Transcripts For SFGTV Entertainment Commission 91515 2015091

SFGTV Entertainment Commission 91515 September 19, 2015

That live to the public arrest roll call. Commissioner frost commissioner lee commissioner Vice President joseph commissioner moshoyannis commissioner caminong commissioner president tan for the record commissioner perez is absent this evening. All right. We have quorum the first item on the skwaupd is Public Comment any businessrelated to the taevengs it you didnt currently agendize any Public Comment . All right. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed the approval of the minutes of august 15, 2015, i dont know if so this in everybodys packet i think you wrote mia megabit that can i get a motion it continue motion to continue stepson there is a motion and a second any Public Comment seeing none, lets take a vote. Commissioner frost commissioner lee commissioner Vice President joseph commissioner moshoyannis commissioner caminong commissioner president tan the motion passes those are moved to the text negro and item 3 a directors report take it away as you may know weve been working on implementing the cheaper one 16 night Life Protection we had a meeting at 3 well hear some go about that when the item comes up on the report for the social Development Review committee as i mentioned for the whole commission weve been working i think successfully with the Planning Department to finally get the notice pushed out to the project in the pipeline so im hovp hopeful that the hundred projects will be noticed for the legislation requirements in 4 banishes of two weeks in between each hopefully in the next two weeks everyone will get notice and they will either communicate with the staff and or go to that weve got the lapsing hammered out as i said weve heard the first two projects it is happening which is cool and the board came back from recess last tuesday and at this point they finally approved the amendment to the llp legislation in western selma thats waiting for a signature at the Mayors Office we can currently at this point get those folks both the office and get those posted about 4 pentup venues waiting for llp applications to move forward so im happy to report that is finally moved move forward and we spent some time and the guys will tell you about the concert at at t park and give you feedback that was a lot of work in the parks so also there are questions im going to turn it over to any colleague. Thank you, dr. Cain and good evening, commissioners director and dr. Not yet director. A few outdoor requirements that were inspected this past weekend as kickoff at city hall we had an event on fedex hotel and one that in the mission for block party all 3 went off without my complaints coming to our officers the noise event was audioable and no complaints generated we did another event this is maybe the third or fourth with met cosmetics and at the last meeting this system was pared down from previous systems what actually placed on the ground and did an extensive sound check with them activating the space to make sure that the impact to that general area was minimal and not received complaints . For that event and under billy joel at at t park there was an investigation i was able to take ambient measurement in dog patch and inside the stadium director cain was a meeting tomorrow to present what we found and try to get more dlarm able to hire folks to run a hotline and take more measurements we want to compare our finding with there too pretty important things to not for the permit on saturday the sound coming from one within the stadium if start at the time on the permit we issued to them and the event went later than stated on the permit ill be happy to answer any questions about that event can you tell me what time the event end and it was 710 im sorry 1110. The permit was until 11. Yes. Was any citations issued. We were speaking with director cain after tomorrows meeting be issuing a notice of violation. Commissioners questions or comments all right. Thank you thank you. Good evening, commissioners i have a long list but ill keep the short i want to touch on relevant things i did things that are articulate arbitrarily picked up we received a complaint from the bar Sergeant Mathis made contact with the bar to lemon them know to keep quiet and in a followup i talked to the complainant with a followup i didnt preserve a violation and how much or hopefully, the situation will stay solved the inclines is t f319 clemente i was other on an inspection and find out that they do Live Performance stuff regularly part of the operation to they dont have a permit out of inclines well followup and hopefully bring them into compliance i did 3 sound checks at the price club and nothing extra to report just menu detain report a couple of inspections to mention that were minor violations permit not there at golden state permits the copies were issued ill make sure the theyre posted feel free to ask me if not this isnt on your list here but the Common Wealth club the Common Wealth the university club. The university club. Has any news about where theyre at. At the Universities Club . Do you have one. Oh, the city club the city club sorry it is actually issued that the director is dealing with them i think shes deal with their lawyer now. Could we get an update anything. The only update i reached but out and got an extensive rely back had a conversation about our City Attorney and relied back to his inquiry and waiting inform an additional response. Pending the United States all pending. Questions for inspector pauley no nun great this evening any Public Comment on our staff report . Not seeing any, so Public Comment is closed. Well move on to item number 5. Had the Police Department questions or comments are there any general Police Department