Cultural strategy resolution passed narm nam and the Planning Department has been directed to work with the Mayors Office for a working group to outline a cultural strategy citywide for the Lgbtq Community which you will see after we have actually prepared something but that should be the deadline of having a Progress Report or Implementation Plan is six months from yesterday so you will be seeing that shortly. I also wanted to make you aware that the lgbtq Historic Context statement is the civic center of a governors preservation award and that will occur next month so congratulations to the consultants and the Department Staff that worked on that effort. Also 140 lane and the gift shop and the proas Presbyterian Church pending this was scheduled at the Land Use Committee on monday. There was hold up in the language of the ordinance and sponsorship and theyre ironed out so staff is representing you monday at Land Use Committee. We dont anticipate there to be any changes to the designations as they move forward and finally as i mentioned before 4411 minet street, the historic our significant building under article 11 of the planning code that is part of the 5m project has some fire damage that is currently being evaluated and repaired primarily by Architectural Resources group. There was an email out lining some of the intermediate scopes of work that are going to occur just to make you aware in case members of the public or yourself have questions. Were also doing a site visit in the next weeks and there a second phase of report and we will give you an update on that and that concludes my comments unless you have any questions. Thank you. Seeing no questions we will move on. Commission matters, item 3 president s report and announcements. No report. Item 4 commission comments and questions. Commissioner pearlman. So i have a couple of things. I had a conversation with mr. Andrew june us on the two projects, the 1028 Market Street eir and the valencia property. I had conversations with him. I have questions about the franklin Street Building and just curious as to what the process is to respond to this letter . Commissioners if would like to formally respond to the letter that is you know your prerogative. We have to schedule it at a future hearing. The project is currently under going Environmental Review, so it maybe a bit premature to have discussions about the historic status of the building but we could provide you some material in advance in regards to our evaluation of the property. Yeah, that was really my question what is the process . I read through this and read through the material and you know i might not have been on it but how the staff incorporates Something Like this and how it gets evaluated. Sure. There is an eir associated with the project currently so the hpc would have an opportunity even without this there is an eir required. Well, there is an eir and with the resources under the demolition you would review it under the comment and review period. Thank you. Thats it. Seeing nothing further commissioners we can move on to the regular calendar item. Item 5. 2014. 024env, 1028 Market Street. This is the review and comment on the Draft Environmental Impact report. Please note that this public hearing is attended to assist the commission in its preparation of comments on the Draft Environmental Impact report and comments made by members of the public at this hearing will not be considered comments on the Draft Environmental Impact report and may not be responded to in the final eir. The Planning Commission will have a public hearing on october 27 for the eir and written comments for the Draft Environmental Impact report will be accepted until november 7, 2016. Good afternoon commissioners. I am from the Planning Department staff and eir coordinator for the 1028 Market Street project. Also joining me is the senior planner, our Historic Preservation specialists and tina tam senior preservation planners. Members of the project sponsor team are present as well. The review period for this draft eir began on we have not received any comments for the Historic Resources so far want the commissioner members were sent electronic calls of the draft eir and reports for the project and included a Historic Preservation [inaudible] evaluation parts one and two and prepared by gpa consultants in january 2016 and the response by the Planning Department in august 2016. The Commission Secretary just handed out two page handout which i will refer you to later. I wanted to mention copies of the handout are available for members of the public on this table to my left. Today we are here to provide an opportunity for the commission to receive public testimony, to discussis historic issues with the project and formulate any comments you wish to forward to the environmental officer of the eir and i will provide you with findings of the draft eir in regards to Historic Resources. The project at 1028 Market Street includes the demolition of the existing commercial building and construction of 127foot building and residential units and other uses and within the Market Street theater and lost National Register district and the eligible tenderloin lgbt tq Historic District. The existing commercial building was constructed . 1907 and considered to be a contributing structure to both districts noted in the draif draif and eir for the project. And consists of lost and theater buildings and on Market Street forming the corridor and significant with the development of Motion Picture houses in the city. Also its a commercial corridor and because it contains a fine concentration of pre and post fire architecture designed by San Franciscos most prominent architects. The district is geographically small and over a city block and whichs 30 structures and 20 of which are [inaudible]. The eligible tenderloin lgbtq districts have properties with association of the development of San Francisco as the center of lgbtqk activity which was right before the 1906 fire and earthquake and the building was used a Movie Theater from the 20s to the 90s and the building was the site of two popular lgbtq businesses during the 40s and 50s. The draft eir concluded that the proposed project would result in two unavoidable impacts to Historic Resources, both in relation to the Market Street theater and loft district and the first is for the demolition of the building and adverse effect on the market market theater and district. This is due to several facts. One that the Market Street theater and loft district is small in size and the contributors are low. The existing building is prominently located right in the center of the district. It constitutes a large amount of the street frontage on the one city block that comprises the whole district so the demolition of the building would essentially split the district into two. Also the demolition of the building would alter the low high rhythm of buildings in the district. The second impact is related to the new construction which would adverse effect on the district. This is because the replacement building would not be commissioner pating rest compatible with the district. There are two mitigation measures identified for the 1st district excuse me, the first impact the demolition impact the first measure requires the project sponsor to under take the survey of the structure and including measures and photography and a historic report. The subject requires the project sponsor to have a permanent display of materials and architectural features of the originally Market Street building and the relationship between the threarkt and the loft district. While the litigation measures would reduce the impact to the Historic District the impact would be unavoidable. No mitigation has been identified for the second impact and as such the construction impact is significant and unavoidable. No impact was identified to the eligible tenderloin lgbtq district and said findings made that the loss of one contributing structure within the district which is currently defined as the entire tenderloin neighborhood and portions of Market Street would not have adverse effect on this district. The draft eir and excuse me, analyzed four projects alternatives, the no project alternative, full preservation alternative and a partial alternative and Compatible Design alternative. These alternatives were developed in sult consultation with the committee. Staff submitted a member to the arc in advance of a hearing before the arc on april 6, 2016. At the arc Meeting Committee members provided feedback on the alternatives proposed at that time. The feedback was incorporated into a revised set of alternatives were were analyzed and both alternatives would have sig kaptd impacts to the resources. The impact related to new construction would remain significant and unavoidable. However, the impact related to demolition under the under this alternative would be reduced because portions of the existing structure would remain. Under the Compatible Design alternative the impacts from demolition are significant and unavoidable but with construction its reduced compared to the proposed project. Earlier i mentioned the handout before you. This is a summary table included in the deir that provides a summary compare son of the projects with the alternatives so the first page provides comparison of the building envelope, the structure and the characteristics of the building and height and mapping and the Development Program that would be accommodated within each alternative, and the second page compares the impacts of Historic Resources from each alternative so this table actually proved to be useful during the discussion of the arc which why its provided to you again. Before i conclude i would like to remind everyone a public hearing on the deir before the Planning Commission is on the 27th and comments from the draft eir must be submitted earlier at the Planning Commission hearing or the planning review officer by 5 00 p. M. On november 7. After the Planning Commission hearing the Planning Department will publish comments and responses document which will contain the responses to all relevant comments of the draft eir and followed by the certification of the eir. This concludes my presentation. Were available for questions that you have. Otherwise i suggest that the item is open for testimony and comments on the deir. Thank you. Thank you. Commissioners right off the bat any comments . Didnt we see this at arc. Yeah, back in april. Okay. I just wanted to make sure. No commissioner comments at this time. We will take Public Comments. Any members of the public wish to speak on this item . Yes, please come on up. And if you just give us your name and you have three minutes. My name is lisa swronner and i am the executive director for urban solutions so were a Nonprofit Organization that does retail leasing work. We bring new businesses into the neighborhood and we have been working in the Central Market and tenderloin area and the south of market for 24 years. Tim its nice to see you when im not wearing the hat of the [inaudible] Neighborhood Association so hi. So in my other life im also the president of the alamos Neighborhood Association so i am very conscious and aware how important it is that we have our Historic Preservation. Right, thats why we have the districts but i wanted to point out in the area here in the Central Market and tenderloin area that you know were under just incredible, incredible change, right, and during this time that tide water has been a really Great Community member, and has made a huge effort reaching out to folks in the area and things are changing and asking what can we do to engage all the folks that are here . And i think thats important to recognize because you know the outreach from a developer standpoint is kind of unprecedented. Well, we realize were in the new neighborhood and what would make sense . From my understanding that the eir rightly points out there is no sense preserving the existing building as it is and because it doesnt have a lot of historic integrity. Were not talking about the victorian in alamo square that we spent a lot of time on and this is a different sort and its my opinion that there was a previous suggestion that you they build a series of smaller buildings but that doesnt make sense when were in a time of a huge housing crisis, and you know now theres an opportunity to build a bigger building and provide more housing and at the same time you know put some sort of interpretive programs and sort of something in the lobby, in the area of the building that acknowledges and protects and celebrates the history of the neighborhood and the lgbt area