Anthony good evening this is the a meeting of the San Francisco mission on environment the today is tuesday, march 28, 2017, and the time is 5 08 p. M. A reminder please be advised the ringing of and use of cell phones, phones, please be advised that the chair may order the removal from the meeting room of any person s responsible for the ringing or use of a a note an opportunity for Public Comment on all items on the agenda and opportunity for general Public Comment for items not on the agenda we ask you fill out a speaker and hand to me and the calory chair will call the folks in the order we receive them and speak anomalously so after the speaker cards are called you may come up and move on tennessee commissioners, please respond when i call your name. Commissioner hoyos commissioner stephenson commissioner wald commissioner wan oh, commissioner wan is excused we have quorum next item is item item no. 2 president s welcome. Discussion. Thank you anthony good evening and welcome to tonights meeting of the commission on the environment as you noticed the roll call. Were down commissioner holiday accepted a new position but only physically shes with us in spirit a bold force that he commission and serve the both the department of the commit and resident is distinction ill do her we wish her the very best in her future endeavors that is a cultivate shock at the moment and we hope hes come and visit us often we loved her energy and brilliant mind at the last meeting he was moved by commissioner holiday with the item no. 2 president s welcome. That touches on the grandmothers donation in resistance to the new Administration Policy you saw what happened that he epa the vublth of the population whether deportation or the need to be vigilant he reached out to her, she said remembered were again steward and be out there i think ill add we need to more ever really partner with Different Community and seek new partners and new community so were not always talking to the usually suspects we cant afford to do that earlier this month i had the roll definition honor of attending the 61 conversion on the status of women a conference at the United Nations and spoken on two panels and attended the women for climatic change with 5 mayors the mayor of paris the cochair or durbin and the mayor of capping town and the mayor of mexican city commissioner hoyos was through that was great to see her with the mayor of paris was born in spain she saw my name so she said. speaking spanish. and there was clear consensus with the other leaders that the sustainability is a top priority well continue to work with the stand so im feeling inspired i think that what is happening today is not an opportunity to sit back but opportunities to stand up and act and with that inspiration i think we need to fight for our environment a special welcome to those of you have never attended a Commission Meeting on the commission on the environment we welcome you and hope youll come again and find it informative please speak up during Public Comment we welcome and encourage your preparation i want to thank sfgovtv for all their efforts making sure our meeting are broofrtd with that is there any Public Comment on this item . Which is the item no. 2 president s welcome. First, the commissioners especially for the form commissioner jackie holiday. Simply i beneficial with you said about her and her perspective for the environmental just the we all embrace that principle but ill glad it is in her honor and glad youre here in your new role to speak. Thank you so, now we open up for Public Comment on this current item. Mr. Pilpal. Thank you david pilpal since im not going to stay for the whole meeting i appreciate your introduction and your reference to women that were leaders unfortunately ive been to two femurs that week and another one they happened to be strong Jewish Community leaders and women but 345kz that he rehabilitate on the power of women to change. May more so than men over the event i appreciate the leadership im looking i hope 0 that commissioner hoyos better and i know that later on talk about the resolution affirming our support for fighting be cliffs other than today when the president is doing that dbi i mean yeah. And im sure youll select a president and Vice President i appreciate your welcome and nice to see Friendly Faces in the audience and people ive not seen and hope others will talk we not to hear just from me by a range of people thank you. Any other comments hearing anthony the next item, please. Is the item no. 3 approval of minutes of the january 24, 2017, commission on the environment meeting. So i have a motion moved that he commissioner vicepresident hyland and seconded by commissioner stephens stephenson all in favor, say i. I. I looked at the minutes briefly i may have some minor nonsubstantive if i can get those in a day or two anthony make sure that things are captured from the past meeting and by the way, i was concerned at the last meeting about my interactions with anthony much better in the last two months hes been helpful if i offer stepped he was unhappy and much happier this time but will you just a brief thing to get minor edits and should be incorporated in appropriate that would be great thank you any other Public Comment. Hearing none, a motion and. All in favor, say i. I. Of approval of the i. Opposed . That motion carries. Next speaker, please. The next item is item 4 address the commission on matters that are within the commissions jurisdiction and are not on todays agenda. Good evening, commissioners eric brooks sf green party our city sf clean energy advocates. So ill speak to more specifics when the item 9 comes up but on that item i was meeting with your staff and learned something important with the staff about that item it probably applies to marijuana just pesticides this is what