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Lake county sonoma, napa and butte areas in their disaster and maybe a quick moment in our own minds and hearts about the lost lives there. I think its appreciated. And i also want to give particular thank you to our Fire Department, and our firefighters, who over the past week have not only gone up there in as many volunteer hours as possible, with equipment, hopefully we never have to use down here and hopefully, we keep our fires down, but in response to that tremendous disaster that you you already know the statistics on. 800 homes, thousands of peoples lives destroyed, that were there to assist. If it isnt medical and now perhaps our Public Health is being asked to submit Mental Health professionals to help. As our firefighters giving toys to kids who lost everything and giving them a chance to have some play as people rebuild their lives. That reminds me this is the 10th anniversary of katrina, and knowing that a huge disaster happens in the other counties constantly were more than observing and engaged in those not just to help, but to take Lessons Learned and about rebuilding and recovery and things we have been associating ourselves with ever since katrina where mayor Gavin Newsome allows me and others to represent the city and we took the opportunity not only to bring lawn mowers to help certain areas, but took our time to stand in areas that were devastated and wondered how our city would prevent that from happening . And in those moments it wasnt just wishful thinking, but brought that opportunity back and that is what began a more solid resiliency plan and volunteers and people from both berkeley and harvard. That studied it from all over the country, if not the world, to see what San Francisco and other places could do to anticipate better our expected challenges on both an earthquake, but also now more and more it can be the expected el nino, plus an earthquake, plus drought, plus anything else. And so this is my way of saying that we take every opportunity that we can to support you the others that are doing and then we learn. And then we take it back here. For el nino, as all of you know, all of the experts are predicting historic levels of flooding. I have already asked harlan for his favorite list of catchbasin sites that he and public works have already identified, and can already vacuumsuck all of that stuff and make sure that we dont have backups that will compromise our pedestrian vehicle, and access safety for everybody. But that is just the small stuff, relatively small, i think. We need to concentrate on those areas of flooding, but also prepare people for that particular aspect of our weather while were still into how were going to get out of this drought. And that is taking the opportunity to say thank you to the puc, because all of you there have been working hard to make sure that we do everything that we can to respond to the drought. I think we have done it effectively, that were at historiclevels of conservation. I can use my bill as one example. But i know that were always cautious of our water use in the city and i noticed everybody has got dirty cars, fine. Im accepting of dirty cars. I also want to say thank you to our city administrator. She has kept me very much informed on our lifelines, utility councils and what each of the big utilities are doing and practicing. Again, on the eve of yet again our i guess this will be the 26th anniversary of loma prieta next month, that we are also taking that as an opportunity to remind everyone that yes, that there were real shakes in piedmont, along the hayward fault. That is extremely that is right there its close. And its close enough that there is earthquake experts that are zeroing in on all of the different plate movements that are going on in Northern California if not even in the Cascade Mountains that i have been studying a little bit, because i have relatives up that way as well. We need to be very cognizant of that, and the same experts and some of them are working on early earthquake Warning Systems and im glad to see now there is a growing investment, where we can have a Warning System that would allow us to do some early things while the precious seconds are there trembling. We can also have some maybe automated things that help our Fire Departments keep the doors open, elevators get unstuck, these are all important things to consider as kind of lessonslearned and lets do better and lets keep on investing in the proper protocols for that. I know that were investing in our disaster Workers Program with our city employees. And making sure that we have both through the Lifeline Council and through our hr a robust return as best we can knowing there will be participation challenges. That we have to have the multiple modes coming back into the city, so that utilities and lifesaving support systems can be up. Most importantly, i need to remind everyone here to make sure you are personally prepared. There is no excuse for us not to be in the situation that we have, and we are the center of leadership and so we have got to have our own families and friends ready for this at any time. And then to have your departments that you are in charge of, you do the same thing for your top management. You ask them to be personally prepared, and to work on those things that get them freed up, so that we do what we do best, which is serve the public. I want the public to know that our investments in nert in resiliency programs is all in an effort to prepare for those 72 hours and we should never, ever be caught in an unprepared way. We should always expect this disaster to happen. Then its a planned response, not a surprise response. And that is the huge difference in San Francisco. We always want our disasters planned out in advance, so that we can take care of a lot more thingsand i think we have found out that when we do preplanning whether its in our fiscal arena or in any other event planning, we always have a great deal of success. And no less for Disaster Response and to be planned in every jurisdiction we have interviewed since katrina knows that when you make the fundamental investment, you will have some clear and better results, and the residents will feel that. Because they will be directly engaged in that effort. So with that, i just want to say thank you for being part of this council. Im proud of what the city is doing. Lets keep doing it and lets keep having an attitude of always been prepared. That is how less fear and more about the engagement that we have in front of us is going to be the standard always to be working with our communities. I know there is a lot more things that people want us to do, whether its Potable Water on the west side, whether its more paramedics to make sure ambulance responses are there, whether its ongoing investments like we have done with hiring more firefighters, paramedics and 911 callers and more equipment and more Police Officers, i think we have those resources. We have demonstrated in the budget this year with the nocuts budget for the city that queer were willing to invest in all these things to make our city. Nowhere else do i think its adequately prepared dem, and i know well be on display for fleet week as we emphasize wellbeyond the celebration of our military is the practice of a number of things that i have already seen the scheduled for and im excited to be participating in everything from the practice zones to the desktop practices with our you our coast guard, with our military, that would most likely be here in a major disaster. This continued practicing with them, so that our cultures within departments can get used to the names, the acronyms that they use, that we use, that we understand each others acronyms and get used to those things so we have good partners coming in and bringing good equipment and have the places to do it. Everything from debris management to supplies has to be here and we have to anticipate that. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much, mr. Mayor. As the mayor mentioned we are responding currently to the valley fire that was a very fastmoving fire, started a week ago saturday with 40 acres and by the time we woke up on sunday morning, i think it was almost at 40,000. So it was very quick. About 75,000 acres have burned now, and three lives have been lost, which is just very sad. Over a thousand structures. Its going to take them a long time to rebuild. The city has deployed from the Fire Department, from my office, from Public Health and from the puc, up to help in lake county. At the same time, the Fire Department is also still currently in butte county. I think you have six Engine Companies up there is deployed. So we really are providing a lot of mutual aid for our partners here in california during this very rough fire season. We have is deployed a total of 17 personnel just to the valley fire so far, and again, as i mentioned, well probably going on for many, many weeks we will be asked for help over that period of time. I wanted to mention just really briefly that we finished our urban shield exercise a weeking a. Urban shield has grown into a comprehensive fullscale regional preparedness exercise, assessing the overall bay area and the Regional Response capabilities related to multidisciplinary planning policies and procedures and specifically San Francisco was very involved with the yellow command exercise, which happened a week ago friday. What we were doing in fullscale exercise was simulating three different events around the bay area. Stimulated terroristtype of events or that is what we thought, but of course as you are in the middle of it, you really dont know what is happening. So as things are taking place in different counties, trying to pull the intel together, the information we had our joint Information Center activated. We had many, many personnel involved. We did a stimulation down at levi stadium for a soccer game. What happened is some kind of explosive device went off there, and so i think we learned a lot from urban shield. And every year it gets tighter and more people participate. San francisco had the most staff participating this year from fire, police, my office, health, puc. It was many, many different departments were participating. And it really is viewed on the nationallevel as the exercise to emulate. I was at the Femas National Advisory Council in washington, d. C. Last week. I had the honor of sitting on it and representing San Francisco and i cant begin to tell you how many people came up and asked me about urban shield specifically . And if they could come out and to partner with us and find out what we do. So more to come on that. I wanted to mention that fema requires us to do a Hazard Mitigation plan and keep it updated every three years. We did complete our Hazard Mitigation plan at the end of 2014. We covered climate change, and sealevel rise, temperature rise, precipitation changes, and we received Many National accolades and requests for guidance to integrate those new components into other peoples Hazard Mitigation plans. So again, i think we are viewed as leading the pack in that. Since our last meeting, we have had a number of different exercises. I mentioned urban shield and we had ebooltabletop series a 3part series. We did a massfeeding tabletop. We did fleet week logistic tabletop and as the mayor mentioned and you will hear more about today, there are additional exercises occurring in next week. We activated the eoc a number of times last year for the wonderful giants playoff and world series. The world series parade, our winter storms of 2014, its rather difficult to even think about winter storms today when its 90 degrees out. But new years eve, the warriors nba finals just to mention a few. The last thing im going to mention we try all the time to really reach the community about being more prepared. I think most of you, hopefully, all of you are aware of our sf72. Org. We use our outreach. We try to use special events to get the word out to people. This year in a very innovative fashion, i think we were at out lands with the table and simulating what people would do in an earthquake at outside lands and used the opening of the san andreas movie, the premiere as an opportunity to have a panel to discuss what you do in an earthquake . And to just you again highlight what we as a city are trying to do. Any means that we have to bring people into the fold and get them to be prepared at home and at work is something had a what that we look for. So thank you very much. And well move on to the next item on the agenda our el nino citywide planning. Mike dayton our ems director is going to be presenting to us. Thank you. I just wanted today to give you a little flavor of how the planning effort is going. Some of the assumptions that were based in the plans on, obviously on previous events. We had the great benefit of having our executive director anne serve as Incident Commander during the el nino 19971998 event. If the predictions hold true we anticipate see a lot of mudslides. In 78highway 101 in pasco cific pacificka was shut down at one point we had 80,000 people in San Francisco without power and if you think about people with access and functional needs things can really turn south when the power is out for an extended period of time. That is going to be informing our Planning Efforts. We opened up temporary shelters for the homeless and obviously, if its like last winter when we opened up, activated the eoc during the winter storm for three operational periods, we expect with el nino type of events its going to be a marathon of storms for the winter months. Were planing for a more extensive operational period. Also in 199798 we declared a state of emergency with 14 million in damages. So were anticipating similar damages during this year with if the predictions again, hold true. During the next month well be convening smaller plan groups and also holding a meeting october 2nd within our Faith Council and thank you michael for pulling that together. And by november 1st well have a revised concept of operations. We had a conop last year and were taking that and revising the base and dem will be staying in Constant Contact monitoring what the National Weather service will be in contact with state. And the feds and if there is a forecast for severe weather, and i mean that is high winds with a large amount of rain and isolated areas, then we will host a coordination call with all city departments and brief them on what forecast is. If the National Weather service agrees that earlier briefing to be part of the call, so you can hear it from the scientists and not the emergency managers. Based on those Conference Calls well take actions whether or not to activate . And that is all in support i know there is already prePlanning Efforts going on with the puc, the department of public works and we look forward to pulling them together with 311, and our dispatch center to really focus on the communications in next month to have a solid conops. That is where we are at with planning for el nino. Thank you. Thank you. Any questions about our Planning Efforts . [ inaudible ] agencies should be prepared, because its not going to be as fast a recovery [ inaudible ] thank you. Any other comments or questions . Thank you, michael. Thank you. Okay. Next on the agenda is our super bowl l update. Were all excited about super bowl l, anna sop is our dem Operations Coordinator and she is going to be presenteding. Hello and thank you for having me. Im here today to share our super bowl l Planning Efforts. We have been working with the Host Committee and work in partnership with the afl and events planned for the bay area. As many of you know the game is scheduled sunday february 7, 2016. Prior to that a week long series of events will be hosted in San Francisco. Nfl experience and were working with our firstresponders to identify how to continue to provide essentially you City Services seamlessly. This obviously requires multiple requires coordination with multiple safety agencies, a mix of federal, state and local municipalities and private sector. Within San Francisco, we have developed branches that we can work from that can be a point of contact for us. For instance Law Enforcement and sfpd has been working with us and escorts, traffic safety, tactical response. For the fire branch we have with chief francisco working with firerelated focus. For San Francisco, we have the City Services branch working with peter albert for transportation, Public Health, and all of the other different functions that are actually impacted with these events coming to the city. And we started to really when we focused on this with dem, we really looked to our firstresponders for a collaborative effort. So that we can maintain early communication and begin a series of exercises and we could look at operational awareness, planned development, and validation, training and exercise, and ultimately, leading up to operational coordination. We will have our Emergency Operations center active during the super bowl events. All stakeholders are invited to participate and assist with coordination and can i probably speak for the Police Department and multiple dpw and Fire Department will be operating in different instances. So we had three dates for the exercise series we held last month, the planning review workshop. We looked at planned assumptions and worked with martha cohen and moving forward were going to look next month in november 18th, good day tabletop exercise. This will be an opportunity to test our response plans locally, regionally as well with our federal agencies. Reviewing a list of events, looking at the street closures, sanctioned events, maybe unsanctioned events knowing that a lot of this may change, but really for us we want to know how we can provide, if we have an alarm fire how go we send response and ingress egress for Emergency Response vehicles . And then the third series of that would be the badday tabletop. We just want to focus really for this its an opportunity to focus multilevel response, say for instance a natural or manmade incident, say an extreme weather event, how do we integrate response and response in a timely fashion . Ultimately the objective for us is to test local and regional plan, santa clara and san mateo are all heavily involved and how to maintain a Common Operating Picture and share information . Not just vertically, but also horizontally. What systems are we using . What do we need to know . When do we need to know it . In closing that has been really for me personally and i