Transcripts For SFGTV LIVE Full Board Of Supervisors 2016071

SFGTV LIVE Full Board Of Supervisors July 12, 2016

[gavel] good afternoon everybody and welcome to the San Francisco board of supervisors meeting for tuesday, july 12. 2016. Mdm. Clerk please call the roll. Supervisor avalos be present breed, present. Campos, present. Cohen, present. Farrell, present. Kim, present. Mar not present peskin, present. Tang, present. Weiner, present. Yee, present. You have a quorum thank you. Ladies and gentlemen please join us for the pledge of allegiance. [pleage of allegiance] thank you. Mdm. Clerk are there any communications . There are no communications to report colleagues, any changes to the june 7, 2016 for the Meeting Minutes were the june 8 special budget and finance committee Meeting Minutes . Seeing none, is there a motion to approve those minutes . Moved and seconded. Colleagues can we take that without objection . Without objection those Meeting Minutes will be passed after Public Comment. [gavel] mdm. Clerk please read the Consent Agenda items 16 [reading code] mdm. Clerk, please pull item number one and seeing no names on the roster on item 2 through six, can you please call the roll on items two6 pm aye [nonenglish speaker] aye speak him aye moore not present peskin aye tang aye weiner aye yee aye avalos aye breed aye campos aye there are 10 aye those items are approved unanimously [gavel] mdm. Clerk please call item number one item number one [reading code] item number one, president breed thank you. Colleagues i severed item number one from Consent Agenda because i need to make very minor amendment good in conversation with our City Attorney last week we discovered a small inconsistency that i like to fix before we finally passed the legislation. The legislation credits people from serving prepared food and polystyrene containers. The definition of prepared foods currently says that the food is prepared within the city of San Francisco but section 1604 provides an exemption if the prepared food is packaged outside of the city and sold in the container it was originally packaged in. Something that by definition is prepared in the city could not be packaged outside the city. So, to prevent any confusion in the department of environment begins enforcing this i have some very minor changes for the prepared food definition which i have distributed it is page 8, line 712 and colleagues, i would ask for your support and id like to move that amendment forward we have a motion by president breed get moved and seconded. Colleagues can we take that motion without objection . Without objection [gavel] item number one can we take that same house, same call . Same house, same call that item is passed unanimously [gavel] First Reading. That is correct. Mdm. Clerk please call the next item item 79 were referred without recommendation [reading code]. Item 7 is a ordinance [reading code] thank you. Supervisor tang thank you very much colleagues. This item is not before us now after the Planning Commission has made a formal determination that this 100 Affordable Program conforms with our existing general plan. Since the other general plan amendment was voted down. So, today i just want to reiterate to this body i really hope we can pass this program out before recess because we do have the opportunity to create an additional 203 affordable units in the city based on the seven existing projects that are currently in the pipeline for one of percent Affordable Housing on site. So, i know that there are some other amendment that will be coming but i just want to thank you all for your support and of course acknowledge really the hard work of the Planning Department in our Mayors Office of housing and Community Development are really listening to our Community Members for working with me to make amendment to make it i think a better piece of legislation. Thank you and thank you supervisor peskin. We did make it better together. Thank you. Supervisor avalos thank you colleagues. This has been a ordinance i been watching very very carefully. I live in a part of San Francisco like supervisor tangs district 4 and the sunset that has not had a lot of development. I think over the course of the past 15 years we have probably developed about 100 units altogether. Thats a very very few units compared to the rest of San Francisco were compared to certain parts of San Francisco where weve seen density in heights increased dramatically. Yet, i know that in order to rebuild real commercial corridor is can it take greater density to make that happen to facilitate greater density to build our transportation infrastructure. To be one thats much more efficient live in the southern part of San Francisco. And, its going to be required greater density to have the enough units to really need the huge demand we have in the city and within my own district of working families. So, i have also been involved for many years since i first got to office to create Community Outreach and Community Development effort involving leaders of our different committeebased organizations and members of our Community Based organizations as well as our neighbor associations to create a plan for how were going to build a commercial corridor out and part of that is towards building Affordable Housing. We have two sites that now are actually coming into focus in the district. Based on the work that weve done in this outreach effort. One is that the upper yard of the bowl l park muni and bart station. We are going to have 100 units hundred percent of the housing. The results can be another project on Mission Street next to safely where france that anton