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Any general Public Comment wait until i complete that statement. Hello commissioners truly the truth of happiness with the entering collaboration for selfnature once in accomplishing good works and would be the holy truth for the people and while the political leaders should easy off the schedule and performance more holy works once with the position to a hair level of which i shouldnt of pure happens of holy studies are for true success as well as for former public official works one didnt perform the holy mission of world vascular custodial for all patience and great ham i didnt one is the stay of excellency a nation of kilogram in sight awhile outline patience are accomplished the work without bias a vascular custodial is good deeds of a big obviously for the mission and the force of council we must Work Together to make it to the vitally step to good beyond the Global Warming and areas in landing on the holy kingdom amen. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Item number 4. Excuse me item 5 and adjournment. Were adjourned the city of San Francisco sfgov tv meeting of the San Francisco county Transportation Authority for tuesday, july 26, 2016 will begin shortly. [gavel] good morning and welcome to the monthly meeting of the San Francisco county Transportation Authority could on scott weiner chair of the authority. I want to thank sfgov tv for broadcasting todays meeting pacific way, Charles Kremenak and betsy larson. Mr. Mr. Clerk please call the roll commissioner avalos, present. Breed, present. Campos, present. Cohen, present. Farrell absent kim absent mar absent peskin, present. Tang, present. Weiner, present. Yee absent we have a quorum item 2 item 2, cheers report. Colleagues earlier this month i was lead to join with mayor lee commissioner mar and several staff the mta Planning Department department of the environment and Transportation Authority to formally welcome the metropolitan Transportation Commission the association of bay area government and the bay area air Quality Management district to the new San Francisco office on 375 deal. We spoke about the importance of Regional Cooperation on ourexcuse me on land use transportation and climate goals. Mayor lee presented a beautiful cable cartel to the representatives of the three agencies as a welcome gift to be displayed in the new bay area metro headquarters. I would like to rearrange my thanks to our staff including Senior Communications officer, eric young, and martha cohen of the Mayors Office worked very very hard while juggling many other events to pull this terrific welcome event together at city hall. On july 7, we were also pleased to see the peninsula corridor joint powers board authorize the award of the two main contracts for the electrification of the caltrain corridor. These contracts included 1. 2 billion 1. 2 billion in contract for design, build over the electrification infrastructure for the manufacture of electric multiple units or emu vehicles. With this critically important project, we are laying the foundation for the future of caltrain to bring into the 21st century and for future blended caltrain highspeed rail service to help lead congestion on our 101 and 283 freeways to focus growth in the corridor and relieve capacity restraints and to build out a true modern Regional Rail that network. In addition this in assembly further leverage by the states plan to connect the bay area with la and sacramento. The latter the second transbay crossing which could accommodate bart and allowed to [inaudible] as well as highspeed rail tracks and connecting caltrain capital corridor. We are multiple efforts underway at the mta and in the region. I am eager to add our local subway vision to this next in the few months. Finally, like to think my colleagues and the board of supervisors for placing the Charter Amendment setaside for transportation and Homeless Services on the November Ballot last week it would particularly think commissioner avalos and his staff collaborated with myself and with commissioner farrell and the Mayors Office always working together on this important legislation can we also have a separate general sales tax measure making its way to the board process as well as the bart general Obligation Bond which is already in place on about by the bart board of directors. Together, if approved by voters these funds provide critically needed revenues drop us repair our roads and Transit System to add muni service to make our streets safer and expand capacity on bart muni and caltrain among other improvements. The declining investment from the federal and state government, we must invest regionally and locally to move our priorities forward and make remain competitive. I look forward to working with all of you, colleagues and engaging the public on these measures this fall. With that, i conclude my remarks. I would also like to invite commissioner avalos and mar to say a few words. They tended to comments on behalf the Transportation Authority in early july. The 2016 local Promise National convening in pittsburgh so i invite them to provide a brief report during that about that conference. I think supervisor mar send me a photo of weiners world he saw in pittsburgh. Thank you for that. Commissioner avalos thank you. The conference was wide range of issues. Involving elected officials from all over the country with people from the south and the midwest northeast and west coast. A big part of our discussion was on equity and putting together strategies around equity to make sure making decisions that affect the longterm communities of color at. It seems like the issue we have in San Francisco of people in low income communities who do not receive the same level of service the same level of capital investment, is something that is happening all over the country. So, we shared about some of our work weve done here in San Francisco with the mta and their work of building in equity and their strategy around funding and around the work underline. That was pretty well received by other folks who are there representing other cities. Thank you. Think. Commissioner mar i just one at supervisor avalos thats down as one of the key leaders of local progress which is sponsored by center for popular democracy, but its Progressive City Council leaders from around the country and i think theres a lot of tremendous accolades for his leadership at the National Level could also, his using of San Francisco in the bay area region as a model for other City Councils to look at for model legislation am i think for the transportation justice and equity activists and leaders and city council people, they really were focused on a lot of our whole region in the bay area appreciative of all the stories but also examples of legislation we shared. There was a National Peoples convention as well with grassroots and communitybased organizations and we had a number of different receptions but also marches and dealing with the issues of transportation justice to displacement and other issues going on in pittsburgh and around the old east coast and midwest did i think was one of those gatherings that was historic of many of leaders come together at a critical time in our nations history to really raise the voices of many different communities of transportation justice and equity as a. Its an honor to be there but especially props to supervisor avalos. Think you. We will now move to Public Comments. If theres any Public Comment on the item to please come forward. This is on the chairs report. I am a citizen advisory