think i can speak for at anne, we started early Planning Efforts in collaborating and finding out who needs to know information and our firstresponders have been very helpful communicationwise. That is all i have. We look forward to a very successful event and happy to be part of the process. Any questions . The impact will be to have good communication for downtown construction because there will be a week delay how to do the delivery, our office will work closely because street closures in those areas for construction and delivering materials and so forth. That is part of that transportation were contemplating how we accommodate the necessary movement such as commercial loading and construction that would be happening. [ inaudible ] parts of downtown that are essentially closed off, they are still buildings that are operating and construction and accommodate those needs. Mr. Mayor . If i may . Working closely with dpw [ inaudible ] i know those conversations are ongoing. We have been in two meetings last week director huis questions and points [ inaudible ] thank you, martha. Do you have anything to add as martha said . [ inaudible ] any other comments or questions . Moving right along then. Thank you, anna. Im going to do a real quick fleet week brief. Fleet week is right right around the corner. In addition, to the blue angels and spectacular airshow that we see the publicfacing side of fleet week, as well as the ships that come into San Francisco bay. There is a whole bunch of other activities that take place as well the city and county of San Francisco is organizing with the fleet week center for humanitarian assistance in Disaster Relief a series of events to help us train and prepare and get better as the mayor mentioned, responding with our military partners. So fleet week brings all of the first responders, federal, state and local government Disaster Response agencies together with the department of Defense Services to develop these relationships and plans in advance. So that when we need mutual assistance, when we do have some large event here in San Francisco, we know how to talk to each other already, and we have those relationships established. So just to highlight a few things that are going on outside of what you see in the air and on the bay, on monday october 5th were having a defense support civilian authorities discussion. Rehearsal of concept exercise. This is taking place at pier 50, exercise is designed and conducted by dem, in partnership with the port of San Francisco and the humanitarian assistance Disaster Relief group of fleet week. And we will rehearse decking the uss somerset outside of the bay, and then bringing it in and offloading supplies and staging at pier 50. So its going to be a really good exercise and were looking forward to it. On the 2nd the 6th of october rather, the marine corps will demonstrate the delivery of urban searchandrescue teams to San Franciscos postdisaster, mv22, that will land at Moffett Field and pick up teams and deliver them back to Moffett Field. Also on tuesday the 6th were going to be doing an interoperable training with Fire Department, and ems ride alongs. On wednesday, well be doing the Fire Department every year does urban searchandrescue and we have gotten feedback from military, who have gone through that; that they have been able to use the skills that they have picked up from sffd in place likes haiti, when they have gone to respond and found it very useful and worthwhile. On the 7th of october a medical pierto pier exchange at the marines memorial and on the 7th Senior Leadership seminars day one. We do twoday seminars tackling immediately subjects with the military and these are our seniors leaders throughout the entire bay area region. The first day of the seminar will focus on energy restoration. I know that is one of the mayors interest areas with the lifelines council. And the day concludes with a tour of the ship docked at piers 3032. Day 2 is the second day of the Senior Leadership seminar. On thursday, we also have an interoperable training with the navy and on saturday, actually friday saturday sunday this year, everyone who can should make it down to the marina green. We have a static display there at the humanitarian village, humanitarian assistance village and get lots of great information from all of the presenters and the different organizations who have booths there, along with being able to see the actual military capabilities that would be brought to San Francisco. So all in all, its a very exciting week, and we are very happy to be partners with the fleet week association. Weve identified a citywide concept of operations plan. We do this every year. Well be meeting next week to go over it with our key partners in the city, and this plan is designed to provide Situational Awareness for all of us. To just make sure that fleet week is not only a fun event, but its also a useful one that brings good learninglessons for us. Yes, micki . I have a question about your october 6th event veterans employment. We have currently a veterans hiring project that dhr where were seeing to be the employer of choice for veterans. So were hoping that there is a coordination. Please reach out to our Workforce Development staff to ensure that as the largest employer in San Francisco to make sure were there and part of the program and talking to our veterans about what opportunities in San Francisco employment as well . I believe that you are there already, but no, im really glad that you mentioned that. We will make sure that that happens. But we have been working with your department. Fantastic. Thank you. Also i would like to [ inaudible ] who is your contact . You can start with me. Great. Other comments or questions . Everybody come out and have a good time with fleet week. I hope that you all participate. Are there any were drawing to a close here. Are there any updates from Disaster Council members . We have a roundtable here. Anything that you wish to present . [ [ inaudible ] holding a number of trainings of personnel to go through that at the eoc. So finance and admin can continue to participate and related to el nino specifically, we are notifying all departments that because of the gradual or marathon nature of el nino were activating all the time keeping codes in an automated way, as well as in the accounting system. So your cfos will get messaging on this, so that they can calmly practice it before the storms come underway. If it doesnt come to pass at least they have a chance to practice with it. Excellent, thank you, todd. Any other announcements . Yes, tom . Last year actually this year because of the delay of the grants we have 200,000, chinatown for outreach. We have additional with two more districts were going to do another 100,000 for each district. One is western edition and one bay and hopefully we have enough people to outreach for the public to learn how to prepare for the seismic safety. Thank you. Anything else . Any Public Comment . October is a very busy month. 26th anniversary of loma prieta as the mayor mentioned and shakeup is in october. If you havent signed up for it yet, please do. Fleet week, were going to have a lot of things going on in San Francisco. And again, i thank you all for being here today. Be safe, and thank you all you also for your partnership in helping us to be better prepared and planned. Thank you. clapping. no, but id like to recognize the members of board here im representing can you stand up when i introduce you carol reed our Vice President clapping. phillip stone our treasurer the man with the money clapping. and is andrea here i guess not okay this woman has come through with stuff tara clapping. stephanie ta my stephanie thank you and clapping. Environmental Impact south africa fir my man how could i lee leave you out and adams golds beggar didnt make that where is he adam go you join us up here please clapping. again, you over dressed. laughter and the last person id like to introduce would be somebody im sorry im sorry she snuck in hes new darcy convincing darcy im so sorry im sorry to introduce the board member that put this together your liaison to the committee that is sheryl will i broadway for the record billion clapping. thank you shelly that would be eject it is my i get to introduce jack from john stuttering company please come up thank you clapping. if i got the email those guys are a tough take to follow im jack president of the John Stewart Company all to adds my heart and soul felt congratulations to pat and all the partners with the booker t to the team and the funders and investors were so pleased to be let the record reflect the groundbreaking for this Community Center and Affordable Housing complex john stuttering is the largest manager of Affordable Housing in california at fifth largest in the United States with over 33 units under management statewide while i wish that met the intense need for Affordable Housing it didnt come close so were also an i active developer of Affordable Housing here in San Francisco and around the state we take that as a you are or i guess month partner such booker t to help them achieve their goals its a real pleasure to contributor our expertise and track record with that worthy endeavor for a bringing 50 critical units of Affordable Housing for the communities