General Public Comment for Public Comment on any business as that pertains to the Entertainment Commission you dont see agendized any. I dont see any Public Comment is closed. Move on to item 2 approval of the Meeting Minutes for february 22, 2016, ill move what time no multiple sclerosis are working yet. Mikes are working. I move to approve i move to approve ill second there is a motion and a second and any discussion any Public Comment . All right. Lets take roll a point find order im not looking at the minutes the people that are present we have enough folks to vote on you do. Commissioner frost commissioner lee commissioner joseph commissioner president tan. With that the motion passes well move on to item 3 report from the executive director. Commissioners ill be brief tonight and hopefully, you have a copy of this piece of legislation that was introduced what i spent a couple of minutes that is annual clean up up of 1060 our bible schools everyo year we find problematic that was introduced a wagon by supervisor wiener are that and cosponsored by supervisor breed and basic it does 3 things one thing it creates a waiver process for our filing fees to this point weve had a waiver process not codified and that is the problem for the dissatisfy a City Attorney and everybody involves this is allows us to do what weve been doing to insure that people can pay like the nonprofits and neighborhood groups have a way to have fees waved and the second thing were doing is trying to you gupgrade notification requirement put in in 2009 requiring issues the mixed use vacadistrict and leavt the language the code was pretty much like best efforts not strong and not very up to date we basically mirrored what the Planning Department does with the 312 notification were giving the option to the applicants that have outreach to neighbors and this is in addition to the outreach policy that you guys also enforced in this hearing and so thats that and hopefully this is not going to be a problem for anyone that is more and better outreach and the last thing is a change in the 9 month window you guys are familiar what you achieve a continental grant for the product you get 9 months according to code youve seen many times where you know due to construction delays or some kind of black hole bureaucracy or funding that simons someone comes to us and that footstep a lot longer than 9 months we need a way for the commission to allow an extension for that because otherwise the consequence for a large project starts all over again. I have a quick question this is introduced to the board. Yes. What happens does it go to committee. It sits for another 20 days this is a thirty day wait and on to committee yeah. And ludicrously. What committee. I think that is land use. Uhhuh then what. For the board and i dont expect it to be of substance boutique changes. Thanks. Just a question about the mirror of the 312 is many then mailed out by the applicant or by the Entertainment Commission and the applicant. They have to get the list if the us or planning. Uhhuh. Or a list then. Great. Right. Okay thank you. Then my another questions. Thats that one the only other one to yubt a copy of the agenda has a fabulous for the 10 b legislation which is the code word for this administrative code chapping introduced off god years the making from supervisor campos office and of him to hearing last week and so at Committee Nothing but positive it is almost no input by the police theyve seen and read it and given comments and representative from the Police Department indicated to the community inform issues or comments their fine with that and it is basically creating a much more like obviously system for the application of the p10 fornix special event timeframe for the folks who want 10 b and for the Police Officer t to have an appeal issue and not necessarily agree with what the outcomes are and kaejz this dependent on in terms of reporting we live in theory starting when the legislation gets signed begin to get how much the 10 b was assigned im not sure how to implement it is the Police Department change not us we will be the loop according to the legislation in terms of what happens after so i thought that was interesting i think that is call the roll certainly the outreach the discussions we had literally years ago that will improve things and lastly the new position that is no longer new but still not filled is moving forward we have 24 applications during the posting period there being vetted. 24 theyre beiir been vetted throu personnel preys and test that meets the minimum qualifications and you know there were psyc psychosome supplemental questions and scheduling interviews liend of the march i you cross your fingers tightly behind our back hiring is a long process but that this will be the last hire i do as well and it will be a good one. So i dont have by corrective action 0 im going to turn it over to jordan if you have any questions. Commissioner lee. How is shawn doing. Shawn is gfine and he is record to work as of this date tomorrow. A question about the 10 b legislation i know that kind of a schedule of fees was one of the requests that the nonprofits or for profits or whatevoever can pred and not get charged is that part of that. I dont remember ill send you a copy of that. Yeah. Back and forth from the Police Department so the end results might be different than you saw. Great. Thank you. All right. Inspector pauley. Good evening commissioners very busy couple of weeks ill start with containment received on the 13 about the tunnel it up u top again, this time a applicant sent me pictures three or four people standing in front of the venue not causing problems but nevertheless, a complaint. Same gay guy. Same guy the owner responded because the complainant attached the owner to the communication or whatever the owner responded with his her and a i passed by that looked like not a lot going on improvements the venue and another complaint im reporting it so we got a complanth oh, my gosh on the 6 of february