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1. 8 for latino families. At request of supervisor peskin i change the final further result cause to request a copy of the resolution be sent to the city lobbyist. Thank you for your consideration and hopefully support of the measure. Thank you and so there was a motion by supervisor cohen for this amendment and seconded by supervisor farrell, take that without objection. I just want to thank the Community Based organization, the staff, the dependancy Court Attorneys judge davis and so many others for raising what should be a no brainer issue that the state and locally we should be supporting the these courts that serve so many children and parents and communities. It is about as the statement red boy evea partertion it is equal justice for everyone and equity for the most needy in the city so thank you supervise r cohen and would like to be added as a cosponsor. Thank you for waiting out the meeting. Glad you are bringing the issue up. Thank you and like to be added as a cosponsor to the item as well and with that, madam clerk if we take the roll call on item 31. Tang, aye. Wiener, aye. Yee, aye. Avalos, absent. Breed, aye. Campos, aye. Cohen, aye. Farrell, aye. Kim, aye. Mar, aye. Peskin, aye. 10 ayes the resolution is adopted. [applause]. Item 33. Motion to schedule the board to sit as on june 28 to hold public hearing on resolution approving report of cost submitted boir drether of public works fl sidewalk inspection and repair program. Madam chair, one pager passed out during Public Comment. A motion is required. The department submitted the incorrect code reference and like it corrected on lines 8 and 15 to strike section 707 and 707. 1 and amend on lines 714 and 15 with, section 706. 9 and administrationive code section 80 in both places. We vamotion by supervisor peskin. Or seconded by supervisor breed and take that without objection. Colleagues on this as amended roll call. Supersizer tang rnsh aye. Wiener aye. Yee, aye. Avalos,i absent. Breed, aye. Campos, aye. Cohen, aye. Farrell, aye. Kim, aye. Mar, aye. Peskin. Aye. 10 ayes the resolution is adopted. Any other in memoriams, and todays meeticing is adjourned by on be half of a daulf joseph [inaudible] any other items before us today . That concludes the business for today. Thank you, our meeting is adjourned. [meeting adjourned] to follow u we received a call about the cafeteria royal containment complaint of music from the complaint doesnt live close by and not being involved in any followup investigations ill put that on my list for route patrol i spoke with the operator we planned on meeting this weekend and my old stomg grounds i looked at propaganda this past weekend there was some concern historically about the flow of patrons in and out noise gathering for smoking and things like that i didnt notice anything over the past weekend temple has historically had good crowds on Howard Street im noticing a good security staff and good lines i do need to talk to them about keeping the doors closed to the front ill be following up this were adjourned about that and stopped by cals irish bar that past weekend and it is a bit of a madhouse out there with one lane the traffic cars and ubers and their exit is a bit overwhelming i talked with the owner for quite a bit he was active in guiding the traffic and patrons and looking that while i was there we had a chat about the difficulties hes had with dealing with just the general operation of the business on that street and the amount of people and continue to follow up and see if we cant figure out to make that has safe as possible and i followed up with 50 as well over the past weekend they have an extended hours permit i notice a few of their security from other establishment people i know to be good security and did a walk through one of the places since weve switched district and ton to a glow there interesting thing about 9550 if you have a live video feed isnt that the human video game. Indeed. Did they change that to 9550. It is 9550 what theyre doing a called the human video game. We approved the permit now i on intersections youre absolutely right. Thank you sir, i love being right. Thats unusually usually the case i understand they have plans under the event it was private. Oh, i see maybe were both right that wraps up ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Actually, i the president to brought to your attention something ive promised last hearing attached to my meeting notices youll find some information about hsa to as far as the photos that were sent by the builder did go back to weekends ago and took are measurement not fined to be in violation bans the a. M. Boinlt measurement 2, 3, 4 previous weeks ive followed up with the builder and the Real Estate Agent for this property and now am attempting to act as a mediator between the operator ate the builder and Real Estate Agent to establish a level where everyone is happy i have yet to hear back from the Real Estate Agent at this point in about a week and im just waiting on that to take the next step. Did you mention to the Real Estate Agent that it was bizarre reare getting noise complaint from on unopted out premise. I expressed did confusion. What did he say. Initially when the complaint first came through i was under the impression that maybe there was some how can i put this they were trying to file a traditionally sound grievance complaint once i realized the building was unaccompanied in talking to the builder is a situation he wants to know where we stands and what he can expect them so everyone is on the same page and aware of at what level and now that this building is in place so my goal is to try to come up with that unable i on intersections its required by the state of california to do a disclosure of value of the property i have one question about the temple. Uhhuh. Temple has been known to use dogs on the security line. They have. Are they still. Not this past weekend. Theyve used that. I discovered that last time that was the only time for me ive not seen that sense but not sure. Yeah. You know how i feel about dogs. I have a quick question. Uhhuh. Im seeing venues i havent seen on inspection are you guys approaching that or hitting it like extended hours. So this mellone the speakers name for the written record, and please deliver it to the secretary prior to after hours. The complaint driven and the 9550 has been fairly in active and i on intersections this is based on the human video game theyre doing goes in waves i noticed a listing ive been going through the new district ive taken over from inspector pauley using the sf station and website to try to get an idea of whats happening in the city and sort of organizing any weekend like that i on intersections were your probably getting that by the fact ive not been in the district for a while. Uhhuh. Im trying to get a feeling what is going on. That would be great of thats helpful. Ive seen the after housing and their ive been out that way myself late. I want to compliment you on the nuking new formulate. It is really clean and easy to read inspector pauley. Ill take notes laughter . And send along the template. Great using video drops on your phone. Good evening commissioners to respond to the question youll see from the me in the next couple of weeks random drop ins we have not been in in a while nonregular stuff for the next month or two until we get through most of the inspections we did losses ended my list is kind of short ive been making contact are complainants that were formally shawn was in contract contact with in the process of waiting for complaint and so forth and the projects getting ready to start the inspections. With that said, i stopped by one venue during the inspection process they didnt center a permit posted that was the issues i thought was wellmanaged and did a walk through so this was that a couple of compliance on 16th street just to get an idea of what is going on ive done that for the last couple weekends but that was an issue that issue was people congregating into the alley to keep an eye on it looked fine the knock out on Mission Street is another one and that one had issues with leaving the door open during performance and there was a complaint i was dealing with that and decided it was fine the door was shut a accountant of followup on the last hearing i talked with monroe about the complainant is the landlord of the building next door talked to the complainant well and what they originally minded the complaint wanted sound at the time a similar situation the building is you think opted out i expressed basically, we dont approach it personally we want to Work Together to try to solve the issue rather than an enforcement action so initially when i talked to the Building Owner about a month ago they werent on board with dealing with the memo i made it clear thats right the route he agreed to a meeting so thats going to be be passed on to shawn well see where that goes the square so they finally took the speakers out of the wall the complainant is not totally happy but how i feel is that the venue after initial bumps and bruises theyve gone above and beyond to try to appease the neighbor and eliminate the sound issue evident in the bar listening to the speakers on the wall but on the wall created a problem nevertheless, they took them out the complainant said it is not as loud in here unit she hears imaginations or things but utter is better theyre in compliance but at some point we might discover something ill pass that off. Did you take any reading in the complainant apartment. I did initial but given the sound level i took readings initially last are summer in the process of permitting this time around when i was in the bar they were at 71 well below the 82 or 85 i knew that wouldnt be loud per say in the apartment. Concentrated because of the speakers in the wall for instance, like kick drums and base not be a violation in the residence but the thumping is something annoying so i did not on intersections that i needed to do that i really didnt i knew the issue ive heard the speaker noise i told them to remove it into the wall. New complaint came through it was last week talked to the complainant after she called in and talked with maggie for awhile noah Valley Ministry a church our sanchez street the issue is noise from a couple of noise not entertainment noises and some possible unpermitted activity im not sure what their permitted to do through the Planning Department but after talking with maggie i contacted the Planning Department and didnt get back to the team they didnt get back to me about what their you allowed to do right now theyre doing events they have ticket prices like 35 to 75 not average church stuff like a donation not you know it wouldnt be a ticket thing. Entertainment being. What kind of a band the flier said for the description said like a singer and a violin player this kind of thing. Leader like a concert. Basically classic. So the noah valley ministries and thai have been credibly activist in the community doing all kinds of fundraiser from