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This most districts are champions and Community Leaders, mayor rogers. [applause] she is the executive director of youth outside and on the go state Advisory Board, tim bailey. [applause] where did she go . We have camp david executive director of the haas fun is here. First person from the hertz foundation, Peter Whitley and nicky souter best for the Tony Hawk Foundation are mickey and peter here or are you over there . Thank you. I wasnt sure whether you would be here or there. At Skateboard Park is amazing and by the way a little bit of history did this with upper Skateboard Park in San Francisco. The very first. Now it is absolutely positively the very best. Weve got park and rec cat anderson is a good cat, you should be up with us. [applause] representing the parts all lines and Bayview Community leaders leah kim et al. But i want tomy last thank you and this is my way of starting off your witnessed some introductions is to the trust for public land. The trust for public land [applause] for those of you that dont know what they do, they are a National Organization responsible for conserving land and revitalizing urban parks. It is their commitment to our cities, our communities the most underserved of our communities that has me totally inspired inspired by their mission are headquartered here in San Francisco. So this is their favorite city. [laughing] the work they have done with us over i dont know 2030 year period is truly extraordinary. We have a saying that in the 21st century government cant do it alone to we need partners. We need Community Leaders. In ppl get such amazing dedicated committed partner that brings passion, that brings resources, that brings expertise, that brings Community History and knowledge of and sensitivity to my that brings so much to our park renovation projects. It is just a such an honor to work with them on behalf of parks, on behalf of our city and on behalf of all of you. The first person i want to bring up is a dear friend, a mentor. Someone i truly admire. The National Executive director of the trust for public land quite think goodenow is been at this for now nearly a quartercentury, will, as we discussed. Will rogers. [applause] thank you, phil. Theres a bunch of us on the make this short and sweet. But the trust for public land has been around for almost 45 years and at the heart of our mission is the belief that everyone, everyone, deserves to connect with nature close to home and remote and to connect with each other in these people natural places. That takes us from the hearts of our cities, from neighborhood parks, national parks. When we are talking out close to home, we believe that everyone in urban america should live within a 10 min. Walk of a wonderful part. This is truly a wonderful part. There so many people behind the and out there who helped make this happen. In organization that has a land for People Mission certainly focuses on the land and what we do here but we focus on the people. We are very lucky at the trust for public land of amazing people on our staff. We will hear from one of them shortly. Ill hand up i could she and her team in the Bay Area Program did amazing job here did gina fromer is out there somewhere. There you are, jean can form a california state director who put heart and soul into this as well. Thank you, gina. We also have california Advisory Board members are cochair, julie parrish, we have john parties and can more delicate thank you so much that we can do this without you. We also believe that our partners are absolutely critical. We started here in San Francisco 45 years ago and i can say that in our more than four decades of work in this city, this is the best park and Rec Department weve ever had the pleasure of working with. [applause] its no accident. Not only is still a great mc, he is also a great leader and he is put together an amazing team and we are working with him around the city and i can tell you because we do work across the country, we are so lucky to have the partnership that we have here in San Francisco. So here is do you fill and to your team. [applause] there are the people that are important as well. Frankie, without the funding, without the money to actually make these things happen, they dont happen. So this is a great opportunity to thank and acknowledge California Senate president kevin kelly on. [applause] special because were joined by the vice center deli owned without his leadership we wouldnt have the public funding that wouldve allowed us to renovate the top part where many others like it across the state. Sen. Lyons, you are how heartfelt thanks for what we been able to do here and whats happening all across california. So, thank you, sir. [applause] private funding matters as well. There are a lot of people stepped up and supported this effort. I want to name a few of them. Youth outside, with jim moore who you will hear from shortly as executive director summer california Advisory Board. The worst of your goals with foundation, jenny is here. There you are. The walter and elise haas fund. Common foundation to the william and Flora Hewlett Foundation lisa and Douglas Goldman fund Union Bank Foundation and the Tony Hawk Foundation. A big hand for all of these wonderful private donors who really made this happen. [applause] then, finally, its all about community. Bayview, this is your part. We at the trust for public land were honored to be able to help you do this renovation in joy. Enjoy it with your children. This is truly a remarkable place and i agree with, phil, this is one of the best parks in the city so, cheers. [cheerring] [applause] we are going to keep it rolling. Going to write to alexon the ground near for ppl. Of our parks for People Program and she is a person in this organization that i get the joy of working most closely with and get to talk to all the time and without her this does not