that is there and i think that theres a way that we can do both of those things and you know tide water in the past has shown their ability to interact with the neighborhood with the 1 for the arts program where you know they had all these open things in the lobby and people were voting on what art to do there so i think they would be engaged in making this happen as a way of building something and new housing that we need while also preserving and respecting the integrity and the history of the area. Thank you. Thank you. Any other members of the public wish to speak . Seeing none. Public comment is now closed. Bring it back to the commission. Commissioner pearlman. I want to thank the last speaker because thats pretty much where i come down. You know we saw this in front of the Architectural Review Committee and the staff report that i r was put together and the building in of itself doesnt have a lot of integrity relative to its use and it wasnt originally designed or built as a theater. It was built as a commercial building so the association to the Market Street theater and loft district is sort of a weak connection, so i dont think that and we talked through a lot of this in the arc hearing back in april. So when i look at this i think that you know i have been very concerned about the proposed project because i do think its out of scale with the district and theres a lot of Design Elements that are inconsistent as well with the district and Market Street in general, not just this particular block, so i would you know, my recommendation would be to you know look seriously at the Compatible Design alternative because i think kind of a bridge between you know, i think the architectural needs to be related to the character defining features of the district, the scale needs to be more related to what is there and what is coming because there are other projects on that specific block, and you you know its hard to understand the figures here and the partial alternative is certain stories and certain feet and the cam compatible is different and the taller building is thousand feet taller than the shorter building and hard to know how it was approved at and anyway thats my take and advocate for a Compatible Design. Any other comments . Yeah, commissioner johnck. I would like to congratulate this eir and the staff and the developer and the arc. You had some influence on this for coming up here we have some alternatives that address the preservation, and really get into seriously considering what our role is in this project so this is great. This is one of the best i have seen so far, so and looking at the building both from a pedestrian standpoint as well as going by on transit i have no question that this building lacks the integrity and the demolition proposal is fine with me. Theres no question about that. What i really what really resonated with me was the issues which i thought the eir did a great job on and bringing up their relationship of the replacement building with the and how it affects the overall integrity of the district, and i looked over the you know, the urban design element of the guidelines, and i guess you know the full proposed project to me still theres not a good rhythm and pattern with the full build out. Its quite jarring compared to what i see in the overall landscape of the district, the architectural details of some of the surrounding buildings particularly from a landscape point of view, and i just think there needs to be some more rhythm and better relationship so of the partial preservation alternative Compatible Design i guess i would be more in favor of the Compatible Design because its less height but it looks like the architecture is still the same. Well, we dont know. Okay. Yeah, we dont know because the only pictures we saw [inaudible] [off mic] yeah, are the proposed, yeah so i would certainly lean towards the Compatible Design alternative as a way to better flushlet proposed building with the district so those are my thoughts. Thank you. Commissioner johns. Thank you. For many of the reasons that have already been stated i was leaning and am leaning toward the Compatible Design alternative but the building aspect have been already been sufficiently covered. I was quite interested in the mitigation efforts particularly the historical stuff about the community that grew up and in a way had their beginnings in the tenderloin. Sometimes these historical plaques and displays on a bit on the thin size and i certainly hope that this one will be rich and will really give the story of the community there. Thank you. Commissioner pearlman. Yeah, i have one other comment and related to what commissioner johns just talked about. I think in San Francisco were particularly weak at identifying our history to the public because i dont think if you asked anybody what the Market Street theater loft district was that wasnt related to what we do would even know there was a Historic District there at all and so you know as i travel i was just in pittsburgh this week and chicago and you could get the story even if the building isnt there because cities grow and change and so this particular building doesnt tell much of a story but the district tells a story and the history of what grew up around here is the story, and thats the part that i think we as a Planning Department, as a commission, should work very hard at the the presentation of what we have in the city and the speaker speak about a interpretive display but needs a richness and visible and accessible. It has to be the window, face of the building. It has to be somewhere that you dont have to go downstairs or up to the roof deck to find out something happened here and i agree this this mitigation measure needs significance and richness to it. Thank you. Thank you. Thick in this case. Yeah commissioner johnck. Yeah, i just have an additional comment. I was favorably impressed with the comprehensive discussion about the ark lolg testing and partially involved in the excavation of the muni bus terminal now becoming the trans bay terminal and many have seen the great exhibition at 201 mission on the signs from the excavation of the 19th century history so it was great and i wanted to say that as well. Thank you. I have one quick question for staff only because for some reason i cant pull up the report here. I already read it but what is the height limit existing . 120 feet. It is 120 . Okay. So i mean to me going beyond that i disagree with completely. We set that to be compatible. I know its only 7 feet but i disagree going beyond that. If you want to go 95 feet and go higher fine thats within the height limit but i do remember this building when it came to arc and to be honest it needs a lot of work. It was a sheer glass facade and a couple of elements to give flavor towards the not towards the district but preservation period, just something. Anyways the design needs help so thats where i will leave it. Any other comments . Okay thank you. Thank you commissioners. If there is nothing further we can move to item 6 for case 2015004228des at 235 valencia street. Good afternoon commissioners. Janet ferguson Department Staff. The item before you today is a draft motion to amend the inner Mission Findings by amending the California Historical resource status code for 235 valencia street. As previously noted 235 valencia street was documented in the inner Mission North survey and adopted by the hpc in may, 2011. At that time the prmpt was given a status code of 6l or ineligible for listing or designation through the local government review process but may warrant special consideration in local planning. In december 2015 the department received a Community Sponsored application for landmark designation for 235 valencia street. The San FranciscoHistoric PreservationCommission Adopted a motion to intent not to confirm 235 valencia street as article 10 individual landmark but change the status code. The item was continued to may 4. At the regular meeting the hpc adopted a motion to deny landmark designation to the property and after Public Comment the hpc considered code change. Planning department find out that loren hap jones was a Important Role in motorcycling community and has an association with 235 valencia street. He operated his motorcycle dealership in the building. However that activity seems secondary to the distribution company. As discussed previously staff believes that the Motorcycle Club on folsom street may better represent the motorcycling community. Staff would like to remind the hpc the item before them today is whether or not the property meets the Eligibility Criteria under criterion b with the association of hap jones and to convey the significance of the change and this concludes my presentation and i am happy to answer any questions. Commissioners any questions at this time . No. We will take Public Comment next. I have one speaker card. We will start with robert hansen. I am kind of new at this. My name is robert and i am representing the San FranciscoMotorcycle Club and i am speaking for the rezoning designation. That area of San Francisco on mission and folsom that area gaddens in the old days and Mission District now was a center for motorcycle manufacturers and the life that went with motorcycling in San Francisco. The first motorcycles that came from across the United States came from that manufacturer and we thought it would be nice if that kind of industry and history would be recognized. Now we take it seriously at my club. We finished a rebuild and we keep our history carefully but we think it nice to have a second place in the neighborhood that would be at least partially dedicated to some sort of more public display of the history of the area. We nearly lost our club in the flood down two years ago and repository or alternate site would be a good idea as far as i am concerned. Speaking personally for myself im a long time san franciscan. I was born in berkeley and moved here at age two and so i disappointed when landmarks leave, when touch stones to my past go away and i work for the National Park service as a volunteer and have won awards and i continue up the history of the city. I work with the Fire Department and put on the one 50th anniversary and theyre important to me personally and we take them serious in the Motorcycle Club so i hope you keep this site in tact and thank you very much for your time. Any other members of the public wish to speak . Please come on up. [inaudible] [off mic] pardon . [inaudible] [off mic] [inaudible] [off mic] yeah, i mean are you submitting new information or something . Were reiterating information and addressing points weve had multiple hearings on this matter. If you choose no, you guys sponsor you may. Its more of a public testimony. If you want to speak again for the three minutes youre welcome to. Good afternoon commissioners. My name is tele hill and as i said i worked in the neighborhood for 15 years. Through our efforts weve clearly shown that hap jones at 235 valencia street his many contributions to motorcycling were sustained there for a long time. 32 years as hap jones motorcycle and 40 years of association with the building. Countless motorcycles are sold and numerous relationships were formed. The motorcycle blue book was started there and became the gold standard. He developed a National Catalog network and utilized for the business expansion. While later in his career the business occupied several buildings on the book and none were publicly accessible or had the prominence of the dealership building. This relates the last unaltered motorcycle building in the city and its a fair representation of historic motorcycle buildings and contrast to other buildings in the alternate motive Historic Survey there are no representations of motorcycle buildings in the area. With said its important to look at this worth of recognition especially in a neighborhood that played a large role in the Motorcycle Community and lost so many buildings. In tracking several other active developments in the city we see successful preservation projects coupled with new construction and [inaudible] theyre in a designated neighborhood. There is no other notable association at 469 eddie and a knowledge is rising building and rising behind it. You will notice a host of superficial images to hap jones. One of our team members coined it hap [inaudible] and distraction and making the presenters empathetic. That shouldnt be a discussion item in. We had nowmious discussions with the Building Owner. There were no desirable solutions with him. Reclassification is the only way for future hpc review and alternatives [inaudible]. Changing the