President omotalde x item on the agenda clerk quick announcement at the use of cell phones pagers is on producing Electronic Devices are prohibited at this meeting. Please be advised the chairman made order the removal of the minimum any person responsible for use of cell phone pager or other similar sound producing Electronic Devices. Note to the public, theres an opportunity for Public Comment both after each item and in general Public Comment for items not on the agenda. There are a limited number of speaking cards at the table. You may complete a speaking card and handed to me and i will pass it on to the president for you to be called up. You do not need to complete a speaker card to speak during Public Comment and you may also speak anonymously. So, if we do run out of speaker cards, dont worry. Youll still be able to speak during Public Comment. With that item to approval of minutes of march 22, 2016 commission on the environment regular meeting from these predatory documents are the march 22, 2016 draft minutes. This item is for discussion and action. President omotalde is there any questions, commissioners . Discussion . Seeing none, ill open this up to public, to any Public Comment . Specifically on item 2. Testifier my name is Philip Johnson and i been here since 2001 on this issue. [inaudible]. Seeing there trying to solve the water [inaudible]. I dont think its necessary because in doing my regular duties in sacramento have been putting together [inaudible]. Other lawyers in talking to [inaudible]. She was one of the chairman [inaudible] president omotalde thank you very much. Any further Public Comment . Hearing none, Public Comment is now closed. I believe we can move to a vote. The itc okay we have the motion to vote. Commissioner wald has moved. Lose that. President omotalde all in favor say aye. Any opposition . Hearing none, the motion passes. Anthony, among the agenda clerk next item is public, good numbers of the public may adjust the commission on the matters that are are within the commission stirs jurisdiction and not on todays agenda. Testifier my ms. Shelby johnson. [inaudible] i like to organize the [inaudible] and do regular proceedings. What needs to be done. I put a policy for on these issues need to be fixed and do emergency for businesses. [inaudible] for the industry to improve president omotalde thank you for your comments. Next up testifier my name is ethan tucker with save the debate here to talk what Something Else can i also just want to quickly president omotalde can you speak into the microphone . Thank you. Testifier i want to quickly mention aa, the clean and healthy day ballot measure on the june 7 out is important to raise money for wetlands and restriction around the bay area. I know youre all about mentally interested people, without a little reminder for that very important issue. Thank you. President omotalde thank you very much. Next speaker former commissioner pres. Thats the next item. Apologies. Can we move to itemany other Public Comment . Hearing none, Public Comment is now closed. We will move to next item on the agenda clerk item 4, presentation of the commission on the environment Environmental Service award. The sponsors jaclyn omotalde. This item is for discussion. President omotalde no, i am very very very excited about the launch of the commission on the environment. Environmental service award. Its a collaboration between the commission and director rafael to engage the community. And to just recognize some of the outstanding work of both individuals and organizations within San Francisco. It really and truly is an opportunity to learn from the work to be inspired by it and to be motivated by a good presentation in the format is a certificate. Based on other successful award programs and a special shout out to the board of supervisors and the commission on the status of women for cooperation and assistance with the launch of this populous program. By fellow commissioners and i are able to nominate an individual guided by the purpose of the commission. And consider what theyve done to help us fill the mission. The city charter says the Commission Shall conduct Public Education and outreach to the community honored by mental issues, including but not limited to, Solid Waste Management and recycling, energy conservation, Natural Resource conservation, environmental inspection, toxics, irving forest three, Natural Resources, Habitat Restoration and hazardous material. The charter gives this commission responsibility for the longterm sustainability of San Francisco. Except for land use. To the extent possible, we plan to nominate both individuals and or organizations that are either reside or work and do business in San Francisco. The idea is to really get people, again, inspire and motivated and really recognize all the wonderful folks out there doing the work to make San Francisco a more environmentally sustainable place. Before i announce the first word i welcome my fellow commissioners or director rafael, to add anything. Thank you. Thank you president omotalde. I like to say there is never a bad time to say thank you and theres so much amazing work going on by residents and nonprofit throughout the city do we thought this was a wonderful way to say thank you and not with a giant award with a competition, but for each of you to put out who you think you would like to say thank you to in a way that expresses not only a personal thanks for the thanks of the commission and that apartment. So, this is the beginning. This is the first one. Things program will take shape as you decide how to give it shape. In the years and months and years to come. So, today is the first and a great launch