happen. Alice. Thank you, phil. Thank you, everyone. What an amazing process. This took five years to get to this moment and im so joyful to see so many of you here. There is so many partners that have been deeply engaged in this process in contributing time energy, passion to make this happen so im going to give a few shout outs. There with me. First of all, i want to thank the trust for lands that. True to the garber, amazing project managed. [cheerring] yes. I dont know if she is here today get she just had a baby so i guess shes excused but, yes, she has been amazing get philip by kelly our Senior Program manager is also. And amazing in taking the project through the finish line. Our philanthropy team, other people from the [inaudible] team many of you here i see so many people that have touched this park in one way or the other. So, thank you. Other partners that i want to thank. Of course, phil and his team i have no words. I thank you so much. But, i want to thank parks and land 9124 and Hunters Point family. In particular, meyer rogers and lena miller, whomy is here representing 9124. [applause] what an honor 12 work sidebyside with them. They were so worth sort to deeply engage the community and make sure that the communitys vision was carried through the process. You can actually see everything today in the park to talk a little bit about that later. Other partners to our consultants and our contractors, who have personally been deeply invested in this and i have to say that, yes, theyre more consultant they are partners because they put all the passion into making this happen. Jeff miller, basket architect over there, and sharp the and myra, the design team wow. The part looks amazing. Grand line who design and build this amazing skate park [cheerring] yes. Fantastic max five job like over there and the boston team who make sure the park was delivered on time and the construction went smoothly so great job. So in addition theres many other partners but the ymca, thrasheri have you in here. [laughing] yes. Kipp School Habitat for humanity, familia cohen and many others. I just want to go over the Community Patient and give a few shadows pointed out a few elements in the park. The community wanted a safe place where they could be healthy and play. As you can see, improve perimeter walking paths, fitness equipment, a beautiful play area inspired by the sun and the moon kind of playing off of the sundial thing. All that you can see in the design. The community wanted to bring skateboarding back. [laughing] so as bill said, this was the first skate park in San Francisco and maybe Northern California. Theres videos of people jumping from the restrooms down into theyes. [laughing] so it was a beloved skateboardit got outdated so its beautiful to see it back. I have to give a big shout out to the skateboarding community thrasher magazine, the last big one, the Tony Hawk Foundation, sf skate and many others that have put time into helping with the design and also fundraising for making it happen. The Community Also wanted arts that reflected their identity. So we have this beautifulif you walk around you could see medallions that were created by the crucible working with students from the kipp school and girls 2000. Just very beautiful. You should go and see them. There is also a piece of art by a local artist, laliquedown in the playground. A beautiful mosaic on the wall there that was done by rachelwith some students from the kipp school. In addition to all this, the community wanted jobs. And the local labor 251 and Hunters Point family work create an Apprenticeship Program that helps people trained for construction jobs andlindai dont know if youre here but its been amazing about get some people got jobs to build the park and he did an amazing job with that. So, thank you. [applause] so i am sure by all this shout outs you can tell this has been a truly Community Driven effort. As will second that we could have done without the funding. So we appreciate so much the leadership in sacramento to work, to keep passing funding for urban greening and for doing projects like this. So we hope the next part once a week and continue to make communities livable and say. Thank you. [cheerring] [applause] thank you so much alley. Thanks for covering all the thinkers i also want to give a big shout out to the design team. Which is really amazing. Thank you, jeffrey and joe and to boston construction which did a super job on this project and i hope you all have experienced the part not just the upper level of the park the playground which it totally rocks. These amazing trails down below in Walking Access could alley talked about the sundial behind me in worker to bring up an olympic but its worth noting that these projects take a village. The skateboard art got done through because of all of you and your support of the 2012 parks bond in our Community Opportunity fund but there would not wasnt not enough money to renovate the sundial, which is the base making elements of this part. Again another big thank you to supervisor melia cohen for taking care of that for us in the last budget prospect thank you, melia. [applause] our next speaker San Francisco is really blessed because its local elective leadership are big part champions and they going to do great things at the state level where they remain park champions may work with other amazing state leaders to support park bonds. So im going to bring up our first of our many amazing collected. David two. When david was on the board, it was parks, kids, family, part kids family environment can thats what he cared about and now hes at the state level advocating for parks and is also a bayview resident raising his own family right here. So this is his part, to get ladies and gentlemen, david chiu. [applause] good morning to his bayview in the house today create the clapping weve got 94124 in the house today. Weve got community in ouster