Went to some condo developer were actively looking. Is there a motion. Id like to make a motion i make a motion to send it to the full board with a positive recommendation. All right. Thank you how about with a positive recommendation and yes with a recommendation in the affirmative. Excellent without objection it passes madam clerk, is there any additional business to come before this body . Tha that completes the agenda for today. Thank you the meeting is adjourned light for our city an streets illuminating our ideas and values starting in 2016 the San FranciscoPublic Utilities commission is xhoefl that light with new led with the did i audits for better light for streets and pedestrian and theyre even better for this vitally lasting longer and consuming up to 50 Percent Less Energy upgrading takes thirty minutes remove the old street light and repeat 18 thousand 5 hundred times while our street lights will be improving the clean energy will remain the same every San Francisco street light is powder by 100 percent godfathers hetch hetchy power in one simple word serious as day turns i like to remind members of the public the commission does not tolerate any disruption. Please sounds mobile devices during thes persuadings. Id like to take roll call at this time. Commissioner Johns Matsuda turman, here. First on your agenda is general Public Comment. At this time members may address the commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter of the jurisdiction of the commission. Each member may address the commission to 3 min. I have no speaker cards. Does any member wish to speak on an item thats not on our agenda . If so, please come forward. Seeing none, and hewitt will close Public Comment is closed. Commissioners that are places under Department Matters item 1, directors announcements of good afternoon tim fry departments after the rectors bar was included in your package happy to answer any questions should you have them. Seeing none, commissioners item to review of past events of the Planning Commission staff report and announcement good afternoon tim fry Department Staff. For items to share with you. I have no formal report from the Planning Commission. However, a few items from recent board of Supervisors Committee hearings and board of supervisors hearings. On this monday, we along with the Mayors Office and the Entertainment Commission attended the Land Use Committee hearing regarding the lgbtq Cultural Heritage strategy in district proposed by resolution through supervisor weiner. There were no formal presentations by staff. However supervisor campos did intend and encourage whatever working group is put together that it reflect the diversity of the San Francisco and the community and we are actively working with the Mayors Office in ensuring that the list of names we supply to the supervisors to reflect that diversity. So as things progress and move along, we will give you periodic updates on the progress of getting the working group together. Then at the full board you may have seen in the newspaper supervisor peskin was sponsoring a resolution encouraging mta to attain the ban as you know this commission and Architectural Review Committee is encouraging mta to retain four of them that are in the civic center when mark disappeared however this resolution goes a step further in execute seeking solutions to attain all of them get will certainly give you an update on the progress of that effort as well as a final certificate of appropriateness is required for the project. That involves the trolley pole so that will be before you at the end the end of the year. So you will see that again for the four polls within the district that is correct. We anticipate they will have at that time youll have more to report on whether not they can maintain or save the remainder of the polls. Then, as you saw the most endangered list from the National Trust was released today and the embarcadero was listed as a feature that is endangered and as you know the couple numbers of the hpc are in a working group working with the port under longrange efforts. We certainly are happy to provide support to the port or this commission. To address the issues identified by the trust. Then, finally myself along with president wolfram were in anaheim last week to celebrate the California Preservation Foundation design awards. The Planning Department was recognized along with its consultants for the civic center landscape inventory. The lgbtq Historic Context statement was awarded the Trustees Award as sort of an exemplary context statement reflecting social and Cultural Heritage and or many other projects related to work this commission is involved in an Planning Department staff. So San Francisco was well represented and we again congratulate the award winners. We will have more information on the ceremony in your packets were in the directors report in the future dates. That concludes my comments. Unless you have any comments or questions. Commissioner hyland i want to add onto the embarcadero district district that is known 11 most dangerous list for the National Trust. It specifically the seawall and the threat of the seawall that has placed it on there, not only because of Sea Level Rise date because of the seismic issues related to its. That will help us get some more exposure to help us fix it. Thanks seeing nothing further commissioners we can use onto commission matters. Item number three president reports announcements the was no report or announcements today item for consideration of the drops in