hiv to hopeless dogs and loud in the k34u7b89 so something new running the place and we heard something new in terms of operation but really theyre the phases of an investigation and the complainant shes done a lot of reach but been there for 20 years just starting to be a problem for them. Noah Valley Ministry. I talked to them today, i talked to the complainant today and since theyre having an event it make sense for me to go out and talk to them. For the years theyve been credibly good people i think. What the issue they had construction with the vestibular that blocks the back of the building i guess it was blouk a lot of noise i dont know what everyone did but now the noise is not blocked for the neighborhood being impacted by things that maybe were unpermitted before didnt bother anybody. So well see what happens again ill go out there friday is the confusion around the date i belive it is friday that is the date on the ticket whatever so the neighbor said hell have a sounds like consultant take reading so well see what turns up the main issue the unpermitted entertainment and if they need to get a permitted thats the first one after discussing that with the deputy superintendent wilder really the first thing. I have question on monroe so if eastsoutheast complaining about the regular operations or after hours. Regular. Regular. So xraip about the after hours that was like a supplemental thing it is really quiet no matter what they do you know 4 or 5 in the morning or whatever they start alu youre going to hear that in the property because the dude didnt live there. He didnt live there i havent twaukd him he might own the building in part im not sure about the division not there after hours. No, not after hours he said he has someone that moved out because of the noise but a few different sources there is the bamboo hut a in the basement you can hear monroe the windows face over the roof monroe you hear but we all know the sound within you know 50 foot radius or 70 all contributing so well figure out what is going on and hopefully, theyll resolve it on their own. Without heavy enforcement work. Great any more questions for either inspector commissions . Ash all right. Public comment any Public Comment . Seeing none item 4 Police Department questions or comments anything tonight monopoly move on to item 5 the hearing discussion and possible action for applications for permits in the jurisdiction of Entertainment Commission 3 im going to turn it over to to the deputy director. The first permit application is actually a loudspeaker permit for an event called the detroit show on july 30th, 2016, at home sharer with or win with selma close to harrison in front of the studios and the applicant is requesting to extend until 12 00 a. M. So wanted to bring this hear theyll have djs playing in the street they already have an eis cot permit and Feedback Feedback approving this permit youll see the conditions attached so shes our applicant and done Neighborhood Outreach with the files and received no negative feedback about the event here to tell you a little bit more. Can you talk into microphone. Thank you maggie and commissioners im from halves weve put on an event similar no november we didnt need a loudspeaker but all the neighbors are familiar with us and invited braurnd and theyre supportive this event this the builders about detroit and different artists where an art gallery with detroit djs and food and we just got oures scott permit and been in touch with the officer mc2k07b8d who suggested we get 6 Security Officers from the Security Corporation and two, 10 b officers were in the process of doing thats all. Did the november event go until mint. No 11 00 p. M. So the neighborhood is familiar with having something go on to that late. Yes. You guys didnt know. It was a brass band again, no pa we didnt have a need to do it so everyone was fine with it, it is zoned commercial so theres very few residents that actually live there. Tailor a few but theyre all very aware what the supporters and come to the events and yeah. Is that a public event or ticketed. A public event that is ticket as well were blocking off harrison and have two officers on heron and ticketing on heron and officers checking people they have stamps saying they can come in and out. Are you serving alcohol. Yes. How do the ticket an event in the streets. We sell tickets online beforehand and ticketed at the door. How do you do that for a street in the public street i thought that was not permit. They can have a ticket event but have to allow local assess all the time. I believe they. Is that changed in the last year. I dont know. San Francisco Pride closed 16 blocks and cant ask for donations because you cant you know i mean it is curious to me because i dont commissioner frost do you have any ideas. No ideas. The use of streets because you did a street closer. You cant block off the skulks i sidewalks im curious i dont know anyone else. Asian art museum rent out for the civic center and the gallery so because that is is specific about 3 permit. I was curious they received the permit in full detail. I just didnt on intersections you can sell ticket its interesting to know if you could. I have no idea. Be interested to know im asking out of curious. Mural from the sfmta. Right. Direct questions specifically about that particular permit any other questions or comments commissioner lee. So those neighbors your nearby you said there are few have you reached out to them with a heads up. Any letters i dont see any letters. We actually spoken we have a letter we printed out and given to some people were in touch with most of them you know, i on intersections almost on a daily basis we let them know ahead of time an event is coming up and invited them their seamly existed. I dont see anything in the packet. Oh, with the letter. Usually theres a support letter. There . Yeah. We included the letter in the application. No, like feedback letter. Feedback. Oh, from the neighborhoods. Feedback letter. Oh. Not your it is something we have to have. So youll stand into the neighborhood thats so kind. We dont need that but helps your argument to know that the neighbors are not just there with ticket but can publicly say we support this our numbering complaint is a neighbor upset. My phone call is on the letter that theyve been handed and they know me personally most of them have a personal relationship with them if any kind of thing their unhappy they know to contact me. Have the read the police conditions. Yeah. Yeah, the 6 locations so it will be at heron for that one night and turn it down as requested. Sure no problem. All right. Any other questions from commissioners can i ask the one question to our staff did i guys have any particular concerns or what is this out of ordinary because of the location and the fact have not applied for a loudspeaker to extend beyond 10 00 p. M. We want you to define. Okay. Yeah. Well, that sounds like no Major Concerns ami open up for Public Comment any Public Comment on this particular permit no Public Comment Public Comment is closed. Move to approve. Back up with police conditions. Yes. A motion to approve with the police conditions and a second. Second. All right. Vote. Same house, same call . Yep. Yep. That means the motion passes good luck now the second permit with the pie restaurant and launch the second is for a change no ownership for a lack of space for the lounge at post street and japantown their oriental on calendar back in october and a ran into an issue with planning but was mute a disappointment they had to wait the 24 months to come back theyre here again their plans to have live music and come down i didnt shows you with the hawaii restaurant. Bar they have done Neighborhood Outreach in the past and conduct more with the reposting only 10 days youll see what is signatures from neighbors not many neighbors Apartment Building across the street they reached out to other facilities ive not received option for the application and northern station approved this with the Good Neighbor policy the only condition here to talk about that more the owner and this is his partner. Commissioners, thank you my partner is jeremy sorry so as far as the neighborhood support i reached out to pretty much everyone including the sundance movie theatre the most complaints weve pretty much talked to every Single Person that had issues even people that worked there in at past we have a pretty Good Relationship with everybody no problems with anyone weve had multiple fundraisers with many folks cherry and to j. T. C all in the past never done it because of issues are the previous owner and we pretty much figured out what was some of the issues on the previous owner side after that i contacted all the City Organization like japantown and the immediate neighbors and contacted the movie theatre that has the biggest crowd theyre brought out they were bought out and now by a new he Movie Company of some sort and a process to get an answer the gm that the michael springs i spoke to him he understands ill be there hes not there for any reasons made no complaint but he was one of the main people to kind of put all the not sure exactly what in the past but the main person so other than that there are a few letters he couldnt get in time because the apartment across the street and they were a little bit easier to get you know and other than that the movie theatres that was extracted to get anything from there with so far as the Community Organization almost Japantown Task force and every japantown Community Group i didnt realize their process of getting a letter from them would take somewhat 4 weeks up to 2 months so i have to go to their hearing and plead any case theyll take that to their board of directors i didnt realize the process was so long but the process with the other 5 Japantown Task force and j. T. And as soon as jc c. Great definitely sounds like youve done our homework any question how are things with sundance knowing that was hung up for a while by you have clearance if the general manager those issues are resolved. Yes. Yeah. The movie theatre were the most Thoughtful Group we have issues and the original person was gail johnson i on intersections his last name but things were lost in between as far as the business were keeping everything generally the same it is mostly food and a ratio of 70, 50 and the rest is liquor related no night club no department of emergency events cut out anything that was remodeling having a crowd not up to mike night i cut that out any kind of rap related rap things they used to have i cut that out and pretty much our Live Performance is basically a raggedy multi currently music were trying to focus on but were definitely not doing hip hop or rap related to something that would probably be disruptive. Great i hope you can continue playing the role of a focal point for the community i know that the asianamerican auctions have been advertisings it sounds like those are continuing and continuing and hope with entertainment. So thats really great i totally support that commissions you