Transcripts For SFGTV LIVE Ethics Commission 20160329 : comp

SFGTV LIVE Ethics Commission March 29, 2016

Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the regular meeting march 28, 2016 of the San Francisco Ethics Commission. Commissioner andrews, here. Commissioner hayon, here. Commissioner keane, here. We have a visitor. Commissioner hur. Let me say we welcome you back and particularly in the view the fact well cover the wistal blow rr regulations we passed at the last meeting and i see you didnt bring your plaque that you stethly took away in february. It wasnt given to me but it is reviding in my office. Welcome. I will ask for Public Comment on matters appearing or not appearing on the agenda and believe madam assesser is here to make a few words thank you. Good afternoon commissioners. Executive director pelm. We were in the crowd wondering about commissioner hurs name tag. Glad to hear you have one. Today i want to come here because today is commissioner hurs last day with the Ethics Commission and would prefer to find a way to extend his term but i want to express my gratitude and present you with a certificate of honor on the Ethics Commission. The mission of the Ethics Commission is promote the highest level of ethics in government and know how fundamental it is so the people of the city have the trust and faith in government we all kneis so importantism there is a very fast 6 years, not sure if you feel the same way. I believe you have been able to serve in this role with great distinction. [inaudible] insureing not only fair processes and also transparence and effective processes. He is a complete role model for dialogue and thoughtful leadership. Ben stayed true to the principles and integrity and his leadership shined rchlt imerallyy happy to be able to say thank you to commissioner hur in particular as the appointee even though i wasnt the one who appointed you. I hope will be able to serve and have an appointment to the commission who is able to serve as ablely as you have. Thank you for your service and if i could present this to commissioner hur. It is a certificate of honor on behalf the sitee and county of San Francisco and our office. We extend our higher accommodation and gratitude for your service on the San Francisco Ethics Commission. We want to say and note the capacity you have served with distinction, unwaurfbing commitment to insure fair processing and thoughtful leadership guiding on enforcement relulation and policy. We are in your debt and offer our deepest appreciation. Thank you commissioner hur. Thank you very much. Thank you you very much for those remarks and look forward to commissioner hurswe look forward to the new appointment commissioner, that you will be appointing. Im sure that he or she will be equally outstanding. He or she will have a tough road to follow. Thank you again. Any other Public Comment . Patrick [inaudible] shah. I want repeat thanking commissioner hur for his [inaudible] the Ethics Commission vote to mr. [inaudible] behavior had not risen to the definition of official misconduct. As i noted previously a once anonymous analysis at the [inaudible] im submitting for inclusion in the minutes turned out to have been authored by San Francisco private practice [inaudible] it was distributed to the full board of sups. [inaudible] didnt meet the definition of official misconduct. Thankfully along with commissioner hur, supervisors campos and kim reached the same correct conclusion. It is a pity other commissioners including mrs. Hayon didnt understand the significance of [inaudible] legal analysis in the face of the mayors bold attempt to strip City Employees of protection against faults official misconduct allegations. Since larry bush is unable to attend i want to repeat [inaudible] distribution to the commission. First, i agree with bushes recommendation that this commission return to issuing its own annual report. Second, i also agree with bushes suggestion calling for annual wistal blower Protection Training for all. Let me repeat, all City Employees, not just city supervisor and man injuryial employees and not just a handful of City Employees required to complete form 700. Required to take annual sunshine ordinance training and biannual ethics training. I recall as a City Employee i as a secretary was required to take annual Sexual Harassment prevention training which included having to sign under oath i completed the training. Adding antiretaliation wistal blower training for all City Employees is a logical next step. Mrs. Bush calls for [inaudible] managerial employees retaliated against City Employees, i believe that recommendation should be expand today include mandatory unpaid suspension for 30 days as a deturant for retaliation. That may be the quick est route to curtailing retaliation against employees. Thank you. Members of the Ethics Commission, [inaudible] in november 2014 following advice posted on the Ethics Commission website i contacted ethics investigator garered chatfield. After he was unable to dissuade me from filing he suggested a meeting the following the week. At that meeting [inaudible] tried for a hour to dissuade me from filing a complaint, any complaints. They did promise to look into it and get back to me. In january i contacted the new executive director leon pel umwho insured me i must have misunderstood the Ethics Commission investigator and said she will look into and get back to me. We are 4 and half months later and no response from anyone in those conversations including and especially the ecextev director. I believe have grounds to question whether any investigation is partial, starting where