Eye on the regional institutions it didnt happen right here were the capital of a diverse economically powerful region and you need good strong institutions to help support the idea that were going to have Regional Economic development and equitable outcomes and housing throughout the whole region to do that correctly you need to make sure the institutions that are responsible for Regional Government are strong and independent and can take in the issues you need to resolve right now we reorganized Regional Government so it in the first step the staff the Transportation Commission and abag have been consolidated but the second part is left undone we need the governance model to look at regional issues beyond transportation we cant say have all the regional issues reporting introduce the Transportation Commission that type of structure didnt make sense for a region as complicated so therefore the agreement with there will be in any governance models put fort to address the regional issues but thats not going to happen on its own it requires the perhaps of leadership like yours to look at the best way to do that you cant expect the Transportation Commission to reorganize itself it requires a look from the outdoor to know what is the best thing for the bay area to 3 ended we hope you take that challenge seriously i know that supervisor avalos was supervisor campos was in the middle of that with a merger of governance as part of the overall deal im leaving the abag responsibility but what i leave behind an undone path of making sure that you are regional governance continues to handle all the issues that San Francisco and the bay area needs that to happen for the success thank you. And before we provide you with our certificate of honor i want to knowledge supervisor campos and supervisor avalos that want to say a few words. Im ill not belabor the point only an honor to work with i havent worked directly with you as a member of abag but benefited from the work and wisdom as a resident of San Francisco bay area i want to say thank you and to your team but thank you particularly for the fact that you have made the issue of quantity, the issue for Housing Affordability a priority in this region i think without our voice we wouldnt be where we are as far as we still have to go i think there is a great deal of the gratitude that people in the bay area owe to you because youve made that priority and i certainty am condominium are as the rest of us to make sure that we do right by the San Francisco bay area thank you and well miss you but hopefully have you around to tell us what else needs to be done. Thank you supervisor campos supervisor avalos. Thank you madam president. And it is great to see you here i spent 2 1 23 years on abag served on the Administrative Committee and since i moved out of district that was my new trajectory in Regional Government thank you for your and our staff for your work youve informed how he work in my district i live in a place with not a lot of development but to make investment happen in a community and sustainable strategy was a big part of that with a huge area and now a bond fund committed to for Affordable Housing next to transit and balboa station and make the corridors for transit hook up in this area and all that is informed by the work i was involved with abag so thats a tremendous impact and years to come on southern San Francisco a place not having the equitable distribution of resources thank you thats a tremendous legacy to look back on how you compliment those resources to our area thank you supervisor avalos supervisor kim. I want to add my thanks and gratitude for your many, many years and doesnt to the the region and its not easy work to do i want to commend our leadership and, of course, your hard working staff it is a pleasure to serve on abag with you. Thank you, supervisor wiener. Thank you madam president i want to say thank you for your services although i like supervisor avalos serving on mtc not abag you working closely together and certainly been many agreements and decide agreements thats the area of the work we end up working it to but in the end and i appreciate your services and collaboration over the years thank you. Oh, so what is this the Cool Kids Club . laughter thank you. Thank you, again for your services and congratulations workplace id like to acknowledging supervisor cowen so for the last accomodation. Thank you supervisor president london breed and good afternoon colleagues and members of the public this is october and october is Breast CancerAwareness Month and there are a woman id like to call up mr. Keating republican j summers come up i had an opportunity to celebrate the 16th fundraiser event over the last 16 years and said something she wanted to be recognized i thought that is a good point she deserves to be recognized so ladies and gentlemen, i want to introduce you to katherine passionate when it comes to educating local community on broadcast health after losing her baby sir to Breast Cancer she made a point to recognize africanamerican woman with easing the weight of being a Breast Cancer suffer that was a painful experience to watch her sister pass away at the age of 46 being a caregiver and doctor as she felt this made her more driven to respond to the health of africanamerican women in the by way of community and other low Income Community by the way of backward shes a retired nurse and was a nursing instructor at city college