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To. I know other colleagues would like to speak. thank you supervisor, peskin. thank you so much for speaking about tom hey den. What an, amazing history. It had an impact on the student movement. I think the vision that came out of the statement is something that i think about every day. His vision support, even how we look at politics today. thank you supervisor, mar . Supervisor yee. legislation for file, i have dedicated my life making San Francisco a Family Friendly city. In january this board passed an ordinance to pass an child care impact fee. This alone will not address the needs for call quality care for our children. The legislation i am introducing today has gone through a number of revisions. This legislation will be first in the nation creating a Program Building if passed this program will be the first of its kind. Developers, rental projects will have the option to be dedicated to these child care programs. We have a need for quality child care and this would be a way to start addressing some of this. I believe that this will create dozens of Family Child Care homes. I look forward to working to have the support of my colleagues. And will be used to help address the need of the cities children and families. thank you supervisor. mayor lee and i dont always agree. But we do agree that development benefits should stay in the neighborhoods where development is taking place. It allows fees from and then using the proceeds to turn those units into permanently affordable housing. The legislation that the mayor and i are introducing today offers a fourth choice. To allow that the fees stay in the neighborhood by investing in a small site acquisition this fund was started in 2014 and has stabilized. This will allow even more permanently affordable housing. We need to make sure that the benefits stay in the neighborhood where its taking place. I also want to acknowledge the work of sheila who worked to make this possible, the rest i submit. one of the organizations that is separating 20 years i wanted to ask if colleagues can join us in celebrating an organization that really believes in democracy and access for every one. I wanted to say that the founder was one of the original founders of to have a digital libraries that has everything its access to home movies of our neighborhoods over the years but the internet archive is in only old church. The celebration begins tomorrow at 5 pm. Attendants can scan a book. Theyre doing that for different libraries and different systems around the world. They can look at Virtual Reality game 5 pm is kind of the hands on demo. Also folks can look back at some of the defining digital moments in the past 20 years. Fascinating stuff that they use at the internet archive. Join us if you can, i dont have the url for the website. You can google internet archive. thank you. That concludes new business. At this time the public may address the entire board for up to two minutes. Items 34 through 40. Direct your remarks to the board as a whole. Not to individuals. Thank you. First speaker please. hello, my name is joseph cohen. Youre looking at a wonderful i had it printed up for you. Its a name created to express the possibility of a new park in San Francisco. Ive been working with 7 other people who very much want this to happen. We pray to god and this board of supervisors. My dad brought me up to respect politicians. We want to put in this park a green roof studios. Gardens and lush vegetation maintained by the dwell ers themselves. All of this connected to the garfield school. Have them come up and have a childrens garden. We will be in touch with you with further written strategies. Were also doing a documentary so that you can see the public and locals want and need this park. Thank you for listening. next speaker, please. i was really glad to see, it looks like 3000 of the i was listening to michael savage, i said you should call and get in your story with him. And i remember he was interviewing donald trump and i was yelling turn your raid oh to k an f o. Hillary clinton wont solution. Government subsidies are if there is a solution out there to build homes for those without a home affordable, we believe that it deserves your attention. thank you. Next speaker, please. good afternoon. Id like to call to a couple of things that pertain to us all. I think the campaign the nations representatives need to address the fundamental problems if there has been increases of people dont belong in prisons they belong in the work place. Contributing to the family, community and nation. Climate change is happening. The earths a sensitive place. We must treat is accordingly as we go about living out our lives. thank you. Next speaker please. im asking for corporation in opening up an investigation. A lot of the tenants are noticing missing we believe the manager is taking them some how, some way. Its very wrong. I have a lawsuit im filing against them. I want you to assist me. I have paperwork against her with me. Whoever is ready to do this. Thank you sir. before the next speaker, are there any more who would like to address the board. i am here for the residents of treasures island. I personally got together all of the Voter Registration list. We asked them were you aware of this resolution before the board of supervisors today. im going to pause your time. You are not able to speak on items 10 through 14. im not talking about those items. There was no Comment Section on the items when they were read. So im here to talk about the residents of treasures island. There lack of voice and access to complete ignoring by our own District Supervisor. I have struggled to meet with her. On very complicated matters you cant get anything done. It seems to me, im begging the board of supervisors to consider giving the residents, rent ers rights because the rules that were i ask you to consider this and i know i cant go to the District Supervisor because she doesnt do anything for us. seeing no other speakers. any other members of the public . Now closed. Maam clerk. Lets go to the adoption. items 26 to 27. thank you and supervisor campos. at the request of the projects and consent of continue the items to november 15. Id like to open this up to Public Comment on the continuance. Public comment . Seeing none. Now closed. On the item to continue to the meeting of november 15, please call the role. Cohen, i. Farrell, i. Peskin, i. Tang, i. Breed, i. Campos, i. There are 11 is. lets go to the item for adoption without reference to committee. Supervisor avalos . im. Item 34. Can we take the remaining items, same house, same call . Without objection those pass unanimously. supervisor avalos. i think regardless what happens after the election we will continue to see call upon ourselves to protect people in the bay area. So this is just a statement of solidarity with the people who are under attack. I urge your support. can we take this same house, same call . All right. It is now 330, and we have special accommodations for 330. Okay. So well come, we have some special guests here. In honor so today it is my honor to recognize someone who has changed lives, is he in here . Oh, he might be making his way back. Ill have to defer to another colleague. at this time we will recognize supervisor er rick mar. first on the list. Im happy of all the person i have chosen has had an impact on childrens lives and the education system. Can alison come forward . Alison was recently promoted to in the college of ethic studies. Im going to veer off my script. Her leadership in establishing ethnic studies and in our studies, often the politician take credit for everything. Its the youth that really lift us up and make it easy for the board to claim she also is a faculty member beyond teaching to respond to the lack of social and emotional challenges. I dont think the state of california would have passed the ethic studies each year pep is proud to have produced hundreds of the book that. I really want to appreciate, thank you for giving me this award. Thank you, thank you. I appreciate the continued work that you all are doing, locally and you are going to continue on into the state and national levels. Thank you. congratulations. I will go back to supervisor tang. its my honor he is a counselor. He has count less accomplishments. He serves as a role as a support er. He always seeks out to support students who are new to the United States. I heard that in the last year about 900 visits to the center. Thats a high number there. He started an antibullying event. He started health id ol. Its a competition. Presented as a cdc in georgia. He also started the improve group. Every thursday they meet at lunch to practice. Gives feedback. He started the club as a fundraiser for a trip