questions or comments i dont think so all right. Moving along item 5 which is our permit application and i am sorry. Well take things out of order and do our 3 loudspeaker permits first. So we have those 3 loudspeaker permits from swiss their a typical their couple of in the next two weeks here basically, they dont fit within the process because the location of where theyll be theyll be in a park let for all the permits is 7 30 montgomery street it is swiss max we dont say a policy regarding issuing the loudspeaker permits in park let were seeking our help this evening for possible condition from the commission for moving forward with the permitting of events like this weve asked Maryellen Johnson to join and robin here from the Planning Department and were hoping they help to shed this some light how to move forward so robin can you actually come up first thank you Deputy Director im robin the park let Program Manager of the San Francisco Planning Department im here to provide background on the project and answers any questions the commission might have and offer inside and experience that the Planning Department has had in managing a portfolio for the city parks before maryellen comes up to talk about the program their seeing permits prosecute the taefksz i thought id like let you know that swiss is a fantastic partner and a Great Institution for parklets to work with theyre a nonprofit their mission to bring culture performance events other learning opportunities to communities paichlt has so you get a partner like swiss max to partner in order to bring an Organization Institutions Culture Program into the public realm we know this is not the fit folks want to use the parklets we recognize this is a typical at the same time it is really emblematic and representative of what our streets and public spaces could do to bring this to san franciscans i welcome any questions from the commission and really hope were able to describe a pathways that might provide a blue prinlt for in public space activation in other parts of city. Why not just hold off i think we might have some questions initially for the gentleman. Im not clear could you tell me if a park let is front of the of the business is that business responsible. ; correct the sponsor a commercial or enterprise in this case it is a nonprofit that stuttering is responsible for the capital and also take out liability and required by the public works as a permit at the to hold a Million Dollars insurance liability naming the city as an additional insured theyre responsible for maintenance at the same time commissioner. I didnt mean to cut you off. We have strict operating guidelines for parklets thaer those are hundred percent Parking Spaces the city in look at those for public space and realize that parklets can be a bit unclear about that so it is part of you know objective my role to clarify the operation around the parklets. Who makes the decision what kind of entertainment in the parks is it the business that is responsible for it or a committee that programs the park lightwells elites how does that work. Thats an excellent question if they steady thresholds at certain events they seek to do there is amplified sound is it brings to us to the commission we have oscars with their guitars but they try to stay pretty tentative to what is happening in the parklets sometimes a lack of clarity or clarity and we dont want to work against that those spaces are public. So if i have a guitar i can walk up and play my guitar youre asking for permits so my question is who is making the decision about what if so it is is not someone walking with a guitar can sometime program a parklets to i mean obviously if they want a loudspeaker permit they have an idea to do something; right . Thats right 3 that case we issue the loudspeaker im not being clear let me try it who is making the decision what entertainment is in the park. I believe this is this committee. The question is if i was joe smoe and i wanted to perform in a park let do you go to the Planning Department or swiss next or the owner or let the steward. I think first and foremost youll approach the steward to make sure that is access to everybody nobody is excluded or circled out. So the steward can say george who can perform as to the sound. Striking speaking they cant do that. I guess my question is who is applying for the permit is that the musician, the steward or you guys well in this particular case the steward. Theyre making the station what is going to gone in the park. Right. Theyre proposing activities took place in the park let you think theyre to the commission their succumbing to the commission for permission as i understand working with the staffers concerns. Maybe i take it out of turn it brought up the definition those are the stewards we know those are the people that maintain it and have the liability they want to activate it but i have robin what happens in someone else comes to me noted swiss next i dont know who the steward are for how many parklets. 