guys have any questions or thoughts. I mean it is run as a limited will with the previous owner weve not had any complaints ive not seen it on the reports. That was a while ago but the main complainants i dont see anything many in our files so even though previous owner had to go through a lengthy progress with planning and thats when sundance got involved but the 312 notification. I on intersections that was limited live and go beyond that. There was involving the Planning Commission and Planning Department where we tried to step in and safe this our territory. So anymore questions and the police conditions are a Good Neighbor policy are you happy with that why not have a seat ill open up for Public Comment by Public Comment nope Public Comment is closed. Commissioners anyone have a motion. Like to make. I move to approve. I second. There is a motion that has been seconded and at least take a vote. Same house, same call . Same house same call that that item passes good luck well move on to the game room our final permit. So the game room is going for the permit only Fourth Street formally was the drake the owner plans to use this is a a restaurant with a focus memo cocktails and memos but the whole thing with the mechanical devices their thank you for the opportunity this into the retro arcadia spaces the owners reached out to all the businesses in the area youll see whether the support and response i didnt receive any negative feedback and the Police Station approved that with the basic conditions more to talk about that a mohammed. Thank you for your time basically in general a casual Bar Restaurant the focus on group share because they find it easier to have a Higher Quality of product with the arrival of other places where similar quality we focused on you know quote unquote cocktails fresh ingredients and being in soma there is a good amount of businesses that are based on gaming like the Major Developers lake the i reached out to most of them but some are Huge Companies but get feedback from the Smaller Companies we were looking to get 10 games pinball machines as an accessory we building breaks the money in any and helps us out with the local community i did reach out to went door to door 2 or 3 hundred feet with local businesses and restaurants and retail shops get positive feedback but unfortunately not many people relied back but thatnuts and bolts it the a positive environment were taking over a lounge area i think were a little bit safer environment not the place where people will have a lot of security and well look down others crowd as well and so we dont see issues happening if that sense and im available to answer any questions. Commissioner joseph. Hi so tell me how many mans will you have. 10. And where are you putting them downstairs or upstairs. Said. And serving food upstairs so the machinery is upstairs. Correct we took a good effort and hired designers they broke down the space in aesthetic fields so downstairs is more lively area and the upstairs is quiet we wanted to keep the game people happy a. Are you serving food downstairs. We are. You are thats great people can come in and hang out and have drinks. Are the machines coinoperated. They are when we say people well limit to 25 and older. Your limiting to 21 and over and 47. Yeah. Just because why. For the safety of the we have a restaurant thats a lot more sit down people mill around we dont want to mix in alcohol and children just a personal preference. Okay. More. Thats a great personal preference. What in your security. Uhhuh. Are you going to just a question because a previous commissioner representing police once asked a question about anyone coming in for an arcade what will you do or how is the skgsdz going to handsome situations to make sure there is no gambling with the machines. No gambling. Yeah. Gambling on scores. I keep the eyes on the prize i have a previous large staff we call them floor people theyre all over the place and their job to look around and see whats going on that will definitely help to superfluous weve not have concerned but something we can bring into the training. Okay interesting. All right. Are you going for a poe. Thats a place of entertainment permit. I think so. Were talking about djs and things like that. Okay. Any music placing in the bathrooms. Yes. Just plugged into an ipod. Yes. Great other questions or thoughts commissioners. In my mind the old arcades that were on Market Street years ago and the same people coming in that kind of is that what you envision or people coming in you know less frequent than instant. Im not more confused on there was like on Market Street with the arcades the same people everyday do you expect that to be your clientele. Like i said theyre looking gaming more as an accessory we take pride in our products and spent a lot of time on the drink memo and morning anything we want to be a solid business a solid place of business to add to the bonus of soma and our clientele will be come and go in the neighborhood but no means a Big Game Community coming to the gaming. It will be easy to pick out anyone there to do their gambling. Absolutely we keep an eye on on the machines for 5 thousand to 8,000 we are concerned someone tilting or pressing or hitting the buttons two hard and not had a problem before even on our minds but something we can definitely spot out. Those games are retrofit you say gambling to me. Of gambling is not like donkey. Pack man and some of the computer games. Whats the price for those games. 0. 25. Very cool thanks. Let me had an on one second 0. 502 too. Im on tv so this really is i hear a high demand like arcades and arcades in bars i on intersections youll your filling a demand not met at this point. Rent is expensive im sure have you it sounds like youve run arcades in the past. We have experience running bars and restaurant as well. Where else. In san diego we started that like a fun dinner restaurant and maybe the restaurant of the year we got that award when we opened up the concept there and moved to sacramento and down here. Taking over San Francisco. I dont know about taking over. Great if no further commissioner questions or comments. The problem with Fourth Street you have to create a designation with the arresting cads youre pushing the restaurant in that area is restaurant needs a little bit of help. You know we dont want to push the arcades with a trending concept worrying about what to do with the products and service there are is a good amount of retained so hone in and establish a good food and drink place and fun. Games. Essentially at the end of the day, we are a bar and restaurant great. Well, thanks i know thank you for research out to the neighborhoods they may say we have an issue hopefully thats not case we hope that the front line of defense is you and tussle to negotiate those terms. Tshths. Let me open up for Public Comment any Public Comment on coin opt game room all right. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Well move on to a motion. If one of our commissioners like. I make a motion 80 we approve. Second. There is a motion that has been seconded im assuming with the police conditions. Right. Correct. Okay okay same house, same call . Yeah. Same house, same call no roll call vote that passes congratulations move on to item 6 which is commissioners questions or comments commissioners any questions or comments . Commissioner joseph so this thursday im going to have the pleasure of monitoring a panel on entertainment in the city so the name of the panel is sex drugs and rock and roll and the leadership of San Francisco is an allday event theyre having it starts at the y ill be and after hours stuff ahf theyre doing this on San Francisco Cultural Arts and local businesses and having different panels commissioner thomas was supposed to do that with me she cant shes out of town but, yeah. When. This thursday. This thursday so leadership San Francisco is the group of executives who represent like i do believe institutions in the city im not clear and like pg e and at t and ecology and whatever so to have arts and entertainment be front and center in an allday event is kind of cool and pleased to be able to moderate this event. So there we go. laughter . Which one. All of the above. Excuse me any other particular give me a specific question im curious. Commenting were doing this to entertain the staff. Any other commissioners questions or comments not seeing any, any Public Comment on that. laughter . I mean, ill not be attending youll not be attending i have a quick announcement for people were schooling our july 5th meeting so if you were planning to be away you have can be away longer thats to respective the july 4th long weekend all right. Lets move on to item 7 new business for future agenda items any. I have a new business request for this meeting that didnt happen ill talk about the alternative. Alternative. Yeah. So ive not gotten that on the agenda. Yeah. It was not ready to be altered to the agenda but in time for the next rdr. Okay. In time for the next rdr for the meeting for the next rdr. It is the 7. At our next meeting. June 7th. Thats what im saying the same day of rdr. Okay. All right. Any Public Comment on future agenda items not seeing any, Public Comment is closed. And this meeting is adjourned youre watching quick bites, the show that is San Francisco. And today youre in for a real treat. Oh, my food inspired by the mediterranean and middle east with a twist so unique you can only find it in one place in San Francisco. Were at the 55th annual armenian festival and bizarre. This is extra special not only because i happen to be armenian, but there is so much Delicious Food here. And i cant wait to share it with all of you. Lets go. Armenia, culture and cusine has had much cultural exchanges with its neighbors. Today armenian food infuses he flavor from the mediterranean, middle east, and eastern europe. This is our 55th year and in San Francisco were the largest armenian Food Festival and widely recognized as one of the best Food Festivals in the area. We have vendors that come up from fresno, from los angeles showing off their craft. We really feel like we have something for everyone in the neighborhood and thats really what it is, is drawing people to see a little bit of our culture and experience what we experience weekend in and weekend out. We are behind the scenes now watching the chef at work preparing some delicious armenian kabob. This is a staple in armenian cooking, is that right . Absolutely, since the beginning of time. Our soldiers used to skewer it on the swords. We have a combination of beef and lam and parsley. And every september over 2000 pounds of meat being cooked in three days. After all that savory protein, i was ready to check out the fresh veggie options. This is armenian cheat sheet. Its tomatos and mint and olive oil. That makes summer food. And what im doing is im putting some nutmeg. It is kind of like cream cheese. In armenia when they offer you food, you have to eat it. They would welcome you and food is very important for them. In every Armenian Community