a post masters in management and not only has ms. Katherine is also a vietnam vet thank you for your service been a vigorous Founding Member of the bayview Breast Cancer support group a member of the University California usf Alumni Association the last 54 years of her life she spent married happily to the love of her life shes a wife and mother and grandmother and 3 granddaughters and son and a great grandmother to 4 she loves to stay busy or sometimes a busybody in the community but i just want to present this wonderful woman shes outstanding and doing incredible work for the whole broadcast Health Community and give heroes while shes still alive ladies and gentlemen, put youre hands together and welcome ms. Katherine. clapping. thank you, supervisors supervisor cowen i am just overwhelmed with this i do think because i enjoy doing it but when i told supervisor cowen owe said every time owe go somewhere it is dim, dim, dim i think this is time 82 yearold and still able to see this development that i should have some type of recognize in terms of where i am and who i am i was joking about it but i see that she took it to heart and i really, really appreciate it. Because the thing is that im the type of person i do things because i enjoy doing it not because i have to do it only thing when i felt i had to do something when i was in the military you know you either did what they told you to do or suffered the consequences so after that i decided that i wanted to come back to Bayview Hunters Point Community and do some things that i could do to make a difference and thats what i set out to do because when i came there i felt that there was nothing to the africanamerican women and broadcast help so i took it on my own as an individual to start some programs that the women in the Bayview Community could have a voice and that they will have some place to go and they could get treatment of just sit sit down and talk with other women this should be any mrs. Place that women in the community or anyone should be able to get the service this they need and the help they need and also get the support because if you dont have support then you are left alone doing what you can and the best way you can so to be here this afternoon and its not so much receiving you know the accolades and everything this is to let you know that we in the Bayview Hunters Point Community needs things like any other community and my desire and any ambition to continue to work in the bayview as long as i can and as long as god gems the strength and help ill continue to do for the Bayview Hunters Point Community and other communities in terms of helping women and individuals to get what they need and go forth and do what the things they feel comfortable in doing thank you it supervisor cowen frovm shes a morpher and shacker and ill continue to help her do the things she from the bottom of my heart i thank clapping. thank you for your service and congratulations okay with that, well return to the business of the board and madam clerk where did we leave off. Item 8. An ordinance to amend the administrative code for the crime units at the district stations in the Police Department. Supervisor yee thank you madam president colleagues it is no secret is auto breakins and Home Innovations are proximate causes for every single district despite property crime is an embarrassment to the worldclass city visitors and residents have had enough we shouldnt be known as a city of breakins we want to see a change we need to identify thoughtful tactics to utilize our resources more efficiently someone felt strongly about this issue they passed an legislative processes altogether by placing one on the November Ballot to try to address it i want to state that what a dangerous precedent to decide on the deployment of public departments without superintendent gerrero our resources or telling the stakeholders it is bad policy a really disservice to the San Francisco people but that aside i believe that every single supervisor here sincerely shares this concern about property crimes and how they effect our communities and it is a rare occasion when we can all agree and in fact, many of us are the victims of break ins ourselves myself included the residents of San Francisco have already spoken loud and clear we dont need to go to the ballot box to provide property crimes more focused attention we can push for Something Better and here and now the ordinance before you is really a way to forge a common driven Community Approach to embattling property crimes i have been working with Community Members and local captains and sfpd on long term and are short time strategies to invest in resources to support preservation and the sfpd our levying process engages with the stakeholder and Community Members, local Police Captains and the Police Commission to create something that can work i believe having a stakeholder you unit consensus with the Police Department can be helpful im concerned about what that will mean for the local print we want to keep the officers next to the Community Members this is a flexible and focused that is the original intent of this sent to the ballot and crime trends change over time and can be different from neighborhood to neighborhood i want to assure that every captain could a decade the officers to the precinct i want to solve the investigations more swiveling lastly we need to work whoever the new police chief to address the issues and