your next meeting ill file complaints directly with theectics commission in full view of the public, try to hide those complaints. When you go to the people who are supposed investigate complaints and before they look at anything they tell you there is no basing for sth complaint and dont understand why you want to file a complaint. It agregious and unacceptable and immoral and it is certainly unethical. To have the executive director commit to me trice to look into the matter and fail to do anything at all shows me she is just another continuation of john st. Croix. The john st. Croix who could decide yourhering while you were outf the state or no sunshine ordinance referral would be held because she didnt like the way they did things. You spent years go around and around by it sunshine ordinance and havent enforced but one time and that was against jewel gomez and recommended the mayor she be removed and the mayor ignoreed you just like everybody else. A year later we embarrassed sending a later to the mayor and saying what is your response to the recommendation and didnt bother responding. You are not worth his attention. In fact, im willing to bet mayor lee holds you all in contempt. He 12349 go isnt going it do anything you recommend. As far as mr. Hur, im glad youre gone because i cant think of one thing in your term you have done that made the city more ethical for its citizens. Any other Public Comment . David [inaudible] speaking as a individual as i commented add the jnl meeting i want appreciate commissioner hur and join in the comments of carmen chew and thank for all his time. Unfortunately we have term limits but think thank you for the work on the commission. Any others . Seeing none i return to item 3 on the agenda, which is the annual election of officers and discussion and possible action. To elect a chair and vice chair for the coming year. Commissioner keane. Mr. Chair, iwe nominate you to surfb a second year as chair the committee. Is there a second . Any discussion . Yeah, excuse me for jumping in. Deputy attorney [inaudible] a chair cant serve more than one year. Two consecutive years you have been violating it many years then. Thats not correct, it is two consecutive years my apology any discussion . Any Public Comment . David fillpeal speaking as a individual, i have no objection to president renne continues for another year i just want to ask publicly since there a new appointee to replace commissioner hur whether you want to continue for a month so the new commissioner can have a opportunity to participate but otherwise i dont think there is a problem tonight. Any other comments . My only comment is i think it would be great to have the continuity of you as chair. I think there is a transitional period with our new executive director and the other issues we are dealing with, so ii think you have done a great job and would like you to continue if you are willing to do it. Thank you. Patrick mu net shah. With all due respect chair renne and due respect to commissioner hur who i will also not be sorry to see leave, if you have been violating your own bylaws as commissioner hur claims, it is time for fresh blood and so i would urge commissioner andrews to nominate commissioner keane who is displayed it during his term on this commission some the soundest legal reasoning and ethical reasoning i have heard on this commission in the 20 years i have lived in San Francisco. Time for some fresh blood, commissioner. Thank you. Commissioners [inaudible] San Francisco open government. This is relate today the election so dont try to tell me you are not talking about the item. During the jan 25, 2016 meeting regarding the [inaudible] mark farrell chair fenny displayed how far he will go to hide from the publics the machination from the commission. First your own members had no idea why it was own the ajnda. Placing something on thugenda with attachments but not saying what the hell it is on there for leaves the public at a disadvantage. Now the public has no idea why it was on the agenda or what commissioner renne was authorized to do. Commissioner hayon doesnt seem to understand much of what goes on here during Ethics Commission meet ings and contributes little or nothing meaningful to discussions. That leaves two suitable candidates, andrews and peter keane. With these members i believe there is at least a possibility that the will the citizens of San Francisco for ethical government will stand any chance. Give ethical government a chance. I have watched you for years now and you are the most sorry bunch of people with exception to mb sellven and keane. Mr. Keane tried to stand up for something you were doing is hide from the public your backroom deal and whatever meckination you will pull regarding supervisor farrell. Supervisor hayon and hur, sure visor hur especially went along with it because it is their position on the Ethics Commission to withhold as much as they can from the public. Again, i ask those members what have you done on the Ethics Commission you can name that made any difference in the ethical atmosphere in the town . We have a mayor raising money illegally and a state senator going to prison. The citizens of San Francisco are tired of all the Different Things like going on like [inaudible] gate and whatever and they disappear into the nether world and never hear of them again and think that is what will happen and the matter related to supervisor farrell. You will make a back room deal with him, he will do the deal and somehow it will disappear into the nether world. At least supervisor keane and with some support from supervisor sullivan made a attempt