we feel like were a smallvilleage and they come together to put on Something Like this. What i find really interesting about San Francisco is the blends of armenia that come together. Once they are here, the way people Work Together at any age, including our grandmothers, our grandfathers, skewering the meat, its fun to see. Fun to see everybody get together. We call it subarek. Its a cheese turn over if you want. We make the dough from scratch. We boil it like you do for la san i cant. The amount of love and karin fused in these foods is tremendous. They come in every day to prepare, cook and bake bread, all in preparation for this big festival. Nobody says no. When you come them, they have to come tomorrow for the feast. What a treat it is to taste a delicious recipe, all made from scratch and passed down through generations. It really makes you appreciate the little things. Its one of the best festivals. Its outstanding, a marvelous occasion. Were outside checking some of the food to go options. I grabbed myself a ka bob sandwich, all kinds of herbs and spices. Im going to taste this. Looking fantastic. One of the best ive had in a long time. You know its delicious b i have just enough room for dessert, my favorite part. Were behind the scenes right now watching how all the pastries get made. And weve got a whole array of pastries here. Honey and nuts and cinnamon, all kinds of great ingredients. This is amazing. Heres another yummy pastry made with filo dough. Oh, my god. Really sweet and similar, its lighter. This is what i like. We have a lovely row here. Looks like a very delicious and exciting surprise. Im going to bite into it. Here we go. Um. This is great with armenian coffee. Now were making some incredible armenian coffee. We buy our coffee, they have the best coffee. They come from armenia, specially made. And would you like to try it . I would like to try. Would you like sugar or no sugar . No sugar today. Im so excited. Really earthy. You can really taste the grain. I think thats what makes it so special. Really comes out. I hope you try it. Were having a great time at the armenian festival. We ate, we saw, and we definitely conquered. I dont know about you, but i have to go down to the food. Check out our blog for so much more at sf bites at tums abler. Com. Until next time, may the force be with you. First of all, everybody is welcome and we ask two things when they get here. One, that they try something theyve never tried before. Be it food or be it dancing or doing something. And if they feel like it was worth their while to tell one person and bring that person, that family member, that friend down the street to come with them. Were going to have to do a lot of eating so get ready. Get ready. And you diet tomorrow. Good af im [inaudible] public address anounssment for you 3 time World Championship [inaudible] [applause] the team must always be introduced. It is my honor to welcome you to this very special celebrationment we gather to celebrate the birthday of the greatest player to ever play the game of baseball. Right San Francisco treasure and Living Legend the hall of famer number 24, give it up to mr. Willie mays. [applause]. Before we begin i like to mometd to recognize our dignities. He is on his way, mayor willie brown. He heard that a few times. Chairman tom nolan. Mta board member malcon hine iky. [inaudible] ceo mr. Larry bear and his wife pam. Mr. Peter megalen is on his way. He here yet . He will be here, yes, sir, you know he wont miss this mr. Mays. Supervisor mark farrell. Also we are expecting fire chief joan hayeswhite. And director of the mta ed riscon. Let me tell you about our honored guest today. Born in west field alabama in 19thry 1 willie mays junior was introduced to baseball. His professional career began in 1947 still in high cool. Ofew short years later the new york ginets signed willie a Minor League Deal and made his major league debay in 1941. The next year the army drafted willie removing him from it game befr about a year and a half and returned to baseball in 1954 with a bang winning the mrp award and selected to the a l star team. In 1958 the giants franchise relocated to beautiful San Francisco where willie spends most of his career. Over 2 twentytwo seasons with the new york and San Francisco giants and the new york mets the beloved say akid with 660 home runs won 12 gold glove awards and two mpv awars and played in 24 all star games. 1979 in his first year of eligibility he was elected to the Baseball Hall of fame. Willie mays is one the greatest to ever play the beautiful game of baseball but equally impressive is his cairth. He is president of ceo of say afoundation. Provides ecass to education, health care and safe communities. He also workwise institute on aging here in San Francisco. Many bigitaries recognized willie for generous contribution tooz the society, most recently president obama awarded with medal of freedom. Willie mays name is synonymous withsuch giants baseball every game day 40,000 fans [inaudible] greeted by a larger than life statue oof mr. Mays flanked by 24 palm rr trees. The namesake speaks volumes about the franchise and todays event [inaudible] speaks volumes what willie means to the the itsy of San Francisco. Willie, we wish you a very happy birthday, right everybody . [applause] now at this time i like to bring up the mayor of city and county of San Francisco, the honorable ed lee. Mr. Mayor thank you. Welcome everybody to the cable car barn of San Francisco hosted by local 255 a of San Francisco thank you in the men and women are so lucky because they work in a great city and proud of their job and get to put this carbol car out every single day for peoples enjoyment. They will be proud to do that. Happy 85 birthday willie mays we are here to honor the greatest athlete in america and let me give you a snap shot. I know [inaudible] went through some of it but there is other data i love to have and it is when i think about giant, i love the data and stats. Rookie of the year. Remember those days, willie . Two time most valuable player. 24 time all star. World searings champion. 660 home runs hall of famer and of course when everybody gets on this cable car they will say, where is the catch . he was a legendary baseball player for sure but know willie mays is much more than that. His connection to San Francisco goes way beyaunds the baseball diamond. As a civil right leader he paved a way in the really many time said during the social upheaval happening in the United States when he was playing this game. Drafted by the u. S. Army he served our country honorably and has a roll model he always inspired kids to dream big and as a human itarian he made the world a better place. Everyone knows willie may saz great baseball player and i say he is the best every. He became a superstar around the world because of his good nature. His infectious personalty and good heart. That is one of the reasons why president obama awarded willie the president ial medal of freedom. The nations highest honor presented to individuals who made contribution tooz the National Interest of the United States. He is our National Treasure that we should haun frr generations to come. So, we are here today ladies and gentlemen joined by all our city family and the audience and giants and baseball lovers and transportation lovers coming together to join a National Treasure with a National Historic landmark 6789 today we dedicate cable car number 24 to the one and only 24. Before we unveil the delaware dedication we have a special message from someone who couldnt be here today in person but wanted to send his congratulations. Tee it up. Hello San Francisco. It is a even year which means good things happen in this town and today is one of them because we honor a favorite son and greatest living ball player. When the giant moved west willie mays said he would work [inaudible] once he got here he hit many 660 homers against the wins of candle stick park. He collected more than 3 thousand hits many times running [inaudible] when they say the San Francisco cable car was the first National Historic that moved they forgot to include willie. Willie running second or pop fly is baseball. A cable car rolling down the hillicize San Francisco, both of them can be fiercem sites for over whoo ever gotd in the way. [inaudible] will ask a dodgers on the diamond. Today with ilweas 24 cable car to american icons come together to create a new landmark. Willie, your city loves you because you are as complete a person as you were a player. A mentor, a community leader, a army veteran and ambassador for the game and something with that special ability to put a smile on a kids face. When willie would visit Sick Children in bay area hospitals he refused to hand out base balls he already signed. He wanted kids to watch him sign his name so they know the autograph was real. I got to spend 250i78 with willie on the white house and air force ones, two places i would never be if people like willie hadnt pushed towards a more inclusive america. His legacy is giant so congratulations my friend on this special honor. [applause]. Happy birthday, willie mays suprise yes, you do that. [laughter] alright, you are very welcome. Now for the ceremonial unveiling of the plake rr i need these special individuals to join us, mr. Bear and mr. Mayor if you would return. Did willie brown make it yet . Still waiting. We are not going to wait, we will keep it moving mr. Mays. Tom nolan come up, malcolm hine iky and ed riscon. Whenever you guys are ready. [applause]. There we go. Cable car number 24, willie mays cable car give you time to get your photos in. I think we should all sing, right . I think we should sing. Please join me singing happybirth to the greatest ever. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear willie, happy birthday to you there you go. [applause]. Big round of applause to willie mays mr. Mays has a few comments for us. We got it. Thank you very much. First of all, i didnt sleep last night to tell you the truth. Those guys going to kill me at the ball park. 17 runs. I started to cut it off but said i got to watch this and watched and went to sleep maybe 1 oclock and woke up and couldnt hardly see because i was watching hits all the field. This is great honor for me. I have been involved with the city for such a long time, but before i get to that i like to thank larry [inaudible] for doing something for a friend of mine back in new jersey. I think it was a wonderful gesture he goes back, that he read a letter that renee and i happened to write. Did a very very good job. Just like to thank him because he didnt have student to do that but if he didnt i would probably get on him. I like to thank him for that and also like to thank pam for escorted him there to make sure he got there. Very much so. When you have a city like this, i didnt come out here until 1958. You didnt know anything about me at the time, because it was something strange, it is [inaudible] city and joe was my [inaudible] when i came out here. Nobody know that, but i did. The thing that i never seen a picture oaf and when joe hit his last home run in 1951 we played a game in new york and he had a grand slam. Im out there clapping for him. You dont do that when you play the opposition in new york, you just dont do that, but i was clapping and my think was, why didnt you want to get that pitch in. Im glad they did want because [inaudible] probably would have shot me right away. It was just a wonderful gesture on my part and forgot all about what was geing on but he was my guy. I also like to thank peter [inaudible] he was the guy that came to me and says, you will be in San Francisco the rest of your life and i said im doing fine and dont need anything. Yes, you do. He said you will need something later on in life and i didnt understand what he was talking about and he says, we will do something at the ball park and make sure you have a life time job, who ever may be here, you will be here to honor them. I thank peter for doing that for me because at that time i had a wonderful life and call her may because i couldnt call her mays, i said may and she understood. She was a very very nice lady. Anyway, when you come to a event like this and you have as i know the lawyers i have and he talks all the timemalcolmhe is truly a lawyer and he truly a friend. He says, we going to get a cable car for you. I said what do i need a cable car for, i have a car to ride down the hill, i have been on one from the Fairmont Hotel to the hilton and said it is okay. He said not this cable car. He said a cable car will be number 24 and it will say mays 24. I said to him, what happens to the [inaudible] they come and play here, they brought me here. He said no, the giants will come later, we are going to do something for them later but the cable car is yours. You will see it when you come to a event like this. It was kind of heart warming because i never had a car that moved as fast as i did when i played, so i had to take a back seat. Now, all these things are coming into play and what i like just a couple minutes ago, the president called, nobody told me the president was going to call, nobody told me anything but im surprised he didnt call my house to tell me he was going it doall this stuff. He is a friend. Avenue every time i went to the white house it was like home, what can we do for you. I said you cant do anything for me, im okay. I have a friend at the white house named rejy and i said rejy i need to take Something Back home for the kids that i can give like [inaudible] or something that comes from the white house. The president says, whatever he wants, gets it to him. In the mean time take 1600 from him so we can take care of everything. I understand all these kind of things. I wish i was as great a speaker aslarry, but im not. I was just a player and larry wasnt a player like i was. On a lot of avenues when you stop and think look at all the things you have to do during a course of the season and i only had to play 162 games. After 162 games he had to be there so it is just a wonderful feeling for me to understand so many people helped me and all the kids around the country and what it is all about is it is not just San Francisco or new york, i go to birmingham and arizona, i take care of kids because they are kids, they dont know where they are. They are just kids and kids to me make a difference in the world and think it is so important guys like myself are able to play 22 years base ball, go in the service and come back and [inaudible] they know you. There are a lot of guys that come up and say i was there when if 9 or 10. I dont know who these people are but they know me. What i like to do, i havent been in any trouble yet, trouble will come. You cannot go in this World Without having trouble and i said to myself, i just hope i dont get in trouble so the kids will not change their mind about things that i do, so im so pleased malcolm and the mayor got together and said, we going to give you this cable car so it goes up and down the street every day and the cable car will be in your honor. It is just a wonderful wonderful feeling so like the thank the giants and mayor and malcolm and all the people that will be involve in the cable car because to me the t is just a wonderful feeling so, i like to thank all of you ahead of time. Thank you very much, okay . [applause] mrs. Mays we thank you inmemories and all you do for the community and continued support and dedication to our youth is definitely commendable and thank you for that. I believe that wraps up our ceremonyism mr. Mays and dignitaries will take the inaugural ride. You ready . There we go. Thank you everybody, hope to see you [inaudible] where his Birthday Celebration with continue and it is metallica night so there you go. Well see you tonight the office of controllers Whistle Blower Program is how City Employees and recipient sound the alarm an fraud address wait in City Government charitable complaints results in investigation that improves the efficiency of City Government that. You can below the what if anything, by assess though the club Program Website arrest call 4147 or 311 and stating you wishing to file and complaint point Controllers Office the Charitable Program also accepts complaints by email or 0 folk you can file a complaint or provide Contact Information seen by whistle blower investigates some examples of issues to be recorded to the Whistle Blower Program face of misuse of City Government money equipment supplies or materials exposure activities by city clez deficiencies the quality and delivery of City Government Services Waste and inefficient government practices when you submit a complaint to the charitable online complaint form youll receive a unique tracking number that inturgz to detector or determine in investigators need Additional Information by law the City Employee that provide information to the Whistle Blower Program are protected and an employer may not retaliate against an employee that is a whistle blower any employee that retaliates against another that employee is subjected up to including submittal employees that retaliate will personal be liable please visit the sf ethics. Org and information on reporting retaliation that when fraud is loudly to continue it jeopardizes the level of service that City Government can provide in you hear or see any dishelicopter behavior boy an employee please report it to say Whistle Blower Program more information and the whistle blower protections please seek www. Day. Thank you, everyone and thank you for joining us on this round table discussion about our plans to reflect in our budget please reform support as well as Public Safety and violence preservation this morning, im joined and say thank you to the president of the Police Commission commissioner president loftus that are speaking on the topics of Police Reforms the commission is leading and ive succeed her and chief suhr to present a package of reforms not only the mario woods but the other Police Officers shootings and how to do better in terms of having less lethal preechz to those situations and subtle keep your officers save and the public safe and also evolve around the same thing it of life at the principle center of our discussions i also want to say thank you youll hear 23 reverend brown from the in that naacp to being here and the president of our africanamerican Advisory Group advising obvious on the Police Reform and ongoing work their involved in on violence preservation i have also allen and known as aj our director of our rode map to peace working closely with us pertaining on violence prevention and brad who is your case manager for a program called ipo interrupt and predict and oversees one of my pillar programs i introduced as a result of con verlgz with a lot of Community Groups to help to have felt in the community and not just in the stature of the Police Department but more police and investing in our communities to make sure that we have a horrific approach to violence preservation and the training and jobs and trauma are interruptions, and working with families through the Health Department. Human services and the Family Department so theyll all be joining let me begin by assessing again that these Police Reforms mr. Farrell in the light of the shooting of mr. Woods the outcome and the strong input by various Community Groups the need to look at everything were doing and our approach to both keeping your public safe and having less lethal force so having to make sure that our officers are without bias be that implicit or intentional we provide them with training and tools to make sure that were abiding by and adopting if not embracing those reforms that are at the heart of every major city in the country and one he worksheet to be ahead of and engaged in as i said earlier i asked in light of that we be provided and the chief and the president of the commission has respondent very well with the pageant of reforms we have agreed only adopting and at the heart good part of that to make sure we have the resources to implement this in a serious way we have appropriate oversight 2, 3, 4 making sure it is transparent and thats an honest approach that is one that had been adopted not only by the commission not only by the management of of our Police Department but every officers to respect those reforms and make sure their implemented thats why beer working with a number of Community Groups in order to make sure this it is transparent and it begins with identifying those resources today, well also at the fwip of those conversations with the department of justice as you may know i have invited without condition the department of justice and in particular we wrote and talked directly with the highest Law Enforcement office in the country the attorney general lynch and invited and asked to look along with the u. S. Department of justice cops program both sides with there they twoish and had the reason with a look at patterns and practice or do a thorough investigation and review of everything this is going on with our department by way of policy, practices, patterns, trend, training, transparency, accountability in their own determination thus thats why well keep the option open for pattern and practice investigation theyre looking into the officerinvolved shooting incidents but as a parallel they have determined that they want to putter their resources and attention into a full cops review which is a review of all of our programs within the Police Department they are looking at each and everyone of the recommends and their adding to it as of yesterday the announced the first review of those reform packages and have guven us early indications of trends or areas we ought to be focused on i also want to say this is as well im aware of and he will no less than our president of our commissions looking at a detailed way in the da Blue Ribbon Commission report i havent had a chance to look at it in there will it is orchard and preliminary i look forward to read the entire report and give my gut with the continued input from the Community Members and the Advisors Group we are especially working closely