designation today is in your hands. Was recommended by the Planning Department at the may 4 hearing and imperative to protect the corridor and happen jones and the last motorcycling dealership in San Francisco. We are committed to this effort. Thank you. Thank you. Gch commissioners. My name is lo risa. And over the course of these hearings we have heard arguments that detract focus from the actual events and work that took place at this location, arguments that detract focus from the building itself and the historic relationship in the fabric of architecture and fabric in the city. The building at 235 valencia street is clearly associated with the life of hap jones. The years at the dealership in particular were his most product and i have sets the course for his entire lifes work. At this location the members of the motorcycling community would come to socialize and connect. There was discussion about the dealership just being a Retail Outlet and rider would pick up an item and leave and discussion of another form of recreation like golf. The dealership is intrinsic part of the culture and traveling motorcyclists go buy view of nears and go by any of them and there are people socializing and this was true in the days of happen jones and we have come to know about his history which leads us to the hap jones birthday parties. These parties in general are social Community Events that include children, posters are mailed to clubs across the country, and this poster here was mailed to the vallejo Motorcycle Club in 1943 sorry to interrupt you. [inaudible] so people would meet up at 235 valencia street and the bikes were lined around the perimeter of the building and people would go amongst the bikes and socializing and meeting up people from around the state and would hang out for an hour before they set off and go by landmarks and buildings before continuing to a location outside the city for the competitions and enjoy hot dogs and socialize and the point is the dealership is centralized to the community and this is symbolic of happen jones and while the Community Still makes visit to it and this building is the tangible connection to the past and this building is the only remaining intact motorcycle dealership in San Francisco. Of the 30 buildings that housed early motorcycle dealerships eight of were on the valencia street corridor this is the only one intact and this building was loved and cared for and survived unchanged. Before you is this last existing dealership and it is linked to the productive life thank you. Of the prolific contributors to motorcycling. Thank you. Thank you. Good afternoon members of the commission. Mike beuller with San Francisco heritage. We have reviewed the transcripts and listened to the audio on hearings of the matter and preparing for todays hearing ranging from the commissions originally enthusiasm and continuing the community to submit a nomination to concerns about the procedural implications of finding the property eligible as a historic resource. This raises important questions about the role of hpc and what is worth preserving today and fairness for the Environmental Review process for the community. The Building Association with the important events and persons less worthy than those with architectural significance and i hope we would say no. The sole Mission Today is whether sufficient information has put forward to show that the building is associated with lives of people of california history. The pro opponents made a connection that its connected to hap jones and culture. We appreciate the partial preservation alternatives with the community and we believe they acted in good faith. Unfortunately that process hasnt yielded an acceptable alternative. On the recent hearing on 235 valencia street there was prolonged discussion on the delay that would result from reclassification. Several commissioners expressed concerns about fairness to the Building Owner and we share and sensitive to the concerns. However, its important to consider the fairness and integrity of the process from the community standpoint. Proponents have been diligent in documenting this and starting in 2014 a year before the current owner purchased the property. The efforts included meetings with staff and presentation to the hpc in february 2015. Heritage supports reclassification because it is the only way to assure that this project will come back before the arc or the hpc for review and comment of the design. Given the commissions recent focus on facade we believe youre able to strike the balance of the meaningful preservation of the building and housing on the site. Thank you. Any other members of the public wish to speak . Good afternoon commissioners. Thank you for the continued opportunity to work with us on 235 valencia street. My name is craig hemberg with edt and the Property Owners. I am here today to ask not to amend the inner mission Historic Survey findings with the understanding that the project sponsor team will redevelop and excuse me, will redevelop the site and commemorate hap jones and the alley. Since the last public hearing project team [inaudible] streetscape designs a preliminary project Assessment Project was filed with the Planning Department and we received their feedback. The Planning Department applauded our proposed living alley and recommended against keeping the building facade. We continue to work with the community to develop our project design and to incorporate their feedback. However, the clinton park neighbors and the Planning Department appear to have differing opinions regarding the facades historical importance and ask for flexibility to address this issue outside of the preservation context as the entitlement process unfolds. In the meantime we believe that the living alley is more appropriate to happen jones and clinton parks connection to San Francisco motorcycles culture. In addition to be a Great Community benefit the living alley will create a meaningful tie to the areas past and provide an opportunity for the public to learn about San Franciscos motorcycle culture. The living alley could include a series of plaques, public seating, bike parking as well as motorcycle themed statutes, sidewalk man hole covers and treat grades. During the process our team worked with two consultants to learn about happen jones and 235 valencia street. Our clinton park neighbors also contributed detailed application including historical information. We know hap jones was associated with 235 valencia street for a relatively short period between 1940 and 1959 and operated out of sears other buildings in the area and headquartered into clinton park. As staff noted in their analysis other opportunities to commemorate and memorialize happen jones and motorcycling in San Francisco exists at the Motorcycle Club on folsom as well as at two clinton park. We would be happy to work with the appropriate parties to create plaques to further celebrate happen joans contributions to their properties as an additional complement to our living alley project. Our land use attorney is with me today and he can speak about where we go next. Thank you very much. Thank you. Commissioners andrew genius also working with the project sponsor. I do want to recognize and acknowledge weve had fabulous conversations. Its been interesting several mikes working with mike beuller at heritage and neighbors but we move to move and a decision should be made today and its just i think a significant difference in the understanding of what benefits come from designating this building a historic building. The benefit i think from the preservation communitys standpoint is going through a big process that would be require. Eir is required if this building is deemed historic. And eir is focused on what we have been focused on for the last years hap jones. How much more information can be dug up . Probably not that much. We have consultants have stuff in the record and committed to doing interpretive displays and stuff to acknowledge the historical relevance and keeping the building and historic jeopardizing that. Instead of focusing on an alley and interpretive work and continuing to work on the hap jones legacy we are focused on preparing the eir and take a couple of years for the city to produce a document to say everything that we know right now so i think from a practical standpoint thats the case were making and appreciate your consideration. Thank you. Thank you. Seeing no other members of the public on the item we will bring it back to the commission. Mr. Frye. Commissioners its my duty just to reiterate that the item before you is not whether or not the project needs an eir. Its whether or not the building meets criteria to be considered for eligible for the california registry. Thank you. Commissioner pearlman do you want to start off . All right. This is so you know this is exactly what we just talked about in the 1028 market thing, project. The whole notion of how we remember important people in our important stories in our city seems to be so bastardized by the idea that we would take this building that wasnt built by hap jones. It was inhabited for a certain time and a building 100 years old and he was in it 20 of that time while i appreciate it has some significance to a community it doesnt have significance if you take that shell of a building and then put another big building on top of it setback with no particular interpretive display. No one knows anything about hap jones because thats ultimately what could happen, go through the process, determine it meets the requirements, which i have something to say about that. I dont agree that it does, but seems like such a strange process as mr. Genius just said we have all the information that is out there, and the idea of what they want to do in terms of creating this alley and doing all this work, and i appreciate mr. Frye this isnt specific to the topic but its related. That would talk about motorcycle history that you just told us was all centered on valencia street. There were seven dealerships. There could be lots of information and while you call it hap washing and you could make it not that way and celebrate the community and wouldnt happen with a strange bastardized building with the building as a shell of the lobby or something so the whole process to me is so odd and in relationship to what mr. Beuller said it says verbatim that it may warrant special consideration by planning. Well, heres a way to do that. The special consideration is that in you know, so i agree with the staff. I dont believe it warrants being changed to a three status. I think this status, the 6l, gives the Planning Department and the community and the developer the opportunity to do exactly what Everyone Wants to do, so i think those words alone give the Planning Department a lot of of leeway a lot of room to require in the project development all of the work that they have already proposed, and i just got to say i mean i saw the proposed partial preservation options. Its just strange and we have so many of them and i think a really good example and carl you will hate me for saying this is the pine Street Project that has a few facades. How do we know theyre related to automotive history with the massive rockwell building behind it and the facades that look nice but dont tell a story about van ness auto row and all that stuff and this is the same kind of thing and where down the line you have this building and no one would say oh there is hap jones place. Its a residential building at that point so i just think you know this comes up a lot. The whole facadism thing comes up a lot and we dont have set rules how to deal with it and sometimes its obvious that we should save something and sometimes not and i think the status code it has right now gives the department enough room to celebrate hap jones, to give the developer the right to move forward and to still you know acknowledge that there was something historic, culturally historic that happened here. Commissioner johnck. We need four votes, number one. I mean i just want to be sure were all clear on that and the motion though is to we would deny this motion; right . Yeah. Yeah. If you dont want to change it. If we dont want to change it. Okay. All right. Just want to be clear on that. Well, i was looking for some work to further the advancement of this with the Property Owner working with the applicants for happen jones and it sounds like there is something happening, maybe not to the total satisfaction of everyone but i mean i think that process is working, so i would rely on that to continue. Thank you. Sorry. And just yeah, i would not be in favor of changing the status. Thank