as youve heard from pat there were many, many challenges in getting to it point that legal and Construction Costs it took a dedicated and determined Development Team group of consultant and funders to do so ill simply and brief add may to the guilty builders and construction who came throug when our original contractor backed up at the last manipulate for the dont you have dine to be youve the brochure in conclusion and express our gratitude to the protected officials for their vision and support and the Development Team the public and private developers would the that the booker t serve and jonah complex wouldnt have become a reality thank you very much clapping. Small Business did we forgot to mention before which is one of United States u you are you biggest partners is the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development apologize to blame that one on pat the mayor will be here to speak to that later welds to have a round of applause for olsen lee clapping. dan ray merry here oh, there she thank you folks much can i susan riggs are you here susan there you are hi good morning my name is susan riggs aim the activity director the Housing Community Development Im proud to represent this entirely groundbreaking were real proud partner with all the many farther than these if it project the type of housing provided here is so important to the future of the hows here and ac d pridesist on not just bag a partner but providing the support and tools in the communities that is necessary for folks living in the development this really this project exemplifies the type of support that is needed in order for the form foster youth to create Bright Futures were proud to be participating in that we are providing weve provided 4. 4 million from the in fill Infrastructure Grant Program id like to say that what jack garden mentions the difficult in the development is here was a unique situation but the reality a providing Affordable Housing in the communities is always a challenge with an reason because of infrastructure that exists and in of the upper community so the Infrastructure Grant Program is an integral piles of providing underlying structure to for the or supports the facilities we provided 3. 9 million from the minority housing fund to powder for the port for the housing for its foster youth were really proud to do that as i mentioned this housing really does absolutely change the lives the folksism here and give them a future they wouldnt otherwise have were a proud partner thank you for having me today congratulations it the Board Members and the to the staff and all the partners thank you. clapping . There was one other board member he forgot to mention unfortunately not here u just tom unfortunately cannot be here shes in class in medical school with u. S. Davis but quite involved with the board and worked at the center for a long time i want to give her a shout out hes is a special person especially here aunt is here next la quench one the Staff Members i can only tell you the board is extremely, extremely proud of staff and one of the special ones. clapping. good morning ladies and gentlemen, my name is lakisha housing the Youth Program cooperate and youth director its my honor to share that special occasion since 1920 the center pass has a supports and maintain a healthy and vibrant Community Offering services and program wow. The original purpose the center to provide support to the africanamerican communities the mission has grown to include many other communities and individuals over the years thousands of lives have been impacted by the work and the dedication of the communities members, volunteers and Staff Members on this occasion im reminded of a Booker T Washington success is to be measured by the the as the obstacles that have been overcome in my 14 years as booker t ive come to realize how true those words are im from frisco i grew up in bayview Hunters Point and rectified e received my education in San Francisco Public Schools and i joined this i attended cc s f and decided i didnt like school i worked joined the organization and found my way to booker t in many ways i grew up here i start working as broot as a reservation corridor and development subordinate pie my current role he took my first plain flight there is training i attend and booker t im a model for young people that broot has served young people need could you remember and guidance and care to be successful transbay adults in San Francisco our new building represents this im packing brown about working with kids and passionate about my community that is important the communities has a place like booker t that supports cpr children to the worlds around them today is a tremendous accomplishment when the building is erected it will represent offer 90 years of replenishment and commitment for the Community Viability will be a shining bacteria of booker t example lastly id like to recognize a few people that led along the way my parents, terry james had who was my supervisor when i first arrived and booker t and ms. Hillary a staff person as well, many sheila and dr. Dix and mr. Jerry trotters the Program Director hes over there recording special thanks to him clapping. and the Board Members and lastly ms. Pats scott thank you all for being here today and supporting booker t clapping. she might not have liked school but got her degree last spring clapping there or are a couple of other people to acknowledge shawn the treasurer the local the Firefighters Union gave a nice contribution to this project and recognize Supervisor Scott Wiener he got the name right that is a running joke we have and next id like to introduce bryan barking from citibank is bryan here great. clapping. thank you brian. Thank you. Good morning my name is bryan barker i run the city capital and one the lessons for the john burton housing complex you know obviously were a lenders i have to tell you that is my absolute part of my job seeing on the harrods come to fruition you know as you may know its been a long road i dont know how many years we came in the tail end it is tremendous you see the financing and the construction starting shortly i think there are 5 Different Levels of the subordinate something says is private and public cant get along that is an example how it works bus that 18 months it will, 50 units of Affordable Housing in the city it is the highest across the country where the housing is desperately needed congratulation we look forward to coming back and seeing this project and thank you very much for having us clapping. sam cob it is director the first place for you that will supply support services for emancipated youth living here clapping. hello all as pat said allison park sam the dpoe ceo all to congratulate the board of Booker T Washington and the parents of the state of boat washington and the students on this amazing accomplishment to get us to this point first place an organization that works with young people trifrlths out of foster care weve grown to be the largest erections serve this population in the state we provide services from for for the bay area choice im sorry 5 bay area and the mission of la. laughter what we try to do with those young people there tangible things to help them to upstairs other than stabld we try to help them develop job skills and continue their education less than 3 percent of young people that transition out u out of foster enroll or enroll if post secondary education and get them market skills being here today theres another piece we try to i think still those are the characteristics or the traits that it has taken mr. Pat scott to get us outline here those characteristics and trades are pines how does you keep going which everyone else tells you that the road your traveling is not the road you should be on reliance to get up every single day ive been here for the first 10 years the first extraordinarily conversation with pat she said pat were going to build that building the resilience to get up and targeted towards that goal that was a goal not a dream because pat had deadlines on it the other thing the ability when everyone tells us you it cant be done you say to yourself yes those are the things we believe those intangible will help our young people be successful adults if our society contributing adults thats why pat we have we expect more the young people and expect more the community and expect more of ourselves thank you pat for pushing the envelope and everybody that said no and turning the nos into yeses and be part of this great celebration thank you el lap and john come up please our other partners. Hi i worked with ellen for years at the start that was how many years ellen. Many i want to say the same could you remember that pat give of gave myself and others not just could you remember but hoops to make things happen last week money and other covets support the same support to start this shes going it is an honoree for us we want to thank everyone here that youth radio has been looking for a home in San Francisco this is the objective place and were so excited about working with all of you to insure that the young people of San Francisco have a voice in whats happening in this city and around the nation and world so were committed together with you to insuring the young people hereafter sam