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The staff that work very tirelessly through all the aspects och benefit amadministration and open enrollment and things that go on to make the system what it is on behalf of our members and to each of them individually and collectively i say thank you on behalf of the board for what you do, day in and out for our members. With that, is there any Public Comment on the annual report . Sorry ill ask for a motion to accept the annual report. Move to accept. It is properly moved is there a second. There is a second. Any comments or from the commissioners . Any Public Comment . I just wanted to add to the commendation to staff director and Department Head cathlen dodd and staff for all the incredible work. This is i think the best annual report i have seen and i have seen many over the years. This is really outstanding. Very comprehensive and again it points out the fact that we have a phenomenal number of members in our system and woe provide a remarkable number of services are very little staff and it is to really command all their dedication and thairb work and to say that we as members truly appreciate it and i know as going from a active member who truly appreciated this to retiree, our members are so grateful you cant imagine. When they know they can make a phone call to Health Service and get their problems resolved quickly it just speaks volumes because many others cant do that. I think we have one of the most efficient systems thampt is the argument we use with the mayor and everybodys else working here with very very fewincreased staff somewhat over the years but not really to keep up with the number of members. I remember when we had fewer than 50 thousand members and now we are 116,000. It is funominal but the staff has ncht increased and think we have to fight for that and also commend our finance director leaven for all the hard work she has done with the Mayors Office and efforts to sustain the budget and to get more of the funds that we need to deliver services at this level. The city does not appreciate us. I think some of the orelt employers do. I like to thank the School District and Community College does but it is for employers and they dont knee the deal they are getting and we need to let them know but this is the most fantastic annual report. Thank you very much. OtherPublic Comment . Hearing none we are ready to vote. All in favor of accepting the annual report as presented by cathlen dodd say aye. Aye. Opposed . Noted it is unanimous. Alright. Now we are into discussion item 15. 15, thank you. Report on network and health plan issues if any. Any health plan issues . I like to ask a question. Lets goplease identify yourself shannon hos united helths care and want to give a brief report on activities we have been involved in. Last week and this week we have on site at hss. We had two Service Account managers and my slf there for the benefits analyst to transfer live calls to help with resolutions as well as any call backs needed. The hss staff took a significant amount of calls while i fsh there and out of those took 85 escalations so that is a very small fraction of the calls they were handling. Out of those escalations the majority of those were cards not rvd. So were able to order cards on the spot and should be received this week by those members. There were a few rx issues to provide the pharmacy instructions or contact the pharmacy to get the medications. We had a couple benefit review, some provider education and very little in the realm and couple transition of care cases. The United Healthcare call centered handled 820 calls the first 7 days of january. The average speed of answer is 11 seconds. We had a Service Level of 95 percent. Average handle time is about 12 minutes. The call trends there, same thing we saw id cards. Some benefits review, a lot of rx inquiries. Some provider look up and then out of those calls we had 26 post call surveys completed and we had a 99 percent satisfactory rating there. Finally, we have been in direct contact with brown and tol end people inpatient and they agreed to work with us as a patient is discharged to help with a smooth transition. That is my report. Would you please stay for a moment . Sure. You are actively on site now. How long will you be . That will end tomorrow, hss agreed. We were open to extended through january but hss indicated they wont need us on site after tomorrow. Thank you. Any other questions from members of the board . Some ongoing problems with outpatient psychotherapist. They have to be a medicare provider . Yes, they do have a to be a medicare provider. These are not medicare providers. They talk about license marriage and family therapist. Medicare does not recognize. So how do you pay them . They are not covered. Not coveredthey are not medicare covered or conched at all . They were apparently covered before under the city plan. Medicare does not recognize that license right now. You do cover acupuncture. And cairo practor. We have routine and non routine or non medicare covered. That is a additional benefit above and beyond what medicare covers. The non medicare are covered . [inaudible] and then there was a problem with the supervised nursing care facility. There is very limited facilities because you hadnt i did receive that as a concern, so sth Skilled Nursing facility, the only requirement is it be medicare certified. I do did do a search in our network and sthr 158 facilities in or around San Francisco. If they go toapparently this person was looking for 1. If they go there and as long as they are medicare they have to be medicare certified. There is no the patient sends the bill then to you . The facility should bill United Healthcare. Thats it. Any other questions . You mentioned there were a couple of personal care transition issues. I think you were going to monitor your ongoing discussions to make sure providers were urged to participate and