you. Jonas ionin. Thank you jonas ionin. Commissioner johns. Seems like were where we were before but you are more satisfied than last time. I agree with commissioner pearlman last time and i agree with him this time and im not willing to vote for this. Thank you. And so i concur with the comments going along. The only thing i would say because i enjoy seeing a facade here and there and if we keep the facade and we have a restaurant down the street and painting hap jones on the front and the motorcycles and it would be a phenomenal space. So with that aside i dont agree with changing so i do hear a motion . I would like to make a motion to not amend the findings of the inner Mission North survey. Commissioners as the motion in front of you is to amend the inner Mission North survey and i dont see an a lot motion in your packet if you so choose, which maybe the best case, which to take a motion of intent to allow staff to prepare a notion to deny the request [inaudible] [off mic] thats what this would be commissioner, secretary ionin may i suggest another route would be if the Commission Fails to act on the current motion then it wouldnt have to come back as a motion of intent. Is that correct . In other words, if you dont take a motion to amend and not act today there is no motion to do anything then this motion simply fails, this action simply fails, and its essentially a denial. Well, without a motion that would so item closed. Well, we have consensus. An alternative is to bring this motion and have it be denied. Lets do it officially then. If we could call how do we do that . Because were not moving very good. Were simply calling roll call on the motion, not the motion the motion is to amend. Yeah. So were call vote on the motion. Does that make sense . Well, youre making a motion to amend then . No. Thats just it. The motion is to deny. City attorney how do you want us to talk about this. [laughter] so victoria wong deputy City Attorney. I think that the you do have an outstanding motion of intent to change the status code as i understand the procedural history; right . We have an outstanding motion that hasnt been acted on so i think that it would be appropriate to take some action to indicate the resolution of that motion. If we dont so im not sure whether and jonas, the secretary can speak exactly procedurally how to do if theres not a written motion but if there is a motion to deny the change in status code and a one approved and one way to resolve the intent right now. So in a sense if its an open motion from previous then do we want to simply call roll . I believe as the City Attorney is alluding to its cleaner to take the motion to deny and then staff could draft that motion that closes the loop entirely. You could doo nothing today and this will just sort of sit there. I mean to me i would just rather have this done. Yeah, i think we need to somehow finish it so there is no hole in the development of the entitlement process. If you take a motion to deny there should be some document why dont we call the motion up . So you dont have i think what the secretary is saying we dont have a documentation today and that the commission would not since the item was not noticed as motion to deny the status code change that a motion of intent then were denying the motion to change it and thats just as official. If someone is making the motion i think. [inaudible] go ahead. I guess thats my question. Someone would have to make a motion and second it to amend and then there would have to be a roll call that would fail. If i could hear the motion please. I move to amend. Okay. Do i have a second . Yes. Thank you. Call the roll. On that motion to amend the inner Mission North survey findings for 235 valencia street. On that motion commissioner hasz. No. Commissioner johnck. No. Commissioner johns. No. And commissioner pearlman. No. The motion fails 40. Is there an alternate motion . No. Seeing none commissioners we can move on to the next item. Okay. Thank you. Commissioners that will place on item 7a. B, c, d, e, f, g, h and i. For 2016012219lbr at 579 castro street, 2016012224lbr 261 columbus avenue. 2016012232lbr, 2051 Market Street, 2016012233lbr, 2919 Mission Street, 2016012236lbr, 2230 jerrold avenue, 2016012273lbr, 32 west portal avenue, 201601229lbr, 713 clay street, 2016012299lbr, 2801 24th street, and 2016011447lbr at 508 haight street. Theyre all legacy Business Applications. Good afternoon commissioners. Desiree smith planning staff. The items before you today are nine legacy businesses and applications and submitted to the Planning Department and ready for your recommendation. The department received the nine applications by the september 19 filing date for the october 19 hpc hearing date. All applications were reviewed for completion prior to transmittal to the Planning Department. Your commission packets contain a draft resolution for each business with Transactions Associated with the success of the business. The first is one is anchor oyster bar and founded in 1977 by the granddaughter of italian immigrant and fisherman that worked on the north beach and has worked with hiv aids businesses. The next is City Lights Bookstore and influenced literature on a an international scale. Located on 261 columbus avenue it was the first paperback bookstore in the country and with the era of poets and a literary area for decades and its for cultural and architectural association. The next is for eros, the the center for safe sex at 2051 Market Street and provided a space free of shame from the community to engage in safe practices and opened in 1982 with the closure of bath houses during the aids crisis and people could meet and discuss safe sex practices. Its commended by the San Francisco department of health and promoting safe practices and reduction of diseases. Its currently at risk of displacement and the lease will expire at the end of the year. The next application is for instituto familiar de la raza founded in 1978 and promotes the health and wellness of the latino and others in the community through direct services of outreach and prevention service. Headquartered at 2919 Mission Street instituto familiar de la raza operates satellite offices in the mission and best known for the innovative work for cultural and traditional spirit practices into the Health Interventions and methodologies. The next application is for luxor cabs, an independent cab Company Providing service to all people and physicals on seniors and residents and prides itself for maintaining a insured fleet of 162 cabs and providing living wage to the individuals and medallion holders and the garage has been located at 2230 jerrold avenue. The next application is for Papenhausen Hardware on 32 west portal avenue. And sold desired hardware and desired items for residents for 78 years and its friendly and knowledgeable staff assists customers to lifes every day problems. The next application is for sam wo restaurant and serves food until 3 00 a. M. And known for the rude waiter and several dishes and sam wo operates out of the second location at 713 clay street. Although it was temporary closed it maintained the Business Registration the entire time which the owners negotiated with the landlord to search for a new location and reopened. The next application is for st. Francis fountain and a Soda Fountain and diner at 2801 24th street in the mission since 1918. Originally oped by immigrants and has Soda Fountain and malts more recently expanded meal of diner food. St. Francis fountain looks like it did at that time and the longest operating business there in the mission. The last application is for Cafe International at 508 haight street and local coffee shop and cafe and sewn sewn and served the haightashbury neighborhood since 1987 and due replacement after increase in the rent. Staff thinks that these businesses qualify for being on the legacy business registry. I am happy to answer questions and we have representatives from the businesses that would like to speak on behalf of their applications. Thank you. Commissioners any questions . No. No. Terrific. So i will call them in order for Public Comment. Rose an grim followed by ken maily. Good afternoon commissioners. My name is roseanne grim and the owner and chep of anchor oyster bar. Could you speak a little closer to the microphone. Yeah, this is my first time. Thank you. Clearly i am more comfortable in the kitchen than public speaking. I built the anchor oyster bar in 1977 with my family and thf is our 40th year. My intention today is to thank you for your consideration and tell you how proud we would be to be part of the legacy registry. Thank you. Thank you. Ken maily and i forgot to mention for the first time here you have three minutes. You dont have to use all of it. Thank you. No disrespect for my hat. Its just i have to protect my ears when i confirm to my dermatologist im irish and she said we see a lot of your people so its the hat or hat hair. I have been a resident since 1964 and in 1966 lived in the castro when was a declining irish neighborhood. There were a few of the native businesses available there, but it was clear even in 1966 and 67 they were doomed. I was recently impressed and moved actually by sorry, by president obamas move to preserve the stone wall and sheraton square area and under protection of the National Park service. My grandfather would say turn right here. There was a stable there and rent a horse or carriage and that was the beginning of herltz andaveis and on the bus the other day one fellow said remember there was a gas station over there . No, we used to call them a service station and i am here to support not only the designation of anchor oyster bar but because i was one of the very early patrons and have been a consistent patron of that establishment ever since. I used to go there while waiting harvey to process the film and took more time because there were many things going on but one important point there is the plaque that people from all over the world come and read about harvey. People negotiate by landmarks or by streets. If the landmarks disappear you forget as several of the commissioners have noticed you lose the history. I only wish that in 66 we had been able to save one of the irish businesses that were in the castro. I think it would have been charming. Thank you very much and i do appreciate this commission. Thank you. Matthew mark tele. And ken ro. Good afternoon commissioners. I am speak on behalf of the owner of 2051 Market Street and i report the owner for 30 years including the origination of the original eros lease and the owner is very supportive of the eros business legacy application and we want to communicate that to you and hope that we can continue this process. We found them to be good tenants, good to work with, but the unfortunate realities of the economic bubble and i am old enough to see this is our third economic bubble becomes more and more difficult for owners of property to deal in a viable economic fashion without a program such as this Legacy Business Program. Thank you. Thank you. Mr. Ro. Thank you. I am kenneth ro, the majority member of bracein garage llc which owns and operates eros and im a resident of the lower haight for the past 15 years. Eros began in 1992 as a response to the aids epidemic and the closing of the bath houses but its roots go back to 1986 when the founder buzz bens opened 890 folsom as a multipurpose space rented by many sex positive groups. Buzz and other Community Members realized to have a lasting Cultural Impact like the bats have a place likes eros needed to be created. Focus groups gathered and mapped out the idea of a Community Center model of safe Sex Education with a classroom, a gallery lounge and later a licensed non sexual massage studio which focused and still does on the needs of People Living with aids. Bot the classroom and launch have been home to Community Groups that have been stranded and thorn out of public spaces as they were sold or relocated. Groups like the gay and lesbian atheist and naked mens yoga and sketch group are meeting at eros after the original sites were no longer available and the stop aids project and open mic also used the space when no where else was available for their programming. I became part of eros in 2003 and watched our block which is across from safe safe way change from long established businesses and mce ford and mecca restaurants to the food galleries and coffee shops and today we have whole foods and established hair and nail salons and the e pock careium. Through it all eros is an anchor in the neighborhood providing safe and clean and a sober space for men to learn and explore