and first place are giving this tremendous port and young people are facing so many obstacles theyre ready to be creatively and speak their minds and ready to invent new Technology Well be giving them the skills to do all those things while the city exploded in weight the young people are part of it and in front of it and leading what San Francisco will be tomorrow this organization is speaking to all of that were just so proud to be part of it thank you clapping. john. So good morning, everybody. Thank you im the executive directors of j. C. Y c hearing representing our fabulous preschool and she didnt want to come up here but please give a round of applause to her shes in the back responsible for providing the best caregiver o childcare in ergs navigation to the shortage of housing and the tremendous needs for folks in foster car a shortage the childcare at j. C. One the our core values is collaboration can we trial do what needs to be done for the families in San Francisco and quay pleased to partner with Booker T Washington to provides the services that are available at the center and add them to the partnerships to congratulation we lard to a tremendous partnership for many, many years to come thank you clapping. fwroekz i introduce the next person there is one person that we quite a few heard he name mentioned but none has reached out and thing at the woman for the incredible job that is pat scott this would not have happened if pat hadnt held this together there through thick and thin. Shall we use to have more hair than she has now clapping. laughter . Well, the next person im going to introduce this project may have stalled without this persons help ive known this person since i came up to his knees and he swore like he swears now that is john burton john you want to come up and join us. clapping. john and my farther were good friends. Thank you, sir. Shame on you im probably the only person that every played basketball at least at my age played with the before me men brothers and kc genes when the the center had great athletics and probably many people never heard of jim, i just want to pay a tribute to the whole booker t operation they fought against all odds to make that thing happen i mean they were with we walked in they were in trouble when we got here they were still in trouble and finally ata out of the trouble in building id like to thank very much as a capture of the Board Members nathan and rick who spent hours clapping. trying you know make sure that this thing is the developers and our executive director diane matt sudden and one other member of the board of directors my daughter cam technique it is nice to see the people from the scombrapz e Japanese Community you use to call is at the japanese why on buchanan and booker t the athletics exploded and the war came and the American Government came and then our japanese friends and neighborhoods went away then cob came back five or six years and came back with a develop grievance to rebuild the neighborhoods we are proud theyre part of the operations so also we want to thank first place i get confused is it first place or last place first your we stole one of their top policy persons they named who is the worlds leeds expert on how to fix foster things she was almost singlehandly the person that was responsible for the federal law being congressmans chafrngd that changed the age from 15 to 1 r 21 to stay in the fosters care were grateful we stole her from friend so clapping. im killing time until john gets here he gets k p a bad name. laughter you dont think so laughter you dont think so you know so make sure im going to turn it over to larry who is fathers and i spend a lot of time together and he was one of the great labor leaders this city hfa had seen and gave me and my brother a start in politics so clapping. katherine we have a special treat here from all the way from washington, d. C. And no not Dianne Feinstein it looks like Dianne Feinstein this is senator feinsteins daughters katherine who husband rick from the john Burton Society shes shell read a special catherine republican will read a special operation application. Thank you it is a true honor to be here we do know from 35 my husband rick has been an active member of the johns board and we all love you john with all our heart what a feat this has been a great contraction collaboration an on behalf of the definition elements and seventh ero sect and pushes and pulls that make San Francisco a great but challenging city i Zoning Administrator do have a certificate of accumulation from the United States senates bear with me it is quite beautiful it is the smallest font ive ever seen im really going to do my best but my mother obviously is in washington and im going to do my best to fill in for her it is a certificate of accomodation from the United States senator hereby presented by Dianne Feinstein the United States senator if california to the Booker T Washington Community Service center and it reads in recognition and prediction of Booker T Washington Community Civic Center Opening on service to the city and county of San Francisco california congratulations on the groundbreaking of the new Booker T Washington communities civic center and John Burton Foundation housing complex john turns into mayor ed lee. Oh, laughter hello mayor ed lee. Established in 1919 booker t has been embedded in the lives of africanamericans and San Francisco with a unique collaboration with the japaneseamerican communities at the opening the current facility in 1952 dr. Howard dlardz it a center for all raze this new facility expands the Critical Services with an emphasis open Affordable Housing, education and Health Services as the United States senator representing the people of california i salute the Booker T Washington Community Civic and the John Burton Foundation housing complex and thank all you, you for our hard work and Excellent Services i extend my best wishes on a successful groundbreaking can you remember signed Dianne Feinstein United States senator washington, d. C. Congratulation clapping. thank you on behalf of all san franciscans for the work that has gone into this. Folks next id like to to introduce phil stone who bolgart it is phil stone the treasurer of our board and also i guess the senior statesman yeah, he was on the board before a lot of you guess were born laughter . My friend laughter overwhelming to cut my talk down from an hour to a couple of minutes the mayor is here i want to thank you all for helping us get through that someone that was with us not mentioned before it was with us 10 years ago a he was probably the are first funder and the first fundraiser the ahead masters sam clapping. when the doors fell off 10 years ago he was there, when our heating just went down i was there, and when it came time to organize the gym i was there, i want to gave you shout out to him and thank you, again for everyone that has participated i have to give a shout out 0 really to pat for 10 years for 10 years good and bad days and the first bad day when we introduced this project to the community and they said we were two ambition that was too big and knock the building down and make a park so they could walk their dogs but nevertheless, more or less or nonetheless he every time we hit a wall it wasnt just 10 years ago but up to this year something to stop us but it looked like maybe that park is a good idea because theyre getting ready to stop us but pat took off and fixed the problem she chanted all the way you down build a damn park im not doing it shed came back with a solution pat had plan b in our back pocket and sometimes plan c but clapping. shes been indelible in starting 10 years ago and every year every month and day since then so i cant do the rest of my is thank you clapping. folks phil has been involved with his heart and souls like pat has two i want to shout out it is my honor to introduce somebody that is very involved project through his office with Community Development and his own sincere pledge to deal with more Affordable Housing in San Francisco plus when im not here hes my boss so id like to introduce mayor ed lee clapping. mayor. Thank you thank you very much good morning, everyone its my player to be here today and certainly when the name Johnny Burton shows up there is a big heart in what he does thats a gay part of the reason and willie brown and pat and larry and those associated with this great name of booker t ive been associated with for many years i want to put in context were not just building housing when we all come together to understand the implicate of youth in your city and this park of the larger group of people seeking a stabilized way to live in the city we cant abandon their hopes we know that there are youth that are coming out of shelters and foster care and may be fleeing discriminates and inastronomers our values in the city are such our youth we look to them and want them to say a stable situation to certainly the services have been there but more and more importantly you know you will all of you know how urgent the housing swaeks it in San Francisco for everyone 24ks i pledged not only the youth seniors, families and working folks whether they were teachers or hospital workers we have to do more and quickly pat and those soernd here and iuoe we cant wait 8 