Good afternoon everybody and welcome to the regularly scheduled meeting of San Francisco board of supervisors for tuesday may 17, 2016. Please call the roll. Sfr visor avalos, present. Supervisor breed, present. Campos, present. Cohen, present. Farrell, not present. Kim, not present. Mar, present. Peskin, present. Tang, present. Wiener, present. Yee, present. Madam prez dent you have a quorum. Supervisor kim. Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen can you join us in the pledge of allegiance . I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Thank you and colleagues before we move on with todays meeting, my voice i lost my voice and therefore supervisor katy tang will conduct todays meeting, so be nice everybody. Thank you. Alright. Thank you and first before we begin i want to welcome [inaudible] we have a delegation from bejing so welcome. [applause] alright and with that madam clerk any communications none to report. Okay. Sorry . Okay. We will have a representative here from the delegation to say a few words if there are no objections . Thank you. [speaking chinese] distinct supervisors it is a honor to have this opportunity to observe your meeting. [waiting for interpretation] we are a delegation of People Congress and the Chinese People conference bejing community. The first of its kind consisted of local legislators and supervisors. [waiting for interpretation] china and the u. S. Enjoy a longhistory of flendly exchanges. San francisco is a great city [inaudible] we come here to Exchange Ideas between us and [inaudible] and you are welcome to visit us. If you come we will receive you with warm hospitalality. Thank you. Thank you very much. Now, colleagues sorry, supervisor yee. Just want to welcome them. Welcome the delegation from bejing. [speaking chinese] thank you, supervisor mar . I want to thank you mr. Chin shew and delegation. If victor lim can translate that helpful. I visited bejing 10 years ago and it was a honor to meet officials that time but to have come you come here from a city of 22 Million People brings us honor to the city of San Francisco. If we can turn on the microphone. Thank you. [speaking chinese, waiting for interpretation] i was going to add as San Francisco advances china s frfx and many programs to build relationships and people to people relationships i look forward visits bejing soon to visit the schools is see the great people of bejing. [speaking chinese] [applause] thank you supervisor mar. I want to join avenue wn welcoming our delegation here from bejing and hope you continue geping our relationship with all of you here. I hope you learn a lot on your visit and welcome you to come back to the San Francisco. [speaking chinese]. [speaking chinese] okay, with that colleagues now well go to approval of meeting minutes. Any changes to our april 12, 2016 Board Meeting minutes . Seeing none, 23 if we can have a motion student adopt the minutes. Motion by supervisor mar and second by farrell and accept those minutes will be approved after Public Comment. Madam clerk read the Consent Agenda. Item 14 are consent. A item may be considered separately. Colleagues anyone like to sever any items from the Consent Agenda . Seeing none. Items 14. Tang, aye. Wiener, aye. Yee, aye. Avalos, aye. Breed, aye. Campos, aye. Cohen, aye. Farrell, aye. Kim, aye. Mar, aye. Peskin, aye. There are 11 aye the items for finally passed unanimously. Item 5, ordinance to amend the administrative code to require prepackaged food and beverages in vendee machines on City Property meet standards and calorie labeled requirements as well as oretd requirements. Do a roll call. Item 5, tang, aye. Wiener, aye. Yee, aye. Avalos, aye. Breed, aye. Campos, aye. Cohen, aye. Farrell, aye. Kim, aye. Mar, aye. Peskin, no. There are 10 aye and 1 no with pr visor peskin. The ordinance is finally passed. Call item 6 and 7 together. True resolutions that approve the home detention and electronic monitoring rule jz regulations in the Sheriff Department and aruv the evidence of financial responsibility demonstrated by the Program Administrator and leaders in community alternatives. Supervisor kim. Thank you supervisor tang. We did spend the last few weeks conferring with the Sheriffs Department on the Electronic Monitoring Program and initial concern is about requiring payment 125 registration fee, 35 a day for a program that is savey the city money giving the jails are far more expensive than this program and if a individual is eligible and safe to be in the community with monitoring we should make the program free. After discussion we learned that many participants largely waved their fees because they are income eligible and understanding we have this Program Income eligibility that lows fees to be waived and there is a not a Collection Agency when individuals do not participate in the program. I feel comfortable voting for items today but will continue to work with Sheriffs Department and adult probation to make sure we save money when we deemed a individual safe and figure how to continue insure individuals are not prohibited from being in the program because they cannot afford to. Alright. Thank you supervisor kim. So with that if we can do roll call for item 6 and 7. Supervisor tang, aye. Wiener, aye. Yee, aye. Avalos, aye. Breed, aye. Campos, aye. Cohen, aye. Farrell, aye. Kim, aye. Mar, aye. Peskin, aye. 11 ayes. These resolutions are adoped. Item 8 amend it code to authorize to perform public work through best evaluateue process using combination of price and qualifications with bid discount applicable to price. Creation