safeway on Mission Street. The valencia straight affordable former funeral home without removing to daly city and it will have another 100 eat units of Affordable Housing to emerge maximize the Housing Available and greater density that could change the corridor, im in support of this 1 Affordable Housing bonus program. Ive also been in supportwill be supportive of something that is on the private sector side as well could otherwise need to see details about what thats going to look like. I live in the part of the city where a commercial corridor is often filled with singlestory buildings. The majority are twostory buildings all along, say, silver and mission, to the daly city border. That does not allow for the commercial corridor to expand, to actually meet the neighborhood needs and it creates a huge amount of congestion and cars because we dont have an area that really works for pedestrians where people actually come to the commercial corridor as pedestrian. I want to change all that. This is a step in that direction. Last year i also work to increase the Affordable Housing bond, geo bond before the voters last. The mayor first came out with a 250 million bond. I cannot with a 500 million bond and i want to do that because i knew that if we do not have a larger pond the most revenue would get absorbed in other parts of the city where density is increasing rapidly. So, i knew that we were actually to increase the bond with able to get some of the proceeds to be able to come to support creating Affordable Housing in district 11 which has not seen that come forward. So, this is something that i been really watching and excited to see move forward with and i really want to think supervisor tang for her work in moving this forward. I know that its not been easy given that were bunch of cats [inaudible] around here but it does not complete unanimity without within districts about this is the right way to go because change can be very challenging to thank you and i also wonder think supervisor peskin and others were trying to find a way we can all agree to move forward on this. I have two very friendly amendment that i want to add and hopefully with these amendment we can all unite together on this part of our Affordable Housing density bonus program. The First Amendment will help minimize any impact that these 100 affordable projects have on narrow streets and alleys. I like to first remind everyone that buildings that create new shadow in the manner that substantially affects Outdoor Recreation facilities or other public areas are not eligible for this program. Also, in service of protecting the sunrise on our narrow streets and alleys, i like to add the following language and call colleagues you have these on your desk to the Planning Commission Design Review clause which is in section 32, 328 whether charlie on page 50. The Planning Commission, upon. The languagethe Planning Commission upon recommendation of the planning director may also apply the standards of section 261. 1 two bonus floors for all projects on narrow streets and alleys in order to ensure that the streets do not become overshadowed, including potential upper story setbacks and special consideration for the Southern Side eastwest street and middle passages as long as such setbacks do not result of a smaller number of residential units. Section 261. 1 was created as part of the market octavia project 12 scott buildings to work with narrow streets and alleys. So this is really conforming with a previous effort. The Second Amendment will protect Small Businesses that are required to relocate get the ordinance always already requires a notification period paul justin commercial tenants and two weeks ago i made a amendment to direct the city to create additional Business Tools for relocation fees. Today, at one for the medics to ensure that the project requires Small Businesses to relocate the developer will provide a relocation plan is part of the Planning Commissions review of the project. Because 100 affordable projects rely on state and federal funding, they must comply with a state or federal relocation act, which relocation costs and assistance to existing commercial tenants should be provided. To make sure developers comply with this, i proposed a amendment to section 206. 3 d 18 on page 22 that list the information that must be included in the application for density bonus project. First, want to correct a typo. Page 22, line 16 subsection b should actually be subsection i in parentheses. That subsection of four ins. Second, i want to add a new section, section in parentheses, v, at the bottom of page 22 that ensures that developers comply with the state and federal relocation requirements. Heres the section. Documentation that the applicant shall comply with any applicable provisions of the state relocation law or federal uniform relocation act when a parcel includes existing commercial tenants. So, with those three amendment to lines and a typo, i would like to motion that to be accepted. Supervisor avalos has made a motion to make amendment. Is there a second . Moved and seconded. Colleagues, can we take the amendment without objection . Without objection the amendment passed unanimously [gavel] supervisor peskin i just want to acknowledge that it has been a long and twisty road to get here but i think we have made it better and it will be a useful tool and i would like to congratulate supervisor tang on her good work. Thank you. Supervisor yee thank you mdm. Pres. I also want to acknowledge supervisor tangs work on this particular legislation. Its been a long road. I want to also thank all those that offer the amendment. Its made