safe sex and other social activities. I hope you could recommend them as a legacy business because it is really part of the fabric of what makes San Francisco a vibrant and international city. Thank you. Thank you. Jed holtzman followed by john lazar. Thank you commissioners. Im a long time san franciscan. Im a senior policy analyst for a regional climate nonprofit but speaking as a resident. At some point i have been just to every board and commission in the city and i am glad to have the opportunity to end up at this one to support Cafe International and the owner who is at the cafe right now calling someone honey or sweetie and knowing their rld. I moved to San Francisco and the lower haight in 2002 and a few blocks away in alamo square. All during the years they have been a constant and precious few of those in the 16 years i have been in the city. The owner is really i would say the god mother of the lawyer haight and i imagine that if you were to take a random sample of folks walking on haight street they would know her. The cafe is a nerve center for the neighborhood day in and day out and tourists visiting the haight and alamo square and the gatherings that the staff mentioned which are popular and unique neighborhood gatherings increasing unique as i guess absent technology decrease these kind of in person events, very dynamic, kind of like a neighborhood block party. The community has banded together to save the business twice in my memory and at least one of those was before they were means on the internet to facilitate such a thing and rent hikes in the past that endangered the business and folks came together to raise money and create political will to save the business so thats just really to my mind illustrates the value of the business to the community, so just as a resident and customer i wanted to come out and support the legacy business designation of Cafe International. Also over the years had many occasions to visit st. Francis fountain and City Lights Bookstore is a National Treasure and i am glad the measure went forward and supported it and glad to support these businesses. Thanks. Mr. Lazar followed by charles rathman. Good afternoon commissioners. Im the president and general manager of luxor cabs company. Im a third generation. Im a naifit son born in San Francisco in 1952 and i had a passion to take care of the disabled and the sick people of San Francisco. Were the largest wheelchair provider in San Francisco on demand service in the cab industry and the chairperson for the paratransit council and started with mayor newsom on project connect. We provide cabs to transport families to the center and relocate them and provide service to the people and im very proud to be nominated for this. Our company is and our workers are, and its a very hard business to transport these people and i think the city needs to Pay Attention to Something Like this because the baby boomers here and theres a lot of people that need to get around town and treated like were all treated and i will be an advocate until my last days to help them all and thank you for everything. Thank you. And followed by jarvis rich. Good afternoon commissioners. I have the honor to speak on behalf of the luxor cabs also. I began driving a taxicab in San Francisco 40 years ago and along with more than 100 medallion holders i joined luxor as the best and professional way to operate a taxy cab. We want to express our thanks to sf heritage and supervisor david campos for the vision and initiating the Legacy Business Program and to supervisor jane kim for nominating luxor and a special thanks to the voters of San Francisco when they passed proposition j last year in recognition of the contributions that our legacy businesses continue to provide to our citys history. In luxors first 88 years we have been a leader in providing transportation to our citys residents and visitors, notably to disabled passengers that need Wheelchair Accessible vehicles. We began that service decades ago long before the americans with disabilities act we have continued to do so every day since then. We have long been a Technology Pioneer including fuel efficient vehicles and the ev apps years before the new ride services. I hope to see decals on our taxicabs announcing legacy business status to our customers for generations to come. Thank you and i would be happy to answer any questions that you might have. Thank you. Mr. Rich followed by peter grennal. Im jarvis rich. I am here in support of the Cafe International for a legacy business. I live at folsom and sonic which is a considerable walk which i make a couple of times a week to the cafe. There is a number of people here from the cafe they met through the cafe, some of them, and youve already heard more eloquent reasons to support the cafe as a legacy business that i will prepared to do but thank you. Thank you. Mr. Grennal followed by Aaron Jackson. Good afternoon mr. President and commissioners. Im peter grennal. Im a San Francisco resident since 1974. I am speaking in recommendation of and support of the Small Business commission to approve the legacy business application for the Cafe International. It is indeed a worthy recipient of this status and im one of a number of folks who can testify to yet another aspect and role that the cafe has and does provide to the neighborhood and San Francisco residents and visitors which is as a cultural node or center it hosts frequent Art Exhibitions and openings, and has regular musical performances which some of us help provide and this enriches the cultural offerings to the neighborhood and at the city at large so given that there are others that may speak i would just say indeed please do approve the recommendation. Thank you. Thank you. Mr. Jackson followed by clifford johnson. Hi. Good afternoon. My name is Aaron Jackson and im an attorney and i helped prepare the application but im also here in my personal capacity. I go to Cafe International several times a week and i am pleased to see the support here and Cafe International since it opened in 1987 has been a meeting spot and it has helped create the cultural fabric of San Francisco and the lower haight neighborhood. It does this by creating a place for community to gather and at this point theres a dwindling places where the community can gather, especially in lower haight. As far as the cultural aspect we hit on this and they host a open mic and jazz on every sunday. Again theres a few jazz joints in San Francisco but rare is the kof a house that has jazz every sunday and of course you have the monthly Art Exhibition which so all these things together help create the culture and fabric of the lower haight. Now, were in the process of a change in lower haight and over the past few years youve seen an exodus of businesses and most of them have been replaced by hair salons and lower haight is quickly becoming the hair stylists and barber for San Francisco and if we lose Cafe International there one kof a shop in lower haight. We lost another one last year and without Cafe International there is one left. Now what is important about Cafe International is not just the cultural fabric but its help retaining the character of the neighborhood. When you walk in there its clear that these are residents that have been in San Francisco and the neighborhood for decades. Now, its a big difference between walking into another coffee shop so valencia and see the archetype of San Francisco guy and San Francisco girl. The people that go to Cafe International are real genuine folks and Cafe International is at great risk of displacement. Their lease their rent is set to go up to 10,000 a month in just one year. Its a lot of cups of coffee so as you can see there is an outpouring support to keep this cultural icon and so with that we respectfully request that you approve the application. Now, with my two seconds left actually do you want to submit something . Yes, we have a petition with over a hundred signatures and letter of support from the gentleman who painted the mural and verify its was painted in 1994 so it has been there thank you. Clifford johnson followed by matt rogers. Good afternoon. Im one of the genuine san franciscans [laughter] that go to the Cafe International. I came to San Francisco in 1970. I joined a junk band that used to play in the band in 1980. After 15 years we lost our place and moved to the Cafe International where we play once a month and genuine old timers. I had to leave San Francisco and i retired a couple of years ago because i couldnt afford the rent so now i live in vallejo but my Community Life still exists in San Francisco thanks to the Cafe International and i came from vallejo just for this. Thank you. Thank you. Mr. Rogers and followed by stefano. Good afternoon commissioners. I own Papenhausen Hardware in west portal and i want to strongly urge you to recommend approval of all the legacy Business Applications before you today. Running a Small Business is difficult and its never easy and these businesses have all proven through their continued operation that they are run well and also that theyre serving sudden fran well. I would like see the legacy business designation would give a boost to the businesses and not just financially but receiving that status gives a little more clout, something to brag about, and this is kind of i think the equivalent of receiving a giant like from the city of San Francisco. Thats a great shot in the arm when youre struggling so thank you very much for recognizing the historical significance of these businesses. Thank you. Mr. Kas tado followed by julie ho. Good afternoon commissioners. Im with julie ho because i thought we would do this together. Im a neighborhood lobbyist in San Francisco and i was asked when sam ho was making the transaction to go to clay if i would help with permits and outreach and i said are you kidding me . That would be a privilege. We almost lost it. It was founded in 1908 and what happened they wouldnt able to work out a lease arrangement so they looked for a new place and steven lee and the community as a whole said look we have been coming for decades and the whole family. We need a place near by that we can continue this restaurant because if we lose it its a San Francisco treasure, and it really, really wouldnt sit well. So people got together. People said hey we cant let this happen and what happens . We found a space and able to get into the space and then you should see the lock on peoples faces when they had the grand opening. People came from all over with stories. I used to go there in the 70s. I went during the 80s. My grandfather took me here. I bring my kids here. What started out is probably a small neighborhood spot for people in the Asian Community evolved into a global dive where people like julie ho came in and said you know what . People come to me all the time and stop and tell me a story of sam and whether it was at waiter or the cook. I spent many late nights there too and alternative to fast food and get together and some of the other speakers mentioned late night gathering spots. This is trurl a San Francisco experience so i will turn the mike over to julie ho and carried on the torch with her dad and tell you a little bit about her since last year since its reopened. Hi commissioners and staff. My name is julie ho. Sam hos has been part of my family since my greatgand fearkt father acquired it and i have been there since i was a little girl and as was said everyone comes up to me since we opened just really happy that weve reopened and theres a lot of stories that have been shared. We have been there for over 100 years as a business and a lot of historical figures have come through like first china president came through [inaudible] wrote about us in his books and jack curwack and herb cane written in his column in regards to the restaurant and our servers there since he was popular in the days, and also we still provide the same type of food that we provided since we opened like the noodle rolls that we have are unique to us and we still have many people enjoying it now as enjoyed it before and still finding out that such a place exists and they really do enjoy having the stories that we can share with them, and now its not just for the locals that you know we are able to share our food with but also visitors too worldwide that they come and make a special visit to sams just to eat i have a lot of joyful tears from customers that come back and saw that we reopened and its just i guess very happy for a lot of the customers, something that is really important to them that we did reopen. And we were able to also restore a lot of the marble tables, the