Transcripts For SFGTV LIVE BOS Budget And Finance Committee

Transcripts For SFGTV LIVE BOS Budget And Finance Committee 20160511

prejudice, the small contractors but it is going to be good for the city. and it is going to reward, the good contractors, and the many good contractors, large and small, and who do good work for the city. and so, i do and i just scribe these amendments in the beginning i would ask that the committee would adopt them and to forward this item with the positive recommendation. >> supervisor yee? >> thank you. >> first of all, i also want to thank the public for coming out. and thank you for supervisor weiner for putting this forward and i am happy to as you mentioned join you as a co-sponsor. >> on this and i think we're right this is really the much of this will be on the shoulder of city staff to figure out the languages so that that is going to be effective when we're talking about the subcontractors i felt like in the contractor can continues to keep on using the same bad subcontractors will be reflective how you'll rate them for me advertised - i'm not looking for the city to go after a after a contractor that made with an mistake but as the pattern the supervisor is describing those are the ones we need to weed out in terms of those that are giving us low, low bids and snavntd not doing things correctly and costing us time and money i will be thoroughly supporting the amendments open this and this whole thing to move forward. >> okay. thank you supervisor y yee. >> and then i'll move to move forward i move we send it to the full board with a positive recommendation most by madam clerk, is there any other business before this body? >> no, mr. chair. >> thank you very much we're adjourn adjourned. >> all right. good afternoon. welcome to the board of supervisors budget & finance subcommittee for may monday, may 2, 2016, here we go again apparently okay. now good afternoon. welcome to the board of supervisors budget & finance committee my name is mark farrell joined by supervisor tang and supervisor yee and supervisor wiener want to thank clerk victor young and march and derrick from sfgovtv for covering this meeting mr. clerk, any announcements? >> yes. electronic devices. completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. items acted upon today will appear on the may 17, 2016, agenda board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated okay. thank you very much so two budget department hearings we want to get through them and i wanted to call up we'll take them quickly out of order hearing for the budget update on information technology and the capital plan for 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 and okay. thank you i know we have bryan sfroong from capital improvement planing we'll leave to you in terms of which ones goes first. >> good afternoon board of supervisors budget & finance committee i'm sandra the director of the committee on information technology i have the pleasure this afternoon of providing a brief presentation on this by fiscal year 2016-2017 and 2017-2018. >> go to our computer screen thank you. >> as part of the budget process the budget has projects that reviews from the general fund and non-general fund departments projects submissions that scored against a set of criteria for the 5 year information and conversation technology the scope and impact on efficiency and the support of technology infrastructure and transparency and innovation coit started making recommendations to the coit information subcommittee on the highest projects for krfrgs approval this meeting defines highest priority contracts and makes the recommendations to coit as coit makes funding recommendations a number of things to consider for the all in favor, say i. the two sources that coit makes specific recommendations are the coit project allocations a source of funding since 11 and 12 over $22.4 million for the projections understanding legacy systems that needs to, updated a major it allocation was established in fy 15 for the city to concerning the citywide projects on may 6th coit anonymously approved general fund recommends for fy 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 this recommendations a historic level of critical it projects for the city interest naefrl $190 million in projects within a 2 year period a substantial proportion from the specifically sfoshg the allocation the recommendations of a high scenario the financial assistance project is the highest priority for funding this project is anticipated to be completed in fy 2018 as the project scales down passive public safety and radio serve replacement the property tax is scheduled to ramp up the cities ability to fund in addition to the 3 main projects in fy 2017 capacity that is allowed funding for it projects with the department of technology the annual project allocation a fy 2011 and scenario in fy 2018 merging needs to be addressed in the next year project a number of projections are recommended for project projection for safety departments like the whatever and the security and it infrastructure, and citywide efficiency through the electronic snachl solution and finally, the public should be first in how the city delivers the resources with the digital strategies which is approved by coit in april that concludes my presentation. thank you all i'm here for questions. >> colleagues, any questions for coit at the moment okay. thank you very much mr. strong. >> good afternoon members of the commission i'm bryan strong the director of capital improvement planing and really excited to be here to share with you a quick overview of the fiscal year 2016-2017 and fiscal year 2017-2018 capital budget we're really excited about this budget and get to some of the details and explain why in the moment i the president to thank my forgave heather green and natasha and another member along with the department staff that helped to put this together public works and different folks i think that just the sheer volume is a big deal to put this together if by the look at the process overall we started in january 2015 when the department requests the review and had folks meeting fox on the assets back in the fall so january 15th the department submitted the requests and began to meet with the department from february to march and seven hundred and $6 million in requests and 4 hundred projects we reviewed in march we come back we begin to center the reviews with the enterprise capital committee and talk about the capital planning committee establishes 3 sort of different scenarios we looked at being able to fund and then from that point forward we begin to work on the additional recommendations and happening happy to say we're recommending the high scenario for the first floor and the low scenario so far the second floor it is really because he wanted to give it flexibility we know within the next year a bunch of capital projects and make sure we have the flexibility to address those things the other thing i'll add we spent a lot of time comparing you know what is in the xaldz plan and that was recommended in the budget before us. >> if we go to the next slide we talk about the record level of spending we have $128 million in 2016-2017 and one hundred plus in fiscal year 2018 if you look at the two year totals level of investments of 4 do hundred and $11 million this is an increase of 7 percent over the previous year and it really is that falls in line with the capital plan paid priorities and policies again, the policies are set when we do the capital plan every odd year and the budget we indicator the policies and do our best to stay within the perimeters the street resurfacing we are funding close to $100 million a regular part of general fund program we're happy to report we're looking at safety a score of 70 in the next two years so that was an exciting again i mean, that's a attribute to the amount of funding towards this program i should mention we have received a number of funds from the planning in the eastern neighborhoods and market octavia and transbay area where a lot of the new buildings have been coming up and those plans fees have brought i brought in $19 million to do pedestrian streetscape, park purposes a number of improvements in the eastern neighborhoods if you look at the graph on the following page the steady growth we were able to achieve some years $15 million in the program we are happy to be report we're really are achieving you can see last year, we went slightly above the white column the enhancements and part that have included add backs from the board after the button process that put us over what the capital plan recommended it is attributable to what the mayor has shown and the community has shown for having a regular rigorous capital planning and budget in process. >> go to the next slide it goes into some of the detail what we're presenting in the budget we did just for transparency folks we attached and provided on attachment to your presentation that is entitled spending categories and you can see is useful to explain what is in each the categories and some of the will highlights in the critical project development funded as the predevelopment funding putting $4 million towards the studying the seawall maybe aware a report recently that come out came out on the seismic vulnerability of the seawall we're investing to better understand that and bringing forward how to address it the port is putting in $2008 million into that project the other thing when you note the historical renewal program is grown this is the first year we were at 90 percent we're funding 90 percent of the renewals recommended as part of capital plan again white an achievement we're proud of and that's why you can see the growth in that category we've also grown raw is it so recommended to the third street bridge a project where public works receiving over $22 million so the city consultant is $2 million and then $22 million an exciting and important project if we go to the next slide on the presentation this is shows the overall picture by expenditure categories again, we received $1716 million in total requests and funding 47 percent of those requests if you look at the general fund amount we're funding there were $555 million in the general fund and funding 44 percent of those so again one thing that is, i always wanted to mention we still have a lot of needs it is a record funding plan but we still have a lot of requests important not able to fund given the constraint we have going into the next slide the general fund non-general fund sources this year the area plan impact fees are at $96 million and top of the slide with the top of table that again is really reflective of the incredible growth happening in the eastern portion the city transbay and project speak of 24 million eastern neighborhoods is receiving close to $20 million and market octavia is receiving significant amounts of improvements that's a relatively sort of new development we've been seeing it happening but now the dollars going towards they enhancements that are really xooifrt and should help you think address a lot of the infrastructure needs in the community finally the last two slides here the first one shows you by category it is the same information but a different prospective if you look at the general fund see the street resurfacing takes up the lions share 2, 3, 4 into years and as you can see the facility renewal is taking up the same portion and that combines with right-of-way renewals we're happy to see the down payment and future liebltsdz to take care of the infrastructure. >> finally the last slide in the presentation shows you the proposed budget with all sources shown and the critical enhancements category goes up quite a bit that the impact fees that contributed to that 36 percent of the budget shown there. >> finally there was a mistake one more slide to mention we review the enterprise department requests a those are listed on the very final slide against a significant amount of work in the sfo the work through the budget process not confusing all the revenue bonds maybe an additional to this as you can see again mission bay ferry terminal work and work at the port a lot of capital improvements and mta is working around the wastewater improvements and water delivery the facilities and some of the things we've been waiting are starting to come to frougs and hit the groin and the library is also - as well as some of the libraries we're not able to be touchdown by the program and they've done focused on taking care of the the facilities they have a lot of work on the roof and elevators and those types of things that's really all i have to present to you today, the actual projects will come as part of department budget when your receiving public works or different department you'll see the planning implementation project or so telegraph hill another critical important enhancement we're able to take care of this this year that motion carries. >> thank you, mr. strong a lot to chew on much appreciate continue the discussions i think coit with that, open up for public comment anyone wish to comment on item number 2 seeing none, public comment is closed so colleagues, can i have a motion to continue charley. >> without objection mr. clerk item one. >> item with only receive a budget update for the department of health for f 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 a thanks want to welcome barbara garcia. >> cortex of public health good afternoon, supervisors. >> i want to go over our budget $2 million as you can see our zuckerberg san francisco general hospital has half of the dollars with the mental health and laguna honda is the largest area here. >> our expenses are fringe and benefits just to note the non-personnel is the uc contract that we have in our arching program and an important thing with the department of 6 hundred and 72 general funds dollars to leverage those dollars the blue line shows the revenues from medi-cal primarily and as well as revenue from patients that pay fees and you'll see on the public discussed how that substance abuse could change with new medi-cal