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Supervisor i will reprioritize the issues weve discussed and make at translated a priority and make sure we have Traffic Signals on all blocks if the geary tunnel to ocean beach and timed so traffic can move across geary and pedestrian can cross the streets without aware of getting hit by a car and timed traffic signal lights in the corridors balboa park be fulsome, clemente and california street cleaning we want to go back 20 20 times a week i know that is a problem for people to move their cars this is not help the cleanliness and not a safe situation i want to increase streets cleaning a remove litter off the sidewalks as soon as possible i want to make sure that graffiti is removed off the street the graffiti that litters the neighborhood and spreads all over i want to working closely what other folks to get large items moved offer the sidewalk as soon as possible so we dont see that for days as a time for infrastructure i want to make sure we allocate the funds to have the funds necessary to replace the roads and sidewalks and park we do not need to spend infrastructure money to have bonds to be paying and a yearly basis and increase parking in the neighborhood by prioritizing parking and garages so that residents have places to park and businesses can encourage people if outside the district to hop here because we have parking i want to increase the distribution have distribution of krooirld waters through the the neighborhood to have kriernd water to water airing our trees and clean the trash cans and cars this allows us not to use precious drooeng water and especially because of drought over the last couple of years so i canned make you any specific promises all i can do to be fair to everybody in the district and alone listen to concerns and finds objectives of the people in the district i will working hard to make sure that the issues are taken care of and i will have a District Office in the neighborhood you dont see me only ones every 4 years but every week if you want fair and responsible government you want someone that will treat People Fairly and a clean and safe neighborhood i urge you to check this out when your deciding how want to represent you as youre next supervisor in our district thank you. Hello shalom my name is Ricky Greenberg thank you foe allowing me to introduce myself to you im new to politics but not new to serving the public i moved to San Francisco 15 years and brought experience im a proud husband and father all over the place now want to be youre next supervisor important the richmond and represent you at city hall i was born in new york and i learned to be are respect fell hard working and challenge my capacities scientific minded and in the arts and music im a team player and worked independently fast forward in any profession i learn a knowledge by helping people to come up with pa plan together and put that plan in motion the past 27 years ive helped over one thousand empires mom and pop and nonprofit startups release their dreams nationality and not english as a second language he myself speak four english, french and hebrew i traveled to many parts of the world put me at great Virginia Western Community college and have a worldly perspective seeing first hand ive earned a reputation of pragmatic and honest and afraid and have a realistic vision and stick to my promises and say im sorry when im wrong why do i want to be a periphery it is a natural presentation from Offering Services to the public and now a Public Servant ive been where arent by doing on excellent job over 27 years and give back to the community it here are 3 of the many issues to address making our city affordable this is an obvious goals that politicians mention but none has ill take real work to make that happen and keep costs down and salaries higher we cant control salaries ill fight to stop the rising costs and fight adding more and more takes and assessing products and i will fight higher operating costs for Small Businesses because those higher costs would be passed on to us making San Francisco not Affordable Housing i want to insure the best balance between Affordable Housing and all housing being built we cant build homes fast enough a force the barandgrills to blt build them with prices we can affordable ill work on Solutions Including building taller projects in the appropriate areas and tough over shortterm rentals adding to our housing shortage and Public Safety we are a society plagued with distractions not only taking personal responsibility for the use of social ability and texting while driving and walking but support of Law Enforcement in cracking on violators in kevin our city safe and gynecologists and pedestrians save im a strong supporter of spairt bike lanes i can be firm whether against the same thing policy and moreover we need to insure our Police Department is fully staffed for the richmond and for the fury cops walking the cadet we need them and in addition seriously address the Employment Practices of local startups and fight to stoppage gender for hiring of salaries by enforcing the laws we should be hired and paid equally the current board of supervisors is proposed laws and policies bans making a statement to be first in the nation to me id rather make sure the policies make sure and not just proposed so friends truly a pleasure to share this time please visit richie that will be an honor the responding needs richie and thank you shalom. Hello ill jonas candidate for district one nile slogan and bio my supervisor qualifications and my agenda first, id like to urge you to visit jonas for supervisor 2016. Com and my values and one hundred agenda items media slogan make San Francisco green, clean and great i believe that government should be efficient better city and introduce as much as possible to serve the resources for future generations my bio the Clean Technology with legal experience a San Francisco resident for thirty years and in the richmond for 20 i am married with commissioner moran and our goal with rainwater i own an electrical bicycle i built will myself i have judge pro tem 14 years as Vice President to the golden gate as telethon for side richmonds a long term active member in an organization my experience and interest is a Global Warming