where they helped build an elementary school. He works carefully with the transition and Early Warning to help students who are in need. He was also the driving force for the students at lincoln. Prevent, make sure that the support is appropriate and make sure that the faculty knows what is going on. He also dances hip hop. He helps teach the students how to dance. He is also a professional dance instructor. They will be performing at city haul on friday november 4th. So for everything that he has done to help our community and beyond, i extend my deepest gratitude to you. Thank you. id like to thank the board of supervisors. One thing that we were talking about in the back we are a very invisible community. When i started in the district i worked at franklin. They said to me where have you been . Nobody knows that we are here. Nobody talks to us. And working with the kids at lincoln they show me their essays and i ask them why are your heros white . Why recreating stories about the dominant culture. It starts here with recognizing a community that is doing great work. So thank you again and thank you to all of the others for the great work that you are doing in the city. thank you supervisor, weiner. I am honoring two individuals who are not here today. They are making a difference throughout San Francisco. The food truck long time friends and restaurant owners. He had the ambition and hasnt looked back. It is only a matter of time that it would be a fusion rolling restaurant in our city. Its composed of family recipes. They took the portability of their favorite mexican dishes. And even the name is a fusion of filipino and mexican. I hear raving reviews of them all of the time. I want to congratulate them. thank you very much. Were going to go to supervisor peskin . legacy businesses have disappears. Were lucky to have him celebrate. over a quarter of a century ago he opened his own shop where he provided retail, custom shoes. After running a string of in store boutiques, and pursuing his love of fashion , later in 2011 he moved. It wasnt like we have today where its one of the most expensive cities. One of the things about a Small Business is to get involved. With the Merchant Community , with the supervisors and there is an effect that can happen. That happened with me in the mission. And sometimes you are a victim of your own success. Because now you stay in a place for 25 years and its difficult to continue. I would hope that this would resonate with this board that its difficult for me to continue. Its difficult to build a team and i know with some of the board over here are doing a great job of making the city affordable for Small Business. And thank you for this honor. thank you so much. Actually i was going to begin today to honor a member of our Filipino Community member. We an unexpected passing of a Great Community leader. I do want to recognize a hreurb a unified force in the community. Shared the filipino democratic she was also an advisor, i am asking that we close our meeting today in honor of and i do want to recognize her grandson who is here in the audience today who is accepting a certificate in her honor today. Charles i wanted to bring you up. Due to her leadership we were able to successfully file we now have the First District engaged that is just a drop in the bucket of the work of your grandmother. I wanted to gist give you an opportunity to. on be half of my family it is a privilege and honor additionally id like to acknowledge the passing of inaudible now talking about mommy alice she enjoyed these discussions. Being an educator i learned the values of being part of the Filipino Community. She always told me two things other than respecting our families. Having a quality education and involving filipinos and the community in the political process. While working with others to make community s stronger and healthy for all. I know that there needs to be a lot of work to be done. That is why i feel that her with my sister having worked for the filipino education center, and for myself working with the cultural center, which advocates for workers rights, i know she would always encourage me to always meet her other contacts. I would look forward to meeting with you or working with you in the future in the different avenues that she introduced me to. It is about helping and giving back to the community. Thank you again, board of supervisors. Thank you again. thank you for being here on be half of your family and your grandmother. It was a big loss for the bay area to hear of her passing. I wanted to take a moment quickly to thank all of the Staff Members that put together filipino heritage month this year. Its important for all to recognize. Given the diversity we have filipinos contribute in every level to our city. I have worked where many of you to fight for more affordable housing, schools, i also want to recognize the staff that put together todays fest the numbers of the clerks office, christine, brent, and robert laguna. It is your work behind the scenes that makes the us successful. So thank you for your work and putting on this great event. I wanted to bring up my honoree. Only one of a handful of women who own bars and restaurants in San Francisco. She is also a mother of two and a very active member of our community. I mentioned that shes here with her partner, her kids, her mother. Id like to have them all come up. She also founded hood games i mentioned that she is on the board oh took a real big risk in deciding that we can do an organic locally sourced soul Food Restaurant in the heart of the market long before anyone thought of investing in that neighborhood. I can walk in on almost any given evening and bump into also providing a space for the community. Really being a glue throughout the district. Thank you very much for being here. i just wanted thank the board of supervisors for this acknowledgement. At the core of what we do is Building Community s. My work in the tender hroeupb is here to my heart. I feel like the work that we do for the project ask really there to have resources for those to succeed. Its no small feat. I feel very honored to be able to keep doing these projects. Theyre like painful births. But every project that i do and my husband participates in has been a joy and pleasure to reach so many people. Its going to be in the south market district. Well definitely have a lot of influences from the filipino culture. So that will be within a couple of months. Thank you for the acknowledgement. thank you and again congratulations. Its my turn to provide an, award to janet al she works with the community to promote multi cultural her father immigrated from the philippines in 1928. After the war he began documenting post war america life in San Francisco. From a Close Knit Group from the philippines janet discovered his photographs and now documents and preserves more than 3000 images one of their exhibits which my staff and i had an opportunity to visit is showing right across the street. A filipino experience. What an, amazing collection. Not only do these photos look amazing every one is dressed to the 9s. It includes black and white photographs playing pin oh jazz. Filipino America Military service. Social clubs where africanamericans and filipino americas gathered. Her work within the community highlights the need for all of her contributions to the community im proud to honor janet. In joining her are a number of historians and advocates. And if you can all please stand. thank you and congratulations for ill just take a few moments. Thank you. Im proud to meet you and represent that portion of my fathers archive. I was born and raised here. Much later after those pictures have been taken. It is filipino America History month. Im proud to be from district 9 but my parents did start in the western addition. Im deeply honored to be part of this city and day. Thank you. thank you and dont forget to go check out that exhibit right across the street. Id like to recognize supervisor norman yee from district 7. i want to congratulate each of you. My honoree is the nursing officer ma donna come on up. We just celebrated the anniversary of city hall. It was around 50 years ago that this was built. The people that care for them are made up of many people including 750 nurse leaders, registered nurses, nursing assistants, Home Health Aids and unit clerks. Guess what ma donna does. She supervises this team. It was no surprise because what i hear about you is that your well known by not just the executive colleagues but the front line carriers. She believes in collaboration, team work and a can do attitude. Frequently she is attending meetings, she believes in a Residence Center approach. Including well , and well being. Including being a staff nurse, charge nurse, nurse manager, to work where she is today, which is the top nurse. She is a great nurse leader and a great colleague. She has taken care of thousands of patients there. So please join me in welcoming her. thank you so much. Im grateful to be the recipient. Really what keeps me going every day are our 780 plus patients who count on 800 plus nurses. Im very fortunate to be working with amazing leaders. This is really i want you to stand up please. Thank you for all that you do. Thank you board of supervisors. i want to say thank you so much for taking good care of her and so many of the other folks. I can attest firsthand. You all deserve a round of applause. Supervisor scott weiner. thank you very much. Today i have the pleasure of honoring richard you want to come up . Sergeant recently retired or a few years ago. He was born and raised in San Francisco where he attended washington high school. 