rates that deal with more with that area. >> the major things for us for the next two fiscal years the opening of zuckerberg san francisco general hospital strengthening our behavorial go health insurance and having a health record to the board of supervisors seeking our work with ucsf. >> proud to say is that two weeks ago the state gave us your license and opening on schedule may 21st moving the patient into those our new hospital and to note i think our contract were pretty much open budget and thinking we finished the completion of the building and need the time to really have the staff learn how to use the hospital and they've been working overtime our it systems will be up twenty-four hours so to make sure everything is well 100 percent rooms ready to go and practiced several times in moving our patient into the new hospital increased annual operating costs 32. $4 million and added one hundred and 19 additional ftes in the previous year many of those are nurses we're looking to capitalized the health services the federal government finally has recognized through medi-cal to be an organized mentally medical system a documentation program we're anticipating $609 million in revenue to relieve really going get the providers ready for the colonyal requirements so we'll be working to get them provided and the united states of america a one percent tax for all individuals making over one million dollars this year will be working on developing a integrated model for transgender services and transgender services 0 throughout the department really organizing that under one program and along with our humming bird health center we've reviewed from received from the programs to expand the trojan mental health under the city program almost $3 million for the insurance and expanding some of the children's programs and working hard a improving the jails behavorial health to make sure we're providing appropriate 34k9 services so far our clients who spent a moment of time in the janitorial system. >> supervisor yee. >> a quick question director garcia in your your mental health services do you provide mental health services for our law enforcement department and our fire department and we have had our mental health service administration our management association providing cross training with the police department just had a conversation yesterday with the new transpire we're going to be joining forces to make sure we provide them trauma services and maintain in the deputy chief chaplain will be working colonel they have a different venue but a conversation we really need to work together on that. >> please keep me informed. >> i live on that. >> most rent controls we made a decision to open up 10 additional lock beds 36 beds to assist with increased numbers coming out the psychiatric emergency services i lead a quality improvement project bringing in an outside person to improve our hospital we've identified the areas of documentation also improving the treatment, quality as well as the patient in that program i think i see improvements and also really providing supervision ♪ area with as you may know we've hired a new ceo of the hospital and we will be providing some oversight to this quality improvement in our psychiatric area >> and in the proposed 2016 public safety and safety not only to the retailers have a seismic save area before you more space for the emergency room up to 25 procedures over the last 5 years we've integrated the primary care so when they come into our service they can be provided i think some very important services with the mental health as they identify their needs our investment and population health is an important component we focusing on will quality improvements many of you for those of you who don't know on the fourth floor we have the ci public health lab since 19 thirty they'll be moving into the new lives reorchard old hospital so we'll call that after may 21st and so we're preparing them for that move and look at it of the quality improvements and looking consumer protection on the viral health and have food inspectors many new restaurants and been working with supervisor tang on the increased protection on the mode you will and we've came to you over a month ago to talk about the mental health records for over $180 million this system will improve the patient with outcomes and financial risk with improvement of revenue in negotiations with the usf regarding this e h.r. that concludes my presentation. and if there's my questions to answer. >> thank you ms. gary's colleagues, any questions thank you for being here. >> thank you very much. >> for the presentation and the ongoing discussions with that, open up for public comment anyone wish to comment on item number 2 okay seeing none, public comment is closed colleagues likewise a motion to continue to the call of the chair and without objection. >> mroishgsz. >> that completes our agenda. >> thank you, everybody, we're adjourned >> the office of controllers whistle blower program is how city employees and recipient sound the alarm an fraud address wait in city government charitable complaints results in investigation that improves the efficiency of city government that. >> you can below the what if anything, by assess though the club program website arrest call 4147 or 311 and stating you wishing to file and complaint point controller's office the charitable program also accepts complaints by e-mail or 0 folk you can file a complaint or provide contact information seen by whistle blower investigates some examples of issues to be recorded to the whistle blower program face of misuse of city government money equipment supplies or materials exposure activities by city clez deficiencies the quality and delivery of city government services waste and inefficient government practices when you submit a complaint to the charitable online complaint form you'll receive a unique tracking number that inturgz to detector or determine in investigators need additional information by law the city employee that provide information to the whistle blower program are protected and an employer may not retaliate against an employee that is a whistle blower any employee that retaliates against another that employee is subjected up to including submittal employees that retaliate will personal be liable please visit the sf and information on reporting retaliation that when fraud is loudly to continue it jeopardizes the level of service that city government can provide in you hear or see any dishelicopter behavior boy an employee please report it to say whistle blower program more information and the whistle blower protections please seek www.go. >> shop and dine the 49 promotes local businesses and changes san franciscans to do their shopping and dooipg within the 49 square miles by supporting local services within the neighborhood we help san francisco remain unique, successful and vibrant so where will you shop and dine the 49 hi in my mind a ms. medina item >> roll call commissioner president adams commissioner vice president brandon commissioner kounalakis item that approval of the minutes for the april 2016 meeting park ranger so moved second >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? item 3 public comment and executive session any public comment on executive session seeing none, public comment is closed. item 4 executive session >> so moved second >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? we're now insessio >> thank you motion. >> i move to rechallenge in open session. >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? >> i move to not disclose anything in closed session. >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? that motion carries pledge of allegiance. >> america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> please be advised the ringing of and use of cell phones, phones, please be advised that the chair may order the removal from the meeting room responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar sound-producing electronic devices. please be advised that a member of the public has up to 3 minutes for public comments on each agenda items unless the port commission adopts a shorter period item 8 items not listed on the agenda. >> is there any public comment on any p.m. item not on the agendas public comment is closed. next item, please. >> item 9 executive director's report. >> good afternoon commissioner president adams and commissioner vice president brandon and members of the commission members of the public and port i'm eileen the intern executive director first of all, i'd like to start is good news on may 4th of this year our mayor ed lee announced his budgeted will include $8 million over the next 2 years ago for the city's effort for the seawall this $8 million investment will allow us to advance technical studies and engineering feasibility engage our shareholders in a public decision making process and seek xoernld sources for the seawall and conduct environmental impact the end result will be a seawall that is more resilient and prepared to protect the 3 mile area from fisherman's wharf and telegraph hill to south beach and mission creek against the threat of earthquake and provides a foundation for sea level rise mayor ed lee really responded to the call to action that was presented in the engineering report that mr. stephen our port engineer present to the port commission on april 12th this is a historic investment from the city and signals did mayors importance of the problem and in a press release the mayor released san franciscans built the seawall a century ago and our adjudicators responsibility to make the infrastructure save port staff looks forward to resistance this important project second i'd like as i recorded at the last commission meeting byron you are deputy director and below brad from approximately projects joined the san francisco chamber of commerce to washington, d.c. april 12th through 15 i wanted details on their trip to the public and commission thank you byron. >> yes. a brief power point that seemed to disappeared so why not go right into my presentation i wanted to just briefly highlight the trip that brad benson and i took to washington, d.c. and part of that i wanted to particularly thank commissioner brandon to travel with the chamber of commerce back in april for this trip also wanted to mention acknowledge brad benson the legislative liaison for the port we scheduled meeting to take advantage not just the meeting that the champ chamber has scheduled by other meetings brad scheduled to meet with key staff in washington regarding the legislative initiative and port initiatives that we discussed in this meeting in past meetings also wanted to acknowledge jim lazarus from the chamber that made all the arrangement for the trip and had a number of very important meetings arranged for us and i said to touch on those and also mention that this is a group but that one of your past commissioners ethicss was on the trip as well we had an opportunity to meet with members of the california designation and spent time with congresswoman leader pelosi and just to touch on a couple of issues she raised she is supportive of our work on the seawall and was also aware of our negotiations as we're hoping to come to you in the next meeting but our negotiations the national park service alcatraz is supportive and keeping the operation on the port waterfront at the piers 31 through 33 we also had a chance to spend considerable amount of time with senator dianne feinstein she just picking up on one of the issues we've been dealing with here at the port was very much aware of the city's efforts and the ports efforts specifically to work to create more navigation center in san francisco and particularly supportive of that and had general concerns about public safety along the waterfront and expressed those to us we had a chance to meet with congresswoman jackie spier and one-on-one or the group of meeting with her directly she talked as well about security issues and particularly supportive of getting support for more security funding for port property we also met with in a larger group setting with eric, jerald hoffman and others and had a chance to have key meetings with washington representatives in various departments that would be helpful to us in the future we believe so we met with david kim the deputy administrator for the federal highway administration and had a chance many that regard to court reporter with tilly chang the san francisco the director of san francisco transit authority human resources she had scheduled a meeting with david kim got good summarization how we might find additional funds to help with the ferry improvements along the waterfront it turns out that tilly is responsible for developing the ferry terminals on behalf of the city at treasure island we've had a chance to meet with her and her staff since the washington trip and already beginning to cooperate and collaborate with her trying to get the resources we'll need to develop our ferry improvements we also met with represented from fema from the department of transportation from the army corp of engineers and we began to lay out a stream with fema regarding the mapping of the waterfront the draft maps brad laid out the initial draft what they provided and to lay out a strategy for appealing and making some changes to the draft they've provided they captioned the process that is important to be able to make sure we can develop our properties and emigrate information from them regarding make sure we were able to get low-cost insurance flood insurance for our properties we talked to the folks from the department of transportation about tiger grants and fast lane grants and hopefully next year we'll take advantage of that the information we received about that we're hoping to get support in a way of tiger grants possibly for the ferry improvements we've we've been talking about we also talked to the folks from the army corp of engineers about a $400,000 study grant we might be able to receive in flooding around the ferry building and in the mission creek area so those were additional meetings