Ms. Brooks jenkins. Thank you. I got to give a shoutout to moms demand action in the house. The brady campaign, the sftd, all the united playaz here helping us out and i do not want to forget my return citizens and brothers and sisters who recently came out home and i want to give a shoutout to our reentry brother, frederick who did a life i tense and omar and davis who recently came home after doing over three decades behind the walls and even more recent, i want to give a shoutout to my brother, anthony and my uncle in the wheelchair, doug who came home from doing almost 50 years. Welcome home, guys. And all the rest of reentry guys who are here. I got to make sure i give a shoutout to sbd, my brother who cleaned this area all up, big ed who did a life sentence and give a shoutout to everybody making this happen, my brother southern richards in the building. Thank you, brother. And all the mothers who are here and you will see them speak. I just want to say this right here is an investment in our community for our kids and the reentry. This whole Building Back here that we newly are going to open through my guys, alan and chris who helped us finance this, hes going to be a building for kids to learn how to read, for literacy and its going to be for gentleman who came home from Restorative Justice reentry so were the elementary to the penitentiary for reach, yall. [applause] so i want to thank you for you guys investing and believing in us because we got to make sure that we have places where we can bring our kids. One of the kids who was in our program, i hate to say my nephew who is recently in a tragic situation last night, nancy, he got shot. It doesnt i dont know, its in gods hand and hes in general right now fighting for his life. In the same place is from our neighborhood where hes from, london. So its close to home and so this is why we stand in what we do what we do because were fighting to end senseless gun violence and we want to make sure nobody, no families, nobody, no mothers have to go through the ache and the pain and the tragedy of the senseless violence, so we stand in solidaritity with all our beautiful people, i want to thank the panels of this building right here, swirl, and brother eli for making this mural happen through every time, my sister alex. If i missed anything, hopefully youll share. But i want to say this is what we stand for and this is what united playaz foundation is build on. We want to ride and live now. We dont want to ride and die, we want to live. We dont want to, you know, say rip all the time, we want to say lip, live in peace. We want to be here so we can have events and functions where we can come together and say guess what, we celebrated in the great words of maddie scott, were going to graduations and not funerals so with that said, i want to bring up the House Speaker of the United States of america, my sister, she would have been my ex but [laughter] nancy pelosi, yall. [applause] i love you. I love you too. Thank you very much raudy and thank you to united playaz for all you have done and all of rudys comments, he was talking about one place or another and i remember our first very big antigun violence rally in front of San Francisco general, remember, rudy, when we were in front of the San Francisco general with the positions who were bringing healing, hopefully to those who were there, so were like a family to each other. Weve been together over and over, how many times mayor, have you taken the lead in churches, on an annual basis on some occasions, mothers day on other occasions, whatever it is, the mayor has been there. She speaks from personal experience of what growing up in the neighborhood, the hood, her neighborhood was about, so thank you because its not only that you have taken the lead politically, officially in every way but youre always there sharing the stories of the loved ones. And maddie of course, what can we say about maddie scott . What did she say her say, she said lets stop the killing and start the healing and maddie scott. I dont see it was the last time, but the second to last time i saw her she was shaking hands with the president of the United States at the signing of the bill. Nobody had no more right to be there than maddie. It was remarkable and the president understood that. The president understood that and shes led us in many ways and im glad to be here with laura. Thank you, thank you for sharing your story with us and again, again the mayor and others from city hall, our officials, our Law Enforcement, thank you. Thank you, chief and thank you da and thank you all. So here we are. I say to my colleagues, we just passed assault weapon ban in the house of representatives. People thought we wouldnt do it, we didnt have the courage to bring it up. People would run and hide but they didnt. They voted for the bill. And i was saying to maddie, not just all politics but civics, if we win two more senators that share our view in this next election two months from today, well be able to pull back, hi darling, well be able to pull back that filibuster and pass the background check legislation and again the assault weapon ban and make the world safer. I say to the colleagues and congresses, youre political survival and i say that to the republicans, your political survival is nothing compared to our children as we try and protect them against gun violences so thanks moms, where are you darling, moms demand action and brady against violence and all organizations that worked together. We can do so much maneuvering in the country, the outside mobility skeletonization youre the ones who are mobilization and youre making this happen. The outside mobilization, the volunteers, as i say the volunteers and politics and volunteers in politics are our vips. And thank you for that outside, but we will, how do we say it, every meeting, were not stopping until the job is done. And what a model, united playaz is to the country, thats why rudy is on my case because we have 4 million in our house bill for the building and were intending to bring that check the next meeting as soon as we can get the bill done. [applause] but