wooden stools that were there since probably the early 60s or 50s. We have grannies that come e i have been eating there since i was a little girl and i tell them theyre the same tables and stools that you sat in as a little girl and it warms them up and we were able to also keep the neon signs and the old hand painted signage that we have and last but not least since i have limited time [inaudible] the rude waiter that we pride ourselves in. To this day not a day goes by without people come in sharing stories about the rude man that forces the customers and serve other customers and stuff. Thank you for having us. Thank you. Thank you. Mrs. Stella followed by neil hayes. Good afternoon commissioners. I want to begin just by giving great thanks to the San FranciscoHeritage Group and to supervisor campos who has put forth our application today. I will join many others today to say that i believe that all the businesses before you deserve this recognition and i appreciate your time to think it through. I will begin to be brief i want to say we have been a Nonprofit Organization since 1978 and when we began we did out of a need in the Latino Community for bicultural services and there was no Outpatient Services for the Latino Community at that time and took grass root effort to establish this effort tiny out Patient Community health center. Over the last 30 years we have really expanded. We have a range of services and you know when i think about it its really we have remained true to be responsive to the community and many of our programs really do address Health Disparity issues such as hiv, mental illness, trauma, conditions of the immigrant families. We have programming focused on youth and programs to provide viable and timely alternatives for young people to get off the street and be engaged in work force and Economic Development and Educational Attainment and so were part of those solutions and were a part of working very closely with many collaborative it ises. We are the lead agency for four collaboratives so our resources we basically have ensure by working well with other people we build capacity and responsiveness to our community so were very proud of that history, and we have really truly become a community institution, a hub. We often use our space as we know space is versus precious. We offer our space to other community organizations, to youth doing certain projects, to even city and county calls on us for training and open the space for us and we do so. One of our proud things we sponsor a lot of cultural and social activities for the Community Members thank you so much so for your time and i hope you will consider and approve everyone under consideration today. Thank you. Thank you. Good afternoon commissioners. I will be fast so we can get home before it gets dark. I want to give my support for Cafe International and hearing the rest i give them my support as well. Thank you. Any other members of the public to speak . Closed captioning. Commissioner commissioner johnck. I would certainly offer a motion to support these applications, all of them, i guess my general one of my general comments is that i am so impressed by so many of these are private businesses that are offering this terrific public service, and you know what resonated to me, the terms, the cultural anchors, and the Community Havens that really reflect dedication to the social connectedness because if were not connected then being alone is not good. Its not healthy, so most of these institutions that are providing that i think its terrific. I have been to all of them and i have to say luxor i mean youre the only one that ever knew where i lived. [laughter] a little tiny dead end, that type of thing but anyway thank you to all the wonderful stories and thank you for coming all the way from vallejo too. Commissioner pearlman. You know this is the third hearing weve had for legacy businesses and i just walk out of here with a big smile because you know somewhere in my gut when i was about 19 years old i was in college in the boston area and i decided i to be in San Francisco. I never had been here before but i decided what i knew about reading and other people talk about it was the spirit of the community and even though im an architect i wasnt one at a time so it wasnt specifically the buildings but the spirit of the place and here it is almost 40 years later, and i hear these stories about all these businesses and it is the fabric of our city. You are the fabric of our city, and i wanted to comment on luxor cabs and what you said about putting the sticker about legacy businesses on your cabs would mean that the information about this program would be driving around the city all the time, and what i said earlier about how do we tell people about what we do and the history of our place . Theres a really fantastic way to do that. I also the Cafe International story. I had never been there but for its the first time that the patrons of a business has actually come before us and spoken so highly of the place and that just speaks huge volumes and i love someone said about sam w os about serving light night chinese food and i am wondering if its different from midday chinese food . And that story as well and for a business that is 108 years old. Thats the oldest one weve had so far, the oldest business weve had so far, and thats just an amazing piece of why San Francisco is San Francisco, so thank you to all for what you do and keep doing it. Thank you. Thank you. Commissioner johns. So first of all second the motion. I will say i have been to all the businesses except one [laughter] is that it mr. Johns . Thank you. No thank you everybody for all your support and coming out today and the businesses are worth. We have a motion and a second. If we could take roll. On the recommendation for approval of all item it is 7a through i. Commissioner hasz. Yes. Commissioner johnck. Yes. Commissioner johns. Yes. Commissioner pearlman. Yes. So moved commissioners. That motion passes unanimously 40. Thank you all. Thank you very much everybody. [applause] commissioners that places us on the final item tonight number 8, 2016008314cwp, the filipino Cultural Heritage district informational presentation. Sfgtv if you could go to the computer please. Boy they just listen to you. Jonas. Hello commissioners. I am from presentization staff. I will let some of the Community Members part of the project have a chance to get into the room and we also have april yang district 6 jane kims representation and i will have her come up. Good afternoon commissioners. I am very excited to be here today. I have a long history with this idea of soma pilipinas since i was a member of the task force in 2005 i believe it was so its great to see this process actually moving forward. I was at the Community Center last night and its exciting and i just wanted to thank you all and your commission particularly for your support and providing the Staff Support for this process and just your vision of being very inclusive with what we mean by Historic Preservation and really incorporating this idea of a cultural district as part of your mission and so i think that we are embarking something on historic, very apropos for filipinoamericans month and looked forward to working with you and staff on this process moving forward. I feel very comfortable and happy that this initial Progress Report is very much grounded in a Community Vision with a Community Process and how it gets implemented and the creation of an Implementation Plan afterwards is going to take a lot of work but im excited for the vision thats being put forth today. Thank you very much. So commissioners i will be presenting on the report today but im also join by steve who has been working on the central soma plan for the Planning Department and we also have the project sponsor bernadette. Shes the director of the filipinoamericans foundation and on the Community Side and ada chan and working as a Community Facilitator for the Community Working group so they will come up and say a few word when is i am done with my presentation. So today im going to be presenting a Progress Report on the filipino Cultural HeritageDistrict Community district planning process. Its known also as soma pilipinas. I will switch back and forth. Soma pilipinas roll it is off the tongue a little easier. I have handed out copies of the report which we published yesterday and it will be posted on the soma pilipinas website for anyone in the audience that would like to review the report so i started working on this effort in april of this year and my role up now has been really to shepherd the Community Process to record the ideas and communicate their needs and desires back to city departments and agencies that can help them achieve their goals so most of what i am going to present today is actually information and ideas that have been developed by the community, and my contribution has been to help them layout the road map to producing a strategy and implementation document which i will talk towards the end of my presentation and im going to jump around in my slides because this was put together last minute so i hope i dont make it dizzy. Or maybe want jump at all not jump at all. Im sorry. Technical difficulties. Seems to be frozen and i can switch over to the pdf if you just give me one minute. Okay. Sorry about that. So before i Start Talking specifically about the soma pilipinas project i wanted to give a little overview on the concept of Cultural Heritage districts. This is a new concept for the city of San Francisco and a fairly new idea i think nationally and even internationally. We have been looking for precedents to help us plan a strategy and weve come up with some parallels but nothing like were trying to do here in San Francisco, so the districts are primarily identified by the activities that occur within them, rather than the buildings or the physical Properties Within them so this includes commerce services, arts, events and practices, and designation as a Cultural Heritage district as of yet does not yet currently convey any regulatory controls in San Francisco but the recognition has spurred Community Efforts by the Planning Department and office of economic and Workforce Development for the sustaining of these places so you may remember that we worked in japantown and developed the japan hert annual Cultural Heritage sustainability strategy. I missed one of the words there, heritage, the important one. Sorry. Were also working in the mission on a cultural district there and i know that there is an lgbtq program in the works to establish arts and Entertainment District related to their community so in the future the Community Lead work might involve a more formalized partnership with the city agencies but right now we dont have a tool kit of economic zoning educational marketing and planning tools so with each community we start from scratch, decide what the conditions are and concerns and and move on from there so now i will talk specifically about soma pilipinas. I want to give awe timeline of how we got to today. Work on the soma pilipinas Cultural Heritage district as a concept began during the development of the western soma plan. That plan was initiated in 2005 and adopted in 2013. It was during the earlier process that the Community First identified and mapped their heritage assets that constitute soma pilipinas and relying heavily on the research communicated with the historians and longterm residents the Planning Department published the filipino heritage context statement and there is a policy statement in the plan calling for the recognition of contributions of the Filipino Community by creating the district and then kicked off the central soma plan in 2011. Its planned for adoption some Time Next Year and one of the policies of the central soma plan is to facilitate the creation and implementation of a soma pilipinas strategy which is what were now doing, so in april of this year the board of supervisors unanimously passed a resolution creating the district and directing staff and in particular the Planning Department to work with the Community Working group to develop a strategy and an Implementation Plan to support and sustain the district. For the next five months the working group got busy developing a list of goals, concerns and potential strategies for addressing those concerns and the last month we have been working to develop a report to report back to the board of supervisors as was also directed to us in the resolution, so our goal is to create a strategy and Implementation Plan. Were not there yet. Thats not what i am presenting today. Today i am presenting