31 year veteran of the Police Department. He was the coordinator of the cpr instructor. Contributions earned him numerous awards. A certificate of honor for dedicated service. He considers his two greatest contributions, enabling him to start a scholarship fund. Last but not least he feels there is no more rewarding experience than to spend time with the seniors, so thank you for your service as a community leader. Congratulations. thank you very much. Im very honored because all of these honorees i think are more important than i am. Im lucky, when i came to the Police Department i think there were only 3 filipinos there. We started a scholarship fund. Every we started only 8 years ago we now have chapters in los angeles and san diego. We have an office in the philippines, we help train the officers over there. We bring used equipment that they need over there and we try to do the best we can with giving them as much support as we can even though were here. We have been doing that since 2000. As far as we originally started thank giving and christmas we would feed them, serve them, talk with them. A lot of them were soldiers that needed our help just trying to get Social Security and stuff like that. So were really happy to do that. Id like to thank everybody and honorees that you have picked are fantastic. I want to thank them for all their work. Thank you very much. next we have supervisor from district 9. thank you. I want to acknowledge the Incredible Group of honorees. Its Pretty Amazing to see the contributions that the Filipino Community has made. Id like to call on tina dell mar. Tina is a parent who has been a strong leader in health care, patients rights, nurses rights. She has worked in labor and delivery. She has been an active member of the California Nurses Association serving as a c n a represent for the past five years. I can tell you from my experience in this field. Its a tough job to be a representative. She was an active participant in the fight to save saint lukes. District nine, i want to thank you for that alone for helping to safeguard such an important institution. Tina is the daughter of filipino immigrants from the 1960s. Tina is the mother of two girls. Theyre students at sacred heart and she is pursuing a dock rate thank you, congratulations. thank you. This is such an honor. Its an incredible honor to be part of this Filipino Community and stand with all of these leaders here today. I feel like kind of when youre a nurse and youre working every day or youre knocking on doors on saturdays and sundays to help your community. This reminds me of what i do every day. I love my community and the people who i work with. Thank you again. id like to now recognize the supervisor from district ten. Malia. we have an opportunity to recognize we have Asian Pacific island er. I want to pay my respects to when i got the news that she passed away my heart broke. She sat with me and she told me to practice my and coached me through a couple phrases. I had the great pleasure of growing up with some of her nephews. Today we really have come together to recognize an every day hero. We look into the community and we look for people that we know, people who we have established relationships with. Today i decided to help someone who helps us every day in a tremendous way. As you can tell from the expression shes not pleased being in the lime light. But i think its time to recognize people who help us every day. This woman has helped me run the community , she has cleaned up messes along the way, messes that she has not made. This is an opportunity to pay our respect to an incredible woman. Im going to share some information about her. A Third Generation fill pin a. She returned to her home town with her boyfriend and to be closer to her family. She cares deeply about taking care of the children in her family. Her father was also born and raised in valet oh. I tell you this is a thankless job. So we want to say thank. Working for the city of berkley she obtained her degree. She is an incredible woman and i want to say thank you for your work. phraf paragraph. im not even sure what that means. Thank you supervisor cohen. The work we do it can be thankless and you guys dont usually recognize it unless something is going wrong. I couldnt do any of this without the stuff of the clerk of the board. Also the clerk of the board angel hra for giving me the opportunity to serve all of you. So thank you again. we would like to congratulate all of the honorees today. I am honoring a great person. Someone who i look up to greatly. He is one of the founders of the Filipino Community center. Providing workers, immigrants, youth, women. Through his work its become an important part of the city. In just the last few years they have helped workers win over 2 million in owed wages. Terry has also been a leader in our district. Working with other community s to bring about grass root victories. He has recently been selected by the levis corporation beyond the f c c terries work to. Empower the leading campaigns for immigrant rights. Against human trafficking. He is not only a great leader but an advocate for human rights. I had the pleasure to travel with him to cuba. Promoting urban farms and free medical, school just this past weekend he was in chicago political repression. There to mark the second year of a brutal killing by a Chicago Police officer. Thank you for your service. [ ez. thank you very much. Its been great to work with every supervisor here and all of your staff who have worked with me. Im honored to be here with all of these honorees. Were here to carry on the legacy. We have to carry on that legacy, push forward our community. Were leaders, nurses, police officers, a lot of the honorees are from there. And we still have to keep those places. So were there on the ground every day, continuing to build leadership, workers rights. We build a water project. Disaster prepared workshop. These are critical times right now for piece in the philippines. Thank you. this was the last for today. This concludes our event. I just wanted to say congratulations again to all of the honorees who are here today. Thank you for spending the afternoon with us. We have some amazing people in the Filipino Community. Thank you all so much. And again congratulations. With that madam clerk lets go back to our agenda. todays meeting will be a skwrourpbed a hreurb a pen i cant tom hey den. this brings us to the end of our agenda. that concludes our business for today. Thank you. The office of controllers Whistle Blower Program is how City Employees and recipient sound the alarm an fraud address wait in City Government charitable complaints results in investigation that improves the efficiency of City Government that. You can below the what if anything, by assess though the club Program Website arrest call 4147 or 311 and stating you wishing to file and complaint point Controllers Office the Charitable Program also accepts complaints by email or 0 folk you can file a complaint or provide Contact Information seen by whistle blower investigates some examples of issues to be recorded to the Whistle Blower Program face of misuse of City Government money equipment supplies or materials exposure activities by city clez deficiencies the quality and delivery of City Government Services Waste and inefficient government practices when you submit a complaint to the charitable online complaint form youll receive a unique tracking number that inturgz to detector or determine in investigators need Additional Information by law the City Employee that provide information to the Whistle Blower Program are protected and an employer may not retaliate against an employee that is a whistle blower any employee that retaliates against another that employee is subjected up to including submittal employees that retaliate will personal be liable please visit the sf ethics. Org and information