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Is minimize this so that way you can go here and you want to click where you want it to go. You want to be in the yellow. Where they want it an it will transmit to them. Because if you have drawn it twice perhaps Environmental Review is required of this project. Thank you. Supervisor ronin. Ronin. Let me remind members of public pleas use your spirit fingers and be clear during the time when we did a accommodations that was to honor folks. So that appropriate. Thank you for your cooperation. Speaker good afternoon. Member of the board. Im lisa gibson acting Environmental Review officer is for the Planning Department. Thank you supervisor ronin for youre questioning an sharing your thoughts on the progression of this project. An for stating your concerns regarding the where we have landed today. I want to acknowledge on behalf of the Planning Department that we did not anticipate until today that we would come to the conclusion of rescinding the categorical exam shun. We did so after consideration of the fact that before us an id like to briefly recount what we know about the process an file of the exemption that is before was before the board today. So. The categorical exception for the project at the 35163526 folsom street is addressed project that included construction of 2 single families homes on 2 vacant lots along the west side of unimproved portion of folsom street to provide Utility Vehicle an Pedestrian Access to the site. Repeal response dated december 5, 2016 responding in detail to the issues raised in the november 14, 2016 appeal letter. Our response indicated that the Planning Department continued to find that the project fits within the categorical exam shun and that the appellate had to the provided reasonable possible the project would have an affect on the environment due to unusual circumstances. Appellant cents in 2 supplemental appeal letters that are not address in the our appeal respond. One was the supplemental letters dated december second and the other is dated december 12. There is information in appeal letters that includes a concern that construction generated ground vibration related to excavation an bedrock could negatively impact the inn {teg} activity of the pipeline 109 in proximity to areas where gound disturbance would occur. The Planning Department agrees this concern mayor receipts further investigation accordingly we rest send cad ex so the Planning Department would have the opportunity to have additional analysis of reasonable possibility of significant environmental effect due to unusual circumstances. And we are specifically feeling that the area in which we need to {p} could duct further analysis is related to potential vibratory impact. And i guess i would if i may. Speaker supervise or i would just say your admission this letter was dated december 12. Today is january 24. So this is not new information. This is information that has been in the record for quite some time. Again, im going to doubly express my frustration and i would just say that if you perhaps more Environmental Review is required of this project because if you are finding that theres an unusual circumstance that requires Additional Investigation on the Environmental Impact of this project perhaps a cad ex is not appropriate. Thank you. [bettina shuford ] thank you and seeing no other names on the roster we will move forward with this particular hearing. We will probably need to tackle this item is there a motion on the floor to table the item . [bettina shuford ] madam president you will take Public Comment . [bettina shuford ] yes after motion. Thank you. Since ed cad ex was withdrawn i will table the item. [bettina shuford ] supervisor made a motion to table. Is there any member of public who specifically would like to talk about the table link of the item . Unfortunately we will not be able to hear any comment specific to the project only the table link. Thank you please come forward. [bettina shuford ] my name is cathy angus. Im co chair of the burn height organization. We only deal with a few laws. Well a number of laws lots that are vacant north of pow what the an street in bernal height for the last 25 years. This is the only the second time he appealed anything to the board of supes an weve been working on it for years. And weve been here over and over. Weve been to the Planning Commission over an {o fr} because of the it was rescind. There is new concerns an new concerns and we dont really understand why an Environmental Review is not required at this point. It makes more sense to us i had to get subs for 4 days this year so i can come to hearings. It seems really unfair. And so we feel that im pretty sure speak for all the people that have been working for us it is time to just say we need Environmental Review. We dont have to come back an discuss. We need to get the Environmental Review. So. I just wanted to make that statement. And hope that you will agree. Thank you very much. [bettina shuford ] next speaker please. [bettina shuford ] good afternoon supervisor. Shawn. I too would like to echo my frustrations. Everything to do with this pipeline the size, the bulk the density the pressure. The code of safe practices the regulations the policies the procedures the location. Including the safe practices are above an beyond any of your expert {taoesz} {z}. We have an entire section of our government that regulates this. Its called pg e. And weve been here 2 years now. Waiting for 2 Single Family houses. Who can explain that to the mother of these children . Where they are going to live an whats going to happen here . All because {tkpwafs} line be a which the projects sponsors have agreed to follow the regulations. The policies the procedures and the code of safe practices implemented by pg e the experts. And if they are agreeing to follow those and we are agreeing that its ground vibrations [arentaround] that pipe where is the problem . We would gladly volunteers these procedures be we are not the experts. I can think of some. We can wrap in this concrete an put steel plates on them but we are not the experts and we respect that pg e is the {spaerpbts} nobody can get this project to pg e until it leaves this room. My voice of frustration. Speaker thank you and let me remind members of the public that this is Public Comment specifically on the tabling of this item. And so if you can keep your comments specifically to the purpose of what the tabling specifically as it relates to the context of the larger item that would be appreciated. That you think. [bettina shuford ] my name is linda

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