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Okay, good morning, everybody welcome to the final 2016, meeting of the San Francisco board of supervisors budget and finance committee meeting. My name is mark farrell and i will be chairing this committee and i am joined by supervisor norman yee and joined momentarily with tang and i want to thank, lindy wong and sfgtv for covering the meeting. Do you have any announcements . Silence all cell phones and devices completed cards and documented to be included as part of the file should subm submitted to td clerk. Call item one. Hearing on the recent updates regarding the citys financial position, including the mayors budget instructions to departments for the physical year, 17, 18, and 18, to 19. And requesting the mayors budget director and the controller to report. Thank you very much, supervisor tang has joined us, and this is an item that we called and i want to thank the budget dreker for being here and i thought that it was the end of the year here and the mayors instructions that came out last week and it would be a good idea to get the up date as a board and a city hall and thank you for being here and i know that you have a presentation to go through. Great. Thank you chair farle and so im melissa the director and i am joined by the controller, and we will be going through this presentation for about the next 20 minutes. Feel free to stop me if you have any questions. Talk about three things today, the first thing is the post election rebalancing plan, the citys five year plan that will be publicly released later today. And budget instructions for Department Heads which we actually delivered last thursday. So this first slide is just telling you we want to make sure that we said to people right away, what are the few things that we want you to leave the room understanding. At the very highest level with this presentation covers is the fact that the mayor felt it was really important after the election to rebalance the budget. And i am going to talk about that in more detail. We look at the up coming two years that were charter mandated to balance by june first, we are seeing a 400 million deficit, over those two years. This is not significantly worse than about a year ago today when that two year deficit was 350 million, but i will say that today compared to a year ago we feel a lot more unserpt, especially as a result of the federal election and on our timing of our Economic Cycle where we are at. We are mindful of these numbers and paying a lot of attention to them. Another thing that i will talk about is that the deficits were on the rise. Why this was happening and why it is happening you will see is employee is largely around the employee cost are the largest drivers are both the deficit projection and why our deficits are increasing and really another thing is just on revenue which the controller will talk about and we have seen in the past few years that revenue is the thing that has allowed us to balance the budget every i couldnter for the last few years, and add a lot of new service to the public that the public was demanding and they were good things to the mayor and the board partnered on many of them. And we are not anticipating that we are going to see the high Revenue Growth in the up coming years. What does all of this mean . What this means that we are not in a recession, the mayors instructions are not to cut or do layoffs or not for people to panic. Just for people to be mindful that we need to be disciplined and make trade offs if we are going to add new programs, we need to be figuring out what in our budget is not as important as the new things and try to fund things in our existing budget. So we need to grow at a lower rate. The targets that we issued were 3 percent in each year and we have a very strong, in fte growth which i will talk about later. Could i ask a question . Please. As we talk about the federal impact and the new president elect coming on board, in terms of our exposure, what i understood to be generally about north of 400 million in direct federal funding to our city and about a billion state pass throughs. I just want to make sure that we are all thinking along the same lines. Supervisor that is correct. We received just about 400 million from the federal government as a city and county. We received billion from the state of that billion that we received from the state, a significant portion is also federal pass throughs for predominantly Public Health and entitlement programs. So we have been estimating at a high level approximately a billion dollars in money that originally comes from the State Government here locally. We are doing a lot of work with the mayors Budget Office and departments to kind of tease those numbers apart and put them in different buckets to understand the Revenue Streams. Okay, thanks very much. Great. So really quickly i am not going to spend a very long time on this because i know i believe that the supervisors are some what familiar with this plan but feel free to ask me any questions. The budget included 37. 5 in 16, 17, the current year and 155 in 17, 18, related to propositions jand k on the ballot. And the mayor terminated proposition j, in early november, after k did not pass, and this is just showing you the category that the funding was planned and which was largely transportation of 100 million and homeless around 50 million and other things that the mayor was paying attention to was part of the rebalancing plan was the college street trees and it was not on the november ballot, but as a result of the federal election, the mayor was really concerned about legal representation for our immigrant community and so that was something that he asked me very early on after the election to also pay a lot of attention to and to make sure that was if the additional funding whats need to fund that as part of this plan, on slide five, you will see a high level of the rebalancing plan and what this says is that in the current year and the up coming two budget years that we are going to have to balance by june first, that we rebalance between our expenditures and our revenues and so you can see the expenditures here are homelessness, street trees and, Free City College and Legal Services and the revenues are transfer tax and whole person care, and our Department Head from the new department of homelessness in support of housing is here today right after this item to ask for this 6. 5 million in this balancing plan, related to homelessness to be removed from the reserve, and consistent with this plan. So i am going to move on from this unless you have additional questions. Colleagues . No, we are good. Thanks. Office our works with the Controllers Office and the burg team and the budget and analyst. And our three offices come together to really do a look at our base Case Projection of the up coming five years, when we say base case, what we mean is if we take all existing policies to date, and we just move them into the future and do nothing, what would our revenue and expenditures be . And so, obviously that cant be the world that we live in because it shows a deficit and so we need to take action to close those deficits. But that is with the base Case Projection means, it also assumes that the budget is rebalanced after the election and it is how we rebalance that since this is a report being put out by all three office and it just assumes that revenues and expenditures are equal. It is not saying what it is spent on. As far as revenue and the controller will talk about this but the revenue projection and the report is that it is still strong but that we are seeing the signs of slowing growth and constraints on our growth and so we talk about that in the report. Also some assumptions that we make so we fund all benefit Cost Increases on health and pension for employees, and also, there is an assumption for planning purposes in the report that we fund consumer priced index increases on all of the personnel and nonpersonnel costs and it is an average of the moody and the California Department of finance. And that is just a planning assumption and then later on, i am going to talk about why i actually think that we need to not grow as quickly and we cant afford those Cost Increases but i think that it is a reasonable thing to assume and a financial projection moving forward. We assume the full funding of the capitol it plans in the out years of this plan. Very briefly, a high level of interview of the Revenue Growth assumptions that sit under the 5 year projections and many more details specific to specific Revenue Streams, it will be included in the five year Financial Plan base case, when we release it in the incoming days, but generally speaking what our office is seeing at the moment indicates continued but slowing growth. Here in San Francisco for revenue and just Economic Activity and that is the assumption that sits under the revenue proejections include thanksgiving plan. We have included a couple of key take aways on this chart regarding the economy. Again we are continuing to see growth here in the city and private sector employ employment but that is slowing in most recent august, to august, data, year over year you see that 15. 4, growth rate in the Technology Sector in the city, slowed to under, 5 percent for the first time during this recovery. And similar we see a slowing grow rate in the employment here in the city from 5. 3 percent to under 2. 4. During this most recent period. This month, does not a trend make. But we have seen kind of this downward trending in terms of growth over the last several months. And generally, speaking we are projecting it to continue into the future. And this is likely, frankly due to the fact that we are nearing capacity here in the city and county of San Francisco, in terms of capacity to house jobs and Available Office spags and to houseworkers and available housing, and that we are reaching the limits for our capacity for transportation infrastructure to bring the people to and out of the city and that is given to how fully we are and we will expect those constraints to lead to more normalized growth rates that we have seen for the majority of this recovery. Translating that at a high level, into general Fund Projections this is a summary of all revenues and what we have seen in the recent past and what we are projecting in this document looking ahead into the five year period, and you see really the tremendous growth rates we have had during this recent period. With growth rates above, 7 percent during this recovery, topping over 12 percent a couple of years ago. But again, in what we just released regarding our physical results for 15, 16, you can see the growth rate slowing. And so still very hel yth and strong growth in over all general revenues of 5 percent for the most recent audited period but that is the lowest growth rate of any year during this recovery, and we are expecting that moderation to continue into the future. And settling in to a Going Forward growth rate of really between 3 and 4, 4 and a half percent, in a given physical year, and so these are fundamentally the growth rate assumptions that sit under what we are talking about today. So if you will look at this Revenue Growth in the last two recessions, it looks like there is basically two years of declining revenue, is it generally twoyear, slumps when you look at it from a percentage basis . Yeah, each of the last two recessions felt a little bit different. The dot com bust was more acute here in San Francisco, likewise the bounce back was sharp, kind of what we called a vshaped recession, and the most recent one was a little bit more of a u, but again, a very sharp snap back after really a couple of downed years and the different recessions are going to feel different in how they impact our revenue and these are probably relatively quick recoveries but on average, i think that we generally say two to three year recovery. During a given recession. Okay. And i guess, as i think about it, it is obviously revenue but it is also smoothing out a pension and what that does from our general fund perspective. And one of the things that we started doing in the Financial Plan and we did this in the last document as a city is including a recession, scenario. And so we are not projecting a recession to occur during this period in these assumptions. But if one does occur, how it will effect revenue and we will touch on that later in the presentation, to give you a sense as policy makers of what that case might look like and how it effect revenue. But you are right, it effects both revenue and pension contributions. Okay. So slide nine, this is telling you the high level of what the five year Financial Plan is showing and so i will spend a minute on this slide, and so it is the source as it changes from the current year, so what this is saying is that by the fifth year of this plan, we are projecting additional 560 million in revenue that will be available for the mayor and the board to appropriate ate and if you look at the uses line, this is saying, that if we do nothing, the expenditures are expected to grow by 1. 