[gavel] good morning and welcome to the government audit and Oversight Committee of San Francisco board of supervisors im the chairman of the committee arun peskin and joined by supervisor norman yee and by Committee Member and board president to my left london breed are clerk i want to thank the folks at sfgov tv for streaming this session. Mdm. Clerk any announcements yes please make sure to silence all cell phones electronic devices. Complete speaker cards should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted upon today will appear on the december 13 board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated thank you. Mdm. Clerk can we take the litigation items five through seven out of order . Yes. Item number five is a resolution approving the settlement of unmitigated comp file by any scott against San Francisco. Item number six is a resolution of the settlement of unmitigated claims byobrien against the city and county of San Francisco and item number seven is a ordinance authorizing final settlement of claim number 162314 filed by ronald and Patricia Martel against the city and county of San Francisco thank you mdm. Clerk. Colleagues ive read as im sure you have the confidential Attorney Client privilege document related to these three settlements. Colleagues, do either of you desire a close session on these matters . No. If not is the recommendation to send these items to the full board with a recommendation on item number seven as a Committee Report . I will make that motion the motion made by supervisor yee without objectionim sorry. Is there any Public Comment on items five through seven the litigation items that the clerk just read . Seeing none, we will close Public Comment [gavel] without objection will send items five through seven to the full board and item 7 as a Committee Report to be heard on tuesday, december 6. That will be the order. Mdm. Clerk please read item number one yes. Item number one is a ordinance amending the campaign and governmental conduct code Filing Requirements for the city. San Francisco Unified School District in Successor Agency to the redevelopment agency. Thank you. I assume we will hear from our department of Human Resources. This is actually brought to us by supervisor breed as well as from our Ethics Commission could supervisor breed thank you. So this legislation is just clerical legislation im sponsoring at a request by the City Attorneys office. Under state law the city is required to update its form 700 disclosure clarifications every two years and thats what this does. Updating job titles at a new Department Like the department of homelessness and Supportive Housing etc. With that all turned this over to our deputy City Attorney and do shin. Thank you for your work on this mr. Chen. I know this is not necessarily a glamorous thing to do but its important thing to do and again requires under state law and so it must be done. Thank you. Deputy City Attorney shen thank you president Reagan DeputyCity Attorney and you should get i realize its not glamorous which is probably why i was doing it. I want to make a thank a few different people you different garments for helping out with this team effort its quite a process. I truly want to thank all the departments providing responses to our inquiries about making a cleanup on updating changes to their sections of the code. Want to thank the clerk of the board especially racial [inaudible] was born in getting departmental forces and sold them i think department of human sources be fanatics commission and also representatives of various unions are presenting employees in this bill provided couple comments and feedback help shepherd this process along. Last but always certainly supervisor breeds office andjohnson looked out with this as well. So the supervisor breed already mentioned this was obviously a cleanup legislation updating job titles updating the addition of departments of the city. In addition to what you have before you in the committee packet since this has been introduced there has been additional feedback from various parts of the city and requests for future further amendment which are before you right now. Theto summarize these additional amendment responding to a request from the mta reedit members of the Parking Authority commission as form 700 filers. Even though the mta board sits at the Parking Authority its our preference to not remove those positions from the code altogether. Ive deleted the members of the Produce MarketCorporation Board of directors and executive director from the code. They were actually removed from the code altogether [cough] i needed to be changed in the cycle. I also needed to make some additional changes that dph had previously requested and needed to be reflected in the person before you. These are merely deleting positions. It sort of part of their effort to streamline their section of the code. Fourth, ive added a few positions to the Public Utilities commission that i initially missed adding when i was behind the legislation. These are the positions of industrial hygienist or safety analyst, Senior Administrative analyst, senior i industrial hygienist and i has engineered an fifth and last, i remove the Commission Secretary position for the retirement system. After further conversations with that departments and their general counsel, the Commission Secretary only performs ministerial and clerical duties. The body and we thought it was appropriate to remove without thats a summary of additional amendment that before the committee today. If the committee has any questions i can certainly try to answer them. Certainly, dhr ethics can weigh in as well. If that would be appropriate, to get thank you very much thank you, counsel. Ms. Pelham on behalf of the Ethics Commission and its department. Good morning commissioners. Supervisors good members of the department and the members of the public that our commission assisted a bit in the process is it primarily to help inform what we can employees and departments about the purpose of the form 700 the purpose of the Disclosure Requirements and how they are 17 state law they apply to employees and how important that is for public discourse. We have been working with departments and plan to continue to work with departments in the coming months as our Department Works towards broader public transparency about forms and the information required to be disclosed by Public Officials in the city and county of San Francisco. We have our planning in the coming months to work with departments to provide the information to guide their filers to help expand information also that people can comply easily and timely with the requirements under state law. We look forward to providing assistance Going Forward and providing answers might have for us this morning ms. Pelham its a minor sandy Ethics Commission department are attempting to move forward to allow all form 700 filers to other information accessible on the internet. Is that correct . Yes. The city enacted a regulation that apartment heads elected officials and members of the boards and commissions who currently are required to file form 700 under state law would file them online through a Online Technology so its easy for them to comply permits timely compliance and also provides the public with transcript about the information required to be disclosed. Our Commission Last year began some discussions to expand that citywide to all roughly 2700 filers. So that is a process that we have been working with departments and employee organizations to understand how to make the process work well. So we are planning to move forward in the coming year with the goal of enabling all Electronic Filing and Public Disclosure by the filing of april 1, 2018. Ms. Pelham over out of the universe of 2700 employees required to file, what is the subuniverse of individuals elected officials, commissioners, etc. , you have to file online . Currently, i believe theres over 500 did maybe between 5600 filers file online under the