that brad had set up i think we are fruitful and hoping to generate some additional support for our programs through that and lastly we had a chance to meet with staff in washington, d.c. from foifrtd as you may know we're partnership with forest city at pier 70 to develop 3 million square feet of mixed use development along the waterfront there forest city is already moving forward with a development of a similar nature with mixed use residential office and commercial and in the washington, d.c. area it is part of the capital river front business district along the river in washington, d.c. we had a chance to visit with that staff there it is really good insights and the kinds of challenges and opportunities in developing pier 70 while pier 70 is roughly 3 a million square feet of this yards development as it is called in washington is 5 will million square feet we're looking at roughly 15 hundred unit they're developing 27 hundred unit there and got a chance to see the quality of the development we're in one of the residential developments they've completed high incentives and high quality sitting on the anita costing to river and in the entire river district it is very similar to the south beach mission bay the washington national ball park is just a few blocks from the yards development so just highlights of the trip again, i want to thank commissioner vice president brandon for the opportunity to join the schafrm in their annual trip we'll be working closely with brad between now andext year to make sure that if we have the opportunity to go again, we have specific go initiatives taiveng we include issues and helps us move forward with our agenda and that concludes my presentation. thank you. >> thank you byron. >> i'd like to announcements the grand opening of at water will tavern that happened may first, 2016 yet a member of a restaurant family the restaurant is 294 franzwa avenue and john is the proprietor of high dive another pier 28 the port issued an rfp in 2012 and approved the lease and the board of supervisors approved it in 2013 and construction started in july of 2015 and now here we are at completion april 2016 i'll note at water is a customer of the san francisco puc they had their soft opening and grand opening tuesday may 3rd the soft opposing o opening warming was a chance to assist the waterfront and sample the delicious food a fundraiser that helps with assistance for families with children of skewer cancer and provides scholarships from the bayview neighborhoods omen for dinner in may and open for lunch and brunch in june and july i currently you to get to at water and experience the restauranteur thi evening a public meetings in the dog patch with the dialogue about the proposed navigation center on port property on that 24 streets of san francisco and warm water could have port staff will be there and the mayor's office to talk about the 24 street site and consider alternative locations for the center that the dog patch center proposed the meeting is another 7:00 p.m. tonight at 654 minnesota street. >> i'd like to announce on saturday may 21 from the to one a community clean team event in district 10 the team is the san francisco public works long time running and volunteer program that keeps san francisco beautiful through the landscaping and graffiti removal the division partners with the san francisco public works on this project the event is kickoff at the park located at the end of cargo way crossing across from jennings the event will be over added 12:30 you can go to sf puc bash slash volunteer please come and join us and finally the may 24th inform port commission meeting will be cancelled the next meeting is scheduled for june 14, 2016, and that concluded my report. >> public comment on the executive director's report going on ones and twice public comment is closed. next item, please. >> item 9 port commissioners report. >> nothing. >> just - commissioner katz. >> just yesterday commissioner president adams and i took a tour of the navigation center on mission street and a very impressed with the work being down the quality of the services and the upkeep of the site and maintenance and spent a lot of time with the team and staff there and left quite impressed very pleased to see what is being done there and again minimally it is not what we need to accomplish but excited about the opportunities to see the opportunities expand in other parts of city and. >> commissioner kounalakis i also had had same tour last week western impressed with the site and the facility and services but i'm happy that sam and his team are doing more outreach and have several community meetings scheduled to discuss a new navigation center so i hope that work outs i'm impressed with the site. >> two things i have i also was glad i went yesterday when you look at society i realize that a lot of the homeless people you know we've all in our lives have been broken and all the times people are broken and in san francisco we live on the 2k3wrid and unfortunately a lot of the people that are homeless they have fallen off the grid what we're trying to do is about engaged be part of solution to try to help the homeless with the mental health of people in our city here to see what we can do in the port work with the mayor and the board of supervisors and just working with our citizens as we try to do something to make that better for those less fortunate the second i was in sidney brisbane australia it is the second largest company in the world had a chance to talk to sam at the board of directors and talked about where the mining destroy was going we were looking iron ore and didn't go that way to bottom with china as a fallen out and high note for me any friend of mine bill came from the labor movement and the opposition leader and malcolm the prime minister will be running in an election at australia did banker versus the worker so i wish bill luck in his bid for the next prime minister of australia and working with the men and women as we talked with the folks on the other hand, and find what we're going on the world stage. >> item 9-c a presentation by brent from the h.r. for the selection process. >> good afternoon commissioners i'm brent louis the director of finance it in the department of h.r. thank you for inviting us as a review dph conducted a competitive selection process for an executive recruitment firm happy to say with the participation of commissioner president adams and commissioner vice president brandon thank you very much. we appreciate your help in that process the selection was alliance for resources consulting and today, i'm joined by sheryl who is the founding partner co-founder of the alliance and short-term rental has timelineed and points to talk to you about the recruitment process basic the selection process is really the full recruitment gamete dpvr will take a backseat i'll been there and dpvr will utility the facilities once we get to the point of interviews we'll make a point if there are any questions i'd like to let sheryl present to you. >> thank you good afternoon. i brought two documents the first is basically a detail overall the recruiting process we discussed it in our interview process with the president and vice president i printed out so you can have it as reference, and, secondly, a upgraded recruitment timeline we can change the dates as it fits your schedule but at least it is a snapshot of what the next couple of months what role we take the lead and because what month we're actively scrutinizing candidates so i have a couple of those of you want three and four to pass this out and then - we anticipate starting this in a couple of weeks if that fits your schedule the one thing i want to point out for the strategy session we developed the brochure and ideal candidate profile we can do that one-on-one are collective whichever you prefer. >> basically i don't know if you have any questions for me. >> we'll keep on going. >> so once we decide on the timeline we'll - once we rise or edit it as you see fit the next step since we have the contract to schedule the strategies to develop the profile and then on our end we'll start of candidate and create a targeted list of candidates to do outreach and as well as place a nationally add those are the next two crucial steps once we have those documents approved from you in terms of the brochure and the text we will start actively recruiting and networking and answering any candidate questions accepting nomination and begin our screening process the actual open period lasts thirty days and then typically takes us a, or two to do the initial screening on the applicants the next milestone for us will be to meet with you whether that is ad hoc committee or the full board of commissioners to review the list of applicant and talk about the top profiles in particular and see who we want to move forward for the next round of consideration that includes screening interviews so far the first round interviews with you and have the background check k0i7b8. >> any public comment on this item? let me say a few words this is the process and what we're going through as far as doing a national ripening and local search are for a new port executive director and doing extensive search they put a rfp out and 6 vendors two responded they were interviewed and we picked two and keep the transparency as we go along so there will be some meetings with the ad hoc the public will participant in we want the true transparent and everybody to know where we at today that's why we worked with the city the city attorney and so as we go through this process my main concern that the commission granted commissioner brandon before the director left we had him placed an intern director and had a steady hand the commission a firm and sold a lot of people didn't know that director left and we have elaine forbes and we've been sold and not missed a beat if you haven't heard anything better than going through the process working with the city and doing everything according to the city attorney i can tell you commissioner vice president brandon and we've learned something we couldn't be in the room at the same time/were so many regulations he thank you eileen for walk us through there this was the phase one in front of the public to know what is going on our commissioners as we go through the process we thank you guys both for coming out and if no public comment anybody has anything to say if not public comment is closed. you'll turn to commissioner kounalakis you have any questions. >> no, i don't. >> commissioner katz. >> thank you very much and well looking forward to working with you yeah, i'm pleased we're doing the national search and checking over the timeline here as you probably have been briefed our port community is wide and deep in addition to meeting with some of the commissioners will you be doing any outreach to some of the advisory groups for input. >> any yes. >> any names i forward us we'll conduct the samch and interview them on their input and insight into the candidates just actively we'll bring back the summarized understanding. >> that might be helpful and in the process getting some input from some of the folks external a way of confidentiality too to bring those in perhaps speak to some of the potential candidates possibly. >> and we in the past have kept a general i'm open to the publicity u public so any input we can bring that to you for further disclose what we're hearing on the street or income tax all the information in evaluating the candidates. >> in terms of hopefully, we'll get scores and scores of quality candidates submitting their applications so what is the process doing the initial candidate interviews and then or will you work to widdle down or before we get to the section with the ad hoc committee we'll do levels of screening as resumes come in an additional review of the more qualified individual and ask for additional information as a pertains to this recruitment then we'll do short screening interviews and have a top list of candidates from 8 to 15 depending on the candidate pool and from there our goal to have you collaborate with us from 4 to 7 candidates and focus on further. >> all right. >> thank you. >> commissioner vice president brandon. >> thank you. i look forward to working with you. >> thank you. >> we do too. >> congratulations and brent thank you very much for all your help and eileen and thanks for coming and was he moved on this you know there is plenty of clarity and stuff like that and going introduce the process. >> one more point for the public i want to say this is a confidential process. >> yes. >> that there will be outreach to the community the names that come forward will be confidential and that confidentiality will be maintained, of course. >> yes. >> okay. >> thank you very much. >> thank you items the consent calendar an approval the memorandum of understanding between the port commission and the human services agency for use of a portion of pier 80 with the shelter for homeless adults for 2015-2016 item 10 request approval the memorandum of understanding in the transportation agency for the plans and assistance during the predevelopment for the pier 70, 28 acre street and the parcel. >> so moved. >> second. >> second. >> public comment i have one card corinne woods please speaking on 10 b. >> i don't have any other cards if you want to speak up after corin please get in line. >> good afternoon. my name is is corinne woods i want to make a point on the staff report for if item that outreach communities outreach on the transportations issues for pier 70 is very important there are quite a while of us who have been working with forest city in informal discussion and working with mta on transit issues i really hope your consultant contract will include significant amounts of input from the neighborhood that is most effected by this and when you look at what is going to be happening in you're planning session item 13 a the presentation you'll get all of these pieces have to fit together and i don't think that is reasonable to just look at transportation for pier 70 when we have so many other projects going on that have to be integrated but please include the people who are on the ground thank you. >> that's correct corin. >> anyone else in public comment wanting to speak on 10 a or 10 b? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. >> colleagues on content 10 ab on 1621 and 22. >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? 1621 and 22 passes next item, please. >> approval the 10 year management agreement with two 4 year extensions with patricia for pier 80. >> penn i didn't i need you commissioners good afternoon peter daily deputy director of maritime and others at the last commission meeting on april 26th we gave an informational presentation that regarding a meeting with the potential to transforming pier 80 into a marine peer with economic benefits to the city the for two years staff has been in dialogue with the shifting of pier 80 to automobile imports and exports for cargos. >> after many months of work has two, 2 year operations for the operations at pier 80 with on the on dock or on terminal automobile preparation services it is anticipated that pier 80 could receive up to 86 ships a year shipping one hundred and 86 thousand vehicles and patricia i can't will that - the ports share the revenues will increase as cargo volumes grow and projections the port will see significant returns this scenario shows different opportunities at 50 thousand cars a year and one hundred and 50 thousand cars per annual and deferred capital repairs needing need to be made to operate the facility those include leveling the portions of the sub structure and upgrading storm drains and painting of shed those capital costs are approximately $4 million the 30r9 has committed to or pasha is paying for the capital improvement and the other $2 million for needed sub structure through previously commissioner approved projects $650,000 the remaining one $.6 million up to revenues generated at the port commissioner kounalakis at the last meeting asked about the impact of the revenue and slide 2 is depending on the amount of business and the work done and impact to revenue every time a ship intomentsdz pier 8050 new members will be working to unload the vessels we want to commend thank local 340 i know that dave is here and others their work is instrumental over the last year's negotiations to a craft this unique arrangement at the pier again, thank you very much and an exciting part of project as the proceeding reaches capacity it is anticipated that pasha will train up to one hundred and 50 employees with different skill levels that enhances the economic opportunity in san francisco southern neighborhood pasha is entered into a written arrange for the office of economic workforce development of the mayor's office of economic workforce development and to connect bayview neighborhoods with the opportunities generated at pier 80 i believe pat mulligan is here to answer questions with that unique robust program city build will work with pasha to screen and quality a workforce and provided a skilled san franciscans resident for the operation with priorities for residents in district 10 pasha as committed to hire those city build candidates and this signed from pasha is a written agreement and failure will be a material default and pasha will be subject to penalties in closing the past decade or two pier 80 has been a difficult project and cargo operations have been challenged for different reasons, however, the meeting will have a new beginning and transformer this pier into a maritime industrial complex for district 10 i want to thank commissioner president adams and commissioner vice president brandon to tell us to take our time and make sure we had the right deal thank you for your leadership and the past monique missouriier was instructional and lane foreclosures firmly pressed the staff thank you elaine and jeff bay area is helpful and appreciate the help but most importantly i'd like to invite thank john pasha the vice president of the group and commissioner president adams if it is okay i'd like to have him say a few words about this process thank you. >> thank you peter commissioner president adams thank you and commissioners director foreclosures a pleasure to be here i think you've covered a lot of that it i'll say this is a very exciting part of the deal now the work is coming around the corner we're mobilizing everyone bill from our group in san diego who's father used to work wore the port of san francisco talk about full circle to spin around and bear unique fruit our vision for the facility to create a first class railroad terminal that handles a variety of cargos we talked about the market although we don't have the keys to the facility we've been talking to a lot of the customers in the last year frankly about the opportunities i'm excited they'll see what we see especially, after the improvement period of time mentioned we have to roll up our sleeve and be on the ground and visitors that are coming so it will be a sclaep effort we're excited to be a part of it to work with all the people in the room i have to echo peter's thanks to monique missouriier - peter and jeff all the labor force wouldn't have been possible to show the shipers and the steamship line opening in san francisco doing with efficiency and grace and i'm pleased to be here and i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> and thank you for the opportunity to partner with the port of san francisco. >> commissioners that that concluded my report. i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> me or my team. >> any public comment on this item? open this issue i don't have any cards if you have anything to say please come up to the mike on 11 a. >> going ones going twice public comment is close public comment is closed. commissioner katz ii think you've done the tuesday and thank you as well i think this is a very exciting stunt i've before a big proponent making its way along here and one of the things it highlights our ability to take advantage of opportunities and this is really being forward thinking looking at ways for the port to participate and changing the focus of the economies and the taking advantage of the automobile industry and also creating jobs for the community and working in a way that will insure the port will be part of community and not only having the services along the waterfront and opportunity for the port but creating opportunity and integrating ourselves in the fabric of the greater san francisco community appreciate the opportunity that pasha is incorporating the training programs and working with others to create more jobs in the city i'm excited about that and looking forward to seeing it on. >> commissioner kounalakis. >> okay so the reason it i asked for this to be prepared in a little bit more detail because something was kind of troubling me about the agreement and it is basically, we have those 30 scenarios; right? to see one hundred and one hundred and 50 the low medium and high projections and when i look at it this way if i substitute annual port gross revenue of one million dollars that is the minimum we'll require in order to continue to you know have this agreement in other words, in the agreement undertook the summary section in two the port and pasha retain the right to terminate at the end of the third year in gross revenues with less than one million dollars per year if gross revenues with less than one million dollars per year that means the port had been lucas least $100,000 a little bit more than that; right? per year if they're at a million dollars that means we would be in a lease for a pretty extended period of time from the projections aren't above the low rank we're not going to recover the $600,000 in revenue and operating fees so i just want to make sure that we understand that that is what we're alleging to essentially we will be in a contract that again, if the numbers are less than a million dollars in gross revenues per year were not going to recover the operating fees operating at a deficit every year. >> commissioner good point and the operating payment takes into account a number of different things of expenses we've concur for example, utilized from 20 and $25,000 a month the port will pay currently security of facility 69 acres of open pier on the southern waterfront the security costs are relatively high our point is well-taken the idea we'll be spending upward of nine hundred plus thousand dollars a year this $600,000 we're paying to the pasha group recoups and covering the costs right now i think if we are not generating one million dollar from the facility within a reasonable amount of time then we've made a bad decision we are extremely confident we can reach that through creativity addressed the automobile and labor revenue there is a risk involved clearly we have a risk to the realty that pier 80 has not seen a ship in 2016 and we continue to pay the utility bills and continue to secure the facility that is our best opportunity to take into account that risk to generate serious revenues if we get the medium on the high-end the projected market. >> okay. >> look i just wanted to be clear about the fact we might be in a situation pasha is making the profit but we're losing money and that that could be within the scope of what is allowable under the terms of the lease so i'm new and i understand there is a lot of consideration that goes into making a decision like this but to me i'd like to hear from other commissions but it was just important that to me we have is the it on the record and knew that was possible. >> commissioner vice president brandon. >> peter thank you so much for your presentation and everyone that worked on that deal its been a long time coming and i understand the point you're making and because i've been here for a long time and seen the different circles i know that you know this is an opportunity for us to be able to try and create jobs put people to work and also have the opportunity to have a viable maritime shipping striate pier 80 for the last ten years we've been paying someone to run the facility this will be a payment to keep the doors open i think if we are even semi successful we'll still be able to create jobs and keep pier 80 open and make recoup our investment. >> i can't say for sure but i bans pasha what they've done across the country and for me how you go above and beyond our local hiring commitment i support this >> commissioner katz did you want to say someplace else about that go ahead. >> we should be beating this thing up and talking about that. >> i think that - one of the things that commissioner vice president brandon pointed out and port authority pointed out we are commissioner mar costs a saving even the worst case scenario and breaking even; is that correct we'll - >> jeff reminded me a cough of nuances apple escape value after 3 years either party can leave they can part we get out of that pasha is committed to $3 million on capital improvements we are adjourn on the hook they're taking a risk $2 million additional this business will roll in and so i think that the risk reward analysis took all the all these things take into account but the rewards ultimately outweighs the risk and the worst case spend $2 million of their own money on facility upgrade and we'll spend $600,000 for money that is loomed for the city that is the valuation. >> we'll pay back half that it. >> they're paying $2 million. >> oh, i'm not actually, i think that 3 years in this they have got $50 million for cars there is a a huge commitment to keep it going i'm concerned about the 15 your 20 i mean the assume if it is going to poorly for us that will be in relative terms going poorly for them so we'll have a problem we'll have to be addressing together but it just it seems to me that locking in in a circumstance to a lease that we're losing money every year if you do nothing with it that's more expensive for us but it does seem that when you're talking about a 15 year term with the ability to renew two, 4 year term extension with 25 years were there - you know because there's no protection against it - >> commissioner i'm sorry to interrupt you tend of the initial 15 year terms the options from their triggered a rent renewal we can get other chunk the apple and renegotiate the terms so your point being you don't want to be locked into a 25 year deal. >> if we're losing money. >> if we're making money we might want to make more money. >> as a point of clarification can you discuss - it seems to me once we've paid back the $2 million and upgrades can you explain that payment structure a little bit. >> exactly. >> and the second point after that is covered even at only one million dollar in gross revenue we still end up net positive. >> no. >> yeah. the way it works is pasha is spend $4 million they're going to spend $2 million of their own money to make improvements to the facility after they spend the money we'll grurns them through the city we make the specific improvements and pasha will undertake did improvement for us and they'll do another $1.6 million of work they're giving us a no interest loan until the work is done once the work is done we pay them back 50 percent of the money from the terminal if there's no money from the terminal we don't pay them back it is reimbursed total and once that happens it is just a straight revenue split as in the contract >> well, i mean the thing this is tricky the somewhere scenario that brings in $1.6 million the cut off is one million dollars that is actually, the scenario we'll need to see; right? because we're in this deal even if it is you know - the original way to get out of the deal over the course if it drops blow one million dollars. >> right. >> if you plugged in the way you've done the calculations for the scenarios and forget the side that shows our share of capital improvements let's assume that is two years in the capital improvements are paid off go to the backside that port net revenue if you plug in one million dollars is negative to us because of the annual operators fees of $600,000 so one way it would be fixed and you know i'm not proposing we