4 billion, and this is the issue, growth of 29 percent and eleven percent and you can see on the expenditure side, 50 percent of that, is driven by increases in salaries and benefit and i will get into that with more detail, 32 percent on city wide operating costs and, and then three percent on departmental costs. And by the end of this time period, it is around, 440 million of that 700 Million Dollar projected increase thank you, so speaking of salaries and benefits, and again, just to reiterate that you project that 85 percent of the projected growth is wage increases and heling benefits. So how are we addressing that and i know that in light of the various actually many of the labor contracts that will be negotiated how are we going to deal with this . I know that we put this information out there, but i dont know how we are getting a handle on this. They were such a big driver of the deficit and then of the increasing deficits that we spent a lot of time thinking about that and making sure that we can explain it to people and we met with labor yesterday, and presented all of this information to them, you are correct, that we are going into negotiations this spring, with all of our labor unions except for the police and fire, that we will be negotiating with next year and it is a big driver and it is something that we have to pay a lot of tension to and later in the presentation, the mayor is required to put out strategy to balance these deficits in the report. And so we will talk about that later on. Designs each year with each of the three Major Health Plan providers and in the recent years, the Service System has done a good job of developing new and lower cost alternative to benefit plans and they have been able to hold those rates down but we have seen the cost pressure in the recent past, but it is for the heling benefits it is a mix of collective bargaining, and the work that influences and contains some of those costs. Pension costs are a function of the charter and have restrictions on those but to change those involves the voter action and then of course, the employee wage cost is strictly a function of the collective bargaining. We are also asking for know ftes this year. When looking at the salaries that will go up as the natural factors that is one way to look at the how to control that. But i guess, when supervisor tang was asking questions, partly, the other piece would be to look at, the number of staff members. Yes. And we will be looking at that through the budget process as well. So another way to think about this cost growth, if it is helpful is that this top blank line is showing our Revenue Growth over the five years, the dark blue section here is showing the voter adopted base lines and set asides and the light blue is showing our employee cost and the health and pension only, and does not assume any cpi, and nothing else, and 84 percent of the revenue that we projecting is taken up by those two things alone, that leaves, 16 percent to fund all of the other things, so i just think that this is a helpful way to think about this. That is something that i have been talking about it is an important thing to keep in mind. The voters, you meant . Yes. Well, yes. You are correct. Okay. And so another thing that we think is important to Pay Attention to and that i talked a lot about with the mayor, is the historical deficit projections so when i started in the city in 1011, our project was over 800 million and we made a lot of progress in the years since then, i remember being freaked out about that large number and we brought it down to half when we put down the plan two years ago and now here we are putting it up and we are back above 800 and we did not come out of a recession and i think that this is a big deal, we spent a lot of time thinking about why. In regards to when you look at the projections for the deficits, and you are you need to compare it with what was a budget at the time. Because the budget has grown so much that you are comparing 800 million, over the period. But it is a smaller percentage of the budget. You are correct. Yeah, that is definitely true and we can get that for you. That is a good question. So, why are these deficits on the rise again though . Because we see that they are on the rise from two years ago. And so there is three main things and so the first thing is rising employee cost and the controller will talk about that and that are is largery related to pension, and new base lines and set asides for the last few years and then an increase in services of the positions and the ongoing point to your point. And as we add employees the benefits are growing faster and so we are adding to the long term liability and we added a lot of employees which i will have a slide on. So briefly to touch on the tensions as one of the contributing challenges here, and we have talked about this a lot, actually at this committee over the last couple of years at this moment, and this is showing you at the bottom, the bottom line is the projects of employer pension costs two years ago, when this plan was prepared and adopted. And where we are today. The top line is the current projection looking ahead to the future. And two years ago, the expectation was that as investment losses through the system were smooth through the actual math, and the provisions of proposition c, and the pension reform measure that was adopted by the voters in 2011, began to take shape and we would see the gradual decreases over time in the employer pension contributions and we talked last year about the factors that are reversing that and this is playing through now the projections looking ahead, rather than seeing the declines, we are seeing the increases looking ahead into the future, and by the fifth year of the plan, and the difference between where we expected to be two yoerz ago, and where we expect to be today, is approximately, 171 million. And so a significant change in the forecast for pension. And that is really fund men shall as we talked about before it is driven by three factors and it is driven by the retirement system is updated mortality tables which we do about a year ago at this time and the good news in those table our retireees are leaving for longer than they were the last time that they were updated that means financially that we paid for pensions for longer. That pushes the liability up, and secondly one of the key provisions in proposition c was a restriction that said, supply mental colas will be paid out when it was funded, the city was challenged on that provision, and the court struck down a portion of the prop c, screen on supply mental and so that is now assumed here and, then lastly, we have seen two years in a row, where investment returns in this system have been lower than the actual assumption of 7 and a half percent, 4 and a half percent, two years ago and 1 and a half percent during the most recent years, when we fall short, those losses end up or that revenue that was expected that does not come in is then smoothed into the future, so these are the three drivers of that change. And they are roughly equal in terms of the impact, each one of them accounts for a third of the impact that we are looking at her. Quick questions for you. On the mortality tables, is it system tick every year that we review it, just when they feel like it . The society that the u. S. Society until recently updated these tables for the u. S. Pension, calculations everywhere. Only about every five or more years as i understand it. Okay. And our retirement system had not updated these assumptions that sit under their projections in more years than that. So it had been a number of i couldnters and so there is a catch up happening here in terms of the most recent up date. And i believe that the society of actualaries that the u. S. Want to do this annually. And so they are going to begin doing these mortality up dates annual annually, and how our retirement system will account for that. I dont know. We are just going to follow the table that gets published by the National Group. No, they take the National Group as the starting point and then it is adjusted for dem graphic and mortality, and our local populations but the starting point is this National Study that occurs. Where, sorry just, i think that you are asking, where are we right now . What is the mortality of the age . It is actually very nuance and very specific to specific job classes, specific union types of the mortality table is not a simple number that says on average we expect the city retireees to leave to x, it is nuanced based upon what an employee was doing when they worked for the city and what age it retired and so it is a complicated table. It is safe to say that the supervisors have a much lower or higher mortality rate at an earlier age than other job classifications. I have not reviewed that. Yeah. Thank you. And then again, just without getting into the details and opinions about it, the rate of return of our pension can you just explain again, lets just say, that it falls short of 7 and a half. How does that roll through and maybe you can explain one against how it rolls through our system and why we feel the effects of not just that year but Going Forward. Sure, so the employee contribution, what drives the city contribution to pensions is largely a function of what is the gap . What is the expected gap between resources they have on hand, contributions that are employees, and putting in, and then the city is on the hook for the difference effectively. And so they make assumptions about for the 16 billion dollar, plus, crust they have, what is the return on that going to be that can offset the employer contribution and so they make an assumption Going Forward about what that return is expected to be 7 and a half percent is that assumption, but when that falls short, it leaves the actual mass short and then the city and the employer contribution makes up the difference. Okay, thanks. Do you have something . So next on our earlier conversation, we just have a couple of points on lever we talked about the cpi in the report, and if you look at our report two year ago, it was projected under 3 percent and in this report it is projected to be over 3 percent in every year, that is driving up our deficits that we want to point that out, one percent chance in employee wages is 20 million in the general fund and if you look over the past three years, we obviously have had a three Year Contract with most employees for raises of 3. 25, with the different start dates and we are seeing that the cpi was around 2. 7 and so looking at our last contract was higher than cpi ended up being. And so this is our health cost assumptions as i said, much faster than inflation, health is projected to grow, 7 percent and retirees, 9 percent and that is what the areport assumes in every year. And miss house, what report are we in this from hss . Say, and yes, from hss, yes. And we actually in the last report, the assumption on actives was 5 percent, and so we just revised it based on more current information, but that is another reason why the deficits are going up because we are projecting that into the future the health costs will be more than they were the last time. And i would, and i mean, being the hss board member from the board of supervisors i should be talking to the director about this, but i imagine with the president elect and comments around the Affordable Care act, the fluctuation could be wide. This assumes no changes to the affordable changes and none of that right now, because we as a controller mentioned dont feel like we have enough information to make assumption today or in any of those things. This is a slide that kind of underlies what i was talking about earlier on being adopted on the base lines and set aside, so this is just ones that have been added since 2011. And i should say, you know these are all wonderful. I was not trying to say that they are not. It is just that we are making commitments to that bind us in the future, it gives us less flexibility and you can see that the mta population growth and the Childrens Fund increase are by far the largest here on this list. Because there is the last column and the bottom are cumulative. So this slide this slide is talking about kind of what supervisor yee was talking about earlier. So if you look over the past 20 years, we have a pattern and it is add 1500 employees, cut 1500, and here we are today and we have added 5,000 employees. This is a very large number of employees but i will say that we are not upset about this, we think that this is a good thing and we have done so many good things with the board on this and you can see that this chart shows you where the position vz been added and a lot of them are Nongeneral Fund as well. And so at mta, ten percent sfrgs increase, the airport and the puc and the port are really this blue section and that makes up the largest portion, and our department of public works and the capitol programs, Public Health and Human Service agency about hundreds of positions for Affordable Care act, and the Public Health opened a new hospital and we have added new social services and we have added the street cleaners and the people in the parks and library hours, and so all really good things that we want to continue, and what we said to our Department Heads today, is not that we want to roll any of this back but that we need to stop growing, no more growth, do not add more ftes because we want to be sustain able over the long term and we just feel that this is the time is now with all of the uncertainty, it is important to be a little bit more disciplined and making sure that we are making conscious choices as we add new things. Now to tangs question before, there is another the Mayors Office is mandated to also come up with fiscal strategies to propose how we will balance these deficits over the coming five years, and i am going to slide 21 shows you the numbers but i am going to talk off slide 22. Just real quick. Of course. On the ftes. Yeah. It wasnt broken down this way, what would you guess it is right hand 5,000 ftes since 2011. The break down between enterprise and general fund. Yeah, if you look at this chart, so the blue section is largely enterprise, and the orange section is part general fund but also part state and federal and the same thing with the gray section. The yellow section is almost all general funds so in that, the police and hiring are public safety, and actually it was a six year hiring plan which we are nearing the six year of, which is great. And probably the other green is probably the mostly general fund and i think that is the three positions at 311 and more administrative positions. Okay, thanks. Yes. And so with this slide is showing you is what our office is proposing a balanced approach to tackle hez deficits over the coming five years, this is the same graphic that i showed you before, where the bottom is revenue and the top line is expenditure, what this is saying is that we are hoping to increase revenues and to decrease, to bring these two things in line, instead of the 11 percent revenue, and the 29 percent, growth that i mentioned before, wither hoping for a 14 for a 14 percent growth over this period, we are hoping that the economic policies and we will keep the economy strong and we will pursue more revenue, than we have currently projected. And on the department mental side, we are telling the departments we need 3 percent cut targets in each of the coming years and we need them to be part of the solution, with the revenue and efficient proposals to the request he, supervisor yee to balance the budget on city wide expenditures looking at our certificates of Participation Program and to please not grow fte and the enterprise, and the selfsupporting need to absorb all of the known Cost Increases. One thing that i think is great and you might be interested in it, the mayor over a