requirements of the law. This would extend it to all individuals are required based on the citys conflict of interest code been updated that pinning before you for the benefit of the public and for those watching, as to the 2100 or 2200 individuals who do not file online, how does somebody go about obtaining that form 700 information if youre interested in seeing it . Is dependent on departments. They are public files and public records of the member of the public has the right and opportunity to review that information on request. The departments are required to provide that upon requested but they are kept currently in paper format as i understand it departments. As to how each department retains those files is probably a question for each department. If they have employees that are not filing online. Which would be the bulk of their designated filers. How does the Ethics Commission in its staff determine that those 2100 or 2200 people dont file online are actually filing within those apartments . I dont think we have a good answer that. We dont right now. We would have to traditionally we had a complaint work reason to believe we can subtly inquire with the departments. Departments do report to us i believe its within 30 days after the filing to tell us whether or not their filers of five and a toast which filers not filed on time. I should say i should correct myself. Theres a report the providing to us but i do believe the detailed report of all those who filed by name. It would be a report of those who have not filed. So how do you or we know who the 2700 individuals are . How do we know who they are . I think right now by nature we know them by their working title. By name i think we dont have a complete list citywide thats easily transparent to the public. So somewhere mr. Chen or ms. Pelham there is a list that has always approximately 2700 individuals by name . No. Currently no such list exist but ill be a potential benefit moving to Electronic Filing system that they would gain visibility as ms. Pelham mentioned who is filing under specific positions with specific departments. Debbie a benefit moving to an electronic system. Then this is really a question for ms. Callahan but will keep you up here for another minute from our department of Human Resources, itthere seems to be a disconnect between the working titles that are set forth in the ordinance and the underlying job classifications. Soi wrote the Mayors Office of letter last evening which just documents before five they got it this time. I understand it might not be able to respond to the specific questions but we can continue at the government audit and Oversight Committee to visit around this issue. But the working titles are not actually job classifications. So for instance just to make up a title, deputy chief of staff, doesnt show up in the department of Human Resources as a position. It shows up maybe as a managers 0923. So there is no real way to determine that individual who has an name and has a working title is actually captured under dhrs classification system. That is correct. The practice is generally to use working titles and a believe that the state practice as well because thats what the public most readily identifies its employees to be. To their working title. It certainly the case job classifications are not used. Some justifications may not be filers. Others may. It really depends on the duties the individual performs which will what drives whats requiring somebody to be a form 700 filers and submit in a comic interest statement. As we look at our Online Filing system, our goal is to make it as easy as possible to connect the dots and put information together for the public. Our goal would be to have added a field that has a job classification number that should not be a hard act in my view. That something as we move towards Online Filing, i think our office would welcome having that additional piece of information thats easy for the public to understand what level classification employees are. But i think the working title for my expenses one most useful because it somebody most of the public identifies employees by. Rather than specific job classifications. Thank you ms. Pelham. Ms. Callahan could. Good morning supervise. Pres. Breed. Happy to answer any questions. You and i had an offline conversation earlier that sounds like there may be a way that you can true these two disparate things up and i wanted you to address the committee as to what you intend to do Going Forward. Yes. This is the question about how do we generate a list where you can the public and a late else can look at the chief of staff, let say or the policy chief of the department of Human Resources and milk that individual is and what the job class of patient is. It is easy for usthere are certain classifications everyone in them is required to file. Thats the easy one we can generate a list at the department of Human Resource good theyll be for Example Department head hundred and one in that classification is a filer. Theres also i think perhaps every building inspector must be a positive we dont have to do that i position. However our management classifications in particular are brought based management three as you say and we would need to reach out to departments hopefully with the assistance of the Ethics Commission to link goes up and have them report to create a database that says the chief of policy at dhr is the own 923 susan gard is not the 0923 as jenny white. Because the other one doesnt have to file and the policy one does have to file. Thats right is there some way the public to know that i would be very very helpful i think the Data Collection enterprise which i would need to sit down with my it and hr folks and figure out how we do that and we would probably need a little time. Again the easy ones once where everybody in a Certain Department in a certain class is a filer were everyone in the city is a filer, that we can do relatively rapidly and we are happy to run it probably do that today or tomorrow. The deeper dive particularly in the broadbased management classifications is quick to take period of time and read required cooperation of the permits who the individuals are with those titles it will be very helpful going for. This will be resolved when and if ms. Pelham pelham is able to get done this done april 1 22 but in the interim it be there in a teleconference of list on the internet where people can have an idea of who it is that they are asking for. What department they are in so that they can go to the City Attorneys office and ask for the City Attorneys particular form 700 if required to file. In the case of the board of supervisors, all of our legislative aides are required to file a form 700 but one of them may have a working title of chief of staff. But everybody in the classification has to file. I anticipate our labor partners made some questions about producing this publicly on the internet and we will be aching sure theyre aware of that. They may wish to weigh in as they have today. On both the question of Electronic Filing and on the question of why certain individuals are classified or asked to file. Understood. I dont want to butcher your last name. I just ask supervisor breed how to pronounce it. So we will for the First Time Ever get your last dime on the record. Thank you. Board liaison. Yes, thank you for having me here. Just as you mentioned i did just get this letter handed to me at 9 35 am. Reached out to our Human Resources director for the list of names that you requested and have not been able to speak with her directly but we are working to get that list and looking forward to working with you on this. Thank you so much. Are there any members of the public would like to testify on item number one . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] i believe we have some amendment in front of us. Is there a motion to move those amendment made by supervisor breed we will take those without objection. Colleagues and the one before this to th