vote on that i'm saying if we said that the right to terminate is less than $1.3 million; right? that's the point we don't lose money after the share the capital improvements are paid off but again, i just for me, i wanted to make sure that we knew that there was this pocket. >> if i may weigh in one of the things that is defendant about a management operator agreement the port takes on the liability for all of those expenses that we pay whether or not pasha is here and as you can see from the structure the port participate more and more with the upside you're absolutely right in what you're pointing out we have a upside and your pointing out the trigger under which we terminate has a small deficit number that is true and part of structure we've negotiated it is a small derivative right now, we're paying i paying much more and have before paying much more over the decade we're protecting ourselves to have a smaller subsidy in seeing this business create the jobs hold onto the maritime purpose and really want to see the piers activated and creating jobs queer saying we'll take on the small liability i think that is the deficit is $160,000 potential for the jobs that generate the potential to participate in the upside but the port takes on more risk in the structure than the other lease as commissioner vice president brandon said for the ability to use this for as maritime. >> that's right. >> completely. >> that's right. >> commissioner katz you have something to say the other thing the scenario was really showing what happens in 1, 2, 3 year as mr. pasha and his team grows the business we think that happen in 1, 2, 3 years. >> thank you. >> it might have been better to show the averages that averages about - a period of time it is north of $400,000. >> nearly a half a million dollars for the current operator without an upside. >> just to keep it there. >> yeah. you don't develop a property thinking hey we'll losses less than we're logging now and locus in for 25 years (laughter) i do understand i felt we should know what we're getting - and they is it is good to be optimistic but not mean you don't have to worry. >> i'm glad for the dialogue and it's out there transparency i mean, if you want to hold that over we can. >> no, no i'm all right. >> okay i'm all right. >> i have a few things to say you know, i guess it is different i understand commissioner kounalakis like a different type of agreement not a development each time and exactly i'm glad you pointed out that. >> but seeing the pier all those years in san francisco pretty much sitting empty and i have to tell you for a long time none will come into san francisco and i'll i want to put that out there there was a question about the workforce and their commitment to working and a lot of employers wouldn't come to san francisco i'll say that like it is and john pasha has the currently to stewart step out and say knowing he might take criticism i'll come to san francisco and make that work now i know peter and jim have been working for years and even monique and commissioner vice president brandon along with anyone on the commission been here 18 years this is something it is worth taking the risk i talked with john and made that clear we have to understand 3 to 5 years we have to be patient and john has the optimism to say i'll make that work he's a partner with us and up to him to use his prestige in the business and commission business to say we're open for business and go out there and roll up the sleeves that will reflect on him he's with us now he's got to be totally invested i talked to local 34 and told john, i said john this is contiguous we'll not stop at pier 80 but pier 96 we've got to grow the business he has three or four ships sitting out there we can get you up to waterproofing and 50 thousand this is progressive thinking a risk i salute him he's engaged with this i think this will be good you talk about development i said at the last commission meeting there this will say jobs and someone willing to come in and take a risk on us we have to be willing to take a risk on him i'm supporting this and i think we have to stand behind it i'll be on john's behind to make that work and roll up our sleeves and fill this great port guess what san francisco remains a working-class port we want that and corinne woods and others get up and talk about this and ellen on the maritime advisory committee those things are important awhile san francisco and the working-class people so john thank you and you know i'll be calling you you've heard commissioner kounalakis if i said her name right from loretta stock exchange she'll be coming down (laughter) thank you very much and peter thank you very much it's labor hard work he peter i know having you know it is hard. >> colleagues being no more comments from us. >> commissioner president adams we we need a motion and second. >> we had public comment. >> second. >> huh? >> public comment is completed just a motion and second and it's completed. >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> of number 6. >> opposed? 1616 passes next item, please. >> congratulations. >> item 12 a informational presentation on the study and options for mission bay landing projects. >> good afternoon commissioner president adams and fellow port commissioner i'm winding engineer for the port thank you for having me. present to you today, i'm here to provide an it possible presentation on the study and options for mission bay ferry landing projects why is the ferry landing needed in mission bay the mission bay ferry landing provides critical transbay and regional services between southern waterfront, financial district and the east and north bay it will provide a transportation link to a variety of in development with the usf and mission bay hospital the golden state warriors arena and new commercial and retail use and new hotels and additional housing units the mayor's office requested that the port execute a planning level study for the development of a ferry landing at mission bay in 2015 the port hired the mandrin to prepare the study at the submitted their completed ferry terminal study in march of 2016 the study identified 4 potential ferry landing sites labeled here as alternates a through b their study included review after a taxi land of i'll talk about more later and alternated a is the most southern sites of the alternative this site is close to the park located near 16th street and alternate b is cowled south street located between pier 64 and pier 44. >> alternate c is pier 44 south side location and lastly alternate b is pier 44 north side location they met and interviewed reto and other project stakeholder to establish a project goal and review the pros and cons of each alternate site they intuftd hydro conditions for example, wave analysis and detrimentally requirement and access to nearby public transportation, vehicle drop off stations and other land side transportation for all sites the stemmed project costs ranges from 32. 4 to $32.5 million depending on the additional sites selected this is construction for the taxi landing and other modes. >> alternate a site is located slightly south of 16th street adjacent to the existing pier with the finishing peer and at the tip of park bay development the closet to the epic center we receive to as the mission bay development 16th street and in close prompt to the future warriors arena and the usf mission bay hospital adjacent to a site a pros and cons conflict site the dock shelter the site for - therefore creating a natural breakwater on the on the other hand, bae can be a con because the operation requires the vessels to be moved in and out of their facility that has the potential to delay the ferry operations this can be mitigated by possibly moving a site slightly up north of 16th street triggering the need to perform additional dredging at old pier sitehat may contain hazardous material alternate b is at the end of south street alternate b sight is absent further away from the mission bay and located across from the future bay park and going close to the future warriors arena and the breakwater is required east of the lapd because the site is more imposed to waste generated during storm conditions if we don't install the breakwater winter storms could shut down the pier service and next alternate site c located on the south side of pier 44 it requires significant investment to seismically upgrade the pier 54 to allow for construction of a new ferry lapd the location is substantive to waive and resulting in significant operational downtime this is option was removed from consideration early on if in the study due to the high costs and relatively high-level on 16th street. >> the last site is alternate site d on the northwest corner of pier 54 a small portion be seismically upgraded and the farther from the mission bay 16th street and the primary reason for alternate site b being the least expensive is requires less dredging than alternates a and b. >> although alternate d is the least expensive to construct cal i didn't mandrin is recommending a as the alternative bans the invented to 16th street close to existing public transportation, and major businesses and the fact that no breakwater is required at this site in addition to identifying potentially ferry landing sites for mission bay this study talked about 3 different taxi landing location the recommended land is independent of a ferry that landing and south of alternate a next up for the project the project is currently funded with 3. $47 million this will partial fund the project behind port staff is actively pursuing additional project fund through federal, state, regional and city fund port staff is scheduled to request authorization to advertise for rfp on june 15th relationship for solicitation for engineering services for the design of the mission bay ferry and water taxi landing that concludes my presentation. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> i've got 3 cards for public comment verona sanchez (calling names) coupling up i don't know where veronica is at come on up. >> there's veronica. >> mr. president, and commissioners veronica for the maids and pilot and speaking for the i b u with the permission of the folks we welcome the addition of the mission bay ferry terminal it is very much needed in this area the intensive growth of biotech the hospital, etc. and all the commercial uses and we are glad that the port has conducted those facilities because it is important information in that but p but we have a lot of questions about the project management and delivery of this project in 1999 excuse me - both our unions since 199 we are active in the creation of rita we want went to the legislations to have rita for the lead agency to manage the operation of a comprehensive regional service the mission bay term is part of that transportation network we think that will be an important link in the network we have a lot of questions that have's not been answered this project is node briefed and ellen will comment and particularly with the unions that have been active players about the future management of the development we want this project to be successful and $3 million of money for planning is just you know - a little coin in the bucket we're familiar with what it takes to get it public money you know we got $3 million for the alameda central baseline facility that took the president of our union going to washington for two years trying to get that funding if we're going to be successful on this project we would urge the port to hit the pause button a little bit and brief us see how this project can be better managed it is not just to entail an engineering and construction project it is broader than that we have not gotten the full breathe i'll ask count commission to hit the pause bottom and give oirsz stakeholders is an opportunity to have input before you put a construction project out thank you very much. >> thanks veronica ell ellen. >> thank you in this context the maritime advisory committee as you may know represents the ports maritime tenants and assists to help the ports in the furtherance of its maritime mission i think that i was pleased when we expanded the maritime prevention policy place fall to include the water transportation and transit as essential operations to the maritime mission you know with the port so this project sounds like a great project no question about that you know we'll support is it except for one thing i say we had severalty calls from the maritime advisory committee we have not been briefed you have to be briefed first and absolutely logical so i heard you know some of the costs were 32 to $35 million to carry out this and a lot of money to spend quite a number of alternative transportation to look at it and quite expensive and comprehensive what we'll request that the rfp on this kind of be slowed down a little bit i don't know how what the other components of this as far as timing are if you slowed down on that how that will effect the carrying out of the project we think the maritime committee has a lot of expertise in the operation of those facilities so we think we can contribute some ideas and would like an opportunity to do that so thank you very much for your consideration and thoughts. >> thanks for your comments. >> corin. >> hi my name is corinne woods there's a i think some information ♪ staff report not correct one when it talks about community reach outreach is thorough discussions with the extra port committee occ and cac we've all been president this ferry terminal for many, many years its been part of oriental mission bay plan and it was discussed in the context at the mission bay cca in the context of the warriors arena and discussed briefly in the planning for bay front park but like the maritime advisory committee sea what can has not been briefed thoroughly that is important if you're going to move forward that you get feedback from the community for one thing if alternate a is the preferred all the time but have to dredge under pier 64 and pull out those outlined pilings why not go duo it at the foot of 16th street which is