Transcripts For SFGTV Mayors Disability Council 102116 20161

SFGTV Mayors Disability Council 102116 November 28, 2016

Thank you control room. Can you go back to the slide . I like to just very briefly go through some of the physicalsome of the analysis of these elements just to summarize it. The detail is contained in the analysis report and database but want to give a flavor where we stands on the recreation elements. Field sports like softball, baseball, soccer, lacrosse, other field sports, 54 percent of those facilities have high program factors, or good physical access, so only 17 percent would be in that category of highlyhigh program factors but poor access. That was a finding. Here we have a number of facility, so this is a substantial work plan for the city. 23 of the facility we looked at have a high program factor and poor physical access. Now, on the other hand on Amusement Rides there are only 4 Amusement Rides so insame chart may be exaggerated but all 4 of those have good physical access. Three of them have high program factors and one does not have a high program factor. Amusement rides are in pretty good shape. Exercise equipment, things like park course or other exercise equipment. We have a image on the screen of the exercise equipment at marina green for example. 50 percent of those facilities have good physical access and either high or low program factors. 50 percent, 5, in fact have poor physical access. Fishing piers it looks like it is all poor physical access, but the fablth is there is only one that is managed by rpd so that is indicated as a area to work on. That fishing pier. In the world of golf and not just golf courses but golf facilities, 30 percent of the facilities that were evaluated have good physical access and either high or law program factors, but that means 70 percent the golf facilities have work to be done. 41 percent would be considered high program factors, but poor physical access so we can see golf all all r not that many total, but as a program, that is a area that needs some work. In play areas i think this is a area where we are veer pleased to see 143 of the facilities have good physical access. Actually, more than that, more than 158 actually have good physical access and that is largely result of the bond measures that happened over the past years. We do have just one play area that was listed in the high program factor and poor physical access, so i would say that department and the city is to be complimented on the work done in play areas, which of course are so much of the access to recreation for our communities. In recreational boating, we mentioned that much of the rec boating facilities are non rpd functions and there are 6 total that are in that high program factor but poor physical access area so boating is a area for work to be done. And shooting, we just have three facilities so again, one physical access is good and high program factors and two rin low program factors not many people use those, but poor physical access. Sports courts, 180 of the facilities actually all most 190 of the facilities have good physical access and that shows much of the work done through bond measures and good work of rpd through the bonds. But, 35 percent are still in the category in sports courts for needing some work. Maybe the best news in this analysis the status of swimming pools. 1 hundred percent the swimming pools are in the category of good physical access and i think thats again a factor of the successful bond measures and the renovation or new construction, which of course requires any of these elements to be built in the compliance with the currents standards. So, in summary, the analysis summary chart here as mrs. Araica mentioned is looking like good news from the standpoint of 65 percent of the facilities are in the good physical access category. Only 8 percent or 53 of them, all most 700 facility are in that priority one category of poor physical access, but high program factors, so this again is a summary report. We have the detail of each and every facility that is analyzed and elements there, so thatd that is maybe more detail that you hoped for but hope that is helpful and ask if there are question or comments. Thank you so much. That was a very informative and just the right amount of information for today. Does my cochair have comments or questions for the presenters . No. Ookay. I have a couple. Bear with me. You explained the process for determining priorities. A couple questions about that, what were the elements you looked at for determining if a facility had good or poor access . Yes, we looked at the actual recreation element itself and there specific standsards for each one of the things but also looked at path of travel to and from that facility. From the public right of way or from the recreation if there was a club house or Recreation Center we looked at path of travel. We look adthat restrooms that support that recreation elements and if there was parking associated with that recreation element we looked at that as well. Thank you. And thenlet me see. I also want to commend the city on the wuck of playground. We had people here before giving presentations. You may or may not know the answer to the question but there was a surface on the playground that is supposed to be low injury for impact. Is that all the playground that are done do they have that surface . That is a good question and this is a issue over time that playground surfacing has evolved. You know from the past sand was a atin waiting surface but not a accessible surface so there was a history putting the rubberize surface to the playground surface from the transfer from the chair to the end the slide. That was the state of the art am many years until we recognized that we need better access to play equipment and as standard evolved that changed so the department is now using a much more comprehensive approach to surfacing. It has to be fall atin waiting and safe, but it also needs to be accessible so the newer playgrounds