committee. I have as you all know, i helped write 55 other devotionals i hope is in b cells tax package and when i was on the Citizens Advisory Committee i also helped write opposition k in the way i look at it as ive stated before, this initiative that you want to put on the ballot to raise the sales tax for transportation is not going to go work. For the simple reason that proposition k is a 30 year sales tax package in progress. People have already been twice taxed. Before you think about putting a sales tax package on the ballot, in november, for transit you have to figure out i know there are things that still have to be done, but before you do that, you should finish the project that are on proposition k before youonce prop k is finished then you can put a sales tax package on. If you want to eat lettuce sales tax on but as it is, the geary transit corridor they have the bart on the ballot part of prop k. It was a priority stream funding and that project was grandfathered for when it was put on prop k. Love the geary Rapid Transit Going Forward that supposed to be light rail ready. The people that wanted the geary light rail im getting it. Theyre not going to bethey mixed feelings about the best bus Rapid Transit on geary and you cantyou cant put geary out the dairy corridor out in the past. That geary corridor and the only corridor in the city does not have a light rail system and back when prop b was passed abuse he stated the only way to alleviate Traffic Congestion on geary boulevard is a light rail system, but it went nowhere. Think about that before you put another sales tax package on the ballot. Thank you. Thank you get any desyrel Public Comment on items you . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] we will move on to item 3 item 3 executive directors report. This is an information item commissioners this month i begin my report with an update from the state legislator legislative agenda. We see that gov. Brown has found the metropolitan Transportation Commission temporary license plate bills other by Assembly Member so we appreciate that. This bill requires new and used vehicles display temporary plates during the night between the pointofsale and when permanent license plates are issued. The authorities 802374 construction manager general contractor bill offered by david chiu is making its way through the legislature and were grateful to sen. Chiu with this assistance for that which was [inaudible] were expeditiously the chairman mentioned the project we want to think supervisor cohen and other members of our San Francisco delegation moving to electrification forward at the joint output to build on top of that the California State Transportation Agency in caltrans are developing eight 2040 Passenger Rail vision. We were pleased to meet with staff from those agencies who are working on a longterm vision for the entire state rail network comprised of four elements highspeed rail element, which of course links southern and northern california, and integrated Services Component which will complement highspeed system and move Public Transportation on the regional level and Complimentary Service and Transit District at the local level. I plan bay area 2040 will also be corrugated with that effort to the transit core capacity study our staff is working in collaboration with many other agencies in the bay area. This will of course include short medium and longterm improvements including potential second transbay two. The mtc staff will be presenting the draft plan bay area scenario preferred alternative to the commission this week on wednesday the 27th. We are evaluating that initial scenario and will be identifying any additional advocacy points to present to our commissioners and in coordination with other leaders in the bay area. One of the particular areas of focus is the socalled one bay area grant to policy conditions which are contemplating through our commissioners leadership potentially additional Affordable Housing policies for the program so we continue to monitor the progress on that to encounter with mtc staff. The mtc is also considering support for our Charter Amendment along with many other revenue measures in the region get i just want to thank you all again for your support of our charter members for transportation. Mtc other measures their tracking include the half cent sales tax in contra costa which i understand they did on the ballot last week santa clara counties also putting that one on the bart bond as chair mentioned an ac transit parcel tax. These are the ac transit parcel tax is i think oakland made also been considering a parcel tax as well. Yes, im sorry. Is the housing infrastructure bond measures are also making weight in alameda and Santa Clara County and the city of oakland. Thats why promising its great to see these local jurisdictions stepping up. Participating in the 2016 Automated Vehicle symposium was an honor to be on the program together with other industry and government leaders to talk about how we are going to help to optimize the benefits of the new technology while minimizing the potential impacts and negative effect that could also arise did the staff here potentially to the Vision Zero Coalition we working to integrate Autonomous Vehicles and to our policy metrics as part of our upcoming longrange planning efforts. Regarding the geary bus Rapid Transit project the staff here at sfmta eight are presenting a broad Outreach Campaign to engage and educate residents merchants and institutions along the corridor regarding his project which really has grown tremendously in scope to include not just the transit and Rapid Transit features but also the Pedestrian Safety and general infrastructure upgrades along the corridor. So it began as a Rapid Transit project is really turned into an overall complete corridor and complete streets and vision zero safety project as well. Well be launching a tech space survey to further engage the general public and bus riders and to follow on the federal transit administrations review of the document we anticipate bringing the final Environmental Impact statement and report in selection of the locally preferred alternative to this board for approval in the fall. Turning to project delivery come i want to emphasize if you progress updates on prop k project the seven lincoln intersection improvements were delivered by the sfmta eight making it easier for bicyclists to cross the busy lincoln weight constructed bicycle cut through as part of our intersection improvements in that area along seventh and lincoln. In addition, the barlett street suite improvements have also nearing completion. These were improvements that were prioritized in mission streetscape plan back in 2011 as well as the recent place making efforts in the Mission Community market area. So the Overall Program will include pedestrian bicycle and traffic Quality Improvement on barlett street as well as wider sidewalks and street lights and other furnishings in the area. Our prop k funds are continuing to fund the replacement of the sfmta vehicle fleet. During the Fourth Quarter of fiscal 16, sf mta placed 33 out of the 3700 diesel motor switches into service and 50 more electric trolley buses and since the contracts were approved back in 2014, that sums to about 159 new trolleys and other vehicles. So our prop k sales tax has provided about 30 of the funding for new vehicles and motor coaches and trolley buses so far. We are pleased to see that progress. Turning to pop aa we see in your hand out an update on our overall prop aa as well as many the projects completed