friday night into saturday morning it was in regards to theres been a lot of complaint on the the last few months i responded immediately to the complaint i pulled up to the back of the genui venue that is what the complainant lives no sound escaping the venue he lives in a building that adjoins the venue but nevertheless, i didnt perceive a violation and litigation on the building not up to code it seems like it was fine i had a walk through the night before they were in complains bcompliance but nevertheless, did a bunch of inspectors the most notable are the Playboy Party abused they had a lot of like a tent at the time set up and booming speakers so 3 blocks away you could hear a base thats serious so i dont think that is an issue Going Forward the director talked about that the legislation came through and changed a lot of the development but nevertheless, that was probably the most serious of any of the cases we saw this past super bowl event weekend did a walk through it was fine they were look a little bit lou an issue for the rest of the weekend but fusion lounge had an influx of people a line that wrapped up the block ive not seen it like that but no issues were recorded but ive yet to talk to the general manager about it well trying to get to the bottom of that and see if this is a trend or something as far as the promotion public utility did a couple of sound tests last friday pretty uneventful a limit of it they know to talk to the management go pretty much the only establishment that complained they deal with them and dealt with them already you know made changes to theyre building or whatever theyve done stuff not to get complaint from the hotel across the street i did a sound test at aaron peskin at t park there was not a base heavy kind of situation no complaint about that particular events any ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Selfassures the tunnel top the same guy. Yes. Over and over didnt want that place there any way to just i at this point it would be 100 percent speculation on my part but given what ive seen maybe something personal i dont want to you know. The playboy participaes wa parking lot it was extreme sound escaping but are they planning any more parties there. Not that im aware of i dont think so. Super bowl weekends. Another mesna across the street is a hotel. Yes. Driving e driving counsel that additional they put cones on the street or whatever and dont have a legal white zone as far as i know on jessie did you notice the cones from the street a. At the hotel. White zone is our mission not on jessie as far as i, it will tell i wasnt looking for cones i was Pay Attention to the side of the street at the venue i mean, i see they use it street. You said the hotel was complaining about noise they had gotten complaint the venue dealt with them and the venue abodid an abatement work the ceiling to limit the complainants and it wasnt many but mentioned to me so i was paying attention. Okay. Thank you. Commissioner frost. And the guy on the tunnel top lives in a residential building ovther windows face tht corner we dont get any complainants. Probable the people that live in that building and mofor more building to the immediate west of the tunnel top and across the street i mean there is a lot of units in that area and we never get complaints from anything else and on mission youre telling me that there is a shared wall. There is. To the one guy or other residents. That one. One unit. And ive been in there we did the sounds like tests their expensive i knextensive i know wh when theyre loud at the super bowl event inside vethey have a door like the supervisor tang area their alcohol and people are out there that dont opens and shuts maybe some of the sound was escaping during you know times but really i mean, it was quiet outside i mean again, if at their limit i can clearly hear at the limit the neighbors agree that was okay. I could clearly hear the sound outside and we aheard nothing not a lou night commissioner lee there was nothing not a peep again i dont think the neighborhoods are totally making it up but again, its not a compliance issue. Do we know how many complaint we got from all the parties and events of super bowl efforts. A good question. There was normally couldnt are more than 10 like total which is not terrible and a couple were out at the Playboy Party error anger people because of at t park that we got directly im not sure we checked in with 911 we havent received any we get 311 and check that ourselves but certainly with the at t well check things might have council so we get a good sense people railroad ready so that speaks in preparation. And you think you got some complaint from the playboy and from the metalica. There were one or two people not happy with the noise. Spiral. Oh, the concert and excelsi commissioner mccray right 5 of those were other specific club related complainants at all. Not bad. You know some people may not like alicia keys. How dare they. Or the republic or all the people for concert ticket. The issue of spiral was those where earlier. They were very early. Alicia keys were late they ended at 10 no complaint that i know of from fireworks and maybe train people that dont tells you its not our issue it is pretty i dont know relatively speaking light or heavy but mana manageable. Youre right the residents where a were lent to they were ready for the new thing knew a, week or too long and live with that, i heard the fictitious i thought my next door neighbor was in that but again, i think that the residents were like super bowl its great well live with that. I think people complapined bye about traffic and transportation and everything commissioner perez. How about valentines day weekend i think not normally a big event and any complaint or incidents. Short answer no again. Long answer nope not that i saw laughter one final question about the at t parking lot do we have jurisdiction over permitting that. We do give amplified sound for things that hoappen like cirque de soleil it requires