I mean a long, long time and i know what shes capable that i know what shes capable of you commissioners go behind closed doors and dont have i know not educated on items those kinds of issues legally you can play ball with pg e in fact, pg e and all the deliberations we attempt to do they trap us they trap us and theyll go dmrts puck Public Utilities commission and i think his name was we they could do whatever they want to oh, well work with you hell say what we want to hes got all the clot to do wrong you go behind closed doors and before the attorney it will read all those things and give who is saying not to delay those things none of you will shes got legal let me see i served in the army i know what the hell im talking about so go do what you have to do according to the brown act they give us sometime to Say Something we dont have the information before us i dont care all i can say a create a block for you thank you. Is there any additional Public Comment ill entertain a motion closed session. Were back in open session. During closed session the commission took no action can i have a motion on whether to dloushs any all in favor, say i. I. Opposed . That item passes any other new business for the commission. Thank you all this meeting is adjourned immigrant Rights Commission meeting and special hearing on impacts of federal policies and immigration executive orders on immigrant and communities. My name is kennelly chair the commission and delighted to see so many here this afternoon. At this point i like to call the meeting to order. I would like to welcome commissioners and members the public to this special hearing. We will attend to a few business items first then starting the special hearing on the impacts of federal policies and immigration executive order. We also like to welcome the newest member the commission, mrs. Roy. We are delighted to have you for your First Commission meeting. Recently appointed by the board of supervisors. Welcome. We look forward to your par tisitation and leadership with the commission and it is very special this is your first meeting. Copal housekeeping items before we begin. Cell phone silenced please. Invited speakers will be given 3 minutes to provide testimony. Members the public receive 2 minutes. There will be a bell that will sound ot30 seconds on the count down to zero and when your time is up there will be a double bell so ask you to please work within the parameter oz thf timelines. We are excited we have wonderful attendance this afternoon. We have a lot of good information and testimony to get through and want to be fair across dh board with everybody. At this point, will the clerk call the roll . Fuentes, present. Chair quenelley, here. Commissioner kong. Commissioner maldanado, here. Vice chair pause, here. Commissioner romanenko, here. Commissioner roy, here. Commissioner wang is excused and commissioner wong, here. The commission has a quorum. Thank you, clerk. Our first item of business is approval of the minutes from the march 13, 2017 full Commission Annual planning retreat. Any corrections or edit tooz the minutes, colleagues . If you have not yet had a moment to look at them, they are in your packets. Hearing no question or ed lts, a motion to approve the minutes of march 13, 2017 . So moved. Thank you, commissioner. Do i have a second . Sec. Commissioner wang. All those in favor . Aye. The motion passes unanimously. If you speak into your micro phones, make sure they are in front of yourthank you. Thank you. So, our next action item is approval the amendments to the bylaws. Commissioners at the last meeting on march 13, the Commission Approved minute to the irc bylaws but a few typo squz couple formatting errors were identified so this item is up for approval again this evening. The amended bylaws are in your packet. Again, are there any questions about the edits to the amendsed bylaws and thank you to commissioner romanenko. We know the editing was your skill, thank you for bringing it to the floor. So, do we have any questions or comments on the bylaws as presented . Hearing none, is there a motion to approve the edits to the amened bylaws . I like to make a motion to approve the amendments. Thank you. Is there a second . Second. Commissioner maldonado. All those in favor . Aye. Any opposed . Hearing none, the motion passes. Thank you all colleagues. The next item on the agenda is staff updates. Beginning with we will be addressing our Commission Planning our Anniversary Event and our may 8 full commissioner meeting. Director kong will provide update oznen Anniversary Event and meeting. Thank you, chair. Commissioners, just two very quick items. Planning for the irc 20th anniversary we will contact you and have to notice the meeting and some of you have already signed up to be on the committee, but if you have a interest serving on the Anniversary Committee please see staff after the meeting. We are targeting june 12, 2017 to celebrate and looking now at venueseter at the board Memorial City hall or nearby venue. We will be in touch. I believe commissioner fuji signed up for that committee. And then on the neighborhood meeting, you had asked staff to follow up. We made request to the district 9 Supervisors Office to partner with the irc for may 8, 2017 full commission meeting. This is a neighborhood meeting scheduled to be in district 9 and we will confirm that with the executive committee as soon as we heard back from the Supervisors Office. If yoi have questions please see staff. Thank you, director. Any questions or comments on either of those events . Nope. Commissioner