Thank you to the sfgovtv he to Media Services for airing this meeting live to the public every time we meet go forward and start with roll call yes. Commissioner frost commissioner lee commissioner a ply man and commissioner caminong and sxoms and commissioner perez and president tan. Here full house i do want to welcome our new he it conspires if replaces commissioner joseph so it is a taking part in and voting on things we vote on so the first item is general Public Comment pertaining to the business of Entertainment Commission you dont see on the agenda is there any Public Comment. Yeah. And it is not something well have later. From butter on 11 streets of San Francisco want to welcome you and congratulate you on you know youre being here for audrey that cannot be here and qualified to represent to take over the position thank you for being here. Thats great any other Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Item 2 approval of the minutes if february 21st commissioners there is no changes or edits happy to entertain a motion. I move approval of the minutes a motion is there a second. Second. All right. Any Public Comment on the minutes seeing none, same house, same call . Same call all right. The that item passes well move on to item 3 the report from the sound inspectors who wants to go first inspector pauley batter up good evening, commissioners inspections to talk about on the art gallery received a complaint about the honey hive the complaint was in other words, in regards to people on the sidewalk they smoke in front of the venue. Is there a report that is printed because we have shawns is that somewhere. No here it comes. Thank you honey hive in the sunset. Yes. Go ahead. So the main thing i was concerned this past weekend were people on the sidewalk saturday night the weather solved the problem so for that night it is an item well be checking out for the next few weeks and eventually ill make contact with the owner or manager and make sure he understands the exception not an issue recently so this is preback up thats on the cue in the cue for further inspections so while was in the neighborhood i stopped by the rip tide they again know but i wanted to check it out there was issues with the neighbors complaining about noise we performed the sound test that was fine i saw some middle age romance it was cool that sidewalks laughter went by a couple of the but the weather was limiting again in this situation is well check it out again i dont expect any issues with the rip tide and this is an issue we dealt with a few times the complainant is complaining about noise coming sweet spot hostile the sro called the gray stone shawn went by a bunch of sound tests in 2015 and went by in 2015 that was a board line issues it cropped up and tried to bring in a manager to try to see 23 we can calibrate the system of the venue and nevertheless, he didnt want to cooperate so hes complaining we are following up and trying to get i am had cooperate to find out who limit we need to set the current sound test not good enough ill not know until i get in there and do a you do understand test until then the only tool in my bag is just go and make sure theyre coming applying with the permit thats if in the cue as far as goes and another complaint carbon lounge a complaint of loitering and unpermitted entertainment i went by a this weekend and didnt perceive any attempt from the outside but go and double check to make sure theyre in inclines sound test with the clubhouse got restrained out this past weekend we worked with the planning and they wanted assistance is the sound test they have a bigger event that might effect neighbors with the rain again destroyed that from happening so were on the calendar for next month i think and thats when well perform the sound test interest and the fillmore another sound test for friday not a proper sound system theyll have a grant that expires in may well not be able to get the sound test done but nevertheless, were trying and thats it ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. For hawthorne in your report it says it as on march 6 was that when the complaint came in. The original most recent came in a few weeks ago we dealt that it on monday that was the day i pulled out of my ahead. In argue it was when it came in. So i put the the time in ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Were good up here per intraushg good evening, commissioners a few complaints i wanted to bring to our attention with 1345 howard i believe your privy to this complaint i reached to the complainant and over the past two weeks with that complaint came in and encouraged them to reach out in r5e789 for future servic services. Have they made themselves known. It is unanimous and reached out asking for a phone call asking for an email or making sure theyre aware how to get ahold of me hoping down the road theyll reach auto and a complaint on grand and 24th street about after hours not a after hours permit i thought that was odd we get complaint at 5 in the morning about their operation i wanted to reassure the complainant in any experienced none that has operated in the past or do that kind of thing and encouraged him to ask him for his assistance and seeing if he could reach out to me as you was disturbed and any other information gleaned into the situation to step out and hear where the sound is coming from and have someone come in and he determined there was a legal after housing within the grand do not operating after 2 ill be forwarding on the after hours to the station to see if they can jump on and encouraged them to call emergency and jesse the hamilton in is quiet for quite a while they had a late rush due to the rain past weekend usually their strategy to quits by 10 