Transcripts For SFGTV Fire Commission 2817 20170220 : compar

SFGTV Fire Commission 2817 February 20, 2017

Slide show. Okay. There we go. Okay. Good morning. I wanted to go over and present on the departments Budget Proposal for the 1718 and 1819 years. There was a budget book in your packetd and i will briefly go over that, get into the details and answer any questions that may come up. So i wanted to do excuse me. A little brief overview on the instructions and timelines from the Mayors Office that has been touched on previous meetings and a overview of. The review of the budget document before you, some of the changes in the budget, the departments proposal, and then open up for any discussion you may have. So heres a brief review of the timeline. Here we are on the eighth of february for potential action on the budget and due on the 21st and june 1 is when the mayors budget is due to the board of supervisors. We have departmental hearings during june and the board considers the budget overall in july. Excuse me. Just brief review of the budget instructions. These are stemming from the citys five year Financial Plan update back in december. The city over the next two years is looking at after overall defit of 400 mundz and increasing in the out years. Departments have been requesting to reduce the general fund support by 3 in each year so cumulative 6 in the second jeer and for the department thoopts 1. 7 in the next year and no new punishes as part of the Budget Proposals. So a little summary of the budget. So last year is the two year budget. Last year approved the second year, fiscal year 1718 during that process. That has been essentially rolled over for the first year of this budget process so any adjustments prirchl rates and valerie rates and work orders updated those have been roll overd and. It includes assumptions for the hiring plan over the next few year as well as the equipment plan funded in last years budget process so the numbers will change in the book over the next couple of weeks. We have a couple of weeks until submission and adjustments to the staffing models and technical adjustments but nothing material in scope other than what has been presented to you before. So briefly going over some of the changes and the appropriation on page in your budget book on page i will touch on briefly on some of the appropriation changes. You will see there is a large change on page 16 of 82 of your budget document. Theres some changes in salaries, frirchl bchs. A lot that of is driven by mou requirements and changes and negotiated rates in addition to some of the fringe rates that have been incorporated into the Budget System and including retirement and Health Benefit changes et cetera. You will see a increase in regular salaries and decrease in over time and part of the departments hiring over the years as we see increase the staffing we will see the over time reduce and the regular salaries increase and in addition a lot of the non salary work orders theyre negotiated during the mayors portion of the budget and not in our departments budget. Jumping brief leave to the revenues if you look at page nine of 82 thats an overall revenue summary. We are looking altsome potential increases to Fire Prevention revenues as well as ems mainly on that side due to call victim. There were increases incorp volume. There were increases in the volume and we did that and anticipated that in the next two years as well and increased ems revenue. Fire prevention as well and looking at current year activities. We anticipated a small increase and we didnt raise fees last year and were looking at it due to salaries and benefits over the last two years to recover the cost. Ems are triggered with the increase and baked into the legislation that establishes the establish to charge. Overall highlighting some of the changes you will see by kind of division or subject area on page 21 of 82 in your book theres kind of break out by division. I will start with administration and support services. Thats essentially an annualization of current positions that were funded in the current year as well as wage increases incorporated into the budget and also mandatory fringe benefit changes. In addition there were work orders approved last year in the budget. Those increases that are known are included in the departments budget. Excuse me. For Fire Prevention were maintaining current Staffing Levels. Thats consistent with some of the initiatives that the fire marshal has proposed in the current year in regards to realignment of the complaint section as well as some of the outreach and that it continuation of the dbi funded positions so we have an inspector and investigator that we assigned to outreach as well as additional staffing to deal with some of the implementation of some of the new legislation from the board. In addition the increase part of that is due to annualization for a fiscal year and we adjusted over time to account for activity on the revenues and expenditure side. We have increases due to mou and the benefit range rates. Theyre incorporated into the staff. Annualization of new positions and battalion five that has been done for the fiscal year and reduction in over time and increase in the staff were seeing and continuing the fleet and Equipment Program that was approved last year in the budget and in addition a few of the new positions at the airport are annualized as well and h28 approved for staffing and in the process and may have been announced for training at the airport as well. In addition some of the one time projects removed last year and 800,000 allocated for the preplan so to speak on the dpsems facility as part of the health bond and a one time allocation. In addition a lot of the it and Capital Project budgets were nltd finalized and going through the vetting process again in the current year and related to some of the bond work there is quality and furniture and that added after additional conversations ins the Mayors Office. So overall with regards to the proposal as i mentioned we are looking at a 1. 