draft minutes for the a rc site visit for the september 21, 2016 in the draft minutes for the hpc september 21, 2016 commissioner hyland i wonder if we should continue the a rc site visit minutes until next meeting because it does nothing for flat what occurred that day these are a little premature i apologize was a followup that are a rc here in chambers as well as the members who were present is not quite correct. Maybe we should commissioner turman was not at the site visit and then [inaudible] commissioner hyland correct. She would take Public Comment . Yes. Any other comments on the other minutes or these are the only minutes we have . No. There is the regular hearing commissioner kronenberg i dont have it in front of me but it says which degrades representing it in organization. Its a liberty cafe. [crosstalking] [off mic] under item 6. Thank you. At this time well take Public Comment on the a rc Meeting Minutes of september 21 and a regular hearing of september 21. Does any member of the public was to comment on these . Seeing none, and hearing none, we will close Public Comments good to have a motion to continue and adopt . Continue the a rc and to correct theto reflect the meeting and approve the hpc minutes very good. Do i hear a second . Moved and seconded. On a motion to continue the a rc site visit minutes to october 19 and to adopt the regular hearing minutes for september 21 as corrected, commissioner hasz aye johns aye matsuda aye turman aye hyland aye and wolfram aye that motion passes unanimously 70. Commissioners places under item 5 per commissioner comments and questions. Commissioner johns thank you. Before todays hearing someone called me on one of the matters that is coming before the commission. I would just like to say thati say this to those in the audience and i hope everyone who will appear before the commission in the next three years who will be watching us today. I really dont like to get calls about matters that are coming before the commission and the reason i dont like to get them is that i like all the commissioners to be operating from the same set of facts and have the same information. So if someone feels that they need to get something, either in support or opposition to a project, to us after the packet has come out, the way i wish those people would do it is to send their comments to the Commission Secretary who can then distribute them. Then save whatever they have for the hearing and particularly important to me that it happened that way because if were all in the same room my fellow commissioners frequently asked questions and elicit information which i dont have and might not have thought about. I suspect thats true for all commissioners and if we can all do it together then we all have the benefit of each others wisdom. So thats my pontification for this afternoon. Thank you. Any comments or questions be one we can move on very good commissioners that a place is under consideration of items proposed for continuance. Item 6 the case number 2013. 0384 u. Can keep [reading ordinance] ive no speak regards any Commission Want to comment on this continuance. At this time will take Public Comment on the matter of the containment of item 6. Anybody in the public wash to comment on this item . Seeing none, and hearing none, will close Public Comment. To have a motion to continue . So moved seconds thank you on emotion than to continue items has proposed hasz aye johnck aye johns aye matsuda aye turman aye hyland aye wolfram aye so moved that passes unanimously 70 places under consent calendar. All matters listed hereunder constitute consent calendar considered to be retained by the Historic Preservation commission may be acted upon by a single rollcall vote of the commissioners. Do we know separate discussion of this item unless a member of the commission or public or stuff so request in which event the matter should be removed from the consent calendar and considered as a separate item at this or future hearing. Item 7, administrative certificate of appropriateness and minor permits to alter delegation will motion number 241. I have no speak regards. Any commissioner was to remove this from consent . Does any member of the public was to move this item from consent . Seeing none, anywhere we will close Public Comment and bring back to the commission. Moved to approve seconds thank you. On a motion to approve items seven point of order i have a question. Renewal of motion this is kind of a new procedure that i have not seen since ive been on the commission. Is there some origin the if you want to discuss it we can do it off the consent calendar. Were either up or down the vote work and talk about would you like to remove it from consent . Well i we can remove it from consent. Its not a problem. I would like to remove from consent so i can ask a question sure, okay. We will remove it from consent calendar. As a regular item. Should we heard at the beginning of the regular calendar . The was item 7, for administrative certificate of appropriateness and minor permits to alter delegation. Good afternoon commissioners tim fry Department Staff. Renewal of motion 241 is the delegation of minor permits to alter or other work determined minor by this Commission Per pursuant of article 10 and 11 of the planning code. There was a twoyear limitation to motion number 241 so now that its about to expire we were asking the commission to reevaluate the delegation if theres any additional work that may be determined that you get attitude this the draft motion or subsequently