year ago, asked all departments for a Strategic Plan and we have been spending a lot of time reviewing those and we had a city wide planning retreat with the Department Heads in september and the mayor in this plan is going for put forward the city wide values and vision that he sees working with all of the Department Heads that he want to publicly come out and state and really the point of this is also to kind of to make sure that our culture is really around, thinking forward think and long range plan and what do we want to accomplish . And so when we put out the five year plan, there is a city wide plan of that report, the mayor hopes that two years from now, we will put it out again, and it will be sophisticated because the departments will be cycling their plans with ours and talk to each and the Controllers Office will help to the departments and many are sophisticated in the long range plan and some are brand new and it is the first time that they did this past year, and we are hoping that this is really a process that will set the city up to make it part of the culture along with the five year Financial Planning and the ten year capitol planning. I am going to turn it over to the controller. This reflects the projects and reflects a projection into the future, by our office and the mayors Budget Office and the boards budget analyst and of course, it is budget to change and it is a forecast after all. And so what could significantly change these projections . And we have highlighted some of tho s key risks on this slide. Sxh i will say just generally speaking from my perspective while the shortfall for the coming two year period is only modestly higher than at this time last year, the number of risks seems to be growing and it seems verses the moment that we were here last year before this committee, there are more dark clouds looking ahead then there were at this time last year, as we talked about the single largest being possible actions from the federal government. Reductions are coming in particular for the county functions and here in california and around the country. We will keep you updated as we roll into the calendar year as we know about it, and no assumption here. Changes in the economy are important to what ch and we dont feel like the Recession Risk is low at this point, given twha is going on with the u. S. Over all economy. Which seems to be increasingly stable frankly. But, some time and during this period, it is likely that the u. S. Will enter a recession it will significantly five year period this u. S. Recession and it will effect these revenues. And then lastly, this time last year, when we were presenting presentations, basically all employee contracts were closed for the coming fiscal year, that is not the case this year, police and fire, contracts are closed for the coming year but all other major unions are open and so we are making forecasts here about the cpi, but the ultimate negotiation, of the negotiations will change these forecasts. So those are three key risks that sit out in the future, of course, as always, any new budgetary or supply mental appropriations that are put forward by the mayor or the board of supervisors will create new costs that will change these forecasts as well. Our always cheerful ending to these presentation a discussion of what a recession looks like and how it might effect our forecast. So you have seen this chart from us before. This is showing you, 23 periods since 1900, and that is the niem in between recessions in the country. And you can see at the top bar, where we are today. So we are now 89 months into this recovery. Approaching two times the average since 1900. Of 47 months. We are not projecting a recession during this period for forecasting purposes but it is worth noting if we do get through this five year period without a recession occurring in the u. S. It will be by far the longest period of economic expansion in the u. S. Modern history. So it is unlikely to occur. But, given that it is impossible for us to estimate when that might occur, we are not baking that into your revenue projections. You asked what the recession would look like, and it will contain more information, but if we model a recession, equally weighted of the last two that we felt here in San Francisco, the dot com bust and how it impacted different Revenue Streams and this is what that loss would look like. And Revenue Growth becomes revenue declines for a period of two years before you start to see the recovery. Sxh the difference between base case and that scenario is in the forgone revenue, you asked earlier about how it effect the moyerer contribution rates and that is something that we have modelled and that will impact the rates and would lag this. But would likely be in the order of magnitude of approximately shths 75 million and increased ongoing cost. So, significant. The plan does also curtail kind of we would also base lines would share in this loss of revenue, available reserves would be depleted and the net impact would be approximately 200 to 250 Million Dollar upward revision of the shortfalls that we talked about earlier. Sorry, could you, that is annex youal basis . Correct. So, shortfalls, would grow, when we net out the base lines, and the revenue, available reserves shortfalls would grow in this view and they would grow by 130 million, and 243 million in 1920, and 223 million in 2021, and then about 50 Million Dollars ongoing after that. So, all told between those years, about 600 million in cumulative change to the forecast. So, to the prior conversation and forgive me in im not thinking about it right. There is a revenue impact but is there a cost impact as well likely . Is that just pure pension return, and we have modelled the impact on the returns and of course, other things happen for the demand of the Public Services in a recession, and so we have not accounted for those in this simple recession, scenario forecasting, but it is likely that in a recession, you will see the higher demand for the key Safety Net Services that the city and county provides. Oh, so this on this slide, and this is just showing us revenue. The plan itself, though, will have shortly, for summary, revenue, but the plan itself, includes much more information on reserves and pension. And so, if it included pension, i imagine that 960 grows. The 960 grows and by the cost of the tension increases and then it reduced by the draw down reserves that have been put in place, and it is reduced by some of this revenue loss shared by those voter adopted set asides that we talked about earlier. Thanks. Great, so that is really the end of our presentation. High level we rebalance the budget, deficit over the next two years is 400 million, projected deficits on the rise and we are paying attention to it. But you know we are not in a terrible period. We are not doing layoffs, we are not cutting service, we just feel that we need the mayor believes that now is the time to be disciplined and make trade offs as we go into the labor negotiations and the budget deficit and uncertainty with the federal government and we are happy to answer any additional questions that you have. Colleagues, any further questions. Comments . Thanks for the presentation, and i mean that is good to know what we are facing. And its not great, but its not outside of the federal unknown, essentially not that bad. Okay. Supervisor tang . Thank you. I really appreciate this overview. I guess it is not reallys question but more of a comment that i know that you do a really great job, i mean the mayors Budget Office and the Controllers Office in laying out what our challenges are. And what we need to do. To be disciplined in the up coming budget season. But of course, once we get there, whether its eleven of us, having different issue priorities, whether its Community Stake holders or the city departments, we just never can seem to you know, really be disciplined. And so, i think that i mean, that we are not going to solve this in this hearing, but it warrants i think, more conversations around how it is that we deal with this, whether its the ongoing conversations regarding salary. And benefits, and healthcare costs and pension and all of that, so to be continued i guess, but, i just want to thank you for this great overview. Okay. Likewise. Thank you, both for this overview, and certainly, as we head into next year, i think that it is important that we set the stage early. And so thank you for the time and effort that you p ut into this. And look forward to continuing to Work Together on it. With that we will open up item one to Public Comment, anybody wish to comment on this item . Okay. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Colleagues, double check. Could we continue this item to call of the chair . I will make a motion to continue the hearing to the call of the chair. Motioned by tang and seconded by yee and we can take it without objection. Madam clerk, will you call two, please . Hearing to consider the release of reserved funds to the department of homelessness and supportive housing, placed on the budget and finance committee reserve by the fy20162017 annual appropriation ordinance file no. 160628 , in the amount of 6,500,000 to continue funding critical Homeless Services frment okay, thank you very much, so colleagues, related to the budget process last year and certainly as we talk about the rebalancing plan right now, for the current fiscal year, part of what we did was put a significant amount of money on Budget Committee reserve. And related to the Homeless Department and so she is here to ask us for the to describe to us the potential release of funds for his department. Good morning, supervisors, jeff director of the department of Homeless Housing and joined by the star marissa and geegee, who have been working hard with melissa and her staff and i want to thank them for the efforts on the ongoing work on the budget. We are here to request the release of 6. 5 Million Dollars off of the budget and finance reserve in the current fiscal year, as recommended by the bla. While we were disappointed that proposition k did not pass, the department originally included 12. 1 Million Dollars in expenditures associated with the sales tax, we have worked wr closely with the Mayors Office to identify 6. 5 million in Critical Services and needed funding to continue those services. These are just to support the services that are already in existence as well as services that were well along in the development process. We have provided you with the hand outs that shows, how that 6. 5 Million Dollars will be spent. I would be happy to answer any questions or walk through this with you. Colleagues, any questions or comments . On item two . All right, mr. Rose, back from vacation, welcome. Could we get a report for item two . Yes. Mr. Chairman, and members of the committee. On page 3 of our report, we report that as a result of the increased Real Property transfer tax and waiver revenue and that total of 6 million, 486. 766 the department of homelessness will allocate, 3 million, 391,694 to fund the existing shelter and centers and the opening of a new Navigation Center in 2017 and then, also, 3 million, 95,000 to fund new permanent Housing Units and so those two numbers, total the 6 million. In the fiscal year, 16, 17 and that is shown in the details are shown in table two. On page 3 of our report. I would also note as we state on page 4 that expenditures for the Homeless Services for 17, 18, will be subject to future board of supervisors approval. We do recommend that you other prove the requested release of the 6 million on budget and finance committee reserve. These expenditures are consistent with the budget. Okay fshgs thank you very much. There rose. Any questions or comments . Welcome back. All right, we will move on to Public Comment, anybody wish to comment on two . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Colleagues, right now we have a hearing, i think that probably the motion if we are in agreement would be to motion to release the reserves from our Budget Committee reserves probudget Analyst Recommendations and file the hearing request. The one thing that i would just add is i made some comments as related to the free balancing plan i want to thank them for their great work and i hope that as we go forward, we continue and prioritize, the homeless. And especially exits off the streets, and for me, i think that it is one of our most critical and pressing issues as a city but i thank you for your effort and look forward to our continuing discussions in the next budget year. Go ahead and make that motion. Okay. Motion by supervisor yee. And to release the reserves off the Budget Committee and to file item number two seconded by tang and we can take that without objection. Will you call three . Hearing on the status of the activation of three publicly owned buildings in district 11, 35 and 45 onondaga street, and the geneva car barn and powerhouse, including activation and construction timeline, budget and sources of revenue, potential partners, and Development Options and contingencies; and requesting the office of economic and Workforce Development, real estate division, and the recreation and Park Department to report. Thank you, madam clerk, so colleagues, this item was sponsored by and requested by supervisor avalos, and actually president breed submitted paperwork and so supervisor avalos is replacing me in the Budget Committee, and so i will turn it over to him. And thanks for bring tg home. Is there a vice chair . So now i am a Budget Committee member . So thank you colleagues for scheduling this item. The title sounds really really complicated because there has been a lot of complicated work that has been done by multiple departments. And my office to get to where we are on activating to three buildings. And that is what this hearing is about, first off i want to thank beth from my office, for her work in moving these projects and getting the katz herded together in the same room to talk and Work Together. And in the katz have been really great to work with as well, amy, and nicole, and john, and his staff and their staff, and phil, and the others. And i want to thank you all. So today is just basically to get an up date on the activation of two buildings of onondaga and the hel and this home side and the former emergency hospital, and the hel and this home site is a building that actually has two incredible murales in it or frescos by sachime and richard is here and he has been