your staff told me was revalencia ave once you set policies here with their gowns departments they have to get them trained to implement the policies and that it is extremely difficult for them to advocates for cuttingedge policies or maybe beyond cuttingedge policies to when they try to have good emergency relationships with the staff in other departments and i think was it told me about the issue that im here for the agenda here today and probably other issues that staff needs us as advocates and needs you as commissioners to be the ones pushing the envelope so that when they go to another department and seek to train them onville issues or seek them to communitybased along with the policy youve passes as a body we can point to me. You and i hey dont talk to me the advocates in the commission say this is what that he wanted to Work Together to give it to them we think of the issues that all the issues youve got on the future agendas it might help us to move forward faster for think environment that was a takeaway for me in the meetings with your staff i want to put that out there because i know ill not put it in the comments on a specific tempo you can what im playing out the criticisms im not trying to crucify your staff thats not what it is about this is what needs to be fixed if you can help push us to be the bad cop your staff can point to us and you it is out of my hands you need help that will help us advance the policies in San Francisco thank you. Mr. Pilpal. David pilpal again so just 3 points here looking forward to the artery day planning well have an event i think to the city hall this year i think that is the plus thing looking forward to that weep hear more about that in the future and two suggestions for your agenda next time that will happen at the end of the meeting if it is timely to have an update on the budget process 2, 3, 4 two months we have information then from joe and mark or deb or jennifer whoever and again back on the rates we had four sections to link 15 hours of presentation by ecology and all kinds of fun stuff although they last meeting had a highlevel overview not a lot of substance now a lot of discussion of substance and maybe robert or be jake can talk about that what the directors report recommended and i think at that time, well northbound the period where someone can foil an objection with the rate board but certainly will be a lot more information in two months on the status of refuge right away setting passes on the Budget Department and outreach and all kinds of things just a suggestion thanks. Thank you hi anastasia i just brought to you for two months an article about this men strongest that was adapted for 45 adopted and the nature of the Management Plan the heading of the fate of rates mount in the affirmative i brought small pieces the position of 20 associations thousands of petition signatures and hundreds of phone calls and letters and nearly countless hours now neighbors and users the rec and Park Department plan to remove the thirty forests to restrict the access to increase the landscape from 10 to acres more than half the code and city at the park was given the good ahead by the board of supervisors it further says it will enroll the vital largescale affirmative removal im seeing an application of herbicides and management separation and wildlifeness in public parks and San Francisco affirmative Alliance Says for wildlife mounts the Green House Gas emissions creates the mudslides and being an unacceptable to animal and human health with me well in response for the dangers at the parks the city staff says that is the same assess around and i want to mention that, of course, as you may know Mount Davidson it where which i live and the like you can half of the affirmative park will become instead of forest it is not go for Global Warming and in addition it not the only park in shark park there will be 15 thousand trees cut down amounts to thirty despite the numbers in the plan amounts to thirty percent of the forest and i dont know if they will be using herbicides probably yes also, they cant use them in the whole course because of frogs and snakes thank you very much for listening and i still hope that at least part of this issue can be stopped thank you. Thank you. Any other comments . Oh. Ive got it. My name is doctor roy im here to talk about the importance of trees and urban forestry the eucalyptus are part of historic lesbian of this city most of them are one and 25 years old and they contact 5 hundred years old their drought resistant and mitigate Carbon Dioxide and whipping wind that character this city theyre our friends and neighbors yet they use rapture language they call them nonnative even though most of people are white americans not nativeamerican their invasive when humanity threats all wildlife one in San Francisco wrote merchant of doubt the conference stated the two greatest factors with catastrophic climatic change are these use of fossil fuel and deformation i would ask that the Investment Infrastructure and commissioners confront the native that are fundamentally lift i believe are frond by big money and developers that want to destroy the Land Transfer them to the plots rather than use assistant president pro tem labonge and network them to be ill transferred to the private developers that is one you talk about the commissioners concern about the vulnerability of our population why is there a mad rush to errata tens of thousands of trees at the time all of our fate are emergency connected two trees trees are the greatest things against catastrophic climatic change and graciously they symbolize the general rot and we can look at their bottomism and virtues and their example were falling short of that i beg you have you to confront our coworkers and the department that be clear cutting at the time, we on the sdraurgsz