did thank you so much for being a good im honored to be here. I know weve got five elected official. We were there to do a little potty beat box dance for you but some of us lack with nick motion can not have my colleagues today to dance but i did not want to happen. I am honored to be here with your supervisor melia cohen come up with my former and soontobe colleague, scott weiner. But i want to say particular welcome to two colleagues of mine from Southern California. From the coachella and impugn the valley area the 56 is ugly district the biggest champion for parks in the state assembly is going to help us off we get more parks funding, eddie garcia. [applause] i know youve already heard about this next person but let me introduce him in the following way. He was the son of a mexican immigrant single mom. Rose through the ranks not just become any senator but the president of the Senate Pro Tem and one of the very first bills that he ever wrote was ab 31 which managed to cough up 5 million for this whole top sundial park, kevin daly own, thank you for everything. [applause] im going to be very brief and i only have three quick things i want to say get to my Southern California colleagues, you know that this is a city that leads the state when it comes to setting trends for labor, civil rights, the environment. We also since your dodgers fans, tend to win some world series world serieschampionships. [cheerring] we also have our towns. San francisco we have the densest neighborhoods on the west coast it with the least amount of open space. Were often viewed as a city of abundance but here in the bayview weve had our economic challenges that we have a former Naval Shipyard that we are cleaning up right now. We have seen half of our Africanamerican Community leave between the last two censuses. And our community, the folks you see in front of you have been fighting for this park for years. Second thing i want to say is that as bill mentioned, but not nine month old son who happens to be to be wearing a rusher magazine skateboard tshirt. My wife and i moved here to the bayview because as we all know the future of our city am i if we are successful, the bayview has to be successful. [cheerring] [applause] the last thing i just want to say is, we are here on this whole top, this is the highest Vantage Point here in the southeast neighborhoods and i think it reminds many of us of a mountaintop. What did Martin Luther king say about a mountaintop queen of place where mothers and fathers of all backgrounds can come together. So that their children from all races can come together and play. That is what represents justice for our kids. The fact of the matter is when i bring my son here who is the grandson of a chinatown Public Housing resident, to play with the kids were grandkids of the son of a mexican immigrant single mom, kevin daly on. Herewith the africanamerican mothers who made this happen. That is what justice is about. [cheerring] [applause]. So i cannot thank you enough and with that, its my honor to bring up a woman who trulyyou got all the selected visuals i can but theres one woman here who had the vision, who worked with her fellow colleagues to make this happen. You know who i am talking that she helped start parks 24124. None94124. Sorry. [laughing] how to ruin that one. [laughing] none other than the famous maja rogers did i brought with me from the California State Assembly its her certificate of recognition for her leadership, for her service, or generosity of time and energy. Her unwavering dedication and her vision get maja rogers, please come up to be honored. [cheerring] [applause] im going to cry. As i look around i see so many people that have supported me and josh frida andjet li and leah. Even though some might not be present, i feel like this was our vision. We wanted a part that would be great for our kids and it really truly has taken a village to this point. I mean, i look at my family is out. And im like excuse me [crying] [cheerring] [applause] my family has supported me and the family that i worked with all this time on this project that have been like my family. People that came to meetings at 6 am at p. M. After work. People that watched my baby when i did meetings get all those people i want this part four. I just want everyone, each, the mary, hug someone you dont know. [laughing] [cheerring] thank you. [applause] for the record i do know are good i just wanted the whole. [laughing] a few more introductions and thank yous before bringing up our next speaker. Representing our mayor, who is on his way back from seoul and also an elected member of our school board and also a bayview resident, the amazing hydra mendoza is here. [applause] i want to take this kind of a little bit of a moment here because i would be remiss if i did not think my own staff. There are so many partners are commissioner pres. Mark mule says that paris has many parents. Defeat is an orphan but victory has many parents fear there are many hands that made this work and we are celebrating a lot of people i want to celebrate the hardworking park and rec stuck it out to start with our own project manager who with every project she touches you brings a smile as much passion and goodison at marion cross did i got there, marion. Give a wave. [applause] to the leader of the team that is charged with maintaining this space along with all of the other amazing truly amazing parks in this neighborhood, Robert Watkins. Robert was born in this neighborhood. Grew up in this neighborhood. Cares about this neighborhood and leads the Parks Department in this neighborhood so thank you, robert. I also want to thank all of the folks who helped us put this event together. The guy standing right in the middle here is holding that camera, right there, joey kong. Believe it or not visiting facebook live, tweetedsomething is going to facebook life and millions of people are at home all around the