want us to think more strategically on how to proceed with those that are most familiar with the departments what is on the ballot is done and in the hands of voters but without the revenue we cant do the job to engage the stakeholders i want to preps a way to come together i look forward to working with you to a sensible well thoughtfully solution i dont believe their mutually exclusive i want to thank my staff and commissioner campos staff carlene for helping us with this legislation and share any utmost gratitude for the intern chief and the San FranciscoPolice Officers we have some minor amendments ill proposing today that states the language in the ordinance and the call our first witness between the San FranciscoPolice Department and others departments working on investigations show i read in my amendments now. Yes. I want to page 53 to 6 and the coordination among different divisions of the department included but not limited to to the task force. One second supervisor yee do you mr. Gibner do you have a copy of the amendment. The amendments are handed out to the copy that i gave you. So you can finish thank you. Okay. Line page 4 line 7 add the word and with other city departments, package 5 line 8 add the words streamlining the sharing the information and data with other city departments responsible for Law Enforcement including the District Attorneys Office to help to investigate property crimes in a timely manner and on page 7 lines 7 and 8 add did words including coordinated with other city departments okay. Thats supervisor yee has made a motion to amend seconded by supervisor campos colleagues without objection, without objection the amendments pass anonymously supervisor yee anything else. Thats all. Mr. Gibner. John gibner, deputy City Attorney. Just this is a unusual discussion so i wanted to add a word of caution to the board as you engage as you may know supervisor yee said theres a measure on the ballot that deals with similar subject matter and fine in the discussion to compare the factual matter the content of that measure and the content of this ordinance or discuss what that ordinance does if it passes or fails but i would caution the board for the to advocate for or against that measure or advocate so for why it is a good thing that the voters should adopt a bad or troubling thing the voters shouldnt adopt but stick to the factual description of it and discuss this ordinance. Mr. Gibner for clarity can you answer that so for example, the board passes this and then the voters vote down well the voters vote for the measure on the ballot that means that the one on the ballot will take precedent over the one we pass on the board. To the extended that conflict with that the balloted measure trumps but well go through line by line and can the Police Department do this and that as a general matter both of them can go into effect the police will essentially have a citywide neighborhood crime unit and will also have prints specific property crime unit and work with the department to figure out exactly how that would work, of course, after the election the board could amend this ordinance by majority vote and can amend the ballot with a 2 3rds majority to line them up specifically but the short answer yes both into effect. One question to supervisor yee just for clarity so supervisor yee why are we choosing to do that now rather than wait until after the election im curious. I introduced this 3 months ago and i couldnt get a writer under thirty days. Thank you. Supervisor wiener. Thank you madam president i will ceremonial neither not advocate on behalf of the the prop r but need context i think that frankly this measure if you read it explains perfectly why we went to the ballot instead to the board of supervisors this ballot ill explain in a moment really dramatically cuts back on i think the city administrative of many to address some neighborhood Public Safety ordinances beyond property crimes and so thats why i will not be voting for this measure today ill note this measure was not brought forward until it was placed on the ballot not like colleagues, we need to symdo something about property crime this was a response to a ballot it was duplicated verbatim and has changed to gut what that measure will do a few things to note about this measure it is completely limited to property crimes dont get me wrong property crimes needs to be addressed auto breakins and bike thefts and so forth but the level of crime in the city goes beyond property crime for example, the original version of that measure introduced by supervisor yee that replicated prop r included threatening behavior and harassment on the streets that was stripped out the original version that replicated prop r passed and stopped the Police Officers from partnering to help to transition people off the street and shelter in housing that was stripped out so this legislation has mrefl stripped out the directives that those neighborhoods Police Officers address threatening behavior on the streets and behavior that is causing problems for people in neighborhoods disruptive behavior on the streets and removes from the officials the directive to partner with our Health Services to transition people out of encampments into the streets colleagues, we get connected by folks all the time about Public Safety issues and Health Hazards in our neighborhood and your police have a Critical Role to play they must do it in partnering with the