thats, what we call a personal request of the speaker, so i think we wont have too many problems with that. But again, lets look at each other and say how many times have we seen each other at these meetings and how beautiful it is to see an every widening circle of friends but this is about our children, their safety, you know the record, more children die of anything else combined in the country than gun violence. How could it be . One hundred people a day die of gun violence, five of them little children, little children. So, thank you. Thank you for what you do. Thank you for being a model to the nation, from our own community, it takes a hood to say the hood. Thats what we say. When all of this goes on, we cry about it and the rest we say, we dont agonize, we organize, were going to get the job done. Thank you all and lets say thank you to rudy for being such, thank you rudy. [applause] thank you, rudy. I said it earlier. Our mayor has been a model to the country, to the world, today she welcomed the queen of the netherlands and did so beautifully, representing our city, our values, finding our common ground. But it would be hard to think of any event on gun violence prevention that the mayor hasnt taken the lead on or been at or sent her representatives if she happens to be not in town and that would be very, very rare. Were very blessed in so many ways with her mayorship whether its covid or whatever it happens to be because its always about the people. Its about justice. Its about fairness, about respect and she and i share a thought. When rudy was talking about our brothers who are just returning now from some other experiences, i was thinking of the gospel of matthew and the gospel of matthew he says when i was hungry, you fed me, christ said, god says, when i was hungry you fed me, when i was homeless you sheltered me and when i was naked, you clothed me. When i was in prison, you visited me. A very important value for us to have. [applause] we share that value, we all share our respect for our great mayor, mayor london breed. [applause] well, first of all, i have so many thoughts running through my head at this moment because of all the people that are joining us here today. Madam speaker, we are so lucky and blessed to have you as our speaker of the house, as someone who continues to fight for the things that are so dear to us. I think that you know, people dont really realize the battles that you deal with on a regular basis, not with making sure that San Francisco is okay and that you know, united playaz and other organizations and resources are provided but also taking care of the entire country. Looking at the Bigger Picture of why getting the right people in office is so significant, traveling all over this country to raise money and to elevate the message because when it is all said and done, getting the votes for so many important policies that help us address this issue, thats what makes change and the fact that you worked tirelessly on the Safer Communities act, what youre doing around assault, banning assault weapons and i just can go on and on about your leadership because its helping all of us, you know, meet the need at this time, meet the challenge and come together in this remarkable way, so we are grateful for your leadership and when i think about whats happened over the years, i think about my childhood and growing up with maddie scotts son and just george was a great person and then i see his sons now and it breaks my heart that he never got a chance to see what amazing kids he created but we are here to also make sure that they know who their dad was. You think about these kids who never even had a chance to go to prom, so i show up for these events whether im supervisor, mayor, it doesnt matter, a title matters not to me. What matters most to me is making sure that the next generation of young people growing up dont have to continue to experience the pain because of the loss of their relatives due to gun violence, of witnessing someone getting shot and killed in their face at the age 12 which is what happened to me and people i grew up with. Worried about what is happening in their school. Doing drills to make sure that they are protected from gun violence in schools. I want to recognize and appreciate maddie scott, rudy, and Shawn Richard especially because for years these were in the trenches with no funding, no support for many, many years doing the hard work when no one was paying any attention to this issue in the capacity we see now and its not something that we wanted people to have to experience. Thats why they fought so hard. We never wanted organizations to have to emerge for this purpose. It is so heartbreaking and frustrating at the same time. But i still have hope. I have hope because all of you are here, because of brady, because ever moms demand action, because of the consistency of rudy, shawn and maddie scott and because of our fearless leader, madam Speaker Pelosi. I have hope that were going to get to where we need to go because its not just reacting to these situations after they occur. Its about prevention too. Its about investments. Its about getting to our kids before they even get to that point where they even think about picking up a gun, before they that shouldnt be a thought in their head and part of that journey of trying to get to a better place means investments and this is why in San Francisco we invest a lot of resources into programs and things that we know are going to make a difference, that we know are going to have a tremendous impact not only of our young people but also though who may or may not have made a mistake in their lives and come home and deserve a second chance. They deserve an opportunity and then we hope that the next generation will learn from those experiences and never want to get in a position like that where they get locked up in the first place. Theres work that needs to be done and were doing the work in San Francisco. And im grateful and proud of the work especially that our police chief is doing, we got a 6 million grant in order to address violence prevention in order to invest in preventing