Transcripts For SFGTV Mayors Press Availability 20230304 : c

Transcripts For SFGTV Mayors Press Availability 20230304

aloni language. my name is andrew galvin. i'd like to thank you for inviting me. to come to this event to welcome you. to my homeland. this is the village of yeah. lamoureux. we acknowledge that we are gathered on the unseated ancestral homelands of the aloni indians. who are the original inhabitants of this area that we today call the city and county of san francisco. as the indigenous stewards of this land in accordance with our traditions. the aloni indians have never seated, lost nor forgotten our responsibilities as caretakers of this place. as well as for all peoples who reside in our traditional territories. we welcome you as guests. and we are grateful that all of you gathered here today. offer your respect by acknowledging our ancestors, elders and relatives of the aloni indian community. and by affirming our sovereign rights. as first peoples. and as my father would say, you can stay on one condition. that is that you are good. thank you. thank you forgot who i was. alright. i'm pleased to be able to introduce as our next speaker keith eastland, who's the chair of the board of vcs, but our episcopal community services but before i do, i just want to say what an incredible pleasure it is to work with. the c s, um mercy and the cf have now done countless projects together. we collaborate. conspire um, we've shared staff back and forth as you'll hear about later and i think there is no final organization in san francisco working on on the issue of homelessness, and it's a pleasure to be to be here and to introduce keith. thanks so much that that's wonderful. and as i said, i'm i'm keith diesel. and i'm the board chair of vcs. is this where i can? i can just talk this way. if that helps. is this on. okay, um and it's just i'm here representing essex today because unfortunately, our executive director beth stokes, couldn't be here with us. um but thank you, everybody for coming. this is by the 2023 is e. c s s 40th anniversary. and we're thrilled to be celebrating that with the grand opening of 10 64 mission. e c s has been at the forefront of our community's efforts to address homelessness. and developing permanent supportive housing is the cornerstone of the multifaceted work that we do. um we know that the only way to solve homelessness is to create homes that allow people to live in dignity, safety and comfort. since the opening of canon kip community house, our first permanent supportive housing project in 1994 pcs is expanded with a lot of help from mercy and others are housing portfolio to nearly 2000 supportive housing units across san francisco. and 10 64 mission. is our largest and most comprehensive one today. in addition to providing 256 safe and stable homes for formerly homeless seniors and adults, 10 60, more foreign mission provides a level of on site supportive services. that far exceed those found in most permanent supportive housing. these include on site behavioral health services on on site clinician team from the st anthony foundation that provides our residents with the health, home and patient centered. and an in home supportive services hub operated by home bridge. that offers extra support to our residents with disabilities. 10 64 mission also incorporates a new 6000 square foot commercial kitchen for ec s social enterprise program called conquering homelessness through employment in food services. and if you kept up with the acronym that chefs the new chef's kitchen will accommodate up to 360 students per year. training them with skills needed to opt to obtain employment in the food services industry. the ample community services. ample community spaces, including the wonderful landscaping that you see here and on site services at 10 64 mission redefines excellence and permanent supportive housing. and embodies what we as a community are capable of when we work together to pool resources. and implement innovative strategies for the common purpose of supporting our most vulnerable neighbors. many amazing people in organizations have a had had a hand in this project success. including mayor ed lee's initial vision for it. mayor. london breed strong support speaker america, pelosi or former district six supervisors, assembly member haney and jane kim state senator scott wiener. leaders at several important city departments, including the department of homelessness and supportive housing. the department of public health and the mayor's office of housing and community development. or service provider partners, home bridge and the st anthony foundation. our financial partners century housing national equity fund and chase bank. our construction partners. cahill contractors factory os herman culliver, locust architecture, loney architecture and miller company landscape architects. and many others who helped this this project come to life. it really takes an entire community. to come together to build a community. especially like to recognize and thank our entire ec s team who worked so long and hard on this and in particular, rebecca gigi, or housing development project manager who quarterback this project. president doug shoemaker and his incredible team at mercy housing, california. and so many others. housing is the solution to homelessness. and we at scs look forward with your help and support to expand the model of 10 64 mission to other parts of the city and perhaps even beyond. and now please welcome our district supervisor who lives right down the street, matt dorsey. thank you so much. everybody, so i'm the my name is matt dorsey. i am the new supervisor. i live a block away . so welcome to my neighborhood and welcome to my district. you know whenever, as a relatively new elected official when i'm at a in an unveiling or a ribbon cutting, i always feel like a little bit of it's like an imposter syndrome. i think i was describing myself. at one event as the rosie ruiz of this project and for those of you who don't know the obscure reference rosie ruiz won the 1980 boston marathon until they realized that she jumped into the race half mile before the finish line. and took the credit for it. so i want to give thanks to my predecessors who were mentioned supervisor jane kim and supervisor matt haney. um i also want to say, you know, i wanted to say thanks to our our partners at the federal government for you know, without whom this wouldn't have been possible. um and obviously mercy, housing and scs and all everybody who was thanked and i don't want to start naming names that i want to leave folks out. um in this morning's chronicle this this