Transcripts For SFGTV Mayors Press Availability 20170218 : c

Transcripts For SFGTV Mayors Press Availability 20170218

>> okay okay. this is is regularly of the small business commission held on monday, february 13, 2017, the meeting is called to order at 53 p.m. of small business commission thanks media skifrz and sdmovd that can be viewed on challenge 78 or member of the public please take the opportunity to silence your phones public comment is limited to 3 minutes unless established by the officers not required to and spell your last name for the record will cards will help to assure speakers names speakers will be called in the order in the basket and additionally a sign-in sheet sfgovtv can be please show the slide good evening the only new or existing business. office of small business is your first stop when you have a question about what to do next and it is the feliz so if you need assistance with small business matters start here. all of the services are free of charge the small business commission is the official public forum to talk about policies that affect the small businesses if you need assistance start here at the small business commission thank you tema call to order i want to feet that commissioner zouzounis provided 72 hours and commissioner adams commissioner dooley commissioner president dwight commissioner ortiz-cartagena is not present yet and commissioner tour-sarkissian commissioner yee-riley and commissioner zouzounis is absent mr. president, you have quorum on today's calendar and suggest necessary agendas for the commission's future consideration. commission's future consideration. (discussion item.) >> to we have my members of the public that wants to comment on anything not on the agenda seeing none, public comment is closed. okay >> item 3 discussion and possible action on legacy business registry applications and discussion and possible action to approve the following applications to the registry discussion and possible action flax and real food company and not at that particular time our presenter is from the legacy business program. >> and oh, the procedural note all applications will be considered together under the commission or public requests otherwise and will be considered as a separate item

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