put into the service. We allocate about 23 million to 21 projects across the program street categories of street repair, Pedestrian Safety and transit reliability. So, in keeping with the pop aa Small Projects and provide tangible benefits in the short term, weve seen nine of these projects open for use including for substantial street repair projects with the recent completion of dolores street weve also seen the mcallister street improvements near uc hastings, sidewalk and bicycle improvements along the boulevard in the presidio area as well as bart has completed the Civic Center Bart station and posit 24th st. And told the sfmta will finish a new pedestrian plans of the city called later this summer. I invite the public to check out our website and the fact sheet for more complete rundown of all of the border improved projects that have been delivered recent. Thank you. Thank you. Any questions or commentsyes commissioner avalos just a comment on the program in district 11. We put in i believe a couple hundred thousand dollars for doing street calming traffic calming streetscape work and the excelsior and in the allnight are quickly trying to move quickly on the excelsior. Weve had a lot of difficulty with the mta, really moving projects now were talking about dpw doing that and want to make sure your staff can help my staff to make sure that we get things moving before the end of the year . Did absolutely. Thank you have a good break in august. Welldeserved any other questions or comments . Any Public Comment on item 3 . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] item number four item for approve the minutes of the june 28, 2016 meeting at july 12, 2016 special meeting. Action item colleagues, any comments or questions or changes to the minutes . Seeing none, any Public Comment on the minutes . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] mr. Clerk please call the roll on item 4 [inaudible]s aye breed aye campos aye cohen aye farrells aye kim aye mar aye peskin aye tang aye weiner aye yee aye the minutes are approved item number five item 5, we point brian lucked into the Citizens Advisory Committee. Action item colleagues any questions or comments on item 5 . Seeing none, any Public Comment on item 5 the one seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] colleagues can we take item number five same house, same call . Without objection that will be the winner [gavel] item 6, allocate 45 million in prop k funds and 141. 794 in prop aa funds the conditions subject to attach fiscal year cash flow dissertation schedules and commit to allocate 3. 8 million in prop k funds good any questions or comments on item 6 . Seeing none, is there any Public Comment on item 6 . Please, come forward. Good morning commission should on ellis rogers from south park implement association and i am just here to say how important these funds are toward funding. I want to thank very much supervisor kim for endorsing our request for the 30,000 and also to thank enormously the staff of sfmta eight four helping ms. This together with our partner renovation funds. This traffic calming almost fell on the cutting room floor and these funds will make a difference for us to have it. Thank you. Any additional Public Comment on items six . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] commissioner yee i just had a quick question of staff on this. There was a line item where the allocations worth for bike routes i believe for 150,000. He did not indicateto you have any plans in with ease bike rights might be . I do not see any to the chair to commissioner yee, if you are referring to be bicycle Facility Maintenance request for 150,000 in prop k funds from sfmta eight yes. Is that the correct one . Yes. I do not know what it was this is for the Citywide Program but there are a few routes that are highlighted in one of the attachments to the memorandum and board materials. Potential locations include Market Street between eighth and ninth the wiggle bike route, monterey blvd. , cesar chavez and 14th and fulsome intersect. Those are some of the potential locations. Thank you. Any additional comments or questions of . Seeing none, mr. Clerk can we take this same house, same call without objection that will be newer [gavel] item 7 item 7 adopt the San Francisco parking supply and utilize asian study summary report. Action item seeing no names on the roster is there any Public Comment on item number seven . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] colleagues, take item 7 same house, same call seeing none, . Without objection bow reviewer [gavel] item 8 introduction new item any new introductions of . Any Public Comment on item 8 relating to introductions . Yes, as far as introduction of new items i brought this up that last months meeting and also the plans and Programs Committee meeting. As a member of the Citizens Advisory Committee, a year ago february we got a presentation from someone about the ninepocket and other words, people working after 5 pm that have trouble getting to and from workgetting home from work because the buses are not running as late as they used to. I have been sitting and working group since october of last year and since october of last year and i told them that before they bring anything to you they should bring it to the cac first. The commissioner wanted this that you you instigated and you started and i think you should continue it. Because before the sfmta eight tries to mess up the schedules again and put a new route and that sort of thing you should think about two things. Number one, the other 95 and also the fact that the warriors stadium and mission bay will be going up on appeal be brought to appeal. So, you have to think they have transportation plans for the board of mission bay but its right across the street from the hospital. They have ucsf shuttle going in there. They have Valet Parking for the hospital. Theres a lot going on. You should think about the warriors stadium admission date and also the transportation fact the other 95 before they come before other 9to5 before fulbright recommendation. Thank you. Thank you. Any additional Public Comment on item 8 relating to introduction of new items . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] item number nine item 9 general public on any general Public Comments . Please come forward good morning commissioners. [inaudible] a true relationship lives to a blissful life [inaudible] one must improve in time. Join natural things and being happy the natural way. We should respond to the happy destiny of the operation. An optimistic attitude deriving no wings once destiny [inaudible] improved when in time so having improvement and good virtues. Further, [inaudible] good virtues. In the spirit of a peaceful life of being so far life in ones true self. Of kindness and mercy. One enjoys the happy spirits and getting along with the people. Leading on the direction for others in terms of cultivation and [inaudible] one must personally set one up as a good role model in order to make success of ones nature. Attainment of ones destiny is an actual content. [inaudible]. This external works in way of mission aimed at making success of oneself and others. Leading the way for oneself and others. The holy way is boundless and endless. One would naturally enjoy having a way and knowing true self in destiny. Also one can reason well in principle as to maximize ones capacity of self nature. Thank you limited any additional general Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] item number 10 item 10 adjournment we are