world watching this park opening. So thank you for joey for not moving doing the entire presentation. [applause] all right. Back to a little bit of a more serious theme here which is getting our kids outside and connecting them to nature. Giving them a safe amazing place to play. The sad fact of the matter amateur we phone thingy notwithstanding, kids they spent about nine hours a day behind the screen. Less than 30 min. A day outside. So building them safe spaces natural spaces where our kids can touch dirt, can climb a tree i think youre not supposed to do that but where they can climb a tree [laughing] with a can just be outside this super important and our next speaker is someone who really leads that mission on behalf of an Amazing Organization called youth outside. She also was on the trust for public land c Advisory Board. Tims entire focus and purpose in her professional life is to give kids from underserved neighbors, kids that do not have as much of an opportunity to really enjoy and appreciate nature that special experience. So im proud to introduce kim. [applause] width thank you so much, phil. Before i jump into width i do so much coming listening to my talk, when we first started the conversation about youth outside supporting the project we did a tour and maja joined us. I knew that she was one person representing so many different voices of this community and really spoke from a place that understood the importance of creating this space. So it is my honor to sit next to her and i say youre going to be a tough act to follow. I just want to echo again my deep appreciation for everyone thats made this happen. I also want to recognize ive aboard number in the audience and hes outside dan martin. I really i brought the idea to the board but it was its the vision and the understanding of my board to approve the funding to support this. So to dan and my other youth outside port numbers, thank you so much. [applause] so at youth outside we believe a meaningful extent in nature changes the course of a life. We counsel, coach and fund thought leaders and thought leaders and organizations that are ensuring that you have a real opportunity to partake in these meaningful expenses in the outdoors. So as an organization we have two focus areas. One area is around cultural relevancy programs. Making sure that organizations are supported in the journey to connect underrepresented youth to major in meaningful ways. Our other focus areas grantmaking. We currently support around 20 organizations in Northern California allowing them to take young people from these underrepresented communities on outdoor experiences. We also have a unique opportunity to fund the parks and other access opportunities to nature. That is really where the conversation with gina began and how to use outside could be someone that could address the barrier of resources here in this community. The part of our mission is to connect youth to nature by providing these resources. For years ive personally been familiar with the power of the trust for public land. It was exciting moment again when we realize this real synergy and we could partner not only with trust for public land, what San Francisco recreation and parks. Really importantly, with the opportunity to partner with this community. To be able to support our mission and align with the trust for public lands mission that will mentioned about creating a part that is within a 10 min. Walk just absolutely seem like a nobrainer for this wonderful project. So again congratulations to all of you who made it happen. It takes a community to not only build the park, but to really embrace it and make it sustainable. So its exciting to see everyone here should be please dont come into this market make it your own. Abrasive every day. We did we get into the fabric of your life you absolutely deserve it and congratulations, again. [applause] all right. I had the great honor of introducing the first of our two special guests from Southern California who are visiting celebrating parks dedicate some women and waldo garcia with the youngest elected mayor of coachella at the age of 29, i believe. An amazing, an amazing accomplishment. Coachella is the home of the second best Music Festival in california. A little outside lands up there. [laughing] [inaudible] [off mic] but while there is much that divides people today among the one thing that unites dodger fans and giant fans, coachella fans an outside land fans, is parks. As some women perseid is the true leader in the urban parks movement. Has already introduced one piece of legislation i think last year or the year before i think was 24 ab 2444 and i know he is great plans in the coming legislative session to make sure that all of our communities get the support from the state that we need to make our parks great and accessible for everyone. Its my honor to introduce at 10 garcia. [applause] good morning. It is way too early to debate and argue whos got the best concert in the world, but [laughing] think you for the warm welcoming although im sitting here freezing my little tail off right there. I like to hug everybody i see just because im cold. Its great to be here. Thank you San Francisco for the welcoming and its a great pleasure to be district mr. Weiner [inaudible] [off mic] okay. Our supervisor. We left coachella on thursday and had been driving all the way up to get here today to be part of a number of different events and i can tell you this one was the one we were looking for two good as mayor, one of the things we are most proud of is the refurbishment and the development of new parks throughout the entire city. As we drive around the community, that is one thing that is there to my that is visibly seen by everybody including myself, when you see all the children and all the families out there taking advantage of the space. Thats why at the state level made a very strong commitment to continue to work on