where we've thought that would be we have a big plaza as part of bay fronted park that had been a good place to land people i just think this that would be helpful from the community could give feedback before this goes out to an engineering rfp thank you >> any more public comment on 12 a going once and twice public comment is closed. commissioner katz i also agree i'm excited about the opportunity for additional water transit to come in and definitely want to see that occur i'm concerned about comments of regarding the outreach not having gone as extensive as we might like to see i hopeful e hope you can take into account this you know i'm not an engineer but science agree if we'll be removing pier 64 anyway, i want to see that explored further for different reasons there were no comments in here regarding our intended could have park we'll be using that for public you know water assess and kayaks i have concerns whether the alternative a is too close to that site and may not be an issue i guess i wanted to raise those concerns if we have kayakers and others out in the water if it present hazards you know exploring a site might make more sense he appreciate the analysis but like to get perhaps more community feedback so we can move forward with whatever decision and certainly financing is an issue as well, that may factor in on some levels but i guess as always i'd like to have a better pathway to you making sure the funding is there from various sources i want to make sure we have incorporated that information and issue as well p with that said i support the ferry landing project somewhere in the area and expanding the water taxi service make sure we get the community support as early as possible we're all on the same page moving forward. >> commissioner kounalakis. >> thank you okay. so i just want to understand according to the staff report you're coming back on june 14th to ask for solicitation of jerry services and that based on this report it is recommend that the location is alternate a so this rfp would only be for location a or look at other locations too. >> for the rfp there last year including two different locations. >> hi commissioners i'm joe structural engineer for the port we worked on this to answer our question the rfp is going to ask for a design consultant to come in and look at the 2 sites 16th street the preferred site and possibly a site one hundred feet to the north we will we are requesting the consultant to do extensive community outreach. >> right but the consultant will do extensive community outreach like two side versus you're looking at 0 showing so for a handful of them. >> we'll looked at and nobody likes the site at north 44 we call south street a general consensus on 16th street and go one hundred feet north to stay away from this site in the trigger the need for a breakwater. >> okay. >> if i could speak to the process is so as you see on the schedule this is a very long project to implement we're hoping to streamline the schedule but because of permitting issues hopefully to streamne and from the community outreach that has been done to date a lot of consensus around the 16th street location the preferred passenger site and the preferred site located to transit needs, etc. so big our engineering study was looking at 9 other alternatives from a cost from a dredge and from a tames and the community - the public needs to be involved we agree we think a long project in the consultant will engage the community to stakeholders both on some of the issues that and mr. sanchez brought up related to operations in close correspondence with rita how will be questions devoted into as well as other questions the consult the scope includes a robust component we're here to talk about the engineering study it looked at locations from as i said a dredge environmental prospective but we are just beginning f this project that has a very robust community participation. >> right my point you're starting on outreach having predetermined the location. >> yes. >> and the reason being there is engineering components that bear on the site selections to get tote preferred site that is the preferred spot for the public is a way to narrow in and vaps what otherwise is angle even longer project. >> commissioner vice president brandon. >> yeah. >> thank you so much for this presentation i having a lot of questions for the formulated them i guess my case first one we're looking at the the site for a ferry landing is this the only ferry landing we'll have on the southern waterfront. >> that's a great question so rita race hsa a plan relative to the infrastructure this is on the plan i think this is certainly a piece of infrastructure we want in the southern waterfront it doesn't preclude but looking for the ferry landing and taxi landing in this location but not preincludes other infrastructure for the end water taxi. >> so i guess i'll wondering they're their coming up with a collaborative effort and make sure that transportation is along the southern waterfront has this been taking into consideration when looking at the entire waterfront it is very expensive so, i mean are we're going to spend $40 million in two or three locations link the southern waterfront or one and is this the ideal site. >> well, if i can answer part of that question as far as the cost i was shocked also (laughter) adopt ferry terminal 10 years was $13 million for two different piers and i was informed today that the extension the downtown ferry terminal rita is project managing and funding he tell him this is a $080 million for two beshts so we took a site to the san francisco san francisco and hope that's the right name of the facility of the ferry facility we did down there was a .32 or $33 million project. >> no structure in that note much. >> there is quite a structure. >> the one by those take care point. >> yeah. >> are relooking at doing others since so much development on the southern waterfront. >> this is an excellent question we know that is a piece of extra that is warden bans the footprint coming in and the number of riders predicted but we'll get you an answer to the leaguer plan for the southern waterfront and how this infrastructure fits into the plan. >> it was mentioned this 3. $5 million is a drop in the bucket so ultimate who will pay for the project. >> so we are looking not to pay for the project to be totally blunt it is not something the ports capital budget can sustain but wanted to advance the project so are looking for trigger a tiger grant and perhaps ice tea fund and state sources and private contributions to build the infrastructure never mind of how it is maintained we are in conversation to answer those questions but we do not anticipate port contributions in the operation and maintenance of the ferries that come into the landing more happen the port paying for the infrastructure beyond this 3. $5 million. >> and so i feel you can brief the other community groups that should a say i think that will be great to have conversations before you come back to us. >> okay. >> commissioner katz. >> so in terms of my comments i think you've addressed the concerns that was if we are bringing in some consultants that they have a little bit of that flexibility i guess that's what i was concerned about sort of this predetermination before we start getting into the site and maybe as. >> is a difference of one hundred feet you answered my concerns which is there will be a flexibility built into the next phase as we go out to the consultant that is perhaps my concern and you answered that who is paying for us i'm glad it's not us i'll repeat that note us to the extent we do - we'll be doing additional briefing in the community that had been useful information but i think we want to emphasize that but back to your point just clarifying there will be a flexibility for some adjustment that can be taqueria we bring in the team that spends significant - >> absolutely our goal is to have site the best site and . >> make that point in communities outreach there are reasons for limiting two of the sites right out of the box for a lot of reasons you in the community will appreciate but recognizing there is flexibility still as we go forward. >> thank you. >> yeah. my comments clearly there has not been enough public comment i want to see it slow down and have transparency i don't think we need to bring june 14th i don't why we can't wait until july not going gone through the process of public comment and the first one the public will think we're hoodwinking them we need transparent and commissioner vice president brandons questions have not been answered we need homework he hope we wait until july we went through 9 process and the true public comment the public has gotten their input and this is your responsibility as commissioners not to push something else through we want public transparent so i will ask we i'll see what my fellow commissioners have to say but you'll agree june next week most we can wait until july and talk about and get the questions answers through the public process thank you. >> thank you can i just say. >> i'm sorry can i say that the staff is able to do the community outreach and ready for june 14th that's fine but that if not we'll hopeful move it to july. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> item 12 b authorization for the advertise of competitive bids crane could have bids and sit project. >> good afternoon commissioner president adams and commissioners and intern director foreclosures i'm stephen the project manager in the engineering division with david we're co-managing the crane cove project with the design and implementation the item before you is to request commission authorization to advertise for competitive bids for construction contract number 2740 crane cove surcharge and preparation this construction site prepares it for phase one of crane cove and the subsequent will be the completion port commission one of the ports blue gray projects an open space in the union works historical ports a design update was presented by david gray in october 2015 the commission approved the park master plan and ceqa community plan exceptions the commission was briefed on the plan to deliver the phase one by 2018 phase one is currently in its final design and funded at 31. $5 million $21 million of which 2008 and 2012 clean and safe obligation bonds is expected to include the northern shoreline and beach repurposing of the slipway in tequila park the large open green and the jooitd extension and georgia connection to 20 to deliver the project staff choice multiple contract to shortly the overall schedule and provide for opportunity for construction firms the first construction contract will prepare the site work includes demolition of buildings 671 on the illinois street and 699 and buildings number thirty and 40 of the shipyard. >> sit clean up and miscellaneous demolition rough upgrading of the future 19th street and the open green adjacent to illinois street and surcharging the future 19th street and plaza in order to preconsolidate the soil with the final improvements that given under separate contract and dismantling and storage on site and the permit of foundation for crane 14 and thirty the engineers cost estimate is $6 million plus include the 10 percent contingency the contract monitoring division has established a local enterprise sub contracted in 26 percent for the contract and the contract will comply that the local hive which currently requires thirty percent of contract hours within each pride parade trade by city residents no longer 15 percent of hours performed by disadvantaged workers staff will advertise this month returning for the commission for an award in august if no commission meeting in july and complete the contract in may of 2017 the advisement will be outreach to the local business enterprises the next construction contract for the remainder of fathers and mothers will be expected for bid next year in summary staff is prepared to seek competitive bids and respectfully ask for advisement the construction bid will be crane cove park surcharge project that concludes my presentation. both david and i are available to answer questions. >> so moved. >> second. >> any public comment on item 12 p? going once, going twice public comment is closed. >> commissioner kounalakis. >> no, i don't of any questions. >> commissioner katz. >> no questions. >> i think this is great congratulations (laughter) move forward. >> great work stephen. >> thank you being no more commissioners questions or comments. >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? resolution 1620 passes unanimously next item, please. >> >> 13 a presentation for the city of san francisco office of economic workforce development on the southern waterfront mission bay central bayview and candle stick ore and a areas for the community and citywide re a the community and citywide and e community and citywide areas f community and citywide investment. >> good evening commissioner president adams and members of the commission i'll diane with the planning and development division i'm just providing a brief introduction to the informational presentation that will be provided by ken rich, lou and my case from oewd who are the ports partners for our major projects that we're proposing south finding the mission baseline and the pier 70 for the city project it is opportune this item shares on the same agenda with so much that is going on along the southern waterfront where we have a mix of maritime industrial uses and cargo port operations as well as our brand new parks we're trying to plan and new water transportation facilities all of these pieces are part of a southern bay front strategy that oewd is leading and collaboratively with all the city departments and private investment partners that are proposing major projects along the southern bay front shoreline each projects are complicated and multi faceted kind of big management issues in and of itself but together they create a critical mass that opens up new opportunities to criteria improvements that will benefit the southeast san francisco