helping to preserve those, and so there is a lot of complicated work just about how we were able to restore our historical legacy. And that we have inherited from the years past and the other building is the gene va car barn office building. And these have been long term projects that we have been trying to work at to activate and i think that we have made a huge amount of progress, step by step over the years and now we are at a time where we actually are very close to having negotiated arrangements and financing to have these projects, you know, have us uncertainty about these projects being made active in the years to come. And so, first off, i want to invite, amy cohen from office of economic and Workforce Development who can give a broader overview about the effort to activate the public spaces. Thank you. Thank you. I will be brief because the office of economic and Workforce Development through the Neighborhoods Program came in in 2015, with some support from the mayor to look at a number of seemingly intrackable commercial and sort of funky buildings in the outer neighborhoods. And so we started kind of a qui quiet effort to look at public and private buildings that have been long desired by the Community Members to become activated but they were either under utilized or remained vacant, and so the gene va car barn and the buildings were two of them and we also looked at the lray theater and we have worked on other spaces like the jerry garcia ampitheater and the goal of this he have port which we were calling the Neighborhood Program was to work with the Community Groups to see if we could catalyst activation and come in as a Technical Team and figure out is there something that maybe could be done differently . Or quicker . Or you know, some creative approach that no one had thought of before. So we brought in the Northern California, Community Loan fund. We then did assessments of a handful of buildings, including these. Way to qualify is for meeting the new tax credit par get criteria, one of which is that 70 percent of your employees at the time of hire make 80 percent or less of the San Francisco Median Income level, we want to and we can meet this goal. Which brings us to the key piece of the puzzle that is the nonprofit that will provide the arts related programming in this space, and to all ages but specifically to under served youth in the district. And there are a number of organizations who are interested in providing us this programming. They will submit the proposals demonstrating the capacity as well as the ability to meet the targeted population requirements for the new tax credits unfortunately, although, lucky for us, most teaching artists who work for these nonprofits fulfill the criteria, requirement, and for the Historic Preservation, the first is a small return on the tax credit equity, as they were meant to spur, the Economic Development and in the second is the interest tax, taken together, these amounts over a year, will provide a deserving nonprofit a spectacular space for very affordable monthly, rental rates. The good news is that San Franciscos Community Development entity, the San Francisco Community Interest or in investment fund, recently received a 45 Million Dollars, allocation, and the project is in the pipeline, they have expressed strong interest in investing in the project, and so the goal is to select a user inn and to present a financial package to the Community Investment fund by the end of january, if we receive annual indication, and the letter of intent from investors in february, i will come back to you in march and describe to you the legal structure in which had the city can use the Funding Source as a power house, and i will ask for the board of super approval. And if the legal structure is proved, we expect to be able to put the project out to bid in march. And complete financing over the summer, and break ground in the fall, and have the building ready for occupancy in september of 2018. And in time for the beginning of the school year. Thanks so much for your time and your continued support of the project. Thank you for your great work on all of the places that we are trying to activate around the city as well. Next up, a presentation from mr. Updike . Thank you, supervisor avalos, john updike, director of real estate, and first i want to thank you and your staff for the passionate and the sustained interest in the two as selects and onoddaga, and when we first started the conversation a few years ago, it was all about our office wanting to move forward straight forward sale of an asset. That we deemed surplus to the citys needs. And through a very creative approach, to future uses, and more refined and analysis of restoration costs, we are in a really good place at this point to offer this property up for reuse, retain it in the citys inventory and have a sustain able project Going Forward. So, really two aspects of the property, at 35 and 45, and one is simply restoration of the building to make it ha bitable, and so the core and the shell improvements that the city would need to provide. Through an analysis done by ventura partners we have a fairly good handle on those costs for each of the buildings. And then, on top of that, args analysis has allowed us to pinpoint the mural restoration, costs in the building. And also, a range so when you put those two together, we are looking at a city participation in a project ranging from about, 294,000 to up towards of 370,000, and that is the range. And that will require further refinement once we see a proposal Going Forward. And so with that knowledge, we then worked off a successful request for proposals that we executed recently, for space on jessy street and building on that, and with your staff, comments, to that, we have an rfp that we would like to issue by the end of this week, that will put the property out to market to nonprofit organizations, and with the additional points awarded for those who have gone through a certain rigorous process to qualify under the nonprofit antidisplacement process or received assistance from ncclf. And as well as additional points for providing service directly to District Eleven, and so with that. And nclf is the Northern California loan fund, thank you. Thank you. Very much. Yes. With that proposal going out, we will ask for the responses back in february from the nonprofit communities and interested in pursuing this asset. And they would need to show a sustainable funding plan for tenant improvements and on top of any core and shell improvements the city will bring to the project. And we in real estate, would seek in our budget application, to our fine budget director, funds in next fiscal yearss budget, and to mary. And that is project together. So that we can execute together both the tenant improvements and the base improvements to allow the occupancy, probably in about, 9 months there, after, and assuming some costs from time for the design, in improvements and getting the funding together. So we would see an award most likely before the board of supervisors of a lease for either one building or the other or combined, we would like to keep it open and see what we get from the market place, of nonprofit whose might be interested. It is about 8,000 skwaur feet and refly, 50 50, and there is someone that could put to use the entire building or a master lease with multiple nonprofits and so keeping that open. And so for the final hope for. And for the lease term to be determined, and most likely, no less than 5 years. But i think that we are going to be very open. And with with respect to the lease term. The city offers the space, athe a very reduced rate and i think that that is the benefit here that we can find a way, to help with the structure of the building and to do so at a cost that is really quite attractive in terms of a base lease rate of around, 12 dollars a square foot. Per year. So i think that we have an attractive opportunity for the nonprofit to pursue, and happy to answer your questions that you might have. Most of all i just want to say thank you, it is great to work with you over the past couple of years to get the buildings to where they are today and to have, you know, this structure in place for an rfp to go out, and this week, and it, you know, over the original, plan was to sell these buildings off and we will look at that and it was too much money actually at the time, but our office is now working with you, a couple of times to get, you know, estimates that this is the best way possible and you have shown, the great flexibility to work with us and i just want to say thank you for your great work, and the news that the rfp is going out on friday is very, very significant. And so thank you. I dont have any other questions. I want to thank you, even before coming to rec and park you were working on the car barn as the director of that project and i just want to thank you for all of your work and so what i am hoping is that we will have an understanding actually before i leave office, which is a couple of weeks from now. To see if we actually have a real structure in place for moving forward on the plan that you described and so if we could just stay in touch over the next three, and i think that it is 25 days that i have left in office and so it is a little bit of time and i just want to make sure that, you know, as successive supervisor comes in, that you will be supervisor and like, and can pick up where we left off, and work towards activating these spaces with your partnership. Absolutely. That is our goal. Thank you. We will go into the Public Comment. Good morning, my name is richard roth man, who is City Resident and interested in wpa mural and this is a really great what is happening, its important that this Building Stay in the city ownership, so that the Art Commission can super vice the restoration of the murales in and be responsible for it. Bernard could you put on the overhead. He pointed one and the second one was at the Uc Medical Center and, if you have not seen those, those are really beautiful and in between them, he painted this mural, which was really forgotten about. And there was a reference in the 50s about it. But, i found out about it, about the same thing that the department of real estate went in the building and told the Art Commission that i found out from bernard daughter about it. And these are the murales inside there. Community spirit, and growth. And the bottom one was painted over and then this is the top one here. Growth. And i think that it is really important that this building will be opened to the public and be able to enjoy and see these beautiful murales. And so thank you supervisor for your help in getting this project through. Thank you. And thank you for all of your work on helping the city to restore these murals. Good morning. I a lot of you guys know me here. I have been in a nonprofit in the day in the tender loin, and joe called San Francisco horizons in the tender loin. We used to and that is why we have the mondejnonprofits they tap into other resources that the city budget does not have to spend so much money, that is a good thing. What i wanted to tell you about, i was kind of excited whenever i was in the Mission District living there, and there is a california savings and loan just around the corner, 16th and mission. And i looked inside and there was this mural behind some sheetrock. And i said, oh, my god, look at that, it is beautiful mural, and i dont know if you have seen it, it is the california savings and loan. And they were about to just tear it down. And this is a pretty good mural, maybe you should not tear it down, and so when the contractor showed up, they didnt tear it down, it was in the california loan at 16th street and that is just one thing that i although of that i did. And that was davids district, now, one thing that i love about nonprofits, is you can tap into Unlimited Money if you do it right. But i wanted to say, have a merry christmas, because especially to the budget guy. And i like him the best. Because he is the one that has to carry all of the big budget around and i think that he is doing a better job this year, because it is not quite as big. He is not going to get an hernia right, you guys have a great christmas. Have a good one. Happy holidays. Have a good one. Good morning, members, and supervisor avalos, i want to speak in terms of activating the buildings with the District Eleven Community Serving programs. My name is marco and i am the director of the works which is an Employment Support Services nonprofit in the District Eleven. And i wanted to just encourage you through by sharing with you some of the work that we have done. Most recently with the gentleman by the name of car loss hernandez to give you the sense of what the work that we do. This is a gentleman that came to the works and he just moved here from hills boro oregon. And 48 years old and had been laid off. And so came to us asking for help seeking employment. But then, also asked us if we could help him fill out his unemployment paperwork. So, he was part of his story as well he was living with his sister and husband who rent their space. And the landlord had told them that they had to ask him to leave because he was not on the lease. So he came to us with no employment and really the potential of becoming homeless. So, one of the things about him is that he had 16 Years Experience as a baker. So one of the first places that we looked was safeway, so we helped him to apply for a position at safeway. And just yesterday, they let us no he that he was hired for the position as a baker. So again, i want to share ta story with you to give you a sense of the people that come through the nonprofits that are serving. And so, you know the issue of homelessness, was on your agenda. And you know, looking at our work, and with mr. Hernandez as work which is preventing people from actually reaching or becoming homeless by helping them with employment. So i hope that when the issue comes to you again, when the supervisor, when the board con veenz, that you will support us, thank you. Marco just a request for you. So, you have this new work space. Yes. You are in. And i am trying to get the feathered serpent in my office that is hanging there to come to your site. My brother made it and it is a gift. So just to want to arrange that. Over the next couple of weeks. Okay. It might be stored at my place before i can get it to your place, it would be good to work on that together. We would love to have that