the advocacy for parks as it relates to economically challenged communities. Thats what brings us together at the state legislature with many of our colleagues. I am committed to our district as i am to your district and the rest of the state to continue to push for funding so that we can continue to build these parts. Im going to be brief i just want to say thank you for walking the welcoming the jews. And we look forward to working with all of you. Thank you. [applause] yes, it is called to you been sitting for a while so will keep this moving. Our next speaker i induced in earlier. Hes a Deputy Director of california state Parks Department, cedric metric i want to Say Something about cedric all of you but more important to all of you are state leaders. You should have incredible confidence in our state Parks Department. Their ability to reach out to our localto our cities and to the local Parks Department and to work with us on grants and resources in communities that need it most good this all works because of the great communication and outreach and partnership between the state and local levels. Cedric is absolutely one of the best and am proud to bring him up. [applause] are you feeling good right now, say, yes. This is a celebration say, yes. [cheerring] it deals like only yesterday at a young a summary number called me before he started running the world, still deli on calling into his office and began to talk about his vision. He had this passion about wanting to make sure that people have access to the outdoors that parts will be where people are living the parks will be will people can enjoy them. That parks would be in communities and neighborhoods. But little did he know when he introduced peaceably 31 that said about a movement in the state. Because for the first time in the States History thousands of people met in Community Centers and in homes and neighborhoods just as they did right here in this location. They met and i talked about their vision for the future. They talked about for the first time healing the wounds of a neighborhood and taking responsibility and same, we deserve the opportunity to have great things and that our children and our childrens children deserve greatness in their lives also. Parks are a refuge for making that happen. So today this is a celebration, not just because you are getting this but understand that there were 3 billion in request over 900 applications and we view those as 900 dreams that came forward. That today you celebrate as one of the few who came and rose to the top, Hughes Community said we deserved it and we will do everything that we need to do to show the world that parks matter. So when i say im a say yes, you need to be saying it pristine point that this is not just about opening a term in this part. This is about celebrating a movement, an opportunity that you are leading the state in setting the example of what can happen when communities believe in themselves. So what do you want to say clete say, yes, for we one more time [cheerring] say, yes for me one more time [cheerring] uniquely echoing of voice the bridges across the bay to ease they understand whats happening here today. You need to make certain that the folks in Southern California understanding the power of what community means. This is all revisited. This represents the opportunity for communities to rise again. This represents hope in america. When we talk about social justice, this is the action of social justice is happening around the states. It is happening. Once again, you say what clete [cheerring] you say what clete [cheerring] you say what clete [cheerring] the power of parks. The power of opportunity the power of community. Understand, that this facility is grass and is playgrounds. But the how of any part or its people. So when you make a noise today, what you are doing is you are setting the spirit of what is going to be like for generations to come. When you come to this part the wings of your spirit should exist here. So the spirit that you do today matters. The fact that you met in those neighborhoods and the fact that youthat you had those meetings at peoples homes, the fact that you are here today celebrating this moment is more than just an opening to is a movement. Its a Movement Towards social justice. Its a Movement Towards making certain that all people have the opportunity to engage in gods gift. You all are to be celebrated for your efforts. On behalf of california state parks, i want to thank you for letting me be a partner in that effort and letting our team be a part of get your part of the state state parks family and thank you for all that youve done. [applause] he is all right, . . [cheerring] just another one of those convoy parks people. No it was good yes, say, yes. [cheerring] all right. A couple of more thank you zen idolaters good to see all those folks at the rockclimbing wall over there . Therefrom San Francisco recreation parks division. That is our mobile rockwell could be taken everywhere. I the hardest working recreations that anywhere in the state. So even all you grownups you can get on it it works. I been up there. It is good. Last but not least i want to acknowledge and introduce my Dear Colleague and friend and also elected official in San Francisco Community College trustee alex randolph. [applause] we are coming to the home stretch your and am now very very pleased to introduce our senator elect who i think in less than 48 hours will be the newest state sen. From San Francisco. Scott and i have known each other for a very long time going back four days working in the City Attorneys Office together. Hes an awesome guy. He really really really cares about parks. Very early in his career there something about scott. Scott shows up. It doesnt matter whether its in his district were not in his district. Its about part its about kids if its about quality of life, scott shows up. Because of his bottle