had a problem getting people in the the past weekend and i had a lengthy conversation reiterating that again, the goal to get everyone in by 10 gave me get the door closed so when the music is going on no noise across the street theyll double down on that and make sure that the music is lower if theyre unable to get folks in i received a complaint both myself and the operator was ccd on a complaint for a neighbor the complaint did all that the there was disturbance from the club and also honking from cars on 11 street presumably due to blocked traffic lanes of traffic thats all if there are any questions ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Hello brought to your attention this after hours party were you able to determine where the party was the complainant told me the address the address is on the phone that has accessed operating i hope to get the information this evening if i cant ill followup with the complainant again to determine the address. Thank you. Any other comments from commissioners. All right. Thank you very much any Public Comment on the inspector reports seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Pontiff to item 4 which is the Police Department questions or comments i dont see my police here so move on to item 5 hearing and possible action regarding the applications for the applicant under the San FranciscoEntertainment Commission we have a few tonight well start with the content agenda two live perform permits that are lunged together. I put those on content they received approval within integration the first one is lemon sugar and provided send a. Our regular agenda is one place of entertainment quite a few. The one agenda application for a change in ownership for a place of entertainment and intended hours and music device fourth the stud which im sure all of you guys know about the stud or have attend over the years its been around since the 60s and been a hub for the Lgbt Community in San Francisco and a legacy business in San Francisco theyve been operating for thirty years in the previous owner left and so the new ownership is actually a collective of 17 members which is something weve not seen before and in terms of the ownership for night life and in San Francisco this is a creative new model and theyre really helping keep the legacy business alive to have similar operations theyre operating on a temporary permit given by the senator cain hair acting on this to get all the inspections collected cled and letters that protest 40 signatures in support and a few letters of support i think i see someone if supervisor kims office who may want to speak in support of this as well what else the southern station approved that with the past conditions that is in your packet the basic conditions they give if you want to hear from one of the members maria davis is here or supervisor kim representative up to you guys. Whofrn wants to speak, however, have the actual applicant come up that wants to speak. Okay hi, im maria davis i want to tell you guys about the stud and what were doing and kind of just touching on the things were doing to make us great maybe so neighbors so the stud bar has had a longstanding history within the Gay Community so for gay and gender place a place to escape escape i can themselves it was found by george mason and opened the doors in 1966 as part the miracle mile gay bars and it is severed as a place with queers and artists can come together to let at a later date hair down it moved no hovs street amongst a aids crisis we are that grounded legacy business status without the stud lgbtq scenes and community will lose their homebased in the soma will lose their night life and cultural features so last summer amid the beloved stud was nearly closed because of one and 50 a group of artists and industry folks and a mri idea of passionate people came together we have taken over it and working hard to keep it alive as of our Ongoing Operations we are basically continuing operations before were keeping the iconic nights that have been with the good bang and steve with sister underscore are with the sisters of adolescence this week were hosting the 20year anniversary of the tour of city city a tour red hots has continued on additionally were fostering new event with queer proportionality like living a queer group and a dance party for people of color and gender performance and welcoming touring djs and parties and so as far as the security all staff are lead certified and trained in the owl Entertainment Commission for the night life establishment one staff member will be on security detail and trained in id verification and circulation and emergency protocol several are Security Guard serviced and diligent with one Security Guard per one hundred people and talking about the Neighborhood Outreach we received so many port support and a great relationship on harrison as well as our neighbors on 9 street the San Francisco in we have are a lengthy petition from neighbors showing their support and received letters of enforcement from the south of Market Business Association and the Harvey Milk Democratic Club and in touch with the market neighborhood and received support from supervisor jane kim and her staff as well find out more soon we plan on enriching the community and mitigating the effects that night life hats on its neighbors keeping our surrendering clean and rrntd the noise levels and always having an open area for Community Feedback thats it. Thank you commissioners questions or comments. I want to commend you guys on our creative solution for maintaining this now the fun part to operate it but were seeing so many places disappear in a dizzy pace this is a cool story. Thank you very much thank you. Commissioner perez and commissioner thomas