adjourned. [gavel] [adjournment]go. Shop and dine the 49 promotes local businesses and changes san franciscans to do their shopping and dooipg within the 49 square miles by supporting local Services Within the neighborhood we help San Francisco remain unique, successful and vibrant so where will you shop and dine the 49 hi in my mind a ms. Medina if you would like to comment on an item that falls under the jurisdiction of the commission, but is not on calendar, you would comment under general Public Comment, which is item 4. And that item will be continued to item 10. Last, we just is ask that you please address your comments to the commission during Public Comment, neither the commission, nor staff will respond to questions or comments during Public Comment. The commission may ask staff to respond once Public Comment is closed. So with that, we are on item 2, the president s report. Thank you,. It gives me great pleasure to welcome cat anderson adour newest commission as of about 20 minutes ago. [ applause ]. Thank you. Were delighted to welcome her onboard. She has a distinguished record of public service, and excellent background in legal training. So we are very much looking forward to have you with us. I would also like to congratulate commissioner bonilla, and commissioner harrison, they also were reappointed and as of 20 minutes ago are now serving a new term and we welcome you back. [ applause ]. Thank you. Let me also i have with two other itemize want to quickly go through and one is to point out and thank commissioner bonilla for the beacon street and it took some time to orchestrate and its a shining example of when a member of the public, or members come before this commission, and tell us that they have a problem, and commissioner bonilla dug her heels in and went out and took a look at the problem and invited me out there. Took some time and we found some money and build a beautiful trail. So commissioner bonilla, thank you very much. It was my pleasure. I must say, if i may speak . Please into the mic. I can sleep a lot easier at night, knowing that people who utilize that trail can utilize it more safely. Because as i went up to try to climb on that trail, i had to climb on all fours, because i just did not feel that it was safe enough for me to even walk it. So anyway, so im relieved, and really happy that even though it was an uphill sort of the battle [laughter ] that it was done and my fellow commissioners approved funding the project. So i want to thank my fellow commissioners. Thank you very much. With that, let me note that were going to give a resolution from the rec and Parks Department and i want to read it and well make a presentation. This is the Cultural Landscape foundation. The San Francisco recreation and Parks Commission is proud to recognize the Cultural Landscape foundation a nonprofit norrising organization based in washington, d. C. That works to educate and en[tkpwaeupblgt ] the public to make sour shared landscape heritage more riz ibleis and identify its value and empower its stewards this. Yeartodate Cultural Landscape Foundation Celebrates centennial of landscape ark ect laurence halperin as birthday whoeed as an apprentice under architect Thomas Church is noted for his work on the fdr memorial in washington, d. C. And forth worth texas and is sea Ranch Community in Sonoma County and includes the plaza at uc berkeley and adaptive reuse of Ghiradelli Square in the 1960s, United Nations plaza, levi plaza and our own beloved stern grove amphitheater he did in 2005. On behalf of the recreation and park park commission, we thank of the Cultural Landscape foundation and its current programs that highlight the cultural legacy cold front lawrence halperin. With that, congratulations and lets presented something officially. [phra ufrplts ] [ applause ] mr. General manager. Thank you, i will introduce renee a Cultural Landscape Foundation Board member. The Cultural Landscape foundation is a National Organization and renne is a board member, located here in San Francisco and also a principal at swa, which has been a great partner to the rec and Parks Department on our Capital Program and worked with with us on a number of different projects and they have even donated a significant amount of their own time, talent and sweat, with with some pro bono design work and visionthinking at alfred lake. So really grateful renee could be here and before he speaks to add that tcl f is featuring free to honor the halprin centennial including stern grove which i believe is this saturday yes. And then they also have a travel photographic exhibit that is travels the next 35 years and were in vasective conversations to bring that exhibit very, very soon, perhaps this coming year to San Francisco and with that i will turn it over to renee. Thank you. Commissioners, director ginsburg, thank you so much. Im absolutely honored to be here today representing the Cultural Landscape foundation in front of one of americas great park cities, San Francisco. Boston has home stade and oak part has Frank Lloyd Wright and San Francisco has its own hero in lawrence hal pring. We halprin. The Cultural Landscape foundation has sought to bring to architect to exposure to their respective bodies of work. Pcl f does this because Landscape Architecture and design landscapes are often invisible and often overlooked. The creation of landscape and public space in general is by its very nature ephemeral and quite often fragile. The Cultural Landscape foundation has a close relationship with with San Francisco. Two of our board members, myself and alexis woods are residents of the city. Three years ago, we held a national symposium, a National Conference here to celebrate the awardwinning work. Ggnra and produced a book for that event, gave free tours which were open to the public, as well as private tours listed as garden dialogues. Lawrences halprin who lived, work and designed his most significant projects from his San Francisco office is one of the most significant practitioners of post world war ii. Halprin was an astute observer of human nature and his design sensibility has specific emphasis on user experience. To honor halprin on the centennial of his birth to cover his projects to the fdr memorial in washington, d. C. And beyond to his projects in israel. The exhibit opens november 5th at the National Building museum in washington, d. C. The foundation is currently in discussion with with San Francisco about bringing the exhibition here in the first half of 2017. Additionally Cultural Landscape foundation organized walking tours of projects around the United States starting this saturday at stern grove saturday morning and to discover more about lawrence halprin, the Cultural Landscape foundation and Cultural Landscapes in general, please visit our website at tclf. Org. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. That concludes your report . That does conclude my report. Thank you. Anyone wishing to make Public Comment on the president s report in being none, Public Comment is closed and were on item 3 the general managers report. Good morning, commissionersing. And to our newest board member anderson and commissioners bonilla and harrison. July is National Parks and recreation month and always a special month [stkpwhrouft ] because of us because were into the middle of our sumter season and our parks are full of kids laughing and playing and chasing after pokemon and celebrating the high array of activitis in our parks and emphasizing the Important Role that city parks play in our community. All of the items in report are in celebration of the parks and recreation month. This past tuesday supervisor breed introduced legislation to proclaim july recreation and park in San Francisco and next tuesday the board will be honoring the friends of keizer triangle. Tomorrow well be offering free admission to the japanese tea guard in Golden Gate Park. This past weekend, the mayors inaugural three on three youth basketball tournament wrapped up all summer long more than 400 boys and girls from all over the city competed in the tournament and the winners of each division capping off their victory with a visit to mayor lees office on tuesday and as an aside, it was the debut and perhaps the retirement of the great coaches commissioner mcdonnell and the general manager that ended our tenure of coaching rpd in the agency intermural division. We were undefeated. We had to leave and rec and parks lost to the fire department, but we werent there. [laughter ] so we ended our tenure as undefeated coaches. [laughter ] thank you. This past weekend was also street soccer is rob here . There he is. This was street soccer u. S. Annual cup tournament at union square. Street soccer usa and in particular rob, the cofounder who i will bring up and say a few words in a second has been an amazing partner over the past fiveplus years as he works to empower our citys Homeless Youth and young adults and our shared belief that everyone should be able to get out and play and you can affect positive social change through sports has been the driving force and philosophy behind our partnership. I will bring rob to say a few words and give a quick recap of street soccer, but i want to thank and congratulate him on another successful tournament and hopefully robs recap includes the goal i scored on chris wand loweski. Thank you for a few minutes of your time. Just to reiterate what phil said. We have had a Great Partnership and aligned so perfect will in terms of the just making sure were accessing the leastserved youth and young adults in our community with highquality Sports Program and that is what the cup represents. Its the payoff for the youth that have been participating in our programs. And we feel like we shouldnt just have lets have some soccer programs for some kids in the neighborhood, lets do something awesome for them. And that culminates at our annual tournament, in union square and they have opportunity to be the center of attention and have an excellent sports experience. So we had over 125 youth out on saturday and sunday from the western edition and tenderloin, who we work with in partnership again with the Parks Department, through Margaret Hayward play grounds and tenderloins playground and we have our young adult and Adult Program which i think folks have heard about our organization over the last few years, maybe more so than our youth program. But working with young adults, primarily, 1824 years old, who are living on the streets in homeless shelters and Youth Services and 1st Vincent De Paul charitis and engaging youth who are by and large not folks who have drug addictions or mental illnesses, but are youth who have lost their way and are in San Francisco and really need guidance and mentorship and we have been able to provide that. But to get back to the weekend, the weekend was a twoday event in union square. We had thousands of the people walking through and seeing a great soccer tournament also the connection to giving back to the community. We had a celebrity match with phil and some of the other local professional athletes from the San Francisco sharks and earthquakes. We had phil and we had some professional athletes latah. [laughter ]. Was general manager included in that category . He was. Did your team win . No, but just highlight whated we wanted to create which was a topflight opportunity for our youth. And also it brought in the Business Community as well. So it serves as a fundraiser for us to run our programs throughout the year. So being able to bring in folks from the Business Community and Tech Community and parks and Recreation Team and Police Department team and all rallied around sports for development, sports for good. I think it was just a tremendous success for us, but i think for the department and for what we are about as a city. So thank you, guys, and appreciate your support, and the partnership we have. Thank you. All right, moving on becauses there is more. Its been a busy summer. The Golden State Warriors on or off the basketball court, 60 front office from the Warriors Organization volunteered their time and energy to beautify potrero rec center and [phrapbtd ]ing new trees and cleaning the playground and picnic areas and the Team President was out there cutting ivy and leading by example. Over the past three years the warriors have participated including bay view mclaren, et cetera and we want to thank them for their continued commitment to improving our parks and communities. This weekend a lot happening. On saturday from 10 00 a. M. To 2 00 p. M. Our Capital Division is hosting a fun day at mclaren park. Participants can also learn more about the upcoming mclaren clearing process and how to get involved. For more info visit our website at sfrecpark. Org. This saturday were also hosting our annual summer play day event at keizer stadium from 113 p. M. This is a free familyfriendly event featuring carnival rides, art and craft and food and entertainment and with we do this quarterly. We have four familyfriendly events around the city. This is special because as part of this years play day event were kicking off the baseball tournament that were hosting in San Francisco. 18 new teams from across the nation are coming here to participate in the all girls baseball tournament. San francisco is represented by our amazing sf bay team and opening comforts include a parade of the teams through the stadium, as well as the ceremonial first pitch through by assessor rick quarter and known righty carmen chu. I have asked Justin Seigel to come up. This is a spectacular thing were doing and im so proud of rocky and so grateful to justine for bringing this endeavor to San Francisco. Why dont you come up and tell us a little bit about it . Thank you. This last fall i made history as the first woman to coach for a major Baseball Organization with the old as. When i was 13 i was told i shouldnt play baseball because i was a girl and at 16 when i decided to be a coach i was laughed at. Amazing its still happening 25 years later and girls with still told they cant play baseball. We believe that girls should play baseball and not only that, if we tell a girl she within the play baseball what else will they think she cant do is . Im so grateful for phil because he mens wearhouses the mission to empower the girls to feel the sense of community and the know that they have a place. So this week we do have 19 teams coming from all over, and saturday will be a play day and playing games at moscone rec sunday through thursday. Tuesday they get a tour of giants at t park and they will meet women who are working for the giants and see that they have a career. Monday we have a social at the county fair building and parents will be able to go through the Botanical Gardens and the girls will be able to meet womens from the allamerican Baseball League from the 50s. You can see empowering what they are capable of is really what the theme of the week is. Good morning, commissioners, hi phil. So last summer we started out with 12 girls that went to orlando, florida. This summer unbelievably we have over 80 girls participating in our program in San Francisco, and