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So the first item is general Public Comment this is Public Comment on any item relates to the Entertainment Commission that is not currently agendized any. Not seeing any, Public Comment is closed. Monarch to item number two Meeting Minutes i have one change just to make i was to the present at the meeting i couldnt have called it to order besides that noting no changes or amendments no quorum of people i move to continue the minutes. A motion to continue. Second all right. Commissioner joseph commissioner lee commissioner frost president tan the motion continues to the next meeting you want to move on to item number 3 our executive director is gone for a little awhile but you are amazing staff pass it on to inspector burke you want to start. Id like to start good evening two complaints have come in one for mellone pizza there are a couple of issues at hand were working to disseminate them the complaint are mechanical noise from equipment attached to the building an exhaustive fan claimed about the lack of bathroom facilities and patrons farth gathering between 2 and 4 maggie and i have working educating the complaint what avenues as far as followup with the different departments and work on addressing the patrons i did stop in 245 to 215 and not in the way of business concert staff everything looked calm ill continue to follow up we received a call about the cafeteria royal containment complaint of music from the complaint doesnt live close by and not being involved in any followup investigations ill put that on my list for route patrol i spoke with the operator we planned on meeting this weekend and my old stomg grounds i looked at propaganda this past weekend there was some concern historically about the flow of patrons in and out noise gathering for smoking and things like that i didnt notice anything over the past weekend temple has historically had good crowds on Howard Street im noticing a good security staff and good lines i do need to talk to them about keeping the doors closed to the front ill be following up this were adjourned about that and stopped by cals irish bar that past weekend and it is a bit of a madhouse out there with one lane the traffic cars and ubers and their exit is a bit overwhelming i talked with the owner for quite a bit he was active in guiding the traffic and patrons and looking that while i was there we had a chat about the difficulties hes had with dealing with just the general operation of the business on that street and the amount of people and continue to follow up and see if we cant figure out to make that has safe as possible and i followed up with 50 as well over the past weekend they have an extended hours permit i notice a few of their security from other establishment people i know to be good security and did a walk through one of the places since weve switched district and ton to a glow there interesting thing about 9550 if you have a live video feed isnt that the human video game. Indeed. Did they change that to 9550. It is 9550 what theyre doing a called the human video game. We approved the permit now i on intersections youre absolutely right. Thank you sir, i love being right. Thats unusually usually the case i understand they have plans under the event it was private. Oh, i see maybe were both right that wraps up ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Actually, i the president to brought to your attention something ive promised last hearing attached to my meeting notices youll find some information about hsa to as far as the photos that were sent by the builder did go back to weekends ago and took are measurement not fined to be in violation bans the a. M. Boinlt measurement 2, 3, 4 previous weeks ive followed up with the builder and the Real Estate Agent for this property and now am attempting to act as a mediator between the operator ate the builder and Real Estate Agent to establish a level where everyone is happy i have yet to hear back from the Real Estate Agent at this point in about a week and im just waiting on that to take the next step. Did you mention to the Real Estate Agent that it was bizarre reare getting noise complaint from on unopted out premise. I expressed did confusion. What did he say. Initially when the complaint first came through i was under the impression that maybe there was some how can i put this they were trying to file a traditionally sound grievance complaint once i realized the building was unaccompanied in talking to the builder is a situation he wants to know where we stands and what he can expect them so everyone is on the same page and aware of at what level and now that this building is in place so my goal is to try to come up with that unable i on intersections its required by the state of california to do a disclosure of value of the property i have one question about the temple. Uhhuh. Temple has been known to use dogs on the security line. They have. Are they still. Not this past weekend. Theyve used that. I discovered that last time that was the only time for me ive not seen that sense but not sure. Yeah. You know how i feel about dogs. I have a quick question. Uhhuh. Im seeing venues i havent seen on inspection are you guys approaching that or hitting it like extended hours. So this mellone the speakers name for the written