i dont know if you have any broader feeling about that in the first couple weeks. Y i dont. We have gotten a couple request sfr provider outreach. We have been able to reach out to them and they are willing to accept the plan. I just continue to urge members to Contact Customer Service or Health Service system and we need to know who they are and can make the outreaches as necessary. Again i think a concern was that a lot of the primary care providers probably do accept the plan, but the referral pattern may not know what they refer to a cardiologist or rheumtolgist so make sure the process is transparent. Right. I want to take the moment to thank you on behalf of the board for the thoroughness of your commitments and your activity through open enrollment, through the process of bringing this plan into being and we look forward to continued partnership and work wg you. Thank you. Any other Public Comment from any other plan representative . Good afternoon paul brown direct r of accountmanagement for blue shield. I have two updates i like to make brief update. This board is taking interest over the last year in cal index and there was a announcement this week i want to make you aware of. As a reminor cal index is independent nonprofit and not aa partf blue shield. Earlier this week cal index will merge with the inland empire helths Information Exchange in the river side San Bernardino area creating now what will be one of the nations largest Information Exchanges based on the number of patient reports. The combined Organization Also announced a new ceo, Claudia Williams who is former White House Technology senior advisor. She has deep experience in healthcare and Information Technology and previous served as director och health Information Exchange at the u. S. Department of helths and human services. The merger accelerates the effort to provide hospitals and physicians with realtime Health Information to provide Higher Quality care for our patients. Provide you with that update and separate unrelated update that blue shield last week closed a three year deal with Sutter Health without any member disruption ment two years ago the deal took several weeks and a lot of angst among members and able to close the deal a couple days after the last deal ended and ret rote active to january 1 and a three year deal. Thank you paul for updates on both of those items and i continue to be amazed at the changes in the cal index process. Thank you. What is the name of the organization cal index merged with . Inland Empire Health Information Exchange. Inland. So, what is the new name . Is cal index the new name or what is the new name of the organization . That is my next update because there will be a new name. It wont be inlend inempire or cal index. Is inland also non profit . Yes, same status nonprofit. Let me launch into this or hold off which i will do when you come back with the new name. Thank you. Thank you, paul. I think it makes a total 16 million lives. I think there is 16 million patient records and i think the next largest in the United States is something on the order of 12 million. If it isnt the largest is it one of the largest in the country now. Thank you and are there any other representative updates . I would like to take the opportunity to thank kaiser for what they announced at the meet ing last month regarding the allowance for people to turn in outidated or unused Prescription Drugs in the city and quounty of San Francisco. Im anxiously awaiting that opportunity at my local kaiser facility. I did not see the blue box but i know that it will be there soon and looking forward to getting rid of some och instuff. Thank you for doing that and being responsive. I hope some other Healthcare Systems that are base d in Northern California will follow your lead. Any Public Comment on the item . Dennis kruger active retired Fire Fighters spouses and widows. Two questions if i direct dlou the chair to united helthd care. First question, have they made any kind of i guess provisions for people who have long term prescription care in other facility to transfer over to United Healthcare . Three month prescriptions . The second thing is, the fact that i know now can see any doctor who takes medicare without going through my primary physician, are there steps in place so that where ever i travel all this information that is gathered by the new doctor or whatever who ever you see, will eventually get back to my primary physician . Is that up to me to do . Is that up to united heblth care to do or is that up to the doctor who you are visiting to do . Those are two questions. Thank you for the questions. The United Healthcare representative can answer those items please do. The first has to do with Prescription Drug transfers. We did take in a open refill transfer file from blue shield for the mail order and those are in our system now, so if there are refills left as of 12 31 we will pick those up and the member needs to call to reestablish them. I think the question was long term. Three months. At a Retail Pharmacy . I have one prescription i get every three months long term through mail. That is what im trying to find out. Are there provisions United Healthcare to assist people [inaudible] yes, we did transfer mail order refills. There are some drugs that cannot be transferred and require a new prescription. Also, if you have a refill left at the Retail Pharmacy you should be able to continue to fill those, just need to show the new id card. The second question was, as you are seeing doctors outside of your primary care, how do the medical records gets back to the your primary care physician. I make a guess here but i assume that is your responsibility to get those records to your primary care and that would not fall on United Healthcare to do. Since there is a implication that may be wider than the person who asked the question i ask that you research that question. I will research and bring it back next month to have clarity on that point. I will do so. Thank you very much. Any other Public Comment . Hearing and seeing none we move to 16. Iletm 16, discushz item. Tupt to place items on future agendas. Any Public Comment . Hearing and seeing none we go to 17. 