population lobbyist and public speaker and writer on energy and the environment and future technology a long time supporter im a lifetime registered independent and Practice Campaign or more and rough to accept Campaign Money my this of the law my lifelong environment of involvement that my many years of neighborhood a in numerous Neighborhood Organization my integrity by my unbelched reputation and refusal to lie and answering all questions as eventually act biden as possible and on the principles and not by political will my privilege are as follows the Community Sustainability founded on conservation planning for sound Economic Development and Community Safety which involves assuring all measures to prevent future and property crime and Resource Sustainability which requires conferring Natural Resources foyer future yagsz and wellbeing that is sharing all reasonable steps for health care and schools and levying that calls for insuring everyone full and equal opportunity and for employment and selfimprovement based on those privileges my political proprietors are personal responsibility and safety and Resource Management health and education and equal respect milestone my original and there are approximately, one hundred ideas environmental conservation, fiscal responsibility. Good Governance Health and family, homelessness housing, planning for the future, quality of life richmond specific ideas, safety, and transportation i recognitions i dont have the time to identify a perfect idea that are the embedded within a few minutes youll be able to scion any copy with action proposed for each item and the reason for item item you can read feasted check out the website ive enjoyed talking with i hope youll look at any website address have an agenda that will help make San Francisco lien, clean and green thanks very much. Im bryan larkin as in the street im once again running for the board of supervisors ive lived in the richmond since 1985 with my wife deb raised our daughter and attended Public Schools the majority to high school to third julian went to a the oldest ones graduate from the university of San Francisco and im on engineer by exercise and semi retired with chevron and more than 11 years with other company i started to seek employment in the 80s when i realized highway it would be awarding to work on Public Transit my main reason for running any advanced age is the same to bring unknown muni to the responding before i continue on the subway plan b a little bit about the board of supervisors the 11 members have representatives in the district and 5 probable progressive district and district one that is the swing district as such a lot of leverage from the muni rail we have not seen that i will be willing to work with the progressives and moderate to reach the goals but with achieving substantive improvements for the Richmond District back the muni retro the part of San Francisco is the only part that didnt have the metro rail serve the 50 thousand plus with the geary lines it takes someone like me that lives in the outer responding to get downtown to the bus from lafayette a long time speaking of long times by elect day im going to be an official Senior Citizen and will be an imempathetic voice people have their special challenges and agencies recognize that and provide support staffed by younger people that know about outlined age from reading something not the case with me, im living it more and more everyday im advocating this year the same things in 2008, but this time with more sense is urgency from the pressure to increase honoring housing density through the Affordable Housing and especially long corridors and geary boulevard i hear a crisis and get neurotic the first causality is arent and reason in 2008, on this stage forum i stated this is like desirable practices to live without the infrastructure and increased density can make it overcrowded along with better transportation and the other improvement in infrastructure underground or overhead illustrates half has this done and the richmond is not on the schedule there is little chance any of the improvements without the district one oldtime advocate indeed a champion i want to be that champion vote for me on november 8th ill take our second or third place but remember larkin like the street. Hello, im andy im a candidate for the board of supervisors in district one like most richmond neighbors and most san franciscans my own are tenants by far too many san franciscans were crushed by little scarcity weve been evicted twice in the 21st century by local homes two families one home just people trying to live in San Francisco pushing on each because not enough housing to go around im committed to project the housing and strengthen the tenants sustainability measures for everyone including Small Businesses and Public Institutions but we have to build more housing for more people at all affordability levels and create nor Affordable Housing for our neighbors but an you are not need tore teaches and Police Officers and bus drivers and nurses and cooks if you cant afford marketrate you need Affordable Housing that drives a huge crush and future san franciscan we need to work to relieve the housing crush to the bottom and the middle all san franciscans and first, we need to vigorously shape the Housing Project for a fair share and increase the neighborhood Users Community planning and health i think that geary boulevard can can get taller with the right transportation choices and solid infrastructure speaking of transportation im energeticly ready to have a muni system that people dont just tolerant muni but go out of their way to use it shape our streets so making a trip by bicycle is more convenient and comfortable than by car and causeandeffect is safe and pollutant and dignified and the Human Experience of wondering is protected and elevated as transportation advocate and the city starve ive made a career out in the Community Neighbors and advocates, institutions and businesses to shape a sustainable city save healthy streets are foundational i whorling endorse vision zero and support the focus on addressing and 4r50e789 serious related traffic injuries and death loss of a life to a hitandrun is unsurmountable and the shape and managing of the street is essential i love the city i love