on reporting retaliation that when fraud is loudly to continue it jeopardizes the level of service that City Government can provide in you hear or see any dishelicopter behavior boy an employee please report it to say Whistle Blower Program more information and the whistle blower protections please seek www. My name is jean alexander. Im an attorney in the San Francisco City Attorneys Office. I supervise the tax team, giving tax advice to the treasurer, tax collect or, drafting tax legislation. The thing i remember my mother telling me as a child is that you need to be prepared to take care of yourself and i knew that i wanted to be able to do something that i enjoyed. I didnt expect anybody to give me anything because nobody ever gave her anything and i also i always saw her fighting for the things that she wanted in life for herself and for her children. My name is jasmine flores. I am working as an Admin Assistant in the City Attorneys Office. I have always enjoyed the tasks that i have been given. On the days i show up and work on my own is empowering. For me, happiness in being more involved in a persontoperson interaction. My dream jobs includes being a physician, paramedic, firefighter, working with animals with the public. On a personal level with self improvement. My sister is the biggest influence in my life because she taught me to go forward with what makes you happy rather that what makes you the most money. I graduated from law school in 1972 at a time when there was a beginning to be an influx of women in the Legal Profession and tried criminal cases for about 10 years, treatment for delinquent operating programs, government budgets, analyzed fiscal legislation. I came to the San Francisco City Attorneys Office and i have been here for about 12 years advising on tax matters. I did just about anything you can think of. Some things that lawyers do and some things that lawyers dont do. Im from the mission in San Francisco. I have grown up there and i have lived there pretty much my whole life. Living there, i do see other women, some of them older, some of them look just like me like my age and a lot of them work nanny jobs, child care jobs, retail jobs. I dont know, it seems kind of like a reminder that you are kind of lucky to be where you are, i guess. Just when you havent gone so far at all. I want them to go on maybe go on an interview thats more challenging that they think that they cant get that job. You know, just to kind of challenge and surprise themselves when they get that job and feel better. There had been women practicing law for many years, but there were so few of them that a lot of the issues hadnt really come into play and some of them worked out and some are still being resolved like equal pay and women in lawfirms and making sure women get fair assignments and in the Decision Making and working with law firms. I consider myself more of a beneficiary of all the women that fought really difficult battles along the way. Shop and dine the 49 promotes loophole businesses and changes residents to do thirds shopping and diane within the 49 square miles of San Francisco by supporting local services we help San Francisco remain unique and successful where will you shop and dine shop and dine the 49. My name is neil the general manager for the book shop here on west portal avenue if San Francisco this is a neighborhood bookstore and it is a wonderful neighborhood but it is an interesting community because the residents the neighborhood muni loves the neighborhood it is community and we as a book sincerely we see the same people here the shop all the time and you know to a certain degree this is part of their this is created the neighborhood a place where people come and subcontract it is in recent years we see a drop off of a lot of bookstores both National Chains and neighborhoods by the Neighborhood Stores where coming you dont want to one of the great things of San Francisco it is neighborhood neighborhood have dentist corrosive are coffeehouses but 2, 3, 4 coffeehouses in month neighborhoods that are on their own thats good morning. And welcome to the monthly meeting of the San Francisco county Transportation Authority, im scott weiner, the chair of the authority. And mr. Clerk will you please call the roll . All right, item one, roll call. Avalos . Here. Breed, present. Campos chl present. Cohen. Present e farrell. Absent. Kim absent. Mar. Absent. Peskin. Present. Tang. Present. Weiner. Present. Yee. Present. We have a quorum. Thank you very much. And before going any further i want to thank sfgov tv, for broadcasting todays hearing. And item two, please . Item two, chairs report, this is an information item. Thank you. Colleagues, this has been an exciting month for the Transportation Authority. Last friday i was very happy to join with commissioner kims office to to the cal tran and the chp, and the federal highway administration, and the metropolitan commission, and this was the first major capitol project delivered by the traness powertation authority. And the new ramps provide safe access, and are the first of many Infrastructure Projects planned for the Treasure Island and yerba buena island, i want to con gr congratulate the director, and for competing the 98 Million Dollar project on time and on budget. And i also would like to congratulate cal trans in the opening of the bike and the pedestrian an path, connect tg to the island on sunday. And this regional link was much anticipated on by many people. And a lot of people are going to benefit from this improved access. And so this is no longer any dead ends and i want to thank the agencies that were involved in moving this forward. Earlier this month, they were also, delighted when the federal department of transportation secretary fox announced the award of a 11 Million Dollar, innovaive technology and grant for San Francisco and the projects funded by the grant will be implemented by the mta and the Transportation Authority with the support from uc berkeley, and including the development of the high occupancy lanes, and car pools. And many smart traffic signal or the smart Traffic Signals to reduce congestion and improve the safety and the electronic toll system and the testing of three shuttles for Treasure Island, and i am excited to see these demonstration projects beginning to transform, the visions and in the Practical Solutions and i want to congratulate the mta and the Transportation Authority and thank, mayor lee and, leader pol for their support for this effort. I would like to thank the ta and the mta staff, michael swartz. And jones, for presenting an up date of the planning study at the board of supervisors land use and Transportation Committee last week, it was great to see the early thinking by the planners in the public including a lot of feedback on where the major rail and subway investment could make sense. And although, it is early and our plans are am ikz i am convinced as a city and a region, we must be forward looking in setting the transit that we want to pursue and i look forward to the completing of the study, and when i offered it tapped into a lot of energy, in the committee and the people want more subways and i am glad that we are finally moving towards at least an initial study of where the future subway lines should go and of course, the hard work of planning and obtaining the funds and so with that, ic, conclude my remarks ad here he is. And i want to ask if commissioner mar would like to do a report out for the revolution conference that he attended earlier this month. At the hyatt just in time. He is by his microphone. It was a great conference, 1200 people, 75 speakers and great to hear from ed from the mta and the mtc and i think that for me, the most important parts were looking at Transit Authority and development and putting the e in to the tod or the equity and for real liveable cities. And to really build more sustainable but also equitable for the low income people that the communities are protected. I think that amy really had the great perspective and really as usual, the transform staff like ramos and our mta commissioner did a great job integrating the great transit thinking with the Housing Development and land use policy. And i also wanted to say that a lot of the tours were Pretty Amazing for the visitors from around the country as well. And a great panel with Christie Wang from spur on housing and how we merge Housing Developments that is equitable with the transportation policy as well. And i wanted to last say that was a fun conference, and they, kind of wonky but building in lots of interesting ways to talk about complex and challenging policies. I think that kim, from the tech crunch to many of the others, talked about the challenges with the innovation capitol of the world. The San Francisco sil con, valley, bay area, but many other regions are looking towards us for how we do it right. And i wanted to at last say that i think that conferences like this are great for the networking but for me, it is like the synergism and the intersectionality of the work that a lot of people are doing and hats off to the organizers, especially the low Income Investment fund and others who really insuring that the vision of equity and social justice is integrated into the transportation planning, thank you. And thank you, commissioner mar. Okay. I see no other names pish r withishing to speak, is there any Public Comment on item two . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. This is an information item. Item three . Three. Executive directors report. This is an information item. Miss chang. Thank you. And commissioners before you today are three reports from my monththy report as well as two updates on the projects. First off at the federal level, good news on that safety front, the u. S. Department of transportation has also announced its commitment to end traffic deaths with a launch of its road to zero plan to reduce and eliminate the traffic fatalities by 20 and in 30 years, and so in about 2046 and later, in october, we also saw support by the league of cities, which adopted a resolution, supporting Vision Zero Initiative and it will require, consistent and unified advocacy from the california cities, including San Francisco, la and san diego and, san jose, and so we are really thrilled with the developments at the federal and the state levels to support the local effort and to continue the collaboration that we have begun here locally. And another up date on the federal front is that the nation alien vier mental policy, and the delegation to the cal transand the risk of expiring and this is back to 2007, when california was the first state to be delegated by the federal government, from the usdot, federal highway administration. But that sunset provision for the Expiration Date of that authority is january, 2017, and unfortunately, efforts to reup on that to extend that sunset, failed earlier, in this legislative session, however there is two more options. With the special session, that continues to late november. As well as potentially in the bill in december that will allow for the cal transto retain that delegate authority. And so meanwhile, we are supporting the advocacy, by the cal trans, for both of these options and we will work with the partners at the selfhelp counties to take action quickly and allow for the projects to continue unimpeded and without interruption. And so chair, weiner it you so much for coming and speaking again. And at our westbound, i80 celebration and it was a wonderful opportunity to highlight the new capacity and the new partnerships that we have developed as we have implemented this important project. It was very exciting and it was very festive and i would also like to recognize our past director, jose who worked together with lee and also, with eric, back then at that stage as well. And previous, administrations of the mayors administration and our chair at the time, chair avalos and others before him. And so this has really been a wonderful long term effort and definitely will be the first of many connections to the Treasure Island, to come. Regarding the resolution, conference, thank you mar for representing San Francisco and for your deep involvement in so many of those topics as the topics that i think is really that truly is the value of those gathers that i find as well. And i was honored to moderate a panel on building, the brt partnerships and really putting in the brt and the context of the streets and all of the disciplines that come together around affordability and access and land use, and urban design and safety in particular, and our principle planner, michael also presented on San Francisco pioneering policies around the demand management and so it was a wonderful conference and to congratulate the organizers, and i also participated in a few panel and just wanted to let the board know about the its and the institute of Transportation Program, and it is a four campus collaboration for research and so we have been supporting that as well as the state wide, transportation, transit planning effort as well that is i am naturing for that led by ucla, it is a time in california where many local jurisdictions and the state wide institutions are trying to implement the new climate mandate, and all of our important transportation initiatives. Locally the chair has mentioned some of the exciting news about the usdot grant, and that is available for more information on our website. And press release there to describe some of those projects and the subway vision as well. Is described further on the website, and we want to thank the public for their over 2600 submission and suggestions for what quarters we should be looking at and so that work will continue through the connect sf effort together with the Planning Department and sfmta and the regional partners. Moving to the freeway side, our freeway quarter Management Study is making progress. We really want to spreesht v appreciate the commission staff, and the executive director, art and his project management lis for coming to our plans and Programs Committee and presented on their percent with the 580, and the 680 lanes and then we provided an up date on our study as well. And alternative concepts for the 280, 101, corridor should be available by the end of this year and it will be conducting the out reach to the neighborhoods along the corridor, both local and regional travelers to hear their thoughts and questions about how we might better improve the reliability and efficiency for the transit, the buses and the trans, offer the service in the corridor as well as to the motorists who are trying to access San Francisco, from the south bay. And the geary bus Rapid Transit project and the quarter Improvement Project where we are working with our federal partners who are roo he viewing the final document. And the last steps before we can release it is to obtain their approval in the next few weeks, following the release, we anticipate, holding a brt citizens meeting in mid novemeber, where the Citizens Advisory Committee can indicate its support for preferred alternatives and then, the next step would be for that decision to come to this body as well as the sfmta board and so we will continue to support this with an out reach, effort once the environmental document is released. But we have been presenting along the way, updates on what we have heard what we have done in response to the tremendous, public input that we have received to date. And so, i encourage the folks to check out geary brt. Org which is the website on the project. The related news on van ness is that we are entering doo construction, and so congratulations to the sfmta and the partner and the public works and the others on the milestone and over the next couple of weeks. There is going to be a few traffic changes and the public open house on october fifth to help to get the word out about the changes. And the signal timing and left turn removals and among those variable Message Signs will be used to notify motorists, and make sure that the drivers are aware of the change. And in addition, polk sfreet is expected to also, undergo its ground break and construction as well. And so these two projects should be completed by late, 2018, and 19, respectively. Moving on with project delivery, the prop k, antip, program and the neighborhood Transportation Program is making great progress, and we saw for example, the out reach on lumbard street and we are going to continue that out reach and hold a second meeting in mid novemeber to share some of the findings and then continue to receive public input on the potential solution and on district nine, we presented the interchange study to the finance committee, this month. And we will be following up given how well those have been received, to date. By the community and we will be following up with commissioner camposs office to advance the Capitol Grant to facilitate implementation in the november december, cycle. In district one, we are happy to report that this work is complete, and the striped, bike lanes and so thank you, for commissioner for the leadership in the communities. Thank you so much. Your leadership on those and it is exciting and our first capitol project and i think, that one of the first if not the first to be completed and look forward for the deputy is nodding yes and that is true, and you get to be first, district one. And in addition, we have on deck, the hair ball interchange, and planning study, which is the 101, bay shore, interchange study in district ten and so that will