is so involved in the 4124 and involved in park citywide she helps us and champions and works tirelessly as a volunteer for everybody in this neighborhood so they can love their parks let's welcome mia rogers. >> (clapping.) >> hi, everybody i know you're like burning up i'll be brief this park is an example of collaboration that we have to have in order to be effective in this park; right? and we have to focus on equity and accessibility but also, we have to focus on the collaboration piece of it where i feel like hunters point family and food and beverages and richmond watkins and his crews and oh, my gosh numerous organizations have helped us auto r anti that parklet i think this is it that's it everybody enjoy. >> mia will lead us and you guys up front so attentive together we'll count down from 5 and cut a ribbon and back to playing how does that sound so marvin - >> hold on where's mario i want to make sure you're here those are the big - mr. mayor grab a piece and we'll count down from 5 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, yeah. >> all right. congratulations everybody let's pl sure. >> madam secretary you want it call the roll please. sure roll call commissioner president adams commissioner woo ho item 2 approval of the minutes for the may 10, 2016, so moved second >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed?

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Bayview , California , United States , India , San Francisco , William Barkley , Richmond Watkins , David Chu , Mia Rogers , Mohammed Nuru , Gary Chiu , Robert Watkins ,

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