and maintenance of a dat abase. Supervisor wiener. Thank you madam chair, colleagues this legislation is about making sure the taxpayers get quality Infrastructure Construction and work that they deserve. The legislation introducing a new contracting procedure called best value where both cost and bid amount as well as past performance are considered. Best value rewardss the large majority of contractors who do good work for the city, on time and budget and adequate staffing. The legislation maintaining the 10 percent bid discount as we continue to support local business. Legislation requires departments establish objectives and transparent criteria defining best value ue for a project and the criteria be established in a public and transparent way before going out to bid. Given that we currently rely all most exclusively on lowest bid, there is little incentive for contractors to do a a plus job. In fact, right now there is a built in incentive to cut corners for repeated change orders and under staffing and at times walking away from a project before completion. Most contractors do not cut the corn r ers because they want to do a good job and do do a terrific job, some contractors do. Best value is not a new idea. Sit squaez counties in california squu cross the country implemented the system and best value basically means bid price will always be incredibly important a bid could be the lowest price bid and still not be the best value due to change orders or delays or under staffing or not completing the job the costs escalate. We will invest 10 of billions of dollars in the coming decades on infrastructure work in San Francisco. We are engaged in unprecedented Infrastructure Investment in the city on the roads, the sewer and water system and parks and health futilities Public Safety and Transportation System and want to create every incentive for contractors do to the best possible work in the safest and most efficient way. For a large majority of contractors doing a great job this will not have much impact. They will bid and work and all goes well. For the small number of crarkters who are a problem this will allow us to take poor performance and unsafe performance, inappropriate behavior into account when awarding contracts in the future. The civil grand juree and Controllers Office audited public works process and both have come to the same solution, the time has c34 to move towards best value contracting. I want to thank you supervisor breed, tang and [inaudible] also want to thank [inaudible] and my office for their work on the legislation as well as the City Attorneys Office [inaudible] Nicholas King from dpw for working closely with us. I have a small amendment i distributed that i formulated with supervisor peskin to indicate that for very Small Contracts under 1. 5 million best value would not apply. This is in line with other jurisdiction approaches. There is a monetary threshold around a Million Dollars so think this is the appropriate threshold here as well so i ask for your spaurt support with the amendment. Thank you supervisor yee. Thank you supervisor tang. I want to thank supervisor wiener for bringing this forward and happy cosponsor of this particular legislation. I just want to sayalsoill support the amendment of course. I think it is time we actually look at this and do this. What i have seen over and over again when i was on the school board for 8 years, there were contractors many of the contractors actually were doing the work, but there is a percentage of contractors that overand over again somehow get the winning bid and ends up doing a lousy job basically. A lot of times we end up spending more money than any of the highest bidders because of the going back and redoing the work that want done and having somebody come in to take the place of these contractors. Preventing something that could be dejasterous in the long run and feel the city will save money. Thank you. Supervisor avalos. Thank you. Ill switch to english. I think this make as lot of sense, but i actually have heard more from small contractors who have difficulty getting bids rather than the other way around. Im worried that this new structure could create some disadvantage for local business enterprising and with that doubt in mind i think the rational sounds very reasonable, i also thought it is important to consider other factors beside low bid, i dont think enough work has been done to work with our existing system to think the well change the system over on them that will be more incomphensible. I wont support this but understand this ordinance. Supervisor wiener made a motion to the amendment, seconded by supervisor mar and well go to roll call for item 8. Supervisor wiener made the motion and supervisor mar seconded and you took without objection. Supervisor tang, aye. Wiener, aye. Yee, aye. Avalos, no. Breed, aye. Campos, aye. Cohen, aye. Farrell, aye. Kim, aye. Mar, aye. Peskin, aye. 10 aye and 1 no with supervisor avalos. The ordinance is passed on First Reading as amended. Call item 9, please item 9 is ordinance to appropriate 4. 1 million in surplus revenue 20. 6 million from salaries and fringe benefit expenses and appropriate 24. 