to take the piece of grbage ouf the agenda. You can attach knck you want to the agenda including the San Francisco telephone book, it doesnt mean the item meaningful and when your own members have to come in and start out arguing for 25 minutes about whether you should have it on thugenda i think it is pretty clear the public was disserved. Now, as far as commissioner keane remaining or commissioner renne remaining as the president , i dont giver a damn if there is one or two terms he doesnt deserve it. What have you done commissioner to do anything to make the City Government more answerable to the people . To make elections fair . You nibal around the edges and go after people who cant defend it themselves and think you do it personally based on your personal animosity and the orders you have from the people who appoint you. [inaudible] renne should have never been before the body and should be removed on a recall not on a jury rigged policy and you and you and you were at the center of that. Thank you. Any other Public Comment . Any discussion . I would like to echo commissioner hayon about the leadership of you. You and commissioner an drews and the selection from the executive director and all the work you did on prop c meeting with the public and serving as our representative, it was a lot of extra work and appreciate it. Thank you. I call the question. All in favor . Aye. Opposed . One obtain and 4 approve. The second item on actually you cant obstain. I have a conflict of interest but ill vote if that makes you happier. Im happier item 3 is the election of the vice chair. Do i hear a nomination . Commissioner keane . Yes, i also like to renominate commissioner andrews as vice chair to the commission. I hear a second . Second. Any discussion . Any Public Comment . Patrick mu net shah. On the way into this chamber i spoke with commissioner andrews and he said between his work on the Ethics Commission as a commissioner his work on the non profit he is too busy for, so if that is the case, and if he were being honest about matters, i think he should thank commissioner keane for the generous nomination and indicate that he isnt interested in the position because he is too busy and futhermore, i think commissioner andrews should nominate commissioner keane, who has displayed the most ethical behavior on the body. [inaudible] San Francisco open government. While i do support the appointment or election of commissioner andrews as the vice chair, i really do believe it would have been better had he been the chair. I will do something now that i did at a Library Commission meeting which got me into trouble and made the newspaper. I talked about ainksant room where they appoint someone for life because the Library Commission appointed the same two people year after year and i said well, maybe it will be like the Roman Republic where we have a chance of an asassination to make a change. He is threatening and doing this the president the Library Commission, jewel gomez and these are her words not mine. I know 12people who would bury him. That is the attitude toward Public Comment. If you dont like what somebody has to say you threaten them and you fight them. I have 7 orders of determination gaest the library and commission for withholding Public Records part of which was to keep [inaudible] and found to file false perjureed statements and the group of the San Francisco Public Library who spends 6 million or more dollars a year money raised in the name of the city of San Francisco and not one body or individual in this City Government can tell anybody where that money went. That was the hearing we had that i was out of state and decided to do it cleverly and announce it before i left and hold it before i got back. You are too much of a coweredset of cowereds to bring it back and hold a honest hearing. We need new leadership and we need to get rid the two people i think are the worst. We have already gotten rid of one, mr. Hur. Commissioner hayon did nothing but stand up and say i was on the Library Commission and if the friends did it it must be okay which is totally prejudicial to my position. And commissioner keane, i really cant see what you do that serves any purpose at all. Sorry commissioner keane. Commissioner keane has shown some balls if you exkoos the expression. He questioned a item on the agenda last time and the rest of you with the exception of commissioner andrews went along and did what you always do which is go in the back and hide from the public. Thank you. Any other comments . Sorry, taking a moment. David [inaudible] speaking as a individual and want to support the nomination of commissioner andrews for vice chair since it appears you having the nomination tonight. Any commissioners have any comments before we vote . Alright, ill call the question. All in favor . Aye. Opposed . Commissioner andrews will remain vice chair for another year and well turn to item 4 which is discussion and possible action on a proposed stipulation, decision and order regarding ethics complaint number 19131115 luinate sweet im garret [inaudible] one the investigators on staff. Can i interrupt youis mrs. Sweet here tonight . No, i dont believe she is. She was notified . She isnt required tobe here and she isnt here. So this matter for your consideration for approval the stipulation. This matter was initiated as a audit for mrs. Sweet Campaigns Committee 2010 where she ran for district 3 supervisor and she was publicly funded. Sorry, district 10. Mrs. Sweet Committee Received public funds so she was subject to a matte mandatory audit which cove

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