record, and please deliver it to the secretary prior to after hours. The complaint driven and the 9550 has been fairly in active and i on intersections this is based on the human video game theyre doing goes in waves i noticed a listing ive been going through the new district ive taken over from inspector pauley using the sf station and website to try to get an idea of whats happening in the city and sort of organizing any weekend like that i on intersections were your probably getting that by the fact ive not been in the district for a while. Uhhuh. Im trying to get a feeling what is going on. That would be great of thats helpful. Ive seen the after housing and their ive been out that way myself late. I want to compliment you on the nuking new formulate. It is really clean and easy to read inspector pauley. Ill take notes laughter . And send along the template. Great using video drops on your phone. Good evening commissioners to respond to the question youll see from the me in the next couple of weeks random drop ins we have not been in in a while nonregular stuff for the next month or two until we get through most of the inspections we did losses ended my list is kind of short ive been making contact are complainants that were formally shawn was in contract contact with in the process of waiting for complaint and so forth and the projects getting ready to start the inspections. With that said, i stopped by one venue during the inspection process they didnt center a permit posted that was the issues i thought was wellmanaged and did a walk through so this was that a couple of compliance on 16th street just to get an idea of what is going on ive done that for the last couple weekends but that was an issue that issue was people congregating into the alley to keep an eye on it looked fine the knock out on Mission Street is another one and that one had issues with leaving the door open during performance and there was a complaint i was dealing with that and decided it was fine the door was shut a accountant of followup on the last hearing i talked with monroe about the complainant is the landlord of the building next door talked to the complainant well and what they originally minded the complaint wanted sound at the time a similar situation the building is you think opted out i expressed basically, we dont approach it personally we want to Work Together to try to solve the issue rather than an enforcement action so initially when i talked to the Building Owner about a month ago they werent on board with dealing with the memo i made it clear thats right the route he agreed to a meeting so thats going to be be passed on to shawn well see where that goes the square so they finally took the speakers out of the wall the complainant is not totally happy but how i feel is that the venue after initial bumps and bruises theyve gone above and beyond to try to appease the neighbor and eliminate the sound issue evident in the bar listening to the speakers on the wall but on the wall created a problem nevertheless, they took them out the complainant said it is not as loud in here unit she hears imaginations or things but utter is better theyre in compliance but at some point we might discover something ill pass that off. Did you take any reading in the complainant apartment. I did initial but given the sound level i took readings initially last are summer in the process of permitting this time around when i was in the bar they were at 71 well below the 82 or 85 i knew that wouldnt be loud per say in the apartment. Concentrated because of the speakers in the wall for instance, like kick drums and base not be a violation in the residence but the thumping is something annoying so i did not on intersections that i needed to do that i really didnt i knew the issue ive heard the speaker noise i told them to remove it into the wall. New complaint came through it was last week talked to the complainant after she called in and talked with maggie for awhile noah Valley Ministry a church our sanchez street the issue is noise from a couple of noise not entertainment noises and some possible unpermitted activity im not sure what their permitted to do through the Planning Department but after talking with maggie i contacted the Planning Department and didnt get back to the team they didnt get back to me about what their you allowed to do right now theyre doing events they have ticket prices like 35 to 75 not average church stuff like a donation not you know it wouldnt be a ticket thing. Entertainment being. What kind of a band the flier said for the description said like a singer and a violin player this kind of thing. Leader like a concert. Basically classic. So the noah valley ministries and thai have been credibly activist in the community doing all kinds of fundraiser from hiv to hopeless dogs and loud in the k34u7b89 so something new running the place and we heard something new in terms of operation but really theyre the phases of an investigation and the complainant shes done a lot of reach but been there for 20 years just starting to be a problem for them. Noah Valley Ministry. I talked to them today, i talked to the complainant today and since theyre having an event it make sense for me to go out and talk to them. For the years theyve been credibly good people i think. What the issue they had construction with the