leadership and advocacy San Francisco sparks are better. So it is my honor to introduce scott weiner. [applause] good morning. So, yes, i have a little more than 48 hours left in the board of supervisors although there are some people in my district might be dancing a jackpot that thought, hopefully most are not. I just want to say before i introduce our honored guest today, center daily on, i want to just think two people in the ticketed first of all Phil Ginsburg who i agree is just such an amazing job. [applause] it is not easy to run a parks system in San Francisco. This guy gets beaten up a lot. I think more than politicians sometimes. He and his team just do tremendous work in improving parks in San Francisco. I also just want to thank my soontobe former colleague, melia cohen who fights so hard for the southeastern neighborhoods and never ever let the rest of us at city hall remember that we have a responsibility to make sure that all of the San Francisco are integrated together and that the southeastern neighborhoods always get the resources that these communities need so thank you supervisor cohen for your leadership. [applause] why the great honor of introducing my soon to be colleague and the leader of the California State Senate center kevin daly on. Sen. , im so looking forward to working with you as we in california provide a counterbalance to whats going to come at us from washington dc. We have a lot of work to do here in california and i know were going to be a strong progressive voice not just for california, but for the country to make clear what our values are in this state. So i look forward to that. [applause] i know that we are also going to Work Together to make sure that the state is supporting our urban centers. We know that our city needs a lot of help in particularly, communities that have not received the resources they need in the past. Whether in San Francisco or in oakland or los angeles, we need to make sure that we are working hard to support all communities. So center daily on as youve heard our third ab 31 when he was a member of the assembly took his first look at that sign into law. That delivered 400 million to irvine park projects. We know that whether in the bayview were in the mission or in the sunset we, our parks are our front yards. When you live in the city you dont always have a front yard or a backyard great place for your kids to play and get exercise and not get diabetes because we know that we need kids to be active and parks help us to do that. When we dont invest in our parks and the parts get dilapidated people are less health. Communities are less integrated. So these investments matter so much and we work hard in San Francisco to invest in our parks but we need support in the state and center daily lyons has been there for us and for so many other communities in california so it is a great honor 2 my future colleagues sen. Kevin daly on. Sen. [applause] thank you so very much, scott. Its an honor and pleasure to be here with each and every one of you here today in the beautiful glorious event date. A lot of folks dont know but i actually used to live in San Francisco. I used to live over on front of the panhandle on fell street and st. Ignatius was my turn. Youve done a great job [cheerring] you done a great job of Golden Gate Park so i go there every single weekend. It is quite a phenomenal. I got a little confused because i thought Phil Ginsburg was the owner of hills coffee [laughing] i was actually waiting for my phils coffee. Do you have a Wonderful Group of individuals here today and i just cant say enough about two of my colleagues, currently in the sum your smb member for this area, david chiu from San Francisco andfrom patel about all the way from Southern California, adjacent to the Mexican Border this to garcia to really fantastic legislators who really work hard every day for each and every one of you. [applause] im looking to spending a lot of time quality time with my future colleague could we will be replacing the great sen. Mark leno. Scott weiner is going to do a fantastic job. If its an indication would you done in the city and county of San Francisco we are looking for to his progressive voice of the state capital representing each and every one of you. Melia, if we had number two to meet each other just a few months ago in the Mission District at an event we Work Together at. Im excited to work with melia as also to get she done a fantastic job and the fact that born and raised in this area, to his testament to your strong leadership. Lets give it up for these wonderful elected officials. [applause] to cedric, Mitchell Thomas Cedric Mitchell and i had over two to meet each other for the first time 10 years ago. That was a decade. I want you to note because its important to understand this. Prior to that the culture at the department of recreation and park in sacramento was not as inclusive of urban areas in diverse communities. Cedric, mitchell, when we were together with ab 31 really push the ball within the institution and really made him understand and realize that we need to Work Together and collaborate together to make this kind of relationship i want to thank Cedric Mitchell as well for all your very hard work and your future Work Together. [applause] now im good using the following. The idea or the thesis or the vision, if you will for ab 31 was the following that every single child, the young men and women sitting behind us here today and the young girls who danced for us today and all of the kids playing here today, every single child, your respective of who you are, where you come from, the queue of your skin, the language that you speak of your zip code, and yes, your legal status, deserves access to open parks and open space. [applause] your financial wherewithal should never dictate if you have access to natural beauty. We know the reality whether its in the bay area and Southern California