with, as well as cops review, and any other reviews that might occur outside of the two or three investigations ongoing today is about now and then a package of budgetary approaches to making sure that while we are announced those reforms were putting the serious levels of resources in and as you may know we it do too year budgeting die we are making sure that our bucket for the next two years reflects some 17 and a half Million Dollars dedicated to Police Reform and violence preservation in the next two years for the Police Department basically broke down into 3 buckets, if you will, the bulk is 11 and a half Million Dollars reflects what i have truly believe to, something that keeps our city safe it invests in the right things thats your major violen Violence Prevention Program within that programs they lack the road map to peace the imp the interrupt of trastania practices that might lead to more violence and studying very closely with the 4uk9 is with communitybased programs to make sure we followup nominal with traumatized families but also with risk kids people we know having study this over and over for many, many decades we kind of know the attributes of challenged families are in the city we conceive know from statistics where theres going to be more violence those conditions that we studied usually lead tee higher levels of violence pause dispute resolution, support in the community for alternative transportation to violence, even basic saying there is an alternative to entering into on a daily basis those violent consortiums can be met with appropriate followup to traumatized families making sure that the next kin the retro bugs the part of champs that occur with any shootings in the community or violate acts not only do we interrupt those patterns but offer them alternative transportation to that and engage that very sense of dialogue minus prospective by eve alternative transportation thats 11 and a half Million Dollars worth not just the tighten but the appropriate interruptions but the followup to these families that are traumatized that to be able to seek alternative transportation to resident buttocks and seek alternative transportation to the kinds of things and patterns and practices we know if we dont Pay Attention it gets worse and a lot of has to do with with young people has to do with with a lot of ways in which we are able to engage dialogue with our youth and say look whats happening in your life you feel your only option to respond with a violence or ingratiate something that happened years ago if we offer alternative transportation to that oftentimes it takes a lot of focus on following up with families that are hurt that are traumatized and dont see a lot of the ongsz and on to day to day basis the people that folks trust whether Health Advisors or advisors or Public Housing residents or welfare or day to day contacts with people in helping them finds jobs and alternative transportation and have to keep that positive dialogue going as an alternative is both necessary appropriate, and one that i on intersections prohibit my personal values to talk people into convincing them and providing them with alternative transportation that their families will encourage those individuals that might fwaej in the activities to have considered those alternative transportation we also do that in collaboration with our Police Department sometimes our officers are engaging that discussion and they might not be the front line people but sometimes that he are they can actually is in followup to their investigations they say hey families are hurt can we get our Crisis Intervention Teams and peep on the ground to talk in a very culturally competent way to bring the families into the fold of trying to help them and this is where both trust is built but also the conversations their alternative transportation this is 11 and a half employed of 017 commitment on involuntariness preservation and reforms another bucket of the two year bucket commitment is a very focused on the Police Reforms weve articulated a good part is training of the officers part of page that commissioner president loftus will speak in detail training our officers with the leadership of not only the chief and command staff but with the commission to oversee those programs that focus on didnt bias and focus on programs that makes sure that the training is embedded in our officers, making sure they center the tools and equipment and the other to do this actually done and in this we have not only didnt bias training but have basis programs that leads to what we often refer to as in terms of avoiding the kind of connotations that led to violence or the prospective of integrating the lethal force has to do with with retraining of our officers in ways in which they are geneva the time and distance and protect themselves and public and fwaej in a principle of as a sanctity as a principle as well as maneuvering that they can give themselves the opportunity to look at other alternative transportation that might lead to less lethal force on the streets this is for this is at the heart of our relationship with our a. M. Advisory committee they so you get the need for retraining of this it also gives someone last week officer chaplain the head of the new training the opportunity to train properly as a new deputy chief of the kinds of programs that will yesterday in the officers to get the appropriate training and particularly those engaged in crisis intervention and First Responders to the calls to help that Opening Statements are engaged under a situation that might be turning into some 1r0i7b89 connotations be it wven the community and oftentimes the officers are called to present that from happening and the last budget, if you will, is slightly under 2 million about 1. 8 million package is something that everyone including our Advisory Group your package reforms and all the Consultant Groups put in a bucket the accountability everything should be done that transparencyly and deliberately but also theres a followup that when we announce those things their Small Business and so dependent oversight there can be an accountable of 2 we believe the accountability can work beefdz up the board of supervisors and the commission and my office and the chief are supporting the expansion and the role of your office of office of citizens complaints we insured our chief as they investigate she be given adequate tools and investigative arms to be able to do that and that one . 8 Million Department for the next two years allows her to increase her staff by 5 investigators four on the ground and one senior investigator she feels not only the accountability will be reflect in her dependent office but other resources well be paying detailed attendance to that that is the 3 large buckets, if you will, of the 7 and a half Million Dollars commitment for the next two years it is necessary that not only to we do this but pults the financial 250ek9d in all the reforms were seeking and all the priorities we are seeking and that again reflects the vails that i believe are appropriate for the city and this is Community Policing and Pedestrian Safety and Police Reforms has to do with with investing in Community First if we do that we put the people first that had been our strong guide with that, let me introduce someone that is a strong chlorite and shes holding leave femurs as well as poifr about the board of supervisors and testimony and the details about this this is the president of our mr. Johnson commissioner president loftus. Thank you on behalf of of the Police Commission were grateful to the Community Members activists and leaders that joined us over the past few months we create the path forward we appreciate the resources mr. Mayor your ms. Sonata to continue the difficult and critical work ahead i on intersections were all clear that is a perfectal moment for the Police Department and city to make that moment since particular at the direction of mayor ed lee the commission partnered to invite the commission and the chief Advisory Forum to hold a serious of affirms and what is interesting about those femurs we actually had them led by young people that live in San Franciscos most 1r0i7b89 neighborhoods create a conversation how we rebuild and in some cases build the truant officer between that Police Department and the members of the community it is sworn to serve were clear that damage has been done to if relationship we ask those young people to have a serious avenue Difficult Conversations everywhere weve partnered with reverend brown to be open and acknowledge what is going on in the people feel we heard this we heard that your relationship with trust with the Police Department should not do an on the dislocating in which i live so while many people in the city have a relationship of trust with the Police Department and many offices working incredibly hard everyday we cant ignore there are communities in the city that didnt enjoy the relationship of trust and cannot rest not that i recall every person in the city enjoys the trust not only with your Police Department but with the Justice System we need to do they know definitely and we share with the mayor we fundamentally reengineer the Police Officers are equipped to use force and improve training and need to provide additional reservoirs for oversight and other we need to invest in young people particularly young people of color in creating inpatients to the future and finally we must eradicate violence didnt and explicit now hearing the needs foreclose the various reforms the mayor asked you us to get specific and identify what resources are necessary to achieve the change i can say for the first time in over 20 years the Police Commission has opened a revision of the use of force policies the direction that we have been given to emphasize the same thing it of life and sure that officers are trained that in the event they have to use lethal force they have the training and equipment to make that the last option there is a growing bodies of work and eves were pain and suffering not only with the United States department of justice but about the Research Forum to signify that emphasizing decomplication creating time and distance and keeping the officers and public safe and allowing for time can critically and measurely reduce the use of force there are a number of equipment changes being proposed a number of retrainings, reverend brown is also a component of making sure that Community Voice is included in our trainings we have partners that work with our Mental Health working group and family members been in crisis and had interaction to reform how we train officers to deal with people on the streets that are in crisis in other words, to do this ambitious agenda Additional Resources looked like for oversight director joyce hicks is here 9 levied office of citizens complaints a 25 percent increase of staff for the office of citizens complaints is the firnt agency outside of the Police Department that reports to the commission to investigate boogsz logans the Police Misconduct a 25 percent increase