a certain amount of yes and no but, yes it is rented and the land is the giants. Right. They say theres a Party Happening there is probably a Party Happening and got it i mean, did you didnt sound like you made adjustment to the sound or endorsing. I think the general consensus was supervise weekend that will be over and pretty much because of the ineffectiveness of sound they turned it off i didnt want to be the guy no, no we didnt make them 345ik and adjustment but let them know about the issues. Right. Right okay. That it brings up a point the sense that regular loudspeaker the tent might be good and their sound system is huge. You cant contain sound in a tents theyre made of vinyl or clothes at ts and they are tied together and not possible. Theyll have to turn it off it is as simple as that i dont want to that. You dont want to be a party pooper is there anyone from the public that wishes to speak on the staff report not seeing any, Public Comment is closed. Item 4 Police Department questions or comments i dont see any police here well move on to item number 5 heari hearing and polk action oh oh for conditioning existing permits for the seller well be continuing this item but ill let the staff report. Right so as the president said we met with the seller the office they requested a one meeting continuance and in the meanwhile have sent me an email the theyll remain closed until that time i ask the president and owe concurred we push that to the march first meeting so ill need a motion from you it was agendized. Ill make the motion and sorry push out another meeting. Youre moving to continue the item to the next meeting. Yes. Is there a second. Per the request of the seller. Upon the where of the seller. Is there a second any Public Comment . All right. Lets take a vote. Commissioner perez commissioner joseph commissioner lee commissioner frost and commissioner president tan that motion carries and well see them next time item 6 is hearing and possible action regarding permits we only would withone tonight. Okay good evening, commissioners this is the change in overflow room fror the prae s appendplaces of entertainment on connecticut street im sure many of you heard in this longstanding sports bar the new owner is here tony incorporated took place the past yankees has any issues but under new owner to reduce the Entertainment Commission but have indicatioccasional rock ant was approved with conditions their basic and here to tell you more when connecticut yankee is the new owner. Good afternoevening, commis im tony one of the new owners at connecticut yankee as she stated can you hear me as stated wire reducing the amount of shows for the yankee not by design but our special park side and environment key for that environment our goals to be the back and forth kind of location and remain the good vibes of january can he it is staying the same it is a lot less music we removed the sound that was under and tell yabsolutely this that were leaning on doing any kind of shows if we do it is more of an addition to the evening not were fiscal year by charging a coffer more of as a stayed a blue music that comes with a saturday night and deal with the locals hanging out unamplified and maybe the application is the involves weve reached out to the neighbors on the left and right and providing Contact Information and establishing relationships so if we do have shows coming up we will do everyothing it is recommended to the conditions and meet with the gop gun control and provide security at the door and have extra staff there will be walk throughs and signs for outside the patio and the exit respect our neighbors and keep the noise down to respectable levels any questions for me. If youre not planning to do a whole lot of transmitter why are you here. It is nice to have it now and then for times of the years we have item pest we do a show and bring back the rag gay bands as part of lease at you cant know questioning competent kiwi maintain the entertainment license. Are you leasing from the previous owner. In the lease with the property they owned the business and have a soft spot for it. All right. Other questions commissioner lee. I see in one complaint sort of are you audio the patio. No. Do you plan to have. Ive not seen any out there i think the complaints are from the doors open and kind of a free reign, if you will, for the music for the staff speaking of the. Probably the tv are probably the television a. We have a television out there for the pat i do not games and giave it a test run and looking at to put it up for baseball and. Usually this is the kind of sum of source you know, i think Everything Else is normal we have problems with patios. Right now nothing back there no tv or anything. No tv, no sound. Commissioner perez. Hello thanks for coming in can you explain more on the Community Outreach has to do with the neighborhood to the left and right for the folks to reach out to them. Ive not met them weve been by but weve had immediate experiences with the left and right and spoken with them and we havent met anyone from behind. Would you be open to reaching out. And maybe beyond the left and right down the street thank you. Youre welcome. All right. Any questions or comments commissioner joseph looks like you have. I have questions for staff so our staff. Our staff so stating the conditions how would we comply with the sf codes and regulations not in our gun contr Good Neighbor policy policy is that. This is always something that i dont know. Ive only dealt with the officer. So number 9 we have in our Good Neighbor policy about keeping the area clean dont remember about removing graffiti so imprisonments as okay. All security staff you did that i know you did. All security staff will be over 21 afghanistans what license is the abc the 47. Yes. The 47. Anywhere the code and the bci s that you know the security has to be over 21. I dont think so does anybody here know i dont think you need to be over 21 to card but im not sure. 18 thats customers what about security.