are fully accessible. There may be a sand play area, but the surfacing evolved and new standards are more fully surfaced. Thank you. Two more brief questions, sorry. Um, rerespect to golden guilty gate park, there is a lot of hill jz not always paved pathways to sports fields in some facilities, how are we doing there . Well, that is a good question and recreation of course is something where challenge is a important part of recreation but we want to make sure we have accessible recreation. Topography is a challenging issue. Locating elements within a area of high topography often means making decisions where you can locate something. Im thinking of the frizz be golf in golden gate park. That is rugged terrain. The nature of that sport is turf and natural environment, so that is a bit of a tough one that really in order for that to be its sport and in the nature of the activity it is a challenging element so that is maybe something that could get looked at. Thank you and one final question. You mentioned non rpd facilities like boating and fishing piers, yes, sir are they still covered by the ada and are they required to be become fully accessible . Yes, they are. Public and private sector entities title 2 and title 3 entities are required to comply with these standards. We just wanted to make sure we reviewed them but didnt put them on the rpd plate for taking action. Did you give your recommendations and evaluation . That hasants bun done yet but can be part of the next steps. Thank you. Any questions or comments from staff . I have a cup comments and question. Paulina, thank you for apologize for mispronouncing and tim thanks. I have a question about swimming pools. The Office Sometimes gets calls from the public saying i went to such and such pool and didvent a wheelchair lift. When you say swimming pools are 100 percent accessible can you splay what that means . They are two swimming pools that are right now during design. [inaudible] garfield and balboa. [inaudible] 61 conceptualthe one more lesswith that we will be able to complete 100 percent and this study looked into the projects that are in the pipeline, so with that, we know that it is going to happen. But, with the funding from the Mayors Office of disability, we were able to get the lift for the pool to be compliant with the 2010 ada standards. Im very pleased that bob [inaudible] our manager for recreation portion of the rec and park is here with us. Maybe he isnt here now. Bob actually i like him to be able to come here for the first part of the presentation because our missionafter we get this study, not only it will help to plan the future bonds or the future Capital Improvement projects, but also [inaudible] in our operations to staff to be able to nob nab facility that is accessible to be able to maintain the accessibility because the question mentions that they might be accessible but if they something in the path of travel, if something is not at the restroom, if they are not really compliant with these and everything that is set out then it wont be accessible. Thank you. Did i answer . You did. Thank you. Any other comments or questions from staff . Is there Public Comment on this item . Yes, come on up, mr. Brown. This may be out of line but several parks i think dolores is one and there is a park off franklin street that they have stairwells but no hand rails, can they look putting hands rails in the future. You are correct we dont generally answer questions in Public Comment but if you like to meet with before they leave and have your question answered, that is great. Thank you. Any other Public Comment . No. Okay. Well move on. Thank you again for your presentation, both of you. Next we have the presentation about elections accessibility and we will hear from jill fox. No problem. Hi, thank you. And thank you for inviting us technology. My name is jill fox, from the San Francisco department of elections. We have been bring free Fair Elections to San Francisco since 1878. Free, fair functional. Today i will talk about election accessibility, but in the context of voting for everyone. We have a very inclusive system and we can help everyone prepare, plan and participate on november 8th. I have with me today and we have in our office large print fliers in english, spanish, chinese, and filipino. Sorry. And we canthey provide all of the dates urls and other Key Information that you need to participate on november 8th. We try to be inclusive department, so if you are a san franciscan you can be a voter. And those are real San Francisco voters who volunteered to be in the television commercialsfelt to vote in San Francisco, 18 years old, United States citizen, resident of San Francisco and registered to vote. The last day to register is this coming monday, we have cards downstairs sore you can rej stl to vote. Ca. Gov. I will be standing in front of city hall from 5 to 8 p. M. Monday night and the office is open 8 to 5 regular Business Hours today and monday. We also encourage everyone to check their registration. You need to update if you move, change name or want to change Political Party preference but Political Party does not mat frr the general election in november. Just for fun, how many voters does everyone think we have in San Francisco . 