years to build Affordable Housing with weve got to do it quickly im taking advantage and you should know that advantage of a city right now that is strong financing and that, yes you can see wealth in the very high buildings downtown in selma im going to take that wealth im going to make sure that our government is sharing that prosperity with everyone we can possibly and this is where our communities leaders come into play i a lot of that which our africanamerican and j communities come together we no longer share stories of past struggles and challenges weve got to share more stories of successes for our folks and people so they know the city is for everyone im a deliberate mission john you know that as well in our breakfasts that right after this right after we break ground olsen will be talking about hayes valley is the next contributional sites those sites all after the city weve already opened like the wrrn and the edward the second we had 11 hundred ocean a chance to open were ago a deliberate venue or direction because we were told several years ago we better get to the 4 hundred of euphorias of housing for the youth in order to make a dramatic difference those numbers are for the unreaming real but accomplishable so is thirty thousand units of housing guaranteeing over temple thousands of that prments affordable to lowerincome and mitchel were to steady that given the people get do work with both in the nonprofit around and but take advantage to thank the members of the board of supervisors like scott wiener who is here today and others lennar urban and others coupe with Initiative Ideas to accelerate the housing not to be comfortable with a site here and there 5 are 10 years tab he will their interesting in making sure we accelerate the opportunities were providing for local developers when were redoing Public Housing and all the sites it is exist it is exciting because wear accomplishing stuff were not just talking about that that youll see me existed as a han handing keys over to the families and youth as we build and turn the dirt and very, very dedicated to those geelz in maneuvering as long as im the mayor and ive got this administration and the wealth of the city turn that wealth into helping people its thats the housing and support services and the faith of people coming together in collaboration and its about the jobs i never give up about jobs while were waiting for the housing people can earn a decendents living were high Blood Pressure them up to health care and hospitality and he meant that which the youth said overwhelm inviting the youth to the salesforce but also sdpith and all the companies that are here they are on board to make sure that we hire our youth and pay themal descent salary and learn or earn the power in the city while were building the housing this is an incredible part of our time and booker t youre never loan which the city is involved were partner with you once we start this if there is any other site youve got control or any others site that anyone has carol of well make the play this is what sdmooepd and supervisor wiener and mark farrell it their identifying the sites and surrounding them with the strefth of the economic and he financing and getting nature ideas to accelerate every partner in the city has got to be about accelerating this particular even our labor unions that are under theyre not just building for someone else but for the workforce we want to be here in the city firefighters, teachers, Police Officers so i can have a bomb squad it doesnt have to be in ann i dont know before a bomb scare shatters ridiculous but working alongside our challenges youth it is all to say thank you to everyone that is involved in this particular project keep working together weve got for answers and solutions we dont have to articulate the problem 4 times but 5 more solutions if question Work Together thats what wear interested and dedicated to and use the resources for this credible 9 billion corporation for the city of San Francisco thank you for being here lets got get on to the building thank you very much clapping. before we get to the dirty wanted to recognize Valerie Brown who was here representing supervisor london breeds this is supervisor london breed district. All right. clapping. its been done equal good morning, everyone and happy day after labor day on a belevitated basis to thank our men and women in labor that was quite a few kind of a quiet day i was walking downtown and families were getting 82 together thank you were putting together to work housing is not just for those to focus on a lot of people looking for housing in a you are laborer force thank you to everybody that is standing behind me our board of supervisors, our housing professionals, our nonprofits, those departments that will help me implement the legislative policies that were introducing today and be in an amount with the supervisors in partnership and in particular the residents of the city that represent thousands of people who want more homes and want to make sure theyre affordable to them thats the focus of today is announcement housing that is affordable to low income and middleincome families promotes the very diversity that is the value that is the critical part of our city diversities, equality and economic vital are all the things we strive to allow our city to be the great city it is and San Francisco is a great city you know it and thousands of people who want to be here and the thoughts of more that want to stay here also know ts is a city that is a great city we are using this time of prosperity to make sure that all the residents can benefit as you may know just last year with the board of supervisors and the public we raised a minimum wage to the highest in the country. Already saw the first in a number of moves in the next few years to get it to the highest innovation weve worked with the private sector with our city departments to make your municipal transportation affordable today a very, very unique from any other American City across this country muni it affordable to the youth and seniors with disabilities thus making transportation a great part of how equal listing efforts weve invested heavy write in our Public Education not just the citys covers have been directly linked to helping the School District but you are private sector and the Technology Companies and our Innovative Companies are surrounding the schools circling the schools the schools with volunteerism and higher degrees than anytime and the Publicprivate Partnership are swelling that teachers and principals and those that support our Public Schools systems have this unique time have never felt more i think engaged with our City Government than ever before we made our kids and families a high appropriate we want them to win the jobs of the 21st century. But providing Affordable Housing to low income families is essential part of our challenge, in fact, it is probably one of the most complicated of all the things we do in government you cant just built the housing that we need you also have to Pay Attention to making sure that we preserve the housing that people are in that we make sure we stabilize neighborhood that are under a lot of pressure by different economic forces force people away from their homes with we have to rehabilitate existing that housing to make sure theyre up to standards, standards that i used to use to litigate against the Housing Authority with bad times now we have an opportunity to changes all of that thats why last year, i announced a very aggressive goal and goal that is shared by the board of supervisors and certainly one that we know can be accomplished by 2020, thirty thousand homes newly built and rehabbed and preserved by 2020 and guaranteeing that a third will be at the other end of the table of a lowerincome families and in addition more o more for middleincome families ive been called a lot of names i do enjoy being called the housing mayor even though i may go by many other names im sure to make sure the housing mayor sticks im going to work with the board we do all the things to stabilize neighborhood were making tremendous progress on those goals thanks to the collaboration that is going on with the handing out with the building inspection and planning, with the nonprofit Housing Development community, with the for profit market rate housing which youll hear in detail things to incentivize them and the board of supervisors. We need to build housing we also need to make sure that we are oiflt areas of the city whether lands or neighborhoods where we can quickly build and engage partners more effectively in meeting this challenge thats why were here today to launch a blue print youll see in detail think the screen shortly a plow print blue print introduce 10 thousand were assure that thought thirty thousand we build by 2020 that a minimum of 10 thousand, in fact, our numbers indicate to us well exceed the 10 thousand we want to make sure Everybody Knows a blue print to get to the 10 thousand permanently affordable units for lowerincome families while we set this baby boomer goal and package of legislation it represents this blue print whether you see this and you hear the support from the board of supervisors for those various policies youll know that we have an opportunity to exceed this 10 