project was praised as a game changer and something that gives people hope. and i am proud to represent a district that i think in so many ways represents what 21st century urbanism is. so much of what we're doing in district six is what san francisco is going to look like more and more over the next century to come. and i think this is one great example of that it is housing. it's supportive services. it's being it is understanding that supportive services doesn't reflect a model that in decades past was about containment. instead, this is about community about all of us being together and fulfilling the promise of what real mixed use is supposed to be as part of 21st century urbanism. so that is what i'm really proud to represent. as a district six supervisor, and this is a great example of it. congratulations and thanks so much for inviting me to be a part of this. alright super. thank you, supervisor. good to be at all these with you. it is true that there's a tremendous amount happening in your district. you have a lot to be proud of, and more to do obviously want to acknowledge that we have assistant chief lazar here with us. shereen mcspadden, who runs the hardest job. maybe this you guys can compete for the two hardest jobs of the homeless and supportive housing agency and eric shaw, the mayor's office of housing and community development, which is also a hard job just pales in comparison to these two um, we have. we have a lot of great folks in the room. so i will just say, i'm sure we're not going to mention everybody, but i do want to call out some of the folks that made this project happen on a more personal level. i don't know if sharon christians here, barbara guanaco, evelyn perdomo from our team just want to thank all the mercy folks that are here. um uh, and other than clapping for me, i would like you to hold your applause. so um, but the fabulous folks at the mayor's office of housing mara blitzer, uh romero, harry wong. they really made this possible. they had a vision for this site, and without them, we wouldn't be here and the same is true of the hsh folks. it took a lot to get people into this building. the lease up was not all mercy. lease ups are condensed. you know, i think that's that's just sort of. we always say we're going to give like our management team. many months. police up this one wasn't ours was caritas is the lease up? but they did a fabulous job and i can see they're doing a great job of the building. so that's my, uh, you know, we've these things in as we go. just so you won't have to hear all the thank you's at once. um, but it is now my pleasure to bring up jamesville sugi, who is, uh, one of our great partners with jpmorgan chase. um they were instrumental in this project as some of you know, this is a modular development. um, hard to find bankers that are willing to go near this one. they came remarkably close. ah, no, i'm just kidding. and. and james has been a great partner to us, and i want to bring him up to say a few words. thank you, doug. and this is so exciting to see all of these people. i was waiting in a line to get outside and we need more of that. we need more of that excitement. so it's so great to see this many people here this many excited people for this work. but as doug mentioned james vasu, g executive director at chase, um , we're here today as the lender and the tax credit investor, and we're proud partner to mercy in the cs. on such a critical and you heard the term game changing community for the city of san francisco. it's not too often i'm asked to speak and i'm really left speechless, but it's not too often a beautiful project like 10 64 mission comes along to show us what's possible. to show us what's possible when so many different groups who you're hearing from today, come together and create get creative with a vision in mind a vision of getting folks into a safe and stable place to call home with all the services they need to start the next chapter chapter of their life and living a happy and healthy lifestyle. but the impact of 10 64 mission is having on this community isn't all that leaves me speechless. no, it's the team behind the project. that leaves me speechless as well. doug mentioned some of them, but i'll mention them again. sharon christiansen and barbara walk. oh, evelyn perdomo, now as well at mercy as well as rebecca g. from scs. these are incredible individuals who worked tirelessly to bring the vision of 10 64 mission to life. and i have been honored to work alongside them on it, and there's another individual who is a friend to all of us who many of you know and who was a perfect reflection of what 10 64 mission is. and that person is liz pocock report everything she had. there was a round of applause. liz poured everything she had into this project and into everything she worked on. so thank you. sharon barbara, evelyn rebecca. everyone else and a special thank you to liz. truly. thank you. but financing investing in a project like 10 60 permission isn't easy. and involved many solving many challenges to the closing and construction process, but not figuring out how to solve those challenges was never an option. because the chase we are committed to this work. we are committed to this beautiful city. we are committed to mercy and the tremendous people behind their communities, and we are committed to 10 64 mission and communities just like it and everything they represent and being a solution to making sure everyone as a safe and stable place to call home. so everyone here today again. thank you for being here and thank you for your efforts and supporting the creation of more affordable housing. all right. with that. i want to bring up our next speaker. um i feel like we always have to do a small infomercial at all these events. so you understand how this stuff gets paid for and that you know how to talk to the people that you you send to washington about the importance of it, so lots of different sources of funding. the one that's the most obscure to people outside of affordable housing is the long term housing tax credit program, which is an only in america program supported by republicans and democrats, which you mean horribly inefficient but incredibly important. ah and um and it is the backbone of all the affordable housing that we really build throughout the country, so it's incredibly important program. uh it's in much need of being expanded here in california, and i'll just say in advance because i know gustavo is going to talk in a little bit, along with the state funds and the local dollars that make this work from the mayor's office, housing and hsh, as well as the incredible investment by