together. We can talk about that. Thank you. Hi, my name is reid and this is burks and i am the executive director of Youth Art Exchange and we are and i wanted to speak to the importance of activating these buildings and the hope that they can go to some of the many amazing nonprofits and i donyouth and Community Members that work and exist in the exelcier and these buildings and the activation of these buildings would be incredible to bring artists and youth in and it is something that we have dreams about, being able to have these amazing resources within the community. And i encourage the board of supervisors to really look forward thinking and to see, what impact that could happen for it with the building being activity and affordable which as we know in the city is incredibly important, so thank you so much. Thank you very much. Thanks for come and for kwour work. The next time that you come to the podium with your child, the child will be grabbing the microphone. Any other members of the public that would like to comment . Okay, we can close Public Comment. All right. Public comment is closed. That is pretty much it, i wanted to make sure that we got before i left office, a status report on the project, and these projects and also have a chance to acknowledge all of the work that our city staff have been putting to activate these spaces and i appreciate all of your work. And i am really actually proud that we got to this place before i left office. So that has been really significant to a lot of people in the district. So thank you. Very much. With that, would you like us to file or continue the hearing . This you can continue and maybe we can get new status up date later on, and the new supervisor can decide. All right. So maybe we will entertain a motion to continue the hearing to the call of the chair. Go ahead and continue this hearing. All right. We will do that. Without objection. All right, so madam clerk, are there any other items before us today. Before you adjourn, before we adjourn, i didnt get a chance to say thank you to the people who are on that side of the rail, they were not here at 9 00 last night when we were ending our board of supervisors meeting. But i did give it a good bye, some what to harvey, and to sevlon and i want to thank you both and harvey for all of the i couldnters that we have worked together and i really valued our relationship and i value your work. And you made me a better supervisor. And i read your reports. And you know, even as a legislative aid right off of the ba the we worked well together, and i was actually came into the board of supervisors with a grade understanding of how our budgets worked and i got to chair the Budget Committee my first year and our partnership on that was great and i will never pour get that experience and thank you for all of i dont you are great work over the years and it has been a pleasure and i am going to keep in touch with you. And then, ben i want to thank you as well. We have the same kind of partnership over the years. And you have been very, very helpful for me to do my work as supervisor. And i will, you know, i will always value your work and our relationship. And your staff as well. And it has been tremendous. And i knew you before you were even controller of course, and before i was even working at city hall, and i always felt that you were very accessible and someone who was good to work with. And so, hopefully you will continue with the city, and passed to the next another decade and we will see. That is up to you. Melissa great to work with you as well. It was actually really, enjoyed our Work Together this year. And i really liked your forth rightness and i liked how you really took seriously the responsibility and the tremendous you know, responsibility of balancing the budget. And but also, really trying to ballet lot of the interests that were coming i dont you are way. And that has not been very easy thing to do for someone in your position. And i think that you did a really well, and even as the interim budget director, and you were actually the budget director, and so, congratulations and it has been really great to work with you, and you used to be a district level, resident and i guess that the District Line moved and i thought that you were, but, i will probably run into you on ocean avenue. Okay. Thank you. Thank you, supervisor avalos. And we look forward to working on your deappropriation and reappropriation ordinances as you leave us with that. Thank you for that gift. And madam clerk, are there any other items before us today. . Eno further business. This meeting is adjourned. Thank you. San francisco is known worldwide for its atmospheric waterfront where spectacular views are by piers and sight and sounds are xhanl changing we come to the here for exercise relax ball games entertainment, recreation market, exhilaration a wide variety of contributions easily enjoyed look up the bay the waterfront is boosting for activities boosting over 25 visitors every year the port of San Francisco manages 7 may have Million Dollars of waterfront from hyde street and Fishermans Wharf to the cargo terminals and name shoreline the architecture like pier 70 and the Ferry Building is here for the embarcadero and a National Treasure the port also supports 10 different Maritime Industries alongside with the recreational attractions making San Francisco one of the most viable working waterfronts in the world but did you think that our waterfront faces serious challenges if earthquake to damage the seawall and the embarcadero roadway rising seawalls will cause flooding at high tides and Major Repairs to a safe many of the piers the port is at a critically turnl point time to plan for the future of San Franciscos waterfront this year the port is updating its marts plan the Plan Working Group to invite a wide variety of poichdz from the city and bayview and other advisory teams to share their expertise if intense and Maritime Operations the waterfront Land Use Plan has guided the use and development of the lanes for the last 20 years major physical changes take place along the waterfront and now is the time to update the waterfront plan to continue improvements that will keep our waterfront vibrate, public and resilient the Biggest Challenges facing the waterfront are out the site an aging seawall along the embarcadero roadway and seawalls that will rise by 21 hundred to provide and productivity of tides seawall is built over weak soils and mud the next earthquake will cause it to settle several feet without the urgent repairs that will damage the promenade and other things weve been fortunate over the last hundred years less than one foot of seawall over the next hundred years Scientists Say well have 6 feet of seawall rise imagine the pier 30 32 will be floated, the embarcadero will be flooded our Transportation System is fog to be heavy impacts unfortunately, the port didnt have the Financial Resources to repair all the deteriorating piers let alone the adaptations for Sea Level Rise. It is clear that the port cant pay for the seawall reinforcement or deal with the Sea Level Rise on its own needs to raise money to take care of the properties at take care of the maintenance on the properties no way absent anti funding the issues of Sea Level Rise or the schematic conditions of seawall can be development. As studies talk about the seawall challenges the working group is look at the issues please come share our ideas about recreation, pier activities, shoreline habitat, Historic Preservation and transportation issues and viral protection. We know this planning process will not have one question and one answer we need the diversity of the opinions how people feel about San Francisco waterfront and want to hear all the opinions. The challenges call for Big Decisions now is the time to explore now and Creative Ideas to protect and preserve San Francisco waterfront. Now is the time to get involved to help to shape the future of our waterfront. We need the debate please come forward and engage in the process. This is your waterfront and this is your opportunity to get involved be part of solution help San Francisco create the waterfront we want for the future. This is really to dream big and i think about what our waterfront looked like for all san franciscans today and generations to come. Get involved with the planning process that will set the fraction for what is coming at the port. Find for in upgrading dates on the ports website. ship blowing horn in ship blowing horn in distances working for the city and county of San Francisco will immerse you in a vibrant and dynamic city thats on the forefront of economic growth, the arts, and social change. Our city has always been on the edge of progress and innovation. After all, were at the meeting of land and sea. Our city is famous for its iconic scenery, historic designs, and world class style. Its the birthplace of blue jeans, and where the rock holds court over the largest natural harbor on the west coast. The citys Information Technology professionals work on revolutionary projects, like providing free wifi to residents and visitors, developing new programs to keep sfo humming, and ensuring Patient Safety at San Francisco general. Our it professionals make government accessible through awardwinning mobile apps, and support vital Infrastructure Projects like the hetch hetchy Regional Water system. Our employees enjoy competitive salaries, as well as generous benefits programs. But most importantly, working for the city and county of San Francisco gives employees an opportunity to contribute their ideas, energy, and commitment to shape the citys future. Thank you for considering a career with the city and county of San Francisco. Good morning, everyone. This is the tuesday, december, 13, 2016 meeting of the San Francisco county Transportation Authority. My name is eric mar im the acting chair of the Transportation Authority. Our clerk is mr. Steve stamos, could you please do the roll call . Item one, avalos . Here. Present. Breed. Present. Campos. Present. Cohen npresent. Ferrill, absent. Kim . Absent. Mar . Present. Peskin . Present. Tang absent. Commissioner yee. Present. We have quorum. Item two, chair report, as our director will be recounting the accomplishments of the year and we will hold our chair elections in a moment, i am going to make my remarks extremely brief. With the adoption of plan bay area preferred scenario by the mtc and abag we are well posed to advocate for the priority projects in the bridge toll talks, which commence this week at the mtc. That is the met political Transportation Commission. Thank you, so much, commissioner david campos for representing us in those discussions tomorrow and we look forward to see the culmination through 2017, 18, when the voters will have the opportunity to approve much needed funds for transportation, i am hopeful that our local communities will also come together next year to develop a companion local transportation funding measure that can integrate closely with the regional measure in 2018. To fund our local contributions to Bart Caltrain and high speed rail, as well as to fund critical local investments in infrastructure repair and main nens, and safety, and paving and transit and neighborhood, Traffic Management city wide. Before we turn these efforts over to the 2017, Transportation Authority board, however, we have one more piece of business to finish in the 2016 term. Thank you colleagues for being so flexible in scheduling our special meeting on january fifth to consider environmental and planning approvals for the geary corridor. Bus Rapid Transit project. This prop k, signature project has been ten years in the making. And it has been coordinated with the van ness project which has just gone into construction, i am really glad that these milestones to be over seen by this Transportation Authority body, which has reviewed and supported this comprehensive out reach and Technical Work on both projects as envisioned in our county wide, Transportation Plan, van ness and geary brt will fill the major gaps in our citys Regional Transit network, both projects upgrade, several miles of vision zero high injury networks, and are anticipated to leverage the significant, state and federal funds, in closing i would like to thank each of the commissioners for your camaraderie, leadership and collaboration on this body during 2016. And indeed over the past 8 years. It has been a pleasure serving with all of you. On the three committees especially our plans and programs committee, the finance committee and our Vision Zero Committee as well as in our capacity as a Treasure Island, mobility, Management Agency or tima, together we all planned funded and delivered critical transportation improvements in every neighborhood and across the region, my thanks, also go out to our hard working Citizens Advisory Committee or cac, led by the chair chris, and for reviewing every item that comes before us, and for providing us and our staff with valuable input and ideas. And of course, i would like to thank the amazing staff for the Transportation Authority im sure that we will all Work Together and cross paths again as i return to civilian life working alongside all of you to improve equitable access and Sustainable Transportation options for all. Thanks again for all of you, and with that icon include my acting chair remarks. Mr. Stamos call the next item. Public comment on item two . Mr. War field. Thank you, im the executive director of the Library Users speaking individually, although the Library Users all over the city use all of the public transit. The wonderfulness of the van ness and geary gus bus Rapid Transit has been mentioned by the acting director. And i wanted to make a few comments on those. I first got seriously interested in what mta was doing when it turned out that their socalled, 7th and 8th street, safety project was intending to bypass the library, the theater and the Asian Art Museum stops. But in doing further research on that, it seemed to me that the mta was particularly lacking in hard evidence in their studies of what kinds of accidents and Safety Record they had on the existing routes. And most particularly with regard to what the potential problems would be from having people walk extra distances and cross extra streets to deal with reduced bus stops and reroutings as well as the question of converting curb bus stops to island stops. And i think that is something that i am not familiar with this on these two projects but i imagine that if the research was as poor and as limited as it was in the one that i looked at, it wasnt good at all. And im very concerned in general with curb bus stops changing into island bus stops. And with the removal of bus stops which really hurts people who with mobility problems. I hope also that vision zero latests report showing no improvement makes an impression on you. Thanks. Thank you mr. War field. Is there any other Public Comment . If anybody that would like to speak could just come forward. Hello, commissioners i sent you a letter late yesterday, and i have copied to distribute in case you havent seen it. Im not really prepared to talk but have to add to mr. War fields comments that both van ness brt and geary brt really need a lot more attention. Removal of bus stops has not improved my ability to get around. Going ahead and going this on faith, which is what these projects really have been based on and not the study is a great disservice to the city. And since geary has not ad vansz r vanced to delay the approval on the ier and to have them wait on that and give the public more time to read that report. 