communities overall and to that stent we are really happy to have the oewd staff to present that presentation one thing to direct your attention on the foot not on page 2 where we referenced the pier 80 to 96 maritime eco industrial tragest document all of the efforts the port has been making frankly commissioner vice president brandons tenure it is a long journey together to really create the closer masterminded operations and the industrial activities around that and the southern bay front strategy even though this is welcoming in a lot of new neighborhood development in the southeast san francisco area is doing that in a cooperated effort to the industrial preservation that are part of the stir policies are integrated so i think that amy has the information with that, let me introduce ken rich thank you. >> thanks diane and good afternoon, commissioners excuse me - we're pleased to be to give you this report in an effort to p has been gentlemen's t in a area of the city with the geography graphic names of the ones floating around step back and look at the san francisco waterfront from the lower left we suggest you on about the waterfront in 4 zones moving constriction under the federal control in the red and green with a little bit 6 rec and park for the green and those areas you'll see little chipping in change in the future and the blue we think of when we imagine the san francisco waterfront this, of course, is obviously entirely at waterline and the subject of planning that the port is doing around at land use plan and the liberal changes that be present but limited in the future which leaves the last zone in yellow strvp in apartment to the southern border of the city this is part of the waterfront we'll see most changes but if not most observers about welcome the idea of change as long as the plan is for the benefit of the surrounding neighborhood that focuses on how to manage changes in the right way so if you zoom in you see the key point this is already a place where people will and work but see the most growth how do we manage and shape this for the good of the city and at the same time the good of the already existing just a minute neighborhoods the fact is most of large-scale development we'll see in the southern bay front is the on the horizon in some form whether in implementation hunters point candle stick point and the ports two large projects pier 70 and joint mission rock and the end india baseline and kind of point that that is a hart hard one to say and to underscore that, please look at the compelling strategies in the large-print we'll see 20 thousand new honors and 6 seven hundred had been affordable housing you'll see 35 jobs of various kinds and as much as 5 hundred and 20 new acres of open space ms. visually all the open space the new open space the city will see in the for seeable future a couple of the projects as i mentioned are approved in implementation that is on this slide in the light red but 5 large proposed projects to be proposed and the two are the two large port projects those projects will transformer the industrial land with new commercial activity those investments we believe are inherently beneficial to the city we're focused on cleaning as much of the value as possible to our neighborhood and residents sorry i went good soon. >> all of those projects will be coming in front of this commission as the bed-and-breakfast notably as negotiated not only the two port pronlz but the other non-projects we expect and coming to you for approval in the next couple of years we're proposing and the remainder of this presentation will be the negotiating framework for those projects we we negotiate the public transportation open space and affordability we think statement billion all the proj as a whole and other decision makers one-on-one understanding what we are negotiating so i'll bring up my colleague at this time to takeaway take thank you through the major topic areas where we've negotiated. >> thanks ken hi, i'm leah and ken discussions our negotiations framework will cooperate the investment into a number of key focused areas at the bottom of the slides and each slide will go through those in details fourth amendment affordable housing it is a critical area we want to direct the project investment to achieve a 33 percent will know affordability cross all the projects that had result in over 65 hundred units of affordable housing and most critically a direct impact on the existing residents through the neighborhood preference program which allows for 40 percent of those unite to go directly to residents this one effort will have a huge impact on existing residents that seek affordable housing the next area is sea level rise this commission has demonstrated and knows the city is commented to protecting vulnerable community from sea level rise those developments will play a significant roll in this effort not only will they adopt loves of the waterfront by raising the grades and including long term adaptation strategies but be able to cooperate with city efforts to provide long term wide strategies that have the potential to protect this entire waterfront i know that you are familiar with the city's sea level rise action plan that image is taken from the plan as you can see the significant plans on the southern waterfront shoreline. >> for transportation transportation investment is a critical component for existing and future resident of the southern bay front the good news the city is already working to meet this demand with new project online as early as next week negotiation this slide demonstrates all the investments the city through the end of 2020 as you can see here we have new rapid bus corridor along the southern part of district we have the opening of the extra subway and the extension of the light rail pleaded to improve the t third along the corridor and caltrain electrification if you skip ahead to the next decade between 2020 and 2030 as you can see we will have additional rapid bus corridor and key entering module and caltrain extension and hopefully the scombrt ferry landing paired with other ferry landing planned throughout the bay we can talk about if we put that together and look at the whole picture as you can see the payment it is implemented on top of that in the purple arrows the city is engaging in long term picture efforts to plan for major regional improvements as much as like even though transbay two and the core capacity improvement a significant host of improvement coming online to address the displaced the question how did the proposed projects fit into that picture well, through collaboration with each other and through negotiation with the city the projects are channel their transportation obligations together so they'll have a large impact than individually for example, the collections will improve neighborhood infrastructure as much as streetscape improvements, this is a especially important for projects that are directly adjacent to one another like the pier 70 and the energy projects their streetscape improvement can cooperate for better improvements for the residents 9 second area of channeled investment into transit operation this includes the improvements attorney alleges to the light rail fleet that enhance the operation of the t third and include ferry network operations make sure that the questions we're address earlier making sure a good water transportation network to go compliment the land side and finally we wanted to plan for the future so again, we want to make sure those developments projects are take into consideration when the city is planning for the long term efforts hike the second transbay these projects have the potential of nine hundred and 20 new acres of open space half the size of golden gate park a significant amount of open space for the city our negotiating framework will coordinate to help with the connectivity so this means we are hoping to create a waterfront that is significantly pubically assessable we want to create open spaces that are connected to one another where possible and create the connections to existing community to those to the water and this will build on the framework the spearheading the network and finally, the last piece to create a urban if i had approach to the programming and have a unified stage to have cohesion through the open spaces that is acknowledging each the open spaces maybe managed and owned under the unique and different agreement by a co-he has approach to the entire network. >> on sustainability working towards the achievement of a high-level of sustainability they'll be revising for the first and foremost they'll be creating new revitalized assess it used the technology and utility systems and will persian the envelope part of that they're big master plan projects have the process of these forward open this will provide long termville benefits for the whole district. >> because those are individually negotiated and unique we need to address the kind of the public amenity that the city you'll city residents need like fire station and grocery stores we engage in the analysis so we can make proper accommodation as the neighborhood grows and changes and then lastly only office of economic workforce development each of the projects will make candidates to workforce development in construction and professional services in close partnering with oewd and city build additionally as ken mentions those projects have the potential to create 35 new jobs across a multiply uses we want to enhance and make sure we're creating the diversity of the employment opens the main easier we'll focus oufrp ore effort and i'm going to turn it over to to mike martin to take us through the rest of the presentation. >> good afternoon mike martin very excited to be talking about this this will talk about tactic what we've heard through the process not only how we organ and target those benefits but grow the pie and get more out of the developments than we otherwise would this slide follows what the port does and pier 70 so at the top 3 circles 3 tactical tools melrose special tax infrastructure financing and lives impact fees take into account all of ways to pay for public severing infrastructure and public benefits in ways that don't take away from remand value you've seen this as the mortuary development in the term have special actions and i f p to pay for the infrastructure and keep the land for the ports benefit we would like to take this strategy to the private investment and have a sort of a negotiation around creating values through building what they'll otherwise build on their private capital sources using those sources and taking the value that is created and trying to share that efficiently over things we need to do like more housing affordability and transportation improvements so that the public segment didn't have to carry only the burdens and taking some of the impact fees towards the neighborhood that generate them we show the link to those growing displaced and to improve those network one of the key ones is the sustainability fee so i think those strategies together hopefully, will allow us like i said to grow the pie all the development are along the waters edge along the southern bay front and sea level rise is an consideration overseeing vemsdz themselves will be protecting their own build out as the investment to will and work there we want to structure the finest mechanisms to once the initial infrastructure is paid out still be available to go towards adaptation not only for the vendors but for the neighboring areas a network of sea level rise protection and instead of people asking where w why are you developing this is a reason he'll bring resources to champion it, it is under resources get our arms around with the sea level rise study, etc. we're excited about the opportunity. >> thank you to the port for the leadership and showed us and give our partners confidence the thinking we're doing can be effectively implemented there. >> again, i think we're recapping at the end i'm the lucky one that gets the recap this slide shows you whatless coming we have to get ahead of for the benefit of all the projects in terms of where the investments are going this is the schedule i think although is it so moving it drove the interagency effort we see the kittens others at the 2015 and, 2018 we're before the will policy making body talk about the context so we feel like we've gotten a good start this is the next step of getting out of the word and engaging the commission and the public to understanding what we need to do to make those successful policy conversations and this is a bit of a roster the city departments i'll have to say is it so exciting to have those discussions outside the context of the timeline and trying to get in front of the board of supervisors and take a step back back and see where the treads connect we're excited to update this commission as we move forward so with that, i think that's the end of the presentation. >> i think we'll be ready for any questions thank you. >> public comment corinne woods i don't have any other cards if anyone else wants to speak from the public after corin you are welcome to the come to the mike. >> is it okay i don't speak at all now every time i'm really, really pleased to see this coordination i know this is a fabulous idea i'm really glad oewd is taking the lead on this i'm working on probably 5 different projects in this area and it is also been a big question how to coordinate how did you bring it altogether so that pier 70 is not doing something that doesn't make sense for mission bay over and over the sea level rise lots or whatever some developers are more how do i say this - >> cooperative in terms of what they want to do and do it and having it a coherent plan is fits together really make sense a lot of us in particular south beach, mission bay, dog patch and castro have been working for a couple of years at least on trying to figure out we're already behind the eight ball on a lot of these things the central waterfront and the eastern neighborhoods plan not capture with rezoning we don't center plans and open space we don't