thousand with this fail working with the board im companionship 5 piece of legislation with the board of supervisors that will make sure that we reach this goal by 2020 let me begin with the first piece of legislation and thats focused on our Public Housing you know from my own history i worked with the public residents residents and satisfied with centralized poverty Housing Authority system we have i set on a pathway to convince hud housing an urban development federal partners our state agencies, of course, even our local housing tell us we had a better vision a vision that would use a program that is relatively new at hud called the rental as an deems short for rad that allows. To kind of leverage the Financial Investments that the Housing Authority are using but design them into a different way to incorporate Nonprofit Developers and for Profit Developers on the same sites to rebuild the housing and rehabilitate them and this rad program vet first phase will cause one thousand 4 hundred units to be rehabbed thats a cost of about 700 million and it is the phase one and one were introducing because we know that Public Housing is part of the lard for a lot of people if we dont rehab and allow those sites to create more density and figure out how to long lasting housing for lowerincome families well have a big hole in this effort so the legislation were providing today is basically, what we called bond financing you you know in this era of a good economics times were learning more and more well be introducing financial parkinsons passages that have everything to do with invest and leveraging and in this financial packages bond financing that allows us to borrow off of the public land that is owned by the federal government is a very creative way in using there rad program this money well borrow off about quickly preserve those homes now were doing to with the program call hope sf because we promised the residents in Public Housing u Housing Housing not to them but with them and hope sf is about drawing out the residents and their limp making sure they said and appreciate the designs we have to do with and all accident soufrnd support systems we have for the residents because they know more than anyone else that it is never just about the brick and mortar it is about investing in the people thats why we have Training Programs skill set programs that draw on the people that live in Public Housing to participate in the design, the acceptance and the building and in the new business of integrated housing that will be managed and run and invite into those jobs empty this very residents that live there those homes are vital to the wellbeing and safety of our most suitable san franciscans and thats why it is the first of the introduction of our policies the second legislative package we are introducing again with the board is called neighborhood preference too often all of us hear about families demand from their homes their neighborhood and friends and community losing our home is a big tragedy and compound when our demand from connections with nearby relatives or friends even with our employment our new legislation b will give the existing residents a priority of affordable units in their community by giving neighborhoods preference thats something i know the boards has been very supportive of the third policy legislation well be introducing it the focus on those tenants who are displaced weve heard time and time again and read story avenue story of tenants with no fault evictions or ellis act despite the good news visits to sacramento weve not burger to get the changes through locally we can do something about the no fault evicts the evicts that are banks demolitions so were going to provide a preference to routine who are displaced bus of those causes the fourth is something that i said earlier and thanks to the leadership of commissioner renne and supervisor kim and all the others standing behind me as well we are going do revamp what has been our Inclusionary Housing Program by providing more incentives to Market Rate Developers to provide affordable units to alongside their market rate units and supervisors have been very interested they know weve had trembles limitations in the way weve approached the past in terms of inclusionary housing what that means is whenever there is a mandating development whether in selma or Visitacion Valley or in downtown what we want to had never vices the building of more affordable units on the same site so weve got to freud that right mix of incentives to make sure that the developers are attracted to that put more of those hundred percent affordable units on site it allows the developers to help secure housing for families in rentcontrolled units and therefore stabilize these rent in an affordable level the fifth is also linked to that but it is has nothing to do with to do we we do offsite as you may know obligations flow to developers when we build market rate housing we also want to make sure that if we have a program that incentive visas the building of Affordable Housing off those market rate sites we have the right incentives to build more lowerincome and middleincome on the offsite by providing a little bit more height and density and making sure that pencils out to unify and onsite incentives are part of the pages my staff can go go the detail how that works weve been in conversations with the dozens of developers who know that just twooeshgz a little bit here and through on the height and density salesforce assists this them make sure the offsite and Onsite Development gets more play and add more units we believe that those legislative packages coupled with the aggressive buildings and rehabilitating of thirty thousand units of housing with the guaranteed third affordable and more in fact, to middleincome that were going to steady those goals and we know that well have a clear road map given the blue print and the tools we have this is just before us weve got to make sure we keep he focus this is what im focused on as mayor and all the staff has nothing to do with with housing is focused to insure this gets think done not only to benefit the areas under construction whether south of market or in the transbay but we know those packages will also help to stable his the mission and chinatown and other neighborhoods around the city finally i want to make sure you know one of the most important things to for the public to know whats on the ballots for this november prop a is the 310 million housing bond we have before the voters and it is a housing bond it is unanimously supported by the board of supervisors with me and it has occurred the support of now dozens of Community Groups residential groups and it does not raise property tax this is a colloquy to our Capital Planning and the 310 million will in fact provide us with serious resources to not only hit home on the lowerincome housing but middleincome housing and amounts of money to help build the neighborhoods much quicker it is one of the greatest single steps to stack towards the building of more housing weve got to make sure that our citys nieptd for residents who tells you on a day to day basis they cant afford to be here the city has to to be united this is the top priority weve dealt with so many other issues that help us with the affordability challenge whether transportation or parks or schools weve even got one of the best and most unique programs of starting a bank account for kids going to kindergarten no other city is doing that many are trying to do that so, now we have a a tackle the Affordable Housing challenge and i think this is the way to do that and certainly in my past Housing Advocacy we have a lot of friends to make sure that gets done as well with that, i have a great partner in the board of supervisors and i know that every single have been thinking about housing for the past couple of years and all the challenges that represents and no greater of a leader then the supervisor president breed who lived in Public Housing speak and testify to that but she is hundred and 50 percent committed to making sure that the Public Housing gets redone thats the key and a lot of land in that Public Housing f that is not fully utilized to incorporate more Affordable Housing for names that need and build in areas find city that are beautiful parts of city you should take a chance to see the areas hot beds of a lot of investment were building housing ill invite up to the pronounced our board president london breed clapping. thank you. I just want to start by thats why mayor ed lee i do this efrpts weve had a number of press conferences and i met that i am when i first became a member of the board i made p made it clear any priority was Public Housing to make sure that the recipe have the kind of housing they deserve able to live in dignity a lot of the conditions that were when i lived this sadly is there today those residents deserve better we talk about Public Housing and what were to go dissolution to make sure we rehabilitate Public Housing and include the residents and continue to deliver the services and not leave them out were moving in a positive step forward so im glad when we talk about housing in San Francisco when we talk about preservation that Public Housing it is at the for the most part i know it is important to me