17 days during the Holiday Season not sufficient. Van ness tree cutting will begin tomorrow, and the trees will come down and the lanes will be shut off. And disables and elderly will be inconvenienced to say the least. Year i urge you to look at the effect of these projects which individually may sound great, but arent terrific. They are really injury yus to us and beyond. I guess i will stop there. But i think you need a better way to evaluate these projects before they go into ground breaking. Thank you. Thank you. Any other speakers please come forward, we are going to close Public Comment. My make is robert and i am a director of san franciscans for sensible transit and we have written you a letter about the need to extend the period of time during which the review is made of the final eir on geary. My letter focus on you need to read more than 1,000 pages of the final eir to demonstrate that you have made an individual judgment. And are not acting based upon what you have simply been told by the Transportation Authority. Executives and planners. And frankly nobody is going to believe that you are going to interrupt your holiday to read the 1,000 pages of the final ier. Instead the voters in the richmond will see that even though they voted 80 percent in favor of the two leading candidates that had doubts about the recommended hybrid alternative, you agreed to hurry up this hearing at january 5th. Furer is going to be sworn in five days later but will be excluded from questioning a recommendation which she agreed with. The Transportation Agency lack of process to challenge ideas of planners and consultants. You should be aware of that. Executives have their plates full, and they cant inquire fully. Our group did and we found serious flaws you should hear about those during that 60 day period. I suggest that mr mrmr. Cordob a and i have the lecturm during that time, for the only fair way to proceed and the assurance that you can give that you have had an opportunity to individual judgment and we ask fon additional 60 days from the date of the publication, on december 9th. Thank you. Thank you. Is there any other Public Comment . Hi, my name is glen urban and i am a Small Business owner on geary boulevard, and i question to why there is a rush to have a meeting on january 5th regarding the eir, when the eis is still be reviewed by the fta and why the rush for certatiificate identification. Thank you. If you like to speak, please come line up. And we are going to close after this speaker. Good morning, everybody my name is david and i am a resident of the Outer Richmond district and i have two thoughts to offer you today. First of all we had a very large building project downtown that everybody thought the Due Diligence was done, and it has had the people taken a little bit of extra time, we might not be in the predicament that we are with the building leaning and the city in all kinds of additional trouble. I kind of feel the same way with the geary brt transit project, that its like my grandfathers old suit that needs to be updated. The concept of grandpas suit was great five years ago, but the lapels need a little bit of adjusting and the last time that grandpa wore it out he got the feedback from the people in the neighborhood that the pants didnt really fit. Well, now he is at the taylor again and ready to recraft the product a little bit and now the people are telling the tailor to rush the project. I think that if we take the time and study it closure and tune it up, then we can do the justice at that ten years that the project has been on the drawing board and get a useable product for the neighborhood and at the same time, avoid pitfalls where four or five years down the road, we are coming back and not saying good things about this project and having to dig in and spend more money and spend more tax for energy and resources, thank you. Thank you, mr. Hertz. , any other Public Comment . My name is cory and i am a Small Business owner at the shell gas station at the corner of cook, and i think that the board of supervisors should come out and take a look at geary boulevard, west, and see the fact that traffic flows freely, except for maybe an hour, in bound and an hour outbound. The buses speed up and down that corridor, all day, every day, west and spending money, on a bus Rapid Transit is a waist of tax payer money and that is the fact, thank you. Thank you, i see no other Public Comment, Public Comment is closed. I will just respond by saying that the Significant Community out reach done and Many Community meetings with many of you in the audience as well a lot of the staff work to produce the final eir i think has been years in the make and there has been endless delays as well. And there is no rush going on, but this is an important process that we are moving forward, thank you for the Public Comment. Mr. Stamos call the next item. 3, the executive Directors Office this is an information item. And we have tang, the executive director. My report is on your desk and i will begin by reporting at the federal level that the president elect has announced chow has his intended nominee for secretary of transportation, as you may know, chow served as as the secretary under the president , george hw bush, and labor secretary under george w bush, and so she has the experience running federal agencies, certainly, that experience will be serve her well. We are also mindful of some of her track record in adjudicating some of those responsibilities so we will stay ever vigilant on her proposals and leadership with respect to transportation. We are encouraged that she and the president elect have indicated an interest in promoting Infrastructure Spending and investment and they acknowledge the difficulty of finding additional funding detailed the potential tax breaks and the other types of public, private partnership and private investment as one potential way to finance, the infrastructure and as we know, that is not a substitute for funding and so the details at this point, remain scant and we will stay, of course, on top of this through the coming year as the trags takes shape, and i will note that the Senate Majority leader has expressed skepticism, particularly as one of the 100 day initiatives and it sounds like he also, remains very interested in hearing what the administration is proposing as far as Funding Sources. In the meantime, at the stalevee remain encouraged that the new senate bills, won in the assembly and the senate side is the number of the bill is number one, by the chair phrafraiser a bell, and these two bells were introduced already. And as you will recall from last month, my report the governor and the legislature failed to pass a transportation state funding bill. And in the 2016 session. But we do already see the introduction of these two bills in the early part of the 2017 session. And so, they are about a 6 billion dollar, level of investment and they are very similar, as in addition to the additional 700 Million Dollar, one time Funding Source from repaid truck wait fee loans, and so we are hopeful, that this time, that we will find a path forward, and for infrastructure and there is a fiscal cliff at the state level where the previous funding programs have reached their end and in fact we delivered one of the Major Projects funded by the state program. And so that whole program is at the end, and the state of california, really needs to come together to figure out how we are going to maintain our existing system as well as repair and enhance the over all Transportation System. Currently, the Funding Sources in both proposals on the state and senate side, include, revenue frz the gas tax, and the diesel fuel, and taxes and the higher vehicle, registration fees and opening up some of the unallocated tap and trade funds. So please stay tuned, we also are tracking some legislation where there is a potential constitutional amendment being proposed to allow the jurisdictions to approve the sale taxes with a lower, voter flesh hold at 55 percent, this is not a new initiative and it comes up every so often and so we will see if that actually moves ahead as well. So we will track both of those while also, of course, working as the chair mentioned our own potential local, path forward with new revenues at the local level and the regional level. That recently approved, the dedication transportation taxes merced, santa cruz. And i think that there is monterrey, thank you, and congratulations to those counties and we will be hosting this conference in San Francisco francisco. Eligible, street repair, and Pedestrian Safety and transit rely ability and transit improvements and we are reaching out through the offices and we welcome your thoughts and ideas as well as we are happy to follow up on any out reach to get the word out about the january 17th, deadline for this funding opportunity. And we will present recommendations to the board for approval in march. Turning to Pedestrian Safety, and vision zero, i just wanted to congratulate fmta to complete the two year effort to use the sales tax and funds to install, the quick and effective improvements along the corridor throughout the city. These were identified through the walk First Investment strategy and multi agency, and programs that was identified two years ago. And using performance based and data driven analysis to prioritize Infrastructure Investments and other Counter Measures to improve safety. The Vision Zero Task force as a reminder will be meeting at this chamber on thursday, december 15th in just a couple of days at 2 p. M. From 2 00 to 3 30, and the topics that we will be presented include the two year, Action Strategy up date for 2017 and 18. And as well as an up date on the 57, vision zero projects that we are tracking together with the various agencies sfmta and public works and others, as well as the status up date on the ch geary brt. Org for details. And in terms of management and administration issues, we would just want to mention that our request for proposals for general Engineering Consultant services was well received. We held a preproposal conference on november 9th and we had 94 attendty and by the end of the deadline, we received, 43 responses and the statements of qualifications and this will allow us to turn to a broader bench of expertise as we do our work and advise the board on a range of technical issues from engineering to project delivery, so the evaluation panel, of course is comprised of our staff, and the sfmta staff as well and we will bring in an award recommendation to the finance committee in january, so in closing, please let me say thank you and warm holiday greetings to all of the commissioners and your staff. Thank you for all of your work in 2016. It was a banner year, i am going to save the list of accomplishments for the next item. But i really want to appreciate on behalf of all of our staff, your guidance and leadership and support as we continue to work hard for the city and improving our Transportation System. Thank you very much, and with that i am happy to answer any questions. Thank you. I see no questions lets open it up for Public Comment. Anyone from the public that would like to speak . I want to point out to you that the schedule that was set for the geary eir said that the federal eis had to be finished before the eir could be considered. Now what we see is that still remains open. You, as the commissioners, really need to inquire what is it about the federal problem that slows us down . We have had the er held up, the eir held up, because of the eis. And unless you inquire about that, you wont know. And if you are simply going to have a meeting on january 5th, and you wont know then, you will not have been able to prove your independent judgment. And independent judgment is critical in this, it is a requirement of sequa, it is not something that we invented that letter that i sent to every member, sets out what the standard is, it is easy to dismiss if you want and say that this has gone on for a long time, but that is not enough, there are flaws to this, which you ought to inquire about, and that is why i made the offer i did. To have a conversation right here about it. I think that you should be concerned about that. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker . If people could come line up to the right of the podium, that would really help. Mr. Warfield. Thank you mr. Chair. Im peter warfield, the executive director of the Library Users association. First of all thank you for commenting about the Public Comment mentioning significant public out reach and no rush to judgment as it were. My experience of the mta is public out reach in general, has been that it has been a business mr. Warfield, we are the San Francisco county, not the mta here. But you can still comment on that. Sure, i am referring to the report of the executive director. So, the Pedestrian Safety was mentioned and vision zero was mentioned. And at one of the Citizens Advisory Committee meetings it turned out that one of the members had a recent report from vision zero which i have yet to see. In which he said basically it was failing. That there was no reduction in pedestrian injuries year over year for the most recent, i believe, the most recent report. And that to some degree does not surprise me, now, i certainly think that if you are talking about vision zero lets get to the specific and see about them and hear about them. With respect to the Pedestrian Safety, once again, the funding of projects that convert, curb side bus zones, bus loading, bus stops to islands is to my mind just a shocking dof safety, as is removing stops and requiring a lot of extra walking. The socalled, 7th and 8th street, safety project, for example, didnt do any study of the additional streets being crossed by folks going from the dropped stops to the replacement stops. And my calculation was based on their own loading figures, 400 plus thousand extra crossings per year no calculation about the safety. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker . Diana scott, just to add a detail about vision zero, which a friend conveyed in a letter that i think that you have received, according to sfgov. Org score cards, traffic fatalities, the recent city statistics indicate a record 38 traffic fatalities for the fiscal year, ending in 2016, compared to 28 in 2015, and 34 in 2014. So, the question really still has to be asked, whether this program and everything it entails, all of the construction, is reducing injuries by reducing vehicles flow speeds, does that make people really want to drive faster . You know . When you are in a slow line of cars and you got to make that next light . Is it reasonable, dont we need to increase speed of many flows to achieve the goals that this county and city are trying to achieve, and prevent avoidable deaths, thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Im wondering if staff want to respond to any of the Public Comment before we move to the next item . Through the chair, yes, thank you. Chair mar, regarding the splitting of the federal document with the state document for the geary environmental review. There is something that we intended to bring Forward Together and planning to do so, preparing a joint document, throughout the summer, we had a bit of a conflicting direction from the partners suggesting that we up date the document in one way. And to up date to respond to Public Comments, as you know, there are three areas in which the project was modified in order to respond to Public Comment that we heard during the draft. This was related to vision zero and safety improvements, related to keeping the webster bridge up and one other area and it is escaping me, however, these three changes to the project, which respond to Community Requests and input, caused some additional need for documentation and review by the federal agency. They also would like a little bit more time and discussion with the shipo state, historic pre preservation, and they dont expect any issues and we have already, discussed some of those analysis areas. So as a matter of practicality, they felt like there was no reason why this board should not go ahead and take our local action as has always been the case, previously, and then the federal government could take its action and they have no objection and they have indicated as much to ourselves and sfmta and our attorneys have reviewed this process that allows this board to take that local action as has been done in the past before the feds take their approval action, and in doing so, the idea is that we are ready at the local level and it is really just been for administrative reasons that we have been continuing to be delayed and wait again, to meet the federal partners, wishes in terms of how we document the content, nothing in the content is going to change between the two documents, and we feel like this board is very well qualified and ready to take the local action. So, thank you. So, i see no comments from commissioners, so lets end the Public Comment. Or we already did, and colleagues, if you have no objections i would like to move item 13 out of order, to consider right now, which is the special recognition of the Outgoing Commissioners. Lets me call back up the executive director. Thank you, chair mar and this is adjust a quick item and it is quite hard for us. Sxh i just wanted to take this opportunity and particular to thank our commissioners campos, avalos and mar who will be retiring for the service and the leadership to this body, starting with campos, you served as chair of the authority for two terms in 2010, and 2011. You were our plans and programs chair, you served and led us on the metropolitan Transportation Commission and our regional body and you also served at the gold engate, on behalf of San Francisco and these and many, many areas in your regular duties as a supervisor you have been a leader on transportation for San Francisco, and during your tenure, we amoved the van ness, brt project, similar to the stage that we are out for geary and you see the fruits of that labor, happening outside, on van ness, avenue and we signed and we received our full Funding Grant agreement for central subway during your tenure, and you were able to over see so many of these local and regional projects and city wide projects in those two years and including the planned areas and sustain able strategies at the region and each of these efforts involved a complex set of transportation policy, but also, Affordable Housing and sustainability, and equitable policies as well and you were a fierce leader in the region for each of these areas and we are grateful to you for that. And during this time, in particular, the equity agenda, it came to the floor, through the discussion of the free, muni for youth, program which you championed and you were able to secure, the regional funding from the mtc in order to compliment our local, funding at the mta and you can see those benefits being utilized by about 50,000 or more youth, and even more seniors and disabled throughout the city. And you always encouraged us and in fact, demanded that we do thorough out reach, public engagement, and to all members of the community, and the cultural competent way. And multi lingual access and strong out reach, on the ground out reach, to communities. And you insured that we had strong oversight throughout our operations. And in terms of our own actions and agencies as well as those that we were funding, you insisted on the highest levels of integrity and transparency and accountability and so thank you very much for all of that leadership and locally in your district, we can already see the benefits of your leadership as well. And we have got the folsom and barlet, and mission, and san jose, and the offramp has been dieted for example, alamena and certainly, shared accomplishments across the districts but through your leadership and all of these traffic have been calmed and they have been made more news, and walking and transit and the emphasis on home zones and school zones and the list does go on. So for all of those accomplishments and contributions we thank you. We thank you very much. And wish you the best. Commissioner avalos you served this body in multiple ways. And you served as chair, and of course that stands out for me as that was the leadership year for and you are cheering the organization and the Decision Making through that process, and im very grateful for your confidence and your willingness to support and the body and this agency, and helping us to maintain the stability to be effective through that period. And it is a pleasure and an honor and i will be grateful for that. And you have over seen the culmination of the county wide, transportation, called the San Francisco Transportation Plan which was adopted at the end of that year, and at the end of 2013, in particular, you pushed us to do an Equity Analysis, and Equity Analysis that was deeper and more thorough than we had done in the past and this allowed us to examine the performance from all angles from the lens and making sure that the communities were not being impacted disproportionately, and benefiting in proportion to the noncommunities of concern. And that led, of course, to a few findings, we found that Traffic Safety and Pedestrian Safety had an income disparity, and we found that neighborhood planning and project pipelines were or had a disparity across the city and that we did not have very even planning studies and project pipelines and which, then led to the ration of the neighborhood, transportation improvement program, a popular project and a program that all of the supervisors here are able to then, provide their input in to prioritizing planning and studies as well as capitol projects in their districts. To make sure that we are getting some dedicated focused attention to every neighborhood across the city. We thank you for your work on equity, which also then will turn into the mta, and muni and the analysis, and as well as policies that are adopted at sfmta. You served as well at the air district and through the ftca funding and we were able to coordinate with you there, and you were a leader on bicycling and bike sharing. And so, that was back when we were not sure how we are going to expand bike share in the city and the region and you asked us to do a fundamental Foundation Alan sis there and now we do have the bike share throughout the region. You led on infrastructure, improvements and regional coordination at balboa, park, and the bart station which is an area of deep need, but we also saw some pretty major progress, and we saw the west side opening and we saw m east side access and the improvements and you got your, real time muni which you were absolutely, you know, not going to give up until you saw the real time muni, information and signage on those lines, and ocean avenue is getting better, gene va street scraping is hospitaling and Affordable Housing is going to go in in the upper yard, and so here you have the development and you have a comprehensive set of strategies and a community Advisory Committee that you appointed through the board of supervisors to over see this balboa, park station area. But it was not just the park, throughout the District Eleven, and we saw the improvement on mission and gene va and the triangle. And we are continuing to work on. And finally, thank you for your leadership on these policy initiatives such as transportation and demand management and these are things that the people dont necessarily it is not a retail topic, but it really is the intersection of transportation and land use policy, and it is a way for us to manage our growth and to grow responsibly in a smart way thank you to you and your colleagues on the Land Use Committee for reviewing that progress. I hope that i have not missed anything, but thank you so much chair avalos. And chair mar. This now, allows me to finish strong with your thanks to you and your appreciation for your leadership. You have served as our chair of finance, and three years 11, 12, 16, as well as plans and programs for two years, you have seen every aspect of our operation, you have worked with all of our staff and we love working with all three of you and your staff. You have given us the time and your energy and your guidance and wisdom when it came to things like building city wide and regional coalition, around smart transportation, whatever the issue was, it could have been bike share and brt, where you and commissioner avalos were willing to take the time to go down and study other countries and how they did it in other communities, you have been tireless advocate, working the coalition across the nation on vision zero, and taking the best practice from here to the other places and bringing that back to this body as well. And you are able to advance our goals at the region through your leadership on abag, the association of governments and including through the planned bay area process. And for two Sustainable Community and strategies and earning really the multi modal mar in so many ways, through your very visibility and enthusiastic advocacy, and encouragement of the systems and programs, and in the district, you were able to move forward our first neighborhood transportation improvement project, the bike lanes and repaving project and we are working on 8th and 20, 15th and the 23rd, with the intersection of fulton and making it safer, we have had the unacceptable crash tlz and you have been a vocal advocate, and serving on our mission zero committee, we have seen you push forward for the solution and improvements on anza, balboa, clement and park, and senior zones, and a whole bunch of initiatives including all of really all of your free muni for youth, and equity proposals that insure that our whole Community Benefits from the transportation policies and investments thank you for your leadership on van ness and geary all the way through the end. We are really, it is an honor and a privilege to serve you all three and wish you the best in your future work. Thank you. We have a few special posters to appreciate your service and i think that eric young can bring that forward to you, and we will get a foe at the at the end of the meeting. Very good. Thank you. Colleagues, if oh, so we will take the photo after the meeting. Okay. So colleagues, if there are no comments, let me grab the framed poster. They are beautiful, thank you. Lets open it up for Public Comment. Is there anyone from the public that would like to speak . Is there anyone that would like to speak . If anyone that would like to speak, please come line up behind the podium, and we are going to close the Public Comment in a moment. Okay. Diana scott again and i just want to read a couple of paragraphs from a letter that chang has for each of the supervisors which is a printout of what i sent yesterday. Please note that while there is the board of supervisors land use and transportation committee, in San Francisco, that meets on issues like the ones that i address here, there is no urban environmental in the air Quality Committee to assess the impact on City Residents, especially children, seniors, and those with disabilities. Or compromised res tory systems like myself. Of construction destruction, projects like the three that i mentioned in this letter. Which have to do. So maam we are on item 13. And the content is recognizing the outgoing, commissioners. Okay. All right, well then i will see this and i will hope that future meetings of commissioners will recognize the items that i have addressed in the letter that i hope you will each get a copy of thank you. Thank you, is there anyone else that would like to speak . Then Public Comment is closed. Thank you so much miss chang. Colleagues, lets move to item four. The process colleagues is we will open for nominations i believe they needed if to be seconded and then we