and thanks for coming in and congratulations also im a big fan of the stud i used to go interest many moons ago with the programming so who will be in charge of the booking and the programming of the venue. Basically, we have an executive board and all the departments have an officer head of that right now mike is the head of the Programming Committee and hes in charge of all of that and also known as vivian forevermore so someone it in charge and several people helping him to manage that department. And hes responsible for the attempt assess to the take place in the venue. Right. Thank you. Commissioner thomas. I wanted to say congratulations on pulling this together and ahsha safai the stud it is exciting to have the community be able to step forward to save this many hours of stud at one point i was there so thank you. Thank you very much. I also want to commend you all on the hard working to do it and supervisor jane kim also stepping in as well you know we need to see more venues like this stay hold in San Francisco and you know it is sometimes takes 17 people or if not 17 hundred people to do that so, yeah so thank you thank you for all your hard work and im happy to support this one question there is clearly a new Development Next door and it came in before we as the commission had a residential process to say hey there is a initiating you may want to think about informing your neighbors have you had or your board has contact and negotiated any sort of like anything with them informing them about you know your yeah. The fact you exist. We have yeah. The superintendent for the Contracting Company i spoken to and hes need to the person to stay and live in superintendant who is planning on giving us a tour and well have a point person and vice versa so ive been directly in contact with both of them the contact is the first step and well see when people more often the hope theyll respect that he and apron that that a be patronize the stud were here a resource and steps to insure the building the relations were happy youve invested and coming together to pull through for the community and San Francisco thank you didnt look like there is any other comments from the commissions lets see if not Public Comment but supervisor kim. Hi good evening, commissioners barbara are complaining ill be brief i dont know need make the case to save stud the Commission Gets it and patronizing the stud for decades i want to share that that is been a pleasure working with the collective weve been contrary two the important people and the issues and more importantly i think that theyve full control of the leadership for night life in south of market some of the cultural district in our neighborhood have about this because of involvement in stud leadership and being thoughtful and moving forward and open what the needs of night life so we feel confident about the capacity of this collective we also feel happy fortunate that a group of 17 came in together to save this not only for district 6 but for the whole Lgbt Community thank you for youre support i dont know if it is too late to send a letter i got the okay for the support. Well take that. I appreciate it. Thank you all right. I have one person that filled out the speaker card and happy to take any other Public Comment on this. Good evening i live in south of market a couple of blocks from the stud and happy to hear about the turn of development and fully support the application thank you. Thank you. There anyone else who lee would like to comment on this. Yeah. I just shared the same sentiment of the people and live in the neighborhood and the stud has been there for many decades were happy it that will continue to exist thank you. Thank you. Any more Public Comment . All right. I want to give people a chance well move on to a motion from any commissioners wants to make that i make a motion we approve the permit as requested with the recommended conditions. Recommended police conditions. Great. Second. I second and, of course, add the Good Neighbor policy. That is attached to every permit we issue so great. Make sure any other. laughter . Its one of the conditions already all right. So theres a there is a motion that has been seconded that i assume no other fostered comment same house, same call . All right. Head nodes same house, same call . Means the that item passes so congratulations clapping. see you at the stud all right. Were going to move on to item number 6 which is the review and possible action to review and change the conditions of the place of Entertainment Permit you see 1377 and extended hours as Health Beyond hand it over to the Deputy Director were going to because this was requested by the commission to have this hearing we like the actual venue owner to come up and certificate of preference i know neighborhoods have concerns and give a chance for the venue to respond and discuss it im going to turn it over to my time up . Im going to turn it over to Deputy DirectorWisconsin Land thank you president tan were here to discuss the modifications for the place of entertainment or extended hours this is based on the complaint weve received and you guys have requested we add this to the hearing this evening so the mraerlgd is here this evening weve not be able to resolve the issue and at at administrative level thus far but discussing this, please note it is not necessarily required for the commission to take action and modifying but is agendized for discussion and possible action and we see fit please make sure to review the items in the packet about this item ive included both of the permit in there as well as the inspector duffys timeline of enforcement and also included in the packet letters from the neighbors regarding this agenda item as you can see from