fuge e, thanks for signing frup the anniversary planning committee. I encourage any other commissionersthis is a big year celebrating 20 years of service and looking forward to recognizing this 20 years in june and looking forward to participation with some of the city leadership also. Our elected officials and hopefully or mayor. So, we look forward to that. At this point, we shall move on to begin the special hearing on impacts of federal policies and immigration executive orders on immigrants and communities. Please notion the session is sell vised. If you wish to be speaked but not wish to be televised notify the clerk jamie prier to speaking and sfgov will do a wide angle shot as such. If you need language assistance we have interprets on site for chinese and spanish which were requested in advance. Since the election and the start of new president ial administration we in San Francisco and many other jurisdictions arounds the country have been disappointed and shauckd by thuproach of level and negativity at the law biding immigrants low income communities and immigrants. The immigrants right commission will not stand for mistreatment and disrespect of our people who face unthinkable hardships barrier jz challenges while seeking the opportunities to be special lives for them sevl jz families. We are all americans who seek the same thing, safety, freedom, opportunity, and the ability to thrive and con tribute back to society. So, on behalf of commissioner we thank you Community Service provider jz members who came tonight share storys. You are truly our inspiration. We will begin with invited testimony from Community Service organizations and experts and this will be fallowed by Community Members. If you have not already done so please fill out the green speaker cards. Melissa is holding one up. If you would like to speak and hand those to staff and you will be called in order of submission. Vice chair paz will cofacilitate with me from this part on. We will call 5 names at a time, so please line up or ready to come the the podium when your name is called and please identify yourself by saying your name before speaking. So, we are going to begin our first five are, odd reyamo moteo from Asian Pacific fund. Loranya [inaudible] from safe action bay area. Eliseia [inaudible] from advances justice asian law caucus. [inaudible] and sam moss from Mission Housing. And Carla Larsson [inaudible] from lurosamunity resource center. I apologize if i mispronounced your name and stand to be corrected. Mrs. Yam moteo welcome and thank you for joining us. Thank you for having me and you pronounced my name correctly. Audrey yom motto and delighted to represent the Asian Pacific fund. A Community Foundation dedicated to improving lives of Asian Pacific islanders. We distriblted 1. 3 millin in grants and scholarships and feel it is important for the commission to be aware of the unique needs of the api community often hidden from view given the portrayal of the model minorities. 4 out of 5 ethnic gripes with highest poverty is api. Have the highest percentage of subsidized housing in San Francisco is qu 27 percent have less than high school education. While we are the Fastest Growing racial gruch less than 1 percent of Foundation Funding in the bay area goes toward organizations serving our asian communeny. Now more than ever we need advocates like all you committed to insuring the immigrant communities have access Student Support and opportunities. A few key concerns for those who we serve for you to keep in mind during the times of uncertainty are first the impact of severe funding cuts. The scarsty offunding is always a concern of nearly ever nonprofit the implication of the budget cuts and executive orders creates anxiety. Doing what you can to protect funding for San FranciscoNonprofit Community is vital and as a step sharing any information becoming available will help nonprofits understand the true impact on programs and services. Second, looking for ways to step up Civic Engagement. Last month the fund impartnership hosted convening for 70 executive director and partners thrivejug surviving in the new political realty. A Common Thread is increase the ult to mobilize and advocate. Know the api community is motivated now more than ever to come together and fight and be heard. Finally thrrks is a concern from our youth to continue to commitment for justice and equality. Through the Signature Program called growing up unAsian American we receive 500 entries from k12 stud rnts across the bayair eye in response to had theme, letter to the senator. This is in celebration of comluharris as the first inian american elected. It is clear our youth are concerned about justice and equality which is captured in a quote from a 12 glaird. We claim to achieve equality, however, while the progress is admirable the Journey Towards justice is long and ard ws and still a work in progress. I look forward to tat day know is in our future, a day our radiance is unmarred by injustice rfx the day we as a country can stand together indivisible and invincible. The Asian Pacific fund is resource as you navigate the uncertain types invincible. Thank you very much for your testimony. What we will do commissioners, we are going to invite questions of our invited speakers after im hoping people can stay. I like to leave us go through the first 10 speaker jz open to questions if people have questions for individuals. If speakers if you can let us know if you need to leave just in case any the commissioners have questions for you, please, do so. We want to have a