the business of running the city and helping to help it flourish and adopting and evolving for tomorrow and beyond im a proven and well regarded leader and accomplished explainer and listen Internal Revenue he go to work everyday to make the streets and neighborhoods more safe and more i partner with the people of all neighbors where empathy seeking a building consensus and passion im working on some of the citys busiest issues housing, save streets and sustainable infrastructure and more im well seasoned and broadly engaged in San Francisco and at all levels if outside city hall ive worked from inside city hall and spent years working with directors and staff the board of supervisors and their staffs the Mayors Office the sfpd and Community Groups and business groups and organizing get actual things done im already getting things done working with any neighbors and ready to step up ill be howard to have your full consideration had you cast our vote this fall. Fooimz a sam im running for the board of supervisors richmond. Im born and raised if hong kong and graduating if a high school my family moved to San Francisco i considered my education and graduated from uc berkley after working for several architectural firms i started my business in 1985 and returning for the board of supervisors i want to bring no nuisance leadership to city hall with no business experience in the city as a Small Business owner and a listens architect i see struggles of Small Business trying to starter their business and working hard parents struggling with their kids i also see the frustrations of young graduates and seeking a foot hold in the bay area city hall needs candidates that have will there ill be your advocate because im and licensed architect i have hands on know of signing and Building Code Building Code and did planning code and solve the housing crisis of the city as a resident of the richmond i feel that the west side is the forgotten side why former supervisors are claiming not squalling for a comprehensive planning study is an embarrassment when the Planning Department conducted the study in 2009 looking back at the impact of neighbors with the commercial zoning and the 20 years recommended Community Driven you updates control nothing was done im not going to allow that seven years has pads passed we need to take action the Richmond District is lucky that we have a valuable asset geary boulevard a wide street has a lot of potential to create housing but Infrastructure Improvements such power has to be in place the current sfmta plan for the business Rapid Transit is weak it fails to address the future housing growth and long term vision to have the underground that did west side will not be forgotten side if im elected i will be the immigrant that will represent the district our district is diverse with many long time residents and being an immigrant im sensitive to the needs of those residents are with limited english skills and make sure the issues effecting the city are communicated to the resident in their native language a member of the Bicycle Coalition were spending a lot of money on bike lanes and not addressed the need for secured parking throughout the city we need to encourage more secure parking and the only way that will be the only way that cycling will become angle alternative to driving with regards to building and Navigation Center in the richmond im opposed to it two key factors a mentally ill did moving the homeless to the Navigation Centers solve those problems where are they getting the drugs are we getting get rid of the drug dealers and future the lands for the Navigation Center is says and take a long time for neighborhoods my solution to have immediate heirs source that will bypass this process my solution is to create a vessel when you call a ship that already has cabins and bathrooms and kitchens in place this will be the real solution for providing shelter for the hopeless id like to have our vote im sam quan running for the richmond. High my name is marston im running for frifr in the responding district i was born in the responding and raising my three children i want them to live here right now i dont see that im running to seek family and keep working people in the city im with the Law Enforcement organizations firefighters and police and deputy sheriffs and proud to be enforced by fiance moss and District Attorney George Gascon and assessor recorder chiu, i have over 20 years of Public Services and for the last 10 years ive operated my business in San Francisco in strategy communicates and if you have any questions, well be happy to answer theming the affordability crisis is pushing out working people and widely agreement with the problem too many of us friends and neighbors are moving out of the city we love we need to talk about displacement and homelessness by protecting rentcontrolled units and build nor housing we have an Infrastructure Structure in the addressed specifically enough our budget is at a alltime high and doing better to invest in transportation and fixing potholes were spending a lot of money but need to generated nor solutions other than pollution evidence you find shattered gallows grace on the sidewalk we need to insure our Police Department is fully staffed and fined i feel that is an engagement of preview dialogue with the Richmond Police station my First Political mentor tom again and again said to me the first responsibility of a servant is to help the job of a supervisor is nonpartisan im not running as an activist too much city hall can be bogged down in a philosophical arguments it can get in the way even if nonpartisan such responding to constituent concerns around crime and parks and supporting our local Small Businesses i see government for people he started in the u. S. Capital working on labor, the environment and social justice and education had i returned to california i severed as Senior Advisor to the chief of staff in the office of gray davis then i worked on the president ial campaign senator john caring for a better california with successfully defeated stared anti labor and woman ballots 10 years ago he opened my Small Business in San Francisco running my business during the recession and raising three children with a challenge of a lifetime my business provides the needs to get