7 million to over time in the Sheriffs Department, department of Emergency Management, Fire Department, public helt and Public Utilities and Police Department. This requires a 2 3 vote or 8 voters. Supervisor avalos. Thank you. This one is a challenging one for me. I understand that we are not doing appropriation based on general fund reserve, but cost savings within the departments and revenues within the department as with the Fire Department, but it also calls into question the ordinance, why do we have such a large cost savings in the department budgetsment police is 8 million and every year in the budget process we go through trying to finds the surpluses and looks like we not getting the biggest bang for our buck and that process of scrutinizing the budget. I like to ask the harvey rose budget analyst a couple questions. Mr. Rose. Yes, madam president. Thank you for your report. Im actuallyi have been in the budget process many many years, chair the Budget Committee in the past. Last couple years i have not been on the bijt committee but have bean been here every night. There is a time when all the officers are trying to find the Silver Bullet to find magic money and it looks like when we get to the tailened ends of the year we have all this magic money that appears in the department budget. 8 million in the Police Department is a incredible amount of money. Can you summarize by department what we see for cost savings and how those cost savings in the supplemental relate to recommendations that you have made last year in the budget process . President and supervisor achb lose, let me make a general statement and ill respond specifically. Each year when we go before the budget and finance committee we tell the budget and finance committee the recommendations we make for salary, surplus and savings are conservative, reasonable. Departments against that and they consider our remations and what the department says. Historically, the salary savings achieved in the city and county of San Francisco where you have employees totaling 30,000 employees and have a 9 billion budget, there is going to be a lot of attrition and historically that attrition has exceeded both the mayors estimates and budget analyst estimates, so that when we make our recommendations, we try to adhere re to the board policy our recommendation should not Impact Service reduction and that is why we make conservative recommendations but we go fl to the budget and finance committee basically knowing our recommendations will not result in any Service Impacts and the possibility is that the departments will have money left over. Thank you, so every year our budget from our different departments are padded then is what you are saying . Im saying that historically there has been significant savings in excess of those announced we recommended tobe cut from the budget and those amounts are used for supplementals like this as well as used to balance next years budget with the controller takes surplus funds and uses that as a source of funds for next year budget but yes supervisor , i believe there are significant savings and all most every budget i have seen over the years. Last december we had a hearing on the superbowl and tried to ghet a sense of the cost to the city. The city department, Police Department, mta, dph, rec and park and no one could tell what thatual be. In jan we got a figure that appears to be about 4 and 4 and a half million less than the expenditures that happened. There was no line items in the budget of the departments to say what the cost will be for the super bowl but the over time cost were dramatic and increased cost for super bowl were dramatic. I have no choice but to vote for this because if we dont support we scr a hole in the budget related to ovtime but the bigger hole is how to go through the budget process to be much more strong and much less conservative to make cuts in the departments where they cant squirrel away money to make their own initiatives like the super bowl that have huge impacts on every day san franciscans and neighborhoods far from where these avents occur lose out while the neighborhoodss or financial district get a lot of money from tourism and people spending money at these events. This is a clear example where our city is support the top 1 percent. The corporation jz hotel chain jz left our neighborhood said out and feel this stinks to have the vote on this thing. Colleagues any questions, comment, discussion . Seeing none. Supervisor tang, aye. Wiener aye. Yee, aye. Avalos, i change my mind, no. Breed, aye. Campos, aye. Cohen, aye. Farrell, aye. Kim, no. Mar, aye. Peskin, no. 8 aye and 3 no with supervisors avalos, kim and peskin in descent. The ordinance passes on First Reading. That is a 8 vote threshold. This ordinance passes on First Reading. Sorry . Like to make a motion to resend the vote. S is there a second . Seconded by supervisor mar. Madam clerk item 9, supervisor tang, aye. Wiener, aye. Yee, aye. Avalos, no. Breed, aye. Campos, no. Cohen, no. Farrell, aye. Kim, no. Mar, no. Peskin, no. 5 aye and 6 no with supervisors avalos, campos, cohen, kim, mar and peskin in descent. This ordinance fails on First Reading. Please call item 1012. Item 10 is resolution tew prove a lease between city and bank of america for automated teller machines with 365,000 minimum annual guarantee for 5 year term with two year option to extend at discretion. Item 11 approve the least between bank of america for automated teller machines at the international terminal. Supervisor campos. Thank you madam chair. I have a question about item 10. My understanding is that bank of america is a company that is headquarter in North Carolina and i was wondering if there is someone here who can respond to that. If that is a the case i would like to continue this item to our next Board Meeting because i like to know more about what this company has done relative to the antilgbt law that that stay passed. We have taken steps to ban t