be presented to the finance committee where the commissioner cohen sits, and as well on wednesday, october 26th, tomorrow, the mta staff will be leading the first out reach meeting for the District Eleven study. That we have been working with in the community. It is at 6 00 in the high skal, in room c. Okay. And finally, just a quick up date on the mtas vehicles and the delivery of several new exciting subsuites. One of the most important roles of the prop k sales tax is to provide a local match to mta and other operators for the vehicle. And so you will see in your report and the folks can find online an up date on where we stand on the lrvs and the articulated clek trollys and also on the hi brid, motor coaches and the mta reports that 95 percent, complete with the design of the new light rail vehicles and the first 24 of those will be coming for fleet expansion and delivery in late, 2017, and so thank you, again, president breed, and commissioner breed and all of you who have supported this procurement. And in addition on the bus side, and the mta has received, 60 out of the 74, articulated electric trollys and so hopefully the people have been seeing those around town. And they are great. And mta is also received, 144 out of the 307, hybrid diesel motor coaches on order. And so, it is great work on the mta and to mta on that, on that progress. Lets see, another item to report, is that we have conducted another joint training with mta and this is an initiative that we began last year year and so it is like the fifth training that we have done together where we have combined the staff from the agencies participating in the project management boot camp. And theyed there is to cover the fundamentals for the project management through construction to develop a common, vocabulary, and facilitate, the Relationship Building between our agencies and so they have been successful and popular with the staff and i want to appreciate, dr. Reskin for his partnership, and eric for leading the end. And thank you and congratulations for the development, for fong for another year of clean audits and that is going to be coming to finance next month, along with the 7th straight, audit of the ybi ramps project, and with that icon include my remarks. Thank you. Thank you. And commissioner, mar do you have a question . Or is that from before . Okay. Colleagues, and unless there are any questions, we will move to Public Comment, is there any Public Comment on item three . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed and this is an information item. Item four . Item four, approve the minutes of the september, 27, 201 , meeting this is an action item. Are there any questions, comments or changes to the minutes . Seen none, is there any Public Comment . Seeing none, closed. Could you call the roll on four . Avalos. Aye. Breed. Aye campos. Aye. Cohen. Aye. Farrell. Aye. Kim. Aye. Mar. Aye. Peskin. Aye. Tang. Aye. Commissioner weiner. Aye. Commissioner, yee in aye. And then the minutes are approved. Okay. And item number five . Item five, execute a memo of agreement with the Treasure Island Development Authority for the yerba buena island, vice ta point, Operations Services in an amount nottoexceed, 500,000 through december, 31 gs, and negotiate the Agreement Terms and this is an action item. Commissioner peskin . Thank you chair weiner. And i was, i know that this was present in plans and programs. And quite frankly i cannot remember the answer. But i was just concerned that we were spending a half a Million Dollars on a temporary item that would be removed in less than two years from when it was built. So. I was cer yus as to why we are doing this. All right, miss chang . Yeah, i might ask eric to elaborate on my response if i dont get it all. Right. But commissioner, peskin thank you for the question, the idea here is to insure that we have a safe and welcoming and receiving area for visitors to the island once the pass has opened and we wanted to be able to have permanent safety feature and there is some of that will be permanent and others of those Services Like some of the bathrooms and hydrations may be just for a limited period and theyed is to have a safe and a welcoming mra is for visitors and i will have eric add to that. Yes, definitely. A great question commissioner peskin. And these are, they are temporary in nature, and these are maximum budget amount of 500,000 all the way through the end of 2018. And we are currently right now, working with the state of california, in the area of the Toll Authority to go ahead and institute some additional improvements in the area that frankly would put us in a position to send a lot less than 500,000, and so we are managing that accordingly with all of the stake holders. I might submit to you colleagues, that maybe when we have a smaller nottoexceed amount, and i mean that i dont want to say nottoexceed half a million, when it should be nottoexceed 200,000 or 300,000. Why dont we wait until they narrow that amount down. And appropriate ate what needs to actually be appropriate ated. I am sorry, could you i dont think that i understand what you are suggesting. The operations and maintenance of the vita point include security. As well as just over all maintenance, and garage pick up as well as the shuttle. And so those have been budgeted for a maximum nottoexceed of 500,000. And that is through december of 2018. What may occur, and which is very much likely, is that we will Start Construction in that area, which would put us in a position where we would stop these temporary service frz occurring. And Start Construction in the area in question. So, our thought process was to make sure that we covered what would be the maximum through december, 2018. And so it could be a situation whereas early as the end of 17, that we will Start Construction and in the area there, and rebuilding the on and offramp structure and rebuilding the areas in question, there with the eastbound offramps. I appreciate it and in terms of what commissioner peskin was suggesting i was not fully understanding what you were suggesting. What i was suggesting is that in so far as this all seems to be in flux and this may be resolved in 17, i am just not sure why we are agreeing to execute an memo of agreement. When everything is still in flux. You are saying that it should be shorter. Or a smaller amount for a shorter period of time . When the staff can tell us, what really is going to happen, then we should enter into the memo with much more fixed time flames and dollar amounts that was my point. Did you want to add something . Certainly. Commissioner peskin nour concern and your suggestion there. And perhaps we could limit the period of the mou to the spring and then come back to the board and provide an up date and then potentially extend that. I think what eric is referring to is the potential beginning of our west side, ramps yekt and also the interchange project that is literally before the state right now, in terms of decision about funding and so that will be very easy for us to do is come back in the spring and i would suggest that as a way forward. And so the 500,000 has already been budgeted and in our office, budget. Yeah, it is running the shuttle and some of the security and the maintenance. It is budgeted as part of the project now, and the approximately, 2 Million Dollars has been budgeted for the temporary vista point of which one million comes from the authority and one million from the ybi ramps project. And so the suggestion is perhaps, executing the mlu through the end of april or the end of may, instead . Yes, we could do that, and come back and report and extend that at that time. Okay. So, okay, great. So perhaps an amendment by the end of may and just to give the flexibility. And yes, that will be fine. And we will take that up after Public Comment. Any other questions or comments . Okay. And is there any Public Comment on item five. Please come forward. Hi, commissioners my name is jessy and i am the director of the Bicycle Coalition and we are thrilled about this project and i know that in your attachment and the memo there is a drawing of everything that is going on, and i saw a version of that, that had all of the different time lines with ticd, and cal trans, and mtc and, mta, and i think that i have counted all of the different agencies perhaps there are more. But there are a lot of moving parts, but what is not a moving part is the fact that starting on sunday, this past sunday at noon, the people biking and walking could finally make it to oakland all the way to San Francisco on the district six in the yerba buena island, and it is important that these pieces all move together, and i appreciate the comments and a lot of moving parts and with he have been disappointed by cal transand not waiting to make sure that the landing is properly safe and welcome for the people that actually get on to San Francisco and so your concerns are i think, heard from the aed vdvocates and the staff well. And the people are already there and so your attention to this and making sure that both the shuttle and the money is allocated to make sure that the point is welcoming to the public. And it is really important to us, and our membership, and we are just thrilled that this project is moving for ward, thank you. Thank you, very much. Is there any additional Public Comment on item five . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Okay. And commissioner peskin, perhaps you could make or offer an amendment and actually maybe we should make it through june 30th to the end of the fiscal year and so that we dont have that so we will have that match up . Sure, so perhaps on in the title we should say through strike december 31, 2018 and turn it to june, 30, 2017. And in the body of the instrument on page 2, in the first whereas, make the same change. And in the resolve, the first resolve, make the same change. Okay. Does that sound. That sounds fine. Okay. Great. Okay, so commissioner peskin has made a motion to amend, and seconded by commissioner tang. And colleagues could we take that amendment without objection . It is adopted. And on the underlying item, could we take item 5, as amended, the same house same call, without objection . That will be the order. Item 6. Allocate 12,713,969 in prop k funds with conditions for two requests, subject to the attached fiscal year, cash flow distribution schedules, this is an action item. Are there any questions or comments on item six . Seeing none, is there any Public Comment on item six . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. And colleagues, could we take item six, same house same call. Without objection, that will be the order. Item 7. 7, approve the 2017, prop aaa plan policy and screening. This is an action item. Any questions or comments in seeing none, any Public Comment on item number seven . Seeing none, closed. And colleagues, could we take that item same house same call . Without objection . That will be the order. And item 8. Approve San Francisco input on the plan bay area 2040, draft preferred scenario, this is an action item. Colleagues, any questions or comments . On item eight . Okay. Seeing none, is there any Public Comment on item eight . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. And colleagues could we take item 8, the same house same call . Without objection . That will be the order. Item 9. Introduction of new items. Colleagues, are there any introductions . Seeing none, is there any Public Comment on item nine introductions . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. This is an information item. Item ten. General Public Comment. Please come forward. Good morning inaudible Mission Officers inaudible rescue for our people inaudible establishment of virtues enforcement of humanity. inaudible courage inaudible destiny inaudible thank you. Is there any additional general Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. This is an information item. Item number eleven. Adjournment. We are adjourned. Thank you. Good afternoon and welcome to the local Agency Formation commission my name is jones avalos the chair of commission joined to to my right is by cynthia logical and scomploomz and supervisor mar is usually here but have him excused and todays local Agency Formation commission is broadcaster by sfgovtv jim smith and defense attorney risk hernandez madam clerk, any announcements . Yes. Completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. Very good a motion to excuse supervisor mar motion in schematics and sxoufks. Approval the lafco minutes special meeting. Colleagues, any questions or comments about the minutes okay. Public comment is open on the lafco minutes and seeing no member of the public come forward Public Comment is closed. And motion to approve from commissioner pollock and commissioner campos and without objection. Were going a little bit out of order and so what call item 5 first if we can do. Work plan for treatment and the general landscaping a cooperated and operated in the city and county of San Francisco. At the last lafco meeting an idea how we could look at the city and how the city takes responsibility in maintaining trees we have different jurisdictions the work plan will be ignored to study how to bring the tree maintenance into one jurisdiction our chief executive officer. Jason fried, executive officer. I know with is where a time crunch with time issues over 2 oclock in your packet going into how to look at t streetscaping so phase one is 4 to 5 months a lot of interviews and research and questioning of the agencies and reviewing how the jurisdiction deal with the issue of mandatory departments doing similar work and try to merge the process or San Francisco is doing to correctly and no more work to be done once that phase is done depending on the details a month or two to write and report depending on the detail and phase three something weve looked at and resolved and no more work a future local Agency Formation commission will deal with that. Thank you and im not clear of the 5 points maybe that might be a little bit long for a report and also important that we build on the work by the urban Forestry Council there is a report they have i think the report extends into the year 2030 how to take care of our trees but under a different jurisdiction to with that, we have colleagues other questions or concerns to be raised about the plan commissioner pollock thank you mr. Fried the scope of work is gathering the information that takes four or five months then a discrimination made if a formal report. The question how much like there are a lot of other reports that are out there so to a degree did i find a lot of information that is to be looked at from a different angle maybe longer but something short and sweet not much difference in what which is covered a shorter report one of the reasons up to 5 months were going into the holidays to we are anticipating a future one of the things d c a at the end of this year or next year an in depth of the future plan and updating that and other aspects of the cpa program i gave middleincome time and maybe focusing on the cac to be realistic with my workload i would anticipate it takes 5 months i could get that done quicker. Got it so green house yourselves the time not late but also knowing that is not four to five months of fulltime. Parttime work while im working on the cca. That make sense. Did i mention the elephant in the room in the room ask is ruby next year and people are volunteering so i think the report should be ignored something that can be ignored vertebral to the board of supervisors to and people to spend what we can do in gentrificational influence in the city ill put that out as a hope but no control over that in my mind we want representatives here and this report can help guide them as their movng into the next work plan for this organization. Correct one of the goals ive talked to outlet folks at the board of supervisors and worked on street trees issues and other aspects ive talked with the offices to get information all over the place engaged of time them so depending on what occurs on the november elections well be able to determine what is going on with future commissioners. Okay. Great so that item anyone wish to comment and seeing none, Public Comment is closed. And so basically, you want to motion to give you the go ahead to do this report . Okay. That motion moved by commissioner campos and seconded by commissioner pollock and without objection thank you lets go on to our next item which will be ignored number 4. Item 4 hearing on how to connect fiber to all resident and businesses. Jason fried, executive officer. Well invited department of the environment we have a power point presentation not utilities that given the timeframe but any questions hell be able to reference that. Snooemz a bryan and with the department of technology and like to thank the commission for inviting us here today, i want to talk about an effort were engaged in we call it for San Francisco and seeking Advisory Services how to move forward the Guiding Principles are equity that every resident and business has access to fast and Affordable Services and that will increase the local employment and Economic Development jajz and insuring we have a network that is future prove that can be expanded over time just context this project grew out of Research Efforts one by the budget analyst and the report in march president different options wanting the broadband for the city and ct did cost modeling and worked with the d l a costing some of the options