dr. a lot of the benefits and having a coherent plan for the future hopefully, we'll get on track the neighborhoods have been that meeting with the mta, with the ball park transportation corresponding committee needs a new name about the already existing problems we what we expect in the future i'm hoping we can take from this a community outreach plan that is also interagency and brings in more than just each little neighborhood so that everybody knows what the big issues are dog patch has it's priorities so does mission bay but we've got to fit together i'm going to look to ken and mike all of the this group to figure out a way to bring it not only to the community but from the community back because we do know what some of the problems are we know the fight we've had and how hard to get transit and how hard to get open space this is great. >> thank you. >> (laughter). >> thanks corin peter albert would you like to come up and say something all the time you've put in. >> thank you peter from mta i actually share co-sponsor rinses enthusiasm i wish i were staying other than around for the next level but the waterfront transportation assessment was a forerunner the idea this is not helping the community when you put them together you get more the quantitative of quantify that was out in the presentation he love the presentation on the ferries with you on about ferries you don't think about boats eve wherever they'll dock and how the busses sga interface we're talked about the shipyard and them with the mission bay i can point out that the ferry terminal is an idea in the mission bay plan what we lacked as a conversation was this kind of comprehensive overall i want to point out it is interesting to be from mta and be sort of the ringleader for so much transportation than mta that is a golden gate and caltrain they're creating a rich environment if you were a developer i would love the opportunity so have an conversation to make sure the dollars i'm spending with helping everybody's quality of life get better it sound rosy but this is maybe as mike said that rare opportunity not to try to chase the developments but lead the conversation i have to tell you i have great staff to pick up you'll be meeting carli and so the staff but staff following up on the agreement with a promise those transportation corridors showed in the hunters point the bus rapid and the links the pedestrian networks those things are happening because they're committed and now staff following up on the commitment i leave you in very good hands i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> if you like. >> any more public comment. >> seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner kounalakis >> thank you very much for coming down additional making this presentation for a newcomers like myself i'll read this and bring it home and read it thoroughly i was struck by some things you have in our presentations one of the slides you show various financing options for the new development go on down there the community facilities district melrose district, infrastructure district and what i think i heard you say towards the end once those are in that place their might be an opportunity to use the district to raids fund for the seawall i'm wondering be could you talk a little bit about this the closer property to be included it made me wonder has there been facilities at the port that benefits overseeing promotions that were funded by fund raised through those districts in the past for instance, a new ferry terminal could that be derive i a two part question from the infrastructure district one is have they been used to improve the port property for something like the new proposed ferry terminal at scombrt and what do you mean how does that work to work with the district as part of a long term solution for a seawall. >> thank you for the question mike martin of it's okay. i'll take the first 0 let's see dollars two different tools we're talking about one of the melrose community facilities district a special tax an added tax above the normal tax the treasure island development pioneered this they're concerned about the sea level rise and basically, you, set up that district at the outset we have the authority to levy tax over time and set how long that tax is levied so its- they extended the time offer treasure island long enough to pay off the initial investment and have the taxing authorized and allowed this if you pay for the urban named shoreline protection so raising their birmz or other things that deal with sea level rise. >> as long as a nexus it is needed for improvements for the particular development. >> actually, the thing about the melrose didn't need to be touching the development you can make the argument is it so part of network but clearly discolored at the outset find the dollars that is not contiguous where the taxpayers pay this is different the port is actually achieved a board of supervisors policy to use the port ifd where this year dollars left over after the infrastructure build out those dollars will be available to improve the seawall so the initial build out that is paid off and the resources are available under the original formation to be used for this purpose to your other point those tools are able to be deployed for other facilities we have a great flexibility for transportation improvements not sure the ferry terminal is using them the challenge is this is very much an interest based negotiation with the developers and so i think we be definitely make the case on the dollars on the build out is benefiting them and the case that the shoreline question is in every development we're ask them to pay for something in addition to those things a negotiation it is a case to be made i think web heard a big challenge for 80 that ferry improvement is that a conversation that make sense we're open for that conversation with the developers and stir agencies, etc. we see value if it is not done in a clumsy way there's a reason we're having this conversation so the question there has been - >> the ability to use the tax increment is a new report and a new opening statements we have we started with relying on public-private pinching when the plan was adopted in 1997 and realized the projects were expensive and difficult to rely and not having this in the value to pay the port and pay for benefits and have a feasible project and working with brad benson and our legislative team we had the ability to use the tax increment that was not only on small projects but embarking on the mission rock and pier 70 with major infrastructure that needs to be built we have that ability we're embarking on this the only time we're aware of with the tax increment was used on port property was introduce the redevelopment agency process so rincon park a south beach included the port property and the southeast once we got back the agency no longer existed taxes increment was used but not by the port it was used to develop port property. >> now look i think this is definitely worth pursuing at least that one example of the ferry terminal if we look at this in the context in the southern bay front so support is it is certainly an amenity for the neighborhoods down there. >> commissioner katz. >> thank you very much very exciting and i think it is probably you've heard we look at the developments along the waterfront it is imperipheral we include to commercial 0 trilt transit i'm eye lime thrilled this is inform fruition and exciting we look at the opportunity for longs the southern waterfront there and like commissioner kounalakis and i are on the same page the funding opportunities and won thing that has struck me as was look at development not just around the city but made the city desirable all the ranks of using the term fall out broadly in housing to have the workforce hours and in between it is difficult i guess i'll say potentially looking at these other funding tools and seeing if there is a way a pool of money to be create that would support the developers in terms of you know providing that in between housing they claim is difficult to get people to move on this is a perfect opportunity. >> thank you for that comment we're virtual on that page the two projects the mission projects are leading right way in terms of that range of affordability from low to middle and we intend to do with that the other projects and anyone that follows affordable housing probably knows that is counterintuitive the moderate and middle income tax housing no subsidy but very much on the radar screens infrastructure finance districts are now eligible the new called efd created the vehicle for the state level we can use those more affordable housing i don't know exactly where it didn't go up to protecting but moderate we're definitely on the same page. >> i think colorado used this this telling ride a pool of people p but the funds helped them with down payments. >> weigh willing and intend to look at all different possibilities. >> and then echoing pesters comments it is hard certainly for me i don't want to say how many years i've listened to period of time in transportation you'll be thoroughly missed i can't believe you'll be leaving the city family but eluding to the retirement but i echo percent comments it is really exciting and the transit discussions we are having and certainly looking not just the trash bagge transit under mta but the multi modal opportunities and bicycles and for the plans along the blue greenway as people walk and create that kind of funds as well that falls undertook transportation in a way that people are using that has a we're creating work environments so close to where people are needing to get to work and it is often faster than when i'm in my car i want to thank you all and pleased that really creating something that is exciting for the city as a whole thank you. >> commissioner vice president brandon. >> thank you very much for the presentation wonderful it is very sxooift and i think that is something that is very much needed i commend you for putting this together and bringing it to us because it really going to benefit the southern bay front so once the strategies are developed then how will they be prioritized and implemented. >> so we're still you saw the schedule that mike showed we have time we are well into the negotiations with the two port projects and a much earlier stage for the non-port projects but what we'll intend to do we'll go back and doing i should have memories we were at planning commission and next the mta and maybe a couple of anothers we want to get through in 24 timeframe here we go we expect some interest in community-based groups and go back and prioritizing we don't have a set process but we would want to come back in front of the commissions and the public a little bit later to see this is how we're prioritizing and well, before you see a particular project with a deal in front of you, we want to say cross the southern bay front we want to see this much money on this transportation and want to see this open space and we want to start if we start with a picture of what happens across the waterfront maybe developer a can work with us on this and b on this we'll come back if a few months are a larger picture. >> first of all, ken i don't recognize i think you got a hair cut you were smiling and looked so young (laughter) but you know god i want guys i wanted to say this is awesome you have all the stakeholders together and i know this is not a sexy project a grind i know that and really appreciate it's a grind and so you're taken the southern waterfront in the flint stones to the jetsons a city on the grid and i like that and because when you have a group of people the left hand knows what the right hand is doing. >> thank you, mike and others for working i hope you'll get back in front of us i want to see you before the end of the year this is exciting how things workout and korea run and they are going to be because you taking did community with you that's good we're asking for transparency and supportive i mean that is awesome so hopefully, we'll get to see you guys before the end of the year and thank you for your involvement in the pasha project that is so good for district 10 and the residents you were not here at the last meeting but i'm hoping that a lot of the young kids can put down their guns and make a contributions and appreciate what you said about affordable housing being this is the most expensive city to live in and you consider the transportation i know that commissioner vice president brandon has issues i know one of the questions she asked elaine what the ferry will be used for everyone in the southern waterfront i think if we can get for cars off the road more water taxis and definitely to is on the road of thinking outside the box and appreciate the heavy lifting please get back in front of us before the end of the year. >> peter thank you, my friend for all our work i hope you don't go away this port commission we can use your input hope you be up here with corin beating us to death to make sure we're doing the right thing. >> item 14 new business. >> i heard we want to have oewd before the years end to talk about the southern bay front and be sure to do that no other new business. >> i have one question for diane and maybe elaine too you know the working waterfront group as a commissioner the mayor oversees our attendance records and a lot of people were dye do goat on the waterfront group i've seen some of the minutes and a lot of people are not coming to the working waterfront after raising hell excuse me - the express diane and byron you go home late at night for putting in time i looked at several the minutes some of the people on the working waft group have not been to three or four meeting if they don't want to be all in please replace them with someone in the community your late night show up please i want them off the committee let someone that wants to come and give their time. >> thank you. >> so heard. >> i move to adjourn. >> second. >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> 545 >>

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