my skids to school and creating jobs nor young people im running as Small Business owner and a working mom that bring the temperament needed to think about future generations and the direction of San Francisco our population is growing all over the place have a say and be that voice in settle we need sufficient housing to keep people in the responding and protect rent control the alternative is proven an environmental decrees for future generations im committed to running a good caption that, yes you can tackle those problems and, yes numerous responsibilities in the richmond yes, we can preserve that is special in the richmond that will make the right choices to this kind of and, yes we can have an rapid and effective respond from our resources im running as a leader that listens i hope youll join me hi, my. In this episode, we are featuring the romantic park locations in your very own backyard. This is your chance to find your heart in San Francisco with someone special. Our first look out is here at buena vista park, a favorite with couples and dog lovers. It is as old as its neighbor and both have a significant forest, a refreshing retreat from urban life. The pass that meander we do under a canopy of 0, redwood, pine, and eucalyptus. Chill out and this environment and you might see butterflies and dandelions. Blue jays fly between the eucalyptus. It is ada accessible. Public transit is plentiful. Six, 24, or 71 bus. We have conquered the steps, we walked the dogs, and we have enjoyed a beautiful view the park has to offer. This is the place to take someone special and enjoyed a beautiful look out. Come to corona heights, located in the heart of this district. It offers a spectacular view of the downtown skyline, the bay bridge, and the east bay. The park is one of the best kept secrets. Unlike twin peaks, it is hardly ever crowded. On any given day, you will run into a few locals. Hop on a 37 bus to get there with that any parking worries. Locals can bring their dogs to run with other dogs. There is also grass for small dogs. It is a great place. It is a wonderful place for the city to provide these kind of parks. The dog owners appreciate it. Take time to notice the wildflowers on the grassland. And keep your head on the lookout for hawks and other bird life. Take your camera and be prepared to review the city in a way you will not forget. It is prominent with beautiful formations that are perfect to watch the sunrise from the east over the bay. This is another one of our great look out. We are at Mount Davidson. It has the highest point of elevation in San Francisco, 928 feet. This is the place for you to bring someone special. Enjoy all of the pathways, trails, and greenery that surrounds you. It provides a peaceful oasis of Public Open Space and great hiking trails. The spectacular view offers a Perfect Place to watch the sunrise, or, sunset, with someone you love. It is a good place to get away from the hectic life of the city. Get some fresh air. The view is fantastic. Wear sturdy shoes to conquer the trail, you have the feeling of being in a rain forest. Mount davidson is also a great place to escape the noise and the apostle of the city with your partner. Bustle of the city with your partner. It is quite a hike to the top at Mount Davidson but the view is worth every step. This is the place to bring that someone special. For more information about reserving one of these romantic locations, or any other location, 8315500. This number is best for special ovens, weddings, picnics, and the county for building. For any Athletic Field and neighborhood parks, call 831 5510. You can also write us at permits and reservations. Or walking in and say hello at old log cabin, golden gate park. And of course you can find more information at sfrecpark. Org. Much. Hi, im tim and running for district 3 supervisor the reason im running the quality of life if the district has declined over the last 10 years it is time somebody steps up when i compassed my neighbors about the issues the number one thing was homelessness your district seen an uptick in the number of homelessness of homeless we need to address that the city paints the homeless situation with a broad brush and people trying to fwetd on their feet and the candidates for our shrls and come back to a safe environment and then people that needs serious help because of mental and physical disabilities we cannot let them wonder our streets work were our 125e9 and federal agencies we have a large sector of people that want to hang out in the city maybe thats okay. But we need to outreach them a way to improve their lives to get job training and maybe do something good for the communities and learn how to be selfsufficient we need to enforce the laws we have to make sure they have the quality of life they deserve other issue my neighbors are concerned is parking it is disappointing people have to drive around to find a place to park we need it create more offstreet parking in our businesses so businesses and customers and employees and the residents to have a place to park and not just drive arnolds endlessly other thing crime a huge uptick in house breaks and part of that problem many of the Police Officers most dont live in San Francisco we need to get them back in especially with an earthquake i suggest we put them on a provided list and First Responders for our Affordable Housing that were creating much of and offer the officers that live in San Francisco and also for recruits she should spent a lot of time as beat cops having a Police Presence and gives a chance to evaluated the community before we give them a badge and the other ordinances are moaning our city we spend more or more than any states and much more then surrounding community our parks are in bad repair despite the fact we try to pay for guessing we need a better cultures at city hall i think our schools needs improvements half of the students dont go to college they need skeletals to provide them with raising a family and actually go in San Francisco all the people that i know are plumbers and contributions theyre very busy is he those people need to support themselves and families id like to thank the losing and invite you to look at my website t d number 4. Com thank you very

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