or elsewhere, how much money you have in your pocket in your account dictates if you access to the coast, if you access to fresh clean air that you breathe into your lungs from if you access to trees and shade if you have access to grass. Unless you do unless you move policy with intentionality into a sense of purpose of the Market Forces will never allow children at the lowest economic strata especially children of color, to have access to great parks and open space. Because their parents that work every single day to make this the largest economy in the nation to my california the fifth largest economy in the world, they dont have the luxury to go to rei and pull up either end how the quattro seven or subaru were able and by a cargo box and put it on top and go tothree hours to pristine open land. I want to give a lot of credit to trust for public land a lot of credit in the leadership of will rogers. I want to give leadership to will rogers and the right folks at trust for public land. [applause] because ppl has really changed the paradigm. They have taken advantage incredibly soap of the ab 31 really move the ball to great parks all over the state of california. As a result with ab 31 recreated 131 brandnew parks but the state of california. Parks that were never in existence to begin with that gives Young Children as we said a few moments ago, Public Health outcomes. Weeding clean air into your lungs. Type ii diabetes, obesity, these are real issue. Active and passive parks. When we change the makeup of our communities young men and women latinos africanamericans, asianamericans, poor whites, they themselves are thinking, i deserve good things. I deserve access to parks. And skate parks. Not just some kids from certain areas. But i deserve access to green parks. As ed ward oh and david and scott soon, and melia and other folks and Community Leaders like mayor and other folks as we Work Together with the overall ecosystem is how do we raise the minimum wage . Adweek have access to green parks and open space we highly open enrollment at the slots at the university of California Creek had we go for with our Clean Energy Policies we can generate real job squeak as part of an overall ecosystem with intentionality and purpose. Lastly im very proud to say that some remember Eduardo Garcia with the support of summary member david chiu many colleagues in the assembly and i in the senate along with my good friend coming up scott weiner will be introducing a bond measure to create more parks for the state of california for the year 2018. [applause] [cheerring] so, phil, i want to thank you very much for your energetic and seen today for your leadership here in the city and county of San Francisco. For maintaining our parks, creating new parks and for all the young boys and girls here today, in this area, bayviewHunters Point, this is dedicated for each and every one of you because you deserve it. With that, thanks every one. Thank you. [applause] welcome and you want to come up and join us real quickly and scott and melia if im going to introduce you next week on of maybe buried the lead here, kevin. Thank you for your leadership and your commitment to equity get really thats what its about making sure that kids no matter what neighborhood you grew up in, no matter what your circumstances in life are that you have access to green space into an opportunity to play. So that it is part that they got down there with our kids playing right now, is honored in learning to theres a plaque down there that the trust for public land the recreation and park the barman and the city selected family have put on a playground and it honors your legacy of leadership to make sure all californians have axes to parks is a places to plague so this is your special place. Thank you. [applause] now, to bring it home, to bring him and evolving weeding incredibly patient and we thank you but this is such an important space, and we want everybody to have a chance to feel it. But to bring it home, is our District Supervisor here, melia cohen is just a champion for so much thats sort of good and joyful she wants kids to be healthy. She wants kids to play and together we have been able to partner in this district for what i would call renaissance of bayview parks. Not just here, but melia is leading the effort with us and ppl down at india basin. We just renovated gilman park would a brandnew soccer park at youngblood part after part after part melia has been fighting to make sure the kids and families in her district have as good a parks as anyplace else in the city and in such an honor to partner with you, molly. So, bring it home. [applause] i will be honest its cold sitting in the shade. [laughing] im envious of all you out there in the sun. So youve already heard from the distinguished panel and i want to add my voice and saying thank you. I want to recognize phil and the entire ginsburg and frankly, the kids and your wife always come to park and rec events. Thank you very much for dedicating your lives to not only the San Francisco but to parks and open space. The entire park and Rec Department staff to my thank you. Theres one settlor in particular i always joke that by saying he is a was daviss entire life. You may not know the story but Robert Watkins was trimming a tree and fell from the tree and broke a lot of bones, and barely survived. He is back down to six lives now. Were going to pray for him that he has no more desire to climb trees. No more trees. But you know what the truth is . This happened give a lot of accolades to the electives and to the nonprofit sponsors that i want to give voice and recognition to the small but Mighty Community neighbors that started the conversation back in 2010. I remember we were candidates and if you remember that race, there were totaled22 candidates running for district 10 supervisor. Josh freel was one of them. It was after a debate that i think the trust for