hoping to grow even more next summer and thereon after. He please come out to Moscone Rec Center and check out a game and they are Like High School girls playing baseball, unbelievable down to 7 years old who are just learning how to play. We have volunteer coaches, who are parents, just coming off the street, who wanted to give back. We also have some of my colleagues, who are also helping in coaching a. I really hope you come and make it out. You will see justine and i there all the time from morning, noon and night to make sure that the tournament goes off without a hitch. Thanks to phil, thank you so much for supporting me and supporting us in this huge endeavor and im so excited for that first pitch to gets started so we can get underway. We did bring you some fun baseball for all hats. And justine has really cool baseball cards to hand out to everybody, too. Thanks. Have a great day. Thank you and congratulations. This one is really, really really awesome. There was a brief reference to the botanical and i will go offscript for a second and the San Francisco society in partnership with the department came off a 12day exhibit called flower piano. This is the second year we did this. Last year was just for 45 days and this year 12 days. Well bring this back again next year. It this is anything that you should be doing in our park system and saying this to the public to come to flower piano. 12 grand pianos were placed throughout the garden in different just unbelievably beautiful locations. And people were free to just play. There were some Program Concerts throughout the 12 days, mazing concerts, but mostly it was just visitors to the garden, just sitting on the bunch and playing and it was one of the most beautiful, striking things. So many people came out to the garden over the past 12 days. So special thanks to the entire San Francisco botanical society in one of our most treasured places. This is the last Commission Meeting before School Starts. Its amazing. Public School Starts august 15th and i want to thank the staff for their tremendous efforts this summer. They are running 90 day camps, 90 day camps. They are organizing tournaments and running camp mather and providing support and bob and his amazing staff have really stepped and juggling so much to make the city special and provide healthy recreation for our kids and families. I did want to end this presentation without complimenting them and letting you know how hard they work and just what an absolutely amazing job they are doing. In lieu of a video today, i wanted to share with you some photos of the our recent activation efforts alt alfred lake. Its long been a troubled spot with a fair amount of unhealthy behavior and also the grand entrance and grand welcome to Golden Gate Park. Thanks to our amazing Property Management division and we recently partnered with red umbrella. And it has been a wild success is so far. Powerpoint . I wanted to show a few quick images, if ryan can get them up . The partnership builds on previous efforts at alfred lake request bike rentals renting out bikes to local tourists since 2013. You see the distinctive red umbrellas and i hope everybody checks out the new additional. Red um brelas will be there saturday july 23rd and again august 7 and the 17th. This has been a bit of a pilot and it has wonderful. Were very thankful to them and that concludes a very, very busy month of the july. National recreation and park and the general managers report. Thank you thank you. Anyone who would like to make Public Comment under the general managers report . Being none, this item is closed. Were on item 4, general Public Comment up to 15 minutes and this item will be continued to item 106789 10. So Public Comment . Good morning. I became aware of of todays meeting on ly yesterday. [speaker not understood] with lights and for the very reason that no such permanent indoor can be found anywhere in San Francisco. Now as unfair as i believe it to be for these kids, they deserve such a place, i think. I would like for you to consider the fact that there is a perfect spot and probably no other place for such a theater to exist. That is in the Northeast Corner of Golden Gate Park current playground. Where this theater would form a triangle with the building, and parks regulation and rules about open space since in this very corner it would be hidden from view anyone not in the playground by the existing trees surrounding that very corner. Because this would be, of course, part of the playground. So simply, if you could already just support the idea of the such a theater, that would be just great. Because i came from france back to the area after years away just to my best to send the commission such a project of a puppet theater there for the kids. Thank you. Thank you very much. Is there anyone else who would like to make general Public Comment . Come on up, richard. Good morning, commissioners. My name is richard fong. I came here today to try to talk a little bit about a former employee of the rec and Parks Department, after 30 years had retired. His name is warren soon and i read about him on the internet. His Memorial Services were on june 10th. And that, of course, he wasnt interested in flowers. Warren was a person who used to be spread out a little bit. He was a world war ii second class petty officer, machinist mate and somebody who joined up in world war ii and was part of the okinawa invasion. I myself made acquaintance with him years later. Im not a world war ii that is about the time i was born. Im trying to just Say Something nice about warren. There was something that i had put on the internet and thought it would be significant that he had a good sense of empathy, people around the chinatown parks and he would have to deal with all the different parks. He would do things, like, hey you guys, lets get a little tea. He would make tea for some people and a lot of them drink alcohol, but he is one of those guys that was a good fellow there. That is warren. That is the way i remember him in empathy. He also served over 30 something years with the San Francisco parks and Rec Department as the primary gardener. That is something that i thought would be, i, myself, it struck me that someone who did such work wouldnt have very many people at his memorial and maybe i could Say Something to the commissioners anding general manager, to honor such a person. Im not sure if there is and Phil Ginsburg and the department, that he was something that really consistently worked and always had good ideas to improve the park. And i myself i liked him a lot and i wanted to put in god bless him, and that god would send his spirit to the heavens. Thank you. Thank you. Is there anyone else who would like to make general Public Comment . Being none, this item is closed. Commissioners, were on item 5, which is the consent calendar. Is there anyone who would like to make Public Comment on the consent calendar . Being none, Public Comment is closed. Entertain a motion. So moved. Second. Moved and seconded. All those in favor, aye . Aye. So moved. Item 6, the San Francisco zoo. Powerpoint, please. Good morning, welcome to our newest commissioner. Im tanya peterson, executive director of the zoo. That is because we are one of the first publicprivate partnerships. We just passed through our budget today and 18 of our revenue comes from the city. So thank you again to our city partners. Thank you, phil. 24 comes from private donations and 55 come from the gate, or the visitors. That is why we look so carefully at our visitor attendance and i wanted to introduce