589 thousand and this is highest registration of all time. So, how the department of elections prepares for accessibility is a year round coordination and communication effort. We have a Voting Accessibility advisory committee, we have openings if anyone is interested. They advise us all of the time. We have meetings prior to every election and we welcome participation. We work with 41 local organizations that have self identified as severing people with disabilities in San Francisco. If you add in organizations that work with seniors, we have another about 80 and work with them regularly and provide information to them and we gather feedback from them year round. We work with the disability rights California Organization that comes and trains our full time staff to make sure we are serving people with disabilities in a free, fair and functional way. Our website sfelections. Org is fully accessible. And we have att y phone line. So, that is how we and voters can prepare to vote in november. Now voters need to plan how they will vote. The november 8 election is in a word, huge and many ways, huge. If you live in San Francisco in districts 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 or 11, you are electing a member of the board of supervisors so will get 5 ballot cards. Here is a tip, make sure you look on both sides of the ballot card. If you live in district 2, 4, 6, 8 or 10 you will get 4 ballot cards. We are voting for representation in washington dc, sacramento, city hall as well as board of Education Community college board, the bart board, and superior court judge. We are also voting on 17 state propositions, district proposition for bart counties and 24 local propositions. I was asked to talk specifically about measures and contests that are important to seniors and voters with disabilities, but i cant do that because i represent the non partisan department of elections. It is up to you as a voter to decide what is important to you. We hope that you will vote on everything, but we will tell you that you dont have to vote on everything. I was at San Francisco state this morning and as they said, this is not the sat, we do not grade on a curve. You can vote on whatio you know about, what to learn about or care about. You can leave contests blank and your other votes will counts. But, if you do want to learn about the candidates and measures, the state guide has come out. You should have received it in the mail, if not we have extra copies at room 48 in city hall. And the voter guide from us, the voter information pamplet is there, however, it is little more than a pamplet this time. The state guide is over 200 pages long, ours is 318 pages long. Wow. Lot of homework, everyone. Um, to make it easier especially for voters with disabilities we have other formats. We have a large print voter information pamplet that is available on the request and after we are done with the presentation i can show you one. We have one here. It is available on english, spanish, chinese, and filipino on request. We have a online voter information pamplet. Again, our website is accessible and have a lot of information there. This is not just pdf of 318 pages, it is a interactive website that you can go to specifically that mimics the voter information pamplet so you can search a particular candidate or particular contest or measure that you want to look up. We have a audio voter information pamplet that is available in mp 3 on our website and is alsosent out in usb format through the department by request. We have a list of people who have regularly requested that. We also work with the lighthouse fl the blind, the San Francisco Public Library and the arc among oreth organizations that send out the usb this year. And those should bethey have gone out already, so if you want to receive one and havent rsh please contact our office. All of this information is covered in our elections accessibility brochure that is also Available Online and in our office. So, that is how we plan and we hope voters will plan on how they will vote. So, to participate and this is true for everyone, you can vote at city hall, all San Francisco voters we are open now through november 8 and welcome you of course city hall is a accessible building. You can vote by mail. Many people call this absentee. You dont have to be absent to vote by mail. Encourage you to vote by mail now. Anyone can do that please request your ballot my november 1. But the sooner the better. You can also vote at your neighborhood polling place on election day. Many polling places have changed even since june and we encourage you to make sure you are voting at the one that is your assigned neighborhood polls polling place. So, how will you do it . Of course you can be a voter at city hall. Pretty building is lit up all day for elections. We are open as i said, now through november 8th with special weekend hours, halloween weekend and weekend before election and open all day election day. Vote by mail, please get your request in by november 1 and get it mailed in postmarked before or on november 8th. If you want thatoh, so how many vote by mails voter percentpage wise you wonder . 285, 740 voters which is about 60 percent of people in San Francisco now vote by mail. To help with accessibility for voting by mail, you can request a large print ballot. I will step away for a second. Inside here is a full ballot produced in large print version. You can have this on request. We will deliver it to you and this is a postage paid envelope to return the same as the standard vote by mail envelope is postage paid. Go back to the screen. Um, again, that one also needs to be postmarked before or on november 8th. And then we have stations outside. If you are vote by mail voter but you want the you delivered it feeling, we are open to drop opyour ballot at city hall, all the hours we are open, or the last weekend before the election. So, this year it will be november 5, 6, 7, 8. We are outside city hall in front of the grove street door and goodlet door. These are fully accessible. You can drive up and drop off your ballot, you do not have to get out of the car and of course you get the sticker. We know people want the sticker. That is how you can get the sticker. No need to park. Of course you can drop off your ballot any polling place on election day. At a polling place, and any guesses on how many polling places in San Francisco . Very good. 576 polling places in San Francisco. They are open from 7 a. M. To 8 p. M. Election day. This is how you find your polling place. Yf recognize some the voters in that video. Polling place accessibility, i am very very pleased and proud to say that 1 hundred percent of the polling plac

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