public lands sponsored where we began to discuss why there are so many failing parks in district 10. Why there are so many failing parks in district and with underperforming records and scores. After the election, jeffrey came to meet the said amount of start parks 94124 which is will a communitybased organization. It started. We made the introduction to fill ginsburg welcome them into the parks family get ppl welcome them and thats where it began. The hard work. So i want to recognize maja, who is at the helm now. [applause] mayor rogers, but i also want to recognize gina fromer, who is from the bayview. We got ed stewart here. Icq. The federal. A couple girls here. Viamolly, vanessa, theres an incredible amount of people that are not on the stage but stand behind me and stand next to me that are causally pushing and moving us forward. You know who else deserves recognition quick than it was at the bottom of this hill in shoreview. The neighbors that shortly. I met with them in 2013 about what we were going to do about this part. I grew up here in San Francisco so this part is actually very personal. Im delighted to see we maintained the cement slab could believe it or not thats hours of fun. Dangerous or not its still fun. [laughing] you heard from the speakers before me, but its clear this project is a beautifuli mean fill ginsburg called me and texted me this week giddy about how he was so excited about whats happening on saturday and what we are doing. You know what, i would be remiss we need to reckon eyesit takes a village to make all this happen. Electives, public, private dollars, everyone that is rolled up their sleeves and people here outofdate bayview hill Neighbors Association and the bayview hill residence, thank you very much. [applause] august made this happened in reality. This is personal. As you know, other you might remember the sundial is part of a neighborhood character. This is an iconic location. When you say what you live . I live here the sundial people know what that means right. People know what that means you need me at the sundial. That means something so to be able to be divided give it new life means something. So no longer are we going to be sitting back on the sideline saying thats not for us. This is for us. This is creative for us to if you were born here, raised here, he played here, this is for you. If you were raising children in the community, this is for you. This is not for future generations this is for the people that are here and now. So why dont we are people telling me that this is nice but this is not for us. Because that is not true. It is for the Indigenous People of San Francisco and for a long time the southeastern neighborhoods have suffered great lack of improved modern parts. Those guys are gone. Im telling you, we are not losing. We are no longer losing good we are at the forefront. There is momentum that is moving us forward and we are winning. We are winning. [applause] weve got the momentum and were going to continue to carry it and make sure that every part is the every park in the southeast of San Francisco every part in San Francisco will be clean, well be safe, and it will be a fun place for everyone to have fun. So in the last three years i dont know if you knew this, we opened three new parts the southeast. Acheson this year alone. Three. Im proud to be part of this effort with park and rec to transform open space and little books and parks in the Bayview Community and the southeastern part of the city. The parks theres no secret they do transform lives and they transformation occurs at the intersection of where people and Community Come together. They work with electives. So all of us who frankly should be excited about this accomplishment to preserve the treasured space for generations, to come to the community, and you know what, thats enough of the speeches. Lets cut this ribbon. Lets get ready to open up this park and bless this place. Lets get started, both good thank you. Lets give it up for melia. [cheerring] were going to come down. Everybody ready . Five, four, three, two, one. [cheerring] congratulations everybody. The office of controllers Whistle Blower Program is how City Employees and recipient sound the alarm an fraud address wait in City Government charitable complaints results in investigation that improves the efficiency of City Government that. 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Org and information on reporting retaliation that when fraud is loudly to continue it jeopardizes the level of service that City Government can provide in you hear or see any dishelicopter behavior boy an employee please report it to say Whistle Blower Program more information and the whistle blower protections please seek www. Selfplanning works to preserve and enhance the city what kind hispanic the environment in a variety of ways overhead plans to fwied other departments to open space and land use an urban design and a variety of other matters related to the physical urban Environment Planning projects include implementing code change or designing plaza or parks projects can be broad as proipd on overhead neighborhood planning effort typically include public involvement depending on the subject a new lot or effect or be active in the final process lots of people are troubled by theyre moving loss of theyre of what we preserve to be theyre moving mid block or rear yard open space. One way to be involved attend a meeting to go it gives us and the neighbors to learn and participate dribble in future improvements meetings often take the form of open houses or focus groups or other stinks that allows you or your neighbors to provide feedback and ask questions the best way to insure youll be alerted the Community Meetings sign up for the notification on the website by signing up using youll receive the notifications of existing request the specific

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