the kinds of outcomes that happened because of gun violence from happening and im grateful to be here also with our District Attorney brook jenkins and our supervisor matt dorsey, partners in the efforts to ensure that when we talk about [applause] criminal justice reform, were talking about real criminal justice reform, real Second Chances and preventing problems from happening in the first place. We have so much work to do but im still hopeful. Im hopeful for the future. Im hopeful because i know were going to continue to advocate until the job is done. Im hopeful because of the investments that were going to continue to make. We had a couple of really tragic incidents that occurred in San Francisco over the last couple of weeks. Heartbreaking situations, things that should have been prevented. Theres a lot of hurt people out there because of this and maddie scott always say hurt people hurt people. And so, healed people are a blessing, they are a blessing to making sure the world is a better place. Its time for us to continue to roll up our sleeves and get the job done. We have a lot of work ahead of us but all of you make such a difference in the work thats ahead and im excited to be working with you on getting the job done, so thank you so much again to all of the folks who are joining us here today and at this time, i really want to bring up a woman who needs no introduction. You know, ms. Maddie, i have known her since i was a kid and you know, shes a spiritual woman, shes a praying woman and godly woman and it wasnt just about her kids and her grandkids in our community. She always showed so much love to all of the kids in the neighborhood. Its why she developed a reputation for being the person that everyone goes to especially when they are going through a very challenging time in their lives, so maddie, you have uplifted so many people in your life so today we uplift you and we thank you and we thank god for you for your work and everything you have done, for sharing your experience, turning the tragedy of your life into an advocacy moment that turned lives around, even if you cant see it everyday, it has happened and so we thank god for you and we appreciate you and at this time, ladies and gentlemen, lets give maddie scott a round of applause. [applause] thank you for that, mayor breed. Who would have been my daughter in law, yall. [laughter] okay. I was working on it. [laughter] i was working on it. But first giving honor to god for allowing all of us to be here today on this beautiful day. It is for his glory that his sun is shining down on all of us because he knows our hearts. He knows each and every one of our hearts and he knows that we care, we care about lives. He knows that we want to better day for our children. He knows that. And so im just grateful that all of you are here today. Im very humbled and very proud to be standing before you where i turned where i was able to turn my tragedy into triumph and turn my pain into purpose. I could no longer lay myself on the crouch drinking myself to death and locked up and secluded and locked up and i have a praying mother that just turned one hundred years old, yall. One hundred years old. [applause] and i have to honor her today because i wouldnt be standing here today, you all, if it wasnt for her because i wanted to give up. I wanted to die. I felt like the world had killed me when my sons life was taken and she said no, no, no, no. No, you must go on. You must go on. You must get up. You cant quit. And so, i honor my mother everywhere i go and i thank god for her and i thank god for our ferocious speaker, congressional leader that represents us here in San Francisco, that represents our nation and our country, House Speaker, not just our speaker but our friend, our sister, our mother, shes a mother, so she knows what we are feeling. She knows what we go through and thats none other than House Speaker nancy pelosi. Our congress leader. [applause] who im so dedicated and grateful to for choosing me to be one of the california electors, to cast the vote for President Biden and vicepresident , our girl kamala harris. Im grateful for you giving me that opportunity. I thank you and for our mayor london breed. [applause] and to our mayor london breed who has been a champion all through the community from aaa cc to the mayors at city hall, being our mayor at city hall, were grateful to you, mayor breed. Your heart is just full of compassion. We thank you, Speaker Pelosi, leona bridges and christine and all of that are involved every year, every year, every year, they put on a dinner for us for mothers day. We were in front of city hall protesting every mothers day because we wanted people to know what mothers day felt like. It wasnt a good day for us but because of leona bridges and the, and mayor breed and christine, we thank you guys for what you do for us at Third Baptist Church every year and dr. Amy sea brown as well. You make our mothers day happen, you do. Yes and to our chief of police, chief scott who came in and rolled up your sleeves and do work with us continually to help fight this situation that we have with crime and violence. We have a remarkable team and dont let me forget our brady team. Our brady team is on the ground 24 7, you all, 24 in legislation, and sheila hamilton, our vicepresident of organizing and kat, i always get i cant say her name right but anyway, i want you to know that everyday, everyday, every month, we are in meetings, every wednesday were in meetings, on the ground running from dc, all over the country to change legislation in this country thats going to be better for our children with the school memo project, with safer storage, okay and our governor gavin newsom who passed majority of every bill we put forward in the state of california and rudy corpuz, my brother from another mother. My partner, i want to thank you for all you do, how you always represent us mothers and how you always keep your door opens and you and misha and your staff and welcome home to all you brothers and welcome home to all of you because we mothers, we have been to san quinton and were not afraid and we went