vestibular that blocks the back of the building i guess it was blouk a lot of noise i dont know what everyone did but now the noise is not blocked for the neighborhood being impacted by things that maybe were unpermitted before didnt bother anybody. So well see what happens again ill go out there friday is the confusion around the date i belive it is friday that is the date on the ticket whatever so the neighbor said hell have a sounds like consultant take reading so well see what turns up the main issue the unpermitted entertainment and if they need to get a permitted thats the first one after discussing that with the deputy superintendent wilder really the first thing. I have a question on monroe so if eastsoutheast complaining about the regular operations or after hours. Regular. Regular. So xraip about the after hours that was like a supplemental thing it is really quiet no matter what they do you know 4 or 5 in the morning or whatever they start alu youre going to hear that in the property because the dude didnt live there. He didnt live there i havent twaukd him he might own the building in part im not sure about the division not there after hours. No, not after hours he said he has someone that moved out because of the noise but a few different sources there is the bamboo hut a in the basement you can hear monroe the windows face over the roof monroe you hear but we all know the sound within you know 50 foot radius or 70 all contributing so well figure out what is going on and hopefully, theyll resolve it on their own. Without heavy enforcement work. Great any more questions for either inspector commissions . Ash all right. Public comment any Public Comment . Seeing none item 4 Police Department questions or comments anything tonight monopoly move on to item 5 the hearing discussion and possible action for applications for permits in the jurisdiction of Entertainment Commission 3 im going to turn it over to to the deputy director. The first permit application is actually a loudspeaker permit for an event called the detroit show on july 30th, 2016, at home sharer with or win with selma close to harrison in front of the studios and the applicant is requesting to extend until 12 00 a. M. So wanted to bring this hear theyll have djs playing in the street they already have an eis cot permit and Feedback Feedback approving this permit youll see the conditions attached so shes our applicant and done Neighborhood Outreach with the files and received no negative feedback about the event here to tell you a little bit more. Can you talk into microphone. Thank you maggie and commissioners im from halves weve put on an event similar no november we didnt need a loudspeaker but all the neighbors are familiar with us and invited braurnd and theyre supportive this event this the builders about detroit and different artists where an art gallery with detroit djs and food and we just got oures scott permit and been in touch with the officer mc2k07b8d who suggested we get 6 Security Officers from the Security Corporation and two, 10 b officers were in the process of doing thats all. Did the november event go until mint. No 11 00 p. M. So the neighborhood is familiar with having something go on to that late. Yes. You guys didnt know. It was a brass band again, no pa we didnt have a need to do it so everyone was fine with it, it is zoned commercial so theres very few residents that actually live there. Tailor a few but theyre all very aware what the supporters and come to the events and yeah. Is that a public event or ticketed. A public event that is ticket as well were blocking off harrison and have two officers on heron and ticketing on heron and officers checking people they have stamps saying they can come in and out. Are you serving alcohol. Yes. How do the ticket an event in the streets. We sell tickets online beforehand and ticketed at the door. How do you do that for a street in the public street i thought that was not permit. They can have a ticket event but have to allow local assess all the time. I believe they. Is that changed in the last year. I dont know. San Francisco Pride closed 16 blocks and cant ask for donations because you cant you know i mean it is curious to me because i dont commissioner frost do you have any ideas. No ideas. The use of streets because you did a street closer. You cant block off the skulks i sidewalks im curious i dont know anyone else. Asian art museum rent out for the civic center and the gallery so because that is is specific about 3 permit. I was curious they received the permit in full detail. I just didnt on intersections you can sell ticket its interesting to know if you could. I have no idea. Be interested to know im asking out of curious. Mural from the sfmta. Right. Direct questions specifically about that particular permit any other questions or comments commissioner lee. So those neighbors your nearby you said there are few have you reached out to them with a heads up. Any letters i dont see any letters. We actually spoken we have a letter we printed out and given to some people were in touch with most of them you know, i on intersections almost on a daily basis we let them know ahead of time an event is coming up and invited them their seamly existed. I dont see anything in the packet. Oh, with the letter. Usually theres a support letter. There . Yeah. We included the letter in the application. No, like feedback letter. Feedback. Oh, from the neighborhoods. Feedback letter. Oh. Not your it is something we have to have. So youll stand into the neighborhood thats so kind. We dont need that but helps your argument to know that the neighbors are not just there with ticket but can publicly say we support this our numbering complaint is a neighbor upset. My phone call is on the letter that theyve been handed and they know me personally most of them have a personal relationship with them if any kind of thing their unhappy they know to contact me. Have the read the police conditions. Yeah. Yeah, the 6 locations so it will be at heron for that one night and turn it down as requested. Sure no problem. All right. Any other questions from commissioners can i ask the one question to our staff did i guys have any particular concerns or what is this out of ordinary because of the location and the fact have not applied for a loudspeaker to extend beyond 10 00 p. M. We want you to define. Okay. Yeah. Well, that sounds like no Major Concerns ami open up for Public Comment any Public Comment on this particular permit no Public Comment Public Comment is closed. Move to approve. Back up with police conditions. Yes. A motion to approve with the police conditions and a second. Second. All right. Vote. Same house, same call . Yep. Yep. That means the motion passes good luck now the second permit with the pie restaurant and launch the second is for a change no ownership for a lack of space for the lounge at post street and japantown their oriental on calendar back in october and a ran into an issue with planning but was mute a disappointment they had to wait the 24 months to come back theyre here again their plans to have live music and come down i didnt shows you with the hawaii restaurant. Bar they have done Neighborhood Outreach in the past and conduct more with the reposting only 10 days youll see what is signatures from neighbors not many neighbors Apartment Building across the street they reached out to other facilities ive not received option for the application and northern station approved this with the Good Neighbor policy the only condition here to talk about that more the owner and this is his partner. Commissioners, thank you my partner is jeremy sorry so as far as the neighborhood support i reached out to pretty much everyone including the sundance movie theatre the most complaints weve pretty much talked to every Single Person that had issues even people that worked there in at past we have a pretty Good Relationship with everybody no problems with anyone weve had multiple fundraisers with many folks cherry and to j. T. C all in the past never done it because of issues are the previous owner and we pretty much figured out what was some of the issues on the previous owner side after that i contacted all the City Organization like japantown and the immediate neighbors and contacted the movie theatre that has the biggest crowd theyre brought out they were bought out and now by a new he Movie Company of some sort and a process to get an answer the gm that the michael springs i spoke to him he understands ill be there hes not there for any reasons made no complaint but he was one of the main people to kind of put all the not sure exactly what in the past but the main person so other than that there are a few letters he couldnt get in time because the apartment across the street and they were a little bit easier to get you know and other than that the movie theatres that was extracted to get anything from there with so far as the Community Organization almost Japantown Task force and every japantown Community Group i didnt realize their process of getting a letter from them would take somewhat 4 weeks up to 2 months so i have to go to their hearing and plead any case theyll take that to their board of directors i didnt realize the process was so long but the process with the other 5 Japantown Task force and j. T. And as soon as jc c. Great definitely sounds like youve done our homework any question how are things with sundance knowing that was hung up for a while by you have clearance if the general manager those issues are resolved. Yes. Yeah. The movie theatre were the most Thoughtful Group we have issues and the original person was gail johnson i on intersections his last name but things were lost in between as far as the business were keeping everything generally the same it is mostly food and a ratio of 70, 50 and the rest is liquor related no night club no department of emergency events cut out anything that was remodeling having a crowd not up to mike night i cut that out any kind of rap related rap things they used to have i cut that out and pretty much our Live Performance is basically a raggedy multi currently music were trying to focus on but were definitely not doing hip hop or rap related to something that would probably be disruptive. Great i hope you can continue playing the role of a focal point for the community i know that the asianamerican auctions have been advertisings it sounds like those are continuing and continuing and hope with entertainment. So thats really great i totally support that commissions you guys have any questions or thoughts. I mean it is run as a limited will with the previous owner weve not had any complaints