and this initiative has been opportunity two the Capital Improvement plan and committee on Information Technology for the Advisory Services supported by d t but it is going to be implemented by public works were seeking to hire a project manager which has the reason for this i think broadband especially from the options were commissioner Vice President moran is project construction and the it and the heavy lift the construction key doing the digging, the stripg on poles that kind of thing both a an it and construction but the heavy lift with the construction piece the purpose of Advisory Services seeking technology Advisory Services and comparing public and private and public option public is the status quo and so the Advisory Group will recommend and approach gordons brief Decision Makers for displacement and forums on this recommendation from the city decided to proceeded with the public option it will gave me in the procurement and emphasis this is a little bit different many features of this project will be ignored new no other by city the size of San Francisco has engaged in this ambitious project those cities have many of them a little bit smaller us have a unit for electrical utilities as well just a quick question what is the body that is doing the you mentioned d t and public works but is there an advisory body you mentioned the services so for the project who is making decisions about were reporting to Capital Planning and will be ignored thats sort of the Advisory Group cumber. So the Capital Planing Committee. Yeah. In terms of 6 you know we talk about private that is one thing obviously public means another publicprivate could be kind of lots of forums. Exactly. So do you have a sense of belonging what those forums can be ignored at this point . Right there is two primary types those are new one is an approach that has been tried in a couple of cities alabama and maryland the city owns the fiber in the streets call it dark fiber and engages with the isp in west minister google fiber have thought in the electronics and do the Customer Service and provide the connection to the internet the approach the city deals with the infrastructure and the private partners deals with the shorter Term Investments in a number of equipment and so forth and the Customer Service center. They lease the use of the private and the leases are structured they pay for on a per pga each home or best that the Company Passes have to pay a certain amount per month the formula is different in the jurisdictions but thats the model so the i f p pays for the opportunity to serve a customer and in the case of west minority they pay an a firm will design and build and the city will maintain the ownership and that hadnt been tested in the United States yet there is a discussion of it in utah on assess called utopia has gone through a few considerations and theyre looking to model to arrive that effort to get more capital for it but enough of the member cities have agreed to go forward with that model yet so those are the two models weve look at it and the pricing exercise on the publicprivate side. I guess im not clear can you explain the defense between the two if we have the city providing dark fiber and the i f p provides the electronics i dont know the difference between the approach where the city owns it but it is designed built and operateed and it is in the financing of dark fiber piece in the first model the were not there yet minority hunts model the city will eventually pay for the takes the reflex for installing the infrastructure the fiber infrastructure on the concessioner approach the city will be making a payment guaranteed payment through a private developer that would finance that more in the financing you can your right a hybrid two approaches that is just the example if we focus the modeling in the cost effort the d o a focuses the report that is underlined we have an opportunity to take the best from both. Any examples in the country there is a totally public version. We do chattanooga is an example and lafayette and louisiana many month of them municipal electrical utilities it gotten in there are a few not the case sandy oregon has a standalone i f p. So youll be able to provide like different ways to do those different oppositions how much appetite for the rest of them this is was it phase one will be ignored flushing out a question from commissioner pollock. Thank you for coming to speak with us i have two quick questions one how does the sfpuc play into this with cleanpowersf or is that something that youll flush out with the option. I think it is something well flush out. Great, great i wanted to make sure that was on the radar and the second im not familiar with the Capital Planing Committee we have a number of advocates that come to bosco that expressed an interest in the broadband i wonder in the made up of Capital Committee has this retention im not sure of the make up. It is city departments that participate. Okay so for example, on lafco im the public person and none not part of city departments. Ill need to check or the board is represented in the Mayors Office but ill need to check. It is pretty much 9 Department Heads that deal with the investment last week puc and airport and then the president of the board serves think the Capital Improvement committee and generally the president of the board staff if theres other you know offices like the board of supervisors participate that and lafco is not part of that it is neat to commissioner tang the dynamics but the composition by the charter. That make sense i just wasnt familiar with it so i think this making sure that we tie them and put it on their radar theyre watching this meeting thank you. So the scope for this project is going to be 3 phases one is with the developing not saying it should happen in the first 4 months thats defining one of the options weve talked about and the second is assistance for repairing and viewing and a request based on the analysis we decided to for the record with a publicprivate option the same Advisory Group will help us with the procurement and the third to be assistant and negotiations with by vendors in that case the second phase vendors to help with the systems wallow go with the public or publicprivate approach so the rfp were still reviewing the responses so that the rfp for 9 Advisory Services. Im sorry for the Advisory Services and. And we continued to select a vendor in december and went over the first two phases and phase one is dependent phase one and that was my presentation ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. I know that jason asked. We have to be brief so perhaps mr. Recorded individual followup well ask month presentation and if commissioner pollock wants to do that she can double up with me in my office to be able to have. Ill be happy to. That will be ignored a meeting wouldnt it so well have to stage that. You could do two not 3 thats a meeting. Got you. Okay. Okay. Ill defer to you. Thank you on the composition of the meeting but my Contact Information is on the first page. Thank you, mr. Robert so open up for Public Comment anyone wish to comment and seeing none, Public Comment is closed. And this is just information item so we can go on to the next item. Aggregation status update on the cleanpowersf and Program Launch and status on the procedures even if California Public Utilities Commission given our timeframe for today what i have i have an email from the director the cca program ill for the record forward that are incorporated inform save time not read into the record but a copy to the clerk part of official file if it is acceptable to everybody. Any Public Comment . The executive officers report report seeing none, none. This is item the cca report. On item number 3 none coming forward for opinion Public Comment is closed. And on to the next item. Item 6 chovts. Jason fried, executive officer. The only thing given the timeframe the next meeting december 9th that is the last of this calendar year unless it means special meetings added to the agenda weve share supervisor campos will be ignored their last meeting we look forward to seeing you and well be able to have a full meeting have a long discussion of lafco. Okay. Thank you. Okay Public Comment on the executive officers report is now open and seeing none, Public Comment is closed. And good evening to the next item. Item 7 Public Comment. General Public Comment is now open and so no one is coming forward for Public Comment Public Comment is closed. Go on to did next item and item 8 future agenda. Colleagues weve talked about the fortune future and lack of future for some of us well close Public Comment and our last item. Item 9 adjournment. Were adjourned thank you, madam clerk

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