and on looking for to working with you to see how we grow this and make it our very own program. Thanks. President omotalde so, without further ado other any other comments by my fellow commissioners . Commissioner wald commissioner wald i think this is a Wonderful Program and a wonderful idea and i commend those who think who thought of it out. I do have one suggestion. That is, i read in the accompanying memorandum that there were to be no criteria for selection. I would like to suggest that not at the beginning, but as time goes on, we devote some criteria that would be used to identify appropriate winners of this award. With the notion that those criteria would ensure into the future that the award has value and has meaning. Some of us, and maybe even all of us wont always be here selected to have criteria that would capture what we all think this award should be would be a very useful thing. Going forward. President omotalde thank you commissioner walker and if the comments my fellow commissioners . Hearing none, i just want at i concur with commissioner walker i think as time passes by sometimes the notion of white it was started gets lost and to make sure the integrity of the award and the recognition, i think its a really good idea to think about what you just said. Thank you for bringing that up. President omotalde thank you, commissioners. Any other commissioners . Seeing none, i would like for a phenomenal woman to stand up. Her name is Alice Carruthers. Please do stand up and come to the front. [applause] president omotalde so, i just want to take this opportunity to tell you all a little bit about one of my personal heroes and truly a force within the city and county of San Francisco. Within northern california, within california, within the United States. We need 1 million Alice Carruthers and bulimic just tell you a little bit about her. She is a mentor to countless children will grow up in the southeast neighborhoods of San Francisco. Particularly, to youth in the many projects. From a young age she was extremely good at working with her hands. She worked with word and with metal. She remembers being told by a teacher that she should be a carpenter. Like so many young people, at one point theres twists and my throat and sometimes you dont necessarily follow the right path at the right time, but you know what you learn from that. So, yes, she went on the wrong side for a little bit but she learned from that. She recognized that wasnt the right path in a path that lead to jail or death. She turned her life around and she got her carpentry license. But she didnt stop there. Which for most of these that wouldve been enough to completely turn our lives around, have carpentry license and go do the trades. But she has this call to really help her community and to work with the young people who were in jeopardy of going down that same rocky path. So, she really really started to engage young people around her and mentor them and talk to them and both save them mentally and save them physically what a month ago she rescued a young man was an amber alert for and literally pulled off the freeway to almost certain death. By telling her story and by working with individuals, she really has become a force in a deacon and someone that people in the Community Look to for advice and thoughts and feedback. Then, in 1991, she started out on many farms. Adjacent to the alimony project. As a safe space for kids to learn, to work, and to stay off the streets. She has become a true leader and in a movement and all her work and activism and kerry and dedication because the cleaning work is not always easy work. Definitely should be recognized and im so so honored and humbled, and excited, to recognize your work here today at the environmental commission. So, on behalf of myself, on behalf of my fellow commissioners, and behalf of the department, thank you for all you do for the city and county of San Francisco. The state of california and for the world. Thank you. [applause] testifier im impressed. Thank you very much. Before i say what i have to say, i just want to thank someone who is here today. Could you stand up please . Beta said he was born and raised in San Francisco in alamein he could she came from the islands from samoa or in hawaii. She, a mother of six out i knew when she was allowed little girl but now she is my program director. Shes doing a great job in the community. So, hopefully one day she will have my shoes. Right . Im playing on that. Shes doing a great job. So this is been a be the next Alice Carruthers. [applause] testifier one more person. The valley was one of my youngest kids out there in alamein he housing development. Everybody went through summer blocks. She was one of the great workers as one of the little kids when we first started at 12 years old all the way to 15 years old. She came back and work from 137. Then, after mom moved back to come back and help me in the community, now she is my Program Manager at the farm. The farm manager. So, she is 14 staff under her. [applause] testifier another one. He had a summer blocks also. A lot of them have been in and out of jail getting in trouble. A lot of people have sold drugs in the community and now working with this program alimony resident management corporation, which is Alice Carruthers, he turned his life around. He works on the form. He was one of the staff also. So brautigan a shout out. [applause] testifier over here with a hat on and thats my sister, my oldest sister. My mothers oldest child. Shes my second mom. After my mother passed in 2011 she was my second mom. Thats my oldest sister betty turner and her husband george turner. They dove down to be here