species list i call it your sacred duty to protect the city against 0 people that are can implying our culture and locally and internationally thank you. Any other Public Comment. Welcome. Good evening commissioners my name is denise and im noted for being the pioneer in cycling which i started in 71 in 1970 before anyone thought about it but i have a complaint that we are are discouraged the cycling idea actually came from the manufactures of all the crap they having us cycle and every year they add more stuff the one example i belong to a group at one time senior lunches and give milk in cartons that are compositeable now plastic things when we have to cycler go a lot of it goes to china and poor countri they poison their land so cycling is ill say i think this is group here by the way, myself we started this commission years ago and we were all for cycling at the time not anymore when you release that every year they add stuff we have to cycle and it is not recycleable and where did it all go ill suggest that we change our ideas about cycling and stop it now in france this year well france they banned all plastic plates cups and forecloses and achieves what did you call them utensils but conquer massachusetts abandoned plastic bottles a lot of people dont know what plastic is made of plastic is made from oil by the billions of gallons of crap we throw way ive been youre going this thing for 40 years hoping that the people would follow my lead i think after 40 years two people bring their on stuff forks and plates and parties you go to a restaurant and i go to a lot of parties and benefits they have leftover food and goes right in here and take that home we waste 40 percent of all food heres a way to stop that waste. Thank you thank you any other Public Comment. Is that it. Hello james lloyd i i dont represent an organization justin just a citizen unfortunately cant be here for the entire meeting thank you for item 8 for the Trump Administration heartwarming moved from the east coast been here less than a year to live in a city that is a model example for the rest of United States and embattling the science forgive administration thank you very much and have a nice day. Thank you any other Public Comment. Anthony next item, please. The next item. Is community four or five campaign detailing the facts about buying electric vehicles. Welcome Outreach Team ill point out a couple of years ago the commission started a traditions of starting our community with an outreach commercial, if you will, to highlight the campaigns because Outstanding Fund by this department and the last foe Commission Meeting tax item decided would be great do have this and welcome. No questions. Im with the San Francisco environment and go ahead and share a little bit of information about the campaign before i dive into too much detail around the campaign created before i dive into too much information i want to go forward and share the information the reason we included that campaign and the goals of campaign the overarching campaign ways to drive the electrical vehicle sales in no 70 and this is a big goal a kind of problematic goal to testament to the team that sf environment jack and others have been working on this to refine that is more campaign specific that is more achieveable from a communication perspective a tremendous amount when we look to infrastructure and charging stations we have this is around the lens of electrical vehicles and driving sales for sf one of the things we worked with what is it doing many this space we dont manufacture the electrical vehicles what is sf do were not kelly whitcraft checks for rebates how can he encourage the san franciscans it is one the brainstorming questions and susan and i came together we helped with the federal tax credit but theyre all prepared. Anticipate what if we bring that information on wage page and put it in plan language people can understand that was our high moment to promote the when and raise the awareness of existence of those particular rebates and incentives then we sat around the table and talked about the research what do people know one of the role the ways i saw the project is inferior ratting it is the judge mom why, why why, why one of the why questions that susan and i put up with not why people bow electrical vehicles but san franciscans luckily i would expect from prime motivate for brokerages and silver like reduced costs per mile; right . Cheaper to drive on an electrical vehicle and might to hov assess and c or could be like i never have to go to a gas station again, that is awesome i figured environment will come maybe six or eight don on the usual participation but not in type of this time environment is the number one, reason thats why people bow electrical vehicles number one, we actually came number one, that is huge so that kind of helped to inspire us to get excited about this project were talking with people that added wind to their sails and not dragging them across the finish line this is tremendous and i i get it this is your vehicle; right . This makes sense like you have to put environment over pretty much everything bay e by the way, on the 1985 and goes up to 15 Miles Per Hour in a range of 15 million weve come a long way their some kind of lynching they buy them for the environment that was huge we had a great goal and research to back up and a great opportunity we took a moment to find what are we want to be original but what we wanted to do it comes to being original interrupting peoples day and what were trying to prompt federal tax credits this is financial and interrupt with a fistful of money or a picking bank we had to come up with Something Different and guide them though the rebates we wanted to be on topic that was what we talked about extensively was how can we find space in the campaign to align to the