in her staff the commission will be dedicated with the policy analysts specifically dedicated to assist the commission in support our oversight efforts in addition as the mayor said the mayor the department and commission has invited the United States department of justice to do a top down analysis of all the policies and procedures of this Police Department at any question they didnt an initial review of the drafts force we were commended for the level of engagement and stakeholders involvement in the process and made suggestions for improvements that will be discussed at the commission this wednesday and directed us to a number of action from the president s 21st Century Policing and finding the consideration of isnt it true a serious Incident Review Board to review Critical Incidents involving the police that incorporates a Community Member in that process that is something the commission had been looking at and in addition they directed us to the president s recommending that there be dependent criminal investigations into officerinvolved shootings which is something that will came into from the commission so there is a great dole dealing to do the resources allocated today are an important step forward itealer to make the change we have a moment in the city to come together he reflect the city youre on the side of police or community i know from my time as a prosecutor and Police Commissioner the police meets the community and the Community Meets the police i hope we continue this path forward. Chief suhr. I would like to go thank the mayor and commissioner president loftus for their leadership i on intersections that is 2 only right to start this conversation that the lions share of those monies are towards Violence Reduction as the measurable gapes weve made towards San Francisco since the horrible years nearly one hundred homicides and 4 hundred shootings certainly we respectable to make our progress and in 2009 steady built been the partnership with the work of the people in the room about members of the government here in San Francisco and out of the community the only way to get to a better place were in this all altercate e teeth at commissioner president loftus said obviously the fact that its been shaej in the Police Department and i really want to thank the mayor for his leadership and commissioner president loftus in getting to that place and deputy chief chaplain leading the effort of the principle policing bureau to effect those changes and impact gak those with the phone on and on 0 the phenomenon with the department of justice talking about the recommendations and move forward specifically though with regards tattoos budget on Police Reform the city is investing 4 nature Million Dollars in initiatives insides of the Police Department for the next two years and increasing the training and equipment to add the time and distance to emphasize the time and distance in that training so that we have less uses of force to again, you cant over analysis what is fwoong in the National Conversation myself and many members are it have been participating about the same thing it of the life and protocol and creating that time and distance is especially with people in the more vulnerable populations with regards to training the department will spend one . 4 million for direct training with the didnt bias we all possess that bias on the other side of the camera and those watching with the need to recognize hue this plays into a what you do or dont do and gaud against the lean where that plays into decision you might make sun shining that should be made obviously the blue encourage program a program in San Francisco that is described to effect the internal cultural change in the department by emphasizing the level of integrity required to be a San Francisco Police Officers we have that training in place this will build out that bathroom, so cultural competency was represented by commissioner president loftus and certainly with the help of any africanamerican communities Residents Forum doing competency training in the academy and advance the recovers or officers with the help of the community in that training and, of course, crisis intervention nearly nine hundred officers and the police in the Police Department right now training crisis intervention and now working on to model that is successfully applied in seattle going garretts the Crisis Intervention Team approach to entertaining with the person in crisis to minimize the university of california, San Francisco that is required to address an event if force has to be used at all officers from the sfpd are also taking trainer courses recently completing with an with the oakland Police Department on purely justices treating outline people with dignity and replace and bans fact innovate on factors last week race or genders are squall orientation, etc. Giving people a change to tell their side of the story in a way that encourages the Community Members to know theyll be treated with goodwill in the future by ever officers and every opportunity all officers in the San Francisco Police Department will receive didnt procedural Justice Training by years ended working with mickey and h. R. To develop an online class that officers receive in person or Online Training ongoing annually hopefully forever and in addition there is equipment and from infrastructure that is needed to reengineering this use of force the city will spends millions on capital and training to build the less lethal onto the sfpd and allow for more deescalation and distance and times to support this the department has begun with the department of public works to build a classroom and simulator for the Team Approach to use of force additionally well purchase new equipment to decirculates positions and allow them to create time and distance what many officers encounter in dangers situations with 60 shields specialists he know that many people throughout the shelves are on intersections offense weapon theyre not to santa fe flexibility to build the time and distance to stop a dangers contact and perspiring 35 guns for the pilot and prelims with the Tactical Division a widening map that cute of a pilgrim actually device it envelopes the suspect and allows us time to sub due that person with or without lethal force and an impact weapon the less lethal depolars of projectiles that will not have a lethal capita as a firearm and then the Pilot Program one hundred electronic control devices that will be deployed to the tactical and spfldz units that are control weapons we will issue an additional deficiencies to all the patrol cars with the officers that be armed with the electronic control weapon to make sure that these officers are as less lethal as possible and again there are more coming but i have to truly is your budget reflect your priorities and certainly as outlined by the mayor and under his leadership this bucket emphasize we want to getting is that better place a Police Department worthy of San Francisco thank you, chief. Reverend brown. From the naacp and also the head of the american Advisory Forum. Thank you very much mr. Mayor members of the panel especially susie i didnt and your chief greg suhr be deputy chaplain. Im speaking from the bottom and my first words are you pray and hope that out of this conversation of the press conference that out of sensitivity of the press that the word will go forth loud and clear our city our fair city of st. Francis was unfortunately ruined about culture of the benign neglect over 50 years that is mirrored in the fact that has we speak in the city and county of San Francisco the africanamericans student population has dropped from a high of 24 thousand and 1970 to 4 thousand 4 hundred and 43 in 2016 and of that 4 thousand 4 hundred and 43 only 11 percent of those students are proficient in math, and 18 percent efficient in languages, arts and english i will repeat that for emphasis out of 4 thousand 4 hundred and 43 students africanamericans in the School District only 11 percent are proficient in math, additional 18 percent proficient in Language Arts and english. Thats an indictment on San Francisco not only are the one group any one Governmental Agency we all share collective guilt but the good thing is we have not committed ourselves to rest in the ruins this mayor didnt rest in the ruins of the fallout of that population unlearned and untutored and great measure to this rash of violence and the unfortunate loss of several lives due to excess force no men and women is an island to himself or herself were a part of humankind and for whom the bell tells you that tells you for thee when any person is married or tarnished or destroyed but i repeat this mayor didnt rest in the ruins mayor ed lee listened, commissioner president loftus listened, the chief listened and they are about reconciliation and rebuilding trust rebuilding communities, refamilies and this i feel is a signal for the future i hope those persons that exercise their free speech the right to protest, will come to the point of reasonable and say theres a heart in the city it pain us that young men die where the young lie far too soon but th dedicate only both sides of the ledger i say without reservation through office of the city administrator monies provided through our collaboration with Police Department, and through the coordination of families, schools, communitybased organizations, we must stop wringing our hands. Talking about how bad the reproduces are and a bad mess were in we have an opportunity to join hands not be engaged and in Economic Activities thinking and master that little produce noun i speak of we we are about getting out of this department any person who was sworn to keep the peace but broken the trust as the destroyed lives we say the same thing bloichtd and western edition and potrero hill now is no excuse any Young National black anthem e africanamericans or latino that underserved to take the lives of another human being so as pastor of third baptist for 40 years seeing things come and go as president of the naacp were saying 2509 world San Francisco is showing that it is a city and knows how to deal with a flawed situation knows how to touch a messy situation and leave that better than that was before we touched that. Thank you very much he is a director of program called road map to peace and working us on the ground with young people. Thank you, mayor and thank you all for joining us today id like to acknowledge reverend brown and thank you very much for the words youve impaired as usual your strength and words are received well and want to show respect and appreciation for you the road map to peace as you may know we call it the rp example t b public works to address a series of untimely and sense of death occurring in your community from go young latinos and not only in the mission but throughout San Francisco the initiative grew out of a series of pain and greech we are experiencing and seeks to improve the healthy and economic wellbeing of our young people not only in the mission but throughout San Francisco we connect our young people for