17, discussion iletm. Opportunity for the public to comment on matters within sth board jurisdiction. I just want to compliment the board and executive director on their good work. We are really facing stormy waters ahead and you guys really have a touch assignment and i dont want to see the board or executive director or the Health Service system donald trumped. Thank you. Thank you, any other Public Comment . Hearing nonesorry. Seeing none Dennis Kruger active retired Fire Fighters and dependents. A talk i did earlier about catherine one thing i forgot to do is say thank you very much catherine from the Fire Fighters spouses and widows. Thank you. Thank you very much. Any other Public Comment or on the item . If not, we will move to a action iletm. Item 18, vote on whether to hold closed session for member appeal and hss executive director performance evaluation. Willing to entertain a motion. I like to make a statement before we go to closed session. This is regarding directors evaluation. This is a board of equals and no board member has the right to change anothers evaluation without their consent. Unless all Board Members are heard there is no point of the evaluation and point of feedback for the director. Without different opinions you will have group think and rubber stamping board so want to put this out there before we go into closed session. Commissioners comment and noded. Willing to entertain a motion to move into closed session. I move we go into cleezed session. Secsd. Properly moved and seconded we go into close said session. Any comments from the board . Any Public Comment . Did you want me to stay for the appeal . I wasnt hear at the first hearing. Yes. We are ready to vote. All in favor going into closed session say aye. Aye. Opposed . We like to thank each of you for being here today as we go into closed session and again, happy new year. The office of controllers Whistle Blower Program is how City Employees and recipient sound the alarm an fraud address wait in City Government charitable complaints results in investigation that improves the efficiency of City Government that. You can below the what if anything, by assess though the club Program Website arrest call 4147 or 311 and stating you wishing to file and complaint point Controllers Office the Charitable Program also accepts complaints by email or 0 folk you can file a complaint or provide Contact Information seen by whistle blower investigates some examples of issues to be recorded to the Whistle Blower Program face of misuse of City Government money equipment supplies or materials exposure activities by city clez deficiencies the quality and delivery of City Government Services Waste and inefficient government practices when you submit a complaint to the charitable online complaint form youll receive a unique tracking number that inturgz to detector or determine in investigators need Additional Information by law the City Employee that provide information to the Whistle Blower Program are protected and an employer may not retaliate against an employee that is a whistle blower any employee that retaliates against another that employee is subjected up to including submittal employees that retaliate will personal be liable please visit the sf ethics. Org and information on reporting retaliation that when fraud is loudly to continue it jeopardizes the level of service that City Government can provide in you hear or see any dishelicopter behavior boy an employee please report it to say Whistle Blower Program more information and the whistle blower protections please seek www. I have 2 job titles. Im manager of the tour program as well as i am the historyian of city hall. This building is multifaceted to say the very least its a Municipal Building that operates the city and county of San Francisco. This building was a dream that became a reality of a man by the name of james junior elected mayor of San Francisco in 1912. He didnt have a city hall because it was destroyed in the earth wake of 1906. Construction began in april of 1913. In december 1915, the building was complete. It opened its doors in january 1916. Its a wonderful experience to come to a building built like this. The building is built as a palace. Not for a king or queen. Its built for all people. This building is beautiful art. Those are architecture at the time when city hall was built, San Francisco had an enormous french population. Therefore building a palace in the art tradition is not unusual. Jimmie was an incredible individual he knew that San Francisco had to regain its place in the world. He decided to have the tallest dome built in the United States. Its now stands 307 feet 6 inches from the ground 40 feet taller than the United States capital. You could spend days going around the building and finding something new. The embellishment, the carvings, it represents commerce, navigation, all of the things that San Francisco is famous for. The wood you see in the board of supervisors chambers is oak and all hand carved on site. Interesting thing about the oak is there isnt anymore in the entire world. The floors in china was cleard and never replanted. If you look up at the seceiling you would believe thats hand kof carved out of wood and it is a cast plaster sealing and the only spanish design in an arts building. There are no records about how many people worked on this building. The workman who worked on this building did not all speak the same language. And what happened was the person working next to the other person respected a skill a skill that was so wonderful that we have this masterpiece to show the world today. Good morning

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