60 i dont want to know obviously it seems to me it is a little bit of a question mark it is a public space and someone else wants to activate it and ask the steward. Theres a great open question about process you know weve been on the staff level for the portfolio to all strerldz a stakeholders are informed but their question commissioner Vice President joseph not a set protocol or criteria and it is something that the commission and the Planning Department and public works should Work Together to fourth we get a lot of questions in sort of informal requests to begin cpr parklets for more information. This is an interesting question i would hate to formalize a policy today around it were obviously going to use this as an example to try to create or use a policy because i think in my conversation with director cain band do we treat this like a street or park how there are questions i was looking at into more deeply and come back and decide something together but im going to call on a couple of more people there are more voices on the commission. Commissioner moshoyannis. Is the park let part of the street will mta have a role in that at all which agencies if any have jurisdiction in that matter. Thats an excellent question so it is still considered formally part of the street to legally were occupying a piece of street or park let you say we the park let occupies a piece of the street and the department of public works issues a permit for that occupancy to legally happen okay. So they should would be part of the conversation at some level. Absolutely over the last 5 years of running the program weve worked closely with the department of public works. I think for me, i mean the devil is in the details there is obviously sidewalk between the business and is park let usually where people are transfersing and foot traffic usually trying to cut though how do we manage that makes sure there is assess both was and people are not tripping over each year and e each other and it is a hot mess and problem so i remember when you close down a street make sure there is a path of travel and people can get through someone is in a wheelchair it raise all kinds of issues that will be a complex issue as we explore is further. Who is responsible if theyre in compliance who do we get know theyre in inclines you know if it is a freedom of speech it is one thing a Political Campaign when people come to us with street fairs or you can those kinds of events an organization we know who do go to for the loudspeaker permits if people have a venue they want to activate their patios with speakers we know who to go to this could be anybody. Right today is permits we have a project sponsor so we know who to call if there is something not going right. I think for the conversation had requires more thinking commissioner lee and commissioner frost. So my question is say the park let goes out of control or the sponsor doesnt maintain it properly what steps is the Planning Commission your excision rerevokes the permit if they dont handle it properly. The permit revolver indication is a consequence if we have a steward not meeting their stewardship obligations or seeing issues that parklets and private dining for example one example we admonishment if we find a restaurant it is your has correspond off their park let the revocation is a consequence thats the last resort we try with the Planning Department and the department of public works issuing the permits works with the project sponsor most often 99 percent of the time the issues are smaller hey, you dont sweep enough and the upstairs neighbors are exclaiming. Your really to trying to be responsible to take care of the parklets same it is a weird thing a public space if someone wants to swat there how do you evoking their rights what happens to the park let if we tend not to maintain it properly it goes back to a parking. Thats absolutely one consequence and with an weve seen a couple of times when we have a park let that hadnt been stewarded or in the upper hates the steward left town and had this orphaned organization none was wanting to do you want paichlt is interested in monitoring how projects all the time. Okay. Commissioner frost. Yeah. Just think were opened a can of worms to talking about giving a permit to a public place for a loudspeaker for on imposing groups want tool take this over what happens to the permit this is down the road but on this one were one the occupancies estimate was 50 people i dont think ive seen a park let that holds 50 people i dont know where the people will go and supervisor demerit brought up who is going to control that so again, we do need to discuss this you know later on to come up with the perimeters on this but for those 3 well dealing need to talk about to the applicant. May i have respond to some of the questions about clearance and the project sponsor is prepared a site plan. You have it. It is in the packet. So the public can see it is not projected. Because this is an a inadequately proposal something new you know somethings that came up for the Entertainment Commission to maintain a clear path of travel for wheelchair users or general passersby we responded recommended to the project sponsor to guarantees the 6 foot clear a path of travel which the San Francisco regulation is for so that at no time during the liquid speaker events are there people or if there are audio equipment or anything encroaching on the of foot rightofway and something that might be important to note the commissioner referred to an application an estimated attendance of up to 50 people were not imagining those people will physically be in the project my understanding and the park let will be what they project imagery or a lecture like a two minute moving on the park let screen you might if you have a guest speaker or musical performer theyll sit on the sidewalks and in the storefront observing the form is a the musician is physically inside the park let thats what were looking at here and again, we do need to talk about in future conversations what perimeters the commission and public works and planning feel comfortable with in terms of operating the perimeters for these kinds of events and activities and commissioner Vice President joseph. Yeah. I have a couple of questions occupancy load is people all at once the occupancy load is 2525 is the maximum if one leaves one can go in 50 doesnt make sense that is why commissioner frost mentioned that to your dining room diagram is this park let 6 feet deep and what is the dimensions im not sure clear. This is a note for

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