the city and the clinic. um many , many different types of funders came together to make this happen, which is one of the reasons why it's so challenging to build affordable housing. um but we are really blessed to have some people in the field that really understand this work they seek out or at least go willingly on the harder projects . whenever we have something really hard. we turned to todd. fabian from the national equity fund because we know he is a straight shooter and able to really make us make these projects work. and so i want to bring up a great friend of mercy housing. todd fabian. thank you, doug. and hello, everybody. and yeah, i always love to get that call from well, barbara, who recently retired that she has a special project for national equity funding. if this is special, then i will do every every deal, doug that you call me on. so we're really excited to be here really excited to be part of this team. we've worked with scs and mercy over the years and enjoy the relationship . um this is our largest investment we've ever made in the city of san francisco. it's i think it's over $60 million of tax credit equity and i couldn't have done it without a partner, and it is jpmorgan chase on the other side of this so they're not only providing the construction. they're going to be the long term investor in this project, and thank you, james for all of your assistance in getting that getting that done, but, yeah, in the end, we do this every day. we do the hard work for the residents, and we look forward to us saying this thing. last longer than i'm here. so thank you. thanks and doug doug mentioned the role of so many different agencies, including agencies of the federal government, and so i'd now like to introduce suki kong from the general services administration, who was a big help. thank you and good morning. good morning. great why ? it is incredible honor to be here with you today as the region of the ministrations for us, um you know, as i mean, u s general services. i'm on the job, 30 days, so police bear with me, okay? g s a along with 18 federal partner agencies make up the u. s. interagency council on homelessness. the council sole mission is focused on preventing and ending. the homelessness in america, and that is the truth. this can be achieved when the government and community work together as we did today. the land we stand on today was originally acquired by the us government. for the possible expansion of the browning. a u. s court house, the home of the ninth circuit court of appeals. in 2016. in collaboration with a quarter of pills. g s a determined that the expansion was not needed. and this property became excess federal real estate. g s a reached out to the department, health and human services and housing and urban development. fellow members of the interagency council to explore the possibility of transferring the property to a local government. or qualified nonprofit. um, you know, through the mckinney vento act. this act. allows the federal government to transfer property ownership at no cost. if it is for housing and services for the homeless. and so the city and county of san francisco were able to take ownership of this mid market, very high prime real estate. they partnered with ec s and mercy housing. to create a new dream for local housing. and now we celebrate this dream being realized. regional commission. well at this time, there are many people who are very instrumental in making this happen, and i like to take a moment to recognize a few of the g s a staff who directly worked on this transfer. regional commissioner dan brown. real property disposal director david hac. disposal project manager and italy san francisco service center director jason cawthorne and regional chief architect maria surprise. oh happiness an integral part. of this project from the very beginning. well as you know, without the effort, we wouldn't be here today. so congratulations, mayor breed. supervisor dorsey, mr g. iceland mr. shoemaker and all who worked tirelessly with us to make this day happen, but above all to the new residents of this beautiful building welcome home. thank you. thank you. suki another important federal government agency that helped in this is that the department of housing and urban development and i'd like to ask jason poo from h u d two. uh, say a few words. all right. good morning. good morning. thank you warmed up by my friend and fellow regional administrator over here. so i am i'm jason, who had regional administrator for hud region nine, which covers the great states of arizona, california, hawaii and nevada. haven't said anything yet. so, um but but also the outer pacific islands. it's an absolute honor and pleasure to serve in this role and to be here on behalf of hud secretary marshall fudge, particularly at this crucial time in our region's history. i'm a former mayor and council member and a former business attorney with experience and real estate, corporate finance and venture capital. so it's my goal to align all levels of government, federal, state, local and tribal and the public and private sectors. to address our homelessness and housing affordability crisis throughout the region. i want to thank governor newsom and his team and the state of california and mayor breed and, um, all the regional and local stakeholders. for their hard work and moving this development from surplus property to home for more than 250 residents. the largest permanent supportive housing project in the city of san francisco. and assad secretary fudge repeatedly says housing is a fundamental right and everyone deserves to have a state stable , safe and stable place to call home. to those who were formerly housed and sheltered, and now we'll have the state fee, stability and security of four walls and a roof. and a key to adore you can lock congratulations. zilong journey . i'm sure but you know we are doing everything that we can to houses. many of our houses neighbors as we possibly can. this development is also a great example of how effective public and private partnerships can be when the public and private sectors work together. i said at a philanthropic roundtable on homelessness and los angeles just two weeks ago that we are all in this together. no single entity level of government or private partner can do it alone. it's going to take all of us working together to how zarand housed neighbors provide the wraparound services that are needed and get them onto a better path way like the permanent supportive housing project you see here today. common causes to provide all residents with access

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