7 Million Dollars request for reductions. Together so far we have approximately 705,000 of that offsetting from revenues as i mentioned, ems and Fire Prevention revenues. However, the department the belief is the additional cuts to that for the operational issues in light of what has been discussed at previous meeting and the increase in call volume and i will get into that a little bit in addition there is limit the flexibility from the operational perspective and other areas of the budget. Thank you. Sorry. I am under the weather. We have limited staffing and mou requirements and the lack of non expenditure side and there are additional strains on that due to the call volume but limited overall of the budget and a very small percentage. So the Department Also proposing to continue to work closely with the mayors Budget Office and staff over the months in advance of the mayors budget submittal on june 1. The committee will continue to meet to address priorities, potential for cost savings and in addition justifications for current funding for the department as well as other initiatives. As the chief mentioned at the last Commission Meeting the reconvening of the ambulance work group citywide and look at ems resources and do analysis of staffing and other resources on the ems side Going Forward. Just briefly i wanted to highlight again as kind of the overall theme that as we looked at the bottoming and operations the main thing that sticks out is the increased call volume and since the late fall a large spike over what we projected and were looking at addressing that. The ems work group will do a good job at looking at nexts with response but call volume is a huge driver of our operations obviously and continuing to see increases in that given reduction requests and resources that we currently have were trying to resolve any issues outstanding from that. So with that i would like to open any questions or discussion that you have. Thank you. Thank you mr. Corso. Is there any Public Comment on this item . Seeing none Public Comment is closed. Commissioners discussion . Questions . Commissioner covington. Thank you mr. President. Thank you for your presentation mr. Corso. I have a couple of quick questions to begin with. I am wondering about on page 16 utilities excuse me. Could you define utilities . In general . Let me find that specific in general that is for if i could find it real quick. Usually its for things such as electricity, sewer a lot is broken out into work orders but let me pull that specific line up. So we pay pg e directly for correct. We pay the Water Department for sewer and wastewater through a separate work order which is a separate line item here. This is in general for let me find that real quick. This is a lot for Treasure Island as well. They have a little different structure through tida so thats in general for station utilities not covered with work orders through other departments. Okay. So what is our pg e bill . Because i noticed this line item in the budget is constant. Its 74,000. Correct so part of is a lot of the utility rates are negotiated over the next months in the budget, want by our office but the Mayors Office on a total citywide allocation and depending on each individual departments perspective that is what the budget will be and adjusted at the Mayors Office level. Okay. So do you have a figure for our pg e bill . I do not off the top of my head but i can get one. Okay. I am interested because i think in the last Commission Meeting i asked about solar panels for fire houses, and i did get a very informative email from chief rivero giving me some ideas but i think this is something that we probably need to have a presentation on at some point. Solar panels or you know Something Else to assist us with these budgets, so i dont know what the pg e bill is. I dont know how high it goes, and that information would be helpful in our conversation, so i would request of our president that we have Mohammed Nuru chat about green roofs opposed to solar roofs so we can have more information of. We have to just as you do with your own Family Budget you have to look at how you can save money. I mean 74,000 for instance is not a lot of money, but if you save that ten times youre talking about a real chunk of change, so Going Forward i think we need to look at everything and examine all possibilities. Absolutely. We have tried as much as we can on smaller scale working with the puc on Energy Efficiency and for example boilers or lights, things like that. Obviously in the big picture theyre small items but if you apply to all of the locations they can add up for sure. We have a lot of property, and you know and in family homes people arent there all day long, you know 24 hours a day, but the San Francisco Fire Department is in our fire houses 24 hours a day, the lights are on literally, so we should look at that, and i also wanted to know a little bit about on page nine the medical cannabis dispensary. Yes. Okay. So the projection is for the projection is for 880, yes. Yes. So in general i dont think its that frequent and i could probably defer to the fire marshal for a little more of an explanation. We do get a few requests every year for informations related to that. Inspections related to that. Obviously the revenue is small so its infrequent but there are occasions were requested to do inspections at facilities. Okay. So its just inspection of the property . Correct. We wouldnt be charged with any of the like the business permitting