ive not seen it on the reports. That was a while ago but the main complainants i dont see anything many in our files so even though previous owner had to go through a lengthy progress with planning and thats when sundance got involved but the 312 notification. I on intersections that was limited live and go beyond that. There was involving the Planning Commission and Planning Department where we tried to step in and safe this our territory. So anymore questions and the police conditions are a Good Neighbor policy are you happy with that why not have a seat ill open up for Public Comment by Public Comment nope Public Comment is closed. Commissioners anyone have a motion. Like to make. I move to approve. I second. There is a motion that has been seconded and at least take a vote. Same house, same call . Same house same call that that item passes good luck well move on to the game room our final permit. So the game room is going for the permit only Fourth Street formally was the drake the owner plans to use this is a a restaurant with a focus memo cocktails and memos but the whole thing with the mechanical devices their thank you for the opportunity this into the retro arcadia spaces the owners reached out to all the businesses in the area youll see whether the support and response i didnt receive any negative feedback and the Police Station approved that with the basic conditions more to talk about that a mohammed. Thank you for your time basically in general a casual Bar Restaurant the focus on group share because they find it easier to have a Higher Quality of product with the arrival of other places where similar quality we focused on you know quote unquote cocktails fresh ingredients and being in soma there is a good amount of businesses that are based on gaming like the Major Developers lake the i reached out to most of them but some are Huge Companies but get feedback from the Smaller Companies we were looking to get 10 games pinball machines as an accessory we building breaks the money in any and helps us out with the local community i did reach out to went door to door 2 or 3 hundred feet with local businesses and restaurants and retail shops get positive feedback but unfortunately not many people relied back but thatnuts and bolts it the a positive environment were taking over a lounge area i think were a little bit safer environment not the place where people will have a lot of security and well look down others crowd as well and so we dont see issues happening if that sense and im available to answer any questions. Commissioner joseph. Hi so tell me how many mans will you have. 10. And where are you putting them downstairs or upstairs. Said. And serving food upstairs so the machinery is upstairs. Correct we took a good effort and hired designers they broke down the space in aesthetic fields so downstairs is more lively area and the upstairs is quiet we wanted to keep the game people happy a. Are you serving food downstairs. We are. You are thats great people can come in and hang out and have drinks. Are the machines coinoperated. They are when we say people well limit to 25 and older. Your limiting to 21 and over and 47. Yeah. Just because why. For the safety of the we have a restaurant thats a lot more sit down people mill around we dont want to mix in alcohol and children just a personal preference. Okay. More. Thats a great personal preference. What in your security. Uhhuh. Are you going to just a question because a previous commissioner representing police once asked a question about anyone coming in for an arcade what will you do or how is the skgsdz going to handsome situations to make sure there is no gambling with the machines. No gambling. Yeah. Gambling on scores. I keep the eyes on the prize i have a previous large staff we call them floor people theyre all over the place and their job to look around and see whats going on that will definitely help to superfluous weve not have concerned but something we can bring into the training. Okay interesting. All right. Are you going for a poe. Thats a place of entertainment permit. I think so. Were talking about djs and things like that. Okay. Any music placing in the bathrooms. Yes. Just plugged into an ipod. Yes. Great other questions or thoughts commissioners. In my mind the old arcades that were on Market Street years ago and the same people coming in that kind of is that what you envision or people coming in you know less frequent than instant. Im not more confused on there was like on Market Street with the arcades the same people everyday do you expect that to be your clientele. Like i said theyre looking gaming more as an accessory we take pride in our products and spent a lot of time on the drink memo and morning anything we want to be a solid business a solid place of business to add to the bonus of soma and our clientele will be come and go in the neighborhood but no means a Big Game Community coming to the gaming. It will be easy to pick out anyone there to do their gambling. Absolutely we keep an eye on on the machines for 5 thousand to 8,000 we are concerned someone tilting or pressing or hitting the buttons two hard and not had a problem before even on our minds but something we can definitely spot out. Those games are retrofit you say gambling to me. Of gambling is not like donkey. Pack man and some of the computer games. Whats the price for those games. 