and many of the members of the board that p have Public Housing in their district and finally finally finally were moving a step closer to doing what we are said well do with 14 hundred units of this and it will make a difference thank you for that mr. Mayor and the other thing i want to highlight is part of the mayors comprehensive blue print package is neighborhood preference growing up here in San Francisco ive had to many friends leave the city at the cant afford it weve watched the development under redevelopment all the housing that upcoming popped up in your neighborhood and we didnt have the ability to assess if we applied and put into 0 lottery system am many times our names are not called that changed the characterization of the neighborhood and finally when the board introduced legislation for neighborhood preference bylaw before we went on release weve got to stop the who oclock on changing the neighborhood make sure that the residents that live in the neighborhood the reason why we love San Francisco and its desists in the first place it bylaw is because of the people of the neighborhood we have to make sure theyre part of any new development this will make that difference im proud to be part of the folks that led that charge the last thing i want to talk about the blue print i know you know im working on a plan for the western edition and nixon next with the Mayors Office of housing and the Mayors Office of department of Workforce Development we have to think about some of the see challenges that are happening in all the neighborhoods preservation preservation preservation there are people who live all over our city in anonym development places that are falling part some of you read in the news will fredrick and that issue weve had to take those folks to court to stop the sale of Affordable Housing we have to make sure as we build new and chunk the city and trying to prepare for the new printouts i residents. Coming here we dont neglect our Affordable Housing stock we make sure in their roofs are not leaking the mold is abating and some of the conditions that are similar to Public Housing are abated and find Creative Solutions and develop a plan in order to protect the residents that already live in our air force stock throughout San Francisco and part of what im doing is working with the mayor and his legislation fixes and working with the board of supervisors in trying to be creative not only legislatively some things require working with the city cement development and the stakeholders to come up with the plans so long term we know how to preserve the Affordable Housing for generations to come so im excited about the blue print it is a step in the right direction and were going to make a difference in the housing unit i know there are people that are all matters listed hereunder constitute a consent calendar, are considered to be routine me every single day what is going to happen to me and my family were working hard to make sure we do everything within our ability to stop the strengthened in San Francisco so thank you, mr. Mayor to you and your team i look forward to work with you to push those legislation clapping. it would be very time consuming but appropriate to invite every single of the supervisors here because each one burglary be passionate and condominium to the housing challenge and the affordability challenged im standing with supervisors who have spent critical hours on their own talking to residents not just in their district each of them will be i think delivering and adding value to the packages of legislation items to make sure that everybody is covered i want to intending to thank supervisor president london breed but all supervisors for this incredible complex challenge one that need to be tackled with every single of the inspires making sure theyre doing theyre part in working with us in the building and rehabilitating and preservation of housing we will we have the faces of people that come up to us i want to introduce two more people today who will speak preparing to how the City Government can assist improving their lives and what weve down it bryan who himself was demand from his triangle home not too long ago but find the benefits of the program i want you to hear drizzle from bryan we have a motion and a second up e come on up bryan hi home is a deceptively simple word it is o and hum n simply but evoke active ive called San Francisco home since 1983, 3 two years a member of the Arts Community since i arrived as a actor and a member of the Theatre Company now a writer and teacher this is my 14 years in the Dance Program at City Attorney calory university i taught at San Francisco State University in 2014 i was served with an ellis act eviction he thought my time in the city was coming to an end i will lived in that apartment 14 years i turned 40 in this apartment and 50 i finished my ms a and lost my best friend i spent months in panic and tried to figure out how to stay in San Francisco the below Grade Program including their did you observe payment assistance and ellis act certify of the preference i bought a one bedroom apartment what . As an other and teacher owning in the city was never on the agenda im city slightly shocked i wouldnt call it a simple process and here id like to say thank you to Vanessa Doyle who answered my phone calls it was a process that worked i saw the effort of the mayor to extend the certificate of preference and to courage the developers to build for bmr units my story is not unique i couldnt probably tell you 20 other people that are in similar conditions hell our citys vital it create by the widest possible that rage of people being able to say that San Francisco is their home thanks clapping . Thank you, brian and our final speaker is a long term Public Housing residents in fact, 23 years to be exact she is educating herself with 9 citys Public Housing rebuild and shes not only a good leader but perp has make sure that information that we give out is spreading sprayed out to monolingual residents like chinese speaking population let me introduce ms. Dorothy raymond come on up dorothy. Good afternoon i have lived at 990 pacific for 23 years ive been involved with the tenant and the Tenant Association and have seen problems in our building for sometime the building is 41 years old and it needs a lot of repairs it needs new elevators and new wiring, it needs ventilation systems, fire alarm and when the water is sprinklers. When the water falls out yeah. Those are things their redoing the kitchens and bathrooms kitchen needs new cabinet and bettered countered space and Storage Space social room needs to be redid done security in the building needs to be teacher and this will be handle in some degree person on duty twentyfour hours a day ive been working with the new developer who will be taking over our ground chinatown Community Development center who has regular meetings once a month with the tenants telling them what our names and addresses with what the repairs are hopefully, the schedule but one of the major things that has to be done to our building it needs to be retrofitted with a new roof it does mean well do have to move out for about that year and come back i must say is chinatown has really been effective with keeping our tenants wellinformed and each step becomes clearer and clearer the los angeles theyve done is have a slide show they gave demonstrates of what the new kitchens will look like and the social room things like they speak our meetings are in chinese cantonese and mandarin and english so all are can understand notices are given out very ahead of time and posted on each one of the apartments to the tenants are wellinformed when these things happen chinatown is doing a really good job at shous the things that need to be done i cant say enough good things about them and i want to thank the mayor and Housing Authority for having the vision to begin to help have our buildings in safe conditions for the tenants who have to live there thank you clapping . Dorothy and supervisor christensens and i will make sure that the whole episode will be as good as possible for everybody even the temporary move as well well, youve hear from sdroshth and bryan the complications that are behind their efforts to stay in San Francisco and be a part of it were up to the challenge i want you and the pun to make sure that this mayor and the board of supervisors will be working very hard to make sure those are built and rehabbed not just a goal but more importantly the people that want to be here thats our focus so thank you to everybody and dorothy and bryan for our fantastic input and thank you to the supervisors taken up the legislation but implementing and United States agencies that are behind thank you for youre making that the highest priority for our city appreciate it much and lets go on and get to work thank transportation director borden is anticipated director heinecke director nolan director ramos director rubke directors please be advised director brinkman will not be here phones, devices are prohibited at this meeting. Please be advised that the chair may order the removal from the meeting room cell phone, pager, or other similar soundproducing electronic devices. Do cause microphone trenches

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