opportunity to engage with you and further develop the conversation. Our next speaker is lorana [inaudible] good afternoon. My name is loranya [inaudible] and it is a honor to be here in front of you. I want to thank you for this time and making space for our community to speak about what is happening right now. I work for faith and action bay area. We are part the network and are the Biggest National organization that does interfaith organizing. We are in about 22 states and have many many congregations that are members and here in San Francisco we are faith in action. I also work as a coordinator for the archdiocese of San Franciscos human life and dignity department and so we have been trying to figure what is the correct response so we can do a congregations of different faiths and as the archdiocese to respond what is happening right now. What we have seen and i have been working on immigrant rights for 15, 16 years doing know your rights and connecting people to resources. We have done that, but what we are seeing now that is different than before is it isnt just the people are anxious or nuvs nervous or confused, the fear turned into panic and literally it is not just the pairpts parents also the children. In our congregation serve immigrant people especially latino, filipino is what we see more in our catholic congregations the story ez from the parent isnt just what they are thinking but what will hap toon my child if im detained. When we do had know your rights trainings what happens if immigration comes to the door or where can i apply for my papers but the number one question now is where is the affidavit of care . What do i do if they come to my door and what will happen to my child. We see kids crying and parents iis aing tell my child it will be okay. Not just as a personal work in the community but as a mother i think what we are seeing right now is beyond any of our experience in the past. It will require something more than just the usual kind of response where we have the agency squz the service and legal providers, we need all that, but we also need to create spaces where we proclaim that the city and this county stand with immigrants and not just the city but the whole community and thats why we not open our congregation to do your know your rights and defend your rights former in collaboration with city and Community Agencies to do it but decided we open up space for citizens who are not target for immigration to use this energy, this outrage they are showing about the Current Situation and leaning to the moment and figure ways in which they are act. In all the years doing immigrant rights work i have never seen the response that we are seeing now from the non immigrant community. I think thats what we have been trying to do the most and think what we are building here in San Francisco can be a model for the rest the unt country. Not just what a sanctuary congregation is or sanctuary city is but what it looks to be as a sngerary as a people. We invested a lot of Time Training people regular folks from San Francisco to be the rapid responders or work wg the San Francisco immigrant Legal Education network hot line so the people that verify when somebody calls there is a raid somewhere. The First Responders that are coming within two minutes are actually regular folks from the community trained so we are creating a space for people not just leave to the agencies or the city but how do we as people in a city can also be the sanctuary. The other thing that we are training peep to do is become what we call a [inaudible] teams, but congregation and by neighborhoods for people to basically be trained to go to court, go to the ice checkins, to become familiarized with the family that is either has somebody detained or somebody going through a deportitation so they dont have to go alone. If they need money for rent we dont have to tap all the resources but can contribute toort to figure how to help a family. I just wanted to share that because i think the model we are creating in San Francisco will be useful for the rest the country in making a different call that is not just about passing legislation which is very important, but also about how do we as people who have beenare not targeted right now need to stand up and not stand on the side lines when people are in fear. It is the only way our children need to see squus see citizens proclaiming we are in fact a sanctuary and that is just not a law that stands on a piece of paper but something we have to live into. So, today for example we went to court with two individuals and then we went to ice checkin. The saddest part of this is most the people walking into the court rooms and they are walking into the ice office, they dont have representation. Here in San Francisco we have this wonderful model where we represent people either by locost or no cost but the rest the bay area comes to San Francisco to receive services and there isnt. We have one or two families and the rest the families walk without representation so encourage uswe are building the model of what a city should look like, what a county should be doing but spread the good news and figure out how to encourage other cities and other counties to do the same and to learn from us. So, thank you so much for everything and i hope that everything that we build here can not only stay in San Francisco but it goes around the nation. Thank you very much. Thank you lorana. I think you are right and we are seeing a very different scenario this time. I think our Broader Community is feeling the impact, it isnt just our imm