it a much better piece of legislation from my point of view. So, i wanted to ask for a friendly amendment, which doesnt change the definition at all, but its basically, on page 19, line 7, theres wording that says is not designated as an rhone or rh i can do zoning district. Just you may include what im asking to add but yes for clarification, in the future euros can make a mistake about this. I have a lot of rh1d i would like to include that language in there, rh1d. It would be is not designated rhone, rh1d, where you dont need a, and thats it supervisor yee has made a motion to amend the moved and seconded. Colleagues can we take that without objection . Without objection the amendment passes unanimously [gavel] all right. It looks like theres no other names on the roster. If we could just do this with all those ballot measures that we need to get rid of we be in a great place. Mdm. Clerk please call the roll item 7 supervisor cohen aye farrell aye kim aye mar aye peskin aye tang aye weiner aye yee aye avalos aye breed aye campos aye. There are 11 aye this ordinance as amended is passed unanimously on First Reading [gavel] mdm. Clerk please read item 8 and nine together item 8, [reading code]. Item 9, [reading code]. Colleagues, can we take these items same house, same call . Without objection the ordiances passed unanimously [gavel] mdm. Clerk, please call items 1035 [reading code] item 10, [reading code]. Item 11, [reading code]. Items 12 and 13, [reading code]. Item 14, [reading code]. Item 15, [reading code]. Item 1635, [reading code]. Item 16, [reading code]. 17, [reading code]. Item 18, [reading code]. Item 19, [reading code]. Item 20, [reading code]. Item 29, [reading code]. Item 22, [reading code]. Item 23, [reading code] item 24, [reading code]. Item 25 and 26, [reading code]. Item 27, [reading code]. Item 28, [reading code]. Item 29, [reading code]. Item 30, [reading code]. Item 31, [reading code]. Item 32, [reading code]. Item 33, [reading code]. Item 34, [reading code]. Item 35, [reading code]. Supervisor farrell thank you mdm. Clerk for all those ordinance. Colleagues, these are budget items as we do were going to be continuing all these items and theres a few technical amendment i want to make the first, item number 10, i want to make a motion to amend the title. The title now will be proposal budget and appropriations ordinance appropriate in all estimated receipts all estimated expenditures for departments including those selected deponents recommended for approval by the budget and finance committee on may 25, 2016 of the city and county of San Francisco as of may 31, 2016 the fiscal year ending june 30, 2017 and june 30 28 and get my motion would be to amend the title and continue that item number 10 for a week supervisor dan far has made a motion to amend the title. Is there a second . Moved and seconded. Can we take the amendment without objection . Without objection the medics passes unanimously [gavel] item number 11 were literally going to do the same thing to include some additional language. Now it will read, propose annual salary ordinance numerate impositions this is the edition include no selected deponents recommended for approval by the budget and finance committee on may 25, 2016, and the rest will be dissented i make a motion to include that in the title for item 11 as well supervisor farrell has made a motion to amend the title for item number 11. Is there a second . Can we take that without objection . Without objection the amendment passes unanimously [gavel] thank you. Per item 12 and 13, because we amended the title of 10 and 1112 and 13 are no longer necessary so i like to make a motion to table item 12 and 13 supervisor farrell has made a motion to table item 12 and 13. Is there a second . Moved and seconded. Colleagues, can we take that without objection . Without objection items 12 and 13 are tabled [gavel] lastly i make a motion to continue items 10, 11, and 1435 to next weeks supervisors at meeting supervisor farrell is made a motion to continue items 10, 11, and 1435 to the meeting of july 19th 26 in. Is there a second . Moved and seconded. Colleagues can we take that without objection . Without objection those items will be continued to the meeting of july 19, 2016 [gavel] mdm. Clerk please read item 36 item 36, [reading code]. Collies, can we take this item same house, same call . Without objection the ordinance passes unanimously on First Reading [gavel] item number 37 item 37, [reading code]. Same house, same call . Without objection the resolution is adopted unanimously [gavel] item 38, item 38, [reading code] same house, same call . Without objection resolution is adopted unanimously [gavel] bedecked mdm. Clerk i know its 2 30 pm and i know we have one 2 30 pm commendation. At this time will take a pause from our regular scheduled agenda to acknowledge our retiring airport director, john martin. Welcome, mr. Margin supervisor tang thank you very much and welcome to our Chamber Director martin. It is definitely a bittersweet moment i think all of us to congratulate you on your retirement but that also means of course youre leaving the city and your role as our director. So, im not going to state everything thats on the proclamation here for you but i did one take this opportunity to just highlight a few of your amazing accomplishments as our fearless sfo director. So, director martin has served as the director for money one years at sfo. Prior to becoming the director edie actually served as the Deputy Director and also a planner for business and finance, and has been with the Airport Commission

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