our vp of marketing and strategic growth, stevenp haynes, who will help us grow those numbers even more, right steven . We are just short of 900,000 visitors which was our projection and over 74,000 of those visitors came free under the San Francisco resident program. We were just below our projections by 10,000 visitors. Thankfully though our board of directors gave more this year and well end the year with a balanced budget. So thank you to the board. We start a new fiscal year and because of the board, we have a new exhibit. Its now open. The mexican gray wolves. Two things are exciting this. Was the old polar bear exhibit and doubled the size by breaking down the waltz in between. This is the double the size exhibit and three wolves that will hopefully be returned to the wild. Part of the Conservation Program with the fish and wildlife. So please come see them. It happened to us and happened to us as well. We have at three three gyms, i guess they are called at the zoo. If you cant beat them, with you join them. We had some safety concerns as some of the characters were starting to get close to exhibit, but fortunately we set is some rules and our visitors have obliged with the rules so far. The phase doesnt seem to be passing and to continue to work with all to ensure its a safe game for all. Upcoming is my favorite event at the zoo. This is where our pingin chicks leave the first quartering school. One side of the zoo and actually walk across the zoo to their new habitat. This year we have two penguin chicks coming through. This event is free to members and donors. Members will be raffling for the naming rights. So please come join us. My other favorite animal is the hedgehog, our signature animal of the our nature trail this. Is a program where kids actually volunteer through the summer and really essentially work at the zoo. They are in the childrens zoo with animals and interact with young visitors. They take care of those animals and learn about the animals. They interview for this job. My kids are nature trailers. And its a terrific professional experience for kids and celebrating 40 years of doing this august 6th. Many of our vets, zoo keepers and zoo director has come through the nature trail program. Its been a terrific success for us reaching out to our youth. Speaking of youth, a new camp this year, for teenagers. Most of our camps start at the age of 12, but even teens need to come to the zoo. This is a special focus on animal care and Animal Husbandry and a hope to foster new zoo professionalss and new zookeepers and met with great success. Our vetss and curators and great way to get young people excited about the profession and thankfully to the littman family we improve our primate discovery area and opening a new exhibit there. These are lemurs that jump and pounce and are quite fun animals. Madagascar is a great conservation story and a place we would like to highlight more at the zoo. We thank the littmans for this new, fun Exhibit Opening august 19th. That concludes my report. Thank you. Is there anyone who would like to make Public Comment on item 6 . Being none, Public Comment is closed. Were now on item 7, portsmouth parking garage, portsmouth parking Plaza Corporation and before we get started commissioner low i believe needs to recuse himself from item 8. The city of of San Francisco Portsmouth Plaza Parking Corporation metaand Chinatown Community Development Center are clients of my firm and to recuse myself from items 7 and 8. We need a motion and second. So moved. Second. Moved and seconded. All those in favor . Aye. So if you could hold a moment until he is gone . Thank you. Okay. Good morning, commissioners. Commissioner anderson, i am kate petrucione and from First Republic bank to the portsmouth parking plaza for the purposes of renovating the parking garage. As you know rec and parks owns the garage and were supportive of the nonprofits efforts to complete the renovation project. Im here today because there have been two changes to the Loan Agreement between First Republic and Portsmouth Corporation since the Commission Approved this item in april. The two changes are, one, the agreement now requires that pppc fund a 1 Million Debt Service reserve. The reserve would be tapped in the unlikely event that the garage could not function and the corporation could not pay required debt service. The second is the addition of a provision to the Loan Agreement that states that subjected subject to appropriation by the mayor and board of supervisors, the city will fund the debt service if the Portsmouth Plaza Parking Corporation is unable to meet its commitments. The Portsmouth Corporation, the city including the controller, the office of of public finance, and the City Attorney are all comfortable with these proposed changes. Upon your approval, the department will reintroduce this amended item at the board of supervisors. I expect that it will be heard and approved after the board returns from recess in september and allows pppc to go to bid and break ground on this renovation project. Im available and happy to answer questions. Thank you. Any Public Comment on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioners. Any comments . Seeing none, entertain a motion. Motion to approve. Second. Moved and seconded. All those in favor . Aye. So moved. Thank you, commissioners. Thank you. Were now on item 8, 17 and folsom shadow from 2060 folsom good morning commissioners, janice perez, newest planner. If you could speak into the microphone a little more . Thank you. Welcome. The item before you today is the project at 2060 folsom street that will cast a shadow on the future 17th and folsom park. I am joined today by kimberly of the Planning Department and the project sponsors. Planning code section 295 was adopted in 1985 in response to voterapproved proposition k, which required Planning Commission disapproval of any structure greater than 40 in height that cast a shadow on property under the jurisdiction of the recreation and Park Department unless the Planning Commission found the shadow would not be significant. In 1989 the recreation and Parks Commission and Planning Commission jointly adopted a memorandum that identified quantitative and qualitative data for determinations of the significant shadows in parks under the jurisdiction of the recreation and Park Department. The project site is located on the north side of the 17th street between folsom and shot wellstreets in the Mission Neighborhood and meetly north of the future 17th and folsom park. The project site is almost entirely surrounded by industrial and commercial buildings with some nearby residential buildings. The site was acquired in 2012 through property transfer from sfpuc and protective servicely housed paid parking lot and an sfpuc eh electrical control panel. This was a priority project in partnership with the Planning Department, Mayors Office of the housing, rec and parks to increase Affordable Housing and open space in the eastern neighborhoods. Kimberly from the Planning Department will give a Short Description of the project. Good afternoon, commissioners. Thank you for the time to present an overview of the project at 2070 folsom street. The project is a demolition of a existing parking lot and new construction of a new building with approximately 27 Affordable Housing units with groundfloor active commercial and communityserving spaces including childcare. At the intersection of 17th and shotwell streets. The proposed project includes rezoning from public to urban mixeduse Zoning District and height and bulk map change from 50x to 85x feet. Open space for the project is provided in the courtyard and roof deck. No auto parking is proposed. However, bicycle parking will be provided. And the project proposes to be setback from the park property line, providing a transition from public to private space. That concludes my presentation on behalf of the Planning Department. I am available for questions. Thank you very much. Thank you. A shadow analysis prepared by cedp and reviewed bit Planning Department analyzes the potential shadow impacts and theoretical available sunlight is [speaker not understood] could you repeat that . The proposed the park currently has an existing shadow ad of the 1. 