will have comment and then call for a vote. And is that right . That is and we will take the Public Comment before the vote is that right . That is correct. Okay. So colleagues, its open for nominations. Director avalos followed by campos. Thank you. Colleagues im rising to nominate commissioner peskin for the chair for this next month. But i also think that he would make a great chair next year when there is a revote. But we are not determining that today. Supervisor commissioner peskin has along experience here at city hall. He was of course, the board president for a number of years, i think that it was like four years, between, 2005, and 2008. And as the board president , he was a very fair, and very collaborative and around the transportation, commissioner peskin lives in the district that is very transit rich. And i really believe based on his work as board president in the past, that he will have a real strong focus throughout the city, no the just his own district and he will be able to understand the huge needs that we have in under served neighborhoods that require a greater investment of transportation and infrastructure. And so im really pleased to be able to support his nomination. Or to nominate him. Aaron peskin also has had a huge role in providing good, strong, fiscal oversight over the Transportation Authority in the past. As plans and programs chair. And he was able to put in place project financing, and plans and actually enabled a lot of projects afterward to be able to be completed on time and on budget. Which is a significant thing that i think is set a real strong trend for the Transportation Authority since that time. That was about ten years ago. So i really feel that he has got a lot of the qualities that will be great to lead us through the next phase of our work on the Transportation Authority. And we also are looking at probably not seeing the kind of resources we have had over the past several years with our economy booming the way that it is, and so having the strong fiscal oversight will be really important. And so based on his experience and based on his real effort to be fair and collaborative, i am really pleased to nominate mr. Peskin for the chair. Thank you, commissioner avalos. Thank you. I second the nomination and i think that for all of the reasons that commissioner avalos noted. I still think its not clear what the landscape is going to look like at the National Level and therefore, the regional and local level. Because of the Incoming Trump administration and so i think that commissioner peskins knowledge and not only of San Francisco but also other regional players is important and you know, on a lighter note i think that those of us who are vertically challenged like myself, should get representation at the top. And i think that its only fair that we balance this scott weiner chair with peskin. So for those reasons, i will be proud to support commissioner peskin. Commissioner farrell . Great. Any other nominations . Then oh, commissioner peskin . So i want to thank commissioner avalos and commissioner campos for that nomination and second and if the commissioner will have me, i would be willing to accept that nomination. And look forward to working with you and hopefully to retaining that in the 2017 year if the new commission will see it fit. Thank you, commissioner peskin. I see no other nominees so i will close the opening of nominations, now, lets open up or are there any further nominations . Nominations nations are closed. And is there anyone from the public that would like to speak. And so now i call for a vote, on our one nominee commission peskin, roll call, mr. Stamos . On the motion of in favor of electing commission, peskin for chair for the remainder of the current term . Savolos. Aye. Breed. Aye. Campos. Aye. Cohen. Aye. Ferrill. Aye. Kim . Aye. Commissioner mar . Aye. Peskin . Aye. Commissioner yee . Aye. Motion passes. Thank you. And congratulations, new chair peskin, and i am going to hand the gavel over to him. Thank you colleagues, and just by way of a little bit of history, the Transportation Authority has really evolved from being a Funding Agency to an agency that really does Public Policy and oversight and i want to continue to build on that, i want to reflect on the boards that our executive director said, relative to our three Outgoing Commission members. You guys have put policies in place, particularly around transit equity and transit justice. And that i hope that we can continue to build on. What commissioner avalos said is just right, which is i have the pleasure of representing a corner of the city that is very rich in Transit Services and i think that our collective imperative is to make sure that we do that and bring that to under served areas of the city as well and that should be one of our primary focuses and the other thing that i want to say is that in a time of budgetary uncertainty, we do need to have robust conversations about what our priorities are. We have a number of remarkably challenging projects on the horizon, whether it is transbay, phase two, whether it is the various brt projects extensions of various subway routes. I think that we need to be fiscally prudent. And i hope that those of you who are here will see fit to retain me in the new year, and mr. Clerk, could you please read the next item. 5, approve the minutes of the november, 29, 2016 meeting this is an action item. Is there any Public Comment on the november 29th minutes . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. We have a different house. Mr. Clerk could you call the roll . Five, avalos. Aye. Breed. Aye. Campos. Absent. Cohen. Aye. Farrell. Aye. Kim. Aye. Mar. Aye. Peskin . Aye. Yee. Aye. Minutes are approved. Next item please . Item 6, approve the 2017 state and federal legislative program. This is an action item. Is there any Public Comment on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Any comments from commissioners . Seeing none, could we take that the same house and the same call and the action is adopted. Next item threes . Item 7, increase the amount of professional Services Contract with par son brinckerhoff to 960,000, to not exceed, 1,210,000 for System Engineering services for the Treasure Island mobility management program. And authority the director to modify the contract Payment Terms and conditions, and this is an action item. Is there any Public Comment on item 7 . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. And same house same call. The action is approved. Next item, please . Item 8, reappoint chris waddling to the Citizens Advisory Committee. Is there any Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Same house same call, we will reaappoint to the cac. Item nine, allocate 6,507,592 in prop k funds, with conditions, for five requests, subject to the attached fiscal year cash flow distribution schedules is there any Public Comment on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. And we will allocate that 6 and a half million same house same call, item is adopted. Next item threes. Item ten. Adopt the proposed Agency Reorganization plans and job classifications this is action. Any comments from the circumstan commissioners on this item to expand our staff by 6 individuals . Seeing none, is there any Public Comment on this item . Seeing none we will adopt the proposed arguecy reorganization plan, the same house and the same call, and the item is adopted. And mr. Clerk, could you please call items 11 and 12 together. Public employee performance evaluation and approve the executive directors performance objectives for 2017. Amend the existing employment agreement and set annual compensation for the executive director for 2017 these are action. This can be a closed section, if you like to have a closed session. Commissioner yee . No, i just, you went by very rapidly, and efficiently and i appreciate that and i had a question, and on item number 8. And if i could. Okay, when we finish these items i will reskinn cind. The documents that are before us relative to our executive directors performance are quite clear. And would authorize an increase in executive directors compensation, for 2017, by 4 and a half percent, and commissioner farrell . It is actually my microphone is not working. Commissioner mar, i just wanted to say that on behalf of the Personnel Committee, commissioner cohen and tang and myself we had a great Personnel Committee meeting and i want to say that cythia is prepared to report out a little bit on the committees deliberation, but i think that chang was given the highest marks of exceptional and i think that it comes out of a committee that put in the time to think about her major goals and accomplishments and i wanted to congratulate and give her props for this amazing Transportation Authority. Commissioners, Deputy Director for finance and administration, the Personnel Committee met on november, 30, 2016, and what was determined is that they gave a ralting ever exceptionally good to the performance for the executive director, and it should be noted that the rating is between, exceptionally good and outstanding and in terms of the contract amendment, the committee would like to propose an extension of the contract for three years, to december, 31, 201 9, and the next proposal is a 4. 5, percent Salary Increase and, they would like to also to increase the severance period from six to nine months and they would like to rollover the term related to the Relocation Assistance allowance from rollover the remain 10,000 allowance that we are not using in the previous term, and lastly they would like to increase the professional development and allowance from 10,000 to 15,000 dollars. Colleagues any comments . Is there any Public Comment on item number 12 . Items eleven and 12. Items eleven and 12 . We dont need eleven, we are going to file, could we have a motion to file eleven, because we dont need a closed session. On colleagues could we take that without action and on item 12, thank you to your staff. And with that we have heard, item 13, why dont we have a motion to rescind on item eight, made by yee and seconded by mar, without objection. And mr. Eric cl, could you call item eight. Reappoint chris waddling to the Citizens Advisory Committee. I am story, i think that i have the wrong number. Colleagues, why dont we vote for item number eight, same house same call and, readopt the appointment of mr. Waddling and i assume that it is the 6. 5 item nine . Is there a motion to rescid made by yee and, seconded by mar without objection. Could you call, item nine. Allocate 6,507,592 in prop k funds, with conditions, for five requests, subject to the attached fiscal year cash flow distribution schedules. Commissioner yee sfl yeah, so i just have a question in regard to the replacement of the vehicles in light of our push for the vision zero. And these are large vehicles to me. So the question that i have is these vehicles would have adequate protections to make sure that they can see the pedestrians especially in front and they have what we call the cross over mirrors. And that helps with that a lot. And so the question is, whether or not these vehicles would have it because i think that its really important for us to push that. So thank you for the question and the suggestion, and i dont know the answer and we will find out and we will convey your, why dont we report back at vision zero, at the meeting on thursday. To that question. And we will convey that to the appropriate staff. I guess that the question then becomes if they dont have it, whether or not we could, condition. Yeah. I dont want to support the allocation. Why dont we bring this back to maybe, plans and programs with that language. I dont think that there will be a problem to continue or you could actually put the condition on todays action. But those are the options to bring it back to plans and programs . After consultation . Commissioner, what is your pleasure . I think that i would like to amend so that we put the condition in there. Okay. Great. So, so, as amended perhaps we could. More specifically, what does that condition look like subject to the confirmation that these vehicles will have those safety features, the pedestrian, cross over mirrors. Correct. Or other comparable, features. Okay. . Mendment made by supervisor yee as stated by executive director chang, is there a second for that amendment . Seconded by commissioner breed. Colleagues . On the amendment, can we take that same house same call . The amendment is adopted and on the item as amended, same house, same call. The item is approved as amended. Mr. Clerk woo you call item 14 . Introduction of new items. Commissioners . Is there any Public Comment on item 14 . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. And that is an information item only. Is can you read the next item. Tang. Thank you, chair peskin, i just wanted to thank the commission for your support on that personnel item and to behalf of our entire staff, thank you for your strong support and endorsement of our work. Thank you. Thank you. General Public Comment . Are there any members of the public who would like to make general Public Comment, thank you. Good morning. Andrew yip, last universe and population of this one time of inaudible force in circulation. One expects of the inaudible progress for trueself to improvement. inaudible kindness and justice. One inaudible everything above inaudible one mrashers of desty, and stability and the only way would be the coloration of the city meditation and out rage of mercy and the natural way inaudible thank you, are there any other members of the public . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Mr. Clerk, could you read the last item. Item is 16, adjournment. We are adjourned. Its 1 12 p. M. And this is the regular meeting of the commission on Community Investment and infrastructure and Successor Agency commission to the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency for tuesday, december 6th, 2016, welcome to members of the public. Madame secretary, can you please call the first item. Thank you, mall chair, the first item of business is roll call, Commission Members he please respond when i call your name. Commissioner pimentel. Present. Commissioner bustos. Mere. Commissioner singh. Vicechair mondejar. Here. Chair rooses. Here. All members are present. The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held on december 20th, 2016 at 1 00 p. M. At city hall room 116

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