you may take away any of the scopes of work that we define as minor if the full commission would like to see those now on a regular basis. This is our third delegation get we believe everything is working fairly well and theres only been two request for hearing that this commission has reviewed, both times, good the commotion upheld the departments review of those matters. So at this time, we are not suggesting any changes to the motion and the previous motion is included as an appendix in the new draft motion is included as an attachment to this cover memo. Thank you good i guess i did not realize it was expired. I think the procedure is great. Its working well so maybe that was in a package and maybe i missed that. Anyway, thank you. At this time will take Public Comment on items seven. Any member of the public which to comment on this item seeing none, and hearing none, Public Comment is closed. When a motion to approve moved to approve the delegation seconds on a motion to approve items seven, commissioner hasz aye johnck aye johns aye matsuda aye turman aye hyland aye wolfram aye so moved that motion passes unanimously 70. Places us on item 8 for december 2015012307 pga 340 mason st. Major permit to alter good afternoon commissioners. Planning staff. Before you is a request for major permit to alter 340 mason st. Also known as green 1990 geary st. Located on the southeast corner of geary and mason street. This is a twostory building that is a category five unrated within the current market Southern Conservation district. The proposed scope of work includes construction and a third floor with a partial open air terrace. Removal of brick cladding at the eastern day of the beginning street decided and new metal and glass curtain wall that looks than from grade to the new third floor. The placement of storefronts and windows system with new compatible systems and a program for new signs and canopies and awnings for future retail tenants. As well as interior remodel and seismic upgrade. Staff finds the proposed work condition as recommended will be in conformance with her arms of article 11 and sec. Of interiors standards for rehabilitation. Proposed design appears to be compatible with the character of the surrounding district particularly in the proposed masking scale detailing and ornamentation and materials and color of the proposed design. Staff for luminary recommendation as noted in your package is to approval with conditions. Staff recommends two conditions of approval. One for the continued development of a more consistent Color Palette so new materials and finishes. And, two, four detailed plans for the signed awnings and canopies under the proposed program when a summit those permit applications. These details would be addressed. The details of these conditions would be reviewed by staff. No Public Comments have been received since packets were submitted. That concludes my presentation. The project sponsor and architect are here but they will make a presentation if you want to get otherwise they are here for to answer question be think it commissioner turman one of the motions talked about defining the Color Palette. Can you talk about what is what the issue is here is the you will note in the renderings that the upperthe addition the back painted glass is a whitish gray and also the base the concrete base of the existing building is showing up as a pretty stark white. White is a color that is compatible and identified as a compatible color within the conservation district. However we kind of feel like in this particular building context which is a reddishbrown brick of the existing building, while we wanted to be a contrast we feel like the white is a little bit to start right now and so we just would like to see more consistent. With the existing building. Thank you. Does anybody want to have a presentation on this from the sponsor . No. I think any other questions or we can take Public Comment. At this time will take Public Comment on this item. Does any member of the public wish to comment on the item eight . If so, please come forget your free minutes in the be a warning bell commissioners my name is [inaudible] we represent 600 properties and 1200 businesses and 27 blocks of downtown San Francisco. The project sponsor good presentation to our board on july 28 in which the board unanimously approved the project. Were very excited because currently the site is vacant. At night it basil becomes a nuisance. Of my stab at enlightened and activate the street particularly in the evening. We did approve its on condition however that the project sponsor had done their Due Diligence in terms of the Public Outreach process. We did receive comments from several adjacent properties that they had not received any or have any outreach from the project sponsors though we were just concerns was that worked on . What was the result of that work . I just want to bring that to your attention and with the project sponsors here perhaps they could answer that. Thank you very much thank you. Any other member of the public wish to speak to this item . Seeing none, and hearing none, nonwe will close Public Comment and bring it back to the commission. Do you want to ask the question . I like to hear the answer to the question about the outreach from the project sponsor. There was additional outreach. Good afternoon. Project sponsor. We did notwe have some informal discussions early on. But two of the neighbors that reach out to us we were not able to connect and we did call and try to reach them but we