today. [applause] testifier so i just want to say to the commissioners and the people who are here today, commissioners, thank you very very much. You know josh you my number one boy back there. I got love for josh. Anyway i just want to thank you guys my work is not easy. Its really not easy. But at the same time god gives me strength. I understand real clear because i was born and raised in Public Housing. As my mom and dad were navy people. So, im the youngest in the family. As you know into a struggle. But i made it. So in the midst of my making it them i get back to my community of 37 years helping the kids and the adults in the community, working with probation juvenile probation, and hopefully, soon, i can retire out and until the end i am here. If you need any support for me i am here. So thank you all very much for this award. Thank you very much. [applause] president omotalde alice could use that therefore more second . I like to open up the floor to my fellow commissioners as well. Commissioner hoyos commissioner hoyos . Alice, i just want to say how inspired we all are and by your leadership and my kids go to school and the Spanish Immersion School in the mission we have a lot of kids from alamein he and its just inspiring because its so clear your mentoring people and youre all about like we might not all be here 1530, 40 years from now who is stepping up and the fact that you invest the much loved and that clearly, is just something that we need more of, like you said. So i just want to thank you for your leadership and thank you for your vision and thank you for your commitment and thank you for being a role model for kids and communities. President omotalde commissioner stephenson commissioner stephenson thank you so much for everything you do. I want to point out you get this award and it seems so fitting that we give the first award to somebody who stands up here, turns around, points to our community and cause other people out and then you finish talking to us and say what can i do for you. I just think that such a testament to what youve done in your community and the city as a whole i really really appreciate your work for all of us. Thank you. President omotalde . Any other commissioners . I want to say thank you for everything youre doing and echo what my colleagues said. Its not enough to just be the one person that makes it but the brings other people along. Its just so inspiring and what a perfect model for the award that the inaugural recipient of good so thank you for all your work. President omotalde testifier thank you very much. Like i said, its not easy. Its really rough but i have to ask god for rength and he gives me strength. He gives me strength. So, each each day be good so im just excited to see the Community Crime is going down. He owns the homicide out there. You dont see the cup dead bodies up the street. Uca community branching off with each other giving them love and its like a family unity and if you dont bring other kids together with other districts, it isnt going to be right. Also, we have other people from kids from other districts that we bring together. We even have a three on three basketball tournament to make peace and then they get that energy off and you know there walked around laughing. Guess what, theyre not shooting at each other no more. They may change his mouth are working on the site together. So thats what that last part is and thats what makes my day. President omotalde thank you. Thank you so much. [applause] president omotalde i like to open up this item to Public Comment and one comment card and that is from our former commissioner pres. Testifier good evening, commissioners. Joshua karsay community member. Its really great to be back. I have not been here in a couple months. I miss everybody when i heard that you establish this amazing award, which is i think such a tremendous thing that youre honoring such an Amazing Community leader, environmental leader, someone who really brings it all together, as you heard, with what its all about, i just want to come out and be here with allison say that the community members, the youth leaders and just thank you for doing this. Because, i think what is so special about what alice is doing is you have an environmental initiative. You have cleaning Community Cookbook food justice. You have the use of the space and the sustainable weight at alamein he farms. The nexthouses talk about solar panels up to date alimony farms off the grid as the next iteration of the sustainability and conservation type of approach to whats happening there. It is incumbent on your sustaining the community, the youth. This is a Violence Prevention Program that this year will serve up to 20 young people to get them onto this that help move for two jobs to the next leaders of tomorrow. So much so the cities now looking at supporting an additional 2040 other use mother Public Housing sites at in other neighborhoods near alamein he in bernal, mission, over in the excelsior, and then you have something really special in the Environment Commission tonight would look at that holistically, sustaining communities and the environment my thing is just so exciting and thanks for doing a. Its great to see everybody again. President omotalde thank you. Any other further Public Comment . Testifier my name isjohnson. I worked very hard i work that farms myself. Since i was thinking i was three years old that been playing guitar and its very hard work. [inaudible] to make sure this environment [inaudible] learn some of the things i have. The housing so that we wont have disasters and improve in the police academy. Doing a lot of other things that are real fun. Making sure this world