or anything like that. Its part of the normal fire as far as code and safety. Its a referral from another department for fire saipt. So its on a referral basis . Correct. Okay. I will hold my other questions until other commissioners have a chance mr. President. Thank you commissioner covington. Commissioner hardeman. Thank you mr. Chair. As usual mr. Corso a very efficient i know just plugging in numbers in some respects but in other respects its each one of these little lines and there are hundreds of them that have a number that youre responsible for. You do a great job in your analysis and your recommendations. Thank you. So in the funding for any staff positions related to the Fire Department that are i assume are just staff we wouldnt have to worry about if there is any cuts, and im not talking about the sanctuary city cuts. I am talking about the other funding sources. How many of those are in jeopardy . Are you referring like the new hiring or the academies that were projecting or in general . I am talking about the employees, some of the staff people that have significant jobs for us that are part of Homeland Security money oh on the federal side . Yes. I think a lot of that is unknown at this time. We are currently funded and we have applied for so were funded and applied for the next round of funding and i believe there is another round coming up in a few months. I dont think its anything currently allocated. That would be an issue and in the future years Going Forward the potential we wouldnt be able to apply or receive federal funding so currently we are essentially funded for three, two and a half federal positions. We have the Homeland Security director. We have an information sharing position and we have a planner that assists with nert and the department of emergency management. Theyre funded by federal Homeland Security grants so those would be the three positions. In addition theres a number of equipment and other awards that we received that could potentially be in jeopardy, but i think a lot of that is still unknown both within the department obviously but citywide or federally as well. Theres been a lot of talk what the administration would want to do in certain instances and talk about what they could do as far as pulling federal funding. I think there is confusion around what is allowable and in addition the uncertainty surrounding the implications of actually implementing those policies so i guess thats a long way of saying theres a lot of uncertainty surrounding that but currently were funded for three positions with federal grants. Thank you. And theyre very important positions as we all know absolutely. Anybody that works in the Fire Department knows how hard they work and how valuable they are. The savings on overtime is terrific. Thats remarkable number and that will go into the new staffing for the additional classes. Would that be used this year for the additional employees, i guess the new h 2. S or covered by other funds . Our staffing model overall and we have a minimum level so we know what to fill every year and because of budget reductions we didnt hire as much so we relied on overtime and that increase and the relative salaries decrease because of the redecrease in staff and were going the other way and Building Back the staff in anticipation of retirements of course but were restoring the staffing and adding to the overall net staffing and reduces the need for overtime. Very good. I see youre soaking wet like me. I took the streetcar down and couldnt see and it was so wet and i see you wiping yourself and 45 minutes ago and i am still soaking wet. The volume on the increased volume for primarily engines and ambulances as were so good about giving us these graphs. As commissioners we love. The sky rocketing the last four years so thats basically a multiple of each year, so it goes up 5 this last year based on the year before and went up so many percent and the year before so you know were looking at for our chiefs that are responsible for directing the departments like chief myers with the ambulances the effects of just pyramiding of more and more does there come a point where were trying to reach the goals of on time is just absolutely impossibility because you cant go 100 miles on 95 miles of gas. I mean it doesnt happen, thank you so much how do we deal with that to give you know the mayor has to understand we cant do a 3 budget cut on a 5 volume increase. That really is more than 5 and the year before and the year before and the year before and each year that number keeps shooting up, and we dont have anymore ambulances and we dont have any more engines. Absolutely. Thats the theme that came up. The Budget Committee met talking about our budget and talking to Division Heads thats the core issue were dealing with and we totally i do want to say were extremely appreciative of what the Mayors Office has allocated over the years and were absolutely working with them Going Forward but i think the issue were struggling with internally there are reduction requests here but on the other side we provide a core service to the city and the demand continues to increase and how do we balance that . I think in regards from a operational perspective the ems and ambulance work group is looking at that a bit. There are a number of issues that relate to it. Its not just Fire Department specific so thats why theres a number of partners from Public Health and the hospitals and a lot of factors that go into patient care and response and those issues will addressed and brought up and analyzed at the work group level. Did you want to check in now on this subject not you but the chief and wants to answer chief. Go ahead. Thank you. Thank you president cleavelan

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