a number of Services Including jobs and equation education how to provide services for young people restrictive of rooveng fallen through the cracks of a benign city the reverend sat down in a way to good afternoon young people to get involved and thrive in todays San Francisco r t p is a collaborative efforts from a horrific approach to ensure the latinos are involved in the future and additionally working with any my brothers keeper and recognize the importance of that initiative to make sure that young men and women are thriving in their opportunities before them to that extent we share the notion that black and whites and before lives matter day a may 10th through the latin america it is mother day so for those of you who speak spanish day and that word you may want to look that that with your honoring our parents and mothers for all the support theyve provided i would be remisif i didnt thank the Community Based organizations that comprise. There is a african prover stating takes a village. In conjunction with a bunch of different organizations, we hope to fulfill that effort and lead our young people to a better life in the future to come. Thank you very much. Thank you, allen. Finally, brian [inaudible] is the director of the ipo program, the interrupt, predict and organizing program we authored in the last few years and talk about the Case Management work there. Good afternoon. As a case manager i work directly with the young people involved in the prab and being im pleased and excited to know well be moving forward in because the short time we afected so many lives of the young people in San Francisco. We helped them get Employment Opportunities and gave the skills to compete in the job market and helped with educationing barriers further their education and some going to college. We reached and touched them mentally and health wise, which is very important. Knowing how important this is, giving them a tonight opportunity is a very unique 24i7ck and this is a city saying we are assisting and willing to help the young people as long as they with willing to walk with us and i will keep it short and say that very proud the ipo program has done so much in such liting time so want to thank the Mayors Office as well. Would sth breath of input we reflected in the budget, i hope you understand that affective pub lb safety and Police Reform has to be comprehensive. Has to involve the community at its roots, but also a major commitment from myself, the board of supervisors, the commissioners from the management of the Police Department and Community Based agencies there to help us. No one answer is the magic that it has to be a comp rehensive across the field. In the ipo and road map to peace, these are not new programs. We are not announcing these as new programs, but we are announcing is a investment in what has worked and discardment of what has not worked so we get emphasis. The ipo program i watched for the last years and have done a tremendous job with the age group fraup 10 to 18. We have gotten a lot of young people to turn their heads to work with us while we build trust and get them engaged and supportive to scholarships to Family Support to trauma intervention to skill sets that give them a real good chance to be involved from paid internships to city jobs to semi Public Private job. In evolving this we wealized particularly in the bayview as input has been giving to us by reverend brown there is a segment we are missing and thereat is the age from 18 to 25 and that is a difficult age group to intervene with because of tremendous amount of barriers built over time and deeper level of mistrust and harder cultural to really engage them. That will be our center piece for this particular round because it is most difficult and we have to figure out how people are coming out of maybe multiple incident engage with the crimial Justice System to really turn the corner with them because data has guided us and said that group has the highest propensity of violence occurring among them and if we dont do it we will not reduce the level of violence that is occurring and that data is telling us that and that is why we want to reinvest of this approach for that particular group we know the numbers are telling us, that is the group to focus on and we should not take away any of the services and support that we had from the 10 to 18, that is working. We have to domore and this is where we have a tremendous investment. Thanks to [inaudible] medical center. Recent initiative established in the community. Youths will be receiving [inaudible] over 300 will be receiving free medical test ing addressing their psychological, mental and emotional challenges and that is one factor that we have not been up with [inaudible] former Surgeon General did say years ago, we should consider violence as a helths issue and many young people are living in Public Housing and the toxicity is in their bodies for years and is causing mental damage and that why many cant go to school and be still because of the adverse effects of mold, mildew and other environmental chemicals that are not safe. I think that is another plus for what we are doing under your leadership to move forward. Thank you and the only way we understand those thing is get constant Community Input as you and other members the Advisory Committee do and that is why the budget has to comprehensive reflect everything we are doing. The environment and families are asking but rather than just Good Services for people in poverty why not have services that end poverty. What is the meaning foreneding poverty rather than just treat the problem. These are things we are fortunate to do because we have the revenue resource squz must do them to figure outcomes rather than just treatment. That is what we emphasis in the budget and ongoing support from the Health Department to social service to my brothers and sisters keeper to hope sf to puc and employment training, to constant vigilance and support for fmlies and getting out of traumatized families to creating more trust in the Police Reforms and constant interaction by our Police Department as well as other interactions from city service. With that, well open up for questions and hopefully [inaudible] ill jump in on that. My understanding is there is allocation there if it is approved by the commission, the decision has not been made by the commission yet. [inaudible] this money is going to office of citizen complaint. It is superate from the budget of the Police Department because it is by charter a independent agency. In collaboration with the director of that department she has given us what she believes is a appropriate lechbl level of support seit will hire at least 4 more investigators she manages along with a senior investigate so every officer involved shootding she will have the resources to investigate plus she has independent authority to do a recommend discipline to the commission for officers involved in inappropriate behavior. So, i think there is confusion about this. The Police Commission both department chief and director of the occ report independently to the Police Commission, so the director reports to the 7 commissioners. Part of the role the commission has in that way also is, identifying where there are Additional Needs that the director and department would need and so given the emphasis on the need for independent investigation and officer involved shootings, given the need to make sure the case loads are reasonable so the investigators can do a deeper dive into allegation of misconduct and have the cases filed with the Police Commission, the budget gives 5 investigators which is 20 percent [inaudible] she reports outside of the chain of the Police Department to the commission. [inaudible] the occ budget is independent of the Police Department budget, it is two separate budgets. [inaudible] i have not. [inaudible] there is a lot going on between the District Attorney and poa so having not seen the report and speaking directly to the report we appreciate the work of the committee and when we get the report we will follow through to get that to the review team from dp apartment of justice for consideration of those recommendations as appropriate. I commit to read report thury and discuss with the commissioners once it has gotten to us in the final form. [inaudible] again, i listened to that, i engaged with both the protesters and supporters around this and the question i continue to follow up with is, what do we get out of that particular position. I believe that the things that we are doing now are the most important things in changing the culture and have leadership responds to reforms, insigated oversight with agencies like federal department of justice as well as paying attention to Community Groups including this protesting group as well as all Community Groups city wide. In doing so, i just dont believe having a different chief automatically gains the kind of grown work we are already gaining with reforms that we have and responses we have and constant attention to rebuilding the trust that we need to build and so you know, i have never [inaudible] it out right but always said im not ready to make that change if the changes we are already making are ones that are embedded in the leadership that chief suhr provided and find he is not a imp pediment and the commission which i work in concert with has felt the same. One man can not create this racial bigotry in the department. We share the responsibility and the overriding issue is every person is due due process and no one has [inaudible] we live in a society and with this mayor [inaudible] some are trying to do the right thing in the Community Working together to deal where a systemic problem and not just one personalty. Personalties which and go. [inaudible] that was one man, one administration. Did we go out [inaudible] no. This position the [inaudible] i think what we are doing now is a good thing and should stay the course. [inaudible] yes, i have. I continue to do so and i do it with the rational that i have explained earlier which is i work with the commission and chief and Community Groups and i work on the city wide basis. I understand the protesters demand and i respect their right to protest and even to advise us on what they believe is helpful, but i also have a responsibility to make sure that the city moves forward in all the reforms and therefore i believe the chief is leading those reforms with the commission and unless i believe there was obstruction and believe the chife is doing the right thing. [inaudible] it is not allowed and when itprinted itself i acted quickly, swiftly, severely sending them straight to the commission for termation and that will continue to be the place. There no place in the San Francisco Police Department for intolerance and we will continue to seek it out and act on it quickly and again the punish will be swift and severe. I do not have the authority to fire a officer, but the commission does and they will be sent directly to the commission as haen

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