448 and proposed project would increase the shadow by 1. 395 for an overall of 2. 844 total shadow. New shadow would be cast in the sunshine and early mornings and evenings with all shadows gone by no later than 8 30 a. M. And not returning until 5 [tkw ts ] 15 p. M. And lasting until sunset. All new shadows cast from april 5, to september of 6th and average shadow in the park receives new shadows would be approximately two hours and 37 minutes. The largest shadow by area is 11, 14 square feet. On june 21st at 7 36 p. M. New shadows hit the northwest concern of the corner of the park june 21st the new shadow begins at 6 48 a. M. And last until 8 00 am just under two hours and again from 5 15 p. M. To 7 36 p. M. And shadow load is 21,795 hours for the dave june 21st. In the mornings the shadows are localize ined northwest corner of the park designated for Community Garden education can area. Portions of the spacious outdoor classroom and adjoining arbor and sitting wall and pathways. In the evenings the shadows are located in Northeast Corner of the park and in area designated for the Community Garden plots. Childrens play area and adult Fitness Equipment area. The largest new shadow before i area also occurs june 21st at 7 36 p. M. At its maximum new shadow area is 11,114 square feet covering 34. 95 of the park. Here is the short animation of the maximum day of shading june 21st. Note the time of day on the bottom left description box. The 1989 memo did not establish a standard for parks smaller than two acres with 20 or less shadow. The 17thing and folsom park is smaller than two achers at 0. 73 acres and existing shadow load is 1. 84 of the total theatrical annual sunlight and increases shadow load by 1. 395 to total of 2. 844 of shadow load. Project sponsor has conducted outreach through several Community Meetings. There a booth at the mission back in october of the 2015. The project received overall support from attendees at three Community Meetings in november 20 15 april of this year and july. Project sponsor has also introduced the project to neighborhood groups and organizations in june and continuing through this month. This group has also these why groups have also provided support for the project and there is no known opposition for the project. The boiling will provide park users at 17th and folsom with restroom access and the time between the park and building opening portable toilets will be used on the park site until new housing providings public restroom access. The project will provide 127 units of 100 Affordable Housing. Affordable housing will be provided to families and transition with a mix of income below 60 of area Median Income anded of includes childcare support onsite Supportive Services and including 21 residences for transitional aged youth. The project will also have onsite cradles to college to career continuum of Services Provided by numerous partners. And that concludes my presentation on 2060 folsom and im available for any questions. Thank you. Public comment . Lets go to Public Comment. I understand supervisor campos has a representative here. We would like to welcome you to the podium. Thank you so much. My name is hilary ronen and on behalf of supervisor campos to say he is in 100 of support of this project and incredibly excited about it. Its one of the physinew parks in the mission in a very long time and is going to provide 127 units of desperately needed Affordable Housing in the district and he sent me here to make sure that you knew he was in complete support of the project. Thank you for joinin today. I want to ask the general manager to weighin and advise people that this is a shadow issue. So i would hope that you would focus your comments to the shadow issues. Go ahead commissioners to put this project in context, and i want to thank janice for her first presentation. Thank you. This parcel was when this parcel was purchased from the puc many years ago it was originally intended to be half of Affordable Housing and as part of the underlying transaction. This is one of those examples. I think that the Mayors Office of housing and their development their Nonprofit Development partner have worked with us very closely on the design of the housing units. So that it integrates well with the park and provides amenities for the park. So its a project that we know about and support. Thank you. So i have got a few cards. I will call off names and i apologize ahead of time if i am pronouncing your name wrong. I have Catherine Elaine alejandro and anyone else to make Public Comment, after these folks are done, just come and. Hi commissioners. This is eileen yee from Mission Economic development agency. Im part of the project cosponsors along with Chinatown Community Development Center and were here to answer any questions that you have on the housing parcel, and the impact on the shadow for the park. So im going to also share the floor with other folks that have comments. Thank you. Are you done . Thank you. Next speaker. Good morning commissioners. My name is catherine and im an attorney here on behalf of the project sponsor. And im here to briefly address how the shadow memorandum and sunlight ordinance come into play on the shadow here. As you know the shadow memorandum requires the commission to look at qualitative and quantitative factors of assessing the shadow on the park. Here i think well see that both quantitative and qualitative factors show that the shadow is not going to significantly impact the park. The shadow memorandum provides a new shadow not provided if there is an existing shadow of 20 . Here we have an existing shadow of the 1. 448 . And a proposed new shadow of 1. 395 . For a total shadow load of 2. 843 , which is far below that 20 cap imposed by the shadow memorandum. Qualitatively as you have heard new shadow only occurs from april 5th through april 6th, and no new shadow will occur between 8 45 a. M. And 5 00 in the evening, which is the peak hours for use. Also, very importantly, as you have heard and will hear, the Public Benefits of this project are substantial. Well be providing over 100 units to both families, and transitional aged youth and 100 of the project will be affordable and in addition, to the housing it will also be providing highquality community programs, both to residents of the project, as well as community members. And thereby creating a truly active Community Hub in the mission. Its also very much in the public interest, of course, here, where were introducing 100 plus new Affordable Housing to a neighborhood that has seen significant displacement of lower one another residents in recent years. Finally as has been mentioned 2060 folsom and 17th and folsom park have truly been contemplated as existing in conjunction with one another. For example, the new Development Provides restrooms for users of the park. So given both

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