just a Progress Report on where we are and what we need to do next. So now im going to orient you geographically and im going to jump ahead to our map. The orange sections of this map show the extent of soma pilipinas. It reaches from 2nd street on the east, 11 street on the west, Market Street to the north and brandon street to the south. While there are certainly many filipino Cultural Assets outside of soma you can see by the color blocks on the map theres a large concentration of Community Services, businesses, and other Cultural Assets related to the community. And at the back of the Progress Report one of the appendices there is a history of filipino art heritage in San Francisco and the Cultural Assets associated with soma pilipinas. Because its a large area there are assets associated with other communities including the Lgbtq Community and as i mentioned earlier theyre the physical of a future but separate planning effort. The boards resolution state the a purpose for the soma pilipinas district and i think its important to start there the purpose of the district is preservation and future development as soma pilipinas as the Regional Center for filipino and filipinoamericans culture and commerce. Purpose of recognition of the contributions of the community and neighborhood and last stabilization of filipino residents, businesses and Community Serving institutions. So now we have some context for the planning process im going to jump into the contents of the report that you have in front of you. We start off with background and purpose and then describe the Community Outreach process. Next we will talk about the Community Visions and goals. There has been an extensive list of Community Concerns describing existing conditions and the next section reports back on progress in the Community Planning process so far and lays out next steps and then in the appendixes of the document you will find a list of potential strategies that have been developed by the community. These have not been discussed among other city agencies or other aspects of local government yet, so that is the next phase of the Community Planning process, but they are a starting point for us to initiate those discussions with various departments and agencies, and weve also pointed out potential partners for some of the strategies that a community has developed. I wanted to talk about who is part of the process uptodate. Though i mentioned the soma pilipinas working group and i will talk more about them in the next slide. The Planning Department, the Supervisors Office. Weve also started meeting with the office of economic and Workforce Development and the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development. They could be very helpful in promoting and developing some of the strategies that were starting to discuss with the community, and lastly the community more broadly has been actively engaged over the last couple of months. So this is very small typing. You probably cant read it but theyre the nine people that make up the Community Working group. Theyre each experts in their fields and they have been able to contribute valuable information about existing conditions in soma and many of them are also very experienced Community Planners in the central soma and soma processes and we learned a lot to them and they have developed a lot to the strategies of the district. We kicked off this work in april and when we met with the working group and the Supervisors Office we determined that the working group is actually in the best position to manage the Community Outreach process so we relied on them to engage the community and report back on the communitys concerns and desires. So the working group first task was figuring out what are the communitys concerns and what also what is the communitys vision and goals for the district . I figured this out by getting people together and talking to them. Just what we do as planners. They had 17 held key stakeholder interviews. They had discussions with other Cultural Heritage districts in the city. They initiated 400 over 400 surveys. They held Large Community meetings and most occurred in the last weeks and held focus groups on the various topics related to the district. They have also had people map areas in the neighborhood of importance and including paths of travel, barriers of access in the neighborhood and frequently visited locations and the maps were a basis for a conversation about the unique cultural aspects that currently exist in soma pilipinas and to generate a conversation about what could enhance or amplify the district . This Community Outreach and discussion engagement resulted in Community Vision statement. The vision as stated right now is to maintain and grow soma pilipinas as a Regional Center for filipinos that facilitates opportunities for increasing the presence and visibility of the Filipino Community and guides the implementation of the cultural district policies and strategies in collaboration with the public and private partners. This vision statement is still being workshopped and theyre taking it out to Community Members to see if it resonates with them so it could change in the final strategy but its our starting point. The community articulated their goals. Im not going to read them in full here. They somewhat align with the purpose statements in the resolution but the statements are in the communitys voice and they provide more clarity and direction for the community, so just briefly there are three community goals, cultural celebration, community preservation, and economic opportunity. So one of the really key parts of the Community Planning process was to start to document Community Concerns. We have a list which is in the report of about i believe 70 Community Concerns. Theyre detailed, very focused and they reflect the level of expertise and engagement of the members of the working group and the people they were able to engage with. In order to help us sort through the concerns we categorized them in six buckets, one being arts and culture. Next being business and Economic Development. Then Community Services and education. This is a really large bucket. You will see a lot of the list of Community Concerns. We have heritage and Historic Preservation. Housing and land use and urban design. Because the list is so extensive im not going to try and go through all of it today but i wanted to put some of the key topics up on the screen. The range of concerns that were dealing with here are really far outside what we typically deal with here at the San FranciscoHistoric Preservation commission. Were not necessarily concerned with preserving buildings in the neighborhood but more preserving the elements that create the social fabric of the neighborhood so housing is a big issue. Affordable commercial rents are a big concern. The quality of the public spaces in soma are definitely a concern. Health and safety. Space for the arts. A space for youth in the district, and recognition of filipino history. We heard over and over again from the community that filipino heritage really is invisible in soma and theres a strong desire to make it known that this really is the heart of Filipino Community in the region. So i am also not going to read through the long list of potential partners but wanted to let you know we are brainstorming who needs to be engaged in the strategies to support the district, making the list and figure out the contact points and the various local government agencies. Were also thinking about state offices that could help as well as at the federal government level. And then of course theres the Nonprofit Organizations within soma and the city and the region that are interested in supporting the district and we will be reaching out to. So that brings me up to the next steps. And for me as a planner this is the heart of the Progress Report because it tells me what to do next and lays out a process for actually directing, establishing policy and directing Decision Making in the city. So the first thing i listed is to finalize the communitys goals and objectives. The goal statements are in pretty good shape now but we need to refine them and figure out the specific objectives under those. Probably the biggest task in front of us now is starting to engage with both private and Public Partners to refine and prioritize the strategies the community has developed. You will notice the list and the a pepd i guess that lists the strategies is extensive, almost as extensive as the concerns and its quite detailed and the next step in the next weeks were kicking off meetings mostly starting with local Government Departments and starting conversation about what our existing programs and resources that we can key into to help support the district and where there are gaps in programming that we can start to fill. Sorry there are more. After that we will develop a list of implementation measures. These will be actions, procedures, programs, or techniques that should be implemented to carry out the project goals and objectives and after that the Planning Department, the working group, and the identified implementation partners would identify lead entities and timelines for each of the implementation measures and this would result in an Implementation Plan. Along with the plan we would want to develop a monitoring and reporting plan so we can track the progress of the district, and then the Planning Department and working group would be ready to publish the strategy and Implementation Plan for public review and we would be coming back to the San FranciscoHistoric Preservation commission, Planning Commission and the board of supervisors ultimately for adoption. So before i turn it back over to the community actually this is probably a good place to transition to ada and bernadettes input there are some things under way and i wanted to list a couple of those. In august 2016 you might remember that we added grant oriented Masonic Lodge and a maya hotel to the work program which is exciting for the community and an exciting place for the soma pilipinas. In fall 2016 the Mayors Office of Community Development awarded the filipino Development Foundation funding so they can hire a project manager for the soma pilipinas project for next year. This will get grade support for developing the Implementation Plan and then looking forward to may of next year the heritage and San FranciscoHistoric Preservation commission is going to be holding a photo day to start documenting filipino history in the Public Library and this will be partnered with a store board project as well and record oral histories and theres a plan to work with the center for Asian American media to digitize some home movies and start to move together a bit of a documentary so were looking forward to that. Also the business and Economic Development committee is already coordinating with the office of economic and Workforce Development. They have a specific program called invest in neighborhoods which you may remember we talked about a bit in the japantown project. They have invite in neighborhoods project on 6th street and work to align the goals in ours and we believe there is great support for that and the working group is collecting data on the public realm and more data from the community on their needs and desires so at this pointize to point im going to turn it over to the community. We have a hearing with the Planning Commission next week on thursday and going to Land Use Committee we believe on october 31 to report back and we will see where it goes from there. Hello. I am the project manager for soma pilipinas. I wanted to start by thanking you all. Last year i was here observing a meeting and you had a discussion and introduced me to the city ark vifts and thats how a whole series of projects started with soma pilipinas. Separate and momentum building for the district and having the idea of having a photo day is important and great and it also spun off working with organizations and getting the documents into the city archives and in the context of tangible assets and its important and started here and i saw this and called her oh you did this presentation. What you did is so important. The context was exciting to hear last year and we started the store core conversations. We have done some recordings. We hear weve done more recordings than any other community in two weeks and people are hungry to have the history told and i wanted to thank you for that so in the context of the tangible side of the conversation we realized doing the planning part we failed to tell shelly about the other work and after the meeting at the commission here we started to do