0. 25. Very cool thanks. Let me had an on one second 0. 502 too. Im on tv so this really is i hear a high demand like arcades and arcades in bars i on intersections youll your filling a demand not met at this point. Rent is expensive im sure have you it sounds like youve run arcades in the past. We have experience running bars and restaurant as well. Where else. In san diego we started that like a fun dinner restaurant and maybe the restaurant of the year we got that award when we opened up the concept there and moved to sacramento and down here. Taking over San Francisco. I dont know about taking over. Great if no further commissioner questions or comments. The problem with Fourth Street you have to create a designation with the arresting cads youre pushing the restaurant in that area is restaurant needs a little bit of help. You know we dont want to push the arcades with a trending concept worrying about what to do with the products and service there are is a good amount of retained so hone in and establish a good food and drink place and fun. Games. Essentially at the end of the day, we are a bar and restaurant great. Well, thanks i know thank you for research out to the neighborhoods they may say we have an issue hopefully thats not case we hope that the front line of defense is you and tussle to negotiate those terms. Tshths. Let me open up for Public Comment any Public Comment on coin opt game room all right. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Well move on to a motion. If one of our commissioners like. I make a motion 80 we approve. Second. There is a motion that has been seconded im assuming with the police conditions. Right. Correct. Okay okay same house, same call . Yeah. Same house, same call no roll call vote that passes congratulations move on to item 6 which is commissioners questions or comments commissioners any questions or comments . Commissioner joseph so this thursday im going to have the pleasure of monitoring a panel on entertainment in the city so the name of the panel is sex drugs and rock and roll and the leadership of San Francisco is an allday event theyre having it starts at the y ill be and after hours stuff ahf theyre doing this on San Francisco Cultural Arts and local businesses and having different panels commissioner thomas was supposed to do that with me she cant shes out of town but, yeah. When. This thursday. This thursday so leadership San Francisco is the group of executives who represent like i do believe institutions in the city im not clear and like pg e and at t and ecology and whatever so to have arts and entertainment be front and center in an allday event is kind of cool and pleased to be able to moderate this event. So there we go. laughter . Which one. All of the above. Excuse me any other particular give me a specific question im curious. Commenting were doing this to entertain the staff. Any other commissioners questions or comments not seeing any, any Public Comment on that. laughter . I mean, ill not be attending youll not be attending i have a quick announcement for people were schooling our july 5th meeting so if you were planning to be away you have can be away longer thats to respective the july 4th long weekend all right. Lets move on to item 7 new business for future agenda items any. I have a new business request for this meeting that didnt happen ill talk about the alternative. Alternative. Yeah. So ive not gotten that on the agenda. Yeah. It was not ready to be altered to the agenda but in time for the next rdr. Okay. In time for the next rdr for the meeting for the next rdr. It is the 7. At our next meeting. June 7th. Thats what im saying the same day of rdr. Okay. All right. Any Public Comment on future agenda items not seeing any, Public Comment is closed. And this meeting is adjourned just a little pack of pad located at the bottom of russian hill, the secret garden with an intimate and captivating appeal. Carefully tucked away, at the bottom of lumbar street, the park makes the top of our list for the most intimate picnic setting. Avoid all tourist cars by hopping on the cable car. Or the 30, 45, 41 or 91 bus. This is the place to tell someone Something Special or the place to declare to friends and family the commitment you two share. Reservations are available with rec and park for this adorable. Working for the city and county of San Francisco will immerse you in a vibrate and dynamic city on sfroert of the art and social change weve been on the edge after all were at the meeting of land and sea worldclass style it is the burn of blew jeans where the rock holds court over the harbor the citys Information Technology xoflz work on the rulers project for free wifi and developing projects and insuring patient state of at San Francisco General Hospital our it professionals make guilty or innocent available and support the house Senate Regional wearout system your our employees joy excessive salaries but working for the city and county of San Francisco give us employees the unities to contribute their ideas and energy and commitment to shape the citys future but for considering a career with the city and county of san francisc good afternoon and welcome to the local Agency Formation commission of San Francisco

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