gatherings of people to talk about the underpinnings of the cultural district and apparently had and never shared and the Community Came up with purpose and values for the process. The purpose statement were culture bearers and share the history and stories. We respect those that come that came before and tell their stories. We do this for the generations that will come after us so its different what you get in the Planning Department report but in terms as a community when we came together thats what we people came up with it together and how were moving forward. The values in the planning process are working together to support each other. [speaking foreign language] empathy, shared identity, shared responsibility and shared struggle and shared victories [inaudible] and shared identity and oneness together so i wanted to also share that with you to kind of show the meetings weve had we had 40 to 70 people. Last were we had 70 artists from the region that came together and talked about they wanted to see and recognize culture contemporary and recognizing the line how traditional dance comes into contemporary dance and recognized in the community thank you so much so. The story cores also in this context the cultural districts in San Francisco [inaudible] [speaking foreign language] and chinatown testified at the state hearings and your framework was very different from how the state legislation originally talked about cultural districts, more in the context of tourism and Economic Development and so it was great for San Francisco to be able to show up and really talk about culture and heritage and the importance of these spaces and it started with you all so thank you very much thank you very much for all of that and it does change the framing of what the consultants are presenting at the state level also. Thank you. Good afternoon commissioners. My name is bernadette, the director of the filipinoamericans foundation and the Community Center so i wanted to speak briefly about the next steps for the grand [inaudible] and thank you for the support to allow staff to go ahead with the nomination of those buildings which are very important to us. I just had a quick trip over to seattle where theres a filipinoamericans National Historic society which is the National Society of all the filipinoamericans history in the United States. We have 18 chapters and i spoke to the leadership about supporting this nomination as well, so she is very supportive of us doing this, and as well as the Community Understanding that the Affordable Housing piece and the historic importance of that area. It will be the first filipinoamericans landmark nominated in San Francisco which is very, very important to all of us and its great that its coming at this point where we have the momentum of the Community Backing up this kind of work and just overall i wanted to thank you again for the and support and staff and support from the project managers. This work is rooted in the community and Community Driven and the values and principles out of many meetings with community and its just a few of us coming up with these you know these values, so i want to let you know this is deeply rooted in real people needing this so thank you again. Thank you. Any other members of the public wish to speak at this time . No. I know we werent in Public Comment. However we were in under the focus. I will open Public Comment officially. No one wants to speak. We will close Public Comment. Bring it back to the commission. This is informational. Do we have any questions . Commissioner. I want to say this is so exciting and impressive what you have accomplished over the last several months, a couple of years, a year or so. Its terrific and i think a couple of things i kept thinking about and of course the landmark i mean i see one of the key values here of coming up with what . Where the community is threatened and the landmark, the Affordable Housing issue, to the extent that more of that emphasis can come forward and having the district being a forum for that. I just [inaudible] [off mic] concrete [inaudible] [off mic]. Now, the other thing i was thinking about was my i raise my kids in a little neighborhood in San Francisco actually dubois park and a his his district and had several filipino families on the street and we had a lot with them. Block parties and we had actually a dweshs diverse neighborhood and i see there is a survey and i know there is a geographical district that you established here and i am just wondering about the population of filipinos in San Francisco whats the extent of that . The surveys, did it cover the population as far as covering stories . I dont know. I am just thinking what more or what has already been accomplished because to me the filipinos are not just in that area. Theyre all over and they contribute wherever they are. And as a cultural district its not just the neighborhood and its broader, the Filipino Community broadly in San Francisco and the region. The surveys were conducted at large Community Events like festivals and not just to neighborhood residents and we useless did a survey of workers because we know people come into San Francisco to work but dont necessarily live in the area so it was a mix of outreach so yes for example the artists gathering that happened we had people from benicia, union city, san ramone. In an internet age its easier to do outreach. Were want just handing out fliers. So we had wide participation and because how things were doing were doing like exit surveys and asking for Additional Information from people that participated so it was broad. Yeah, thank you. Thats great. Commissioner pearlman. Thank you so much. Its again you know with each hearing i feel like i am learning so much about something i knew nothing b i know little about the Filipino Community and i appreciate the opportunity for the work youre doing for all of us to learn and again tell the stories and the memory of who we are as a people in the city. This maybe a very strange connection but when you talked about your purpose and values i was kind of struck by the fact that i drive around the city or Walking Around the city and i seeing none. Public comment is. Sigh see so many disconnected and on the phones and not what is it going on in the community and i was struck by how human and the depth, kind of the soul that is in that kind of statement and certainly could be applied to many communities. I am jewish and we talk about those kinds of traditions all the time and how our holidays are always stories this is what happened. Were the conduit to tell our children, so i just think thats great that were kind of bringing it out into the public thats become part of our culture that were vocal about it that were present in it, so i really appreciate it. Thank you very much. Commissioner johns. Thank you. So my daughterinlaw is a filipino and she tells me theres a Huge Community in daly city. Have you reached out to those folks as well . And how are they going to be included in what youre doing here . Weve had participants from daly city. In terms of i think what weve heard from both the artists and from Community Members that live there and work in San Francisco or live in San Francisco and work in daly city and [inaudible] who wrote a book about this and daly city has a huge residential base but at the end of the base the cultural base and the venue where people want to do this is just San Francisco and not just the filipino groups but people come to San Francisco for culture and arts and 50 of the audience is outside of San Francisco and daly city i actually went through all the zip codes and daly city and that area is largely represented in that so we have done some outreach and more in the future through the audience venues because we know people are coming for that. We have also done Business Outreach to filipino businesses in the cities because we know part of it the Economic Development side is about growing businesses and San Francisco is such a high risk city to do business in that we really wanted to approach businesses having their second business in San Francisco as a strategy, so kind of different areas were doing. Were also doing work through the consulate and the presentations are done and calls out for people too. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah thank you. We will close this item and wi with that we will adjourn. Be good im todd rufo economic and Workforce Development for the city of San Francisco we are here today to announce a new report detailing the impact of the Healthy Retail [inaudible] design to strengthen Small Businesses and improve access to Healthy Foods in our community that need it the most. We are here at blue market and i want to thank our host, lisa even for hosting us and this even today. In addition to mayor lee we are also joined by thomas [inaudible] from the department of Public Health. A key partner on this program as well as mayor rogers. A Community Member and key local partner on this program. We will also be joined shortly by supervisor mar whose cosponsor of the key jail we tell registration a couple years back you join cosponsoring the legislation with supervisor melia cohen supervisor for this district by district had reportedly was not able to be here today. Now i want to take a quick minute to talk a little bit about some of the findings of the report before i headed off to the mayor. Healthy retail sf report was a joint venture between the office of economic and Workforce Development and the department of Public Health one highlight a couple key findings. The report found that through this Pilot Program were then 20 stores saw an increase in sales by more than 25 . This totals more than 5000 for each store and thats real in terms of total sales. Thats real value thats real impact for these businesses there taken this effort to increase the amount of healthy food they sold in their locations. That is also increasing access to healthy food. Within 6000 units are produced are being sold now at individual stores and in total, communities have access within 11,000 units are produced. One of the things that is most important thing the mayor would agree, is that instead of signs promoting alcohol and tobacco no signs promoting healthy produce and access to fresh food. So i want to take this moment to introduce and handed over to mayor lee is a champion for Small Businesses and based on my recollection and knowledge is done more invested more in our neighborhoods and Small Businesses than any mayor i know. With that, mayor lee. He was good morning everybody. Welcome to the bayview. [applause] you know the bayview has been a good area for us to invest in all over the city. We know for many years the residence that lived in and around this bayview area had felt isolated from the city and as we started the investment with the first light rail, we realized we really had a gem to help awaken this neighborhood, other neighborhoods in the city, with transportation, with housing them up with investing in Small Businesses and today we are in one of those Small Businesses and while the report is titled, Healthy Corner stores, technically, while this is not a corner store, this is still a corner store. In bayview because bayview along with the tenderloin along with Outer Mission are dotted with many stores that because theres a lack of larger Grocery Stores become the only place where people can buy their groceries. Over a period of time i lee, whos the owner of the store and many other store owners, they felt well the market seems to indicate youve got to sell chips, liquor, candy and that has become really the staple of a lot of the smaller stores. A couple of years ago the supervisors and our office teamed up to say that these socalled food deserts could really get some help and introduce them to more healthier foods for the entire neighborhood. That conversation took place with our Health Department thomas is here today representing Barbara Garcia and the entire health about. I want to say thank you for working together where office of Economic Development in our Small Business commissioners and all of our folks helping invest in neighborhoods to really make this ordinance that supervisor cohen and supervisor mar put together about how to bring more healthier foods to our neighborhoods. You cant just say it should happen. Were you can just criticize people for not having it. Youve got to actually make it happen and the way we made it happen is through investment. You take a store like this and you Start Talking with the owner and say what can we do to help you . Is that things like refrigeration . Is a maybe new shelving . Is it